xt7mgq6qzq0m_8 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38.dao.xml unknown 0.45 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 87m38 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Charles A. Hardin papers Business records -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Circuit courts. County courts -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Crime -- Politics and government. Judges. Judges -- Selection and appointment. Judicial opinions -- Kentucky. Political parties -- United States. Prohibition -- Kentucky. Prohibition -- United States. Speeches, addresses, etc. Suffrage -- United States. Suffragettes -- Kentucky. Kentucky Democrat party's resolutions (includes resolution on Women's Suffrage) and meeting roll call text Kentucky Democrat party's resolutions (includes resolution on Women's Suffrage) and meeting roll call 2021 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38/Box_1/Folder_8/Multipage294.pdf undated section false xt7mgq6qzq0m_8 xt7mgq6qzq0m WHEREAS, The Democratic party stands committed to the
just cause of women suffrage; and

WHEREAS, It now seems certain that the federal wnend-
ment granting suffrage to women will within a few days pass

the United States Senate; and

WHEREAS, The Democratic party earnestly desires that

women of all states may vote in the elections of 1920; there-

fore be it
RESOLVED, By the Democratic National Committee, that
it urges the calling of special sessions of state legislatures,

wherever necessary, to ratify such federal amendment.


 :maerEe“‘ ‘ 5‘

You will please sign this
in the two places on page 3

green ink check mark
and mail it on th? T

,where I have made a
sswear to it before a notar
uesday)the twenty fourth.




AT A ‘?"F‘ETIHG ow TH? DY“E'270(‘BATIC FXFCUTIVF nommi‘w FOP ma“?

lhereas,& vacancy in the office of reprcsentutive in con$rcas
from the Eighth District of Kentucky.has been caused by the death
of the HoneflarVofiy Holm.who had been elected and commission d for
tlw term,ending March c.1942l,and ma

fihcreus.the Governor of KEntucky has issued big iroclfifiion
calling a syocial election for August 2&1919oror tho election of a
& regresentatice in congress room the said Eighth district of Kontucky.
to fillxa the aforesaid vacancy,anda
. Lhereag.1t is the duty of Lhis committee undcr the party
rules and regulations,to provide a democratic nominee to be voted for
at said special election.nou.thcrefpreb

lfi 1T RESOLVED.Tnat c Lrimary election in hereby called to

to held in the several voting glmCES or Precincts in AdairoAndersono
Boylc, Cuscy,Garrard,Jesaamina,Lincoln”wadison,mcrcer,8holby and Spen-
cer countiesacompoaini the Big th Congreasional district of Kentucky”

between in? hours of 6 cm and 4 pm.oon Saturday June zlot..1919,for
the puryooe of nominating a democratic Candidate for Congress.in acid
district,to be voted for at the cieoial election ca‘led by tho Govern'
nor for August 2,1919,

(2) Tho right to vote in said yriMary election shill be limit
ed and restricted to those who in good faith &ffiliate with the demo-
cratic party and whoaby thoir veto in said primary election,pl&dgo
thEmQElves to surgcrt the nominee of said primary oicction.and woo
pCEBEBfi the qualifications for vat rs prescribed by the lawfltntzfiznzncx

(5) An assessment ofi.threc thosand and three hundred($fi500)
dollara i5 hereby fixed for the purgese of defrayinb one oxycnoea of
oaid primary clection,said oasessment to be paid by the candidates.
and ony ywmgoal~eciring to tooome a candidate choli.not liter chum noon

—tr* ‘15 V.“ " .., ivcfi written notice in geroon or by rogistered
mail to tho Chairman 0; thiamflmcommittec at hia office in Richulasvill
flihtgckgband guy to said chmirman,in cash,““‘1$lfiofl.oo.co covcr his
oortion of the cakenao of holding said grinuxy election.£rovidcdohow—
over. that if more than two persons shall qualify &fi candidatca by com;
plying with the foregoing grovimiono of this section,thc chaiinan shall
fetuxn to flick of caid condidatec tap saw he shall have yaio in exccas
of his biogortion of tha(§£fi%6$ sold ihirty three hundrca dollars.In
tho avcnt that the aaoasamcni hzrcin provided for 15 insufficient
to dafzay the sciences of this election,tne aciicit ahall be paid by ck
successful candidate.

(4) szzax The Democratic Exocukive Committee for the said
Eighth Comgrassionzil Distr at $13.11.“. meet. in in: com}; Rough! 15.: Nichola:
willofi at noon on finndaxz; Saturday,June‘5.1919,and,if it then appear,
that only one candidatc shall have complied with the requirenwnts of ~
Section o,boforo the exgiration of the time therein yrovided.t an no pr
mary shall be heid,but $93 Diotrict Committee shall thereipon resolve
itaelf into — convention ard y‘l‘ lee or to the . a H' as
for the offige sought thafl fierson‘w o is in? ogiy fiéfi,%§§§£6%§3c§§%ig
rofund to such candidatc the cntrance Ice yaid by 0 '



accrued for advertioing and othorwioe preparing for said primary

(5) The Democratic County Committee end the Chairman thereof
for each county in the district ehall see to it that the yollo are ,
opened in each and every precinct of all the counties in said Congressio’
a1 district in the uoual and regular voting places between the hours al-
ready herein provided.

(6) Upon the closing of the polls the officers ehell proceed to
count the ballots and to mak~ roturao ,and in so doing.ohell be govern~
ed by the provisions of the gencrel election laws of the state of Kentu:
y,and the returns ehall be mode to the chairman of the respective
county committees of the district.who will celiver the stub booke.the
Questioned balloto end the certificatoo of the results to this oomit-
tea I

(7) Ho candidate in ueid primary shall he allowed to select as a
device the device of the democratic party. And the order in which the no
names of the candidates shall appear on the ballots ohell be determined
by lot.in the manner detrmined upon by the subcommittee hereinafter
provided for.

(8) The offiearo of the election shall be eoleoted from lists
offered by the candidates in accordance with the yxovieione of the prim '
ary election law.and by the subcommittee hereinafter provided for.

(9) Each candidate shall be entitled to designate by written
notice to the chairman of each county committee in the district.not
loom than ten dayo before the Blot day of June 1919,tho name of one per
com for each voting precinct in each county to act ea challenger anu
inapector for said oeuéidote at sold primary election.

(10)On the third day after the returns shell hove been made 2
to the county chairmen of the dietrict.the Committee oheil meet at Nichu
oleovillo,et 2 uclock p.m..and oenVeoo the vote ccot,and isooue the core
tifioete of nomination ae required by law,ond oholl aortify immediately .
to the Scoretery of State the memo of tho democrat nomiooe ahooo maze he'
will oeltify to the county clerks of the diotfiot an the nominee entitle
ed to a gluoe on the ballot mnxkhexemyx to be used in the opeoial elect-
ion colleo for the eeiu Auguet z,1919.

(11) Tho subcommittee hereinafter grovidofi for is dixeoted to
omyioy the xnmxxxxolerko or the county courts to oopr from the regular
registration books made in Lawrenceburg.nenv111e.Richmond,Harrodoburg,
Nioholaoviile and Shelbyville.in 1918,tho names of all democrats,and the
persons so emyloyed “hall oauoe those liets to be delivered to the offic’
cars of the election.

(12) The Choirmen of this committee shall cause copies of th131
call one these reoolutiono,certified to by himoelf and the secretary of J
the committee.to ho LOBLEd at the court house door in each county oom-
posing the said congressional district,and in other conspicuous places



in the district for not less than thirty days prior to the Blot day
of June 1919,and said . ‘ége shall be published at least once in
five or more democratic p pers of the district ,

(13) In order that the piovisions of this call may be car-\
ried into full force and effect. a subcommittee composed of the Chairman
and Secretary of this committee and of one other member to be appointed
by the chairman is hsreby appointed,empo wered and directed to cause to
as printed the requisite number and kind of ballots.which shall bear the
fan simxile of the signature of the chairman of this comiittcc,and said
subcommittee will procure the necessary election supplies and cause
them together with the ballots to be delivered to the officers of the \
election,as required by law,and said subcommittee,with and by the assist
ance of the county chairmen,who are hereby appointed empowered.directed '
and requested to assist said subcommittee in all details of said work.
do any and ell other acts necessary and groper to the holding of said
primary election and the carrying out of the purposes of this call.

«awn-cam uuuuuuuuuuuu -m¢---—-—u-—-—----—--’chairmx

The Democratic Executive Committee for the
Eighth 2kg Congressional District of Bi.


 (0%) ,
mm ofi“; f

You will of course understaagdyggt no one but you and the
'Judge . . - hxve seen this advance draft of what we will
need when the meeting is held on the 14th.. I am sendiné it to you
that you may make suggestions as to changes.lt embodius what we
used ten ueara 4g0,:uccessfully.sand what ;*;e or at least I have since
learnad on :.'uch subjects. “whfin thnrm xxx were only ten counties
in the d1str1ct.the eatimate coat or a agecial primary was $5000.and .
£1500 was the :Lmdfit to" put up or shut up? I have added $600 to that amou
'Hrfor diff'erent reuaons. 1h? old plan was to giva twenty to thixty
~"days between the tiuw oi clasing the entliea and the holding or the
primary.'§ few days Jattr to declare the only entry the non.inee shOulW
thezre be but om. .
The program at Dmnvillfi should first be thw ééleotion 0f.mh:«
or the attaintment by th“ chairman,3$ a secretary.(Robinson)and this _
secretary should hhve ready for Presentation"by request"xx the finixnnxn‘
subjoined statement and reaolutione:

let me hear from you fully ana‘ :12nt away,§gvfigglhyv;l19.
being sure r0 mark your letter person?» 1 with aux; box number on

the rPturn Pcirt of envelope. W

9%] A“ gag/W,



Giving notice to the Secretary of State of the nomination of
Chas A.Hardin by the Democratic Party for the Office of
Representative in Congress.

Nicholasville, Kentucky.
June 5th. 9 19193

To the Hon Secretary of State,
Commonwealth of Kentucky,


We,Thos R.Welch.0hdirmen,andCJos.E.Robinson Secretary of the
Democratic Committee,for the’Eighth Congressional District of Ken-
tucky,certify that said comitteecthe Governing party authority for
the district met at Danville,Kentucky,on Nay l4,19l9,at which meeti-
ing all the members of the committee were present in person or by I
proxy,end at which meeting the following reasolutions were adapted;


The subc0mmittee hereinbefore provided for,and consisting of
the undersign ed Chairman and Secretary and the member,Hon.B,h,
Long.of Shelby County,met,pursuant to directions,at Nicholasville
Kentucky On June 5,191 9,and being advised and informed officially
by the chairman that only one candidate asked for the nomination an
complied with the provisions of Sevtion 3,0f the aboveflwritten call
for a or; lection,said sub committee thereupon,in compliance
with thelgggi flfifid duty vested in,end imposed upon it,declared the
holding of the party primary unnecessary and the call therefor void-
and declared; that Homeless A.Hardin,ofmznsxfiumtrxzfiehzxxfinrxoi
of the city of Harrodsburg,County of Mercer and State of Kentucky,
was the only candidate for said nomination.declared him the democra
tic nominee for the office of representative in Congress frow the if
'Eighth District of Kentucky.thisflatsxsnhxzfirfikfitfiexfnrkhnzxfifizxcto!
to be voted for at the special election called by the Governor of“
Kentucky for August 2.1919. for the purpose of filling the Vacancy
cauded by the death of Hon Harvey Helm,who died on march 2,1919.and
who had been elected and commisiioned the representative in Congres
for said district for the term ending March 3,1913 21; and said sub-
committee further directed that the Chairman and the Secretary
certify the foregoing facts to the Secretary of state.

---- --------------------- ,Se cy.
Dem.Executice Committee.
Eighth Conressional District of K

We,Thos R.Welch Chairman,and Jos.E.Robinson Secretary,of tn?
'Democratic Executive Cummittee for the Eighth Congressional Distric


 of Kentucky.do hereby t Chas.A.Hardin.of the ct
city of Barrodsburg,Coun - state of Kentucky.and
whose post of . Kentucky.is the
Democratic Nomin gress for the
Eighth Congressiona D ky.at the special'
election xnxhnz the Chied Executive of the
State to be hel 2 ,to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Hon.Harvey been elected and commissioned the
representatiVe in Congress from said district for the term ending
March 3,1913: Zland we further certify that the said Chas A.
Hardin is entitled to have his name printed on the ballots,to
be used at sai under the device of the democrat»
ic party,and group v ‘ aid ballots.
In testimony t our hands
this the Fifth day of June 1919,

---—-—---—--- - -— ----- ----,Secretary,
Democratic ExecutiVe Committee,Eighth.Conesltztxit
gresional District of Kentucky.

State of Kentucky
County of Jessamine.

I, : , a notary public in and for the state
and county aforesaiddo certify that htis instrument of writing
attached hereto.was this day produced to me by Shoe RJWelch Chair—
man abd Joe. Secretary,of the Democratic Executive Commit
tee for the E1 ional District of Kentucky,who executed
same,and acknoW1edg i be their act and deed.

GiVen under my hand this fifth day of June 1919.

----------------- ---------—----—--—--Notary/whiz

My Commissionnexpires,»;w}j













































, L Y L No. , , L NO- , L Y
1”“ hay i Dell-gates 10“ hay L Delegates ‘83 L hay
f L V—
’ ' L . I
Adair #24} \ L 10 Grant ;\ L 12 McLean I
L A L L L i
L 1 1 1'
Allen W“ “ 37 L Graves L .. L ‘3 Li 9 Meade "‘
,WW- I W , W W W .
Anderson \ 15 ‘ Grayson 7— J \' 5 Menifee »
Ballard \ y 8 Green L 14 Mercer ’
Barren \ 777 710 Greenup / 7 Metcalfe
Bath / ; 7 Hancock \77 7 \ 5 77 Monroe / .1
s. L L L
Bell \‘ :27 Hardin \ 12 Montgomery
1 7737,
Boone 77 3 17177 Harlan / 17 Morgan ' 7
s L . I L
Bourbon 1’ L 20 Harrison ; L 22 Muhlenberg ’ , _
L 7" ' '7’ L
Boyd /' L 15 Hart ‘ 20 Nelson
1 W L i
’27 -" '5' - ,T" a =
Boyle k“ 1 20 Henderson 7 .631? L 11 Nicholas {‘3
. L . ,,
filinglieyW, 2 19, ,IiienlrWW 19W: Ohio '* l
77‘Breatll7i7tt ‘1 L 12 Hickman , 77 f7 7 7 170 7L 777(7)77ld7l71E1177 .1 L L
L {'8 1 L f
Breckinridge j \ . 30 _ Hopkins '4’“ 'L 16 . Owen L /
W W ,, , W , W ,.__WWW .W _ 'g WW,W W 7
. 1 L , f L
,,,13.E‘LLEE, , _ " L 3 ‘ JaCkSOD , WWW WELL , Q‘YSLGY, W ......... L
1 1 "L L 7/ ‘
7 71317171713777 7 -’ ' ‘ 7275737 77 Jefferson 77 L 52‘ - 10 Pendleton
7 .051,“leng \ 13 L Jessamine / L 14 Perry ML. L‘,-'
L 7 " L ,
. 1 L ‘ '
7 Callowa§7r7777 777 7‘7 7 777: 7 777 77_ Johnson 29 Pike
'1 L W L ‘ i
gaginbell L 40 Kenton 7 ‘ 1 5 poweu 7 r 7
, L f 3
7<.‘7a.1'71‘17sle 7 77 7 777E777 12 L £99,“, 77 / 16 Pulaski «’
L! L L
77 C7a17ro7l7l7 7777 if 8 Knox r7 7 4 Robertson ’
g ,
£1111?er , W W , 19,, game 2" 7 Rockcastle " .
CELEQ-V _ \ L 8 Laurel 7 7 G Rowan gé‘
7 Christian L J ‘ 12 Lawrence 6 Russell 9’;
“fl” "7 ‘ ‘ ’L 7 7' 77 77/ .
7797172171713 \ 7 Lee L" 19 Scott ,1»
L Clay 3 \ L 1 Leslie 21 Shelby
V" 77W . r W" ML, 7 infirvefli177 WW ‘7 r , "—77,...7WW , , W W W...
Clinton ‘“ ' 10 Letcher 7 f! :L 14 Simpson L?
, L
Crittenden77 77 7 “7‘ 77 7 7 7L_e71§7'7is777777 7 ‘ 7 Spencer 7 /
. L L - L
Cumberland \ 16 Llncoln 1 ; a" L 11 7'71‘aylor 3"






































































Lyon 7



Esti7ll 7










Fulton 7


7 Floyd77777 77


Fran hlin 77


Magotiirr 7 7 7


















7 Marshall
























