xt7mgq6qzq0m_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38.dao.xml unknown 0.45 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 87m38 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Charles A. Hardin papers Business records -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Circuit courts. County courts -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Crime -- Politics and government. Judges. Judges -- Selection and appointment. Judicial opinions -- Kentucky. Political parties -- United States. Prohibition -- Kentucky. Prohibition -- United States. Speeches, addresses, etc. Suffrage -- United States. Suffragettes -- Kentucky. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2021 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38/Box_1/Folder_11/Multipage358.pdf 1913-1933, undated 1933 1913-1933, undated section false xt7mgq6qzq0m_11 xt7mgq6qzq0m  








Hon. C. A. Hardin. 1

Candidates for the respective political parties for the nomination for
Circuit Judge of this Judicial district will be selected at the next August 1915
In this Issue oi“ the Record, Judge“ Charles A Ha din, who now holds the
office, filling out the .unexpned term of the late Judge M. C. Saufley asks for
the democratic nomination. It has long been an established custom of the par—

y to renominate faithful democratic officials who honorably and eflicientlv
perform the duties or the office during the first term as an endorsement, and
especially is this t1ue of a democrat who 1s filling out an unexpired term.

Since Judge Hardin has been upon the circuit bench, which has been

about three years, he has Worked hard and succeeded in clearing the docket
and‘ kept it practicallv clean of both criminal and civil cases. The criminal
laws have been enforced Without fear or favor which has resulted in the most
_ orderly condition taking the entire district in consideration,. that has ever .1 '

1 He has been universally courteous to the members Of the bar, pollte
. considerate in his dealings with‘ all officials serving in his court. and has beé -
unusualiy aifable and pleasant with jurors and all those having business in the '
courts. _

Judge Hardin IS a go‘od- democrat, a learned and capable judge p01ite and ‘

afiable! both on the bench and in his social dealings with peeple, an honorable
christian gentleman, and 1s in every way suited for the high and responsible
position he now holds. It will be a difficult task for any one to offer a single
convincing reason to the democrats of this district why another should be
L selected to take Judge Hardin place as judge of the thirteenth Judiciai di
- trict and we feel confident that Judge Hardig will be renominated by;- a sweep
' ity over any _‘ d all who may seek the nummation against. hi










: on B.“
it for
; 'me


, Marshall.
. ment= to our constitution?




Editor Evening Post:

I have read with great pleasure the art-
icles in our papers on the woman sut-
trage movement. This movement presents
two questions the most radical and im-
portant in their nature and consequences
that have been presented to the American
980918 Since the Declaration of Inde-
pendence and the formation of our Fed-
eral government. It is both a religious
and a political question. As religious it
involves the influence and existence 01?
the Christian religion. The relation of
husband and wife was established and
fixed by God Himself in His Word for
all people and for all time to come. As
political it involves the nature and exist-
ence of the government as formed in and
by the Federal constitution. The papers
have been publishing dispatches about the
position of President Wilson on this
movement, and today it is announced al—
most as a positive fact that he will soon
advocate this movement for which the
suffragists are demanding a, national
amendment. I cannot yet believe it be-
cause it has been repeatedly stated that
he was the son of a Presbyterian minis—
ter and he himself an older in that
church. Whenever he does, he has writ-
ten and signed his own death warrant
as a. politician and a Statesman, because
by that act he will announce to his peo-
ple that he has given up his faith in the
Christian religion and the inspiration of
God’s Holy Word. I do not believe the
American people will elect to that office
he now holds an open and avowed infl-
del. No matter how corrupt and venal
they have become in these last years,
they have not yet sunk that low. When
they do, this people can realize the Sol-
emn tact that step by step they approved
a monarchy, the seeds of which were
planted by Alexander Hamilton and John
What would be this amend-

‘ I qu'ote from U. S. vs. Cruitshank, 92
U. S, 542: “The right of suffrage is not
a necessary attribute of national citizen-
ship, but exemption from discrimination
in the exercise of that right on account
of race, etc., is THE RIGHT TO VOTE
STATE, but the right of exemption from
the prohibited discrimination comes from
the United States. The first has not been
granted or secured by the constitution of

. the United States, but the last has been."

Admit the amendment has been offered
to'CengreSs and submitted to the (lifter-
ent States. what will be its provisions?
Will those provisions give to women the
right of sum-age as citizens of the United
States, or as citizens of the different
States? In either event. the sovereignty
or the states is destroyed and the nature
or our government 'is radically altered.
No longer a federal union, but a consol-
idated centralized government. The state~
ment of Alexander Hamilton, that it was
“a frail and worthleSs fabric,” will be a.
fulfilled prophecy and the dream of John
Marshall of a. government consolidated
and centralized—s monarchy in power and
object, but 53, republic in name-will have
become a realty.

The right to vote exercised only by men
is granted because the government as-
serts and exercises the right to draft all
men between the ages of twenty-one and
forty—five years to risk their lives in de-
fense of their country in the-event or a.
war with another nation. This service
is the duly of their citizenship, but only
performed in the case of a war. If this
amendment grants the suffrage to wo-
men, are they willing and prepared to
do the duties of. citizenship in the event
of war? The government cannot excuse
any woman from this duty, because she
is a mother. The mother votes, and she
cannot plead her maternity to escape her
duties as a voter and citizen. The daugh-
ters oi: rich men betWeen the ages, it
unmarried. can hire a substitute. but how
about the daughters of the common peo-
ple, the wage earners and working class-
es, who cannot hire a substitute? Are
respectable Women willing to subject
the daUghtars of common people to this
degradation, which will inevitably end in


ebasement and debauchery? They will
' e soldiers like the men. sleeping in the
t nts with men and marching in their

One more illustration on this point.
They will be compelled to serve on Juries
with men. Their maternity cannot ex-
cuse them from this duty. A case is
being tried in a criminal or a civil court
but is not finished the day it begins; the

, judge cannot order the sheriff to give a.

separate room for each of the jury to oc-
cupy during the night. He cannot sep-
arate them. The men and women form-


ing the jury will be compelled by law to


occupy the same room during the night
in the hotel to which the sheriff carries
the Jury for the night, and still less can
the mother go home to her family for the
night. I am not surprised that I have
never yet seen 9. statement from a. suf—
fragist or a. male advocate of this cause
about “the duties of citizenship," which
are inseparably bound up in this right of
suffrage to women.

What will be its effects upon the PO-
litical parties in this country? It will re-
sult in universal corruption throughout
this entire country, reaching its climax
and conclusion in anarchy, ending in a
revolution. I gathered some statistics on
this subject some years ago. According
to the census of 1890, twenty-two cities
had a. population of over 150,000 inhabi-
tants, each and every one of these cities
having greatly increased in population
since 1890. some of them having almost
doubled it. Take into consideration on
this ,point the number which have a
population of over 50,000 inhabitants. In
1890 the number of loose women in the
city of New York amounted to 50,000.
Who will control these women in an elec-
tion? For whom will they vote? Having
sold their virtue for money, will they re-
fuse to sell their vote? Now consider
this political result throughout this great
country in its large cities, and what will
be the result in a. few years? This en-
tire country, in every‘State in our Union,
will be controlled by the boss or candi-
date who has the money to buy the of-
flce which he seeks by the election. What
power. State or Federal, can control, can
check, can eradicate this corruption?
But the South will sufler more than the
other sections, because of the immense
number of the colored women in the
Southern States. It is no answer to this
matter, that there are as many worthless
men in these cities. Worthless as they
aren‘tme are liable to the draft, and if
the ame .. ment becomes a. law the num-
ber oi! votes "ready for sale will be more
than doubled. If the right or suffrage
by this amendment, or any law enacted
to execute it, should be denied to these
women, then impartial justice demands,
and her voice will be heard, that it must
be denied to men of like character. When
that is done, can the political boss, will
he stand idly by and see his influence,
his business, his occupation destroyed by
one and the same blow. and then calmly
and peacefully subside into a. political
nonentity? I pause for a reply. I do not
believe. and cannot believe, President
Wilson will give up his taith in the
Christian religion and his allegiance to
our Federal government to advocate the

If the government takes away their
right to vote it releases its mortgage on
their lives. ' _

Let us take a glance at history. The
curse of the American people in church
and State, at the bar and the courts, and
in politics is their ignorance of history.
They will read a. newspaper, a. magazine
or a. worthlesa novel, but history—history
they will not read.

Mary Wolstonecratt started this move-
ment in England 150 years ago. She had
a. master mind and very few men known
to history had one superior to bars, and
still fewer one equal to it. She was an
infidel and her infidelity was more radical
and fundamental than Chubbs or Collins
or Rousseau or Voltaire, or even Tom
Paine. Ber object was to destroy the in-
fluence of the Christian religion in Eng-
land, and she realized the only course to
take was to destroy the Biblical
relation oi.’ husband and wits and the
other would follow as its logical result.
She was right, but ahead at her time.
This very movement .was tried in Rome
and when it reached its practical end, it
had destroyed the Pagan religion and its
influence, the virtue of the women and
the character and honor o!_ the men.
There were plenty of men in 'Rome who
had had twenty—one Wives and plenty
women who had had twenty-one hus-
bands, and at last the Roman Emperor
oflered a reward for one child born in
lawful wedlock. Woman is the basis of
all society, of all law and of all govern-
ment. And men are just what she makes
them; no more and no less. But this
noble, heroic and Godlike work is done
and finished in their homes and not else-
where—not in the army, not in the Jury-
room, not in the club-room, and not in a
political ofiice, and it is done before her
children, male and female, have reached
their twelfth year. In her home she
builds the character 01 her child. We
have the word of God in His Holy Word

for that work, “Train 11 a. child in the
way he should go and w en he is old he
will not depart from it."





'lll'PllSES Billll
llll lllE Willltli

Pastor of Carlisle Baptist Church
Shows Where It Has
Proved Failure.



“Votes for Women" Have Not
Relieved Us of the Saloon
Evil, He Declares.


Evening Post's Special Service.

CARLTSLE, Ky., July 9.——The suf<
frage question was the subject of a dis—
course delivered by the Rev. Dr. B. F,
ISWindler, pastor of the Baptist church
here, which is exciting much interest
and is quoted from at length in the lo—
cal press today. Among other things the
Rev. Dr. Swindler said- in discussing the

“While the suffragettes claim a back-
ing of 3,000,000 or 4,000,000 there are
about 24,000,000 in the United States eli-
gible to the ballot. What is the attitude


Eof these 20,000,000 women who have
[not allied themselves with the suffra-
I ettes‘?

”VVomen now have in many of the
States, and Kentucky is one of them,
the privilege of voting in school elec-
tions. In some places they have the
ballot—if property owners—when a
lproposition is submitted to levy a tax
for some special purpose.

“Ithas ofen 'been claimed that woman
suffrage would at once relieve us of the
saloon, and I believed it, but the rec-
ords do not justify the claim. There
are now nine States having woman suf—
frage. Wyoming became such in 1869,
more than forty years ago, and yet she,
is a ”Wet" State; Colorado in 1893, Utah
and Idaho in 1896, and Washington in
1910, and yet the saloon remains in all
these States. A State—wide vote in Colo-
rado last year resulted in a “wet” vic-
tory. California, Arizona, Oregon and
Kansas all passed into the woman suf—
frage column in 1912. Only Kansas is a.
prohibition State, and she became such
'before she became a woman suffrage

Would Corrupt Women.

"As I see it, the ballot would corrupt
women. The police board in Denver,
C01,, passed. a rule forbidding unes-
corted women from entering cafes
where liquor.is sold after 8 p. m. At
once a committee of political women
demanded of the Chief of Police that
this rule be rescinded, as it abridged
their rights and liberties. The Chief,
addressing this committee, said: ‘I can-
.prove to you from the reCords here in
lmy office that the women of Denver
drink more than the men.’

“When we speak of Woman suffrage
We mean giving all women the ballot
just as men now have it. My honest
conviction is that if Women had the
ballot, as man now has it, the majority
of the worst women would vote and the
lmajority of the ‘best women would not
vote. Thomas A. Hanley, addressing

* the committee of the Massachusetts
Legislature, considering the constitu-
tional amendment, said there are 354
towns and cities in Massachusetts

here Women may vote. Last year no
oman voted in 159; in eighty less than

n voted. In only fifty towns did as

my as fifty Women vote. In Boston,

here the census shows 217,888 are of
voting ago, 4,939 voted last year. In
321 towns only 5.8 per cent. of women
registered, and only 1.4 per cent. voted.
“Thy thrust the ballot on Woman?"













Jlllllil HARD

In an address opening the cau-
cus of the Democratic members
of the House of Representatives
. at Frankfort Monday, Judge
Charles A. Hardin, chairman of
the Democratic State Central
Committee, warned the Demo—
crats that they are in a position
to do the State a great service
on an occasion “which is impres-
sive because of its seriousness,
importance and significance.”
Legislative matters of great
importance are to be decided,
Mr. Hardin asserted, specifying
‘iaxation, abolition of useless of—
"ces and action to curb thepres—
nt prevalence of lawlessness in
he State.
Mr. Hardin severely scored
professional lobbyists, “log rol-
lers” and other persons who
might seek to influence legisla—
tion in order to obtain privileges
for private interests.
“We are not here to fight the
Republicans,” declared Judge
Hardin. “We want to co-oper-
.' ate with them in anything which
‘ will be for the welfare of the
“As to taxes, the people of
1 Kentucky want to be shown that
the burdens they are called on
to bear are fair and honest and
that no interest or group of in-
dividuals in the State is not bear-
ing its share,” said the Judge,
who was heard attentively by
the sixty-seven Democratic
members of the House, not one
of whom was absent from the
caucus and many Democratic
“There is not a man, woman
or child in the State of Ken-
tucky who will not be affected
for good or bad by reason of the
Democratic majority in the Gen—
eral Assembly this year,” said
Judge Hardin.
“We are in power because we
have the confidence of the best
citizenship of the State. A sa-
cred trust