xt7mgq6r075t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6r075t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1932-05-06  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  6, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  6, 1932 1932 1932-05-06 2013 true xt7mgq6r075t section xt7mgq6r075t I.




Best Copy Available




Kentucky Thinlies To Engage
Tennessee Stars Saturday Afternoon




Dual Meet With Traditional
Opponents Will He Last
of Season




Guignol Season's Final
To Open Monday, May 9 MAY DISCONTINUE
Donald Ogdcn

Stewart's Play,


Will Re


Too Rigorous Censorship Cited by Editor as Cause of

Pledges Seven

As the final offering of a successful season at the Oulgnol theater,
bits of conone of the better-know- n

Falling Sales

At Assembly

temporary drama will be presented
when the curtain rises at 8:30 o'clock Monday night on the opening
performance of Director Fowler's Interpretation of Donald Ogden Stesuperlatively



Mortar Board




Rent, Gordon, Day Receive Numerous Chances Planned
if Croup Continues

Mortor Board,
national senior
women's honorary
announced the pledging of the following university women students,
at assembyl Friday morning:
Eleanor Dawson, Louisville; Jane
Dyer, Morganfield;
Lois E. Neal.
Chicago. 111.; Mildred Neal.
Mary Anne O'Brien.
Mary Elizabeth Price.
Lexington, and Ruth Wehle, Lexington.
Mortar Board was established on
this campus in 1920. The qualifications for eligibility for membership in the organzation
are high
scholarship, active leadership, and
worthy service to the universtiy.
Mortor Board presents a scholarship award every year to the freshman woman making the highest
standing for the first semester. This
year there were three who made a
standing of three, an deach of them
will be given a cup. Those who will
receive the award are Mary Elizabeth Rentz, Ann Bruce Gordon,
and Dorothy Day.
Actives of Mortar Board are
Edythe Reynolds, president; Emily
Smith, secretary; Mary Elizabeth
Fisher, treasurer; Mary Alice
historian, and Elizabeth Ann
Ewing, Virginia Nevins, Mollie Mack
Offutt. Christine Johnson. Nancy
Duke Lewis, and Elizabeth Poole.


Mav Dav FestivihV
receeded by Convocation;
Sullivan Medallions Given


Women's Honorary Scholarship Cup



Whether to continue to publish
the Kampus Kat, university humor
magazine, or to discontinue the pub
llcation of the book under the direc


BTtiie Shlvrly's Wildcat
With admirable
track team will leave this morning cast
of familiar favorites has been
for Knoxvlllc. whore they will meet assembled, and all present indicathe tions point to an appropriate clostheir traditional opponents,
Tennessee Volunteers, In the last ing gesture by the campus little thedual meet of the season. Saturday ater Rroup. The attainment of the
smoothness of production and evenFollowing their victory over the ness of presentation which charactBerea Mountaineers test week, the erize the plays presented by the
and Oulgnol Is a crowning achievement
'Cats have Improved greatly
Shlvely expects a victory over the gained in the face of disheartening
Is Known 01 lack of material, and the properties
the ability of the Vols, but last so necessary to good dramatizatoin
year they had a little
are obtained only at the e:()cnse of
who was some stepper, and Hocker a great amount of thought and exand Baker will do well If they stay penditure of ingenuity.
In striking distance of this star.
The work of the Guignol group in
Shipwreck Kelly Is back In the bringing to Lexington representative
fold ready to resume his sprinting legitimate presentations of the betand broad jumping. He looks to be ter bits of drama is not only a merin tiptop condition with his leg itorious service to the university, but
apparently healed up, and should to the city of Lexington as a whole.
have little difficulty in annexing In the Guignol company, Director
first places In his chosen events. Fowler directs the only active little
He Is practicing so as to be in con- theater group in central Kentucky.
dition to compete In the Confer"Rebound" is a play typical of the
ence relays at Atlanta.
contemporary trend toward brilliant
Johnny Hieber, the other veteran dialogue, slightly risque themes, and
Wildcat sprinter, who has been frank presentations of life in a modbothered all year with a pulled ern world. It has to do with modtendon In his upper left leg, yes- ern morals and marriage, treating
terday declared he was "ok." and them with a candor which at times
will run the 100 with Kelly down is a bit overdone.
at the Tennessee stronghold. CarThe play, which opens at a weekrol Ball and Kelly will be Coach end party on Long Island, deals with
Shively's choice for the 220. In the misadventures
of a group of
the trials Wednesday Hieber fin- young people who with truly modern
ished jvst a step or so behind Kelly interest In speed "marry in haste."
and Ball.
The remainder of the play quite inEd Milliken and John Carter terestingly details the methods emstaged a tight race In the 440 Wedployed to "repent at leisure." The
nesday, but Ed squeezed out a vic- general gist of the presentation, as
tory in the stretch, beating Carter the title implies, is relative to the
by a step or two. The frosh op- tendency of modern youth to reposed the varsity In all events, to marry while still on the bounce from
give the coaches a line on the pos- its last unsuccessful venture.
sibilities for a good freshman team.
Cast in the principal roles of "Re
Noble took a second in the shot bound" are Jean Bullitt Lowry as
put and a first in the Javelin throw. Sara; Andrew Hoover, William
Craig finished right behind the Truesedale; and Neil Cain, Johnny
leaders in the 100 and looks to be Coles. In the capable supporting
the best among the frosh sprinters. cast are Christine Johnson, Lize;
Thorn In the 440 and 220 seems ta Eleanor Sleekier. Ena; Roger
havp a slight edge on the others.
Pierre; Mary Person. Martha;
Milliken and Carter will run the Mary Coleman Johnson, Mrs.
440 in the meet Saturday with
Webster Cosse, Lyman Patterand O'Bryant in the 880. Both son; Sam Manley. Mr. Jaffery; and
Mahan and Captain O'Bryant have R. D. Mclntyre, Les.
several good performances in this
"Rebound" will be the final preevent to their credit and should sentation in the Guignol's current
take at least a second against the and fourth season, and will play at
the campus little theater every night
Baker and O'Bryant in the mile during the week of May 9.
should have little trouble in taking
nrst and second, but the Tennes
seans may upset the dope and take Queen To Be Elected
a second place. Howard Baker is
1932 Senior Rail
almost a sure winner, as his workouts this week have been good
Baker's last 100 yard spurts have Senior Men To Elect Co-E- d
(Continued on Page 4)
To Preside at Annual

two-mil- er

Sal-yer- s,

Reunion Committee
Plans To Radiocast
Program May 23

Ca-pro- n.







No, Agatha,

a scrap book is not

the diary of a pugilist.

For the first time in the history
of senior classes at the university
the 1932 senior ball will be presided
over by a senior queen, it was decided by a committee in charge of
John Bagwell, senior in the College of Law is chairman of the group arranging for the
annual dance.
According to the plans laid by the
committee, the queen must be a
member of the senior class, and she
will be elected by men of the senior
class. The election will be conducted similarly to the election of the
Junior prom queen, it was reported.
The senior ball, which will be
the final event of the regular school
year, will be held during the first
week In June. The orchestra and
the place have not yet been announced by those In charge but it
Is believed that an
will be procured and that the Alum
ni gymnasium will be obtained lor
the affair.

Ralphy Johnson, erstwhile sports
editor of The Kernel, wrote this
column last week because we were
busy, told you all that this column
was to be educational, entertaining,
and at the same time, was to save
the managing editor a lot of trouble
In handling notices and announcements. We wish to elucidate. Notices, which usually are boxed and
scattered throughout the paper, oftentimes detract from the concin-nit- y
of make-uThis column Is
going to be a regular feature of
The Kernel, and all notices and announcements will be relegated to it.
They will be Informally presented,
but should be considered as of Importance and as serious matters,
William O. Haag, senior, was seno matter how they are presented. lected president of Sigma Gamma
Epsilon. honorary Geology fraterKentucky's university campus Is nity, at a regular meeting of the
a garden spot of beauty in the organization Wednesday afternoon
spring, summer, and full, but there In the Natural Science building.
is one beautiful sight that endures Other officers elected for the comKer-m- it
the four seasons Memorial hall ing year were:
silhouetted against a sunset. Just
secretary-treasure- r,
after the sun has dropped over the Dick Gerhard; and editor, Joe Mills.
horizon the spire of the hall stands
Besides the election of officers, a
black against an
was made by Joe Mille of
panorama of colors and tints that rexrt
the committee which attended the
blend from deep redes to light blue, nnUoiml convention held at Pennwhich in turn gives way to the sylvania State College last month.
deepest blue of the night sky. This committee was composed of
Blazing fierchly and defiantly Joe Mills. Wiliam Hang, and Raystands the evening star, and fur mond Triiutman. Puns were also
below in the dark shadow of the made regarding a picnic of geoloev
steeple there are two opalescent major and graduate students which
disks that reflect the time of the will be held sometime alter in the
evening. One breathes deeply on semester.
seeing the splendor, and is glud
to be alive.
lfOISt KTS Wil l. Sl'KAK

Haas: Is Selected
To Head Geologists

And there Is another question on
our mind. This picture, Turzun of
the Apes, has done something to
the girls of the university. It Is
said of one girl that she attended
the performance eight times. More
than one girl claims to have seen


on page 4)


Plans for a radio program to be
given in connection with the annual class reunions were discussed
at a meeting of the executive committee of the University of Kentucky Alumni association, Monday
night, May 2, at the Lafayette hotel.
Miss Sarah G. Blanding, dean of
women, was appointed chairman ol
the committee in charge of arrangements for the program.
The program will be broadcast
over the WHAS remote control
radio station from 10:30 to 11 p. m.
May 23, when the alumni of the
university will assemble for their annual class reunions. The performing artists will be the Blue and
White orchestra and the Kentucky
Cardinals ouartet.
,t Un





cussed at the meeting of the committee Monday night included a report for the banquet committee by
Dr. E. C. Elliott. The banquet will
be given at the Phoenix hotel. Sat
urday, June 4. Souvenir program:
will be miniature copies of The
Kentucky Alumnus.
A motion was passed, approving
the pledging of $150. to the faculty
loan fund, by the Alumni Associa
tion, and a repoit was made that
25 per cent of the election ballots
had been returned to the Alumni
office. The election of new ollicers
will be announced at a meeting of
the Alumni association Monday af
ternoon. June 6, immediately follow
ing commencement exercises.
Preceding the business meeting,
members of the e;ecutive committee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.
K. Frankel at a dinner at the Lafayette hotel. Members of the committee who were present are Mr. and
Mrs. Frankel, Miss Marguerite Mc
Mrs. A. Uunderwood.
Doctor O. Buckner, Dr. G. H. Wilson, Dr. E. C. Elliott, Dean Sarah
G. Blanding, Wayland Rhodes, W.
C. Wilson. Lee McClain, M. J
Crutcher, W. W. Hillenmeyer, Betty
Hulett, Jumes Shropshire.

Sigma Xi To Hold
Annual Ranquet

The Kentucky chapter, society of
Sigma XI, will hold Its annual dinner, initiation and election of officers tonight. An address, "Genetic
Studies on Resistance and Susceptibility to Diseases" will be given by
Dr. Elmer Roberts, associate professor of animal genetics, University
of Illinois.
Prof. Eston J. Asher, Dr. Mat hew
Hume Bedford, Mr. Robert K.
Prof. Thomas M. Huhn. Prof.
Reid P. Meucha mand Mr. David W.
Young will be initiated as active
members. The following will be initiated as associate members:
Virginia S. Colley. Samuel C.
Richard Hicklin, Herbert
Parker, Donald F. Kowell, Armor P.
Taylor, Chtlord Westerned.
Herbert Wright. Jumes It. Moore.
Richard C. Luyson, graduate students, and Frank K. Hall, senior in
the College of Agriculture. Mr.
Greenfield, and Mr. George
Plrtle will be initiated us uluniiil
Dr. Elmer Roberts. University of members.
Illinois, who recently returned from
Friends of the society and of the
a year of study in China, will give initiates are Invited to attend.
an Illustrated talk on "Chinese
Customs." at 4 o'clock Krlduy afterOnly ten out of every hundred
noon, May 6, In the physics lecture patents granted in the United
room. The public Is Invited to
States prove to be of any economic


Isa-do- re

tion of Sigma Delta Chi, was to be
decided this week by members of
Sigma Delta Chi, who sponsor the
According to William A. Shafer.
P'esent editor of the book, too vigorous censorship of the publication
has formed editors to limit the
scope of the content., causing cir
culation to fall considerably. Shafer
told a Kernel reporter Thursday,
following a meeting of the Journalism society that the last two issues
of the Kat have lost monev for the
fraternity and that the editorial
board feels that the organization
cannot afford to publish the magazine under existing circumstances.
Daniel W. Goodman, president
Sigma Delta Chi. is to call a meet
ing of the members of the order
early next week In order to decide
the fate of the Kampus Kat. The
present staff Is composed of Wil
liam A. Shafer. editor; John Watts.
associate editor; and Daniel W.
Goodman, associate editor. Members of the fraternity occupy other
positions on the staff. Next year's
editor, if the the magazine is con
tinued, will be Marvin C. Wachs.
who was elected recently.
The Kampus Kat was Inaugurated
at the university in 1927 following
the installation of the Kentucky
chapter of Sigma Delta Chi. In
the beginning it was published as
paper. In
1929 the magazine was produced as
a booklet printed on newspaper.
This yea rthe Kat blossomed forth
in magazine form, but due to limi
tations did not prosper as editors
If the magazine is to continue as
the humor publication, numerous
changes will be made. Two-colcartoons will be innovated and a
different colored cover with a different cartoon will be reproduced
with each new issue. A regular
date for publication is to be established and approximately eight issues will be printed a year. Changes
In the content of the book also are
planned by the new editorial board
and a general reorganization is to
be effected.






Parade, Folk Dances, Stunts.
Gingham Dance to
End Day


Assembling at 10 o'clock
this morning in Memorial
hall, students and faculty, attending general



Beta Gamma Sigma, Honorary Commerce Scholarship
Fraternity Taps




Beta Gamma Sigma,



the pledging of seven
students of the Commerce College.
They are Walter Lee Hardymon,



Seniors Parade in Caps and
Gowns to Memorial Hall
10:00 a. m.



Men's Glee Club
William Gess
Presentation of Awards
Pres. Frank L. McVey
Pledging of Mortar Board
Formation of Parade at the Administration Building 1:30



p. m.

Parade Through City
Return of Parade to Campus

Crowning of May Queen
Folk Dances and Stunts
SuKy Dance at Men's Gymnasium
Pledging of SuKy
Awarding of Prizes for Floats in




Dr. Fred J. Kellv
Will Speak at State

College Conference

de-ta- ls





inaugurated the university's
tenth annual observance of
May day festivities.


Members of the university
club will have their annual picnic
tonight on the exixrlment station
faim. Junior
club member are
Invited, and the party will leave the
Agriculture building at 7 o'clock.

Pre-t- o


Maysville; Joseph D. Webb, Lexington; Joseph L. McConnell. Cedar
Falls, Iowa; Charles M. Stephenson, Vedalia, Georgia; William A.
Tolman. Georgetown; Orba F. Tray- lor, Providence; and David McKin-neRichmond.
Two of the men pledged are undergraduates. Webb being a senior
and Hardymon a junior. The remaining six are graduate students
and are majoring in economics and
commerce. The new pledges will be
initiated during the last week of
this month.
Beta Gamma Sigma is the Phi
Beta Kappa of the Commerce College.
The society recognizes onlv
students having the highest scholastic standing in the College of
Commerce during their junior and
senior years and graduate students
majoring in commerce who have
been residents of the university for
years and who have
two or
Dr. Jesse Adams, Director of standings more2 5 or more. The group
Summer School, Announces pledges twice a year, once each se
Inauguration of Course for mester. Jack Wert and Ben Staple-toboth seniors in the college were
Public Health Training
pledged and initiated last semester.
Ollicers and members of the fraA school for public health workternity
ers will be inaugurated June 14 in president are Prof. R. D. Mclntyre
; Prof. L. C.
connection with the annual summer tary and treasurer; Carter, secre
Dean Edward
session, according to an announceWiest. Prof. Walter W. Jenning
ment yesterday by Dr. Jesse E. Prof. Lloyd Averitt, Ben C. Staple
Adams, director of the summer ton,
and Jack Wert.
The school will offer special
training for health ollicers, public
health nurses, those engaged in
treating tuberculosis patients or
seeking to prevent its increase, laboratory technicians, school teachers
who do health work, and university
All colleges in the state are exstudents interested in entering the
field of public health work. This pected to be represented at a meetcourse is unique in that it is the ing of the Kentucky conference on
first of Its kind to be offered at the educational research in the field of
higher education, which will be held
The state board of health is co- at 10 a. m. Saturday, in McVey hall,
operating with the university in in- and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
augurating the school. Dr. Adams
The principal speaker for the
and Dr. J. S. Chambers, director of meeting will be Dr. Fred J. Kelly,
the department of health at the chief of the division of colleges and
university, are working out the
professional schools of the United
of arrangements.
States office of education. His subThe courses which will be offer- ject will be "The Status of Research
ed for the first time are as follows: In Higher Education." Dr. Frank L.
Personal and community heulth, McVey will preside. Other speakers
public health, maternal and child will be Prof. E. J. Asher, departhealth, health education and health ment of psychology, who will speak
supervision of schools, tuberculosis on the "Use of Tests at the Univercontrol, public heulth nursing, epi- sity of Kentucky for Sectioning
demiology and communicable di- Classes and Advising Students," Dr.
seases, public health administration. C. C. Ross. College of Education,
and tuberculosis.
who will speak on "Influence on the
The school has for its purpose the Student's Achievement of a Knowltraining of doctors, nurses and edge of His Progress;" Miss Alice
others engaged in public health Keys will address the conference on
work who cannot leave their posts the subject of "Relation of Student
long enough to enroll In lengthy Loan to Scholarship,
courses. The school will open June and Outside Activities." Others who
14 and close Juy ltf.
will seiik a"e Dr. Herbert A. Toops.
Dr. Adams und other ollicers ol Ohio State University, and Dean V.
the school exect it to become a H. Hughes. Asbury College.
regular part of the summer ses
Dean Paul P. Boyd. Dr. J B.
sion each year unci hope that me Miner, and Dr. Jesse Adams are In
university will become a center for charge of arrangements for the conthis type of woik for the southern ference.

Detailed information can be se
cured from Dr. Adams concerning
the school for any doctor, nurse, or
other person interested. Special
bulletins ure being mulled to ull
hospitals in Kentucky und adjoining states.

Katherine Pettit
sended Award Given


it &





Pres. Frank L. McVey will make
(lie following addresses to graduating eludes of the various
May 19 Carrollton; May 20
Midway:Mav 24 Grayson; June 1
Eastern State Teachers' College;
June 7 Science Hill; June 9 Maysville; May 10 Will address
Teachers' Club of University of
Cincinnati; June ft Commence
ment at U. K.




Robert Allen Wise, Morganfield,
Poole, Lexington, and Miss
Katherine Pettit, Lexington,
were named as this year's recipients of the Algernon Sydney Sullivan medallions.
The awards were established
by the new York Southern
ciety, and are given annually
man and the woman of
senior class and to a citizen of



state "to stimulate high thought

and noble endeavor" and "in recognition of these qualities in the
Last year this distinction was achieved by Rex Allison,
Birmingham. Nancy Brown Scrug-haLexington, and Edward Oren
Robinson, Fort Thomas.
Wise is a senior in the College of
Arts and Sciences, president of Alpha Tau Omega, his social fra
ternity, and Omega Beta Pi. hon
fraternity; a
member of Phi Beta Kappa: Alpha
Chi bigma. chemistry
leaders fraternity: Phi Sigma Pi.
biological science, and the
society. His university standing is 2.5.
Miss Poole, a senior in the College
of Arts and Sciences, is president
of her sorority. Alpha Xi Delta,
and of the Women.s Administrative council. She has a university
standing of 2.7. and is a member of
Phi Beta Kappa; Mortar Board,
senior women's honorary sorority;
Phi Beta, dramatic and music sorority; the university orchestra, and
SuKy. She was awarded the Alpha
Delta cup during her
freshman year as the university's
most outstanding freshman woman.
Miss Pettit. the citizen, has been
outstanding in the furtherance of
education in the mountain dis- al

Will Continue
Next Semester
to the contrary.
student organization
for the furtherance of international
Despite rumors

relations, will be active next year.
This was decided when officers of
the present organization conferred
with Pies. Frank L. McVey.
The only change made ly the organization will be in the selection of
officers of the group. In the past
the officers have been selected by
retiring members, but in the future
they will be selected by the officers
ol the group with the advice o!
President McVey. This is expected
to add to the efficiency of the group
and to obtain more interest from
the student body as a whole.
A coming senior will be selected
as president, according to plans announced, while the
will be a coming junior. In this way
who will ascend
to the presidency of the organizayear, will have the
tion in his senior
benefit of a year's experience. The
secretary may be selected from any
class in the university.
The new officers will be announced within the next few days. The
program for next year's study will
be planned about the middle of the
month and will be released at that
time. The country to be selected
for study also will be announced at
that time.

Catholic Club To Hold
Last Meeting of Year
Election of Officers for Year
Will He Held Sunday
The lust meeting of the year for
the Catholic club of the university
will be held at 9:30 o'clock Sunday
morning at St. Catherine's acad-

emy, 240 North Limestone
Preceding the meeting, members
will attend a communion mass followed by a breakfast at the academy.
Election of officers for next year
will be held at the meeting Sunday. Present officers of the organization
are: president. Daniel
W. Goodman;
secretary. Thomas Lynch:
Mary Catherine Amtreasurer.
brose: and chairman of the pro-- ,
iiam committee Ruili Wehle. The'
Rev. George O'Bryau. chaplain of
St. Joseph's hospital, is tulvisor for
the club. Members of the alumni
advisory committee ure Miss Marguerite McLaughlin.
Miss Edith
Mmihan. and Miss Mary E. Clarke.
f tho
have requested ull Catholic students
of the university
to attend the
meeting Sunday, whether or not
they have been members of the organization during the yeur. Approximately 100 students have joined
the club since it was organized, un
der the direction of the Reverend


4-- H

Contests Doing Held in All
Kentucky Counties to Determine Delegates to Uni-


Contests are being held in counties throughout the state to select
farm boys and girls to attend the
annual Junior Week at the University of Kentucky from June
Approximately 500 boys and girls
from some 85 counties, representing
the best among the 23.000
members in the state, will be chosen through local contests.
The Louisville and Nashville railroad company and the Consolidated
Coach corporation will continue to
cooperate with the club this year
by providing trips to club members
in counties which they serve. The
railroad will give trips and subsistence to two bovs und girls from
each of 59 counties, while the coach
conxiration will give a trip to a club
member from each of 48 counties.
The Junior Week at the university is one of the outstanding features of
dub work in the state,
and attracts manv visitors, an well
as participants who receive trips as
awards for their interest in better
farming and homemuklm?
Features of the week will include
demonstrations bv 67 eotintv teams
op improved farm and home pracThinv-si- x
teams will show
the benefits of lixh1 n'Ticiiltni-i-l
teams, and the Stewx-- t rvv Oumfci
mmnanv of Louisville will donate
funds for the home economics
The annual
club stvle show,
held during Junior wn k. is nit nicking much attention, and 34 chh
from as manv counties haw enterA rhnmntun heaPh bov and
health clrl will be chosen f.r the
state. Baking and canning contest
are other features of the week
Officers of the Kentucky association of
clubs are Oeorve Kurtz,
of Oarrard county, president; Herbert Finn, of Simnson county. ioe- president :
id Miss Helen Morgan.
0f Laurel' county, secn-Ury-.


� Best

T(re Two



the Strand on Drrhy day and prom-- 1
Thnnkscivinii i not the only day on
Ises much In Its story of the rise of
which we are to rive hanks for
a young naval officer from obscurCID the
Uuns in l.fe Theo days
ity In the dizzy heights of public
an dtily 'vmlxils. iMvinrr us an
nerlnim becnuse of n heroic act perto shmv by our
formed In the line of duty
PrpM AAsormllon
story Is one of action and some of
National Collof them the reeling which is ours
your lower
I he
the scenes will muse
Krnturkr lntrrroMrKMtf PrfM Auorlstlan
cds al co-c- d
thnniuhout the year.
Jaw to drop; It really moves Doue-ln- s
Islington Board of Commerr
On the university rumpus, the day
Fairbanks. Jr.. and Mary Brian
head a star cast and the nble diOtAckftl
Neniwr of th PtudVtiti of thf should be. indeed, one of general
recting is done by Alfred F Green
and enthusiastic observance, for
llnlvrrrllv of Krntuikr. Lmton
Wave need of adIf you don't go to the Derby and
many students are still depending
r Entrrrd
RubKcnptlnn 12 00
you are not averse to a good thine,
on those sources of all things, their
Ky.. Potofflrf (M second
place your gold on Doug Jr. in "Its
mothers, for encouragement
rlnAH mull matter
Tough To Be Famous" to win!
as repreguidance.
For on Ihe campus
Younjr America
sentatives of the real and absent
At the Kentucky on May S. 6 and
theti mill meet
ones. y ui come in for a full share
7 the movie fan will find a play that
tdltnr-thU- t
of the attention and glorification.
mixes all the Joys and heartaches
Kanaemg tdlfor
IDilh ladies in
as their grateful charges attempt to
of boyhood In a way that will be
ALICE BALVERS. Attoetate Editor
difficult to forget. It is another
express their appreciation of the
drama of youth at the crossroads
4itfan( fditori
patience and goodwill shown by
and you will follow Tommy Conlon.
John M. Kane
them throughout the school year
the new Juvenile, with sheer Joy
Robert Baxter
Blm Warren
All students will be sending. If not
and. at times, with a lump in your
Anltrlo J. Tomaaulo
actual presents, at least expressions gram" headline. The Jester don't throat. ' If you are interested in
. . Sporlj Editor of their love and gratitude, which blame
them a bit we'd get rid of boys (and who lsn't?. this
help you understand even
are after all the best gift that a it. too.
J. Delmar Adam
Norbrrt Campbell
mother can receive.
The famous Frank Borzage diSo one of The Kernel sports re- rects a splendid cast which includes
Sunny Day
porters turned out to be a caddy. Spencer Tracy, Doris Kenyon. Beryl
Lola Orubb
Elizabeth Hardin
adWell, The Jester always thought that Mercer, and Ralph Ballamy in
to Tommy Conlon.
Soctetp tditort
they'd finally find some use for dition a special attraction on the
Eleanor Smith
Emit; Hardin
dates mentioned above the KenThe University of Kentucky is actucky presents the "Varieties Of
Special Wnteri
a really entertaining
Jacq Roby
Webater H. Cum
customed to having Its teams perAnd what's more, if the mugg who 1932." It istwenty-tw- o
persons and
revue with
Joan Carlgan form in the fields of football and thinks it will rain on May
Ororge M. Spenor
featuring Emmett Miller. Vernon
his opinion, there's going to Brothers (Sons Of Rhythm). Lucille
Art Editor basketball, and now, the university
track team is carrying on the tra- be a first class murder committed and Sterbenz (International Dancliterary Editor dition. By its outstanding performJAMES CURTIS
ers), and Chet Robinson's Southern
around here.
ance last week, and similar success.
. . New Editor
The Jester would like to know
through the season, it
es thus far
UiitlanI Newt tdilort
The Microphone Presents
Mary C. Terrell has displayed a spirit and skill that what relation the observatory has
Herman Oraham
(Eastern Daylight Saving Time)
Jamea Palmer Robert H. McOaughey
should be a source of pride to the to the Kahpas (Our pardon, Van
p. m Concert Orchestra,
Drutent, and why a picture of It
direction William Daly: Nelson
Track is a sport of such a nature appeared on the same page as the
Eddy. Baritone; Harold Hansen.
PhU Ardery
John St. John
a great many different skills gals who prefer quality to quantity.
Tenor; Veronica Wiggins. ConCharlton Wallace
Burnam Pearlman
program, and
are included in its
Mary Caldwell
tralto. WOR.
Jant Hamilton
We join with the student body in
p. m. "Problems Con0
Marjone Welst
Uetty Dlmock
thus an opportunity is presented to
campus animal
fronting the British GovernMary Agnea Brend
Betty Boyd
many boys to display their own hoping that the
gag they got
ment in India." Lord Irwin.
John Potter
Sarah DeLong
particular type of ability. As such, trainers don't pull the
Myrtle Polk
Former Viceroy of India. WEAF.
John C. Miller
off so well last May day. Wehle
the track team may be conside