xt7mgq6qzq0m_9 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38.dao.xml unknown 0.45 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 87m38 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Charles A. Hardin papers Business records -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Circuit courts. County courts -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Crime -- Politics and government. Judges. Judges -- Selection and appointment. Judicial opinions -- Kentucky. Political parties -- United States. Prohibition -- Kentucky. Prohibition -- United States. Speeches, addresses, etc. Suffrage -- United States. Suffragettes -- Kentucky. Mortgage agreement, Hattie and B.M. Luckett text Mortgage agreement, Hattie and B.M. Luckett 2021 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38/Box_1/Folder_9/Multipage304.pdf 1912 January 30 1912 1912 January 30 section false xt7mgq6qzq0m_9 xt7mgq6qzq0m  

THIS MORTAGE.madc and entered into thio the 30th. day of
January I912.by and between Hattie Luckctt and B.M.U1ckett,
her husband,of Harrodsburg Kentucky‘parties of the first
part,and the Stats Bank and Trust Company of Harrodoburg
Kentucky iarty of thc second part.

Witnesscth.that whoroas thc :arty of the cccond part has thin

day loaned to the said firstvLartics the sum of Five Hundred

Dollars/and for which sum and loan tho said first Larties have

this day executed to the said socodnd party their joint prom-

issory note payable one year after date with interest from
maturity at the rate of seven xerccnt pcrannum.

Now thcrcforc.inconsideratioh of the premioic and to oocurc
said second party against loss on account of caid note
loan,thc parties of the first part do hereby bargain,sell,
convoy unto the said second party the following .reai

estato,bcing a house and lot on Beaumonc Avenue at tho hcad

of Main street in Harrodsburg Kcnticky and bounded on the

North by Beaumont Avenuo;on the East by tho yropcrty of Mrs

Mary Grit Davis Witherspoon;on the south by the property of

Mrs.Moliie W.Gurry.(naw Leon Sommers);on tho Wcst by tho

property of C.W.Robinson,(now thc Frotgrnity Building) and

being the same property convcycd to Hattie LuckcttiLarLy of
the first part/by George Bohon and wife on the lot. day of

February 1911 the deed to which is recorded in D.B.82 P.638.

of the Mercer County Clerks Offico.

To HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described protcrty with the

/ .
apturtcnanocs thereunto belonging unto the said second party,

its successors and asSigns forever with Covenants of General
warranty,chertheicss if the said first paitics shall roll
and truly pay off cgd note and interact thereon when the same
shall become due and Layable,thcn in that event, this mortago
to become null and void,othcrwisc to remain in full force and

Tho parties of the first part futhcr covenant and agree with



 the the said seond Larty that will keep the buildings on
said property insured in some goed and solvent Insurance Ganb
pany nxdxxx in a sum not less than One Thausand Dollars and
will have the 1083 clause of said palicy made payable to tho
the said second party as ifia interest may appear and will

keep said insurance in force as long as said note or any


kart thereof remains unpaid and that said yolicy of insurancu


‘ . _ I
to be held by tha said second party as addltlonal and calfit—

teral security for said loan or note.

Witness our hands this the day and year first abave written.



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