xt7mgq6r2c29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r2c29/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-02-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 2001 2001 2001-02-02 2020 true xt7mgq6r2c29 section xt7mgq6r2c29 Dreaming

Hoping for

Punxutawne Phil is the
man of all men today.







lie supposedly
decides whether we
freeze longer or thaw
sooner. Not so
worried about that.
The movie Groundhog
Day interests me
more. How would it
feel to relive the
same day over and
over? Here are some
good days I would
like to live over and
bad days I wouldn't.

Good: A day where I
meet Alyssa Milano
and she finds me
really funny and we
go out on a great
date where she
realizes that I am
worthy of another.
Tony Danza be

Bad: A day where I'm
kidnapped by people
in a nursing home
and forced to prove
to the old women, on
behalf of the old
men, that Viagra is
also needed by a
youth in the same

Good: A day that I drive
a black I998 l/Z
Countach with
natural leather
interior (my dream
car - so not picky.
right?) on the
Autobahn at MS mph
all day.

Bad: A day when I drive
a 1980 Chevette that
burns to the ground
while I'm on the
Bluegrass Parkway.

Good: A day where a
Miller Lite truck
inexplicably runs out
of fuel in front of my
house and the driver
exchanges all his
beer for a gallon of

Bad: A day where I get
run over by a beer
truck and spend time
in the only hospital in
the world with
strictly male nurses
(bad for me, possibly
good for you).

Good: A day that passes
without football
scandals or a UK
coach saying, "We're
just young."

Bad: A day listening to
Claude Bassett
deliver a lecture on
ethics or watching
Bernadette Mattox

Good: A day spent with
my favorite band, on
the road, in concert
and back stage.

Bad: A day where I
cannot afford tickets
to see them.

Good: A day when
nothing goes wrong.
The weather is
perfect and the
location is beautiful.

Bad: A day in the Arctic.

-lton Norton


4.0 3.9

If the clouds would
ever get out of the way
maybe we’d get some


VOL. 38106 ISSUE #90

NeWs' tips?


Check out the
Kernel’s take
on ‘Head Over
Heels’ l3

Committee pushes for benefits

Moving ahead: If trustees pass resolution health benefits
will be available to domestic partners of faculty members

By Tracy Kershaw

To ensure UK attracts and retains the
best professors. one student government
committee thinks the University should ex»
tend health benefits to the partners of tin»
married faculty meme-rs.

At its Wednesday night meeting. the
Campus Affairs committee passed a resolu-
tion that requests that the Board of ’I‘rustees
“adopt and pass a policy that grants benefits
to all faculty members and their domestic
partners. regardless of sexual orientation."

UK‘s policy now extends benefits to the
spouses and children of faculty members.


Smothered and covered


The full Senate will vote next Wednes
day whether to send the resolution on to the

Sen. Brian Roth, who cosponsored the
bill with Sen. Emily Rigdon. said the policy
would make sure UK does not miss ottt on a
qualified professor.

If UK passes a policy that would give
benefits to the partners of homosexual facul
ty members. it would be a positive step in
erasing the state‘s backward image. he

“In order to get the best faculty. we
can‘t be behind the times." he said.

He knows getting the boai'd to make
such a liberal move in a state known for



conservative politics will not be easy.

Still. he thinks it is “(Is resixmsibility
as an educational institution to take pro
gressive action.

In 1999. HI colleges and universities. 87
cities and counties. and 570 companies pro-
vided domestic partner benefits. according
to an article in The Journal oft/1e .‘TITIt’I‘I-(Tlfl
.lledica! Association.

On Aug. 1. the nation's top three au~
tomakers. General Motors. Ford and Ilaim
Ier(‘hrysler. extendml medical. dental and

prescription drug benefits to partners of'

full-l irne IKS. employtcs.

Last summer. 98 ofthe Fortune Silt) com—
panics extended health benefits to employ
ees' same sex partners. according to an aiti
cle Ill The Advocate. the national gay and
lesbian newsmagazine.

The only dissenting vote on the SGA
committee came from freshman Sen. .lames


Monroe. Monroe questioned the term ”do
mestic partner." saying that IT could be
abused by faculty members. For instance.
he said. a professor might have a friend who
needs Iiealth insurance and claim that
friend on his or her insurance unfairly

"That's a big loophole.” lie stated.

Ford. General Motors and Ilaimler
(‘hrysler sealed that loophole by requiring
that couples be together at least si\ months
and must sign ati aflidavlt attesting that they
have a committed relationship to qualify

Roth said such details would be tip to
the trustees He just wants SGA to take a
stand on the issue.

Roth explained that he wrote the resolu
tion because he wanted to do more as an
SGA senator than sponsor a one-time

"I wanted to do something that might
have a long. positive effect on I'K.“


actions concern

Senate members


against Glenn.


Election: Some senators worry about
biases, prejudices tainting the campaigns
of those who voted against Jimmy Glenn

Bv Jennijgbsrtsee

Despite hopes that the upcoming Student Government
Association elections will heal the strained organization.
senators are already concerned by the recent actions of the
election committee chairman.

During the January trial of SGA President Jimmy
Glenn that ended in censure. (‘hairman of the Election
(‘ommittee Matthew Johnson said the Senate was biased

Some senators were uncomfortable with Johnson's be»
havior at Glenn's trial. At one point Johnson. whose tone
was described by Sen. Eric Stoner at a later meeting as
”threatening." stood in a chair to be heard. He also told the
freshmen senators at the trial that he got them elected.

Although he later apologized for his actions. senators
are still concerned that he might be prejudiced against
those running for reelection that voted against Glenn.

Some senators are also worried that Johnson may har-
bor biases. At a SGA Senate meeting later that month,
Johnson‘s capability as election chair was discussed.

“I don't take things personally. but when someone ac-
cuses me of being biased. I don‘t know ifl feel comfortable

with him." Stoner said at the Jan. 24 meeting.

See SGA on 2




Students take notice of public need


Call: 2574915 or write:

Feeling icky: Pharmacists to answer questions

By Cara (2. Hood


With flu season well under
way and so many products on
drugstore shelves professing to
treat every symptom. you may
wonder how to decide which med-
ication is right for you. Knowing
the difference between a decon-
gestant and an expectorant could
be valuable to your recovery.

Why not turn your questions
over to the experts?

The UK (‘ollege of Pharmacy
is scheduled to host its lilth annu-
al call-in show. “Ask the Pharma»
cist." this Saturday.

A panel of college faculty and
community pharmacists will an
swer drug-related questions dur-
ing the show. said Dwaine Green.
assistant to the dean of student af
fairs at the (‘ollege of Pharmacy.
A moderator will relay some of
the questions and answers to the

Panelists will include: .loan
Fowler. Pharin. [).. assistant pro-
fessor in the 17K (‘ollege of Phar-
macy: Jackie Hamilton. Pharm.

It. Lexington community phar-
macist at Kroger: Deanna Finnell.
I’harm. I).. clinical pharmacist at
St. Joseph Hospital and Greg
Naseman. community pharmacist
at (‘VS in Louisville.

"Ask the Pharmacist" is a
popular community service pro
gram. averaging approxmiately
Silt) callers every year.

Green said questions cover a
broad range of topics froin how
drugs may interact with your
body to why a physician pro
scribed a specific drug.

The pharmacists will answer
questions about prescription
drugs. overtIie~counter medi-
cines and herbal and homeopath
ic remedies.

"There is no boundary. and
most are very good questions.”
Green said.

The show is increasingly pop~
ular among firstyear pharmacy
students who volunteer to handle
the influx of calls as a class pro-
ject. Three groups of eight stu»
dents will take turns answering
the phone Iiiies. (‘lass representa-
tive Jeremy Bowles said that

more than half of the students
who volunteered for the 24 posi-
tions had to be turned down.

Students will not answer
questions. but Bowles said it is
important for them to interact
with the community to learn
valuable patient counseling

“Pharmacists are more than
people who dispense pills. Now.
we're more into patient care."
Bowles said.

Green added that exposing
pharmacy students to the commu-
nity prepares them for the kinds
of questions they may be asked as
healthcare professionals.

"There is a public need for
this service." Green 531d. “It ap—
pears pharmacists are not readily
available or people are not taking
time to ask questions."


"Ask the Pharmacist" will broadcast
from 6-7pm. Saturday, Feb. 3 on
wm-rv in Lexington and "NT-TV in
Hazard. The program will rebroadcast
to the entire state at 3 pm. Smday,
Feb. t on Kentucky Educational





The Student Newspaper at the Universof Kentucky. Lexn_ton ,,








- Michael
Douglas. 56.
reflecting on his
30-year acting
career, to the
New York Times.



The Low-down

Battle to end over Ashcrolt

WASHINGTON The Senate was poised to
contirm Joltii Ashcroft 111 be 1’1'11sidoiit l1us11'sat
torney general, ending 11111 most vitriolic (‘abinet
struggle since 11111 Senate 111 108.11 1111111111111 11111
nomination of :111111111111 111111111111 senator. John
'l‘owei‘. as defense secretary With Ashcroft's con-
firmation. expected '1‘111111s11ay. liiish would 1111
his (‘abinot within 12 days 111111111111; 111111111. 11 took
President (‘111111111 111111111111111111 month longer. [111
spite tho near-certainty 111‘.\s11111'111't's coiifiriiia
[1011. Democrats 1:11111111111 111 muster enough
"11:1ys" 111 show 1111s11111111 111111111111111ts could put
tip strong opposition 11111111 potential Supreme
(‘ourt 11111111111111 111111. 111111 Ashcroft. 11:1s11oiisor1a
ti\'11 views on abortion and statos' rights

President pushes faith-based initiative

\\‘.\S111.\J(i'l’(lf\' Making 111s11;1s11 11111'111111a
host 111'111111111'1111s_ 1’1111si1111111 Bush is appealing 111
lattiiiakors. foreign heads 111' state 111111 spiritual
111111111s 1111 s11pp1111.1s111 1111s 11111\p:11111 religious
"roups 111111 s 111 1111 ipiiig 1111 111111111 11111111111s11111iii.
111111 11: is 111 1'111111ss 1111 N. 1111111 11 1’11;i_\or Break
fast on Thursday 111s11 11:1s 11111111111s1/111g 11111 sig
1111111:111c111111111111 111s1111i1111 Bush 11:1s111pi111p11s11
11e\\'fedoral 1111111 11111 111s11111o11 .\11111i'ic;111s. Earlier
1111s week. Bush 1111111111111 .1 sorios 111~ initiatives 111
:11111\\ religious institutions to compete for :1
share 111‘so11ial s11i1\11111s 1111111111 111111 11111 govern
11111111 distributes. 1111 also would provide tax
breaks 111 111111111111:1g11 1111:111111111111 gn 111g.

Earthquake refugees scramble

.»\11.\lEl).-\l~’.;\1). 11111111 'l‘hoiisands 11111111111
1111s dragging possessions salvaged from 11111 rii
ins 111‘11111111 homos camped 111 111111111111 state‘s
main railroad station ’1‘hiirs11a_\. 1111spi1i1at11 to
catch a train after six days 111'1111'1‘1111 following an
earthquake that killed 111111111than 11.201111111111111.
When :1 train steamed 1.11111 11111 station. thousands
rushed tornard before it 1111111111 111 :1 11.111. .\111ii
leaped onto 11111 coat-hos. (ithors 11.1111 alongside.
hanging at doors that were jammed or 11111111111.
Women and children carrying bundles of 11111111
111g in each hand ran 11111111111. veiling :11 111111111111
or at straggling 1111111111111 :is they tried 111111111111 up.
Railroad police 11111111 to bring s111111111r11ort1111111
chaos. fearing that 11111111111 111111111 got crushed iii
the stainpedo Each truth can carry :11111111 1.31111
seated passengers 11111 :11111111 1111111 111. 11111111
squeezed in. sittingoii 1111111111111111'1111 1111-11\11rr
head bunks.

Barak rejects switch

JERl'SAlJ‘IAl Ahead 111:1 midnight '1‘1iui‘s»
11:11 deadline for changing candidates ill lst‘ael‘s
1111111111111. Prime Minister Ehud 111111111 far 1111
1111111 in polls is 111111111111: suggostions that 1111
1111 a party rival take his 111111111 Instead. his aides






The latest twist
in the often-
surreal trail
over the $1.6
billion estate of
the late J.
Marshall came
on Tuesday.
when his
always news-
worthy widow,
Anna Nicole
Smith, 33.
claimed in a
Houston court
that Marshall's
son, Pierce
Marshall, 62,
wanted the 90~
year-old Texas
tycoon dead.


Tiger Woods,
25, sprained his
left knee on
while leaving
the 18th green
after a practice
round at Pebble
Beach, Calil.,
when he collid-
ed with an
autograph seek-
er who broke
through the golf
ace's security

were working on a last-minute summit with
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, amid reports
that lsrael and the Palestinians were close to a
peace agreement. Analysts have said Barak's
only chance to reverse a double-digit‘deficit in
the polls to hard-liner Ariel Sharon ahead of the
Feb. 6 vote is to produce an agreement or a sig-
nificant sign of progress from such a summit.

California Assembly rejects bill

SACRAMENTO. Calif. ——— The California As-
sembly early Thursday narrowly rejected a $10
billion plan to ease the energy crisis by letting
the state buy power on behalf of two large cash-
starved utilities. The measure. passed a day ear-
lier by tlte Senate, would have let the state sign
longterin contracts to buy power and sell it to
the customers of Southern California Edison and
Pacific Gas anti Electric Co. The two together
serve nearly 9 million residential and business
ratepayers. The Assembly vote was 51-28. three
short ofthe two-thirds needed. The bills support-
ers. mostly Democrats. planned to take another
vote. hoping to win over Republican opponents
111 the meantime.

Parliament censures president

JAKARTA. Indonesia » In a first step to
ward possible impeachment, parliament voted
'l‘hursday to accept the findings of an inquiry
that implicates Indonesia's president in two cor-
ruption scandals. By 21 393-4 vote. the legislature
passed a censure motion demanding that Presi-
dent Abdurrahnian Wahid answer the allega-
tions against him. Forty‘three deputies front
Wahid's party walked out before the vote. The
move could spark a constitutional crisis in the
world's fourth-most populous nation because
Wahid has said he is not answerable to parlia-

Billy Graham gets out of the hospital

ASHEVIIJE. N.(‘. , , The Rev. Billy Graham
has been released front the hospital. The 82~year-
111d evangelist was at Mission St. Joseph‘s Health
System for almost three weeks because of fluid
buildup on his brain. He returned Wednesday to
his home in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Graham
was admitted Jan. 11 when tests showed a shunt
inserted last sutnmer to stabilize pressure in his
brain was not functioning properly because of a
blockage. Doctors originally thought they would
need to remove the shunt. but Graham‘s condi—
tion stabilized and tests showed no signs of

Stern picks Sprewell tor All-Star

\1 EW YORK Three years ago. David Stern
was trying to keep Latrell Sprewell out of the
NBA. 011 Wednesday. Stern tnade Sprewell an
All-Star again. The NBA cotnmissioner chose the
Knicks guard and Dikembe Mutombo on
Wednesday as replacements for injured Eastern
(‘onference All-Stars Grant Hill and Alonzo

Compiled from wire reports.



Continued from page 1


Other senators agreed
with Stoner.

“What he‘s done, I consid-
er unprofessional," Sen. Ali
Amoli said.

"That should not be some-
thing that the chairman ofthe
election board does.“

Amoli. who brought the
issue to the full Senate, ini~
tially called for Johnson‘s res-
ignation. Later. Amoli con-
ceded that time constraints
would place a heavy burden
on the Senate if Johnson did

The filing period for SGA
campaigns begins Feb. 19.
leaving little time to find a re—

The controversy has left
tension among the senators.

“My biggest concern is
that there are two positions
that absolutely need to be un-
biased. One is the Supreme
Court. The other is the elec-
tion board." Amoli said.

Still, many have confi-
dence in Johnson‘s ability to
perform the task.

“I don't have any issue
with Matthew Johnson." said
Senate Chairman Edwin

“Even if he did have a
bias. I don‘t think he’d use his
position to influence the

SGA President Jimmy
Glenn agreed.

“Matthew is a very stand-
up guy," he said, “I stand 100
percent behind him."

Some critics of Johnson
acknowledge that his behav-
ior could probably be ex-

plained as an emotional out~
burst in a tense moment.

Freshman Sen. Robin
Bryant, who said she was
“particularly concerned"
about Johnson’s remarks to
the freshmen senators, said. “I
think he was honest in his
apology and realized he made
a mistake.”

Contrary to the opinions
of his colleagues, Johnson ar-
gues that the voting process
would not allow for any bias
to affect the outcome.

“There is no place where
one can be biased." he said.
“There are checks and double
checks to make sure that
everything‘s done correctly."

According to Johnson,
voting machines are sealed.
Each vote is recorded in ink
and the machine prints votes
and write-in votes.

To get the results. election
workers break a seal and take
the results to SGA Adviser
John Herbst. who places them
in a lockbox. The votes are
then counted twice by the
election board committee.

Johnson started working
with SGA elections last year.
He also orchestrated last fall‘s
election for freshman

For the upcoming elec~
tion. Johnson said he has al-
ready ordered voting ma-
chines. set polling places and
completed the preliminary
work for potential candidates.

Regardless of who runs
the next election. many are
hoping that it will cleanse the
SGA 0f the high tensions
surrounding relationships
between the executive and
legislative bodies.

“I think we‘ve had
enough drama," Bryant




Coming together

If students wish to donate money to aid in relief for victims
of the earthquake in india, they can contact the Indian Student
Association. Checks can be made out to the association and

mailed or dropped off at:
203 Bradley Hall
Lexington. KY 40506

If there are any questions call 257—4067 ext. 238.





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Tim Staley
Scene Editor


Phone: 2571915 | Errtarl: lethft®ydh00£0m




mg m I itiPNJEtRP’titir 2001.1]:




on clic




The Collcction at 25







“All the women.
independent, throw
your hands up with
me." lvana Millce-
vic and Shalom
Harlow co-star
alongside Monica
Potter in the
romantic comedy
Head Over Heels.

()pening Reception with 'C'Ilcuk\ by
ll.llilL'l l .rwlcr. Dirccttrr

Sunday. February 4. 2:00 p.m.

\lary ( mutt: \ \evy Acquisition

is a siiiall nhihitioii rrt prints from

Sunday. February 4 - “arm 4

pllMllL' tn‘glnliiil Lt‘llCLIlUIIs irlgalti/ul
in llilllt‘i ltl (till now .tlItIlIlt‘i‘ Ill thc

urllcttiirn m [Ills illlpl‘lIJll Jrl‘xi

Sunday. February 4 - \pril I \rt Inspires \rt' llicl rim ( rpm

(ll‘ rap . H l cutigtriii k lC-th\ t isti.i

'(‘spuilsgN itt sk‘itKlt'tI yyiriks .i. 'l c



Waring 1w 9-... 1’ .' 'w: it.


omversrtv of Kootooxy Art Museum

izrisu stile”! .1!” r .. lit} Are" (a Lirxrirq? ' I» flilfurtr A".
()praii’li-ut ‘r: " 'rwnnxii ii, ‘4 t' ' 4; " 91;.
WW x’n" "I, .-..-.4y ”1,”?! A’v't.‘ .-,r-







At Schltrmhorgor we
_ challenges We build and operate the most
I advanced technology in the. world and travel
to the ends of the earth to implement it. We
don't lollow paths. we forge new ones for
j the rost to follow




thrive on now

Our oinployoes an:
trained to intistor tho tephnology of today.
and are challengod to t r» rto the tuchnolzxry
oi tomonow. Go ahead, ch iuSC the path
less travollod. or better yet creato your own






Pretty people: Young and hip cast adds
romantic aspect to ‘Rear Window' theme



A singlo. walltiowor-liko
girl. living with four boautiful
supormodols in Now York. Not
roality. right‘.’ Woll. in tho now
film Hoar] ()L‘t'l‘ Howls. that is ox
actly Amanda l’iorco‘s (Monica
Pottor) lot in lit‘o.

l’ottor (I’mc/I Adams) plays
an art rostoror working at tho
Mot. Aftor broaking up with hor
boyfriond. sho finds an oxcol
lont doal on a highsi‘iso luxury

New exhi

apartmont in oastsido Manhat-
tan. Tho only probloni is that
four porfoct. though dimwittod.
modols (Shalom Harlow. lyana
Milicoyic. Sarah ()‘llaro and
'foniiko Fi‘asor) also li\.'o thoro
and hor room is tho silo of a

.iust whon hor lit'o is at its
dullost inoinoiit. Mr. l‘orfoct.
.lini Winston (Froddio l’rinzo
.lr.. Boys and Girls). :1 fashion
oxocutiyo. ontors hor lifo a mu.
plo of timos in a yory laugliablo
way. via his dog Hamiot.

Hor and hor roommatos‘
apartmont ovorlooks Mr, l’or
foct's. ()no night. thoy docido to
go oyor to a party ho is hosting.
Amanda and Jim sharo a tow
spocial momonts during tho
party and boforo ho is callod
away thoy rnako a dato.

Later that night. howoyor.
sho thinks sho witnossos him
kill a woman in his apartmont.
This loads hor and tho modols
to bogin spying on him. Thoy
got into his apartmont aftor
bribing a maintonanco man
with a dross. Misloading oyi-
donco continues to mako Win
ston appoar guilty. but tho girls
can't conyinco tho cops to buy
into it.

hit takes art

into the 21st century




“Hand in Door" by James
Gordon is just one of the
many digitally-produced
artworks on display at
“Art Odyssey 2001." The
exhibit runs now through
Feb. 10. Gallery hours are
9 a.m.-4 pm. Monday
through Friday and 10
a.m.-Z pm. Saturdays.



Tomorrow and beyond: Exhibit gives the
public a glimpse of art's newest medium

By Amanda Thompson


From tho piocos displayod
at tho oxhibit to tho yory build-
ing in which tho show is
housod. “Art ()dyssoy 2on1" is a
mix of now and old.

()pon to tho public sinco
i968. tho laying Arts and Sci
onco (‘ontor is locatod in tho
Kinkoad Houso. a national his-
toric landmark. on Martin
Luther King Bouloyard. "Art
()dyssoy 20m.“ hostod by tho

(‘ontor. mixos art with now
Tho LASt‘ oftoii otTors

classos to childron as a “placo
whoro croatiyity grows." Yot
“Art ()dyssoy" displays a yari
oty of modiums. from simplo
computor prints and manipula»
tions croatod in Adobo Photo.
shop to tho usos ofdigital paint»
ing and own Microsoft Word.
for pooplo of all agos.

“Tho yarioty of what can bo
dono with computors is amar
ing.“ .lim Brancaccio. LASC
worker and participant in tho
show. said. “it is intorosting how
tho artists hayo usod tho com-
putor in thoir own spocial way."

Tho uso of tnultiinodia as
an art form is still in its oarly

stagos. .Iust liko tho birth of

photography. digital modia
facos controyorsy oyor whothot‘
or not it should bo considorod a
fino art.

As for tho gallory. tho small
room holding tho work may fool
crampod with works focusing
on graphic dosign olomonts and
multiplo aspocts of collago.
Many woro disaptx'rintod by tho
show duo to tho lack of quality
and attontion placod on tho
amount of spaco giyon oach
work. Whilo somo artists” (such
as Mary Ktistor) works woro
displayod with amplo light. oth-

ors competed for attontion bo-
causo of their intimato placo-
mont on the solid whito walls.

Thoro is also tho quostion
about how much each pioco is
worth monotarily. It is possiblo
to sell one “original" work and
thon pop another original out of
tho copior. Thoro can bo only
one original work whon it comos
to painting or drawing. ”(root‘-
or. along with photography.
making original copios is not dif-
ficult for digital media artists.

The uso of color in oach
pioco otforod insight into what
many artists woro trying to say,
Tho mossago was not always
cioar and gayo tho improssion
that the medium was moant to
display tho actual moaning ln
othor words. tho idoa of manip-
ulating cotnputor pixols and
soft paint was far moro intorost-
ing than many of tho works

it is obvious from oxamplos
liko “Art Odyssey 2001" that
multimodia is dofinitoly tip and
coming. Tho Show is not a t‘los
ing chaptor on tho uso ofdigital
modia; rathor. it is an oponing
door to tho wavo of art's futuro.


Information Meeting:
llt-spllt‘ his sooinitiglV “loamy, "' 3‘” ‘l
L'uilty ways. Amanda falls hard TAKE .1. up A NOTCH it‘ltl’?“ " “film?
for tho hoartthrob and goos out Nauru! (.i'rrfor .Itiiilz'rirrz,

on tho dato. Eyontually tho
truth omorgos about Winston's
guilt or itinoconco.

'l‘ho film has boon com-
parod to tho Roar ll'indou' duo
to tho similar plot including a
noighbor across tho stroot. Tho
film is part romantic comody.
part satiro and part (ll(l~h(‘-(JI“
iiidntho mystory. Soxual innur
ondoos tiow throughout tho
film. which brings tho majority
of laughs.

Hilariously funny. and
worth tho inonoy it will tako for
you and anothor to soo it.
Grade: 8+


Intcryiowing: r
lt‘l’i‘tltl’li’ 7

.301 ll




I . ' ‘3':


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mt anmtniiiisactioiis

. “.35.. oiiiirui'stiivmz ‘ L- '



Ari equal GDflOVEJ-‘Ir‘f‘y ,

wet ram (“railed-rid ' Me: Short Contest
Reservations 800.488.8828


Campus Calendar
January 29 - February 4. 200]

The (output (olendar is produted by the Office at Student Attivities Registered Student Orgs and UK Dents :3? mbmi? affirmation ‘or FREE antrne ONE WEE l
PRIOR to the MONDAY rnlormotion is to appear at http://www.iygde/(ompos Calendar


(all 257-8867 for more information

‘(iilturol Event to bomb Mtg 5 bum “WOW“ Hall 30‘9”” 12me {enter Mott born

SEQ—“l5 srorrs


“m “on Do (lull Prod-(e "W” 5630” Alumni 6W tntt ‘ltir itwnn Dc (rub P'nrtiie Hour. " rim .2 iftor“ titrmm 3w .«t‘
UQIULLS ‘Ment Basketball 3 (dumb-o tarp
' f N ‘b A 7
Dept olEntomology (olloqurm 4om ‘9 8mm ii or ARTS MOVIES
‘US/flflflfi Wrie "hot n {my low qute'nl‘. :n (y
"0 tude'iliiutbegwisuurim Th MA mm
MWMfiMj linrquettmll 000% t to let We: ’vmrrmmni

’09-" Gym Voleybol Uplinlr (curious Marries 80m (otmrv 300th ' Writ

‘lixouetbol Doubles t. (o let Barbies iournoment



'IMMIIQRMM 9pm ”30!!!“ 5M! andBJoO'“

'Ioon Bagel Brunch, Niki/Judi Stud Org 3200901 Iontrrit'un 80qu on iirmmmd lid
"PhrSr’gnoPthg 7om.730$tud (tr

'0 l2 Unmrvty Wrnlno Senora Il2pm 800M (hurrti rl (iii-u

’Unitmon Umvmokt Draw 'Dmmm lprri St Lugmrney [plum (tracer Exp Si

'Bible Study lows the 0M and Ontv Uphill (m thinner 4. 7am (My Boom Firm“

‘Uliudofltdi Hum Mivamtott
'Womenslosliethdvs Mums 2pm Menu-dim

.UIUIbM liflll mmfmnlol‘

1mm W W (m m 7pm (My W {lamb let I. Gum-orb in
‘0! Wm M W Sui [mm Pad $3

'loruiatbd Ooublet I (olat W tournament






Wonder if he'll
need a green card!

from Texas

Customs offiCIals
might have stopped a
iumbo item of
contraband at the
Texas-Mexico border,
if only they'd
checked the trunk.

Someone managed to
smuggle a three-ton
Asian elephant from
Texas into Mexico.
past a customs
checkpoint in
Matamoros, Mexico.

"i don't know how in the
world — well. they
could do anything -
look at the drugs
they get across,"
said Sandy Summers,
director for the
Upper Valley Humane
Society in
Edinburg. Texas.

Tom Bauer, spokesman
for the ”.5. fish oiiu‘
Wildlife Service,
confirmed Tuesday
that the elephant ~ a
member of a
threatened species -
was smuggled across
the border. It was
discovered at 3
Mexico City circus.

The owner of the Circus
told the Mexican
newspaper Reforma
that he'd bought the
elephant legally. But
the circus owner,
Guillermo Vazquez.
apparently got tired
of waiting for
approval of
necessary permits.
He said he paid a
smuggler $4,500 to
bring the
elephant across.

Vazquez said the
elephant was
transported In a
trailer pulled by a
pickup truck. Mexican
customs agents
waved it through on
April Fool's Day.



Got a nose for
illegal activity?

curses crime

BANGKOK, Thailand -
Saying some police