xt7mgq6r255r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r255r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2004-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2004 text GLSO News, October 2004 2004 2004-10 2019 true xt7mgq6r255r section xt7mgq6r255r i. s o AEWS
‘ . .. 1: LESBIAN J: ..L.
-'_.-r-j SERVICE 25...}:
~ “tom", October 2004
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 19 Number 10
NO on the AMENDMENT hnperial Court of KY

What You Can D0 to Help International Court of Distinction

What we do in October can have a Join the Court as we kick off
great affect 0” our efforts to defeat the Lexington's Halloween festivities with the
amendment to the Kentucky constitution. annual Diva of Darkness Pageant, to be
Volunteers are needed to go door to door held Wed, October 27th at Club 141.
to talk to registered voters about the ballot Doors at 8:30 pm, with the show starting
measure. We 3'50 need phone bank and at 9:30 pm. Cover is five dollars. For an
office help and volunteers to staff tables at application, please see Regent Emperor
a variety 0f events. We are hOW set UP 23 E.V., Empress 23 Lady Marmalade, or
With office space at the Pride Center, 389 contact Board President Wayne Swope at
Waller Ave. Contact Netta Brooks at NicoleDiamond1@aol.com.
netta@noamendmentky.com 0"396'5251- Empress Nicole the Great, President

Door to door canvassing is a very of the international Court Council and
effective technique in educating and influ- Founder of the Jose Honors Awards,
encing voters. We plan to 90 door to door along with our benevolent Founder,
every weekend in October. Meet at the Absolute Empress | Jose, the Widow
Pride Center at 9am on Saturday and/or Norton, are pleased to announce that the
Sunday for training, food, and encourage- Imperial Court of Kentucky has been
ment. Our experience has been that folks selected as the International Court
are with us 2—1, and that it's our personal Council's 2004 ...continued on page
stories that make a difference.

Our phone bank will be in operation on {afifiafikhffléfi M fihiei‘:
week nights. We will be calling to recruit Books, Clothing, Art
volunteers, to raise money, and to encour- 80% _ 90% discount
age voters. Call Netta to volunteer. We Oct 16 Pride Center see page 3
also need volunteers to talk to people at
house parties, coffee shops, concerts and @WW'g
other events. Sponsor Of the Month 5

Of course, there is an ongoing need for e ,1
donations to finance our work. You can % i
help by coming out to bowl with us on Oct. % .
2 and by attending other Bluegrass ]
Fairness events. (details next page) You E a
can send money directly to a Halloween Party OCt 3° .

No on the Amendment P.O. Box 2904
LOUiSVille’ KY 40201-2904. @llilél’l’l'fl'l]lI'll'alflllefl’ll EIE i'E' lairaleligliglig Jmllltalwlai'?! E
...more Fairness on next page

 . GAY“ What this Amendment Says
, - 15" -‘ LESBIAN This is how the question will be presented to voters.
1:35? ORGANIZATION “Are you in favor of amending the Ky Constitution to
WWII: Kenmd‘y provide that any a marriage between one man and
one woman shall be a marriage in Ky, and that a legal
status identical to or similar to marrige for unmarried
7% L S 0 NEWS individuals shall not be valid or recongnized?"
The inclusion of “legal status similar to marriage”
Volume 19 Issue 10 means that businesses that provide any domestic
published monthly by partner benefits to gay or straight couples will no
Th L . G longer be able to do so. Most people see this as
e extngton ay unfair and once educated are willing to vote No in
Lesbian Service November. You can help educate voters.
Organization Every one of us can talk to friends and acquaint-
ences about our lives and the Issues involved In our
389 Waller Ave. struggle for civil rights. Your personal stories make
Editors a difference. Perhaps you want to be able to make
medical decisions if your partner is hospitalized. Or
Mary Crone , .
Jackie Cobern Simply to be at her bed Side. Or you own a home
together and want inheritance rights. See page 15
Board Members for other issues to talk to people about. For more
Thomas Collins, president info or to get involved call 859-806—4114 or www.b|ue-
Sarah Martin, Vice-Pres. grassfairnesscrg.
Ben Salyers, Sec.
Mary Crone, Editor
Joan Branon “The freedom to marry has long been rec-
Jacme cohem ognized as one of the vital personal
Tom comm rights essential to the orderly pursuit of
Gmger Moore ha iness b free men ”
Terry Mullins pp y '
Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren, 1967
Bill Chandler, ,
Off M
'“e mg" Bowmvg FOR vores
GLSO Annual Dues & The KFAAction Fund is sponsoring a bowl—a-thon
Newsletter. with proceeds going to the Vote No on the
Individual _ $15 Amendment Campaign. It will be on Sat, Oct. 2 at
Couple _ $20 Collins Southland Lanes, 205 Southland Orive, Lex.
_ _ The entry fee is $15 per person. Registration at 1:30
Opinions expressed in the GLSO .
News are those of the authors and p.m., bOWImg at 2 pm.
don’t necessarily represent those of The entry fee will be waived if the bowler brings
the GLSO Board. Submissions are - - - - -
welcome and Staff reserves the right in a minimum of $50 in pledges. This event has the
to edit submissions and advertise- potential to raise $2,500 if fifty bowlers will bring in
"tent? 3,3 we” as there” to "3130‘ $50 each. For information and pledge sheets, call
submissmns or advertisements. , , ,
Jim Dickinson at 252-5801 (JLD50ALJ@qx.net).
GLSO Page 2

 Community News
Bookworm Sale Boycott for Equality
On Saturday, Oct. 16, The Bookworm OCtOher 8’ 2004
will be having a clearance sale of all its Boycott For Equality is an Atlanta
inventory at the Pride Center, 289 Waller based group that is encouraging GLBT
Ave. from 10 am to 5 Pm- 25% 0f sales Wt“ Americans and their straight allies to with—
be donated to GLSO- draw from the economny on October 8 in
New hardback and paperback books three specific areas.
will be sold for $1.34. Topics include gen- 1. Do not purchase anything. Do not gen-
eral fiction, business, politics, personal erate sales tax or business revenue.
finance, African American, education, 2 Don’t work Take the day off Do not
femgilostmthci):jhjilh:Iltt:hai:u::hs ($2) t- generate payroll taxes, orincome taxes.
shirts ($2.67), sweat shirts ($3.34), and 3- DO not use cell phones. Dr0pping out of
flex-fit hats ($2), will be sold. There are the communication network is a way to
Hispanic Pride and African American measure the impact Of our presence.
Pride shirts, and some UK logos. There For info VtSlt www.boycottforequlaity.org or
are also Art Prints, a cash register, and a call Dale Duncan 757 257'6215 or email
security system with four cameras, a mon- Dsd@boycottforequality.org
“or and a VCR' Actors Guild Play:
5ister50ar~d Invitation A t G stat: If” f s:
, c ors UI WI e presen ing op
SisterSound has started a new season Kiss, a poignant and funny play about an
Of Singing together. We are lookingfo‘r‘new unexpected love that blossoms between
members and we do not requrre auditions. Callie and Sara. The production features
€302: ti: aJSEZZrZia 3::h/Shtheofiethfrli: Sara Heifetz as Callie and Laurie Genet, a
[I]: prtgviogus experience require dy ' Lexington favorite, as Sara. Their first kiss
Rehearsal are at 6 p m every Sunday provokes a violent attack that transforms
' ' . their lives in a way they could never have
at Lansdowne Cumberland Presbyterian anticipated. This will be a directing debut
Church, 333 Redding Road. We're looking for AGL’s Artistic Director Richard St.
forward to an exciting season. For info call Peter.
Patti at 806-0243 or paowens@excite.com. Stop Kiss opens on October 22 and
ViSit www.geocrties.com/3istersound. runs through November 7 with shows on .
Thursdays at 7:30, Fri. and Sat. at 8pm,
Lyons Levi/ Leather Club and Sun. matinee at 2. Tickets are $24 for
adults, $18 seniors, $15 students. The first
The Lexington Lyons meet every other Thursday, Oct. 21 is a preview perform-
month at the Pride Center. The next meet— ance with lower ticket pricing (A _ $20, Sr.
ing will be on October 11 at 8 pm. We also $15, St _ $12). Pay what you can perform-
meet for brunch at Mia’s on the last ances at Wed. Oct 29 and Sunday Oct
Sunday Of each month at 1 pm. You are 24.Season Tickets also available.
welcome to join us.
GLSO page 3

 Imperial Court News cont. Lex. M en' 5 Chorus
International Court of Distinction. The award . .
will be presented in Boston in mid- Buy Musrc & Chance to W1“ CD player
November. Listen to The Lexington Men's Chorus
The Jose Honors are presented annually the whole year round! FACETS, LMCls
in recognition of reigning monarchs and First CD with 12 songs is just $7 for the
court chapters that have exhibited exempla- CD, $5 Cassette. LMC LlVEhMCls 2nd
ry service to their communities. The Imperial CD with 16 songs is $7_ Special: buy both
Court of Kentucky continues to raise funds CD'S for $10 and get a FREE chance for a
for organizations that offer support to the portable CD player (Value of $50).
homophile community, lncludlng Bluegrass See/Buy from Kenneth, at The Bar
Fairness, The Ky Fairness Alliance, Complex (224 E. Main, 2554551).
Moveable Feast, and the Gay and Lesbian Drawing held Friday, November 12th. You
Service organization (GLSO)- do not need to be present to win!
Thank you, Lexington, for your contin-
ued support of the Court. Without you, we RAlNBOW LEAGUE
would not have been able to receive the CONVERTS TO SOCIAL BOWLING
Court of Distinction honors. We look forward
to seeing you at future shows, and are priv- The Rainbow League is sponsoring
ileged to serve such a wonderful, nurturing social bowling every Wednesday at Collins
community. Lanes on Southland Dr. starting at 9 pm.
There is no obligation to come every Wed.
fionnunnaS/fionmalkas night. Participants will pay the open bowl-
ing rate - roughly $10 for three games.
Lexington has a new club in town. Payment of ABC sanction fees is optional.
Frontrunners/Frontwalkers is back and Shawn Fritz will maintain statistics for
ready to get in step. We Wi” be meeting those who want to be sanctioned and par—
twice weekly for running/walking and social- ticipate in the tournaments sponsored by
izing. Wednesdays at 6345 pm. and the international Gay Bowling Org. For info
Saturday at 9 am. at the UK Arboretum. call Shawn Fritz at 859- 271-8919
Plan to meet near the Water Tower.
if you have any questions, please call SDUIFOI’CB Lexington
Hal Kutter or Ken Waibel at 859-294—7944 Soul Force Lexington continues to
or emall Hal at haroldkutter@aol.com. meet on the2nd and 4th Sundays of each
month. We follow the principles of non—
AAA Mortgage Resources 7“" violence practiced and taught by Ghandi
Buying or Selling a Home? and Martin Luter King Jr. to confront “spir-
N0 handling cho rge itual violence" against GLBT people.
. Members come from a variety of reli-
NO money down reqUIred . . . .
. glous backgrounds and are unlted ln thelr
[0W closmg C0315 belief that GLBT people and our allies
Refinancing Available have to directly confront the religious
organizations and individuals that ar3e
l 800 285'7392 using the Bible to preach against us.
ask for Robert Riedling St. or Janet SoulForce .
...contlnued on page 6
GLSO page 4

 E Celebrating 24 years as
f Lexington’ s "CHESTClub
3; Saturday, Oct. 30th
House Cover Includes:
The Living Room Lounge
3 The Gilded Cage Show
j The Jonny Angel Disco
: Annual Costume Contest
5 with Cash Prizes
) ”a WL the night away with after-
hours dancing & liquor sales till 2:30
i must be 21 with proper 1D to enter .

 Communi-tY Ngws 40+ CLUB FOR WOMEN
, The 40+ Club is a group for women
SouIForce cont. from pg 4 (against US') over 40 (and their younger friends) who
Jamie has designed a web site are interested in attending a variety of
KentuckyAmendment.com and has had activities together. We have gone to
bumper stickers made in support of the No plays, sporting events, museums, and
on the Amendment Campaign. Bumbper enjoyed many meals together. With the
stickers are available at the Pride Center or 40+ Club you don't have to go it alone.
can be ordered at his web site. We meet every month on the second
For information about meeting location, Sunday at 2pm at the Pride Center to
call Jamie at 859 230-5625. and see web plan the next month's activities. Bring
page at www.SoulforceLexington.org, you ideas and join us on Sun. Oct. 10
and plan to go out to eat afterward. We
Late Breaking Fairness NEWS are planning a number of activities in
Suzanne Pharr, political activist and theo- October. , , _
rist, author of Homophobia: 3 Weapon of Keenelands F?” Racmg begins on
Sexism and Mandy Carter, one of the nation's 00t' 8 and contlnues, Wed. ”"0th
leading African American lesbian activists Sun, until the end Of the monIth.I Post
have joined the No on the Amendment time '8 1:15p and general admissmn |,S
Campaign. Fairness is organizing a Public $3'_ Keeneland '5 always fun and beauti-
Forum at which these two women will speak ful m the Fall.
here in Lexington. (see pg 16) I On Thursday, Oct. 14, at 8p Etta May
Will be at Comedy Off Broadway in
Lexington Green. Nationally known local
Diversiqu in Gender Alliance favorite, Etta May will have you rolling
http://groupsyahoo.com/group/lexDGA with laughter. By the time you read this
The Lexington Diversity in Gender we have probably already bougth tickets
Alliance meets the first Saturday evening of for reserved seating. You may Stm be able
each month at a private location. Contact to attend, call Jane or Ginger at 253'0061
Kelli at kellindel@hotmail.com for info. For some free “high brow” entertains
We welcome all people who transcend merit, join us at the N. Y. Metropolitan
gender norms or who are questioning their Opera tryouts on Saturday, OCt' 30th at
gender identity. We welcome transsexuals, noon at Memorial Hall, UK' Highly
intersexuals, effeminate men, masculine accomplished singers Will be competing
women, drag Kings, drag Queens, gender to join the Metropolitan Opera Company.
queers... and more. Family and supportive HOW about Halloween? Can we pUt
allies who would like to discuss trans issues together a costume party? Info, Call
are welcome. This is notatherapy group. Ginger and Jane at 859'253'0061 or
KY Men of all Colors Together (MACT) is a local chapter of a national gay
multiracial organization which fosters a supportive environment where friendships and
partnerships can be celebrated free of racial and cultural barriers. For information
call 859-351-4453 (Jon) email MACTky@aol.com, or www.mactky.com

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GLSO Page 7

389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat we open at 10 am. 1
- We stay open until 5 pm on most days, and on Wed until 7p .
Bluegrass Fairness and No on the Amendment now have office space here.
FICC Bumper SUCkCI'S n secret love ’
Another Person Of Faith Voting Janet Sager and Joyce McPherson, a
NO on the “Marriage Amendment” lesbian couple from Danville, had 38 won-
. . . derful years together. Sadly, all 38 of the
gent]: hécDanlel hasCmadeabudmperksctlckeurs years they shared were kept hidden deep
or e ampalgn. ome n we _ ne p in the closet, due to their fear of the socie-
at the. Pride Center any day. 'Jamle is the tal stigma.
coordinator for SoulForce Lexmgton. More Joyce departed this life in May of 2003
Informatlon about SoulForce on page 4. Janet, guided by the memory and spirit of
There will not be an October Joyce, has taken her physical loss and
transformed it into an energetic work pro-
LESBIAN VIDEO NIGHT moting equality and acceptance for the
Discussion Group GLBT communities.
The discussion group meets every Janet burst from the closet by opening
. . JB's Place, named after Joyce, and an up
Wednesday night at 7 pm at the Pride _ , ,
Center and is open to all We strive to and coming Pride Center smack dablnthe
make this a safe space where you can be midis]: 5:122: com iled a CD chroni
yourself. If you are just coming out, or are . , 'p .
new to the community this is a great place cllng hers and Joyce 3 llfe together entitled
to come meet some good people "A Secret Love." This CD is available for
If on the other hand you have been purchase. The price is only $5 and the CD
out forever and would like to participate in WI” ,be available at The Prlde Center or by
some lively discussions please join us calllng Janet at 859-238-7307. Also avall-
For more info contact Jane at lad _ able are copies ofa book that Joyce wrote
'anek @ ahoo com y titled "Holey Bible." This book takes a satir-
J y y ' ical look at the gaps and contradictions in
UK Support Group the Holy Bible. The book will sell for $10
and is also available at The Pride Center
A new GLBTQ support Group is starting or by calling Janet.
at UK. meeting on Tuesdays 3:30 - 4:45.
Not a therpy group or social club, just a Egg... Keep the love you find
safe place to get support. We will talk ligggriy Get the love you want’.
about issues that can sometimes be diffi- ' “3r“ _ '
cult to discuss including: coming out, flirt- Jessica Bollin e’o LCSW
ing,sexuallty, spirituality, family, employ- g
ment, relationships, homophobia. Certified image Relationship
This group is free and for UK/LCC stu- Therapist:
dents only. Facilitators: Colby Cohen- ‘ . . . .
co | ,famll , Inlel |
Archer, PH.D amd Sherry Rostosky, PH.D. _ Up as _ y dua
Call 257-8701 or crcohe2@uky.edu 'magomnnecuon'oom 8596526533
GLSO Page 8

F Splfitual Resources Society of @riends . Quakers
hi INTEGRITY Do you seek a religious home, without
. . . creeds or required statements of belief? Are
Integrity IS a group dedicated to explor— . . . .
. . . . . you looking for a meaningful spiritual com-
ing issues Within the Episcopal Church . .
. . . munity? Are you concerned for peace, JUS-
. and Christianity as they relate to GLBT . .. . . .
tice and reconCiliation? We inVIte you to
people. It meets every second Sunday at - . . . .
. . , Jom us for Silent worship where we do not
a Saint Michael The Archangel Episcopal . . .
_ , , _ have the complications of rituals or pro-
n Church on Bellefonte Drive in LeXington. . . .
, _ grams. We believe that in such periods of
16 The October gathering Wt” be Sunday uiet waitin we can 0 on to s iritual
39 October 10 at 4 pm. in the Chapter Room q 9' . p . p
_ , resources which Will enable us to live more
e of the church. The group is very pleased .
, calmly, more compaSSionately and more
to host the new rector of St Michael, The . . . .
3_ Reverend Steve Teague Light refresh- creatively in this chaotic age. Sundays,
f . ' 10:30a-‘l1z30a, 649 Price Avenue, Phone
0 ments Will be served and all are welcome .
d , _ 254-3319. Everyone is welcomed.
‘ to attend and partiCIpate. u-..
0' St Mychal The Martyr 5/4,) Unitarian Universalist Church
‘9 M
St. Mychal is a member of the Orthodox "W The UU Church of Lexington
ig Catholic Church of America, a national actively supports the GLBT community and
JP denomination that '3 gay SUPPOYt'Ve- RSV its work for civil rights including the right to
ie Ken Waibel performs mass GVGVY Sunday marry. Our Board of Directors recently
at 10.30. The OCCA performs bleSSlngS 0f passed a declaration in Support of NO on
it- gay unions, welcomes diVOFCGd people, the Amendment. Our Sunday services are
3d and ordains women to the orders Ct at 9:15 and 11 am. There is religious edu-
tOF Deacon, Priest and BiShOP- cation for children during the second serv-
)D The Church is one of about three dozen ice. There is also a teen group; this year
by OfiShOOtS 0f the Roman Catholic Church, we are looking at Eastern Religious beliefs,
iil- and is open to married, divorced, and sin- although discussions also turn to US poli-
‘te 9'3 individuals, welcoming all persons tics. For information visit www.uucl.org
:ir- regardless of the blessings or problems of Unitarian Universalists do not have a
in their lives. dogma or creed ...continued on next page
:er " ' .
St: Mychal the Martyr Parish
.1. ’ . ,
d, _ . Sunday Worsth 10.30 am .
it. , i
t Space available for meetings and receptions
, . t
. Cafl us and we Will heiv you celebrate.
131:: Eastland Drive #5, Laington (859) 3899418
i3 "/1 C7m’stian community celebrating diversity"
..... GLSO Page 9

 that defines the beliefs of all members. Our Gay Spirituality [6'0" #8
UUAPresident has suggested that we each B Fr Ken Waibe/
work on an elevator speech, a short y '
response to the question What is a The second in our series of GLBT
Unitarian Universalist? that we can say spirituality consolation icons (those
before the elevator gets to the top floor. icons that surface from positive experi-
One answer to his suggestion reads: ences in our lives) is best named:
Unitarian Universalism grew out Of Wisdom is Power. Contrasted with the
Christianity with the Unitarians believing in rather famous saying Silence = Death ;
the unity of God and the Universalists knowledge, and doing something with it,
believing in universal salvation. (One rea- equals life and strength. Much like our
so” we are called the no hell church). last icon (Being Out) speaking the truth of
We have developed mm a religion that what one knows might initially bring on
draws spiritual wisdom from many different some hardships but will always bring
sources. It is a place where people come about an eventual good.
together to share and learn from each Lets try putting this another way:
othersspiritual journey. . Many of us GLBT persons have been
We help each other 'h our search for forced by our churches and social struc-
God or the sacred, even thOUQh we realize tures to prove to ourselves our worth both
that each person s vision Of God or the to selfand to God. We have had to wres-
sacred is different. We believe in the tle with rather loud preachers who pro-
importance of individual conscience, spiri— claim in the name of Jesus that we gay
tually and socially, as well as the responsi- folk are damned to hell and are the spawn
bility that comes with that freedom. of a horrible new way. The secret
Erin Christman. UU in Minnesota agenda , organized by folks who usu-
Not all UU s would be comfortable with ally hardly know each others names
the emphasis on spirituality and God in this is destructive to the very fabric of
statement. But we all welcome the chance life itself and certainly will destroy
to discuss such issues. There will be an the family unit.
active Adult Ed program at church this year. .
, ...contlnued on page 14
For more info see www.uucl.org
Couples Weddings and
Counseling Union Ceremonies
Rev. Kenneth Waibel, MDiv., MPS
Professional Spiritual Direction
Ecumenical * Holistic "‘ Inclusive
1350 Eastland Dr, Suite #5 kypadre@aol.com
Lexington, KY 40505 (859) 338-1 195
GLSO page 10

 . GLSO Rainbow Sponsor
_ Ilnpcrial Court of Kcntucky........252-301 4
3 A Charity Organization
3f 20% Pride Montfi Sponsors
f; scottAckeman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 2944055
’f For all your real estate needs. . (mobile) 338-8483
I: GLSO News Sponsors 2004
1'1 Faimess: Bluegrass Chapter .......................859-806—4114
: Promoting equality for all people
‘Y EmestoScorsone. ................................254-5766
at Attorney at law ’
J" SisterSound 268-0113
3, .
of Diverse music for all women
’y RichardsonVisionCenter..........................278-4201
4 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
‘UnitananUnivmalistChurch................ ......223-1448
Seeking a Diverse Congregation
TheBarComplex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......255-1551
224 East Main Street
1513 Nicholasville Road
MndyKnollFartn ......................299-7410
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
_ GLSO page 11

 To schedule events at the Pride
Center, call BIII at 2 53-3 233.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FHdaY Saturday
— V
- 31 . . . . . 1 2
a water it) Walk PC More information about many of these events is in this newsletter. pdde Centeropen m 5pm 9 e Voter 15) Walk— PC
. You can call or email the run to confirm the date and time, 93 anhunnem/
9'1flélfst118ulrfgacmncgh $9M“ _ g p 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Frontwalkers Arboretum
y 599 the directory on back page. (Call for place) Pride Center Open 10 - 3
I“: ateMjsty@S:-:ty:fluc:nhlhnyr Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC. 1:309 Bowling Fairness
p n ri a i aes PI . 8 pm Diversity in
m r VI -
6 p SisterSound mama! Call for ace ay be abb e ated Call Gender _ a"
_ '
3 4 _ 5 6 7 8 9
9 3 Voter 10 Walk- PC Pride Center open til 5pm 7 prn Gay Straight 6:45 Frontrunnersl Pride Center open tll 5pm Boycott for Equality .. 9 a Voter ID Walk— PC
9:15 a. 11 uu Church Service AA Step Study - Call A'l'a"°° (ca'l f°r Frontwalkers Arbomtum All Day - Everywhere! 98 anhunnars/
FlrstSunday Lunch - place 2666904) 7 m Discussion Grou . . Frontwalkers Arboretum
Last Day To P P
1030 Mass St. the V K Pride Center open til 5pm 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8 pm Lesbian MOVIE Pride Center Open 10-3
- a @ MW“ Mm“ Register To Night. Pride Center ,
4 p Integrity at St Michaels . _ 2p Arbonne Demonstration
V t I 7.30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA pride Center
6 p SisterSound rehearsal 0 c (CaI for place)
1 O 1 1 _ 1 A 1 1:4 15 16
9 2 Voter lD Walk- PC gill-tie Earner min flgptm 7 all? Gay fStralghtth 6:5 :2?an tu Prlde Center open tii 5pm Pride Center open tll 5pm 9 a Voter lD Walk- PC
. 7:30 G L b AA
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal 8 pm AA Step StUdy for place 266-5904) 7 pm Discussion Group ”nae? 10s 3:122) Frontwalkers Arboretum
2 p 40+ Group- PC NATIONAI. Pride Center Open 1" 5pm Pride Center We to 5p Bookworm '
e p SisterSound rehearsal COMING our 8 9'“ Gay/Lesbian AA '03” GLSO N°W3 Sale - Pride Center ,
Lansdowne Ctimbedand Presby Ch. DAY Deadllne Pride Center: Open 10-5pm
1 18 1 ' 2| - 21 22
GLSO Board Meeting 7pm GSA for Youth 6:45 Frontrunnels/ Pd“ Center open "I 5pm Pride Center open tll 5pm 9 3 Voter 'D Walk- gt?
9 a Voter ID Walk— PC 7:30 pm ages 15 _ 20 ca" mary Frontwalkers Arboretum 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 98 Frontrunnersl
9:15 & 11 a UU Church Service f0 l 266-5904 , , (Call for Place) Frontwalkers Arboretum
Tenemos una persona r pa“ 7 pm DISOUSSIOH Group
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal - Pride Center Open 10-5
' que puede hablar Pride Center 0 en til 5 Prlde Center
6 p S'Stersound rehearsal espafiol en la oficina p 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA —cal|
7p MACT PC cada a Ias
3 pm hasta 5 pm
2 2 2 . 2 2 :‘ 29 30
9 a Voter ID Walk— PC -, pm Gay Straight 7 pm Faimes Steering 7 pm Discussion Group Pride Center open iii 5pm Pride Center open iii 5pm 9 a Voter ID Wark. pc
9:15 8r 11am UU Church Service Alliance for youth Committee. P C 3 pm Gay/Lesbian AA . 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 93 Frontrunnersl
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal . (pan Mary for place or Pride Center open til 5pm 9:30 ICK Diva of (Call for place) Frontwalkers Arboretum
1 pm Lyons Brunch Mia 8 info 266- 5904) Darkness Pageant Pride Center Open 10-5
6 pm SisterSound rehearsal
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 cont/nued from page 10 already given up on God, and certainly
To counteract this nonsense we GLBT on Church, and find it almost impossible .
persons have had to arm ourselves with to trust any Church figure or teaching.
wisdom and truth. We have had to study The positive aspect of this struggle is
the Sacred Scriptures of Christians, that it makes us stronger and more likely ed
Hebrews and Muslims (often in the original to be heard by those educated within our thi
language) in order to see that what is quot- society. kn
ed as truth in modern times is not neces- Ever GLBT Person has had such yc
sarily what was spoken or intended by the a struggle. Whether academic or per- tal
author or community represented. sonal, we have had to search inside for sc
We have had to learn the civil law, and what we know to be true. Did God cre- yc
learn it well, to arm ourselves with whatev- ate us this way? YES! Does God love ac
er words may be present that protect and ' us this way? YES! Are we good citi-
defend who and what we are. We have zens, good parents, good employees, liv
become wise. We have become armed good spouses, and good neighbors? th
with truth. And therefore we have become YESll Do we have justification in the he
dangerous. _ Sacred Scriptures of the Hebrews and a“
This wrestling with dogma and law (reli- Christians and Muslims? YES we do, pi
gious and civil zealots) is tiring and can but it takes some study to see them‘. w
quickly lead to despair and isolation. Sad This study is worth it. It makes us strong. ur
to say that many GLBT persons have it Will Change the world. b‘
o o W
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GLSO page 14 -

 Iy NO on the Amendment are very active as foster parents because
e What You Can DO... Continued they are willing to take children other people
'3' . will not. i value all families: thats why I
'3 In addition to the volunteer activities list- oppose this divisive amendment.
Iy ed on pages 1 and 2' you can help defeat It is no surprise that people disagree with
Jr this amendment by talking to people you each other over same sex marriage. It is a
know and by writing a letter to the editor of new idea for most of us. However, from the
h your local paper. Here are some ideas for media and from our own family members
r- talking or writing. Use these to build per- telling us about their gay lives, we are learn-
" sonal statements or lett