xt7mgq6r0f4j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r0f4j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1992 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Bulletin, 1992-1993 text University of Kentucky Bulletin, 1992-1993 1992 1992 2013 true xt7mgq6r0f4j section xt7mgq6r0f4j   - - — - *·=¤***·“=.·:. 4 . . :¤·· . ·   ··-=;  ’ —` ~ Mvfeiigw
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The information in this bulletin is current at the time of publication. lf you are pursuing a degree, you are obligated to fulfill the
requirements as they are listed in the bulletin for the semester in which you enroll in that program.
lf the requirements change after you have enrolled in the program, you have the option of fulfilling eitherthe old or new requirements.
lf you elect to fulfill the old requirements and find that necessary courses have been eliminated or substantially revised, you may
substitute other courses with the approval ofthe dean ofthe college. lf the revision is required by an external accreditation certification
body, and this body submits a written statement to the University that the accreditation of a program or certification of its graduates ‘
is in jeopardy unless students fulfill the new requirements, the option of fulfilling the old requirements shall not apply.
lf your study in the program orthe University is interrupted for more than two semesters, your college dean will decide which program
requirements must be fulfilled.
The University of Kentucky will provide_each incoming freshman with one copy ofthe Bulletin. Additional copies may be purchased
at either the University or Kennedy bookstores. Reference copies are distributed to all high school counselors in the Commonwealth
of Kentucky. information about the Community College System may be obtained by contacting the Community College System Office,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0056.
Specific information about different parts of the University may be obtained by directing inquiries to members of the administrative staff. The post
office address is: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. Telephone: (606) 257-9000. r
General information, transcripts of credits: University Registrar Graduatg work; Dean of The Qraduatg 3ohoo|
Admissions: Dirsstsr sf Adniissisns Student Financial Aid: Director of Student Financial Aid
Student Affairs: Vids Gnanssildr far Student Affairs Academic sdteiarenipe; Dean for Undergraduate Studies
UVlf'•9 A°¤°mm¤d6U¤¤$i University H°¤$i¤9 Omw General publications about the University: Office of Public Relations .
A particular college and its programs: Dean of the College, Director p|eoemer,r services; Urrivereiry career Cgmgr
of Admissions _ _ _ _ _ —
_ C H9 I Ch mum for me communi Con Counseling and Testing: Director of Counseling and Testing Center
Cgxrgzfny O gas` an ty 696 Extension, Evening, Weekend, and Correspondence Courses: .
Executive Director, University Extension  
The Unlverslty of Kentucky Is accredited by the Commlsslon on Colleges of the Southern Association of Q
Colleges and Schools to award undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. 2
The University of Kentucky is committed toa policy ofproviding educational opportunities
to all qualified students regardless of economic or social status, and will not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, beliefs, age, national origin, or
handicap. _ -
Compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex Sp""9 I N“mb°" 1
discrimination, and with 'Iitle VI ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964 is coordinated by Ms. Nancy The University of Kentucky Bulletin (USPS
Ray, Affimtative Action Office, 303 Administration Building, (606) 257-8927. 384-610) is published six times a year, once 1
Efforts to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to qualified handicapped "" mf? $P"m9- mma um°$ m me summm
individuals are also coordinated by the Affirmative Action Ofhce, as required by Section {Summer I- Summ°" I'- Summer liiland lW'°°
504 or [hg ptehobmrerjon Actof 1g73_ in the fall (Fallll, Fall ll) by the University of
Questions conceming compliance with regulations may be directed to UK's Affimtative I$°mu°ky’ L°xm?g°n’ hq 40506‘ S°°?nd`
Action Office, orto the Director of theOffice of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, §:_|$sK’$it§§?1paP ai! ° t°§t   |;i;""g` ·
wa*··¤¤¥¤~-*?~°— aangrs..r..;ei‘iZ..'“§?.?.I;e.g'l.r’:., 'iii
The University is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Actof 1988 and the Drug- Mailing Gems', University of Kamuck ` Lax;
Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989. Questions may be directed to ington KY 405bS A COO rama ubaéauon
gtre Viola Chancellor for Student Affairs or the Administrator for Personnel Policy and of thabmce of éegistraf the Pgbucaucns
wad _r°S‘ _ _ _ _ _ Bureau of Public Relations, and UK Photo-
Questions about admission to the University should be directed to the appropriate graphic Services
admissions office. `

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Bnivmiry Amliiv
legen I. King Library - o _
, Unfvorslty of Kcntuck
A I.••er26-28 Temlseeivlee Helideve-Aeedemleddleeve May15 Final deadline nrenbnleeen erepplteenen and  
December 1 Deadline for submission of apphcation and all an roquirw dmumants for Undergraduate ed, Q 
_ '°°lU"°d d°°Um°m$ f°" UW SP""9 S°m°$*°" mission for the 1993 Eight-Week Summer ·, 
December 9 Last day to pay $50 Registration fee to confirm session Q: 
$9***9 $9***95*9* '°9l$¤'¤6°¤ May 17 Lastday todropacourse without it appearing on  
December 11 End of class work for Fall Semester [hg sujdgnfg urgnscript if
D•°•mb•|' 14*9 F|¤¤| E¥¤m|¤¤¥|¤¤• May 24 Last day to withdraw from a course or from the [ 
University and receive any refund. *
1993 . . .  .,r
January 8 & 9 Registration for E/Wand new graduate students ` kggtgzntg fgzgeglstrauon fees and/or housmg  lj
January 11 ggggtration for Spring Semester for new stu- May 31 Memorial Day _`Ac8d9mic Honda),  gn
January 12 First day of add/drop for Spring Semester i June 1 gmx: £rc::‘l;r:;s;g? Sflgaprgggslcgnwmagpzq ·v 
Um dal! l° dV°P 8 °°U"$° °' °a"l°°l '°9'$Va¤°"' cants planning to attend Summer Advising z. 
for a full refund of fees Conferences. .  
January 13 Class work begins for Sprlng Semester June 8 Final Exemlnmem  
Jemeerv 13-20 Lete reeletretlee fer Same Semeeter June a End ofthe me renr-week rnterneeeien » Q 
January 18 Martin Luther King Birthday - Academic Holiday ie 
January 20 Last day to enter an organized class. June 10 Class work begins for Eight-Week Summer “ 
January 20 Lastday to officially withdraw from the University r $°”I°"* .l·
cr reduce course load and receive an 80 percent August 1 Final deadline for submission of application and  *
refund all required documents for undergraduate ad-  
January 27 Last day for payment of registration fees and/or ml$$l°¤ f°T W9 7993 Fell $9m6$i6l’-  
housing and dining fees August 4 Last day to pay $50 Registration fee to confirm  V
February 3 Last day to drop a course without it appearing on 1993 Fell S°m°$t9l' l’99l$ll'¤¥l°¤  
the studentetrenscript August 5 Flnal examlnattdns  V
Februew 15 Pnenry deedlme fer Freshmen epplieeme fer me August s End ofthe1993 Elght·WeekSummerSesslon r- 
F 1993 Fall Semester _j 
. 2  

I Admissions ..................................................................................................................................... 6
  Fees ............................................................................................................................................. 12
l` Residency .................................................................................. Q .................................................. 15
Financial Aid ................................................................................................................................. 18
‘ . Special Academic Programs ........................................................................................................ 23
»` Libraries ........................................................................................................................................ 29
I Cultural Opportunities ................................................................................................................... 30
_ Living Accommodations ................................................................................................................ 32
  Student Services and Activities .................................................................................................... 35
·  Academic Requirements .............................................................................................................. 40
I The University Studies Program ....................................... I ........................................................... 49
if Agriculture ........................................................' . .................................................................... 5 5
n`  Allied Health Professions ...................................................................................................... 64
Architedure ........................................................................................................................... 71
-  Arts and Sciences ................................................................................................................. 73
" ` Business and Economics ...................................................................................................... 95
*  Communications ................................................................................................................... 98
,»  Dentistry .............................................................................................................................. 102
I Education ............................................................................................................................ 103
‘ Engineering ......................................................................................................................... 115
‘ — Fine Arts ........................................................................................................................ , ..... 122
1; The Gaines Center .............................................................................................................. 129
,   The Graduate School .......................................................................................................... 130
“= Honors Program .................................................................................................................. 132
' Human Environmental Sciences ......................................................................................... 133
  Law ...................................................................................................................................... 1se
·{ Library and information Science ......................................................................................... 140
ir  Medicine .............................................................................................................................. 141
_ Nursing ................................................................................................................................ 142
[A  Pharmacy ............................................................................................................................ 144
gi  Social Work ......................................................................................................................... 147
  University Extension ...................................................................... L ..................................... 148
_l f  UK Community Colleges ..................................................................................................... 151
Course Numbering System ........................................................................................................ 152
- Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 153
_ Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 154
  Faculty ........................................................................................................................................ 278
Qi  Administration ............................................................................................................................. 301
  Official Academic Calendar ........................................................................................................ 302
 —_ Index ........................................................................................................................................... 307
I 3

The University of Kentucky began aslpart of Kentucky The mission of the University of Kentucky is to provide g
University under a cooperative plan authorized by the state excellent instruction, modern research and meaningful ser- i
legislature. In 1878, when the people of Kentucky decided to vice. Significant achievements have been accomplished in A
establish a state institution of higher learning, the Agricultural ~ each area:  
and Mechanical College was separated from Kentucky Uni- g
versity and reestablished on land given by Lexington and mstrucuon
Fayfligtgrgyidgna separate campus for the new institution the O Ninety-Sight percent of the fun-time faculty at UK have E
city of Lgxington donated its 5O_acr8 fairgmund and bark achieved the highest degree attainable in theirfields. A
which had been used as a bivouac area for Union troops • There were 48 National Merit Scholars in the 1991 .
during the Civil War- L¤>