xt7mgq6r080f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r080f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-05-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 24, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 24, 1946 1946 1946-05-24 2013 true xt7mgq6r080f section xt7mgq6r080f The ECentucky Kernel

The Talc Knd
Of Colletl's Coiyum'

Kilroy Isn't
Here Yet





'No Houses' The Campus Radio Arts
To Oiler
Is Ringing
New Courses
To Be Limited

Dual Bands Play
For Spring Dance
Special Number
To Be Awarded
To Kappas

A set of carillonic tower bells was
temporarily installed yesterday In
Memorial hall for demonstration
purposes under the supervision of
Dr. Alexander Capurso, executive
head of the music department, ac
cording to Lloyd Ekstrom, installa
tion engineer for Schulmerich Electronics, Incorporated.
Four loud speakers have been set
up in the tower of the building, and
other speakers have been placed in
the organ chamber, making it pos- ihl (n n1n holl m..;,.
side and the inside from a
keyboard located in the basement
of the hall, Mr. Ekstrom explained.
There are no bells in the tower,"
he continued, explaining that the
tcnes orignate from a small box of
electronic bells located under the
Memorial hall stage.
Four amplifiers produce the power
for the system, which may be heard
from any part of the campus.
Dr. Capurso was not available for
and a description of
definite plans for the system has
not been announced.

University Unable
To Accommodate
Lack of housing facilities on and
near the University campus has
made it apparent that the University will have to limit its 1946 fall
quarter enrollment to 5,000 students,
according to a statement from Dr.
Leo M. Chamberlain,

The music of Johnny Long, Ted
Fio Rito and their orchestras will
supply music for the Student Union
Big Name dance,
which will be held from 8 to 12 next
Tuesday in the Bluegrass room of
the Union, according to Mrs. Dorothy Evans, University social director.
The ticket -- selling contest, which
was inaugurated over a month ago,
was won by Kappa Kappa Gamma,
and, as an award, the sorority will
be given a special dance number
to which only members of the sorority and their dates may dance. The
winning of the contest also permits
Kappa Kappa Gamma to place three
members for the selection of "Favorite Girl." Tire sorority has announced Lyric Gooding, Doris
and Joan Ruby as their
board-sponsor- ed




dean and registrar.
'Each day it becomes more ap
parent that the University will not
be able to accommodate all the students who may wish to enroll for
the fall quarter," said the University dean, "and with this in mind
the administration is urging all
students interested in attending the


Vast Facilities



University in September to forward

their credentials at the earliest date

Mac-Caule- y,

'Lances Initiates
Junior Men

Outstanding Men


Receive Awards
In Field Day Events



Camp Scholarship
Given Jean Ames

Music Student
Gives Concert





Elects New Officers


4-- H




Veterans Elect Treasurer
In Last Spring Meeting






Beginning with the 1946 fall quarter in September, the University
will offer for the first time courses
in radio through the newly established Department of Radio Arts.
A survey course running through
three quarters and titled "Radio
Today" will be open to all students
l,lc University and will cover
every phase of present-da- y
broad- casting yismng lecturers from radiQ
stations and networks will appear
before the classes, and several trips
to nearby stations will be made.
All students except freshmen wnl
be eligible to take courses in "Radio
Announcing" and "Radio Acting,"
each of which will run one quarter
and will include considerable laboratory work in addition to the conventional classroom recitations. Disk
and wire recordings will enable students to hear their own defects and
check their progress.
Courses in "radio regulations,"
"radio script writing," and "radio
production," to be offered on an
advanced level, are scheduled for
the fall of 1947, at which time a
complete major in radio arts will
be available.
Having a long tradition in ladio
work, extending back to 1929 when
the first programs over WHAS,
Louisville, were made from the University's remote studios, such broadcasts have been maintained and expanded to include also regular programs over WLAP, Lexington. A
listening center system for the
mountains of Kentucky was estabs.
lished in 1933 and has become
The University studios won
a Peabody award several years ago
for pioneer work in venereal disease
broadcasts, and more recently the
University established WBKY, which
is today Kentucky's oldest frequency
modulation station. All of these facilities will be available to students
enrolled in the radio arts courses.

SGA To Install

Suggestion Boxes
Installation of boxes in various
buildings on the campus to receive
suggestions to aid SGA in improving
the University was voted by the
assembly at its regular meeting
SGA plans to have six boxes
placed In convenient spots before the
quarter is over. All suggestions will
be turned over to the planning committee. Certain of the suggestions
will be brought before the assembly
for consideration.
One hundred dollars was donated
to a committee representing the
SUB, Panhell, House Presidents'
Council, and the women's residence
halls for the publication of a handbook for freshmen. The handbook
is to contain rules and other information necessary in the orientation
of women.
Report of the committee appointed
to Investigate the Cooperstown rent
stated that nothing
could be done by SGA until residents plan a concerted action.
Representatives absent from the
meeting were Amett Mann, Bob
Ingram, Nelda Napier, Billie Dale,
Betty Grote, Wesley Prichard, How- -

Beauty Queen,
Sketches, Snapshots
Highlight Annual

Finals Slated
For June 6- -8




Distribution of the 1946 KentucThe final examination schedule kian will begin Monday afternoon
for the spring quarter has been an- in room 53 of McVey hall, Charles
nounced by Dean Leo M. Chamber- Harris, yearbook business manager,
lain, University registrar. The sche- announced today. The books are
scheduled to arrive from the binders
dule follows:
Thursday. June C:
classes today and will be distributed all
meeting 1st hour on any cycle start- next week.
ing on either Monday or Wednesday;
Harris stated that because of the
classes meeting 1st hour increase in enrollment there probon any cycle starting on either ably will not be enough copies to
Tuesday or Thursday;
classes meet the demand. After graduating
meeting 2nd hour on any cycle seniors and students who have
starting on either Monday or Wed- made advance deposits receive their
classes meeting 2nd copies there will be less than 100
hour on any cycle starting on either Kentuckians to distribute to other
Tuesday or Thursday.
Friday, June 7:
Seniors Monday and Tuesday
meeting 3rd hour on any cycle startGraduating seniors may obtain
ing on either Monday or Wednesday; their Kentuckian from 2 to 5 p.m.
classes meeting 3rd hour Monday and Tuesday. Senior fee
on any cycle starting on either receipts must be presented. At the
Tuesday or Thursday;
classes same hours Wednesday and Thursmeeting 4th hour on any cycle start- day, students who have made ading on either Monday or Wednesvance deposits may secure their


Catherine Plain

Catherine Plain
Awarded Danforth


Summer Fellowship



4th Kentuckians.

hour on any cycle starting on either
Tuesday or Thursday.
Saturday, June 8:
meeting 5th hour or from 12:00 to
1:00 on any cycle starting on either
Monday or Wednesday;
classes meeting 5th hour or from
2:00 to 1:00 on any cycle starting
on either Tuesday or Thursday; 2:50. classes meeting 6th hour;










4-- H



Delta Kappa, senior men's leadership honorary, will be initiated at
4 p.m. today at the First Presby-

terian church.
The circle will entertain with a
dinner dance in honor of new members at 7 p.m. today at the Lexington Country Club. Alumni, faculty,

and student members will attend.
Two representatives and their
dates from various campus organizations have been invited to the dance.

the staff's toodamn tired to write
any more stories.







in radio.
will enKappa Alpha Theta
tertain with an open house in honor
of Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma
Nu from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today.
Pi Kappa Alpha . . . river party
Kappa Alpha Theta . . . open house
for Sigma Phi Epsilon from 4:30 to
5:30 tomorrow. Rush party Monday.
Fireside room. Phoenix hotel.
Zeta Tau Alpha . . . will entertain
with an open house for Kappa
Sigma and Triangle from 4 to 8
p.m. Sunday at the home of Beverly Davis.
dinner-danc- e
toKappa Sigma
night at the Old Mill.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
reunion today
and tomorrow at Boonesboro.
Alpha Gamma Delta . . . open house
for Kappa Sigma and Alpha Tau
Omega from 3:30 to 5:30 this afternoon. Rush tea, 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow.
initiation at 4 p m. today.
First Presbyterian church. Dinner-danc- e,
tonight, Lexington Country
Wesley Foundation
8:30 p.m. May 31. Football room.
Union building.
Tau Sigma . . . recital. 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Guignol theater.
now until June,
Art Exhibit
room 217, Biological Sciences
French club . . . dance. 8:30 to 11:30
tonight. Card room. Union building.
8 to Big Name Band dance
p.m. Tuesday, Bluegrass room. Union building.
Monday and
WW election
Tuesday, Womn's gym.
barn dance and
carnival. 8 to 12 p.m. tomorrow.
Stock pavilion.
meet at 5
Outing club hayride
p.m. today. Union building.
picnic Meet at Union at
4:30 p.m. tomorrow.
. . . retreat. Camp
Daniel Boone, tomorrow


Independents Elect


'.XVN fV


-- r



First 'Vague' Slated


To Appear May 28

sp cV'- -

Fifth Art Exhibit

Nancy Skeen, sets and program cov- - honorary music and drama
ers. Members of Phi ,
women's nity, will serve as ushers.



kilroy hasn't been here yet! and







remaining Kentuckians will be held
from 2 to 5 p.m. Friday. Those who
have made advance deposits should
bring their receipts. No checks will

Catherine Plain, home economics
junior from Bremen, has received
be accepted.
the Danforth Summer Fellowship,
Students who have made adawarded annually to the most outvance deposits, but who do not
standing woman who has just comcall for their Kentuckians bepleted her junior year in the College
fore June 1 probably will not be
able to obtain copies, Mr. Harris
of Agriculture and Home Economics.
classes meeting 7th, 8th, apstated. All Kentuckians not
The fellowship is offered by the
pointments, conflicts, etc.
called for by that date will be
Danforth foundation and a St. Louis
Examinations for classes offered
sold at the regular price of H-jcompany. Outstanding young
6 o'clock are to be given at
Featuring the "Campus Beauty
women from many leading state uni- after
regular class meeting.
Queen," the 194 yearbook has light
pro- the last
versities receive a four-weNo final examination shall be monkey-graine- d
padded cover, em- gram of study, research, leadership,
days of.voss-- H with .. nniVersitv seaL In- before the last
training, and fellowship. The pro- givenquarter except onthree
written per- - cluded m the 273 pages are sketches
gram was designed to give young
(Continued on Page Four)
women about to graduate from col- mission from the conflict,
the In- -'
In the ease of a
lege an insight into the business
structor involved shall report this
world and to help them to adjust
fact to the registrar at least two
themselves to their Jobs after gradweeks before the final examination
period. In such a case the registrar
The first two weeks of the pro- shall decide when the examination
gram will be spent in St. Louis, is to be given.
where Miss Plain will visit business
The final examination in orientaconcerns representing different tion shall be given at the last regtwo ular class period before the final
phases of industry. The last
I'nJversity for Life program
weeks will be spent at Camp
examination period.
on the shore of Lake MichiExcepting the College of Law. the presents a hayride. leaving Central
gan. The camp program emphasizes above schedule of final examina- Christian church at 4 p.m. Sunday.
four-fol- d
physical, tions shall apply to all colleges of Student Government Awociatioa
will meet at 4 p.m. Monday in the
mental, social, and religious.
the University.
Union building for the final meetMiss Plain is president-eleof
If an instructor wishes to give
Shelby house, member of the Home
final examination he may ing of the year.
will meet at
Economics club, secretary of the do so, but the examination must be Philosophy club
period 7:30 p.m. Monday in room 205 of
Baptist Student union, member of given within the two-hothe Union building. Dr. Jesse De- assigned.
club and the YWCA.
Marie Shrout, home ec junior
The class tickets for a course shall Boer will read a paper on "Zeno's
from Carlisle, is alternate. Last be filed with the registrar by 9 am. Paradoxes."
open house for
Alpha Xi Delta
Monday, June 10.
year's winner was Rebecca Lowe.
all men on campus from 4 to 6 p.m.
Leo M. Chamberlain,
Secretary of the faculty today.
ODK To Honor
School will close at 6 p.m. June 8 Radio club of central Kentucky . . .
meet at
and will reopen
Pledges With Dance quarter June 17. for the summer will Southern 7:30 p.m. station. Spe-at
cial invitation to all GI's interested
Seven new pledges of Omicron

Tau Sigma To Present Dance Recital



Kentuckian Is Ready;
Distribution Monday

Open To Students

High school seniors of this year
should have transcripts of their
Johnny Long
high school credits forwarded to the
registrar immediately upon graduacandidates.
tion, and Kentucky students who
A few tickets are still available for
wish to transfer from other colleges
should also have their transcripts
the dance, and may be purchased in 11
room 121 while they last, Mrs. Evans
forwarded immediately from schools
Initiation ceremonies for new
stated. There will be absolutely no members of Lances, Junior men's previously attended. Former students of the University should notify
ticket sales at the door.
leadership honorary society, were
An orchestra will be placed at each held Thursday afternoon in the the registrar of their intention to
return, the registrar said.
end of the Bluegrass room, and the Union building.
"It is unlikely that any applicadance will offer four hours of conSelection of new members for
tinuous music, Mrs. Evans added. Lances, oldest honorary society on tion for admission or
Inability to sign contracts with the University campus, was made can be approved if received after
Company B, commanded by Cadet
July 15," said Dr. Chamberlain,
the Glenn Miller band after an an- last week.
Capt. Bingham H. Willson, defeated
. "and admissions
of Kentucky stu
nouncement stating that the band Those initiated were Fred Daugh-ertdents will be approved in order of Company A, commanded by Cadet
was scheduled to perform for this
Georgetown; Clay Salyer,
application, irrespective of other Capt. James C. Chestnut, in the
affair, was due to previous engageByram Faris, Mt. Sterling; factors." The enrollment of non company drill division of the Uniments of the band, at that time un- Morris Beebe Jr., Lexington; George
versity R.O.T.C. field day exercises
known to the band's agent. In an W. Freas, Salmons; James Hodskins, resident students is being held to Thursday afternoon at Stoll field.
keep their promise to have Owensboro; Bryan Iglehart, Hart- 15 per cent of the total enrollment. The company
effort to
received the George
a big name band, the Union board ford; William Hubbard, Dubuque, There will be very few places to fill D. Freeman trophy.
for the fall quarter and University
decided to sign two bands for the Iowa; Lewis Hart, Lexington; Dick
The Second platoon of Company
authorities are not encouraging
dance, Mrs. Evans concluded.
Gillespie, and Daniel Mitchell.
students to apply, he B, under the command of Cadet
1st Lt. Glenn E. Martin, won the
As a token of recognition, the said.
prospective candidates wore distinc
award given in platoon competition
by the Kentucky Chapter of the
tive armbands marked with a 13,
symbol of Lances' parent organizaReserve Officers Association.
tion, the Mystic 13, to all classes
Cadet Harry Gayle Caldwell,
Jean Ames, home economics during the past week.
Company A, won the Man o' War
Membership in Lances is accorded
Post, American Legion, trophy in
freshman from Lexington, has reoutstanding members of the sophoindividual drill competition.
ceived a Danforth Summer Camp
serve during
more class. Members
Company A won the University
Bettie Harris Russell, mezzo- scholarship, given annually to the their junior year, and are replaced
cup as the company attaining the
woman by a new group selected during the soprano, will present a recital in the highest
most outstanding freshman
scholastic average during
spring quarter. Men are selected on Music room of the Union building, the year. The Lafayette hotel
ui home economics.
The scholarshiD awards two weeks the basis of outstanding scholarship at 8:15 Monday. She will be accom- trophy was awarded to Cadet Lt.
panied by Joseph G. Young, pianist.
at Camp Miniwanca, Michigan I ' Several more abiUties. be tapped Miss Russell, of Jackson, Tenn., is William E. Tuttle, the member of
men will
first-yeadvanced das with
maintained exclusively ior young mr initiation ui the near future, it a graduating senior in the arts and the
the highest average in military
in- the wa4 announoed,,.
persons who
to live
science college. During the past four
year. Cadet Robert
years she has been active in musical science for the
leadershiD bracket of American
Caldwell won the Phoenix hotel
organizations on the campus. She
4-- H
The leadership program in which
trophy for the first-yebasic
is a member of Phi Beta fraternity,
Miss Ames will participate emphacourse student with ithe highest
the Women's Glee Club, Choristers, average in
sizes physical, mental, religious, and
military science.
University Trio, and is known on the
social sides of the individual.
The Rotary Club trophy, awarded
club has soloist.
The University
to the member of advanced R.O.T.C.
Miss Ames is a member of the elected officers for the 1946-4- 7
Mr. Ycung, from St. Louis, Mo., is
Home Economics club, devotional school year.
selected by advance military studa junior in the arts and science ents as excelling
of the Baptist StuNew officers include Vivian Hines, college.
in requirements of
good citizenship, was presented to
dent Union, and a member of the president; Hazel Jo Smith,
The recital is open to the public, Cadet Second Lt.
religious committee of the FreshFrances Wilhoyte, secreDalton B. Cald
man club.
tary; Evelyn Hammond, treasurer; and includes:
Tu lo sai, Torelli; Care Selve, Cadet Capt. Bingham Willson won
was Thomas Johnson, reporter; Mayme
Last year's
Handel; Bois Epais, Lully.
club trophy as the
awarded to Nell Bogie. Amy Dean Joseph and Donald Hoskins,
May Night, Brahms; Come to Me advanced
of the social committee.
student possessing the
Is the 1946 alternate.
in My Dreams, Bridge; Go, Lovely qualities of an officer
and gentleRose, Quilter.
Seguidilla, from "Carmen," Bizet. , Cadet Edwin Walter,
the member
Three Preludes, Gershwin Alle- of the rifle team with the highest
gro ben ritmato e deciso, Andante record in competition,
received the
con moto e poco rubato. Allegro ben Lions club trophy.
ritmato e deciso, Mr. Young.
Miss Virginia Brady won the miliWhite Nocturne, Nordoff; Peas- tary department award presented to
Advantages in keeping govern- anyone ants, Lowens; I Hate Music, Bern- the member of
ment insurance, plans of the Lex- - hall building and invited
for atthe
ington Civil Air Patrol unit, election interested in the flying program to stein.
tendance, perseverance, and esprit
Wind in the Tree Tops,
de corps.
of treasurer, and president's report attend the meetmgs.
on club activities highlighted the! Howard Bowles, president of the
Fear Not the Night, Hage-maLt. Col. Stanley Hays, Maj. Oscar
regular meeting of the Veterans' club, gave a complete report on the
Where the Lilac Blows, Sacco; Sellars, and Capt. Charles Burton
now engaged in and Spanish Johnny, Sacco.
club Monday afternoon in Memorial club activities
judged the competitive drill events.
hall. This was the last regular what the steering committee
meeting of the club during the planned for the club in the future.
A finance control committee was
spring quarter.
with Stan Skees as
William H. Arthur, regional in - announced
surance officer of the Veterans Ad- - chairman. Other members of the
ministration, advised aU ex - serv - committee include: .Nancy Kirby
Tau Sigma, women's honorarytermen and women to keep their Barney McKahn, Joe French and dance fraternity, will present its
GI insurance in order to take ad- - George Paine.
sixth annual recital May 30-in
vantage of maximum protection at j
the Guignol theater. Revell Estill
possible cost to them as civil- lowest
Shaw, sponsor, is directing the pro.
ians. He expects Congress to greatly
duction. Tickets are now on sale
liberalize GI insurance soon and LiXeCUUVe
at the Women's gym, and it is
said it was relatively easy now for
performance will
a veteran to reinstate his insurance The Association of Independent be held that the following Monthrough the
Students held its regular meeting
if it has elapsed.
7 p.m. in the day, Miss Shaw said.
Eli Hall, student in the College Wednesday, May 15, at
The recital will open with a proCommerce, was elected treasurer "Y" lounge.
An executive committee made up logue in which Margaret MacCorkle
of the club to fill the unexpired term
college was and
Mrs. Renice Linville will read
of Ed Gabbard who resigned be- of a student from each
comseveral poems. The actual produccause he finishes his school work elected. The members of the
mittee are: arts and sciences, Jack tion is composed of three parts:
at the end of this quarter.
ton; commerce, Everett
The London Fog; The People Yes;
Cleve B. DeCamp of the Lexing- Fen
law, Charles Denny; engi- The World
ton Civil Air Patrol unit explained
Is Round. The theme is
Hillman; educathe purposes and plans of the CAP. neering, Dillard snowden; agricul- centered around the interpretation
of political and social programs beHe was invited to speak at the meet- tion, Catherine
ing because of the many requests the ture and home economics, Delia ginning with oppression in the old
peoples to seek a
club has been receiving for informa- Scott.
was elected new which sent
tion on postwar flying. He said the to A planning committee
work during the summer. Memlocal unit or wing held weekly meetThe following members of the
ings on Monday night in the city bers of this committee are Jack
May, John Anggelis, Edwina Abra dance group will participate: Ann
ham, Eva Greer, and Stuart Cohen. Barron, Beverly Brown, Shirley
An amendment to the constitution
Jean Collier, Jean Crabb,
was passed which lowered the quor- Martha Greathouse, Tillie Gumm,
The fifth annual exhibition of um of members necessary at a meet- Marjorie Hall, Vivian Hereford,
paintings by students in art will ing to 20.
Nancibell King, Carolyn McMeekin,
open in the Music room of the Union
The AIS held its regular dinner Margie Mattmiller, Julia Maxwell,
building with a reception from 4:00 meeting Monday, May 20, in the Frances Morgan, Ellen O'Bannon,
to 6:00. this afternoon. The exhibi- Football room.
Mary O'Neill, Gwen Pace, Dorothy
tion is sponsored by the Student
The last regular meeting of the Richardson, Juanita Robertson, Pat
Union Art committee, and will last quarter will be held at 7 p.m. Wed- Shely, Rebecca Shinkle, Jo Trapp. for the group; Henry Foushee. stage
through June.
nesday, in tin- - Union buildinp.
William Stair, Jightine;
Hcli'ii Hutchcrnfl is accompanist


MAY 21. l'JIfi



"Vague." literary magazine being
published by University of Kentucky chapter of Chi Delta Phi. national women's honorary, will be
placed on sale in the Union building and the campus book store May
28, it was announced this week by
Lenora Henry, editor.
The magazine is to be published
quarterly and will be composed of
poetry, short stories, features and
sketches contributed by men and
women students at the University,
Miss Henry said.
The magazine will sell for 25
cents per copy and may be' purchased in downtown stores if arrangements
can be made, Miss
Henry said.









� student who slaves over term papers, or the physicist who spends long hours in the lab?
ISlore active participation of the Student Government Association in determining the needs and
l ic it s of the University.

The Summing Up
1'iiiir war veai-- of college Jiave l)een eventful
e:ns for this June's senior class and the fact that
ihcsr liae been unusual times was as much of an
:i(!aiii.ic in many ways as it has leen a handicap.
II so ial calendars
had only furlough dates
heduled, University women found evenings free
!o eujov feminine companionship which was
ii'iiliiuilit of when men were 4 to 1. If interest
in classes was lacking, an education in history,
"ro'4i:iphy and jxilities was gained in reading letters honi oeiseas and keeping up with the armies
in the newspapers.
Times of stress called forth talents that had
Ixfuie been undiscovered. Not until women had
to take over the men's jols did they have the
to prove that they were just as capable.
Oieds K ained to live in the crowded dorms soldiers were quartered in one of the halls and they
kanied during gas rationing to walk and like it.

The seniors of

missed a lot, but they also
gained much that they would have missed if the
University and t lie country had been at peace.
They have taken the return of the veterans in their
stride; housing problems, inadequate facilities of
all kinds have not made them resentful. From
what they have learned there are some words they
would say to those coming after:
Because the University is a social institution it
has the faults, and weakness of the humans who
guide its jxilicies, teach its classes, and study in its
halls. Therefore it is as great as you as a pari of
it make it. What the University most needs for
its future growth are:
The supjjort and interest of the people of the
state in its program of expansion, and the money
necessary to put its program into effect.
The enthusiasm and unity of the student IkmIv
behind its administration and faculty and the
loyalty of its faculty members.

Of all the adjustments one must learn to make
in colle ge, one of the most difficult comes from
the impact of new ideas iqion long accepted belli fs and piejudites. In the classroom and in
the campus social life one constantly comes in
contact with different standards of good and
bad, of Klitics, of taste in clothes, choice of
It in K and ambitions. It is quite a shock to
the freshman who lxTieves in the integrity of
the campus leaders to find that perhaps the
president of one of the most influential organizations thinks ground could be gained more
pressure than
effectively with
action. This is just a beginning.
by above-loarJust as the soldier is disillusioned to find that
his enemy is fighting for patriotic ideals as
and convincing as his own, so is the
student stopped short by realization that history
books do not always" tell 1hi1i sides of the events
that shajM-- America's destinyi;' When he learns
that sometimes the DemcxTatk' party has stooped
to mi. lri handed dealing that would put the
il Fiench diplomats to shame he legins to
qualify his own opinions of international affairs.
Sometimes the Republican leaders have sacrificed
the good of the country for political gain and
knowledge of such facts changes the collegian's
res et for his elders who boast" of voting a
(oi Republican) ticket. As
Mraight I)e mocratic
the si mil nt learns true facts he must revise the
narrower conclusions drawn from his grade and
high school education, and his home en- i






he learns of the similarities of the reli-ion- s
ol the world of the Ireauties of Buddhism,
: rnl the good points of the Hebrew religion and
he may approach his own
C Jin isiian faith from a broader point of view. He
tolerant of those of different faith
around him.
Whe n he first discovers that within a block
ii oiime

W lie ii


of the most lxautiful homes in Lexington are
the shabbiest shacks imaginable that in the
midst of the wealthiest part of Kentucky, and
the most extravagant exendiiures on horses
and racing and such pastimes is the most abject
need and poverty, he has the complete picture
and he can judge accordingly. When he sees in
police courts the humans without pride or hee
then lie weighs character success and failure.
For if he knows lroth sides then he can decide
what is right and wrong good and bad. He
need no longer accept what he is told, but question and find the answers for himself. Facts are
the tools for straight thinking.
As the student learns to think, he grows more
tolerant of the habits and ideas of others. He
gives his associates the right to their own opinions when he finds that a lot of old ideas which
he once would have sworn were absolutely right,
are fallacious. When he learns that professors
are not always scholars and gentlemen, and
writers are not always accurate, he considers before accepting what he hears and reads. Even
the most dejicndable, and sincere advisors can
sometimes slip up, so the student Incomes
tltBughiiul. He learns that men are emotional
as well as rational and acts accordingly!
From the breaking down of old prejudices
and building up of new ideas the college student
learns that much in living is relative. It just
ueriieis. nnu iiiucn dermis on i...... ..s an mm- vidua!. If he makes this adjustment to new ideas
successfully, accepting or rejecting, incorporat- .
ing them into his own thought, or revising them
to his own use, he has learned one of the greatest
college or out-c- an
lessons higher education-- m
teach. And as an indeendent thinker he may
learn that in makins: decisions the rxiet who
wrote this knew what he was talking about:
"This above all, to thine own self Ie true,
And it must follow as the night the day
men Iuc f..l io ..., ........
jiiuii laust. not .1


Life, Liberty, and Pursuit
A local coed made the big deel- rion to bride her time in college
lor the next year or so, and made
jjlans accordingly for a couple of
v. e ks hence.
She and mate-to-b- e
hud been going out every night,
nd fo discussing the big event.
One niht, however, the discussion
must have become quite long for
arrived back at the little grey
uim, with a one oclexk jump.
I nii r a bugle blew loudly and the
lu'ii-of the campusing council
out of the woodwork. The
trawl.-rr.;ull of their discussion was that
the prodigal coed is campused
c very niiiht
up until the night be- lure her wedding. The leniency
ranted in letting her see her man
t!ie nitht before the wedding is for
her to see if he is still the same
r.y.xn that proposed ano u sne buu
n on
i. ' nif
nil n main- co-ee



By Adele Dfnman




"She grew right out of the cradle
onto the bridge table."
Facetiousness reiened supreme at
tVl. phi T,pt. hannuet
when an
anonymous man stumbled into the
room and announced that he was
iooiiillg for the chiropractors' con- venti0IL "Come right in," an- nounced one of the PB's, "this is
a meeUng of jady chiropractors
right here ..No... tne gentleman
yes indeed," quoth
tne iady -- you see these gais nave
been m and out of every joint in

j. The SAE's and the Phi Delts
are planning a nver party togetner.
- cl

-- v,io



so far lievond petty


ivirii nave you ever utrcu caugui.
with a woman in your room? Worn- en, have you ever been caught with
vice versa? One gal wasnt caught
that is guilty, for same was s