xt7mgq6r269n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r269n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1957 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1957 Vol.23 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, August 1957 Vol.23 No.11 1957 1957 2019 true xt7mgq6r269n section xt7mgq6r269n .. . _ u¢wfl,,wwwi’n?¢fi
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3 1 . boards, bureaus, commissions or organiza- 1 11
J Statutes For 0 en Meetln S tions of this State, which are supported in 1 1.11 1‘
, p 9 whole or in part by public funds, or which i 1 . E E
expend public funds, shall be public meet— 1 1:.
1E .I. d B F S‘- il-e ings, except for deliberations for decisions 1 . 11
nac e y our 8 S of the Illinois Commerce Commission and i“
‘ Illinois Pardon and Parole Board, meetings E 1 1
Arkansas Act Passed March 28 heard and that such practices are contrary where the acquisition or sale of real estate E E' 11 ‘1
An Act to Require the Meetings of A11 to the principles of a democratic govern- is being considered, provided that no other 3
1Boards and Commissions to Be Public, to ment and harmful to the public welfare. portion of such meetings shall be closed to 1 3‘11 1
1 Provide an Exception Thereto, and a Pen- Therefore, an emergency is declared to exist the public, grand and petit jury sessions and 1 ‘ E1
alty for Violation ThereOf. and this act being necessary for the preserva- where the constitution provrdes that a gov- 1 1:
Be It Enacted by the General Assembly “011 of the public peace, health and safety, ernmeiital unit can hold secret meetings. 1 1 ‘1 1‘.
of the State of Arkansas: shall take effect and be in full force from Amendment No. 1. Nothing in this sec- 1 11
Section 1' The meetings of each and all and after the date of its passage and ap- tion shall be construed to prevent the gov- l “ 1t
Boards and Commissions of this State, and PYOVHI’ erning body 0t any agency 0f government 1 :11
1of the political subdivisions thereof, includ— Ohio Amendment from 1101.61ng executive SCSSiOhS t0 COMM-Cl” 1 1 ' ‘E 11
1ing counties, cities and towns, and of meet— To amend section 121.22 of the Revised information regarding employment or dls‘ 1 E 111
lings 0f City Councils, and the meetings 0f Code to provide that all meetings of gov— inissal Of. an employee; provrded, that. no : f 11
each and all departments and agencies 0t ernmental bodies of political subdivisions final action for employment or dismissal 11
the State, or its political subdivisions, and shall be open to the public. shalhbe - taken at an executive sessron. : 1 E
.of all public institutions of the State or its Be it enacted by the General Assembly Nothing 1“ thls Section shall be construed 1 1 1
political subdivision and of each and all of the State of Ohio: to prevent an agency of government from 1 1 E 11 1
meetings of the County Board of Education Section 1' That section 121.22 of the Re- holding an executive session when Federal 1 i .1 ‘1
and 0f each and all meetings 0f the Board vised Code be amended to read as follows: regulation requires lt' . _ _ ‘ “1
MW of Directors of local school districts shall be Sec. 121.22 All meetings of any board or Section 3- “In“? the_ prOVisions 0f thls ‘ , 1 1
10pm to the public, except in those instances commission of any state agency or authority 1%“. MCEDOt complied “uh“. the court may, ; 1 1
“s"1 when such Boards and Commissions meet and all meetings of any board, commission, [‘11 It? discretion: issue 3 “mt Of mandamus ‘ E 111‘
to consider privileged matters, communica— agency or authority of any county, town- “Kim-“Hg [h‘lt ‘1 “ICC-[mg be open t9 the ‘ ‘ E111
1110115: and information concerning ihdiVid” ship, municipal corporation, school district public at large. _ 1 ‘ E‘11:1
,,;j‘ 1rials. In such instances where such Board or other political subdivision are declared to SCCUOD. 14- Any person Violating any 0t 1E
E or Commission meets to consider SUCh PTiV' be public meetings open to the public at all the .prOVisrons (if 11m A“ shall, upon con- 1 1%: 1
1 ilrged matters, communications, and in- times. No resolution, rule, regulation or viction: be 1311””th h)‘ ahne Of not more 1 .: 1 1,
‘ formation concerning individuals it shall be formal action of any kind shall be adopted than 5100 hr by imprisonment 1“ the 1 . 11‘
W1 1“"hWhn for said Board to take any official at any executive session of any such board, houliiiliju‘ltliciinfi111:)[11111110221lifisinnéigenlf‘ys’ or 1 , ‘1 ~
W action on any non-priVileged inatter, And, . . . commission, . . . agency or authority. YS ) 5 ’ . ‘ .1 f _‘ A‘ 1 ' ‘ :1
/ Epi‘owded further, that in the CV61“ an The minutes of a regular or special ses~ ection 5‘. H. any provision O thls Ct’ ‘ E 1
3731*“ 16met‘gency meeting is deemed necessary for sion or meeting of any such board, 1 1 1 or the application of this Act to any par- 111
11116 Consideration 0f non-privileged matter, commission. . . . agency or authority shall ticular meeting or FYI)? or meeting 13 held 1 . 1‘
. the Secretary Of Said Board 01" Commission, be promptly recorded and such records shall mmhd or unconstitutional, SUCh (160519“ 1 ‘ 1
or in his absence or disability the President be open to public inspection. 111““ ”Ct. 2,1116“ the “alum? Of the remain- . 1 1 1
or Chairman, shall notify representatives of The provisions of this act shall not apply 111$ PmylSlonS 01‘ the 011161 “PPnCHthhS Of 1 1 1
:- Ihe newspapers and radio stations of the to the pardon and parole commission when this Act, . a 1
1 1ime, place and date 01 said emergency meet- its hearings are conducted at a penal insti- Pennsylvania ACt NO- 213 1 ‘ ‘
mg at1€€lSt two hours prior to the time Of tution for the sole purpose of interviewing Requiring that meetings of the governing
said meeting so that the public may have inmates to determine parole or pardon. bodies of political subdivisions and of cer- 1 .
representation at same and be informed Section 2. That existing section 121.22 of tain authorities and other agencies perform< 1 1
1 thereon, the Revised Code is hereby repealed. ing essential governmental functions shall 1 1 1
E SECtiOh 2~ Any IIICHIbCI‘ Of a Board 01‘ Illinois Law, Passed July 11 be open to the public. _' E 1
: COmmiSSiOH mentioned in S€Cti011 1 Of this Be it enacted by the People of the State The General Assembly of the Common- 1
1 act who is responsible for giving the notice of Illinois, represented in the General As- wealth of Pennsylvania hereby enacts as ‘
1 as required in Section I and who willfully sembly: follows: 1
‘\"101ates the PIOViSiOHS thereof ShOllld be Section 1. It is the public policy of this Section 1. In this act the following terms ‘
fleemed guilty 0f malfeasance or “1151621531103 State that the public commissions, boards shall have the following meanings: . 1‘
in office and may be removed therefrom. and councils and the other public agencies (A) “Board" The Board of County Commis-
/ Section 3. A11 laws and parts of laws in in this State exist to aid in the conduct of sioners of any county, the council of any ‘
1ConfliCt herewith are hereby reinealed- the people‘s business. It is the intent of city, borough or incorporated town, the i ‘
1 Section 4. It has been found and is de- this Act that their actions be taken openly Board of Commissioners of any township 1
‘ Chmd by the General Assembly that many and that their official deliberations be (011- of the first Class: [116 Board Of Supervisors ‘
Boards and Commissions do not hold public ducted openly. of any township of the second class, the 1
“lefiings and that many executive meetings Section 2. All official meetings of the gov- School Board of any school district, or the 1 E
he held to discuss and consider non-priv- erning bodies of the State, counties, town— Board, Commission or other. governing bOdY ‘ 1
. . . lieged matters and the public is being ships, cities, villages, incorporated towns, of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, 1 1 E1
:ametht'nfi denied the right to information and to be school boards, and all other municipalities, or of any state or municipal authority or E . 111
1 i: i

 ._ 1,.
film i":1 '1 1' '- PAGE TWO THE KENTUCKY PRESS AUGUST, 1957 Auc
. . ‘ similar organizattiton1 cr§at1ed by-or pitifsuant secrecy Provisions WOUId Newsstands Pay
1 to a statute, w ic1 ec ares in su stance -
- ‘ that such organization performs or has for Curb The nght TO Know A strong argument for. weekly newspa. Thrt
its purpose the performance of an essential ' Secrecy provisions in Civil Rights Bill H. to establish newsstands 1h the _t0Wn
’ . 1 governmental function and that its bonds R- 6127: passed by House June 18’ hOW be- espeeially m the smaller Villages m thein
V V shall not pledge the faith or credit or be ing debated in Senate, WOUId subject PUb‘ ritories, was presented by a Texas Publt To
. . obligations of the Commonwealth or of any lishers and reporters to jail terms and fines who wrote hls Central Office:
. political subdivision. for printing without consent of Civil Rights “I have found that the best way to det India!
. l (B) “Public Meeting” That part of any Commission, news about testimony or evi- mine whether one has a newspaper peg An Ac
, meeting of a board during which it votes dence taken in executive sessions of Commis- like to read is to put it on the news Sta ublic pr
, . i upon any ordinance, resolution, motion or sion. and in the stores and see if it sells. Also, for publi:
‘ i other official action proposed by or to the Par. “E” of Title I of Bill H. R. 6127 matter how small the town is, have at] violating
. l board dealing with the receipt, borrowing which sets up Civil Rights Commission, pro— one boy or girl peddling copies in thEI Be It j
. ‘ or disbursement of funds or the acquisition, \‘ides that Commission may hold executive dential sections and Oh the streets as SOOH' of The S,
, use or disposal of services or of any supplies, sessions, as follows: the newspaper comes OUt- Section
i materials, equipment or other property, or (e) If the Commission determines that eyi_ “Three years ago, I was not selling asin philosoph
, the fixing of personal or property rights, dence or testimony at any hearing may tend copy except through the subscription 1' form of
privileges, immunities, duties or obligations to defame, degrade, or incriminate any per- Then I began placing copies in one st holds [0
. -, 0t any person or group 0t persons, provided son, it shall (1) receive such evidence or testi— that ran a page grocery ad every week. the serva
i that the term “Public Meeting” shall not mony in executive session; (2) afford such first I placed 10 newspapers in that sto master of
., mean any meeting, the publication of the person an opportunity voluntarily to appear Now the store is selling 50 copies a wet the publjl
. 3 , facts concerning which would disclose the as a witness; and (3) receive and dispose of And in addition, five other stores are sell’ all of thi
, inStitUtiOH’ progress, or result Of an invest- requests from such person to subpoena addi— 15 copies each week, 60 are being 501d in otherwise
; igation undertaken by a board in the per- tional witnesses. school, since we publish school news. times ent.
; formance of its official duties. Reporters for newspapers, radio and tele— seniors get 4c and the News gets 1c forth tion regal
j Section 2. Every public meeting of a board vision stations, and other representatives of COPIeS- The stores and news stands get the ofliciz
, t 51m“ be open to the public. the people, would be excluded from Com— for each-copy and the News gets 30 We Stlttt t0
3 Section 3- Every board shall hold all Ptlb' mission’s executive sessions. Should they re- now selling 200 newspapers a week in to“ and empl
E lic mgetings at specified times and places 0t port, and publishers print, information The 1950 population Of Kountze was 1165 T0 tha
which public notice shall be given. Public about evidence and testimony taken in Com- “Gradually I have found myself cateri shall be
1 notice of the schedule of regular meeting mission’s executive sessions, they would be to those 200 buyers. That is, we play “iOf carryii
i shall be given once for each calendar or subject to jail term and fine, according to news and pictures that will make the nethJOIiCY-
t: fiscal year and shall show the regular dates Par. “G” in Title I of Bill which reads as paper sell in the stores and news stand! Sec. 2.
l and times for meetings and the place at follows: Needless to say, the thing that makes (1)Th‘
. g t which meetings are held. Public notice of (g) No evidence or testimony taken in exe- newspaper sell in the stores also bringg'anywritii
t each speCial meeting and of each re-sched- ciitive session may be released or used in renewals and new subscriptions. Also, su required,
. , uled regular or speCial meeting shall be public sessions Without the consent of the sales bring in advertisers. Three years at Statute Oi
‘, t given of the date, time and place of each Commission. Whoever releases or uses in the News was a four-page newspaper excl administr
i meeting. PUth notice shall be given (1) by public without the consent of the Commis- “'61?" NOW we PhhhSh six and eight P33 or any Of
l ‘ Pomng atcopy 0; the notice prominently at sion evidence or testimony taken in executive regularly. Merchants who sell the newspa (2) Th‘
1 the prinCipal office of the body. holding the session shall be fined not more than $1,000, in their stores want an ad in every issue," lllean the
, ‘ meeting or at the public building in which or imprisoned for not more than one year. We know a number of Kentucky publ' tions affe
the meeting 15 to be held, or (2) by publish- ers who have success stories to match -the state
1 . ing the notice once in one newspaper of _"——'—"—_—_‘ Let’s hear from you on the subject of ne agency-oi
l general circulation in the political sub- act upon summary conviction thereof shall stand sales and street sales. We’ll publish SUb-dmsit
L division where the meeting will be held at be sentenced to pay a fine not less than special bulletin on the subject if enough0 or ageno
l ‘ least three days prior to the time of the ten dollars ($10) nor more than twenty-five you will tell us about your operation. transactin
i ‘ first regularly scheduled meeting in the case dollars ($25) and costs of prosecution. . Wthh it
, of regular meetings and at least twelve hours Section 5_ The act of May 31, 1947 (p14 . uhdtr an
it prior to the time of the meeting in the case 334) entitled “An act requiring that all Reappraisal Of Canon 35 mmlmatl
Of special or re—scheduled meetings. Phh’ meetings of legislative bodies of political After a year of photo coverage of mo Sec, 3‘
lication in the legal periodical 0t the county subdivisions and of boards, commissions and trials, the latest before New York meetii: be Other
l shall hOt be required. The bOdy holding authorities created by or operating as agen- of the American Bar Association, ho Every Citi
: any meeting shall supply on request copies cies of political subdivisions at which ordin- grows that the AMA may relax Canon 5: regltlat h
i ”t the public notice thereof to any news- ances, resolutions, rules, regulations and Action is in this direction and is expECl tJOdiesor
l ‘ paper 0t general circulation in the political other actions are adopted to be open to when the Bar Media Conference Commitl Ital sub-(
l1 StlbdiViSiOh in which the meeting Will be the public permitting the holding of execu- presents its report on the photo ban can mp?“ t]
it held and to any radio station which reg— tive sessions from which the public is ex (also on Canon 20) to the ABC’s H011Scot [mm b
ularly broadcasts into the political Shb' cluded, but prohibiting the adoption or Delegates next February in Atlanta. Herbefl hEmoran
1 (ItViSiOh- ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regula— Brucker, editor of the Hartford (CWnil ‘HSPEcted
i Section 4. Any member of a board who tions at such sessions,” and Section 424, act Courant, recently told the Texas Barri? Ste 4.
‘ ‘ participates in any public meeting knowing of March 10, 1949, (PL 30), known as the sociation he had no doubt that “in all 9” be Otherv
i that it is being held or conducted in viola— “Public School Code of 1949" added May 9, states this thing is going to end Withl 9“.th p
itll . t 1 tion of the provisions of Section 2 of this 1949, (PL 939), are repealed. camera in every court." amt-h 01
i 1 ,
t lit!” |I|;'tlt I
. , 1‘,

 . E. ,- ». .-,-~::;'E“:' ., L," ,5 3,'...‘".',"';E"'..2'"’f fif-‘W ,, . ': , ,, . , . . . - , HH.".-\EEE;\1E _E .,
. 2 iii
sion of the Military Department which in- 3 E 1;:
volve the securit of the United States and/ E E . '
ekly newspa., Three Sta tes EnaCt Laws or the State of "Illennessee, including but not E
the town restricted to National Guard personnel E .
iges in their! P bl . R d records, staff studies and investigations, shall j E
Texas publis To Open u IC ecor S be treated as confidential and shall not be ,I
6: open for inspection by nlembers 0f the % E 5
i“ way to de Indiana Act Approved March, 1953 insofar as physical facilities permit, be per- public. , El
:wspaper p60 An Act relating to public records and mitted to observe such proceedings. . Section 3. Be it further enacted, that in , . E-
the news 5” public proceedings, and providing penalties Sec. 5. Nothing in this act contained all cases where any person has the right to .1 E , E. i
it sells. Also, for public officials who are found guilty of shall be construed to modify or repeal any inspect any such public records, such person 1 E ' EE
is, have atl violating the provisions of said act. existing law with regard to public records shall have the right to take extracts or make E E E
pies in their Be It Enacted by the General Assembly which, by law, are declared to be confiden- copies thereof, and to make photographs or EE
Etreets as $0011 of The State of Indiana: tial. Nor shall anything in this act .be con- photostats of the same while such records E E . EE
Section 1_ Pursuant to the fundamental strued to modify or repeal any existing law, are in the possession, custody and control E E E
tsellingasin philosophy of the American Constitutional E1116 or regulation, V‘Elth regard to the 1.101d' 0t the lanUE custodian thereof, or hls I E E ' EE
ubscription 1' form of representative government which ing of executive sessmns by any administra- authorized deputyi prov1ded, however, the E E EE
,es in one it holds to the principle that government is tive body or agency. Prov1ded, however, lawful custodian of such records shall have E . .EE
every week. the servant of the people, and not the that no administrative body or agency shall, the right to. adopt and-enforce reasonable E j ‘ E
.5 in that sto master of them, it is hereby declared to be under the gmse of holding an executive ses~ rules governing the making of such extracts, E E . E E
copies a wet the public policy of the State of Indiana that Sion, conduct public proceedings in such copies, photographs or photostats, E E E.
:tores are 5311' all of the citizens of this state are, unless a manner as to defeat the declared policy Section 4. Be it further enacted, that any E, E
)eing sold in otherwise expressly provided by law, at all of this act as set forth in Section 1 hereof. othcial who shall Violate theEprovmons of E E
1001 news. times entitled to full and complete informa— Sec. 6. Any .publlC official of the state, this act shall be deemed guilty of a mis— E E
gets 1c forth tion regarding the affairs of government and or of any political subdiVision thereof, who demeanor. . . . E
,5 stands get the official acts of those whom the people denies to-any Citizen the rights-guaranteed Section 5. .Be it further enacted, that E E‘ E
gets 30 We select to represent them as public officials to such citizen under the provmoris of Sec— nothing herein shall. be deemed or con- E E
a week in to“ and employees. tions 3 and 4 hereof, and any public offiCial strued to repeal, modify or alter any of the 1 EE i
untze was 1,55 To that end, the provisions of this act who, under the guise of participating in an prov1s10ns of Chapter 1 of Title 36 of the EE i
myself cateri shall be liberally construed with the View executive sessmn of the administrative body Tennessee Code Annotated relating to adop- . E E
is, we play E of carrying out the above declaration of or agency of which he is a member, attempts tions, nor shall any of the prOViSions of this , E ,EE’EEE‘E
make the He“ policy. to defeat the purpose of this act aslset forth Act apply to any of the reports, records or E ti , E
1d news stanl Sec. 2' As used in this act: in Section 1 hereof, shall be gUIlty.0l§ a documents in adoption proceedings in Ten- E , E
that makes ClE '(1) The term “public records” shall mean misdemeanor, and shall, upon conv1ction nessee except as expressly prov1ded and di— E ,E EE
5 also brings'ani’ writing in any form necessary, under or thereof, be fined not less than $50.00 nor rected-under such adoption laws. . E i 1 .
ions. Also, su required, or directed to be made by any more than $500.00 to which may be added Section 6. Be it further enacted, that this i J E E
Fhree years an Statute or by any rule or regulation of any imprisonment in the county JElll for a term Act shall take-effect from and after its pas- E E
awspaper excl administrative body or agency of the state not to exceed 30 days. - sage, thePpublicl welfar: reqNuiripgzit. .. .' E
and eight pig or any of its political sub-divisions, Tennessee Act Passed March 22 . 'ennsy vania ct 0. 1 E E
[1 the newspa (2) The term “pUbliC proceedings” shall An Act requiring all State, County and Requiringcertain records of the Common- E
1 every issue," new the transaction of governmental func- Municipal records to be open for public wealth andlits'politicgll suEdiViSionsand of E E E
antucky publ' tions affecting any or all of the citizens of inspection. 'EcrEmE” Em” ioritiles an 0‘ C: lzfencfs Petr' E , E E
E to match -the state by any administrative body or Section 1. Be it enacted by The General borinmg i556“? goyernmenda- unc {0115130 E . E
subject of ne agency-0f the state, or any of its political Assembly of the State of Tennessee, that eopen Frtf‘mg‘nn‘mon dnltilnsgeglon y E ‘ i
We’ll publish sub-dwisions when such administrative body all state, county and municipal records shall citizens 0a e Vlommiinw‘fz 1 01 d::‘“::r: E E
act if enough0 or agency is convened for the purpose of at all time, during business hours, be open \dilltl,Edlll.1(.)1‘12.lng suc kc1 1 e135 itn . E
peration. transacting the governmental function with for personal inspection by any citizen of tam (011(1t10n5 to 1113.6 ex rac 5, copies, , E E
__ Which it is charged under any statute or Tennessee, and those in charge of such photographs or photostats of such records, . E
under any “116 01‘ regulation 0f SllCh ad» records shall not refuse such right of inspec- and PmVIdmg for appeals to the Courts 0f : E E
35 ministrative bOdY or agency. tion to any such citizen, unless otherwise Common Pleas]. A bl f' h C '
iverage of m0 bSec. 3. Except as may now or hereafter provided by law or regulations made pur- ETlhe Genera Tam. Y}? be ommon ‘
v York meetiit e Otherwise Specifically provided by law, suant thereto. “ea th of Pennsy vania ere y enacts as ,
LOCiation, ho every citizen of this state shall, during the Section 2. Be it further enacted that the fouow?‘ . . .
~elax Canon 5: FCgular bUSineSS hours Of all administrative medical records of patients in state hospitals Section 1 1n thls act the followmg terms :E
and is expect Elodies or agencies of the state, 01‘ any polit- and medical facilitiesE and the medical Shall li‘aVC thenfollowmg meanings; i
ence Commit! Ital sllb-division thereof, have the right to records of persons receiving medical treat- (I) EAEgency any department, board or E
hoto ban can "18pm the PUbliC records 0f 511511 adminis- merit, in whole or in part, at the expense commissmn Of the executive branch. 9f the , , E
ABC’s Housed tratiVe bodies or agencies, and to make of the state, shall be treated as confidential Commonwealth, any political subdivision of
ttlanta. Herben EHEmoranda abstracts from the records so and shall not be open for inspection by ”EC Commonwealth, the Pennsylvania Turn-
artford (COME Impacted members of the public. The information Plkle Commission} or any state or mumifplill ‘E
Texas Bar fl? 39C. 4. Except as may now or hereafter contained in such records shall be disclosed aut iority or 5m” ar origami??? derelate _y E i
that “in allow be otherwise specifically provided by law, all to the public only in compliance with a orbpursuanth to a sltlatute w. ict- ec arfes in E
to end With! pilblic Proceedings shall be open to any subpoena or an order of the court. The su stance t at suc organiza ‘On per orms 3 E
Citizen of this state, and every citizen shall, records, documents and papers in the posses- (Please Tum TO Page Five) E t 1, .jE
E E .
E E i
l E r) r

 ._ l"
’ l
~ I I
. i The 'T0p Tenl Important Perry J. Ashley
- * = T e Kentuc y Press Newspaper Problems New KPA Assistant
- _ . _ The following were determined as the top The officers and executive committee
. . Offtcml Publication ten curre 1 l’ -k P A - -
.. . . . nt newspaper problems by a survey {16 xentuc Y ress SSOClathh, Inc,
. ' KentuCky Press Assocnatlon, Inc' of members of Newspaper Association Man- nounce the appointment of Perry J. As A
._ Kentucky Press SerVIce, Inc. agers, Inc., and adopted in their annual as assistant secretary to the Secretary-M
‘ VlCl'Ol' R. Portmann, Editor meeting at Eagle River, Wisconsin, August ager in the Central Office. He will assist
. J i 1 Perry J. Ashley, Associate Editor 16, 1957. general Operation 0f the ASSOCiatiOn and
i'- Member While there were many other excellent KentUCkY Press Service, and serve as associi
‘ Kentucky Chamber of Commerce suggestions made, the above represent the editor 0f the Kentucky Press.
. Sustaining Member. . concensus of nearly 30 NAM members, in- Perry is a graduate student in political
‘ 1 National Editorial Assocrathn cluding some who conferred with publishers ence, minoring in Journalism, at the Unit
, ~_ ‘ Newspaper Managers Assocration in preparing their lists. The problems are sity of Kentucky and is assistant director
, Printed by The Kernel Press not hsted In any order of importance, since student publications. He holds the rank AU
‘ i ——'—"—'— lhe committee agreed that all were Of equal instructor in typography on the Journal
The Kentucky Press Assoczatton recognizes the importance. staff Durin h' n' h d'
» ' fundamental importance of the implied trust . . . . . ', g, Is 86 ior year ewase