xt7mgq6r2885 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r2885/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-03-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1979 1979 1979-03-27 2020 true xt7mgq6r2885 section xt7mgq6r2885 . I I I I
a. Treaty signed Despite offICial hoopla, Mideast pact does little
Id tensions between Egypt and Israel
Comptkdlrom A? “Well“ neighbors who fear what they have “Shalom“ in honor of the dawn of Bring Peace Upon You. later in the week, Palestinians staged general strikes '
done." peace yesterday alter 30 years as a A possible explanation for Israel‘s Many Egyptians had mixed feelings in the Israel-occupied West Bank of
I. WASHINGTON ‘ EDT“ and Israel The president expressed how: that fortress country at war, restrained reaction came from it about the post-treaty period. They the Jordan River and Gaza Strip to
' signedatreaty today ending 30 years the benefits of the treaty can be Celebrations were restrained and Jerusalem psychiatrist Michael were relieved that the state ofwar was protest the Israeli-Egyptian treaty
- of war. It was a first prayerful step expanded "‘0 encompass allthose who Israelis in this city of fl80.000 showed Abruskin. who attributed the apathy ending. but continued to have doubts General strikes also paralyzed
, toward peacebetween the Arab and have suffered in the Middle East." little inclination to rejoice to “anxiety concerned with the about how much the Israelis can be Lebanon‘s Moslem areas.
I' the Jewish state. And he warned: “Let those who spontaneously ()fficals left the option unknown." trusted. In a speech to guerrilla trainees at a ~
' Onachilly. springafternoon on the would shatter peace who would ofwhether to organiiecelebratioiis up I (. . The difficult negotiations of lb Palestinian shantytown on the
' White House lawn. Israeli Prime callously spill blood be aware that to local communities. n "'0 months cooled much 0f the peace SOUlher“ edge 0f Beirut. the
Minister Menachem Begin and we threeIand all others who may iom Largescreens wereerectedin several enthusiasm. but many Egyptians still Palestinian Liberation Chief Arafat -
- Egyptian President Anwar Sadat us Will Vigorously wage peace.“ towns so citizens could gather in Millions 0t Egyptians watched their seemed optimistic yesterday. predicted Sadat would soon be
- signed copies of the treaty written in Last night. Carter. Sadat. and public and watchthelivetelecast ofthe televisions. tuned in their radios or particularly about the prosperity they assassinated.
English. Hebrew and Arabic. Begin planned a celebration under a Washington signing ceremony. A simply listened for the pealing of bells believe will come with peace. . ,
_ Preside nt Ca rte r. w h ose huge. red and yellow tent on the White special stamp was issued in honor of announcing the birth of peace foriheir IArafatIsaid Washington had warned
peacemaking trip to the Middle East House grounds with L300 dignitaries peace and quickly sold out. Youth land. In Beirut hI'm agttthSl causmg trouble when
. two weeks ago brought thetwo former invited for dinner. movement members laid flowers on Not all welcomed the treat' w'th (artcr visued [he M'dem earlier this
antagonists to Washington for the Meanwhile yesterday. however. the tombs ofwar deadthroughout the II I ()ft" 4|. q 'd bl" Ii .' Much of the Arab world seethed month. a.“ noted that Beginiold the
r ceremony. signed all three agreements different types of celebrations were country. srae. -. 'Cd 5 W Ipu '9 gat ”miss with hatred and sorrow yesterday. PLO Chief that he would "burn his .
'Y -as a satisfied witness. taking place in other parts of the The lsraseli media did their best to were dispruragedIlast night quItIIof Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat fingers 'f he tried to sabotage the
Carter praised Sadat and Begin and world. strike a festive note. State radio and concern t at treaty opponents. Cd Iing vowed to “chop off the hands"of"the treaty.
.. . . . . . it a betrayal to the Palestinians and . . . . . . .
. called the treaty the first step of teleViSion organized marathon trans- othei Arab states would it to disr-i t stoogc Sadat. the terrorist Begin and Palestinian sources said Arafat told
peace.“ He said: “We must not In Tel Aviv Alantic broadcasts ofthe Washington th m ‘ ‘ y p the imperialist Carter." Soviet Foriegn Minister Andrei A.
minimize the obstacles that lie ahead. ceremonies. and changed some oftheir e ‘ Effigies of Carter. Begin and Sadat Gromyko. in a meeting Sunday in
Differences still seperate the Although Israelis worried about the usual signature tunes to the opening The ruling National Democratic went up in flames in Palestinian Damascus that the PLO would strike
signatories to this treaty from each price of their treaty with Eygpt. they bars of the old Hebrew folksong Party of President Anwar Sadat refugee campsin Beirut and elsewhere out at US. and Egyptian interests in
other and also from some of their put up flags and banners proclaiming “Heveinu Shalom Aleichem.“ We planned rallies througoui Egypt for in Lebanon. the Middle East. . .
v i LXXI N m Ker 2 University of Kentucky
‘ Tiiesdav. Margit 27. 1979 an independent student newspaper Lexmgton, Kentucky
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' Withdrawal policy ,. , 4 2 .. -
f- By SUE TEETER “The overall amount we are trying z. I a/( gig; “a . ' \ ‘I .- . - , w . . '
I Start Writer to set is 34.500." Bryant said. "The ’a ,. ~ ”a, .. . ‘. " «sat, .. 3:57 .. .
.; idea is to reach the undergraduate “it a. _. , . . «a. ., ' .1 “in '
7 Student Government voted at last population and the city as a whole.“ II- ‘ " .97?“ aI ’" . . r j} 4. ' i- " 553a. ' cw ‘, . '
, night‘s meeting to support changing The rest of the funds are coming ' . - . i ‘ ~ “ ~ i ‘. .aijélft'.’ ‘
, the withdraw-passing “W" currently from President Otis Singietary. the " , ”a r in“... i i " “ a “hike , ' . '
used to mean “withdraw" and Student Bar Association, the Dean‘s - a? i s... . ' . I” :dflfi ii, v‘iV‘ W / i .. . i .
- eliminate the alternative “E“grade, office of the College of Law. the y . 4' 2"” c3; t " . I
' The current withdrawal policy Women‘s Law Caucus and Student V . “ ' "1 {1" M . . ~,,. .' I M i.
“ states that students withdrawing from Center Board. Bryant said Singletary ' I I - “at, w iii 1% \ . I ’ ' ‘ .. -- , ,
a class in the second half of the supplied $3,000 to bring Howard K. {I . . gay ”it?“ ii a??? , _ ; - ' ' ”:2;va
- - n - 9-391; 'r ' "\.'r'1;’f ' ’ . " " ""f" (“ii-‘2'." ’¢:=:1i :» .- .1 . , m. 5 u.”
semester receive either a “W to Smith here. but could not say where , . I II If - . .1 .. .. 2% I .
represent withdrawing while passing that money originated. - I f i .. XIV. a; . "" '
"‘° 5% °”"‘ E. ”if” “'1'“ The speakers will he at UK between a so ' '. .
filing; ‘hfietlmljngef IZ‘S‘I‘I‘I‘I'I‘; April d and April 26. as the , » " _. ‘ " .. . ' _ . . .'- .
Council‘s proposal supportsg giving a University‘s and College of Law‘s By JIMM CLIFTON /Kerne| Staff .I
“W“ to students with drawin be observance of the May I National Law 8" n done
. . . . g cause Day. Smith will probably speak at ‘ *
Of illness. injury. “serious personal or Memorial Coliseum and the others at ' ' ' ' ‘
family problems,“or“seriousfinancial the C olle e of Law Moot Court She may have gotten somesharp remarks about bringinghcr BIOIM bookto memory for ‘tUdehtSIDOW faced Wlth cold - ltSHOtSIIIPPOS‘le Igetabove50 . .
difficulties." B ant saifi ’ Florida, but A&S freshman Becky Coltharp is probably happier this week today — and the reality 0‘ “3‘5- Coltharp "'5 on him" Beach.]u5t north or .
Only seven senators were present GE . ' . because she did get some studying done under the sun. Spring break is a West Palm Beach in Florida.
. arly in the meeting, 80 ad hoc ‘
two years ago when Senate COLmCll . .
. aPproved the stricter withdrawal frigiiliinftgs :hliiir:::dlat’tcgy 312:: n d. d ' t' n ‘ l ‘ .
trill”. Meme.” 0f the 80 Academic announced that the telephone survey Board ques t, ans SG can I ate campalgn ac I o
. airs Committee pushed for large d t l t h Ith ~
I student turnout at this year‘s vote :3" man a cry versIus vo I"? ary ea . i i
. . ees Will be from 6.30 to 8.30 on April
about Withdrawal policy at the Senate 2 B SUE TEETER I . . I h to take
‘ ' Council meeting April 9. ' y . distributed except between March 27 the candidates uIn ess anot . er .. f . . h II . _ . I.
5, In other action. $400 was allocated SG‘s television show will be aired l0 5““ Wm" and April 5 under 50 election rules. candidate files a writtenIcomplaint. I there was (a wiittzni c t: enseI I
‘n. from 80 funds to help finance times next year. Brad Sturgeon said he Student Government presidential The board ruled that the press release Complaints can be submitted to the then theEborIiIrcIlI we: dIb atve IainIsIepe .
:l- speakers for UK Law Week,including had learned from Sue Wiley of candidate Buzz .English and his was “campaign material" because It electionsI board until 4.8 hours after eehomh IIhSIS {SIT id u’tuiialve the
‘ ABC newscaster Howard K. Smith, WLEX. Wiley advises SC on the running mate Bobby Dee Gunnell included their platform and was not this years AprilIS elections. 15 a C a (cinch tellh ‘3" d . “.5 T _ .
former State Sen. John Sherman project. violated campaign regulations when written as news by the Kernel. The $0 constitution states that the pIoweIr to to Fvba dey rIenIcomagIIc in '. '. ,
:1: Cooper and Gov. Julian Carroll. Elections for next year‘s Student they submitted a press release to the according to Washington. I elections board. composed of non-SGI c ear y ou kon ahugff'iscal staiement .. . .
r Changing personal rights under the Government will beconducted April4 Kernel before March 27. elections Washington said he questioned the SlhdehtIS-I‘S set uptomsIure candidates “SE“? thasaIidghe did not know who .
‘ Ii law is the basic format. with proposed and 5. Four c ndidates have filed for board chairman Steve Washington nature of the press release Iand that eligibllltyt establish “"3"? dngti: unofficial com laint . ,.
'3‘ topics including abortion. rape shield presidency; the latest presidential said. A story containing the Prompted him to calla meeting of the procedures and regulations. C0“ 9“ mawe h?“ ton said the iinost ' drastic . —
{if laws, and the rights of male parents in candidate was Journalism junior candidates‘ platform was run in the elections board. the elections and investigate election . as :I 8 I t' ns board could take ‘,
:11; divorce cases concerning child Chuck Malkus and his running mate March 12 Kernel. The board received only unofficial disputes. lfa challenge ‘5 flied agains‘; actro; tbeeteoedciioualif 'the offending . _ .
3:; custody, UK Women‘s Law Caucus for vice president business junior Campaign materials. including complaints Washington said and does English andIGunncll.WaShmgt°“5f“ waliid t q 3’ I -
I3}; President Barb Bryant said. Craig Ross who filed March I5. advertising and posters. could not be not have power to take action against the board Will then deCide what ““0“ can ‘ a ‘5‘ . ’ . ‘
:3: :II ' ' .
I; L ' .
« oda .
. iii 1 the assessment during a hearing on McCoy-Elkhorn coal represented a “last opportunity to be heard on several wor'd -
'3' Col.‘s effort to prevent such a ban. However. a United Mine substantial constitutional contentions before he is .}- .
'5 state Workers official said any such action would be designed to electrocuted.“ . "L
. . , protect the Ohio coalknarket and not to cut off all imports of Spenkelink’s case has been watched closely by a na:|0nal OPEC WILL PROBABLY RAISE OIL PRICES ‘) . .
low sulfer coal. alliance of law ers o osed to ca ital unishment. Al iance - - . ' is ' -
_ STATE AUDITOR GEORGE ATKINS said yesterday he McCoy-Elkhorn and Ohio officials are seeking to have a spokesmen havye VOICE: concern that SSenkelink‘s execution 3:312:23 ismlnltmsiiiiroisupflh izitzrgyperte‘ntl 1::de iii 7 ' -
. “0““ “0‘ 5'0!) 0‘" 0f the Democratic gubernatorial race in section of EPA‘s Clean Air Act declaired unconstitutional so could be the start of a revival of such state-imposed deaths. Ah increase by that much Would raise the American retail g ‘ ’
Md" to further ‘h‘ candidacty °f former Louisville Mayor Ohio utilities may burn high sulfer coal from the Buckeye In other action. the Supreme Court agreed to decide rice of gasoline and heating oil by about six cents a gallon. i -! . ' .1
Harvey Sloane. state. Officials said thousands of miners would lose their jobs whether police officers with asearch warrant fora public place p As part of the quarterly series of price increases approved 5 i .' ‘
. . “l h"? “0} been “”70“th by Harvey Sloane 0’ bay if the utilities are permitted to import low sulfer coal rather may search all persons who happen to be there. b Or nization of Petroleum Exporting Countries in i. . i ‘ . '
- I “IIOYODC In hisentrouage 0' advisers With "8er ‘0 any “h“ than install costly statcks and scrubbing devices to meet Dyecemrer. the basic price on barrel of crude oil is scheduled -‘ . a i
ghghtltjsijnri‘halnx‘? Iagzgtfisd‘ I would have “'dt federal clean air requirements. A FEDERAL JUDGE ISSUED A PRELIMINARY to rise 3.3 percent, from “3.35 to $13.84 on April I. But that .- , I ,
A we ken d news r . d Slo ho d _ INJUNCTIlOl‘l yesterday barring The Progresswc magazine increase has been superseded by many OPEC members inthe , , ' ‘I . ,
e . pape FPO“ “I '“F supporters . pe nat|on from ublishin an article on hydrogen bombs. after the form of surchar nerall of nine percent, -. ~
foraSloane-AtkinscoalitionandthatAtkinsmightbegivena P .8 h' n. . d' t . its dis ute ges.ge y . . ,
, high post in a Sloane administration in exchange for his magazine declined .lso u m appomt me m cm“ p i‘ .- 3 i
support. THE SUPREME COURT YESTERDAY REFUSED to With the federal government. , I W the! ’ . ~ . . . s
. hear the appeal of a Florida death row inmate who could The government hadIaskIed US. District Judge Robert . W“ I . .
. THE KENTUCKY COAL FIELDS WOULD BE become the nation‘s first unwilling prisoner to be executed Warren to block publication on grounds the article would . _ ‘.
. I I DEPRESSED if the Environmental Protection Agency since I967. I reveal secret information that could lead to nuclear weapons IT MAY .5 WARMER. but it‘s “I“ not Florida. Partly I ». . ,III
. l Perth"t Ohio to ban Buckeye State utilities from importing The justices. for the third time. left intact John A. proliferation.I . f I I th "I I sunny and mild ioady with highs near 50. Cloudyandwarmer e I .'-
. i low ,ulfer coal.acoal producertestil'ied in federaldistric court Spenkelinlt‘s murder conviction and sentence of death In the The magazine contended the in ormation in e a re Iewas tonight with lows in the upper 30:. Achanee ofraintomorrow . . I. I i.‘
. 3 yesterday. electric chair. readily available and that the article was about secrecy in the with hi I“ in the low 60! I . :‘ ,.
. . I Anthony Woomer. president of General Enegry Co., made Lawyers for Spenkelink told the high court the new appeal nuclear weapons industry. not about the making of a bomb. 3 ‘ I .. ‘ .,
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‘ I it It rum .unne (huh . entry rm tun/um MI IiIIIuI Brian Riekcrd I'lium Uumml'r "
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the L'K Housme on... has a problem: brand- per semester than regular dormitories. .... .1... ii ...... * . , .. __.- a, t h°"
new apartments ready for the fall semester that will T he best suggestions for names will eventually be w. . " ...: H ”l ' A.» l that:
house 600 people. but apartments for which there is routed to a committee designated for selecting W”“ a I . “gym”? the r
no name. _ . building names(there reallyis one).andthe winning i ' g In}, I} m El. “5‘ ! I3 “ ~ ‘ . w : Yr.
Not ones to force a name on future residents. title must eventually be approved by the Board of ‘t - . ' » ' _ - aw”: 72?? '3: . w ‘2 ‘ fl h if . Othel
University officials are willing to consider Trustees. I"; i. _ - e 3"‘i‘i‘iQ -i‘ ,. .. '- at?" . I979
suggestions from the student body on what to call In practice. most buildings are named after “WM”: i ‘i . it. " ”1 “MW Am
the new units being built near Commonwealth people. most of whom have passed away. If you’d it, Wei ‘ M W2~WVW”W '
Stadium and Shawneetown. Each apartment like to chip in your idea. send it to the UK Housing i itsmwww I ~ ' it. i ' - I
houses four students in two bedrooms. and offers 21 Office and they‘d like it as soon as possible. next "Whhw77wwt " i . I. i
. kitchen. dining area and living room for $|0 more semester's coming up quickly, a ’i . . . ' .? . . ' .. ' WWTDQW l
_ _‘ ____ __ ..- _ I
_~_ _____ — —— —— w“.--_._ ————~—— I
3 ENG," Shorta es ' l '
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. I Fayette justice known for his stiff penalties in other and bedding taCll'thS are probably h0t h
s 0 u n ea 0 War . , . . cases; lam wondering what happened titllte what this fine gentleman 0f the __ __
Justice! Only the rich and politically in this one. court is accustomed to. butthenagain, ATIII
connected» people seem to get u I.“ While I have been in the Detention tail is notthe Holiday Inn. Besides. one rhino
Some of those who made fun of many families. It would also make family. But driving on the Public [Ha-”hem. Lou‘nty. When a man. '5 Center. several other men have died ls not put intojail forgoingto Sunday 7:31
President Carter‘s "moral equivalent driving safer for the rest of us. and roads. turning schools into vast responsible for $70000 'h missntg With heart attacks while in the ”SW" SChOOl‘ halal:
of war“ are now advocating an bring down the cost of automobile parking lots. increasing the demand county funds hhd 56"“,th Shhal’h'h cell section Of the jail. Why weren‘t _ . CLUE
immoral substitute for a restraint. We insurance. Actuarial tables show that for non-essential movement. and lah‘ well ‘th Is-some k'hd 0‘ Justice. these men given private rooms l“ the Donnie R‘ Barbor. No.77410 I975 \
hear loose talk. some of it from the the young male driver is the most imposing higher insurance fees , Poor health '5: ho excuse for lh'S Detention Center‘s hospital“? I guess P.0. Box '88 , woo ”
administration andsomefromCapitol dangerous person on the road. these are public concerns. And the Show N partiality toward the heart tFOUhle isn't as serious as LaGrange, Kentucky. 4003] “Hi
Hill. about war m protect our oil .__ later license age would be easy to defendant. lsee plenty of men here at diabetes. :96”
supply. A right-wing columnist , enforce. the Kentucky State Reformatory As far as the letter to the court Free the Eleven ‘18:?!
attacked SALT by sayingthat “emu“ outflder Giving a teenager his or her own car every day-that are in a lot worse shape stating that further confinement injail Five peop|e are again in the metro 5.3.3.:
bUlld UP 01” overkillarsenalfor wall“ b any wills has become a rite of passage. the lhah the 'hdl‘ldual ”I question, and might be detrimental to this jail, and five others will probablv 5‘“ (i
- the Middle East. __‘__.~__ Y 9—“. ___ expected graduation gift. the reward the” charges are a lot less SCFlOUS- . gentleman‘s health. I can say from rejoin them soon. for the “crime." of 1:15:51:
Our “advisers" in Saudi Arabia are . . for minimal stability. This is not onlya The fact ‘th the ex-lrranklin experience that any length or time in protesting against the ClA- W1"—
interpreted. with relief. as a sign that It WOUltl Stlll be POSSIble for a cause ofconspicuous oilconsumption; County Judge W35 53““?an to only the Detention Center is hard on Fromthetimethev werearrcsted for SW“
we have given up our “No more teenager with a real need to obtain a it isasymbol ofthe wasteful habits we one year on reduced misdemeanor anyone's health. unfurlingtheir banners tothe hearing 23?”:
Vietnams" policy. Some people. SPCClal dlll'lng permit. 31" only one expect the world to support 50 charges ‘5 bad enough. Judge Keller '5 I Will have 10 admit that the food where Judge Gudgel in his bullet» :23
crazily. are Clcarly 100klng lior- ”)ng teenagcrtm the lam”), womd b? Issued much that we threaten the world when ‘ M "' '——"—*—‘— “Wm—- proof V65! gave them bonds 0f$l5 000 it"?
to create. new Vietnams. SUCh a license. Th‘S would eliminate it does notcomply. Thosewho pamper l Letters policy l apiece. to the present time their WT“
Let's b 1 wh w 'lk' the Situation. so prevalent now. of a - - - ., - I ~ and ma'or- Un'v ' ~ I ‘ . “—3
e cear at e are ta Ing 4 . their children With carsaredomgthem . I . t "5"! "Why?“ l offense has been the forceful I97Il
about. Supposedly responsible men family with‘three or four teenagers no favor if they mean. as a I The lt'emut-Iri- Kernel welcomes Shohld list their department and expression of views which the 30$
are sayingwe should kill people rather competing for the family car “and consequence. to send them offto war : and encourages contributions from Posmo'l-y l authorities and many citizens do not 4"“:
than cut back our extravagant oil pressmg for the PurCl'l‘lSC 0f another in order to fuel those cars l me UKcommunityfmhwhcaho" 0" The heme] reserves the “gm [0 like i. i i m“
consumption. Those who told us one. I have knownfamilies withtWO 0" H "5 edh‘mal ahd. opinion Paget' condense or rejec‘wnmbhhhns‘ “mil The truth about the (‘l A is ind d hilt):
yesterdav there was no real shortage three teenagers. each of whom drove Garry Wills is a Baltimore columnist. _ ”he” OP'mO'“ and mmmemat‘ me number 0f Sme'ss'Ohh by l un lea t b t . 4 l k . ee _"
tell ustoda'that we mustkill o l t his or her own car. His column which deals with his “'5 mUStbetypfda'lddOUbk-Spacflt he‘luhm wmm‘ and ‘0 ed” all - p. Sim. u we cannot M u up.
. it P? Peg 0 . . . _ , , , I and must include the writer’s contributions for style. spelling. and It Wt” not go away. InGuatcmala,
preventashortage. Howtheylivewnh Some states have imposed a later reflections on American political. fl. t dd d h grammar clarit and ”,1 . in Korea in Chile in Vietnam in
each other I don‘t know; they are 38‘: fordrinking.a law that l5 hard to 50d" '"d economiceventswill appear {$31,311:slttziilllninflufiztizzlllb:tlr statements y I e Gus Indonesia. etc etc the CIA 'has T”
clearly anxious not to let others live enforce and should be left to the every Tuesday. ____m,_.,_ y i g ' it. if ”I"
. . g __ .ponsored fascism in the name of bell
“"twl‘, them, d . _ h democracy and in the interest of US. is;
e are men to entertain suc l corporations. *T
immoral dreams by a set of habits that S‘h’.‘
are themselves immoral. On a limited ‘ The truth about the CIA‘s role in 0::
world we impose unlimited demands. Iran. beginning With the I953 COUp ‘ 7“";
The way [0, cut down our 0” which restored the Shah to power. is , ‘3"
dependence on othfersI Is to cut down - amply documented and NOW partly also“
ourconsumptiono OI .Andthisisnot E I h I l I obtainable even from the 53'“
.. ng Is epartment puts bite on Dracula its:
expensive (whether by decontrol or former Chlef analySt for the CIA on vauv
taxes). The demand is irrational. and Iran. Jesse Leaf. had testified that the lam
, e ‘ , . - _ . . . . v , 1
zithntuhsi‘s resgrftéclltgecpatifnlihezrt‘o cope 3! TERRY GOODIN many people may find in their blood Steinbeck. and others. English texts have gone, or will go Sid/”OK! only set hp “6.5“.“ s hated - In?
S omep c ha nges ( Iipk e u:.he “There is no suchthingasamoral or an? gbOTlt? latigettltlgte Riding. ‘ We’ve all seen Dracula at the through a censorship program. If you ism/:1“: bl" "filth: 31': (0'31”: PM
. ‘ e me a raw a. a prime cinema. watchediton TV.and,. or read do not believe me. ask your English I S as we ' h now a . “h"
developemnet of alternate sources of “[10:31 book. BOOks are-well written example of superb Gothic .Romance. Dracula at our leisure so we should be instructor. and if he or she doesn't the torturerooms were toured, and it :33
chergy) arablongqerm; but that means or a ‘ yfwritjte'n. That is all. This should be permisSIbIe reading at any able to read it in an English class in have a response ask the chairman of was all paid for by the U.S.A.e. the mm
t r . uote . - ' ~ . ‘ . ‘ . ‘
arzytorrlhihe :briifiilslhcivftfhlecc‘ llthgi 1mm:oft-lgorliznlhgrlzr‘eficfi ohf vthe level of English here at UK. but college. right.’ Wrong! Due to an the English department. he‘ll be glad New {I'M/l Th3": $3!“ Leaf as LLJ’.
decided on swiftly Cities ymltllll: b: written by Oscar Wilde. C as ————————————————— incident that occurred during the fall to talk to you. 533"“3 anuary t . - . 2131
. . ' . ' . . . semester of 78. we cannot read about .. . .. . . . ;
revihtalized around public transport. How many of you have read the opinion the Transylvanian neckbiter, A '0‘ 0f "5 who m m the under.2>| h ls the CIA who are the criminals.
m: can banned m some areas and truly CIaSSlC story of Dracula by Bram The incident concerned a father‘s years of age category. can VISIt not those of us who oppose them.The
Parking lots moved to the urban Stoker? Is it well written? Cultivated ————————————— child (at least 18 cars old) who wa Stingles during “Happy Hour.“ buy Eleven can and should be freed. The 1
periphery. readers of the book like Anthony .. . , ‘ l . . 5 beer with our false l.D.‘s. buy Hustler Committee to Defend the Eleven will
B , , . . . apparenuy some people in the asked to read a certain novel which - . ‘
ut some Changes can be quickly Boucher who obVIously loved and h' h fth E l‘ h d . d . . at the Wildcat Newsroom, and see sponsor a demonstration today at
ff d 0 . , g . _ . ierarc y'o e ngis epartment contatne .according to an authority . n h C‘ - -
e ecte . ne Simple but important appreciated it. are Willing to concede do not think so on literature (his mother) erotic ims at t e Inema. but we noon. We WI" picket at the
step would change the driving habits that “it is . . . amasterpiece ofa kind. if In my English 102 class we were “pornography The student was cannot read Draculainacollege Class' Courthouse. the" move to the
. ' r ' ' I - V n v . ‘ ' ~ 9 . . . .
3:02:11; h:|:eetnttrtyl9Trh:hagetlim (ligwlm'g "0t d literary one. Aflhé‘ Annotated ass1gned to read Dracula and Salem is tested on the material and made some What do you [hmk Of that. glunicipal Bundlgg (hn Watl‘nut Street.
absurd that hi hide; lant d tis Dram/a. Introduction by Leonard Lot, (both novels concern vampires). remarks on the test that apparently Dracula may bea pain in the neck, fomlehlomlusmnoca on ll ecourttsto
should be driving th 0l S i1 em; Wolf) 1' am among a group 0f people and compare the styles of the two came from the book. The father saw hi" this type 0f CCDSOFShlP program is [he] b e if?“ d ur ”8“.“ mee7ing
from h l g emse “35 0 d" who enjoy reading horror tales SUCh as authors. It sounded interesting to me the test. and as some of us might say: a pain l" the CENSORED- M e e nes ay evening at m
Th.“ 00 ‘ . . Dracula. where there '5 plenty Of that because during my “high school days“ “He pitched a bitch “ 8"]de Center Room ”9'
s - , . . .
“need“ ponestep wZuld ehhhhale the fearful. SUSllr wonderful. and we seemed to always readthe same old Now. whether you, the students of Terry Goodin Is I Journalism
" r d “CO" and thlrd car ”I sometimes Slll)’ StUll~ The same stuff stuff: Hemingway. Dickens. this “free“country know it or not.your freshman. The Committee to Defend the Eleven
: gnaw.3'41it'lits'waa't:may..2'1:.\'4::!'IJ:\'{: t'l:.i'!:.i'£:.t'/:.\".W: \" W “U” W t"--\"-v"’~"’- "’ "’-"’~v"’-".’~"’--I'.’-"’35'5I‘"118'!.it'll-E'llel'llit'l33915.53";
, - g' :\ 4
1979 LKD Ch ’ DALE FRALEY l5
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ApplIcants Will be ludged on the basrs of their 2 8| COMPLETE ENGINE REBUILDING -7. - 9
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Deadllne for ApplIcatlons: 5 pm Weds., Aprll 4th I m soumo on. Lexr~ero~ ' ,
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a . . BEST COPY AVAILABLE . .- - :
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 .....‘_ ..,.. ...-, . . .,-. ... ,,.
I , , . , . .
' A" A ' | 6d 'iiii. itirs'rtt'ity iti;it.~i;i.. Tuesday. March 17. im—i
I Womens - merica team seect
l Lieberman [OD/(S fOI'WEI' d 10 Olympics t I
‘ I I . . . ~ The Kentuck Kernel is now ecce t'
.. By BOB GRILENI‘. “We worked very hard tor our big girls arentgood- we re the Lady Monarchs stayed. | sophomore Iorviard Denise a Iications f y 9 I979 P In:
3 AP Sports Writer three years to wrn the national Just merpowered. despite the loss to South (‘urry. ll(‘l A; 6-3 IIUnIOr Pp or ‘ "mm" and the 79-30
.‘ title." the New York City native 1 hey replace a 6-5 girl with‘a ('arolina. cum-r J.“ Rankin. Way land “IhOOI W"-
k NEW YORK (AP) Nowthat said. “I‘m glad it came so soon. 6-6. We replace a 6-2 girl With a . . Baptist; 5-9 tunior lorwtird We need appllcatlons for I” positions and are
she has a national basketball But next year is Just as 5-l0, . Besides lht‘ Biblical-old Susan Itiylor. Vuldostastuie. anxiously awaiting your response.
( championship. Nancy Liebcr- important to us as this year.“ ‘ lhe most-recruued high Junior. also named to the AII~
, man wants the Olympic gold . school player in the country Amcrlca lt‘tlm Wt‘rt‘ 5-l0scnltlr (i-I iunior center Rosie Walker.
' ‘ medal. The only high schooler on three years 330. Lieberman I‘orward (‘indy Bmgdl’” "l StcPM" l‘ Austin; 5‘“ WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP
“Wh' ive Russia the old the American silver medal- thought seriously about Tennessee; 5-6 senior guard so homore iuard l‘ rant
3 8 - , . . . . . . l“.
t. medal and settle for something winning team in the |97(~. transferring from Old (aroI (hason