xt7mgq6r2682 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r2682/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1989 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1989 Vol.60 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, October 1989 Vol.60 No.10 1989 1989 2019 true xt7mgq6r2682 section xt7mgq6r2682 ,n, :Lire “1‘; ?
3 e ,. y
, I cial Publication of the Kentucky Press Service - Volume 60, Number 10 - October, 1989
l I . 3; 9“"
, .' .
, , vardlnal Rule of Open Meetings. _ ,
l ' ' I. . .. . ‘5»K‘As'l£:fi¥“3
\ _ . sporters should know their rights ,. ee.
5 ». «m Greene ..---'— +—‘*--—.. ‘
itt, Tarrant and Combs '
mm 93%, 231% W 1:17
W lmx(‘jm’ie_‘».eor's Note: Kim Greene, with Wyatt, Tarrant
and Combs law firm in Louisville, is an attorney
for the Kentucky Press Association Freedom of
Information Hotline. Questions for the Hotline
should be directed to Kim Greene or Jon Fleis-
Chaker, (502) 589—5235
‘__—IF" =I_—_—T.l_'
The cardinal rule for any reporter who _ "_
covers the meetings of public agencies is Know ca")?
YourRights Under the Kentucky Open Meetings I
Law. Many public officials do not fully under— I $E1 ‘
stand the law, so it is likely you will encounter _',.' g“ 11';
public agencies which will unwittingly violate —_
it. It is your role, therefore, to insist that the law real property), Exemption 5 (collective bargain-
be followed. ing negotiations), Exemption 6 (discussions
What should you do when you are cov- which might lead to the appointment, discipline
ering a meeting of a public agency and a mem- or dismissal of a individual employee, member
ber of that agency moves to go into closed ses- or student) the public agency may not go into
sion? First, listen carefully to the motion. Did the closed session without vote on a proper motion
movant state the exception to the Open Meet— to do so.
ings law which he or she believes pertain? If not, Even if the closed session is appropriate
it is appropriate for the reporter to ask to be under the law, the agency may only deliberate
recognized and to inquire as to the purpose for and discuss, it may not vote, take final action or
the closed meeting. Did the motion carry by a reach consensus on the issue. Any vote must be
—-———-—-—-—-—-— taken in an open session. In addition, the discus-
If there's a motion to go into sions and deliberations are limited to the proper
closed session, listen carefully subject of the closed session. If the agency
_____________— wishes to discuss other topics, it must return to
majority vote in open, public session? If the the PUbfiC session to do 50- These rules aPPI‘Y
stated purpose for the closed session is Exemp- .
tion 2 (deliberations on the acquisition or sale of (Contlnued on Page 3)

Page 2
NC 908138136118... WEE [KKEWWZIJEEKW
III C C as 8 1989 Executive Committee District 12 .
Louise Hatmaker
Larry Craig Jackson Times
Fulton goes weekly ”95““
Green River Republican District 13
. r Richard Andetkin
The Pulton Dally Leader converted to a Davie Hawpe , Mg. yamsggnai M
weekly publicatlon on October 11, according to 2293:3233 ”mes D. . tej
publisher William Mitchell, ending 90 years as a . dweller," : ‘f
daily newspaper. 09'“ ”PM” Pulaski Week :
. Vice Presrdent $5.;
Mitchell, who made the announcement LaRue Coumy Herald News District 15A ‘41
to staff Qctober 2, said, The reason for changing Mary Schurz Lainéeoe‘nHerald-Leade’ 1%,
from daily to weekly lS purely economics. The Twurer it
local retail market has not grown enough to Dame “mate Messeng‘" gs"? :fid ’52
. . . , uy a is ,, p:
sustain our using costs. glgggfiggm Citizen Voice ”lines ’5
"Because of pride in its heritage, we put Henderson Gleaner 5M, lit-Largo ‘53
off as long as we could the decision to go
weekly." 1989 Board of Directors 31913;”? d d 3‘27:
. . en y an ar 3’“:
The newspaper began pubhcatlon as the District 1 at
Fulton Dail Leader on un - Jer'YLY‘e‘ “was 5"}
y . _ I e 25’ 1828' The F111 Benton Tribune-Courier Crittenden Press 1""
ton Leader, as it IS now known, W111 be pub- git-"l
_ Di trict 2 Kentucky Press Associationl [€33
hshed Wednesday, the same day as the Fulton J9: Diningham Kmucky press 59M“ 31a" 3;
Shopper, a free-Circulation pubhcation. Dawson Springs progress _ g;
The change affects staff as well as sub- Districts Eféumllg‘r’r'ifri?" E
scribers. Mitchell said six staff positions would Richard Halicks U H d ”it?
I o o n . - . ca w 'll
be ehmmated and subscrlbers W111 recelve the OWN” Messem mum" Membetsgrervices Director E3
newspaper by mail mstead of carrier. District 4 5*
Mary Jane Smith Bonnie Howard is:
Paducah purchase of Arkansas da'l ' ff LOW Lame“ Democrat Bummger
i y is o . .
Districts Gloria Davis l3??—
The proposed sale of the Paragould fireman E I . KPS Advemsmmmmr t
, ews nerprise . i3?
(Ark) Daily Press to the parent company of the gzcbafl'; . . E?
‘ - - re t t ”x ‘
Paducah Sun has fallen through, accordmg to 315$”me my eceploms fir
Paducah Newspapers, Inc., officials. 0'th Era “"9“" °"'°°'s I
The two companies apparently reached mm 7 Advertising Division
an agreement for the sale in August with a the Ke'bywam my 8m“
. - Lexington Herald-Leader " ”'3"
change to take effect 1n September. However, GallanncoumyNews g
Fred Paxton, president of the Paducah com- gismouefg Smilax?” 3‘
' iI - , ary inn »
pany, sarzcail,1 The partles were unable to negotl— Maysville Ledger independent Damllle AdV°°aIe Messenger Tit-i
at m . “m
e utu y satisfactory terms of the purchase, Ken Mm News Ednogta, :
so they agreed to terminate the proceedings. Bath County News Outlook ”the“ Ha'mks J
' . _ Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer i_
Floyd County Times now tWIce weekly Dismw-n D r;
The Flo d Count Times ' P t Jahnwsamo “mafia '"° W
1n - - ' ' ‘3"
Y _ . Y . res ons Ashiand Daiivlndependeni Associates Division Chairman
burg began pubhshmg tw1ce weekly on Sep- V
tember 1. The Kentuck ' '
. y Press (ISSN-0023—0324) is published monthly
Publisher Marty Backus said the rrpro_ and :31de class postage paid at Frankfort, Ky., 40601, and
. . n t a 'tional mailin offices. Subscri tion ' ' $4 ‘
re551 a g p price 15 per
5 V8 future _Of this area allowed for the year. Postmaster: Sendchangeofaddressto TheKentucky
mcrease 1n pubhcation dates for the Tunes. Press, 332 Capitol Avenue, Frankfort. Ky., 40601, (502)223-
. 8821.
(Continued on Page 7) Official Publication of the Kentuck Press Service

 Page 3
Reporters should know rights In Open Meetings law
(Continued from Page 1) invited in to observe, then the session is not truly
whenaquorum 0f the 1911th agency itselfmeets closed. That is grounds for yet another objec—
or when a duly appointed committee of the tion.
1’11th agency meets. Once the public agency returns to open
If all the moving member does is parrot session, you will find out what final action, if
the words of the Open Meetings exemption to any, the agency takes on the subject. You will
explain the purpose for the closed meeting, it is also have an opportunity to question megnbers
‘ appropriate to ask for more information. For of the public agency about what took j‘place:
example, if a public agency merely says it is were discussions of general policy he a ,_ Was a
going into executive session to discuss person- straw vote taken? did the subject‘fid the
nel matters, it has not made a proper disclosure scope of the legitimate “exemfitiotfl? All of this
of the basis for the closed meeting. Therefore, can lead you to: (1) infoi‘mation for your story
you should ask for more specific information. and (2) information that will help you and your
‘ What is the particular subject for the closed lawyers assess whether protest or legal actiOn is
meeting? Does it involve an individual em- warranted. M45. ““' '
ployee or a group of employees? Could it lead to If you become convinced'that the closed
the appointment, discipline or dismissal Of that session was unlawful, there are several avenues
employee? Will pOliCy matters be discussed? If, available to you. Often a strongly WOI'dEd
after getting as much explanation about the "watch dog" letter from your editor or your
1 closed session as you can, you believe an exemp- lawyer will prevent further abuse. If a stronger
‘ tion is being improperly employed by the public arm is needed, you can ask the Kentucky Attor—
agency, you should object to the Closed session ney General to render an opinion that the meet-
on the record. That means that your Objection iS ing was closed in violation of the Open Meetings
heard and recognized by the presiding officer so Law. (For more information on how to petition
that it will be noted in the minutes of the meet- the Attorney General, call the KP A Hotline at
ing. Objection on the record is important if you 502-589-5235), or you and your newspaper can
decide later to seek an opinion from the Attor— file a lawsuit in the county where the public
ney General or to file a lawsuit for a violation of agency is located.
the act. Finally, perhaps your most powerful
_‘_—_—_ tool is the story or editorial that you publish that
If you believe an exemption (to the ____—_______.
; Open Meetings law) is being improp- If you're convinced the closed ses-
( t erly employed by the public agency, sion was unlawful, you can:
i you should object to the closed ses- (1) write a "watch dog" letter to the
sion on the record public agency
" —-—--—---————-—— (2) call the Attorney General and
If You believea Proposed Closed seSSion ask that office to render an opinion
1 t is improper and you have stated your objection (3) file a lawsuit
, to the public agency, should you dig in your
heels and refuse to leave the meeting monflAs informs the public that its elected or appointed
the statute 15 currently wr1tten,thls type 0f “VII officials are conducting public business behind
disobedience is not adVISed. Leave the room closed doors. That story is important in and of
when asked, but don't pack up and go home. By itself.
_, staying in the vicinity, you will see who, other
than members of the public agency, went into If you have questions about Kentucky's
the meeting room during the closed session. 0 H M 6 CU s or‘ 0 II 12 C C ords 15W
Essential staff may be present and witnesses PC 08 _ PC ’
may attend, one at a time for the duration of call the KDA Hotlmc at (502) 5895235-
their testimony only. If groups of people are Ask for Kim Greene or Jon Fleischakcn

 Page 4 . __ ’ --‘ d: Page 5
For Sale -- Compugraphlc 7200 - . ' .. -_ J!" Li? fir. For Sale -- Quadritek 1410, 2 monitors,
(headllner) With several font strips. f 151:», -':' _ - ..,;- ,.‘ _’ IE 35;..- 2 ke b ar d 14 f nt 11 t d'-
Worked when stored two years ago. _,-' ' ~....,- 1 r 3, Hath; .' {fig ‘9. _ y 0 5' o . s,'exce en con 1
. $1 000 ‘1. [5* .- . . p_..__-. . {-1 EFL "‘{5 tlon. 5 years old. Still in use. $5,000.
~ ’ ' .. ififi-‘git’éfialr 5:; it, .
Contact Alan B. Gibson is; ‘50“ "231‘???" 2% :5 . . 1 , .‘_. 1; 5?} Compuwriter II. $100
Clinton County News, Albany {2;}: "f: if" .' _ . .. *1: If" @P, Contact Charlie Hust
(606) 387-5144 i’l‘ . , {Kw 5 "if: : ’ 15": 1"?! Providence Journal Enterprise
{Pal .1; 1%... F ., . '-' '. 1;". ' - (502) 667-2068
For Sale -- Compuwriter IV - low range kg} ' «Egg-“:5 . . , Ir"
- excellent condition - 9 to 36 points, 4 - u -. i; .Z/ ?'0
ears old - 10 fonts. $500. ' ,3: .-,' ILLS-'iilgl‘agrlg '.~_=
Compuwriter I - 12 years old — excellent F5" - ‘vflfim- ' id.” : 33:4?
condltion. Several fonts, gears, etc. . . -, it iii-15:9“ '1‘ >_ 3.: '1‘; f”. *ng 9" . w For Sale __ Mycro-Tek 11 __ news, classi-
$200° 33' =.:"- __.-» i 5:- ; ‘1' -. ' 4“ ‘ '.;'- fied and editing system. $4,500.
KPA member newspapers ' I ' 5"? -' ’ " ' ' 2 Com u ra hic 8400 esetters Best
Contact Moss Vance have inventoried their supplies ' ' * ff r P g P typ '
Woodford Sun, Versaillies and equipment and are offering for sale the 2838 l tl’ RC
(606) 873-4131 following items. Please contact the newspaper listed for more information. Best offeic me paper processor. ,
For Sale __ 2 Compugraphic 7200 I for Sale -- Compugraphic 7200 with 15 C
- - - . ont strips ontact Mary Schurz
For Sale -- 5 Harris termlnals and dISC headliners. . . Danville Advocate Messenger
dereS. Make Offer. 2 Compugraphlc Compuwriter Jrs. $500. ( 60 6) 236-2551
25 assorted font strips
2 - 4961 Compugraphic typesetters. ,
Make Offer. One Jr. and one headliner were working IggfltCZCdeglgidfilTi?;lesville
when the switch was made to another (502) 927-6945 ’
1 1400 Compugraphic headliner. typesetting system. The other two ma-
$1,000 or Best Offer chines need repair -- could be used for ' For Sale'-— Compuwriter IV TG; Clean,
spare parts. _ . . was in very good condition when we
1 Compugraphic Comp IV TG. $2,200. .-_ For‘Sale T 1250W Multillth press w1th switched to new system. Always main-
‘We’ll sell 1entire lot, plus font strips, for a chaln delivery. In good COI‘ldl’fIOII $800- tained service contract on machine.
Contact Michael Benham song. Make us an offer. You haul. C R M t $300 or Best offer.
Meade County Messenger ontact uss e z x
(502) 422'2155 Contact Jim Rector Bath County News Outlook Minolta EPBSOZ copier. Needs $150 in
Georgetown Graphic (606) 6744181 parts to run like new. $500 5
(502) 863-4444
Contact Jerlene Rose
. Clay City Times '
If you have used equipment or supplies For Sale -- Two Compugraphic 7200 Contact Tom Moore (606) 663-5540
for sale or to give away, this free listing is headliners. Several fonts. W111 sell one The Interior Journal, Stanford
available by contacting the KPA Central or both. $500 each or Best Offer. (606) 365-2104 . _
Office, (502) 223-8821. .

 1: Page 6
’ C1055 KCfltUCky
‘1 Dane Ward, who most Times in Irvine has been hired as the position previously held by
i recently taught English and social general assignment reporter. Agee.
; science courses at Cincinnati Richmond Register pub- Jamie Baker-Nantz, who
3 Technical Conegel has been lisher Fred Hall recently an— JOIHEd the Grant County News
- named associate editor 0f the nounced personnel changes in the and Grant County Express m FEb‘
‘ Kenton County Recorder and the daily's circulation department. ruary as a staff writer, has been
: Recorder Connection. Bruce Agee has been named circu— named ed1tor of the two Land- g
, (33117011 Rowe, a recent lation director, replacing George mark newspapers, replacmg
3 graduate 0f Murray State UaneT' Melton, who has been promoted Debra Jasper who reSIgned. Jasper
: Sltyl has joined the Creenvrlle to a similar position with the New has enrolled at Ohlo State Univer- s:
Leader News as general assign- Albany (1nd.) Tribune. Jim Stone sitytoworkonhermaster'sdegree
‘ ment reporter. has joined the Register's circula- 1n Joumallsm.
. Wade Daffron, a TGPorte—r tion staff as district sales manager,
3 and photographer for the Times us "we...
‘ Journal and Russell County News, STATEMENT OF OWNEfiELPd.b’MnAtNSAgEm‘ENT AND CIRCULATION
‘ “as be“ “med 9‘1“” °f the “V"
weekliesbypublisherDavidvav- . was. Illllll
in erne w1 e wo wee 1es
. , . , . . ' 5. Com m- Mltlm Adduu at m. Hud uul-u av Glnull summ- Omen n I P m u riun
. . . . Pubulhm Want and Calvin! ”dull‘ A401")
the harrodsburg Herald as a sales a... m... m..............,m.,..,
‘ representative_ David T. Thompson, Editor
sports e.d1tor Of the WIn?1I}eSt‘er 7. fwmI/owliyumyfll inwamlbmlk)w'danz'ubomhflfiWManwwflmI;/lmmhl17!an
Sun, resrgned from that posrtion in .51.... .mzm u: .25.“; £23,: ., "batsman; m. b. 22%". MumuTgm. wild. matrix”
'd A d . - h mmdnldnnmlbrmfli} lhtmmubcrwlzudl
rm - ugust an 13 now in c arge
. . «—
of the Unlted Press International W—
. . ——_
. bureau. The bureau IS belng —-—_
. ——
moved from Lexmgton to ——
Frankfort. .
Berry Craig, former fea- g— '
. _—
““9 wnter for the Paducah Sun, __
has )01ned Paducah Community —_ 1
College as a history and journal- " it:tawnkzltzfi'fl".$373;':i°.2:.‘.“.‘l:.'.“:fLI.°..“.‘.'.2.".E:'.:L".‘1::;.‘fifflfiffiifii’ififl.mW...m... m.
‘ ism instructor. L“ N a. _ L" C D M h
; Pam L 0 ll e assistant U»!.2.§J..&"Ef&3§1"““ Cloi'..£.‘.3""§ ”1222. 1L...'..‘$:5.7?13.’.’.1.":",‘”‘"‘""’“‘"”"’
l g I ‘°- mm and Nut": o1 chulllmn Amm No. Capln Eoch um amino Actual No cw.- 01 5mg.- In...
1 managing editor of the Mt. Ster_ an mmmmrmuw Pvucmlnn 12 Mnnlm Pum-m Nut-Ina Flhng om
: 1mg Advocate, has been named —m-._
editoroftheMontgomeryCounty ——_
weekly by publisher Doug Tay-
lor- Logue, who has been with the
Advocate for two years, replaces
Jeff Spradun who is returning to ..,..-
‘ school. " ‘if”é‘.t3°‘u.'i'.'t:“i.”é:3., mm”... 1 s: .
Taylor has also __ -
d dot Brent Risnerlafor- m- .
mer intern With the Advocate and n. I unity that the “."mm' (nud- hV Sianllw. ma rm. o! Edllm. Tiara... ammu- Mun-nu. cl Dwnu ‘
reporter for the Citizen Voice &: '“""°"""‘°"""”"°°’“""° W a” ' I ’ '
PI Fm 3526, Dec. 1m (Sn iiummiw m mm») ‘

 Page 7
(Continued from Page 2) the local literacy program is Independent, Gleaner
. . . . $500 richer because of the -
Enterprise burlding dedicated newspaper's efforts. receive safety awards
Thestaff and owners of About 100 people at- The Ashland Daily
the Manchester Enterprise tended the luneheon WIth p ro - Independent and the Hender-
paused for a few moments ceeds beneflttmg the Bullitt son Gleaner have received the
3' September 12 to dedicate the County Adult Literacy Pro- 1988 awards for the safety rec-
new building, printing press gram. . ords of their newspaper deliv-
and other equipment. The During her speech, ery vehicles in the Annual Safe
at service was conducted by a Mrs. Wilkinson acknowledged Driving Campaign.
Manchester minister. the efforts of the Pioneer News The annual competi-
James Nolan Enter- and encouraged others around tion is co—sponsored by the
prise company pr e si d’ent, said the state to hold similar fund- American Newspaper Pub-
the printing press was the only ransng events for literacy. lishers Association and the
' t ' th 1d E t - . , International Circulation Man-
23;? 31131111; web: salvggeefi Radclitf Leader asks readers agers Association.
from a July 30 fire. opinions of paper's future '
N l dd d th t t ff - .
memberleasIc: Sediatedathseran- The Radcliff Leader ' Advertlsmgrldeas
selves to the purpose and the tOOk a rather unusual ap— Some HBW—Some Old"
- - All Producers of
future of the newspaper dur- proach to its future, asking Pl 0 ll .
ing the service. readersif the Hardin County "5' 0 3'5
. weekly"is worthy ofcontinued Sold by ”5
N-E Wins AP l COnleSl publication?" Call 1-8001874-7785' and a r
The Elizabethtown Managing editor ”p'fififlfivfigflg m: ”i"
News—Enterprise was judged George Wright, in an arude TV Listings profitable. ‘
to have the best classified sec- about the newspaper '5 future, mm" on
tion among 25 newspapers Sild the Lead.“ 15 0.“ aucoul' Multi-iiedia Services. inc.
represented at the American 510“ course wuh reality. (222233???" Merriam!" mm
Press InStitute's Management wrlght sald the CommissionscalwiatedonAdvarfisingpaidior.
’ and Costs seminar for newspa- weekly, Whleh started Oct. 2'
pers under 75,000 circulation. 1986' has had but a few
Larry Pa den, vice hundred paid subscribers and
a: president of N -E’s parent com- advertismg has plummeted, V
pany Landmark Community leading to serious financ1al V i
Newspapers, Inc.,attended the losses. ..
conference. . The Messenger ICor- ‘
poration, like all good busmess LINDA CASTALDI
people, Will not tolerate a loser Regional Manager
Shepherdsviiie paper indefinitely}: said Wright 1&3]? E9251???
' - ' "If T e Leader is to sur— 0 Metro Newspa er service
Sponsors “teracy fund raiser vive, it must attract wide com— ° éijvelft~isén5 Dypna‘miYcMs"
The Shepherdsville munity support, something we -H:ilcsila;eAdv::tai:;;r: Service
Pioneer News sponsoreda lit- have so far failed to accom— -Metro LaserArt'”
eracy luncheon for Bullitt plish. .. a
County with Kentucky First 'DO you feel. The WW5
Lady Martha Wilkinson and Leader 1.5 Wgrthy OfFontmuEd Your creative advantage. ' I
publication, the article read.

 Page 8
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