xt7mgq6r2999 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r2999/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-04-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1988 1988 1988-04-05 2020 true xt7mgq6r2999 section xt7mgq6r2999  






The Women Writers Conference kicks
off tomorrow. SEE PAGE 6.





Kansas wins national
championship. SEE PAGE 5.


Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy

70 ~80





Kentucky Kernel

I Vol. XCI. No. 139


University of Kentucky. Loxhgton. Kentucky

lndepondentslnce 1971

Tuesday, April 5, 1988

Teacher evaluations draw different responses

Staff Writer

Student evaluations have long
been handled by the various depart-
ments and colleges of UK. but an
SGA publication scheduled to be re-
leased this week offers students a
chance to see how fellow students
rate some of the University‘s in-

The Student Government Associa-
tion distributed free teacher evalua-
tion booklets to the deans‘ offices on

The booklet is the result of ques-
tionnaires SGA circulated among,

dormitories, fraternities, sororities
and various spots across campus
last semester. They were also avail-
able in the SGA office.

Other colleges across the nation.
including some Ivy League schools.
are starting to do similar booklets.
said Carl Baker, director of the aca-
demic affairs committee.

The UK form is very similar to In-
diana University‘s form. according
to SGA President Cyndi Weaver. No
other Kentucky college student gov-
ernment has such a program. she

Up to eight teachers could be eval-
uated on each questionnaire. SGA

received 2.200 questionaires. with
about 6.000 evaluations in all.

Only classes that received at least
seven responses were included in
the booklet. Baker said. The basic
unit of evaluation was classes. not
teachers or sections. so each of a
teacher‘s classes was evaluated sep-

SGA received evaluations for 1.500
classes. and 288 classes met the
seven-response guideline. Baker
said. About 270 teachers are includ-
ed in the booklet, he said.

The booklet was part of Weaver‘s
campaign platform last spring.

"I think students have a right to

know what they‘re bargaining for"
when they register for classes.

The program‘s purpose is not
necessarily to rate teachers good or
bad. rather to indicate such points
as if the teacher is a good lecturer
or will answer questions outside of
class. Weaver said.

“I don‘t think professors need to
feel threatened by this." Weaver

And although SGA has assured
Donald Sands. vice chancellor for
academic affairs, that the report
will be a positive one, some UK offi-
cials are not that comfortable with



Morning walk

Two people give their horses a morning workout yesterday at
Keeneland. The Lexington racetrack opens Friday and with

springlike temperatures this week. there should be a heavy turn-

out for the weekend's races.

MARK ZEROF Kernel Stall



European cafe opened
in UK Student Center

Staff Writer

The red—and‘white awning hanging
above the entrance is but one exam-
ple of the decor that lends a distinc~
lively European flavor to the Stu-
dent Center.

The posters covering the walls —
all depicting scenic views from for-
eign countries — as well as the ar—
rangement of tables and chairs pro
vide a touch of authenticity to the
European Pastry Cafe. open this
week only.

The cafe. which sets up business
for one week each spring. is a joint
venture of the Cosmopolitan Club
and the International Hospitality
Program. The menu consists of pas-
tries from European countries.

It will be open 10 am. to 4 pm.
through Friday 245 Student Center.

The purpose of the weeklong pro-
ject is to raise money for the two
clubs. But there is an added incen-

tive this year. And that is to donate
money to the fund established for
Viji Jeganathan. a graduate student
from Sri Lanka who has been diag-
nosed as having leukemia and is in
need of a bone-marrow transplant.

Eight pastries, each $1.25, comple-
ment the menu. items available in-
clude Bee Hive. Apple Strudel,
Black Forest Cake. Cherry Brandy
Torte. Dobosh Torte. Eclair. Mocha
Torte. Napolian and Vienna Torte.
Drinks — coffee. tea or lemonade —

Carolyn Holmes. UK foreign stu-
dent adviser. said the cafe is nor-
mally a big hit and "people should
come early in the week to get the
biggest variety.“

Nicholas Rast. chairman of the
UK Geology Department. said he
likm the cafe.

“I think it‘s a very good thing to
encourage this. Both at UK and out-

DAVIO "mm KW Sta"

The European Pastry Cafe opened in the Student Center yester-


side.“ he said. “Because it‘s a good

“They should have something like
this set up year round.“ said Wayne
Frankie. a geologist with the
Kentucky Geological Survey.

This is the Nth year for the cafe.
but the first for Rey Au. a graduate
student from Hong Kong and a
member of the Cosmopolitan Club.

“So far. so good." he said.

Lawsuit filed against Patton for decision

Associated Press

PlKEVlLLE — A Pikeville busi-
nessman who was told not to speak
to female employees at the Pike
County Courthouse has filed a law-
suit against Judge-Executive Paul
E. Patton alleging blatant violations
of Kentucky‘s Open Records Law.

Billy Hatfield filed the suit Friday
in Pike Circuit Court seeking to
overturn a directive Patton issued
Jan. 20 urging female county em-
ployees not to speak to Hatfield.

Hatfield also asked dlmlga of

$25 per day since Jan. 19 for alleged
open records violations. and said the
money would be turned over to a
local charity.

Attached to the lawsuit was a let—
ter Patton wrote to Hatfield Jan. 19
telling him that he was forbidden to
talk to the women workers. Patton’s
letter said anytime Hatfield wanted
to inspect county records. he first
should contact the judgeexecutive's
office and be assigned a male as

“You are to communicate only
with the male employee assigned to
act)" you." Patton wrote. ”You are

not to speak to any female county
employee in any way. You will be
forceably removed from any county
office if you exhibit hostile or abu-
sive behavior.“

The directive to county employees
also said any conversations with
Hatfield should be tape recorded.
Patton said he did not intend the di-
rective as an order to county work-
ers but only to establish guidelines
for alternative methods of dealing
with Hatfield. He said recording
conversations with Hatfield would
provide proof of whether he had

Hatfield. who owns an office
equipment store in Pikeville.
claimed in the lawsuit that the re—
strictions represented an abuse of
power aimed at preventing access to
public records. Both Hatfield and
Patton said the directive stemmed
from a Jan. 19 confrontation, when
Patton attempted to evict Hatfield
from the county purchasing office.

"The man just came in here and
intimidated and frightened several
of the female employees." Patton
said, “And I‘ve just laid down some

See MAN. Page 2

the idea of students publishing their
own evaluations of teachers.

Sands has expressed concern to
the SGA about a process. which he
said could humiliate people.

“I guess I don't really see the pur-
pose of a public evaluation.“ Sands
said. “If it‘s a positive thing.
identifying good teachers and saying
what‘s good about them, then that's
just fine. How useful students will
find it I don't know“

“I am concerned about picking on
faculty members who are trying
hard to do a good job and have lots
of conflicting responsibilities or con.
flicting demands on their time." he

said. “Our faculty don‘t deserve that
sort of treatment. \\ e should not em-
barrass them."

Students. too. are not sure how
much use the booklet will be.

“I would look at it.” said Michael
Hill. an undecided freshman. “l
don't know how much effect it would
have ion my decision to take a.

“I never know how much other
students take them levaluationsi se-
riously." said Donna Deprez. a
biology senior

Neither Hill or Deprez were famil-

\cc If. “NPR. Page 2

Gore and Dukakis
exchange barbs over
Jackson campaign

Associated Press

Jesse Jackson appealed yesterday
to Panamanian strongman Manuel
Antonio Noriega again to give up
power. but fellow Democratic presi-
dential hopeful Michael Dukakis
called Jackson‘s involvement there
a “bad idea.“ as the two squared off
in yesterday’s Colorado cauvuscx
and today‘s Wisconsin primary.

Sen. Albert Gore Jr. of 'l‘cnnesscc
also criticized Jackson's correspon-
dence with Noriega. but he blasted
Dukakis for being "absolutely
timid” of Jackson.

The Massachusetts governor dis-
missed Gore and his comments: “i
don‘t know what he's serious

Jackson. Dukakis and Gore were
joined by Sen. Paul Simon of lllinois
campaigning across Wisconsin yes—
terday Simon is trailing badly in his
effort to win there and keep his
campaign alive. while Gore needs a
good showing in the state to boost
his faltering effort.

Jackson and Dukakis. the front-
runners in both states. awaited the
slow dribble of results from the 2.784
precinct caucuses in (‘olorado that
will divide 45 national convention

The Republicans were holding
caucuses tonight in t‘olorado as well
as the Democrats With Vice Presi-
dent George Bush already having
locked up the nomination. Pat Rob
ertson’s effort to win some of the
state‘s 36 GOP delegates was a symr
bolic gesture.

()1in about 20.001) (‘olorado Demo-
crats are expected to turn out for
the caucuses. a low turnout that
could be good for Jackson. who drew
huge crowds Saturday and Sunday
in the stale. Dukakis countered w'ith
endorsements from Colorado Gov.
Hoy Homer and state Democratic
chairman Buic Seaw'ell and his orga.
nizational prowess. but Dukakis
aides said Jackson should still win

Jackson and Dukakis are also the
front-runners in the AP delegate
count. Before the (‘olorado results
were known. Dukakis had 63365
votes and Jackson 646.53 (lore had
3818 and Simon 1693. A total of
4686 were uncommitted At the
Atlanta in July. 2.082 votes are
needed to win.

Jackson released a reply from
Noriega yesterday, in which the
Panamanian dictator rejects Jack-

son‘s pica in a March 22 letter to
leave the country

“I i‘ciiiaiii convmccd that it is in
the best interruts of the Panamanian
people for (it"l \til‘lt‘Rtl to leave.
Today l i'cilci'atc my public moral
appeal for hm; to depart.” Jackson

But Jackson's involvement iii the
turbulent l’anaiiiaiiian situation
drew criticism from the State
llcpai'tiiicnt and from Dukakis and

”ln our \‘lf'\\ proliferation of chanr
ncls la a lat-tic that Noriega lrkcs to
use to buy time." said State
spokeswoman Phyllis t lakley.

Dukakis told reporters iii
Milwaukee that “I think it's a bad
idea for a private citizen to try to in-
‘icct himself” into a delicate interna-
tional situation, But the Massachu-
setts governor added he thought
Jackson had actcd out of good inten-

(fore noted that Jackson had met
with other foreign leaders such as
PM i chief Yasser Arafat and Libyan
strongman Moammar (iadhafi.

"He didn't help matters in his
meetings with Arafat and (iadhafi.”
(i()f‘(‘ said in Madison. "l seriously
doubt if he would help in Panama."

(iorc saved his strongest criticism
for Dukakis for not hitting Jackson

“Michael Dukakis gitcs the im-
pression of being scared to death" to
criticizi- Jackson and appears “ab-
solutely timid." (ioi‘c said "That is
the opposite of the hold leadership"
the nation nccds

(fore told The \cw York Times
that Dukakis actions are “a subtle
form of racism "


A headline in Friday's Kenrel was
incorrect Phi Kappa Tau fraternity
won the ('hi timega Greek Sing held
Thursday night

Due to a reporter‘s error. a story
that ran in yesterday's Kernel about
the Little Kentucky Derby had some
incorrect information

L'K day at Keeneland is Friday
The “key grab” begins at 7 am.

on Saturday, The car. as a prize in
the event. is not yet confirmed,

And the carnival also runs on Sun-
day from noon to 5 pm


Staff reports

Nominations are now being ac-
cepted for the Robert G.
Zumwinkle Award. The award.
sponsored by the UK Student
Government Association. is open
to studs "its, faculty and staff of
UK‘s main campus. the Medical
Center and the Lexington Com-
munity College.

The award. named in honor of
former Vice Chancellor
Zumwinkle. will go to two stu-
dents and two faculty or staff
members who have displayed an
active interest in protecting or


SGA taking nominations
for student rights award

furthering students‘ rights on
campus. ()nly full-time students
in good academic standing can

Nominations forms should in-
clude detailed information of the
nominee's efforts to protect. en.
force and further student rights
on the PK campus. Supporting
documents. such as letters of rec-
ommendation and references
should be attached. Application
forms are in 120 Student Center.
The deadline is 4:30 pm, Friday.




 2 — Kentucky Kornol. Tuocdoy.Apr115.1988


Continued from Page 1

reasonable guidelines to make sure
itdoesn‘thappen again."

Hatfield said he planned to seek
the Republican nomination for
judge-executive next year and that
Patton, a Democrat, was attempting
to limit access to county records in
retaliation. Patton denied the re-
strictions were politically motivated
and said Hatfield was free to inspect
records during regular business

Patton said he had not been
served with a copy oi the lawsuit but
claimed problems between he and
Hatfield began when the county pur-
chased some word processing equip-
ment from a company in Ashland
Without considering whether Hat-
field's company could have provided
the equipment

Hatfield said he and Patton nearly
came to blows in the purchasing of—
fice as he was checking details of
the transaction. which Patton said
was not large enough to require
competitive bidding Hatfield said
he was not abusive to employees iii
the purchasing office

Kenton Co.
clean area

Associated Press

CUVINGTON _. Kenton County is
reviving a 17-year-old program this
week and will use county jail in-
mates to clean roadsides and parks
and spruce up the municipal build-

County Jailer Jim Knauf said the
Community Service Program for
non-violent prisoners is ”really good
for everyone involved. It gives the
prisoner a chance to get outside his
cell and gives the county a way to
get some work done without using
our own paid employees."

Judge~Executive Bob Aldemeyer
said the county no longer has the
manpower to clean all the highways
and parks in the county. The road
crew has been cut from more than
60 employees to less than 40 because
of budget constraints.

The county dropped the work-re-
lease program in 1970 when a new
jail opened in the Kenton County
Building in downtown Covington. At
first there was no way to separate
the violent and non-violent inmates.
and jail officials feared the prison-
ers in the program might might
sneak weapons or drugs back into
the Jail.



An early morning rider takes her horse from the stable to the
Keeneland racetrack for training yeterday.




Gov. Mecham convicted by
the Arizona state senate, 21-9

Associated Press

PHOENIX, Ariz. — The Arizona
Senate convicted Gov. Evan Mech-
am yesterday of attempting to
thwart a death—threat investigation,
making him the first US. governor
to be impeached and removed from
office in 59 years.

The vote was 21-9, with two-thirds
of the 30—member Senate needed for

Still pending was a vote on a sec-
ond impeachment charge — that be
misused a protocol fund by loaning
$80,000 to his auto dealership — and
a third vote, on whether to bar
Mecham from ever holding elective

The last governor to be impeached
and removed from office was Henry
Johnston of Oklahoma, who was re-
moved in 1929.

Yesterday‘s closing arguments
came as the impeachment trial en-
tered its sixth week.

A prosecutor beseeched the Arizo-
na Senate yesterday to convict Gov.
Evan Mecham of impeachment
charges, remove him from office
and “bring down the curtain on this
prolonged, embarrassing and bitter

The ringing last words of final ar-
gument from prosecutor Paul
Eckstein came moments after
Mecham’s lawyer demanded acquit-
tal, telling the 30 senators, “There
are not sufficient facts or law to find
that Evan Mecham is an evil man.“

“Let the people decide," said at-

torney Jerris Leonard, urging sen-
ators to acquit Mecham and let him
defend his office in a May 17 recall
election. Hecham also faces a trial
on criminal charges.

The arguments by both sides ad-
dressed two specific chargos: an al-
legation that the governor attempted
to obstruct an investigation of an al-
leged death threat by a staff mem-
ber and a second that he misused
$80,000 from a protocol fund by loan-
ing it to his car dealership.

Following the arguments, Arizona
Supreme Court Justice Frank X.
Gordon Jr., the trial’s presiding offi-
cer, told senators, “You are now in
your voting mode. "

Some senators indicated they
would like to delay voting until
Tuesday. Others said they had made
up their minds and were ready to
vote in yesterday‘s session, which
was to continue in the afternoon.
Voting was expected to take some
time, with each senator allowed to
make a speech before casting a

Several hundred Mecham support-
ers rallied outside the Senate build-
ing, listening to a brass band and
carrying placards demanding the
governor‘s return to office.

“Ignorance of the law is no de-
fense,” Eckstein told senators.

But Mecham's defense lawyer,
Fred Craft, told senators, “You‘re
being asked to politically assassi-
nate the governor. "

“He doesn't resign (as Mecham
has been urged to) because he‘s not
guilty of these charges," Craft said.

‘ ‘He dares to right city hall and he’s
doing it at great cost to himself."

Craft said in his closing argument
that the allegation was based on a
tin-second conversation with Depart-
ment of Public Safety Director
Ralph Milstead. Craft accused pros-
ecutors of seeking to “twist and tor-
ture it in such a way that it accounts
for an obstruction of justice."

As closing arguments proceeded,
a trumpeter played “Taps" outside
the Senate building as a group of
men carried a mock coffin labeled,
“Herein Lies the Right to an Elected

Removal of the Republican gover-
nor, who has been in office little
more than a year, required a two-
thirds vote of the 30-member Senate
on either of the two charges. If they
convicted him, the senators could
then take another vote on whether to
bar Mecham from ever holding of-
fice again.

There are 19 Republicans and 11
Democrats in the Senate.

A two-thirds vote for conviction
would remove Mecham from office
at the moment the gavel fell to close
the vote, and his successor, acting
Gov. Rose Mofford, would become
governor at the same moment.

If convicted, Mecham would be
only the seventh U.S. governor to be
removed by impeachment. The last
to meet that fate was Henry
Johnston of Oklahoma, who was re—
moved in 1929.

0Teacher evaluations distributed by student government

(’oiitiiiucd ti'oiii Page i

iar with the SGA teacher evalua~

The L‘niversity's evaluation
process is better than the SGA proc—
ess. Sands said. Currently. students
fill out evaluation forms for each
class at the end of the semester that
are used by the department. The
University evaluations are confiden-

"I think it's better than publishing
a book on it (teacher perfor-

Weaver said she is concerned
about the University's lack of
organization in carrying out the stu-
dent evaluations. The University
needs to have a more consistent
means of evaluating and of using the
evaluations, she said.

"Students don‘t take them (the
University’s evaluations) seriously
because the University doesn‘t,"

Lot Closure

B Lot Behind Faculty Club
Closed for
Mining & Minerals Dedication
On Friday, April 8

Employees and students who normally park in
the lot will have to find alternate parking on
Friday, April 8. The Parking Department recom-
mends parking in the Blue Lot at Common—
wealth Stadium and will be providing transpor-
tation by the CATS bus from 7 am. to 9 am.
and 4 pm. to 6 pm. to transport employees and
students between the Blue Lot and the Chemis-
try-Physics Building. The campus bus service
(LexTran) will be operating on Friday between
7:10 a.m. and 6:07 pm. The Blue Lot is the por-
tion of stadium parking area closest to the inter-
section of University Drive and Alumni Drive.

Golvon Special


Sunday Brunch All You Can Eat
(Including Champagne) 11:30- 4
$5.95; Kids & Sr. Citizens $2.95

Mstl~l;5un 11-”
Dinner. M-Sd-l am. Sun. 3—il

Burrito Special
Hacienda Galvan
Burrito & Rico


<. (ovul'h'ur i :alVNM 0'"
, .



Weaver said. “That kind of consis-
tency would add a lot“ to the useful-
ness of the University evaluations.

Hill said he only takes the Univer-
sity forms seriously if a teacher is
either very good or very bad. The
University doesn't take the forms
seriously, he said, because teachers
do not change their teaching meth-

Deprez, however, said she thinks
the University takes them seriously.

“I don‘t think they would put them
out to cover up.“ she said. In the bi~
ology department “you don't see
teachers sticking around if they're
not good."

Sands said he does not think a
more consistent method of evaluat-
ing teachers is called for.

“Teaching means different things
in different areas and we probably
should be cautious about requiring a
uniform form for the whole
University," Sands said. “It‘s better

if they’re (the forms) tailored to
each college's — or maybe each pro-
gram‘s — needs.“

University evaluations are often
used when teachers are up for
raises, promotions or tenure.

“The student evaluations of teach-
ing is a strong component" of the in-
formation used to determine if tea-
chers within the Department of
Physics get raises or promotions,
said John Christopher, an associate
dean of the College of Arts and Sci-
ences and a professor in the physics

About 90 percent of the teachers'
performance rating in the College of
Education is influenced by the stu-
dents‘ evaluations, said Edgar
Sagan, dean of the college.
Untenured teachers are rated an-
nually in the College of Education.

Although it is rare for untenured
teachers to remain long enough for
teacher evaluations to prevent them

Kentucky Kernel

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The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer session

Third-class postage paid at Lexington. KY 40511

Mailed subscrip-

tion rates are $1 5 per semester and $30 per year.
The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buck-

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Large Sampler

up to 1.1




8. Limestone location only







from getting tenure, five years ago
a teacher within the College of Edu—
cation was “denied (tenure) . . . al-
most solely on the basis of teacher
ratings (by students ),“ Sagan said.

About 85 percent of the SGA eval-
uations were received from the resi-
dence halls. SGA targeted the 100
and ZOO-level courses because those
are the courses that have several
sections, Weaver said.

“It makes it more reliable.“
Baker said. “Those who filled them
out were in the same classes usual-

But University officials think their
evaluations give a better sample of

Taking forms into the classrooms
gives a higher percentage of feed-
back which in turn leads to a better
representative sample, said Michael
Baer, dean of the College of Arts &
Sciences. “1 don‘t think it (the SGA

survey) gets as good a sample of

To meet these criticisms about
sampling size, this semester SGA
will offer to go into a teacher‘s class
and distribute the forms, Weaver

But the publication does not claim
to be objective, Weaver said. The
front page of the booklet will be a
disclaimer, stating that the booklet
is a composite of some of the opin-
ions of some of the students’ peers,
she said.

“It‘s not a scientific survey,"
Baker said. He added, however, that
the seven-response rule helped im-
prove the validity of the survey con-
siderably. Most classes evaluated in
the book averaged 15 responses.

Student evaluations do not mea-
sure the quality of the information
delivered, but assess the delivery of
the information — which is also im-
portant, Baer said.





US. Navy officer program representatives will be on the
UK campus on April 6th and 7th. Information will be availa-
ble on the following programs.

*Engincering positions
*Pilot/naval flight officer

*Supply corps
*Surfacc warfare
Interested individuals should contact the placement office

or stop by the information booth located in the Student Cen-
ter. If unable to attend interview, call toll free 1-800-992-



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an Ill) m






Associated Press
JERUSALEM -— Secretary of
State George P. Shultz yesterday
sidestepped differences with Israeli
Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir on a
Middle East peace conference and
kept a US. peace plan alive by to
eusing on Palestinian self -rule.

“We do have a sense of
movement." a senior US. official
told reporters after Shultz met sepa-
rately with Shamir, Foreign Min-
ister Shimon Peres and Defense
Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

A senior Israeli defense official,
however. said the government re~

mained deadlocked and the only
way to gain acceptance of the plan
would be for Shultz to persuade King

Hussein of Jordan to accept it.
Shultz will hold talks with Hussein
in Amman today. return to

Jerusalem with a report for Israeli
leaders and shuttle back to the king

The US. plan calls for three years
of self-rule. but not statehood, for
the 1.5 million Palestinian living in
the occupied West Bank and Gaza
Strip. Negotiations on an overall set-
tlement would open in December.

Although Shultz set a mid-March
deadline for a reply, Israel. Jordan
and Syria have all held back --

neither accepting nor rejecting the

After Shultz met with Shamir for
two hours. a spokesman for the
prime minister said they were still
in disagreement over a Middle East
peace conference and talks Shultz
held with two members of the
Palestine National Council in Wash-
ington nine days ago.

But the spokesman. Avi Pazner.
said there was “more convergence"
between Shultz and Shamir on
Palestinian self-rule and an overall

Similarly, Peres said after his
two-hour session with Shultz that he
believed “we moved forward even if


Associated Press

STANFORD — Robert Matheny
refused to set his clock ahead to
daylight-saving time with the rest
of Kentucky.

Not suprising.

He has been an hour or two be-
hind everyone else in Lincoln
t‘ounty l'or 4o—odd years b since
he refused to switch from Central
to Eastern time. first during
World War II. then permanently
when the Eastern zone was en-
larged to include parts of eastern
and central Kentucky.

“I don‘t remember exactly
when we went on fast time. but it
was back when old Roosevelt
went in. and it's ruined the whole


damn country.“ Matheny com-
plained. “I never have changed
my time since it started. I'm on
the time that l was born on. back
before the boundary lines

Matheny 76. and his wife.
Beatrice. own a 268-acre f'arm a
few miles south of Stanford,
where Matheny sometimes is in
the field from sunup to sundown,
working on what he calls “slow

Slow time is an hour behind
fast time when fast time is stan-
dard time: it's two hours behind
during daylight-saving season.

“You can't get the cows up on

Stanford man is on his own time

fast time; chickens don't go to
roost. And what burns me up. I
go down here and get these boys
to work. and it'll be good. dry.
liaybaliiig time. you know. ev-
erything's running sweet." he

“Here it comes along 3 o'clock.
by my time. and they ‘ll say
”We've got to quit. it's 3 o'clock,‘
Well. from 2 on till ti or 7 o'clock.
you've got three or four good
hours running there. and me pay-
ing them by the hour. But they've
got their watch moved up. and
it's 5 o'clock, But by my time it's

“A lot ot 'eiii l just tell 'i-iii.
'When you go. you're gone ' "




Attention New Officers
of Student Organizations
Enhance Your Effectiveness


Creative Leadership Series
Thursday, April 7, 4 pm.

Topic: "Where are you Going: Organization Development and As—
sessment.” Room 203, Student Center Addition

Speakers: Joan Loughrey, Assistant Director, UK Student Activi-
ties; Iohn Menkhaus, Law Student and Former President, Colle—
gians for Academic Excellence; and Mary Wis Estes, Student Ac-
tivities Board Homecoming Chairwoman


Topic: “What, When, Who, How: applying management by objec-
tives to your organizations.” Room 228, Student Center Addition

Speakers: Bill Swinford, President, UK Collegians for Academic
Excellence; and Terry Allen, Assistant Director, Student Center.

HOW to run your



Wfl SW



the road is still long. We went be-
yond the international conference."

Peres told reporters: "We talked
about the substance and form of an
interim agreement.“

Shultz. meanwhile. said he was en-
couraged that “we have now en-
gaged in this initiative in the impor-
tant aspects of its content. namely
direct face-to-face negotiations."

Despite reassurances from Shultz
that the United States would stand
by Israel. Shamir contends an inter-
national conferenee would offer a
dangerous opportunity for the Soviet
Union to get in the way of direct ne-
gotiations with the Arabs and im-
pose an unacceptable settlement.


Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, April 5. 1988 — 3

Shultz attempts to avoid conflict with Shamir

Shultz. on his second visit to the
area in a month. also offered assur-
ances the United States would op-
pose a Palestinian state and counter
efforts to force Israel to retreat to
its pre- 1967 borders

However. he emphasized Sunday
that negotiations must be based on
UN. Security Council Resolution
2-12. which calls on Israel to yield
West Bank and Gaza territory

In Amman. meanwhile. more than
500 Moslem fundamentalist students.
chanting “Shultz the devil should go
home," burned L'S. and Israeli
flags in a protest rally yesterday on
the Jordan Llnversity campus

There were other demonstrations
in the Arab kingdom, where Pales-
tinians are in the majority Shultz‘s
plan would include Palestinians ap-
proved by the Palestine Liberation
tirganization in a joint delegation
with Jordan.

Syria. the PLO and Egypt have
called for a direct role for the PLO
in the negotiations. while Hussein's
position is fuzzy According to some
I'S accounts. he has accepted the
idea of a jtlllll Jordaiiian-l’alestiman

But reporters traveling with
Shultz last month to Amman were
told Jordan wanted Pl.” partici-

Panamanian national strike comes
to an end, fails to remove Noriega

B) RE") (i. MILLER
Associated Press

PANAMA CITY, Panama Hun~
di‘eds of shops and stores reopened
to little business in Panama City
yesterday, ending a two-week strike
that failed to remove Gen, Manuel
Antonio Noriega's grip on this tense

As the capital began regaining a
semblance of normalcy. the L'nited
States prepared to send an additio-
nal L300 military personnel to
Panama. The Reagan administra-
tion said the troops. scheduled to
start arriving todav. would help
safeguard the lives and property of"
American citizens.

The L'.S. State Department said
L.S Ambassador Arthur Davis suf-
fered “deliberate harassment" when
his limousine was chased for two
miles Sunday by a Panamanian lllll’
itary patrol car