xt7mgq6r2545 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r2545/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2001-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 2001 text GLSO News, July 2001 2001 2001-07 2019 true xt7mgq6r2545 section xt7mgq6r2545 GAY and 7717.?~
t“ [£5me 9%? t :5 ‘iiv; 3 “'
tire SERVICE. " ‘
WNW“ JULY 200! ‘
Lex'ngton, Kentucky
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Vol. 16 No. 7
Unity Dance [0%, (V013,, comm,” (intonation
GLSO's ActOut production of Since 1981, Coronations have
it YOU are New enough to be Terrence McNally's Tony Award provided the Lexington community
reading this when it first comes °Ut winning plllllli;lkhay Love! Valour! the opportunity to experience
than Pride Month is not quite over! Compassionl, directed by Homer Pageantry. The Imperial Court's
Everyone is invited to the free Tracy, opened June 22 at the twentieth coronation will be no
UhitY Dance 0" Saturday, June 30 Lexington Public Library Theater at exception. It will be held Sunday,
from 9 t0 1 at the Continental ihh- 140 East Main Street and contin- July 8th at the Radisson Hotel,
The Rock Stars 0t 30‘“ Wi" enliv— ues Saturday June 30 at 8 PM and doors open at 5:30. This will be a
en your spirits and get you onto the Sunday July 1 at 2 PM. night to remember.
dance floor. There Wi" be refresh— Originally produced in 1994, The theme of coronation is -
ments and a cash bar available. Love! Valour! Compassion! is a 2001: The Odyssey Continues,
Sponsored by Sisthas in the touching portrayal of eight gay men Yea Baby! Yea! The opening num-
Life, Ebony Male and GLSO, this Spending their holidays together in ber is being choreographed by
Wi" be a wonderful way to end the country. There's Perry, played Chelsea Pearl; the set design is by
pride month. The UhitY Dance is by Jim Moreton, and Arthur, played Cammie Dietrich and Cheyenne,
an effort to bring the entire com- by Tom Brown, a professional cou- all pros in their fields.
munity together. Many Of US in the ple of long standing whose relation- Eligible voters may cast their
' GLBT community thiSiOh and ship always seems to settle into the ballots for Monarchs and Board of
work for a more free and Wet W0iid- loving routine of a couple grown too Directors starting at 5:30. The
As we work towards the elimination familiar with one another. but hap— show will start approximately at
0f homophobia. we 8'50 need to be pily so. 6:00. Last year coronation was
willing to face the classism, racism, Gregory (Rodney Featherson). over by 11:30, so do not come too
ableism, and other barriers that are is an aging choreographer who late. ...continued on page 2
within our community. Having fun dotes on his younger lover, Bobby
tégether is a step in the right direc- (Troy Johnson), who is blind. Their Sponsor of the M on”,
t'Oh- relationship seems solid until an
There Will also be free anony- irresistible dancer, Ramon '
mous AlDS testing available in a (Stephen Thornton), callously
private room 0f the motel. The ora- flaunts his sex a eal and seduces
sure method will be used, no blood Bobby on the firgtpnight- The B a l' C 0 m PI 8 X
needs to be drawn. Thanks t0 VOI- John Jacky" (Michael
unteers of American for helping Thompson), is a sour ex-brit who
make this event possible. _
.....contrnued on page 2

 [0V6 144/08 l7? continued from pg 1 Coronation continued from page 1
affa‘vwmue? GAY and rankles everyone around him. The In addition to the coronation
‘4 ’i Elill truth about his ire becomes clear events that evening, two significant
, when he has to take care of his awards will be given out. The James
V t. bElZVICl; twin brother, James. Unlike John, "Sweet Evening Breeze" Herndon
ORGANIZATION James inspires nothing but affeC— Lifetime Achievement Award and the
Lefiig'tm Kentucky tion in those around him. Their Henry Faulkner Award (voted on the
relationship is the source of the night of Coronation.)
- play's revelations about the related Leading up to Coronation, there
net-so NEWS questions 0f gay identity and self will be several events. Friday July 6, is
Vol. 15 N0. 7 esteem. the In Town Show held at Club 141
Finally, There's Buzz (Darrell starting promptly at 8:30. Sat. July 7
Mains), a maniacal lover of the there are three events: the State
published monthly by musical theater. Like James, BUZZ Dinner at the Radisson at 5:30. the
- - suffers from AIDS. and he has Out of Town Show featuring perform—
“le lieXllltllllll Gay Mina” resigned himself to a life of humor- ers from across the USA and Canada
' ' ' ous anecdotes and comforting triv— at Club 141 at 8 pm, and the 9" Males
serum ”mammal! ia. Against all odds, BUZZ finds Exotic Review in back of Club 141 at
3llSewntlStleet himself falling in love for what 10:30. Separate admission, in addi-
might be one last summer. tion to normal cover, is required.
mm The Broadway production The morning after Coronation the
, received five Tony Award nomina- "\fictory Brunch", a casual buffet, will
Mary Cl°ne ”h" R'dner tions and wins for McNain (Best be held at the Radisson where the
New Play) and John Glover (Best newly elected monarchs great their
mum Actor) for his portrayal Of twins. subjects, and Donnie and Tracy will
Terry Mulling, President John and James. A film version say their farewells.
Jerry Hicks, \flce President was released in 1997 starring Advance tickets for reserved
Mary Crone. Editor Jason Alexander who replaced tables for coronation are available at
Charley Slusher, Treasurer Nathan Lane in the stage version. www.impcourt.org/kentucky/corona-
Ginger Moore, Secretary Tickets are $8 and may be tion2001.html You may also choose
Thomas Collins reserved by calling 253-3233 or to buya Passport, which covers all the
Jerry Nefi can be purchased at the door. events. Payable by Credit card only
Kelly O’Ferrell Proceeds benefit the Pride Center. on website.
John Ridner
Cary Sudduth
uLsu Annual Dues & llewsletier. Because we are now sitting the editing of the GLSO Newt we need to have
individual. $15 articles and items for Community News by the 16111 ul each muntlt
Couple $20 _
Please Send To Boil] Billion at
32$? emu: fight Mari: mancmne@a0iwm
represent those of the GLSO Board. ! John; umal0t02@aol.i0m !!
Submissions are welcome and staff reserves
the ' ht to edit submissions and advertise-
rrien't‘s9 as well as the right to reject submis~ THANKS
GLSO Page 2

 . , re - . . .5
, 4 «at he” re a‘T' t .,
_, » , . A 5:; . M
g Volunteer Awards Banquet Pride Center opening W Grand
Many people commented on how much they In a fabulous show of support over 125 people
enjoyed the tenth anniversary banquet this year. The attended the Grand Opening Of the new GLSO Pride
quality of the musical entertainment was particularly Center Of the Bluegrass on June 2- The Center was
appreciated this year, thanks to Another Note and The packed With people enjoying the food and drink, a
Lexington Men’s Chorus. in addition, we all enjoyed the video presentation, the new library, and Wet being
personal stories that were shared and the warmth of together in this inviting and comfortable space. There
the presentations and acceptances. A number of seemed to be a smile on everyone's face.
speakers remembered the groups or gatherings that Thanks must 9° em to the Pride Center
helped them take their first steps out of the closet. Committee who worked 3° hard for the last year to
Volunteers keep our community thriving. Giving make the new facility a reality. Special thanks to Jerry
public acknowledgement for the many hours of donat- Neff who spearheaded the renovations and to Yvonne
ed time is important, it weaves our community together and Jeanette, whose artistic talents resulted in a truly
and it feels wonderful to honor our friends. beautiful and welcoming décor. To everyone who
The Wasson Volunteer of the Year 2001 Award played a part, big or small, in making the new Pn'de
was given to Michael Thompson who envisioned and Center a reality, the community says "Thank You."
created Moveable Feast in 1998 and has worked dili— ”0‘" it is time for you to determine what the
gently to see over 45.000 meals delivered over the last Pride Center Wt" be. It is currently being used as
three years. He is also the Co-chair of the Ky HIV meeting space, hUt it can be 5° much more. D0 you
Prevention Community Planning Group and was have an event or activity that you would like to hold at
recently appointed by Gov. Patton to leadership of the the Pride Center? We have had suggestions for a
Ky AIDS Advisory Council. rotating gallery of works by GLBT artists, a monthly
The Rainbow Community Service Award was reading, and movie nights. What's your idea?
given to the The Lexington Men’s Chorus for their Would you like to see the Center open more
eleven years of beautiful music. They have engen- hours? Office hours have been established, 9‘3
dered pride within us and have been emissaries to the Monday - Friday. These are covered by volunteers 3°
greater Lexington community. at times you will have to leave a message. More vol-
Individual Awards given by organizations : unteers are needed for afternoon, evening, and week-
AVOL Lovan Award Mike Wolken end hours. It's a good way to meet people.
AVOL William “King” Solomon Award: Kaye Wilson, If you have an idea, want to schedule an event, or
peggy “Jade” Hubbard, & Katherine Ketron can volunteer call the Pride Center at 859-253-3233 or
Lex. Men’s Chorus: John Hawks Kenneth Sanders visit the web site a www.bluegrasspn'de.org.
Blue rass Fairness: James Dickinson
9 see Jane Minder mcc IUMMER NEW!
Imperial Court Janet Elam Homosexuality & the Bible Sermon Series Offered
Movable Feast : Erin Abner & Terry Keys June brought its usual busy times to Faith MCC.
Rainbow Bowling League: Tim Combs We joined the fun at the Pride Picnic and other events
Sisthas in the Life - Missy Wilson throughout the month. Church leadership attended a
SisterSound: Louise Atwood Faith & Community Workshop moonmed on page4

 Community News continued \\ , Imperlal Court of Ky
ministry and pursuing social justice in a recent hate (3 ’ We have had a grand time during
crime. FMCC joined the Soulforce training and partici- o . June. On the weekend of June 2,
pated in a peaceful outreach to Ashland Ave. Baptist Duke Rob and Baroness ll of the Barony of Louisville,
Church. It was an empowering time of challenge and Kelly 0. Empress 19 Tracy Taylor, and EMporer 19
growth as we StOOd. in love, to ask Ashland Baptist t0 Donnie, “E.V.” attended the Coronation held in
stop the spiritual violence that is too often a part of Hamilton, Ontario. Congratulations to John and
Southern Baptist Ministry. FMCC also joined in a local Tatiana on a fabulous year of fundraising and best
Native American celebration. wishes to their new monarchs.

July brings about excitement and challenge as the On the weekend of June 9_ Consort to Emperor
ChurCh sends Rev. Mel, Pastor, and a lay delegate to 19' Shane. and Emperor 19 Donnie, “E_V_” attended
WOTShlPS as usualSundays at 1030 am, and Will enjoy event held in cooperation with Boston’s Gay Pride
guest speakers. _ _ . _ events. This court just received it’s Imperial Court sta—

JU'Y Wi“ 3'50 be e time *0 Journey once again-into tus change from a Barony this year; it is an exciting
a popular sermon serIeS- Homosexuality and the Bible- time for them. Emperor E.V. was honored to be an MC
Come and hear the unique perspective of God's at the Ball.
unconditional love for 3”. Explore your falth and the The month of June has also been busy with our
Scriptures- what do they say, REALLY? The sermon candidate fundraisers. The excitement is building for
senes begin Sunday, J'U'Y 15: at FMCC- Located at Coronation 20 to be held the weekend of July 6-8. The
145 BU” Road, WOFShlP begins at 1030 am. Call Imperial Court of Ky. invites everyone to attend. See
(859) LEX-FMCC for more information. from page story for details.

More Community News on Page 10
a Real Estate SerVIce Wlth
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GLSO Page 4

 Nukf 5.77. l’roa'uctions 'fiXf
’4‘} In Zssoclatlon thl ‘4k
M55 Continental 77ageantry
M55 X671 1‘ 11C ky
71677 fa]
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"7’ t l‘ - Chelsea ”Pearl “
your Emcees: -' .. Reva Devareaux
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Ginger Grant Tr a 61/ Taylor
a a
loans OPEN 7m ‘
é; fibfbr More Intormatlon ofickets 2~ \\
call EV Central a
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GLSO Page 5


 I I GLSO) News 2001 Sponsors
y J. Mark Chambers, CPA-IICOOIOUOIIOIIIZ66-8877
For all your Financial Needs
‘7”? vvd—_ 7 4‘— '7‘ ¥— 7w» - i Bluegrass Fairn“
Sun Mon —E__Fn Sat
Keeping our eyes on the Ky. Legislature
1 2 4 6 7
1030 Faith MCC 7PM GSA (Pride Center) 1PM Fairness 4th Parade 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA I Richardson Vision Center ..............278-4201
10:45 uu Church 8PM AA Step Study (Call $22333“ Comm- (F’nde (Call for Place) :
for Place) ' 7PM Discussion Group ‘ i 1757 Alexandria Dr, Gardenside
i:n:.:::t:n::img w
U ‘ ' i . .
SEXefay’LeSb'anAAlca”f°r ; 1 Scott Ackerman...........(v010e mall) 294-2055
8 9 1 1 12 13 14 l (mobile phone)....338-8483 Paul Semonin Realtors
10330 Faith MCC 7PM Fairness Steering 7PM Discussion Group 7PM GLSO Board (Pride 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA ( ; '
lgljfniJeLrlwil-algfgot Luck (UU (Pirde center) (Pride center) center) (call for Place) l l Slstersound o-Icooeoeuocoo-Iooooooloo0.000.000.00243'0243
Church) 8PM AA Step Study (Call 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA 7PM Lesbian Movie Night 1 :
5PM Dignity (03" fOF‘P'aCG) for Place) (Call for Place) (Pride Center) The I i - -
Coronation 20 (Raddison) 9PM Rainbow Bowling Incredibly True Story of 2 Diverse musxc for all women
' I | L l .
(S°”thla"d Lanes) 6” n we i 1 Imperial Court of Kentucky...........252-3014
15 16 17 18 20 21 1 , 2 _
1833‘; Sfltgm; 7PM GSA (Pride Center) 7PM Discussion Group 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA l i A chanty orgamzatlon
' . . . 8PM AA Step Study (Call (Pride Center) (Call for Place) 3
22%;)” Ga” R°adm9 (Pm for Place) 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA l The Bar Com plex.............................25 5- 1 551
- 9PM Rainbow Bowling (Call for Place) 1 g
Deadlme (Southland Lanes) 1 224 E. Main
for News i
22 23 25 26 27 28 1 Turner Counselmg ..........................269-6497
10:30 Faith MCC 8PM AA Step Study (Call 7PM Sistahs (Pride 7PM C.O.L.T.S. (Pride 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA l i _ .
10:45 uu Church for Place) Center) Center) (Call for Place) : ; 2215 Young Dr'Vei Lexmton
6PM Dignity (Call for 9PM Rainbow Bowling 7PM Discussion Group ‘ i
Place) (Southland Lanes) (Pride Center) ‘ g Debra Hensley Insurance.............276-3244
8PM Gay/Lesbian AA 1
(Call for Place) II . : 1 1513 Nicolasville Rd.
" v l
l O
29 _ 3° . l l Wmdy Knoll Farm..........................299-7410
10:30 Faith MCC 7PM GSA (Prlde Center) ) 5
10'45 UU Church gogglxeftep Study (Call 1 ‘ Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
9PM Rainbow Bowling g .
(SOUthland LaneS) l 1 LCXlngton Men’s Chorus-cocoo-oecoeeoooz31'0090
( Rehearsals start again in March
P%asus Travel I.C.0.0.0...C.OOCOOCOOIOIICIOIICZ53- 1 644
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO


The Pride Center Library is now open. Located in the Pride Center at 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100,
the collection currently includes over 300 books, magazines, video and audio recordings on a wide variety
of GLBTQ subjects. The entire collection is made up of materials donated by individuals in our
community and the collection will continue to grow. Donations are tax-deductible and can be brought to
the Pride Center.

You can visit the Library, sign up for a library card, and check out materials. Books can be checked out
for 4 weeks, videos and audio recordings for 1 week. Magazines and reference books can be used in the
Library. Come by and check us out.

The Library is currently open during regular business hours Monday - Friday 9 to 3. We are looking
for volunteers to keep the Pride Center and Library open for afternoon, evening and weekend hours. If
you are interested, call’the Pride Center at 859-253-3233 or Visit the website at www.bluegrasspride.org.

176 of ry‘ J arr-1 Familq movies at the Pride Center

On Sunday, July 15, 7 pm at On Friday, July 13, at 7 pm the copy and will be showing it
the Pride Center, Tina will be Pride Center will host Family at the Pride Center later in
hosting a POCUY Jam. EVBIYODS Movie Night. This month‘s the summer or fall.
is invited! We enjoyed the Pride selection is The Incredible True
Reading SO much we want to Adventure of Two Girls in Love. '50.;
make it a regular OCCUITBDCC- We This is a fun tale of two dissimilar WiShin Chair i"%
Will strive to make these readings high school girls who discover each 3 (£4372:

a safe place for all people. other in spite of their differences. August 11.. Noah's Ark
Come read your work, or listen to An upbeat movie that accurately Benefit (no-kill shelter),
others read. Prose iS 3130 portrays aspects of lesbian culture. Lexington, 1-3 pm, Shillito
aoceptable. Perhaps we will hear Diversity Film apologizes that Park
another installment 0f 111(3)” S the film My Own Country was Aug 16... Thurs Night Live,
novel! Bring a $130k t0 share if unable to be shown at the Library Lexington, 7-9p.m.,
you are so inclined. last month. we now have a video Courthouse Square
The Discussion Group meets every Wednesday at 7 pm, lagthc Pride Center call Jane at 276—0673 for information

 DQDQR5 E'QR 200'!
GLSO would like to thank our donors for the first half of 2001. We \ A
are more than half way to our goal of matching the Gill Grant of $7,500.
We appreciated your generosity.
Shelby Reynolds Danny M. ET Nebel .
Ed and Gina Coop[er wfl
Wayne (3- Paula Ger an Hobert. ElliS- THE ORIGINAL ONE DAY Hl-TECH SIGN co.
Bill Loggins. Jennifer Crossen Howard 31mm"
VVIllie B. and Eddie W. Kathy Schiflett Owner/General Monoger
Bill Me. Deborah Core 332 SOU’rthnd Drive
. . Lexington, KY 40503
DaVIna Warner ReInette Jones (859) 2 60-10 48
Bruce Budge & John Sparkman (859) 260-2071 Fax
Esther Rigby Jamie McDaniel Diane Karp 1066 New Circle Roo d
DaVid Cupps SCOtty BaeSIGT Lexington, KYAOSOS
Harold Chandler and Billy Cuzick (859)252-1200
Barbara Stead Lawrence McPherson (859) 252'1300FGX
Abby Marlatt Trilby Trent Ann Olliges C9”: (859) 321-8972
Patti Hall Richard McCall Donna Burton E‘WO‘“ slgnsnow366
and several contributors that wish to remain annonomous @5'gnsnow'com
We have having some computer problems so we appologise if your name is missing.
We will be printing more names next month
Matt Schuler, l..M.T.
*Licensed Massage Therapist
*Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
*Associate Member American Massage Therapy Association
A Member of the GLBT Community Who Is Particularly Sensitive to the Needs of
Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Trangendered Persons
Office Appointments and House Calls
First Massage $40 With Mention Of This Ad (regularly $50)
GLSO page 11

 a celestial body from beyond had intentionally sent
METEOR’ MAYBE forth a gay pride greeting. And who is to say that was
By Reinette E Jones not the case. Like many meteors before them, the par-
. . ticles entered earth's atmosphere and ignited, lightning
cont;:'i:;'hmfm'jgénygljstgzgcgf a 30:38:; (18233:; up the sky with a streak of brilliant light, then disinte-
Pride Month, but you probably did not hear about it. gram '"m a fine “St that sewed lunch the earth' A"
. . . observer was quoted as saylng, That was the best
News of the event was covered m the alternative medla darn drag show that I had ever seen."
and it wasn't considered a danger to national security Why did the earth pass through that particular belt
or t? c'v'llzat'on’ “and It was thought that most ofrthe of particles? No one knows. The shower was not a
rentfriavcfuog grfitegfizrrqg 2:2: theytreacfed periodic shower, which means that it will not appear at
. . . ' . y qu' e a ew the same time each year. It may never appear again.
Martlan Meteorites m Antarctica. . . Videos of the event were available on-line last year, but
BUt there was somethlng Odd about ”"8 partlcular due to lack of interest, the site has been removed.
meteor shower. lndIVlduals, who keep watch for other All meteor showers provide information about the
life forms, noted that within the stream of particles were . . . .
two parallel particles. The distance between the dlstrlbutlon of matter m the solar system and they have
objects was filled with pinpoints of black twinkling been recorded for more than 3000 years. At one pomt,
' . . . anythlng that fell from the sky was called a meteor:
llghts. The llghts were thought to be trapped de-luml- . . . .
nance that had collected as the shower traveled raln, snow, hall, and llghtnlng. Later observers thought
through space. the meteor showers were maglcal events. Wlth the
Or, the ligh ts may have been a connector of some development of solence, it was later learned that they
kind, like the corpus callosum found between the two orlglrlzlategn spacembeyéond ”287:3? :3:T:S;h:ra: t
hemispheres of the! human brain. For humans, the ing togglete’ (1:: attzzlttignsgy thrlovging tw: hot we:
right hemisphere c0ntro|s the left side of the body and .
the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body; toward earth. Or, perhaps there Tea'” was a Prlde
the parallel objects may have been side by side Month greetlng m t.h e whole maglcal mlx. It COUId
because each some how controlled the other via the always be ”St a plain meteor shower. B.Ut that-would
lights between the two. The particles were so similar in be too common, and those parallel. particles Wlth the
structure that they were referred to as being homoge- {/"r‘/'\‘./¢r’i.‘7
neous. (Which, by they way, has nothing to do with the “Wye/avexxoe/eeve,Jaws/LAO
lesbian couple who both have the name Jean.) 50/ @flrflnattfln Q
The particles were noted during the month of : \/
June, which is also Pride Month. The possible con- 3’ Friday, July 6 :21
nection between the meteor shower and the month ) In Town Show Clubl41 8:30 U
was down played for fear that it would be thought that 5:32 “(3
.- 1D Ev Saturday, July 7 [’3
gfl‘T— ‘ "Iii L/ State Dinner 5:30 Radisson :3
.\, mg.
I HumMine Bird Insights 'I 0‘“ “Tm Sh°w& Club 1‘“ 8 Pm ‘
‘ Balancine New age 8: Traditional Services ji 9” Males Exotic RCVieW Chlb 141 10:30 :63:
l Tina Gale, M6 Guidance &.‘ Counseling j >51?- Sunday’ {"1 y 8 Coronatlon 3,
I {0/ Radlsson 6 pm Z)
' Phone 859 913 3620 e—mall. hummlngblrd@ptel.net H > Monday, July 9 Victory Brunch (2
t L. _ll. ‘ _ .
GLSO Page 12

 S|mlluorslll|b at the Mullill

July 6 & 7:
0 Lounge Bar‘ opens a’r 11a.m.! \
The Illinois $F'
9 Food & Music out back! Bapbie D0" 6‘}.
0 Prime SpO'l' for' parade wa’rching 9F The
out fron’r! 3% ”mm"
0D (03f
9 Tea Dance in The disco 3 C©NfUSi©n
immedia’rly following The parade!
July 13 a? 14:
Pageant 8pm! Dana,
—————_—-————‘_————et, St. James
ofg . Monda Ni h Movies “1)resseo[& Bare Wig/l
10pm—ish ISS Gay World
KARAOKE! (1.“ a 0 who
EVERY TUESDAY .4 ‘~ 1 “h Jauth
10 PM _ a.- ‘ » ' :33)
224 east main street Iexington, kentucky 859.255.1551
must be 21 with valid id
GLSO Page 13

 Q13S( ) ‘Diizecto’zy ’ ' -’
The GLSO DOJ Pride(Bobin)..............................................231-8526
GLSO P 'd Ce t 253 3233 E-MALE (Blll)....................................................255-5469
. " e " e’ ' Fairness of Louisville...............................(502) 893-0788
Pride Center Committee (Jane)..........................389-7698 First Link (was Ask Us). .. ..................313-5465
GLSO B93” Caryl-"WW""""W"""""""""255'5469 GLSEN-Ky(Gina).....................................(606)676-9412
GLSO Discussmn Group (Jane)......................389-7698 GIL Defense Fund (502) 589-2896
GLSO NEW: (Ma?)G§§ggggg IGBO (Int. Gay Bowling Org.) (Steve)...............276-3058 V
GLSO S u kscrIpBIons( “990"”"""""""""“266'5904 Imperial Court of KY. ......bluegrassempire@hotmail.com
P .d Mpei‘hers “maul arY)------------------------255'5469 Ky Leather Productions (Larry)..........................253-0185
P'“ keP on J (Lem)""""""""""""""""""‘269'2094 Kentucky Fairness AIIiance-Lexington................296-7812
Youth Gay Straight Alliance (Mary)...................266-5904 (Greggers) _ 792-6117
GLSO on line........................lexrngtonglso@yahoo.com Lake Cumberland Gay Alliance....roger@hyperaction.net
Lex. Human Ri hts Commission......................... 252-4931
STUDENT GROUPS . Lexington Mengs Chorus (Shelby)......................231-0090
Please call Mary With new Information. Louisville Youth Group..............................(502) 894-9787
Morehead State Univ. (Ned-AdVIsor)........606 7832294 Moonshine Bears of Ky (James)...................... 254-9567
UK Lambda (James)254-6021 (Jlm) 2992047
Pride Alliance of Cent. Ky. (Gary)..............(859) 236—4547
ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING (Shane).._....859-854-0596 or pridealliance@yahoo.com
Lexmgton-Fayette County..................................288-2437 Pegasus Travel253-1644
Madison County.........................................(606)723-7312 Rainbow Bowling _League (Steve)..-.------.--------.--276-3058
Woodford County.......................................(859)873-4541 SlsterSound (Patti).............................................243-O243
Sistahs in the Life (Joan)....................................252-2657
AIDS INFO / SERVICES (Missy).....................................335-14f11
AIDS Volunteers lnc._.........................................225-3000
Lex. Health Dept.(Julle Mattern) ........................288-2362 RELIGIOUS GROUPS
H'V/A'DS Page“ Ploleth-~~--------------------(502) 5344254 Dignity [Catholic](Bichard)................................268-1351;
H'V Educatlo“ YOUTH GROUR------~----~--------278'7494 lnterweave [Unitarian](Davina)..........................271-6174
H'V SUPPO” (Somerset)-------~----679'7578 0‘ 678'5814 MCC-Elizabethtown (Rev. Cathy)..............(800)484-8498
Cumberland “99'0" (SEKY) (Pat Wagner) MCC-Lexington (Rev. Mel)..............................539-3622
_ -----;~-l506) 854'3776 0' (888) 425-7282 MCC-Louisville (Flev. Dee)........................(502)775-6636
Barren River Region..._............................1-800 559-4448 MCC-Paducah (Rev. Donna)....,,...............(270)441-2307
Loursvrlle Region: (Geri Morgan)..............(502) 574-0161 Norse pagan Community: (Rev. Pat)..................268-1640
Northern Kentucky Region:.................... (859) 3414264 KY Pagan Forum....................http://go.to/kypaganforum/
Moveable Feast.................................................252-2867 Rainbolefind [Pagan] (Sarah)..........................273-2455
_ COMMUNITY Souiforce (Angie)...............................................489-0223
Alcoholics Anonymous (Brian)...........................245-7471 soulforcelexington@yahoo.com
. (office)..................................276-2917 St Augustine’s Chapel [Episoopal](Rev. Chris)..254-3726
AL-Anon (ofilce)2771877 _ , ,v _ .
Bluegrass Belles (Marjorie)..............................278-2608 9139mm”
(Dawn). ???. . . .. .(Ann)(502)672—8673 - ' V;,_ - "
Bluegrass COLTS (Morris)...............................225-9169 WWWWMW
Bluegrass Fairness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..296-781 2 .' ng.m§gfiaa§pfid¢. 3
Councillor Peace and Justice (Rlcll<'lr