xt7mgq6qzv3k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzv3k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1925-02-13  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1925 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1925 1925 1925-02-13 2012 true xt7mgq6qzv3k section xt7mgq6qzv3k 1


Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel







Contract is Awarded by
Board of Trustees



M. J. Crutcher Appoint
ed Successor of A. O.



One hundred and eighty-fiv- e
sand dollars is the approximate cost
of the proposed addition to the new


Alpha Delta Sigma Holds An
nual Election

Will Hold Debate on Child

Alpha Delta Sigma, men's profes
sionnl journalistic fraternity, held its
annual election of officers Inst Monday night. J. A. "Simp" Estes was
elected president; Ted McDowell, vice
president; Frank Hoover, secretary;
and Kyle Whitehead, treasurer.
The Gridiron Dinner, the annual so
cial affair given by the fraternity
will be held this year on March 10
This dinner is modelled from the famous Gridiron Club of Washington,
D, C.
About 200 guests are ex
pected to be present for the "royal
razzing" handed out by the youth

Monday night nt 7:30 o'clock the
Education Club will hold its meeting
in the Education building. It will
sponsor a student debate on the question: "Resolved: That tho Child Labor Amendment to the United States
Constitution should be rntificd by the
several states." W. B. Graham,
Irwin and W. R. Gary will uphold the affirmative side of the question, and Miss Wilson, J. O. Boswell
and Stanley Powell will oppose them.
There will be a minimum of six
minutes for each speech.

ful and embryonic editors.



Chemistry building of the university,
the contracts for which were awarded
at a meeting of the executve commit
tee of the board of trustees held Wed
nesday afternoon. The J. T. Jack
son Lumber Company of Lexington
was awarded the general contract
with a bid of approximately 122,000
The plumbing contract was given to
the J. J. Fitzgerald Plumbing Com
pany on their bid of about 42,000.
Electrical fixtures will be installed by
Electrical En
gneering Company, whose bid of ap HAMBLETON
21,000 was accepted by
was impossible to
the committee. It
Turmake an exact estimate of any of the Miss
bids, as all were of a conditional na
Ground for the new addition will
R. O. T. C.
be broken as soon as weather con
ditions permit, and it is expected that
May be
"White Chips," a three act comedy,
the work wijl be completed within
200 working days after it is started is being presented at the Romany
The addition will be in the shape of Theatre this week under the peran L and will be of the same height sonal direction of Huyler van Hoven-berof New York. This play does
as the main building.
by Doctor
more than add to the almost unbrok- Lipscomb, of to a report department
the Health
Consider Bids Two Days
en line of successes of the Romany
The play, by Spring of the university, the students are
this season.
At a meeting of the committee held Byington, well known through her in as good physical condition as any
young people in America.
several weeks ago, bids for the
connection with the Stuart Walker t'roup of
addition were rejected, and new Players, and Marie de Montvalo, was Every student who enters the university undergoes a physical examion a modi given
and lower bids were asked
here as a preliminary opening
fication of plans. The new bids were before its appearance in New York nation in order that those who are
not fit may be excused from military
considered at a meeting held lues
late this spring.
training and physical culture.
day afternoon which was adjourned
The play concerns typical AmeriWhen the military training for
can homo life in which the husband
'(Continued on Pago Eight)
students became compulsory a few
is dependent upon his wife to bear years ago,
to get
the majority
tho burden of innumerable details. excused, but in the last tried years
Mrs. Fairchild, who, weary of tho
only a few who, uphave been
small tasks or the "white chips" ot there
on examination, were found to have
the game of life, atcrr.pts to reach heart trouble or flat feet, which were
out for the bigger things through good causes for exemption.
her husband, a young architect. He, who are excused from physical culhowever, has plans of his own and
ture arc placed in a walking squad
refuses to accept what his wile con that docs not in any way injure them
siders "his big moment."
more fit.
of Orn but makes them
Then appears the childhood
The clinic at the university is mainAustin, who has done
big things and with its glamour he tained and supported by the students,
persuades the weary . wife to seek who pay a fee of $1 at the beginning
At a meeting of Strollers held last her happiness with him, thus playing of each semester. Last year there
An orthopedic
Tuesday, February 10, Miss Helen hop stack of blue chins. Mr. Fair- - were 7,000 calls.
King was elected secretary to suc- child also has a minor affair with clinic was held one day a week durceed Miss Betty Barbour, who was an interior decorator who possesses ing last year which provided especially for the correction of the bone
graduated the past semester. Miss those qualities of a true vampire.
King has been a member of the btrol-le- r
But evervthimr ends happily when and joint diseases.
All students of the R. O. T. C.
staff for two years, handling in Austin refuses to be burdened with
conjunction with Miss Barbour the the minor details which make up the unit of the Military department may
publicity work for the organi2ation. full life of his paramour; and, when be vaccinated for typhoid fever at
for the spring play, Mr. Fairchild realizes that he has the clinic, according to an announceThe
are being held each day, been duped by Antoinette, the vamp. ment made by Captain J. J.
There is no fear of an epi
and the aspirants are grouped into
And so, turning back as did Lot's
casts which appear before Director wife. Mrs. Fairchild finds that a stack demic in Lexington, but many of the
of "white chips" as high as a stack students go to summer camps and
Mr. Baylbss has made a request of blue ones are just as important work on the road, where there is a
great danger of typhoid contamina-- j
that old Strollers and eligibles come and are more desirable to her.
out for character parts; these parts
Dsknr Hanibleton adds evidence to tion of water.
are leads and call for persons having the fact that he has real talent when
exceptional histronic ability to por- he ably handles two entirely sepa-nif- c
tray them capably. The material
roles. His portrayal of tho inn
thus far lias been of the highest qual- keeper overshadows that of his part
looking as tho young architect, Edward
ity and Director Bayless is
forward to picking an
for the production.
Miss Mary Fuqua Turner handled
Rtrnny mirt with dexterity, por
Thoso wishing to try out for parts
Tho Kentucky beauty is universal,
and who have not signed up will re- traying tho young wife bound to her
port to the Stroller room Friday af- homo by invisible ties, who "attends as is well illustrated by tho fact that
whoso picturo apa Kentucky
tn vGrvthhic" from helping her hus
ternoon at 3:30.
tho Kentucky Kernel, reband invent heating apparatus, and ceived inproposal
for marriage from
a party dress for her young
IS HEAD OF making Rnttv Carlvle. to settlinir dis an Illinois Lothario in less than one
COMMITTEE putes in tho Houswives League; then week after tho picturo made its apPROM.
as tho adventuress who attempts to pearance.
Tho young lady in question is receno
break away from these
ognized as "The Champion
Annual Event For Juniors is tanglements.
Junius Millard, as Phil Austin, tho of Kentucky" and is She member
is enrolled
friend of tho family, acted well but Omega Ilho sorority. and intends to
)uh pminciatioii was rather poor. It in the freshman class
At a meeting of the Junior class may bo that excitement and confu- finish her work in tho college of
held at Dicker Hall Monday
sion of tho first night is responsible,
received her proposal
President Kichard Williamson but our advice is that a greater effort
appointed a Junior Prom committee bo made to get tho cleverest lines of from Stonefort, 111., from a man who
labelled himself a "teacher and farmto arrange for the annual event given tho play across.
by that class. Miss Virginia Kelley
Claribel Kayo, well known as a er." Ho encloses in his letter tho
was appointed chairmun of the com- ltonianyite, made her initial appear- names of nine of tho leading business
mittee, with Miss Louise Atkins, A. ance as an actress in tho organiza- men of his town as references and
D. Kirwan, Phillip Husch and John tion. Although minor, her part car- says ho will furnish many more on
Dabney as members. The duto for ried a great deal of comedy, not es- - request. He states that he belongs
to tho church, is a Sunday-schothe Prom has not been assigned, but
(Continued on Pace Seven)
teacher und will make, in every way,
will be announced later,

English Prof, is Author
of Book of Critical

Under Personal Direc
tion Huyler van


Delineates Superlative
PLAN PROGRAM Traits of Famous

Mary Fuqua
ner Has Stellar

Members J. W. Jones is Selected
for Intra-Stat- e



Helen King


try-ou- ts












co-e- d






production have clamored for attention from their followers at the university during the past week. With
the debate team hard at work in prep-

aration for their first debates less
than a month off, with the selection
of an intra-stat- e
oratorical representative, and with the class in advanced
dramatic production at work in the
production of Shakespeare's "Merry
Wives of Windsor," the student fund
of oral expression finds an abundance
of means of expression.
J. W. Jones of the college of Arts
and Sciences, was selected as the university representative in the intrastate oratorical contest to be held at

college on March 7.


Jones was selected in a try-oin the Little Theatre on Wednesday
to select the
afternoon. The
Southern Intercollegiate oratorical
representative will be held early in
An extensive debate schedule has
been arranged by Professor Sutherland. The university teams will debate two subjects this year: "Resolved, That Congress should have the
try-ou- ts




by a



majority Supremo Court decisions declaring Congressional action unconstitutional"; and "Resolved, That the
Child Labor Amendment should be
adopted." The schedule for debates
this year is as follows:
On the Supreme Court Question
March G Centre College at Danville (Neg.).

on Page Eight)

Professor Grant C. Knight, assistant professor of English of the university, has recently made his debut
in the world of letters by a volume
of critical essays entitled "Superlatives," published by Alfred A. Knopf,
whose books represent the epitome of
English thought today.
The volume is almost unique in its
treatment and varies so far from the
as to be intensely in
title which Mr
Thomas has described as the "haupt-sache- "
is indeed appropriate, as the
ten essays composing the volume ai'e
each a treatment of one of the superlative" characters in English literature. The essays are entitled: "The
Greatest Rogue," "The Most Terrible," "The Most Tragic," "The Most
Unreal," "The Most Humorous," "Tho
Greatest Lover," "The Most Memorable Children," "The Most Pitiful,"
"The Greatest Hero.' With the exposition of these ideas as premises,
the writer briefly reviews the whole
field of literature for characters to
fill the qualifications of these superlative traits. The character chosen
is briefly reviewed with the idea of
establishing its identity.
Professor Knight employs a long
but seldom
method of character delineation: that
is the seizing of one single trait and
making all else subservient to it.
This method is far more stimulating
than the usual conventional procedure, which involves all the variatons
and inconsistencies which detract instead of add to a comprehensive impression. But in this critic's hand,
each character is portrayed with a
perfect clearness that leaves a direct impression and inspires one to
know "superlative" characters better.
Mr. Knight's style is coincident with
the nature of the work a treatment

Three Girls and Eleven
Boys are Elected

at Polls




Students are
Mentioned as



Two hundred and twenty-seve- n
votes were cast in the Kernel election last Tuesday to determine the
30 outstanding seniors on the campus.
Fifty-fou- r
candidates were mentioned, 28 of whom received one vote
Thirteen votes were thrown
out because they were not signed.
Twelve of the 20 remaining candidates were dropped because the committee felt they had been elected by
Three girls and eleven boys survived the "cut"; two of the 14 were

The names of the successful candidates will not be divulged nt one
time, but sketches will appear in
order of the number of votes each
contestant received.
The first cut
and sketch will appear inN next week's
The count of the votes revealed
some unique conditions.
One girl
who had the third highest number of
votes did not receive any votes outside of her lodge.
The committee
felt that it was purely a case of unadulterated politics. They felt that
if noone except the lodge sisters of
a girl voted for her, she evidently
did not possess the qualities sought
for in this election.
It was revealed that one boy had
received votes from no one except
members of his fraternity.
the recount of the votes, the boy
requested that his name be withdrawn if it were found that no one
except his fraternity brothers had
voted for him. He stated that if they
were the .only ones who felt that he
outstanding qualities, it
was quite evident that he did not
deserve the honor.
Of the 14 candidates elected, nine
were from the college of Arts and
Sciences; two were lawyers; one was
from the Engineering college and
two were from the college of AgriTwelve of those elected
were members of honorary fraternities. All of those candidates mentioned had good academic standing
in the university.

representative from
Engraving Company will be
on the campus March
take orders for senior invitations.
The leather invitations are 38
cents each; the plan white ones
are 20 cents each.
the price of the order is due when
the order is given.

Har-cou- rt


One-thir- d

on Pago Seven)



La-bo- r




a deserving husband.

Although Launcelot admits he is a
school teacher, he spells the word
"reasonable" as "reasoniblo." Ho is
a deserving man and ho admits it.
Ho has written two letters; in the
last one he states that if tho recipient
of his proposal is unwilling to let
his matrimonial plans interfere with
her education, he is perfectly willing
to await her pleasure in accepting
his hand. He states that ho will bo
available at any time.
The "hopeful" writes that it is unfair to tell his age, but that ho will
have some pictures made which he
allowing her
will send to tho
to judge for herself.
Ho has blue
eyes, dark hair and "tips tho beams
at 150." He has had a newspaper
enreer worked in a printing office
several months. His school will be
dismissed April 25. Tho young lady


on Page Seven)

The best place in Lexington to have your cleaning and pressing

The cheapest and best places to
The companies that are best prepared to mend your shoes
A reliable and accommodating taxicab company
The right place to buy any kind of men's or
The drug stores which are closest to where you live
A studio where you can learn to dance
Announcement of the visit of one of America's most exclusive
college tailors
A special student rate on summer European tours
The taffy candy headquarters of Lexington
a day circulating library
An almost-netuxedo for sale
The location of two dentists who are prepared to do satisfactory
The typewriter exchange that offers a special rental rate to

co-ed- s'



A jeweler who specializes on watch repair
The only accredited business school in this section of Kentucky

An array of restaurants and confectionaries
trade exclusively.

that cater to





Alumni fag?

Alumni Secretary

(Second Satat
12:00, Lafayette Hotel.
Buffalo, Feb. 14. (Second Satur1 :15
day Regular) luncheon,
p. m Chamber of Commerce,
corner Main and Seneca streets.
Chicago, Feb. 16. (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon at Field's
Detroit, Feb. 27. (Last Friday-Reg- ular)
dinner at Dixieland



Feb. 14.

Somerset, March fi. (First Friday
Regular) 7:30 p. m. at Dr.
Norflcct's office.
Philadelphia, Mar. 7. (First Satat
urday Regular) luncheon
Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce
following, written by J. L.
Pinkcrton '14, nppeared in a recent
issue of a current magazine:
In these waters, by reason of the
strong currents, they continued, now
gaining, now losing in their course,
until on the day of the Nativity they
passed by the coast of "Natal," to
which they gave that name. Thus
it was that on Christmas Day, 1497,
Vasco dn Gama sailed by the coast
of the territory now known as the
Province of Natal and did not have
the good taste to stop!
Three centuries roled by and yet
the Terra do Natal remained a closed
book to Europe. It was only in 1821
that a serious effort was made to establish a settlement in the territory,
in which year a small band of adventurous spirits from Capo Colony
landed in the "Bay1 of Natal." This
expedition, destined to be the beginning of great things, was under the
direction of Lieutenant Farewell, R.
N. (indeed, what's in a name?). The
existing records have it that Farewell
built his camp on the site of the present palatial Town Hall, one of the
finest structures of the subcontinent.
A century of progress!
And Natal's sons have had impressed
minds, through the medupon their
ium of the Centenary Celebrations at
Durban, the great deeds of their
They are proud of the history of
Natal and well they may be. A
great and warlike people have been
conquered, and today a Zulu is more
remarkable as a rickshaw boy than
as the man behind the dreaded "assegai"; cities have been built and
prosperous communities have been
Natal has become the
"Land of the Wattle"; churches,
schools and even colleges have been
established; and Natalians are proud,
too, that in the "Bay of Natal" has
been developed the "first port in Africa Durban."
Right handsomely did they celebrate the Centenary! Many miles of
bunting and pennants enlivened the
workaday appearance of Durban's
principal streets by day and thousands of electric lights by night. The
four days set aside for the official
celebrations were a continuous round
of military reviews, unveiling ceremonies (at commemorative tablets)
receptions, balls,
tab-bfireworks displays and gigantic
thousands of school children
Some of the larger business houses
had made and displayed on the fac
ades of their buildings, enormous
paintings illustrating the progress
made since the arrival of the British
settlers in 1824; also portraits of the
nrominent pioneers. It is interesting
tn nnto that among the latter was
an American citizen G. C. Cato
who later became the first mayor of
Durban, and who assisted Dick King
to escape the Dutch outposters in
1824, when he started on his famous
Cane Colony (vide post).
The ceremonies were presided over
Hichness, Princess
Uv TTor Roval
Alice (sister of the King and wife
of the present Governor General, the
Earl of Athlone). Besides the local
officials and South African military
organizations, there, were present several units of the Royal Navy to do
honor to the memory of the hardy
nionnors of Natal. The United States
nlsn officially participated in the cole
brations in the persons of the officers
und men of the United States ship
As a consular officer has recently
remarked, every consul of an average
grade is constantly threatened with
an assignment to Durban, and when
he turns to that most interesting page
of the Journal and sees unuer mo appropriate heading: "Consul Joe Doe
to Durban," he prooamy says io mm
self that ho may bo next, and won
,w what the nlaco is like, anyway
Since "post reports" are uvailable
only in our consular Mecca, a brief
description of Durban may not bo



First of all, Durban is a port; secondly, a watering place.
Natal is most fa
mous as the Land of the Wuttie, anu
n Us wnttlo bark (used In tanning)
passes through Durban; much of it
to the United aiaies Yet Natal is




not the home of the Wattle, the tree
being n native of Australia; but it
thrives so well In Natal that millions
of pounds of bark arc annually ex
ported to the former country.
Durban is the foremost bunkering
port south of the Equator in the Con
tincnt, and more thnn 1,000,000 tons
of cargo coal are annually shipped
thrntio-it. nearlv nil of which is
mined in Natal. Milions of bags of
miotics are shipped through Durban.
The word "miclics" is the Afriknnn's
translation of maize, which the Boers
have put into South African English
Durbnn is n modern city of 100,000
It is
inhabitants, of three colors.
nlso a rapidly growing city, and such
do not hnve "old quarters"; yet it is
not without local color. In the
section one may find stolid
litte brown merchants squatting
before their shops, us
unlly on an upturned box and under
a fez.
A wait of five minutes nt the busiest corner of the city (where consular
officers join the throng of straphang
crs) will bring you a view of a pass
ing Bantu belle in little more than
a loin coth and adorned with a cylin
drical headdress at east a foot long,
though her hair is less than two
inches in length, root and branch. At
her side may be swaggering a Bantu
bravo who has preceded her to civilization and who has acquired several
articles of modern clothing, among
them an English shirt, the extremely long tail of which he insists on
wearing 'outside his trousers. These
"braves" are the servants of Natal.
Native women are too good to work
(or too unintelligent).
And there are the rickshaw boys!
They are the most picturesque of all.
Imagine a
Zulu, bare of leg
and arm, with skins of small animals
and porcupine quills on which .ire
pasted tufts of feathers. As you pass
he cavorts within the shafts of the
rickshaw to attract attentiton and
emits sounds suggestive of an ox.
When you pass along the main
richshaw row, almost at the foot of
the statue of Queen Victoria, and look
over that line of stalwart Zulus, you
seized with a desire to have
looked upon one of the 44 men, chiefly
Boars, who in 1838 went forth with
muskets of that day and defeated a
great army of them under Dingaan,
actually leaving thousands on the
field, in avenging the treacherous
massacre of Piet Reteif and a party
of Boers. History tells us that be
fore the battle the little band prayed
fervently, promising their God that
if victory be theirs a temple should
be raised to Him and the day should
be marked as a day apart. Dingaan's
Day is now a national holiday in
South Africa, and there stands in
Pietermaritzburg a little church, me
morial to the bravery and piety of
the Boers. The capital of the union
of South Africa bears the name of
their valient leader Andries Pree- torius.
On the Esplanade at Durban there
has been erected a statue of a horse
man of a very weary horse and rider
a monument to the man and beast
who, while the Dutch were beseiging
the town in 1842, carried the call for
help through to Grahamstown in Cape
Colony in ten days, across scores of
streams and over GOO miles of roadless country. In Natal, Dick King's
Ride is like unto Pauul Revere s in
America, and though less spectacular,
as an example of sustained effort of
man and beast, is well nigh incom-- 1
In starting on his famous ride,
Kiner slinned away from the Dutch
at night and crossed the bay in a
rowboat, swimming his horse. The
man who rowed the boat for him was
none other than the American, G. C.
Cato, afterwards first mayor of Durcross-legge-

is farming at
Rutherford B. Hays Is Principal of Monticello, Ky.
tho Butler High School at Princeton,
Ky., this year.
Fred K. Augsburg has returned
from Bnrbourvillc,
Harry L. Mllward Is with tho Wis- snlesmnn with tho Molso and Is now
consin Conl Corporation, Anco, Ky.
Ho was formerly with tho Carnegie
Chester B. Hamilton,
Steel Corporation nt Youngstown, O.
snlesmnn with the Korroct Klother
of St Louis. Mo., Is now
Chnrles E. Planck writes: "I nm with tho Mlshawnkn Rubber company
running nn nvintion department weok-l- of Chicago. His headquarters
In tho Freo Press hero. Somo of Miami, Florida.
tho Journalists of tho fnmous '19 class
might bo Interested. It nmounts to
Mary E. Lyons left Inst week for
nbout three columns weekly and Is by
myself and several others, maybe 25 Now York. Her address will bo 418
or 30 In nil. Devoted to anything Central Park West.
scronnullcnl except hot air."
Harvey P. Pettlt is head of tho DeThos. L. Garwood's newft address Is
partment of Mnthematlcs nt tho Illin- 2701 Fenwood avenue, Torro Haute,
ois Wesloyan University at Blooming-to.n- , Ind.
He is living at 108 University
"Tho modern dance is no dance in
Jay Leo Chambers Is teaching In tho first place, and when you havo fitho Normal School at Morehoad, Ky., nally learned it, it isn't modern any
this yenr.

boys who see ahead is to get Colonel who was born at Verona, Ky., Jan
Robert A. Burton, of Danville, to uary 29, 1896, died nt Phoenix, Arienter the race for the legislature. zona, January 25, 1925.
Mr. Waller wns principal of the
The Advocate has not asked the Col
onel what he thinks about the matter, Casey county high school nt Liberty,
but a number of people have asked Ky., at the time of his failing health.
our opinion of him, which is good to He left there Inst June for Arizona
the superlative degree. However, we because of his health.
He graduated from Berea College
do not propose to take any hand in
before coming to the university nnd
who runs for the various offices.
"Colonel Burton is an alumnus of hnd since done n year's work on his
Centre College and also of the Uni- Master's degree nt Hie University of
versity of Kentucky. He did valiant Maryland. Ho wns a mcmber of
service for both institutions when Alpha Zeta nnd Delta Tau Dcuta
they hnd their stadium drives. He is fraternities of the university. He
a splendidly educated man and can was a Mason and n member of the
make a forensic speech. He has been Baptist church.
Mr. Waller as n student of the Veengaged nenrly all of his life in educational work and is n gentleman of rona high school wns chosen to repthe highest type. The past several resent them in the second year Latin- months he has been working for the Cacsas contest. He was successful,
General Educational Board of the winning the $5 gold medal. The next
Presbyterian church and good report year he went to Berea, where he re
comes from his work. If the Colonel ceived his diploma after being there
terms. After tak
gives heed to the importunities of one and one-ha- lf
college course ho
his friends nnd enters the race and ing the three-year- s
wins, he will make one of the most became a member of the faculty nnd
Boyle county wns presented a scholarship for the
able representatives
hns ever had."
summer term in Cornell University.
He wns nlso given n trip to Cnlifor
nin by way of Great Salt Lake, Na
tional park and other points of in
tercst. After receiving his B.S. do






Is New Supt. of Build
ings and Grounds at
Maury J. Crulcher '17 of Lexington, was appointed to fill the vacancy
in the office of the Superintendent
of Buildings nnd Grounds, caused by
the resignation of Mr. A. O. Whipple,
nt a meeting of the executive committee of the University of Kentucky
hold Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Whipple, who had held this position for
about seven years, had wired a request from Seattle, Wash., to President McVey, asking that be he relieved of his duties hero in order to ac-



Denr Alumnus:
y?V h,nvo ,"formn,t'on "bout any of tho alumni listed below, kindly fill
out tho
and mall it to tho Alumni Offlco:
Clarence Barbour Shocmnker '15 Is now located at

Newell Pemberton


Is now iocatod


grce here he began teaching again. Arthur Eugene Wegert '15 "is "now "'iocatod "nt"
He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Eva Wesley '23, whom Rnlph Emerson Bltner '1C Is now ioca'ted'at"
he met while both were students nt
Norberto Devera 'ii Is now located


Hunt Frost '16 is now iocnted at Z
Lognn Nourso Green


Mrs. Bessie Fogcl Judd

Charles Frank Kumli


Is now iocatod





Is now iocnted" at"

Is now

located at

received his Benjamin Harrison Mitchell 1G Is now iocnted nt
Lb. 13. from the University of Louis
ville in 187G is practicing attorney nt William Harrison Mitchell '1G Is now located at
Owensboro, Ky.
Gcorgo Pago Neagle '1G Is now located at
William S. Page, who has been de
puty Collector
U. S Orvillo Robert. Willctt '1G Is now Iocnted nt
of Customs,
Treasury department, Danville, Wash.,
for Homo time, now has offices in suite John Henry Williams '1G Is now located at ..I
20G Federal building,
Everett, Wash.
Ho is living at IISSO Hoyt avenue. Mr. Carrie Francos Blair '17 Is now located at ...
Page is Secretary of the Class of '92.
cept a position offered him in that
Benjamin Franklin Foster '17 la now located nt'
Jesse Forrest Gregory '17 Is now located nt
Mr. Crutcher, who will assume his
new duties at once, is a graduate of
Ronald Hutchinson '17 Is now located at
the college of Engineering and for
Natlinn A. Newton is Sales Manager
the last two years has been in the of tho National Transit Pinup and Ma- Elmer Burton Jones '17 Is now
located at
employ of the Louis des Cogncts chine company, IS North Petroleum
Company of this city. He had charge street, Oil City, Pa. Mr. Newton re- James William Norrls '17 is now located at
of the building of the new stadium ceived his M. E. degree In '99.
here last fall, and his constant watch
Burton F. Williams '17 is now located at
that details were worked out accord- offices W. 112Vj is nn attorney with
North Winchester George Clifton Bradley '18 is now located at
ing to specifications showed that he nenue, nt
Ashlai'd", Ky. His residence
was more than ordinarily interested address is 730 Ej .' latn avenue.
Henry J. Koibe '18 is now located at""ZZZZ
in the stadium being a success.
Previous to his employment by the
Flemnn C. Taylor, who received his Minnie Evelyn NeVHIe 'IS Is now
located at
local contractors, Mr. Crutcher had M. E. in "05, is Traveling Mechanical
been for a time connected with the engineer villi the American Wato" Constantino Nlckoljoff 'IS Is now located at '.
Electiic company, f0
Ford Motor Company of Detroit, and Woiks .tp.'
before that was with the New York Proad street, New York City.
Todor Nlctyoloff 'IS Is now located at
Byron K.CIelland, whose nudre?3 Arnold Henry
Webb '18 is now located at
where he was rated very highly. He tins been vilngtag for some time in the
was also at one time general man- Alumni Otfice, is n