xt7mgq6r296j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r296j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1985 1985 1985-04-26 2020 true xt7mgq6r296j section xt7mgq6r296j ———_—_—_____————-——_—___—__—_—._———__.——___——
L. , II at x} 5&5 ,‘I , . e12...» , X . . I :,~~. m IIIZIIIIIIIIIII “an“ .. .5“ .m, *7. I I I
w txxxtx, “-° W. 7?" ' .7 ' Wt“ . We! ,, ,_ SI " M ,, Manual admixtures. m5 .
Toll Ho restaurant Trial dela
3’ ._ ,. y _
to close on May 12' . .. for Morton , .
‘the end of an era’ ET - overru e
a . . .' z . .
. , . t, _ Judge rules defense , q ' .
o, By ELIZABETH CARAS took time out from a King of Steel , , . I: I .
News Editor pinball game to talk to about the , had ”me to prepare . . . I~

' restaurant, said the H0 is “a college , ; .‘ . .2 . ~ .- .I . .

On May 12 at 3 am, the Ho will place — the best hamburgers in , .. , By STEPHANIE WALLNf-IR - . . -
be closing its doors — for the last town.‘ . , ~ , Managing Editor . '. . , I'
time. “I spent half 0‘ last semester “33‘7” The second request for a contin- ' - ‘ ~3.

The owner of Tolly Ho restaurant here," said Mark Williams, a fi- I’ “ > . uance in the trial of Elzie Alexander : . j -
on Euclid Avenue, Bob Hollopeter, nance junior who was studying cal- . ~ 9,3,, Morton was overruled yesterday by _ . , II,

, . . f said he ins been unable to reach an culus at a back table at the restau- Q“. .. ' sex}; Fayette Circuit Court Judge Ar- ' ' o.

‘f agreement with the landlord and rant. “The Ho has to live on — it’s 3* ’ , Ago ’. ,3? mand Angelucci. _' ." A
. . .. will be closing the 13~year-old estab- aninstitution. . §§§Igti ‘4: 2% Defense attorneys Erwin W. Lewis - .’ -. 2 .
o e "SW“ "there's no where else to go The e and Wood C. Moooooo mooe on ' » .

. ' " ""t "to; i; . ~"""\-'aeo':§<‘ "\ Nun's. ‘f;i‘"’" "W335“ ' ml. . 5 ' l ' ' - , ‘. ,

:~ Honooooor is currently looking for food's. mot the atmosphere is oiooho’shtéh Eiivifl‘t‘v’i‘itiliefndieion’iflf“33§ti: ‘ - ,‘ -.
“0"” mm near. campus. out 8°“ ta? .3“ o uance of the trial. which is some. , . ‘
“3.5"" b???“ able ‘° ““d "myth“ “I know i'll miss it " said Greg t” uled to begin May 6- ' - -
suitable, hesaid. Dannenberg, a recreation senior. . , V:§”i:h?&u “a; , Morton, 31' Of 1972 Kingtree Drive, ' . . ‘

And he doesn't think he will be “It's a real fun place. you come out . .. Wevwfi‘omfiae’l‘a ‘5 charged W“ "‘9 ”P“ murder . i ' .
able to reach an agreement with the to see your friends." " set “3*ehfiuefi’fi “3613’ and .Sodomy 0f UK graduate “we“! _ .
landlord. “He knows what he want5, Barry Cronin, a business sopho— ', '2 "iféotswr'fi; 41"“ ‘ , . .. . . V, g; » . ‘ 1""ng IChen. who was strangled ' ' ,
lknow what I can pay — we're real- more, and Mike Hoffman, a fashion » .. . to, «Lifiwhgogoehk e1; i »- o ' .o,..F;;:..’,I...,;.,::5,¢:.,‘;_..-J'If;._g« ' June . 9 m the Chemistry/PhySics ' ‘ -' .
ly farapart,"hesaid. merchandising senior. were also ’ ' $3“ f e A '3 IX "- Building. . . . , . -

The iandlord, James F. Howell of upset by the restaurant's closing. . ‘ .- . . . , - . “ The defense said more time 15 ’-
Elizabethtown, Ky., declined to com- “it‘s the only place to come at night “’ needed to prepare {0" the trial be ~ '
ment. after parties.“ Cronin said. cause offextenswe PFe'tFIKI PUbhcl' . '

In November of 1971, Tolly Ho was Harry Mason, a cook at the res- . ' . ty and thUfhcwnt time to obtain . . ‘
named by combining the riist two taurant for 12 years, said he will , » . . necessary Information from their m- . .
letters of Hollopeter‘s name with the miss “the people — you get used to ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ . VGStISBtOI'S- . - » I -
name of his former partner, Bob the people, what they‘re ordering, . ‘ . NSO- MOFtOHS attorneys argued _
Tolly. how they act.“ that Commonwealth Is Attorney Ray

Hollopeter said he will miss the Another person who'll have to find , Larsonoomd be usmg the ease to .
constant interaction he has enjoyed somewhere else to go is named Hi- = ' h005th15 campaign. Larson W1“ face - ‘
with local residents and students lary. according to Hollopeter. The . . ‘ two opponents In the May 28 Demo- »
over the years. “i like the students elderly man who's become a Tolly Slgn 0f the "mes , cratic primary. . . -
- they get along with us. we get H0 regular is “just a fixture — like 1“ denying the motion for contin- . ~ .
along with them." thefurniture." Bob Hollopeter, owner of Tally Ho restaurant, pancehaAngaelucci ruled the: the the. .

And he said he realizes that many - Hollopeter said the fact that 3,, h ~ h ~ ] ense s d enoysh Ume rIom e

, , , , , , , g es up at t e Sign t at has disp ayed the name of outset of the the 1nd, tment to ad-

students and alumni Will be upset by D lites Will be movmg in to the area , his establishment for the past '3 cars C . .
the closing. "Some of them are mad, formerly used by Campus Billiards . L y ‘ quuaItIely prepare and defend this ac- . I
fired up. The alumni are worse than has nothing to do with his decision. l “on , .
the students.“ “I would care less about any of l . .. The judge wenIt 0“ to say the court . ‘ .

“it's the end of an era," said Matt the chains coming in - none of . feels that the “8th 0t ‘MIOFtOH' as '
Patterson, an English senior who them have affected me yet,“ he well as the {prosecutioniIWill be pro .
has gone to the Ho three times a said. “I've seen a lot of them come teCted, during theexaminations and .
week for five years. Patterson, who and g0.“ selectionofprospective jurors ' ' ,

l _, - See MORTON. page 4 . .
r‘ TOMWA‘“A\ Remit-1V3" .
O O '
“”5 Seniors Win tap honors at annual UK ceremony '
- Scudder, Freudenberg claim outstanding student awards a. . . , . i

The Mal.- cedlct m' , :32: I: .~ .,,.II.;o 3/ I I ,

“- m I“ ‘ w {M' "‘ By JOHN JURY major from Madison, lnd.. Scudder. The fellowship. one of UK's larg— ‘ 'oj""4§{ f<:'>‘r"”"e.p,,u'o“ . ‘ . ' '

Mil-m 1-" Staff Writer 22, was named outstanding female est single awards given to a student, f" " «e .5» J" . '

' * senior. She is currently the presi- is for810,000. L ' ‘ f.“ i _ - . . , .
' Timothy B. Freudenberg and dent of Delta Delta Delta sorority Azbill, who maintained a perfect , ‘3? g . '2 ’ .

Md; “1|: W to sing Nyla Scudder received the Otis A. and one of two student representa- 4.0 grade point average, served for ' t‘ . ,‘ ...“t§§$?=t' . ', 3 a '. , - .

for than“ in front d- n “ Singletary awards last night as out tives on the UK Athletics Board. the past four years as a manager for . ' gt (Yo? ' t I , ' ' '

once. dim. ”Pm standing seniors during the Univer- Scudder was recently named the the UK men’s basketball team. He $3,, ‘ I a ‘ , ' - ' ', .

pep}. ~ 7 . I sity's Awards Night ceremony at the outstanding greek woman this year will begin law schoolat UK this fall. , _ _ ”,1 “39,1 I 1 ; -

_ , - . . , .. Hyatt Regency Hotel. by the Greek Activities Steering Other honors were awarded at the "33"": v . . '
. . , " Freudenberg, 22, was named the Committee. She serves as a Student ceremony last night as the SAB 4f“ , if! 3 ., , - I4; ’ ‘I , ' ,

The .‘ .— ufl fee: m d h . University's outstanding male se- Activities Board member-at-large named the outstanding junior, soph- ‘ I _\~ " .- " . . , I

SEC m tide We“ “5 nior. A political science major. he and is a member of Collegians for omore and freshman on the bexing I t, . ' , . ' I ' ‘I

m M a. the m for at UK currently serves as president of the Academic Excellence, Mortar Board ton campus. ‘ It; . '9 3,, . . . . II

, record for uh in . m “I“ Student Government Association. Honor Society. Omicron Delta Elizabeth A. Caras, a journalism Ni 3 - - " . , -

Whimuemi‘S. A member of Omicron Delta Kappa and Societas ProLegibus. and English major, was named out ; . it, ' ‘ . I ' . '

. _o ., Kappa and Collegians for Academic After graduation, Scudder will be standing junior. She currently _ . ; . I . ’ , ,

. Excellence, Freudenberg is an exof- a field representative for Tri-Delt serves as news editor for the Ken- - , 5 :5 \- . ,
ficio member of the University Sen- sorority for one year and plans to at- tacky Kernel and will be the editor- , l - _ I . Q, i ' . » . '
ate and Senate Council. and is also tend the UK College of Law in the inchief of the newspaper next year. T ' , I, i '
the student representative on the fallofisas. A native of Danbury, Conn., she is ._.,,_._ - , _.,,_. ,,__.,_.,__n ‘ . , . I

. . . , , . - Boardof Trustees. Randy Azbill. a htical science also a member of Omicron Delta . , , , . ' .

T0“! Vi”. mt! “I! «like A native of Newport, Ky.. he senior from Londongoqu received Kappa and Collegians for Academic TWYLA SCUDDER TIM FRELDENBERG ~ I ,

Wen—W served as 1983-84 SGA vice president the first W.L. Matthews Jr. Excellence. I . I . -

M M V» I at!“ I and the senator for the College of Fellowship for graduate or profes- Mindy Martin was named out member of BACCHUS, she serves as native of West Lafayette. 1nd,. she is . I ,

M)" W W t” ”V: Arts & Sciences during the 1982-83 sional study, presented by the UK standing sophomore. A communica- chairpersonofthe speakers‘corps. an SAB member-at-large and presi- , '

Wi‘wmmfim school year. After graduation, he Athletics Association. The award is tions major from Hartford, Ky.. she Lynne Hunt, a business and eco- dent of the SGA Freshman Rep . ,

WW“ I...” "Pt m «g planstoattendlawschool. named in honor of the former UK isa memberof the Tri-Delt sorority, nomics major, was presented with resentative Council. She has a 4.0 . ~ ,

. M " a ' ‘f‘f I? I‘ ‘I An economics and political science law dean who died last September. Societas Pro Legibus, and SAB. As a the outstanding freshman award. A See AWARDS. P3364 ' '
O O O O O .
O eges WOI' Wlt Clty 011 Slflg e-al pl'O] CCt ' - ‘

By TIM JOHNSON » A, , " . . .. ' . I . I

Semosmmr .t g . marmalade!“ Cooperative program came about as result

in 1900, the Fayette lCounty (Deg; i, . . . . ,. ' , 7’93"“. game”, e, . .

sus showed that mar oneten mm~m ' . .‘ . d ° ' ' ' ,-

oe a. on 50,934 sale and .. . .- - ., v - , , -..- 3 , , . . of goo tzmmg, local housmg offzczal says

incomes below the poverty level. ~Mme-W .—-. . »» ‘

of time 4,841 families. 2,618 were , 32,; :.. ,'-~ 3 '. , . , By TIMJOHNSON “We began Warren Village l in 1974 and started

headed by females. E WWW“ ‘ ' . “ "fie-W, SeniorStaff Writer building around our ongoing experience." said How-

In an effort to raise these fami- . ,3: M ‘3? 1 ' 7'13" "’ L. ‘ ““1 ; use": ard Converse. executive director of Warren Village.

lies' incomes above the poverty ‘ 4 ' . ._ , . - , “MM, f1?- i»‘,3‘~' , _ inc. “Became of our initial success, we started War-

level, the colleges of Home Eco- t‘W*o§ _, ‘ _ * £4. '-‘...:.;.-.;s.o§.e ren Village it last year. We are now serving nearly

nomics and Edimtion, the Medi- _- . . __ ,. , “W 35.3, wee“,*e“‘e§“‘*3°, bet-ta Coleman remembers what it was like zoofamilies.“

cal Center and lexington‘s Tenant yogit’ , ‘ ' '1 ' _ ‘ s »i,'iéogwgfifi§§ - . a D O I e I I I
irs'é'soicflfigafi'l'simmh 33.581; in s eyewitness accounts trout my come into existence without CIA training and or gwgsement? (it g-ggydném‘z:
“otherplaces are worse." —_ local residents who VI‘S‘lted Niaft who would cease to exist without U. S. backing. bgsmup mm“... on which
There are basically two sources d 8“! ‘3 P." ,d the Witnus tr _ this country was founded by mos.
. “information" used by the adminis necessary to document any of the Peace unhatlve. All d the ec- In f ct a . to ty re- p ) This was a dc” violation . . international law and respect-
"ation and "S ultra-“81“ W18 00m- C’Weesi'ma'm! . “Fm“ mi. N Pm“ ‘ ”mu-"e ‘oie at the first things the of internal tional law When the Nica- ing the right of self-determination
paniom for theircharges against the Unlike Amnesty International, directly. opposite from that which parts, tas did an" kicki out So- ” 80V i took us to the bytheNicaraguan people?
Sandinistas: The Heritage Founda- whose main concern is documenta- the Heritage Foundation or the mm m to outlaw the deltifh 1- World 9" Mice,” closest Euro
tion and the Central Intelligence tion of human rights Violatlom. the nutteeplltnts. ty _ and they have lived up pena t allies sided against us. we con- This guest opinion was submitted
' Agency. , main concern d the lleritage Fwn- For brevity’s sake, I will focus hw In other words the claim (1' temptuously ignored the ruling d by Kevin Greene, an LCC student
We should first look at the Hen- datlon ls propagandmng “8 ldeologl- n] on Amnesty International 'Do “7 I tions” is’a farce and I this court and turned our backs on and member of Socially Concerned
tage Foundation for its claims to be cal perspective. Human rights 15- ° 5: '01 t won the .1976 ,000 execu to tit international law Students.
“autonomous.“ True, it is a private sues are only a means to an end. Wobell ‘lr’leacemPnzeyfor its human chellem eamthdgcumenuch false accu- .
. organization, but this does not mean Since the foundation cannot docu— , hts work The Reagan adminis- pli‘sgbthat the have a cum ula- v, V ‘ ‘ '\‘ \. ,. n.‘ \v
that it is either independent of the ment any of its claims, the various "3 _ , ' , , sations y _ ,‘VVV , "/ ‘ ,
‘ . . . . . - tratlorl itself CNS Amnesty 8 reports tlve dfect m fin mums, cre— ,
, administration or in any way obiec- charges should be canaldtehreed on human rights in places like the 85118 a m” . e in the , of , ' a
ilavgeuan its reports concermng Nica— fighstantlated untll proven o r- . Soviet Union, Poland, “mm. the ricanupublic. As smlnds this .| . ‘ ‘5.
' , . . r I I.)
. ' According to the Wall Street Jour- Then there is the CIA (aka. the e” and met- WEW§JaS till: , g .u .
nal, it is a “quasi-academic institu- Committee to Intervene Anywhere, . . _ 0V8? {P35 US Ync ”warp: Ni- \: I" H
' tion" founded in order “to give the or just “the committee"). Let us Amnesty is nomdeopglc‘i‘l “d “w 2,”; . ' 50?, sligmeful and V7: i ’9‘“! “‘9’
‘ ’ luster of respectability to formerly face facts. The committee is under non-partisan by intent, Since it FMS} 9733‘“ ‘5 (m AA [77' _
, . fringe conservativism, and then the direction of the executive branch remain above. any 0118136 0‘ blaS If 1110811 _ out a “war , ff? t, VN .Ttl'tuf'} 7‘
' translate it into policy” (12/7/84 p. of our government, making it the in- it is to retain its credibility. In short, We have been cam b our ‘ ’ ’l a \\ '- 3??? f;
64). hirthermore, some two dozen strumentoladministration pOIiCy. Amnesty is above reproach and {5 by "“me S _83?10 yinci- ‘ l/ \\\\\‘g‘.\, / '1
' 4 of its former staff have moved on to It was only a few weeks ago that a ”6081111“ worldvnde as ”'9 authon- W d out: ahave come into I \ ,l/ t I /
_ administration posts, and the prosi- committee man resigned in protest tyonhumanrights. ' en yv w'thmt CIA training and ' " \ l.
dent himself appeared on the back after being pressured to doctor and If Amnesty s Information W— mm a" to exist without .3
of “Mandate II" (their major post- re—submit a reporton Central Amer- ed. the W 61811931. I W011]? S WW] cm is a violation of ,3! :J!) 41
election publication) under the quote ica so that it would fit administra- qtnckly clause my position. but nei- U. .h clung- , . ,1 . ‘ \\
. . one of the people its been most tion policy considerations. And lest ther Amnesty nor the dozen eye Wlt- U.S. I: _ their harbors and , ,y A ' .. ‘1‘ 7 \
useful toandusedbyisme." we forget, thisisthegroup wln‘chis nesses l have spoken w1th have .We \gfiennned . (a rentl {/ “V. K . 5“ k, )
. - But more important than all this arming and training the Contras and found any mm to suggest that Violated _lr nuggetmcpgzonfiné (I I ,7. A ,‘. ‘ ’1‘
is the fact that this Washington- mining Nicaraguan harbors. Talk the tales of Reagan {at al are any- “”388" bfllemvg their election day 1/”. W , , y .
' based organization simply does not about asking the foxes for reports on thing more 3M" Politically COHW 11' capf cilitatss the democratic R -4 n i! m m
. have the organizational machinery conditions imidethehenhouse. nlentfabrlcatwfls- somehow a I“?...‘ ”SA | “A (2 ME MI . 9 ”
L-‘ .x..:‘ .‘l.li 4' {‘1‘ .i '.. .. .rl ' ‘ .
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