xt7mgq6qzt08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzt08/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1941-05-apr22-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-05-apr22-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-05-apr22-ec. 1941 1941-05-apr22-ec. 2011 true xt7mgq6qzt08 section xt7mgq6qzt08 

     Minutes of the Regular iieeting of the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, postponed
from April 18, 1941, to April 22, 1941.

     The Executive Comm-ittee of the Board of Trustees, University
of Kentucky, met in the Presidentts Office, University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, April 22, 1941, convening at 11:00 a.m.   This meeting
was held by unanimous consent of !-he members of the Committee, it
being impracticable to hold a meeting on the regular meeting date,
April 18 1941.    The members of the Committee present were Judge
Richard C. Stoll, Chairman; H. S. Cleveland, Lee Kirkpatrickt and
James Park.   President Thomas Cooper and D. H. Peak, Secretary
of the Board, were present.   On invitation, President-elect Dr.
H. L. Donovan attended the meeting.

     1. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of 1.,arch
21, 1941, were approved as published.   All actions of the Committee
taken and motions made and carried at that meeting were ratified
and approved.

     2. Financial Report.

     The Business Agent submitted the financial report for IM.arch
1941.   The report was ordered filed, and the summary thereof,
ordered published in the minutes, reads as follows:

                         GENERAL FUND

                      Operating Accounts

     Budgeted Income -                               - $1495a673.74
     Estimated R'eduction In Budgeted Income               13.000,00
     Balance -       --                    - - - - - -  1,482 673.74
     Salaries and Other Commitments -    - - - - - - -     .   6019
     Available for Expense, Supplies & Equipment - - -    369,,13.&5
     Expended to March 31, 1941  - - - - - - - - - - -    2892447.15
     Unexpended balance -                                   79,966.40

                         Patterson Hall

     BudQMeted Income - - - - - - - - - -                   99,980.00
     Sala:ies and Other Commitments - - - - - - - - -       19,550.00
     available for Expense, Supplies & Equipment - - -      80, 450,00
     Expended to March 31, 1941  - - - - - - - - - -        52.7 42.5
     Unencumbered balance  - -                              27687.41



                  Experiment Station Fund

Budgeted Income                 -                 $470,078,22
Salaries and Other Commitments                     310,784.00
Available for Expense, Supplies & Equipment - - -  159g294.22
Exnended to March 31, 1941 - - - - - - - -- - - -   91.018,63
Unerncumbered balance - - - - - - - -               68,275.59

               Agricultural Extension Fund

Budgeted Income - - - - - - - - - -    - - - - - -  753,720,00
Salaries and Other Commitments ---0 - - -          634.1
Available for Expense, Supplies & Eculnment - - -  124,524.00
Expended to March 31, 1941  - - - - - - - - - - -   85,386.78
Unencumbered balance  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   39,137.22

Special Appropriations

Library Equipment - -             - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Exoended to March 31, 1941 - - - -  
Unencumbered balance - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scientific Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ex-ended to Mlarch 31, 1941
Unencumbered balance - - - -      - - - - - - - - -

Home Economics Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - -
Expended to March 31, 1941 - - - - - - - - - - -
Unencumbered balance - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Engineering Equipment - - - - - - - -    - - - _
Expended to March 31, 1941 - - - - - - - - - - -
Unencumbered balance - - - - - - - - - -    - - -





     3* Requisition Committee Report.

     The Requisition Committee filed written report of its action
each week from February 13, 1941, to Uarch 19, 1941 inclusive, The
report shows that orders were made by the Business 6ffice on authori-
ty of the Requisition Committee in the manner prescribed by the
Board of Trustees and state laws, running from No. 7811 to No. 8567.
The report was examined, and on motion and second the orders and
budget adClitions named therein were ratified and approved  and pay-
ments on said orders were authorized and approved.



     4. Insurance Report - Fire and Tornado.

     The following report of the Business Agent on Fire and Tornado
Insurance was accepted, approved and ordered inserted in the Minutes:

          Dean Jaraes H. Graham, Mr. E. B. Farris, L. H. IAcOain,
     accountant, and D. H. Peak, Business Agent met to consider
     the valuations of University property for fire and tornado
     insurance on the appraisal made by Ur. Farris and the rates
     of such insurance as fixed by the Actuary Bureau shown in
     schedules presented to the University by the Division of
     Insurance at Frankfort.  Dean Graham approved the schedules
     with the exception of a few errors and according to his sug-
     gestion Mr. McCain and Mr. Farris met at Frankfort with Mr.
     English, State Insurance Manager, for the purpose of consider-
     ing changes in the schedules and correction of errors,
     Changes were made as far as possible to comply with facts
     and to correct errors,

          The schedule as it stands at present carries until
     the end of this fiscal year.  Possibly other adjustments
     in valuations and rates may be made at that time.

          Under the new valuation and rates, there are the fol-
     lowing additional prermium charges for 1940-1941:

               Division of Colleges        $754,64
               Experiment Station           456.93
               Princeton Substation         114.80
               Camp Robinson, Noble, Ky.    137.09

          There will be a refund for Robinson Substation of 8116*73,
     credit to be given on premium for 1941-42.

     5. Zoning on Euclid Avenue.

     President Cooper reported that the Lexington Zoning Commission
had been asked by MIrs. Yeager, owner of property on Euclid Avenue,
to change the zoning of property on the North side of Euclid Avenue
between the Sigona Nu Fraternity House and Lexington Avenue and ex-
tending to Adams Street, from residence to business,   At the meet-
ing of the Board of Trustees, held April 1, 1941, President Cooper
and Mr. Hillenmeyer were appointed to inquire into the question of
zoning this property.   It then appeared that the members of the
Board of Trustees were unanimous in opinion that the property should
not be used for business purposes and especially for the purpose of
conducting a bowling alley thereon,



     Therefore, on motion, seconded gd carried, President Thomas
Cooper a~nd l;r. Louis Hillenmnneyer were appointed to represent the
Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee of the University
of Kentucky before the Lexington Zoning Commission, and to protest
in the name of the Board of Trustees change from residence zoning
to lousiness zoning.

     6. -Acceptance of Appointments - President and Comptroller.

     The following letters of notification and acceptance were re-
ceived and ordered copied in the .inutes:

     a. President Elect, H* L. Donovan -


        April 4, 1941

        Dr. H. L. Donovan
        Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College
        Richmond, Kentucktn

        Dear Dr. Donovan:

        As Secretary pro ten of the Board of Trustees of the
        University of Kentucky, it is my pleasure to officially
        notify you of your election as President of the Uni-
        versity of Kentucky, beginning July 1, 1941, at a salary
        of $8,500 per year.   The action of the Board of Trus-
        tees was unanimous.

        T wish to offer my sincere congratulations to you
        upon your selection as President of our great State
        University and to wish for you a long, happy and suc-
        cessful administration.   I am expecting great things
        from the University under your wise leadership.

        Kindly let me have a letter of acceptance for the
        records of the University.

        77ith best wishes, I am

        Very truly yours,

        (Signed) J. W. Brooker, Secretary pro ten
                 Board of Trustees, University of



                             April 5, 1941

in.r, John W. Brooker
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Frankf ort, Kentucky

Mty dear Superintendent Brooker:

    Let me thank you for your letter officially
notifying me of the action of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky in appointing me as
president of this great institution.   I am pleased
to accept this appointment and I pledge to you and
to the Board that I small make the greatest effort
of my life to advance the cause of the University.
I shall devote all my time and all my ability to
forwarding the educational program of our Alma Mater,

     I want to thank you for your expression of
congratulations and good wiishes on my appointment to
this important post.

                              Cordially yours,

                              (Signed) H. L. Donovan

b.Comptroller Elect, F. D. Peterson -


  April 4, 1941

  Mir. Frank D. Peterson, Director
  Division of Accounts and Control
  Department of Finance
  Frankfort  Kentucky

  Dear Mrr. Peterson:

  As Secretary pro ten of the Board of Trustees of
  the University of Kentucky, it is my pleasure to
  officially notify you of your election as Comptroller
  of the University of Kentucky, beginning Hay 1, 1941,
  at a salary of $5,000 per year.



I congratulate you upon your selection to this im-
portant post at our great State University and
sincerely trust that you may have a successful ad-
mini stration.

I shall appreciate it if you will let Rae have your
formal acceptance for the record of the Board of

Very truly yours,

(Signed) J. W. Brooker, Secretary pro ter,
         Board of Trustees, University of


                               April 5, 1941

L.-r, John W. Brooker,
Secretary pro ten,
Board of Trustees,
University of Kentucky,
Frankfort, Kentucky

Mlly dear John:

     I acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 4,
officially advising me of my election as Comptroller
of the University of Kentucky beginning Mlay 1, 1941.
I arm pleased to be able to accept the appointment and
will begin my duties as soon after May 1, as conditions
connected with ray present position will permit.

     I desire to express to you my sincerest apprecia-
tion for the confidence that the Board of Trustees
have expressed in rmy election.  The reorganization
made by the Board in connection with the position of
the Comptroller greatly expands the duties and re-
sponsibilities of the heretofore office of the Business
Agent, all of which challenges the best that is in me.
I want you to know that I appreciate your personal
action in ray behalf and thank you for your congratu-
lations,   I trust that when in Lexington, or at
the University, you will make my office your head-

     With best regards to you, I am
                                (Signed) Frank D. Peterson.


    7, Organizations Fund.

    a. The Business Agent made following statement:

         When the Organizations Fund was created by order of the
    Executive Committee at the March 1938 meeting, charges for
    .handling the funds were approved as follows:

         "The fees to be charged by the Business Office for
         handling student funds shall be: up to $35 no
         charge; $35 to $99 inclusive - $1; $100 and over
         1% of deposits.'

         Later it was found that the costs of operating the fund
    accounts were less than the amount that would be realized
    from charges if made as above noted, especially in view of
    the fact that an income could be realized by depositing part
    of the funds in interest bearing accounts.   At present,
    $450.00 a year is being received from interest on invest_
    ments and deposits,   Therefore, the funds have been charged
    only with amounts sufficient to carry the expense of account-
    ing,   The number and size of the accounts in the fund have
    increased to such an extent that the expense is gradually
    increasing.  This makes it necessary to employ a full-time
    secretary.  However, it is not necessary to charge the full
    amount of one per cent and it does not appear that such neces-
    sity will arise for some time to come.

          I suggest that the action of the President and Business
     Agent in mahing charges to the funds in amounts sufficient
     only for meeting the expense of accounting be approved.

     On motion, seconded and carried, the action of the President and
Business Agent in limiting the charges to fund deposits to the amount
necessary for expense of operation of the Organizations Fund account-
ing as set out in the Business Agent's statement copied above Was
approved and ratified,

     b. The Business Agent,on approval of President Cooper, suggest-
ed that in the resolution authorizing the setting up of the Organi-
zations Fund, passed at the meeting of the Executive Committee of
March, 1938, changes be inmade in the paragraph of the said resolutions
fixing charges for handling accounts in the Organizations Fund, so
that the paragraph shall read as follows:

          "The Fees to be charged by the Business Office
          for handling student funds shall be: up to
          $35 no charge; $35 to $99 inclusive--not in
          excess of $1 $100 and over, not in excess of
          1 deposits.'




    On motion, seconded and carried, President Cooper approving,
the following resolution was passed:

          It appearing that it has not been necessary to
    charge deposits made to accounts in the Organizations
    Fund the full per cent set out in the resolutions of
    the Executive Committee made at its Larch 1938 meeting,
    therefore be it resolved that that part of the said
    resolution be and is hereby changed to read as follows:

          "The fees to be charged by the Business
          Office for handling student funds shall
          be: up to 835 no charge; 335 to $99 in-
          clusive--not in excess of $1; $100 and
          over, not in excess of limo of deposits."

     8. Civil Aeronautics - Handling Funds.

     On motion, seconded and carried, the following resolution was

          It appearing that in the resolution approving and
     accenting the contract for Civil Pilot training passed at
     the M.Tarch 1941 meeting of the Executive Committee, no
     provision was made for handling funds incident to said
     contract; therefore, be it resolved that funds paid into
     the Business Office for the purpose of operating and
     carrying out the said contract be carried by the Business
     Office as a special trust account, and that such funds be
     disbursed by the Business Office on order of the coordi-
     nator, Colonel H. L. Donnelly, or such person as may be
     designated by him.   No part of the funds shall be remitted
     to the State Treasurer.

     9. Contract of Rental. - Chi Omega Fraternlty.

     The Chi Omega Fraternity made following request for renewal
of rental lease of Smith Hall for the year beginning July 1, 1941,
asking certain repairs and renewals:

                                   april 1, 1941

          Chi Ormega Fraternity wishes to renew the option
          on the house at 319 Loxin-:ton avenue whlich will
          be in effect imi.ediately.

                                   CMI O1EGA FRATERNITY
                              (Si-,lned) Helen Powell
                                        L,  Vice-Pre sident.



     On motion, seconded and carried., renewal of the lease was au-
thorized, the President being authorized to examine the request for
repairs and renewals and to determine the extent thereof necessary.

     10. Out-of-State Travel.

     a. A. C. i.cFarlan

     The President requested approval of out-of-state travel expense
of Dr. A. C. 9;cFarlan, Head of the Department of 2eology, in the
amount of .'75 to make a tour with Geology classes from Lexington,
Kentucky, through the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and New Mexico
and return.   He stated the necessity of the trip as follows:

     "It is necessary for Dr. A. C. Miic~arlan, Head of the Department
of Geology, to conduct field unork in regional geology for courses,
Geology llBa-d and Geology 23a-b, from June 1 to June 22, 1941,
in an out-of-state trip from Lexington, Kentucky, through the
southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado and New Mliexico and return -c
Lexington, Kentucky.   This trip is made solely for instructional
purposes for students in Geology and for the interest of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.   This out-of-state travel is necessitated in
order z carry out the courses outlined in Geology for students of
the University of Kentucky.   The work is required of majors in the
Department of Geology as a prerequisite for graduation.    Areas
selected for study each year are those where the mineral operations
and general geologic set-up are such that they can not be duplicated
anywhere in the state of Kentuck,:y.  The work has also made possible
the building up of a very large reference collection of ores,
minerals, rocks and fossils, from the areas visited.    The course
has been offered for the past ten years.

     "Tihe trip is made in a truck belonging to the Department of
Geology and each student bears his own expense.    It is necessary
that the students be accompanied by two instructors and for that
reason this request for out-of-staae travel is presented."

     President Cooper having recommended the approval of the request
of Dr. A. C. MlcFarlan, head of the Department of Geology, to make
a tour writh Geology classes from Lexington, Kentucky, through the
Rocky Mountains in Colorado and Now M1tilexico and return to Lexington,
and allowance of expenses not to exceed :75 in making such tour
during the1c period of June 1 to Juno 22, 1941, and the Executive Com-
mittee bein- advised as to the necessity of such trip for the inn
struction of stuC-dents in Geology in the University of Kentucky, the
Executive Comm,-.ittee deemed such tour a necessary part of the business
of the University of Kentucky; therefnre the request of Dr. A. C,
McFarlan to make the aforesaid tour is granted and his8 expense in
making thie tour in a sum not to exceed $75 's granted, approved and
ordered.   The Business Agent weas directed to submit to the Director
of Accounts and Control a for.-mal request as required by the State
Departi.aont Of Finance for approval of out-Oof-state travel of Dr.
A. C. MicF'lan in making the aforesaid tour in a sum not to exceed
375, requesting the Director of Accounts and Control to ask the
approval of said request Oy the .attorney Goneral of the State of



     b, D. E. Young

     The President requested approval ot out-of-state travel ex-m
pense of D. M. Young, Professor in the Department of Geology, in
the amount" of $75, to accompany Dr. A. C. ,IcFarlan, Head of the
Department of Geology, on a tour with Geology classes from Lexing,-
ton, Kentuchy, through the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and NI~ew
Mexico and return.  He stated the necessity of the trip as fol-

     "It is necessary for D. A. Youn-,, Professor in the Departm.ent
of G-eoloy, to accompany Dr. A. C.  -crarlan, Head of the Department
of Geology, in conducting field work in regional geologyc for
coursess Geology 118a-d and Geology 23a-b, from June 1 to June 22,
1941, in an out-of-state trip from Lexington, Kentucky, through
the southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico and return
to Lexington, Kentucky.  ThIis trip is made solely for instructional
purposes for students in Geology and for the interest of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.   This out-of-state travel is necessitated
in order to carry out the courses outlined in Geology for students
of the University of Xentucky.  The work is required of majors in
the Department of Geology as a prerequisite for graduation.  Areas
selected f or study eadh year are those where the mineral operations
and general geologic set-up are such that they can not be duplicated
anywhere in the state of Kentucky.  The work has also made
possible the building up of a verr large reference collection of
ores, minerals, rocks and fossils, from the areas visited.   The
course has been offered for the past ten years.

     "The trip is made in the truck belonging to the Department of
Geology and each student bears his own expense.   It is necessary
that the students be accompanied by two instructors and for that
reason this request for out-of-state travel is presented."

     President Cooper having recommended the approval of the
request of D. Is;. Young, Professor in the Department of Geology,
to accompany Dr. a. C. M.1.ccFarlan, Head of the Department of Geology,
on a tour with Geology classes from Lexington, Kentucky, through
the Rocky MXountains in Colorado and New Lexico and return to
Lexington, and allowvance of expenses not to exceed $75 in making
such tour during the period ofr June 1 to June 22, 1941, aund the
Executive Committee being advised as to the necessity of such
trip for the instruction of students in Geology in the University
of Kentucky, the Executive Cormiittee deemed such tour a necesszry
part of the business of the University of Kentucky; therefore the
request of D. N. Young to accompany Dr. A. C. YcFnrlan on the
aforesaid tour is granted and his expense in making the tour in
a sum no' to exceed $75 is granted, approved and ordered,   The
Business Agent was directed to submit to the Director of Accounts
and Control a formal request as required by the State Departmient
of Finance for ap-Droval of out-of-state travel of D. * U. Young to
accompany Dr. A. C. McFarl;n in mr..ing the aforesaid tour in a sum
not to exceed $75, requesting the Director of accounts and Control
to ask the approval of said request by the Attorney General of the
State of Kentuckyr.



     11, Uniform Contract - Advanced Course R.O.T.C.

     President Cooper presented an agreement of The Fechheimer
Bros. Co, of Cincinnati, O., to manufacture and'furnish uniforms
and equipment for the University of Kentucky advanced course of
R.O.T.C. during the period beginning on or about September 1, 1941,
and ending on or about June 15, 1942, the price thereof amounting
to a total of 836.98 for each uniform and equipment.   The Presi.
dent stated that this is an advance of $1.73 over charge for the
uniform and equipment for the current year.   The contract for the
year 1940-41 with the same company having been satisfactorily car-
ried out, Colonel Donnelly recommended the acceptance of the agree-
ment for the next fiscal year.

     On motion and second, an offer to furnish advanced course
R.O.T.C. uniforms and equipment for the year 1941-42 made by The
Fechheimer Bros, Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio, the total cost of each
uniform and equipment to be 836.98, was accepted and approved. The
Business Agent was authorized to sign the contract.

     12. Funds of Student Union and Kentucky Kernel.

     Whereas at the April 1941 meeting of the Board of Trustees
a resolution appointing a Comptroler, naming as part of his duties
control of the Student Union and the Kentucky Kernel was offered
and -passed, now on motion and second which carried it is ordered:

     a. that all funds and securities belonging to STUDENT UNION
not now on deposit in the Business Office were ordered transferred
by the Business Manager of the STUDENT UNION to the Business Agent;
and all funds hereafter received or collected by the Manager of
the STUDENT UNION shall be remitted to the Business Office,

     b, that all funds and securities belonging to the XERNEL KERNEL
not now on deposit in the Business Office were ordered transferred
by the Lanager of the KENTUCKY KERNEL to the Business Agent; and
all funds hereafter received or collected by the Manager of the
KENTUCKY KERNEL shall be remitted to the Business Office,

     13, iiles of The Kentuckian-Citizen and The Bourbon News
Borrowed for University Library,

     The President submitted following proposal:



IIir. James S. Shropshire and Associates,
The Kentuckian-Citizen
The Bourbon News,
Paris, Kentucky.

     The University of Kentucky Library proposes to borrow
the files of the Kentuckian-Citizen and The Bourbon News.
These files are proposed to be borrowed to I placed in
the University of Kentucky Library and it is agreed that
should you loan said files to us, that we will:

     1. Collate these files and return any duplicates which
may appear among them to you.  We wvill keep these files
in bound, rmaintain them and keep them in good order.

     2. We will lend you at any time any volume of the
files of either the Kentuckian-Citizen or the Bourbon
News which you may wish to borrow with the understanding
that when you have finished with it you will return i t to
the University of Kentucky Library for safe keeping,

     3. We understand t'hnt at any time you and your associ-
ates wish to sell either or both of these newspapers and
you desire that these files pass as a part of the assets
of the sale of either or both of said newspapers, that
such file or files will be returned to you and we will
renounce all claim thereto.

     4. Future issues of both the Kentuckian-Citizen and
Bourbon News from Charch 24, 1941, are to be furnished the
University of Kentucky Library in duplicate, one copy of
which is to become the permanent property of the University
of Kentucky Library and one copy thereof shall be attached
to and become a part of the file of each of said newspapers
to be held by the University of Kentucky Library upon the
same terns and conditions as herebefore set forth pertain-
ing to the principal files of each of said newspapers.
Such future issues from March 24, 1941, are to be likewise
collated and cared for upon the same terms as hereinbefore
set forth.

     5. It is agreed and understood that this proposal was
presented to the Executive Conmittee of the Board of Trus-
tees of the University of Kentucky and that said Executive
Comnittee authorized, the chairman and secretary to make
this proposal to you, a copy thereof having been incorporat-
ed in the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of
date April 22, 1941, and a copy of this proposal w,:ill like_
uwise bc incorporated as a part of said minutes.

                         (Si-ned)   Pichard C. Stoll
                                 Chairman of Executive Conriitteq
Attest:                         Board of Trustees, University
                                        Of' Kentucky
(Signed) D. H. Peak
        Secretary of Board of Trustees.



    On motion of Mr. Park, seconded by LMr. Cleveland, which car-
rled, the above copied proposal was approved. The chairman
of the Executive Cormrlittee was authorized to sign the proposal,
and copy of the proposal, attested by the Secretary of the Board
of Trustees, Was ordered forwarded to the manager of The Kentuckian-
Citizen and The Bourbon News for acceptance.

     14. Research Laboratory-State Hipghway Department.

     President Cooper presented a statement of Dean Grahara which
reads as follows:

         You will remember that we have discussed the pro-
    posed plan of the Highway Department of the State to
    locate, build, equip and operate a research laboratory,
    upon the campus of the University, for research work
    on highway materials and soil conditions in connection
    *:ith highway location, etc.  Such a laboratory will be
    cf benefit to senior civil engineering students expecting
    to specialize in higrhiay construction and especially
    for graduate courses within the field of Civil Engineer-
    ing,.  Several of the engineering colleges throughout
    the country now have such laboratories, but in no case
    are these complete.   The present plans call for a more
    completely equipped laboratory than is novr available
    elsewhere.   The total cost will be approximately
    $50,000.   This proposed laboratory should not be in any
    way confused with the material testing laboratory now
    maintained by the Highway Department at Frankfort.

          I have also discussed with you a proposed site for
     this laboratory and now recommend for your consideration
     as a site the two lots owned by the University on Graham
     Avenue opposite the Horme Economics Building.

     The members of the Committee expressed interest, and on notion
of I1'r. Park, seconded by Mr. Kirkpatrick, the proposal was taken
under advisement, officials of the University being requested to
make further investigation and to mah-e report.

     15, gprt of Committee on Publications.

     President Cooper presented the following report:

     A Committee consisting of ;..essrs. Farquhar, Funkhouser, WNiest
and i,.cVey was set up by the Board of Trustees to encourage publi-
cation of books that had been written by members of the University
staff,   Since the establishment of the Committee and the allotment
of funds for its use a grant of $400 was 111ade to Professor Huntley
Dupre toward the publication of' a biography of Lazare Carnot, to



the publication of the first book of the Kentucky Imprint Series
an advance was made to cover the cost of printing in the sum of
83O0, and to the full cost of the publication of Francis Galla-
way's Rule, Reason and Revolt in .nFlish Classicism, the amount
pai.d to the Scribner Co. was 8l,79:2 .27.

     The Cormmittee now has before it a proposal from the Princeton
University Press to act as publisher of any book' the Committee may
consider desirable to publish.   The Comm=ittee recommends the ac-
ceptance of the proposal.   A copy is attached for the information
of the Board of Trustees.

     The Committee would appreciate a statement from the Executive
Comittee of the Board of Trustees as to Whether it is a creation
of the Board of Trustees and as to its functions as a University
publication agency so that 4t may be clear to all parties what
tGhe authority and responsibilities of the Comrmiittee on Publica-
tions may be.

     For the year 1941-42 the Committee requests that $2500 be
appropriated to meet the cost of publication of such book or books
which -.my be accepted during that period.

     The Haggin Fund Committee on Publications therefore asks for
the consideration of the Board on the following:

     (1) Continuance of the Comnittee and its authority.

     (2) The proposal of the Princeton Press.

     ) An appropriation for publications - 1941-42 -- in the
sum of 5250O.

                   (Signed}   E. F. Farquhar

                              W. D. i unkhouser

                              Edward Wiest

                              Frank L. 11cVey.
April 1941

     On motion, seconded and carried, question as to authority
and responsibility of the Comr,-itutee and action on the proposed
contract wiGh the Princeton Unlv:3rsity Press was deferred.   Or}
motion and second an iap-)rorwiation of 22500 from the  Haggin
Fund was authorized set up odor nublicaltions In the year 19/41-42,

     16* Oil 2testin     rc t-Wenner-Gren Laborat*

     An Invitation, Bid and Acceptance to the War Department, Air
Corps, IMaterial Division, Office of Contracting Officer, Wright
Field, Dayton, Ohlo, was offered for ap-.-proval, setting up sealed
bid in tri-l)icute for tests of oil for aircraft engines.

     On motion, seconded and carried, the bid was accepted.    The
chairman of thle Executive Comiilittbee was authorized to sign the
papers on a-,pproval by Dean Gtraham or Professor Myers,