xt7mgq6qzq0m_5 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38.dao.xml unknown 0.45 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 87m38 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Charles A. Hardin papers Business records -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Circuit courts. County courts -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Crime -- Politics and government. Judges. Judges -- Selection and appointment. Judicial opinions -- Kentucky. Political parties -- United States. Prohibition -- Kentucky. Prohibition -- United States. Speeches, addresses, etc. Suffrage -- United States. Suffragettes -- Kentucky. Democractic party broadsides text Democractic party broadsides 2021 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38/Box_1/Folder_5/Multipage187.pdf undated section false xt7mgq6qzq0m_5 xt7mgq6qzq0m ROOSEVELT HEADQUARTERS
Room 1102 Congress Hotel

Chicago, Ill.



Alabama came here to help nominate Franklin D.
Roosevelt. We propose to stay here and vote for him
until that duty is accomplished. The Democratic Party
would be a joke throughout the nation if it should
yield its choice of a candidate. It weuld be cowardly
to yield! We are made of sterner stuff and we have no
thought of weakening or quitting the fight.

The Democratic electorate of this country
will not submit to the dictation of a few cities like
Jersey City, Tammany New York City and Boston, and we
will not submit to any orders.from them as to whom we

shall nOminate.

I have talked with my entire delegation and

they are all likeminded.

Former Governor of Alabama and
Chairman of the State Delegation








F ‘7‘. ”1.15:...



Pursuant to the action of the Democratic State Executive and State Central Committees for the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, at a meeting held at Louisville, Kentucky, April 16, 1928, a Democratic
State Convention is hereby called to be held at Lexington, Kentucky, on June 14, 1928, at 1:30 o’clock
p. m., to select delegates to the National Democratic Convention to be held at Houston, Texas, on June
26, 1928, to adopt such rules, laws and regulations for the Government of the party as may be deemed
necessary by the Convention; to create committees and elect members thereof and such other officers as
the Convention may deem necessary and proper for the government of the affairs of the Democratic
Party and to select Presidential Electors to be voted for at the election to be held on November 6, 1928,
and to select the party emblem or device to be printed on the ballot at said election and to do any and
all things that shall properly come before said Convention.

2. District Conventions are hereby called to meet at Lexington, Kentucky, at ten o’clock a. m.,
Thursday, June 1.4, 1928, to select members of the District Party Committees, District Delegates to the
National Convention to be held at Houston, Texas, 011 June 26, 1928, and to do any and all things that
may properly come before said Convention.

3. County and Legislative District Conventions are hereby called to be held in the.respective coun—
ties of the Commonwealth on Saturday, June 9, at two o’clock p. m., Central Standard time where that
time prevails and Eastern Standard time Where that time prevails, to select delegates to the State and
District Conventions as above provided. The basis of representation in the State and District Con—
vention-s shall be one delegate for each two hundred votes or fraction over fifty, cast for the Demo-
cratic candidate for President at the November election, 1924.

All persons shall be qualified to vote in the County and Legislative District Conventions who pos-
sess the qualifications prescribed by the Constitution for voters in the regular election to be he
November 6, 1928, and who at the November Election held on November 8, 1927,~¥atad-fier—all of tie
Democratic Nominees whose names appeared on the ballot at that election. All persons who have be-
come of voting age since November 8, 1927, and who will be of voting age on November 6, 1928, and de-
clare that they will support the Democratic Nominees at that election are qualified to participate in the
County and Legislative District Conventions.

4. In counties containing more than two Legislative Districts, Conventions shall be held in each
Legislative District at places to be designated by the Chairman of the County Executive Committee
five days before the Convention and published, and where that office is vacant, the District members of
the State Executive Committee shall name the place where the Legislative Convention shall be held.
The Convention in all other Counties shall be held at the County Court House except in Counties con-
taining a larger city or town than the County seat. In such counties the members of the State Execu-
tive Committee from respective Congressional Districts may designate the place where the convention
is to be held in the larger town or city, but if the Convention is to be held other than at the Court
House of the County Seat, the members of the State Executive Committee shall over their signatures
cause to be published a notice in all newspapers published in the County at least ten days before the
Convention, stating the place and hour where the Convention is to be . ,1

5. All County and Legislative District Convent Tisish‘a ‘ g .
man of thegCguntyfland. Legiglaiiyesflhfstrldt't , 'Execu- 1v 3 i q ‘ here is a va
entertains office th’ei‘Coiigi-essional'District‘Executi-ve Committeemen shall in writing des1griate a per:
' Sontapossessing. the qualifications of a voter, inthe Convention to call such ConVention to order. -‘ “

6. The County and Legislative District Conventions .Shall first elect a. chairman and secretary and
in all cases where there is a contest for either position the person calling the ConventiOn to order shall
cause the voters to divide in as many groups. as there are candidates and shall appoint tellers represent:
me; all candidates who, shall count those qualified. to vote in the,.C-.0n.vention for the respective candi
d-ates,,and report the result to the Chairman who shall p bliclyfideclare‘: same. ‘ ‘ '

-' “Delegates to the District and State Conve'ntiOns s l
in theyCounty and Legislative District Conventions.

7. Immediately after the County and Legislative.DistrictConventions adjourn the proceedings of

the,"Connty andsILegislative Conventions shall be. accurately reduced to writing and“ the name, post office "
addressaof the delegatesselected to the'State and District Conve‘ntion'shall be set out, the entire report ,
f'th proceedings to” be signed bythe Chairman and Secret
' " rson d 114153111? d therefor, of theCounty or Legislativ , y

i ' ” ' Chairmanpf thefState' Gene 1 '_ d mouths-Committees. _ 1

. ,q. , .,;State"/Cen ral and Exec t'" _ ., 7 3" ig t" theplaces Where
the State andVCongressmnal District Conventions 'Shz ' ' [1,;th " . x ’e ‘ "k

shall announce the places so selected five days before ‘ ' ‘ ‘g " _‘ _ H ' .
9. The Chairman and Secretary of the State Central 'nd Executive ' 3 s l' duly
attested cepies of these resolutions to be mailed to the District r'fiembers of the State Central and Execu—
tive Committees and to the Chairman of the County Executive Committees not later than May 1, 1928.

Upon the bas1s above fixed the several counties of the State are entitled to representation as follows:
~ First District Fourth District Eighth District Tenth District

Ballard Breckinridge .......................... 16 Floyd ...................................... 2;
Caldwell Bullitt 9 Jackson .................................. 8
Galloway Grayson .................................. 15 Johnson .................................. 19
Carlisle .. Green ...................................... Knott ...................................... 16
Crittenden .............................. Hardin .................................... Letcher ..................................
Fulton Hart ........................................ Magoflin
Graves Larue ...................................... Martin
Marion ..... Owsley
Meade Pike

~‘ of. theConvention and‘by the chairman»,
istrict Executive Cb‘inmittee, which re— ..‘=




Madison ..................................
Livin ston ............................ Mercer

g Nelson

Lyon ............

Trigg ..........

Second District

Christian ................................ 33
Daviess .................................. 41
Hancock .................................. 7
Henderson .............................. 20
Hopkins ...... ..
McLean ..



Third District

Allen ...................................... 12
Barren .................................... 22
Butler ......
Logan ..
Muhlenborg ..
Simpson ................................ 14
Todd ........................................ 14
\Varren .................................. 35



Taylor .....

.\-:,‘ /

.rf' 3‘ ;
" “Fifth District _
Jefi'erson ................................ 252

Sixth District
Boone .................................... 11
Campbell ................................ 28
Carroll .................................... 11

Seventh District

Fayette 52
Franklin .................................. 2-
Henry .......


:Shelby ......

Ninth District


Bath ........................................ 11
Boyd ........................................ 21
Breatliitt ................................ 14
Carter 13
Elliott .. 9
Fleming 13
|Grreenup 10
Harrison .. 20
Lawrence 12
Lewis ......................................
Mason ......................................



Nicholas ..



\Volfe ......................................


Perry ................ . ..................... 14


Eleventh District

Bell .......................................... 11
Clay ...........



Knox ...........

Leslie ......................................






Wayne .......

\Vhitley ..................................

Grand Total .................... 1913

CHAS. A. HARDIN, Chairman



I am constrained to answer a card printed at l0
o‘clock at night, to be circulated the-day oerOre the elec—
tion for the purpose of aiding Mr. Foxin his candidacy
for Circuit Judge. Had it not been for an accident I
would not have known of the card soon enough to have
defended myself against the implication it contained.

Mr. Voter, be candid and fair with me. What do
you think of a man who had been with his opponent,
near him and in the same town during the day without
mentioning the fact to him, waiting until the night time
to have secretly published a card, which contains the
following language quoted from a letter written him,
or for the public, by the person he had promised if he
succeeded 'in being elected the Master Commissioner's
place under him, to—wit:

“That from investigation there will be used
against him (meaning Mr. F ox) for the purpose of cor—
rupting voters of the District thousands of dollars in
money and whisky, and that he, the Master Commis—
sioner, will not go up against a proposition of money
and whisky in the election with ”conversation and a
glass of water" and in the same card signing a letter ad—
dressed to the voters containing this language: "A man
aspiring to the honorable position of Circuit Judge is
in his opinion unworthy of the office if the title to the
same is procured by corrupting and debauching the
citizens of his district, and that he does not believe in
the use of money and whisky in electicns.n

Why did not Mr. Fox show me the card and give
me a chance. to defend 'myself against its imputation?
Why did he have it printed at night to be circulated on
the day before the election? Why did he not have it
published sooner so as to give a full opportunity for
explanation or discussion? Why did he not charge
me with using or furnishing Whisky or money direct—
ly and not by insinuation? I will tell you, Mr. Voter:
Mr. F ox knows in, his heart that l have not furnished
or caused to be furnished any .money or whisky, and I
hereby repudiate as false and untrue the charge that
I am using any money or whisky, or causing it to be
used. I am sorry to say anything that may cause feel-
ing in a race that has heretofore been conducted upon
a high-plane, but I do mean to say that the chivalry
that ordinarily characterizes the Kentuckian, who is
brave and true to the traditions of his State, is want—
ing in the act of my opponent, Awho vvoulcl attempt to
give circulation to a card that might affect my reputa-
tion, which could have been written many days before
when an ample opportunity would have been given
to protect myself against its slime. I wish to say and
repeat that l have not put Eup any money in this elec-
tion, nor used or procured to be used any whisky. If
any money or whisky has been used it is without my
personal knowledge. '

It is very absurd to suggest that a poor man run-
ning upon his record as Judge would put up uthous-
ands" to aid in his election. I think it needs no ar-
gument or further suggestion to clear myself of the im—
putatio’n contained in. the card. It shows upon its
face that it is purely and simply a political movement
made by one in an attempt to avert an impending
and certain defeat. _Respectfully,




Iw ant this to be my final word ~I became a candidate for the

._- Legislature bef01e LeRoy S. Bonta and befo1e he announced. I am
for0 the submission by the Legislature of an amendment to the

Constitution of Kentucky, giving the people the 1ight to vote on
the question of a. “bone- dry” prohibition of the sale and manufac-

ture of intoxicating liquors, without compensation to distilleis or
* b1 ewers; and will vote for it when submitted. I will not vote for
‘, any speakei of the House or for any 01 ganization of the house that

does not, in my opinion, in good faith, stand for the same thing.
I 1epudiate, as false and unworthy, the statement of one candi—
date of another, or the statement of any gentleman, that either ‘

candidate for Representative is dishonorable enough to seeietly
attempt to defeat a measure for which he declares, by inserting a
joker, or in any other way. _

i. I deem it unwomhy f01 any man to employ any agency to'iin—
11011: men f1 om othei States and ot he1 Counties into Mercer County,
to 1eflect upon the truth of his opponent and tell the people who , 1
know them both, how to vote.

I am against any man employing such tactics and for any

honest and sincere man who falls victim to such unfairness

There are those who cruelly chaige that Iain insinceie. In

-1 spirit of kindness I would suggest, as evidence of the truth of

my position, on the- whiskey question, that there have been two

" historic battles in Mercer County against the saloon. Then the

saloon was entrenched in real power, both in politics and in busi—

ness. ‘A Local Option fight came up in Harrodsburg. Though not

living in town I spent the day at the polls for the success of the

"drys” and we won, and the saloon was put out of our city forever.

I say this “lest we forget.” It was not popular then to fight against
'whiskey. It is now. >

When the lines were drawn in the Democratic party on the

_ question of the; County'Unit pla nk in our platform, I" worked day

‘and night for its adoption against fierce opposition, and had the

honor of reporting, as Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions

in our County Conven ion, a Resolution binding the delegates to

" is support in the Louisville Convention, wheie it was adopted as

a pai ty measuie. I say this “Lest w e f01 get. ”
' It is popular now Ftp fight for temperance—it was not then.

My opponent was not actively engaged' in any of these fights' in 7
Mercer County, but stepped in when e 7e1ybody is f01 it, to claim
the 1 eward

In every struggle between the Rep 1blicans and Democrats in-

tne County f01 ascendancy f01 the last. fifteen years I have been
in the midst of the battle receiving scais, f01 the success of my

1 ea ty. My friends told met hat they believed my 1ec01d as a Dem—

ocrat would be appieciated and entitled me to the 1" etc of the
1” ounty. ’

M1.LeRoy Bonta is an estimable gentleman. I have not said
a word against him, nor allowed my friends to do so, and shall
work for him and vote f01 him gladly if he ieceives the nomina-
tion. I have not doubted the sincerity of his spoken purpose
As LO the good ministei s—the followei s of the 1011 ly Nazasiene
—who have intimated, to my dis shon 01, that I 11, as not right on the
“State Wide question” 01 that I would not do what I proposed, I
'h ave nothing haish to say. I hope to be selected to show them
their mistake, so they will not, in the futuie, without talking with
the person 11 hoin they oppose, do another the w1ong they have
done me. If I am defeated, I can turn to the Lord they follow who
an lead the human heart, for the Vindicatjon and the truth they
have denied me. ‘ . .‘
To the men, who have s-l‘andered 1113,1101 knoWing. it; and who?”
do not knew me pei sonally, I ask you to inquire of C. D. Thompson, ‘
of the Firstl Iational Bank, Bush W. Allin, of the Meicer National
‘ Bank, Geo W. Edw aids, of the State Bank & T1 ust Company, 01
' any neighbor I have 01 have ever had,- for my character for truth
\ and good citizenship ~ '
Respectfully, '



Several weeks ago I announced through the Inter-
ior Journal that in the event of the election of Honor—
able C. C. Fox as Circuit Judge, in the coming election,
I would be named by him. as Master Commissioner of
the Lincoln Circuit Court; Since that time I have ac-
tively campaigned in his behalf, and have met with much
encouragement. Ifeel deeply grateful to my many
friends who have been so kind as to take an active in—
terest in my behalf. HoWever, I believe from investi—
gation that there will be used against him for the purpose
of corrupting the voters of the district, thousands of
dollars in money and whisky. Mr. Foxhas announced
that he would not use. any such methods in securing his
nomination; he will not do so, and he is unwilling for
his friends to do so. I think this position very commend—
able, but under the circumstances I am unwilling to
continue actively in this race, and I now release him
from his pledge to name me Commissioner, and I re—
lease my friends from their promise made me to sup—
port Mr. Fox on my account.

‘ In conclusion, I desire to state that I will vote for
Mr. Fox, and my withdrawal is simply because I cannot
go up against a proposition of ”money and whisky" in
the election with ”conversation and a glass of water."
Thanking my friends for the interest they have taken
in my behalf and assuring themrthatrl deeply appreciate

the same, I beg ‘to remain,

Your friend,



In response to the above article I desire to say that
it is true that I do not believe in the use of mOney and
whisky in elections. A man aspiring to the honorable
position of Circuit Judge is in my opinion unworthy of
the office if his title to the same is procured by corrupt- '
ing and debauching the citizens of his district. , '

‘ If I am nominated on. August‘the 7th it will be by_
the votes of the hOnest citizenship of this district and
not by the use of money and whisky." I would rather be
defeated than to be nominated by using such methods.
A man who sits in judgment upon the rights and liber—
ties Of others should assume those duties with clean ,
hands and a pure heart. ~ ' "“

I make this appeal to you in the closing hours of
the campaign and truststhat my position will meet with
your approval at the polls on next Saturday. August
7th, I915. _

Very truly yours, .
' " CHAS. C. FOX.


 Mr. Leroy Bonta addresses a cynical
card to the voters of Mercer County,
in which‘he insinuates much and says

, very little. It is interesting to know
that the Rev. Bunyan McLeod, from
Nova Scotia, now preaching in Har-
rodsburg, who changes his automo-
bile as often as a dude his glove, did
in his fine Hudson motor to Dan—
ville, accompanied by the Rev. Minor
Clark and others, while my opponent
was enjoying himself at the Fair and
saw to the printing of Mr. Bonta’s
card in one of the newspaper offices
there and brought them back for dis-
tribution. In this connection and in
the light of the extreme activity of
of the directed
against me. I will first address my—
self to the charges that
somewhere I used the words "Damn

Mr. Bonta says it was a

some preachers



“beautiful tribute” and he knows them ,

better than I do. Yet I think he must
be mistaken. They deserve better. I
cannot recall using the words, I must

confess that I have been sorely tried
and have found. 11; rd to restrain my-
self under the injustice that has been
done me. If I should have used the
expression in the excitement of the
political contest, it was hasty and
unthinking and I am sorry to have.
wounded the delicate sensibilities of
Mr. Bonta, for I am sure he feels
REALLY HURT, and of course is not
publishing the expression for politi-
cal purposes. eii‘or his lofty intellect
would not buzzard-like swoop to car—
rion, when he could feed on the Am—
broisa of high and noble principles. I
wish to say I have a high respect for
the ministers and as I think of those
dear men, God bless them, like Mr.
Vaughan and Dr. Deering of the Meth-
odist church, whom my people loved so
much, it seems as if they have whis-
pered to me through memory, that
there is a justice above the thought—
less judgment of those who have given
me no hearing, and have unwittinglx
listened to those that would tiaduce
me. Mr. Bonta says he has no judg'

in Chas. A. Hardin to aggressively
canvass the County for him Judge
Haidin has done no such thing. Hr
has,h attc deter to defend his‘ goé’d
name, which was dragged into this
race and linked up with a lie deliber-
ately told by Frank McGarvey, while
arranging secret meeting with the
Rev. Clark in churches to organize
against me, which was shown by :

publication in the paper, attested by
good witnesses and goes undenied.
He would intimate that Gov. Stanley
is aiding me. If he is, I do not know
it. He has” attempted to defend the
and himself, against charges brought
against him by imported speakers
from Oklahoma, Covington, Lexing—
ton and other places, and whether
they be Republican rs Democrat is
not known to me. They can not rep—


resent the Forward League for Dr.
Alexander the head of it says that it
is not the purpose of the, League to
attack or tear down the Democratic
Administration. I assume he thought
it should be Ieft for the Republican
leaders. Mr. Bonta seems to be very
proud of an article he wrote last Feb-
ruary and which was published in the
Democrat and Herald. He assumed
to question me on my position on cer—
tain public. questions and now asks me
why I did not answer. He asked me
if I was not for State Wide Prohibi-
tion for the purpose of defeating it by
inserting a joker or by some other
trick. Mr. Voter, suppose I should
ask you if you were a liar or a thief,
would you feel like answering it? Yet
Mr. Bonta would ask me in substance
if I was dishonorable enough and de—
graded enough to tell the people that
I was for a thing and secretly de-
sign to defeat it. I did not answer it,
because the question was an insult.
1 would not think of asking him
such a question at I thought too well
of him to believe it was possible. I
did not answer it, because I did not
want to engage in personalities. Does
Mr. Bonta think it is necessary to
answer his insulting question in order
for one to be ele ted to office in this
”County? “He 'gide's ”me because I
would not meet him in public debate.
The reason I did not, was because I
thought then that there was no issue
between us, that we were both Demo~
crats and stood for the same thing and
could not discuss the question Without
engaging in personalities and reflect—
ing upon each other. I think more of
my party’s good ,than of my own in-
terest and would not do anything to
disrupt it. I never heard a political
discussion between Democrats that
did not hurt the party. I will never
build myself up knowingly at the ex—
pense of breaking up my party. I
can see nothing in Mr. Bonta’s card
except an attack on the Democratic
Administration and a suspicionof the
truth in my political attitudes. I can
only humbly call upon the people who
know me to protect me against un-
just insinuation and insulting ques—
tions and to judge me by the stand—
ard I have raised in this race. While
suffering all, I have cast no reflections
upon Mr. Bonta and said naught
against him. He even says that I
come out at the eleventh hour on the
State Wide question. I ask you Mr.
Voter as I have been all over this
County for weeks and weeks and have
told you how I stood, to repudiate the
false charge. Read the card that Mr.
Bonta answered and ask yourself do
I deserve the attack that is made up—
on me in the card that he had pub-
published? Isn’t it not a fact that
Mr. Bonta is trying to make himself
the hero of the “Little Jack Horner”
drama? You remember that "Little
Jack Horner sat in the corner eating
a Christmas pie, he put in his thumb
and pulled out a plum and said ‘what
a good boy am I’.”





Voters of Mercer County

Special Election for the Election of Represen-
' tative In Congress From the Eighth
District of Kentucky.


“Whereas there is a vacancy existing in the office of Representative 1n the Con ;
gresS of the United States, for the Eighth Congressional District of Kentucky com— ’ '
posed of the counties of Adair, Anderson, Boyle, Casey, Garrard, Jessamine, Lincoln, ,'
Madison, Mercer, Shelby and Spencer, by reason of the death on Mch.2nd, 1919, of the ’
Honorable Harvey Helm, who was regularly and duly elected at the regular electlon on"
the 5th day of November, 1918, and, '

Whereas, the Cong1ess of the United States will convene at an early date in eXtra I '
ordinary session of indefinite duration, now, therefOre,

. lt' is ordered that an election for repres entative' 1n Congress from said Eighth Con—‘ '
gres‘sional District of Kentucky shall be 11 eld 1n each voting precinct in the1counties’ '-
aforesaid on Saturday, August 2nd, 1919, for the purpose of filling the vacancy as 5"

' aforesaid, and 1n compliance with the law in such cases made and previded, it' is direct |

1 ed that this proclamation be twice published in the Danville Advocate, of Danvfll/e ’
Boyle county, Ky., and the Richmond Register, of Richmond, Ky. ., two daily news-
papers of general irculation in said district, at least tWenty days before said election. ,7.

‘ A copy of this prdhlamatien Will be sent by mail immediately to the sheriff of each .
county in said district and the said sheriffs of the counties named above, will hold and 1' '-
conduct Said election at the said time and m confermity to the Statutes made and pro- VI
vided fer general elections. - . 1 1

Given under my hand as Crevernor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at the Cap ..
. itol 1n Frankfort this 12th day of May ,1919, and' in the One Hundred and Twenty- ' 5
' seventh year of the Commonwealth. . ' By the Governor, ' , ‘

J. P. LEW’IS, Secretary of State.‘ 7 A 0' STANLEY
' ' ‘ ARR “Asst. _ _Secreta1y of State. ” » ,

the voting precincts of this, Mere

of the votes ofgll legal voters of the county who d sire to' caSt thelr: votes f
the candidates for election to fill the vacancy in the office of representative 1n Congress
from the 8th District of Kentucky, caused by the death of the Hon. Harvey Help '
Who had been elected and commissioned for the term ending March 3rd,192L T
said election will be held at the regular or accustomed voting place 111 each of the pre
cincts of the county, and Will be conducted by the regular election officers, and will be? ,
conducted 1n all other respects under and' in conformity with the laws o"overnlng reguli “'
lar elections 1n the Commonwealth of ‘Kentucky. ‘ - .3;


’ * 7 Sheriff of Mercer County