xt7mgq6qzq0m_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38.dao.xml unknown 0.45 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 87m38 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Charles A. Hardin papers Business records -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Circuit courts. County courts -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Crime -- Politics and government. Judges. Judges -- Selection and appointment. Judicial opinions -- Kentucky. Political parties -- United States. Prohibition -- Kentucky. Prohibition -- United States. Speeches, addresses, etc. Suffrage -- United States. Suffragettes -- Kentucky. Correspondence text Correspondence 2021 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38/Box_1/Folder_1/Multipage1.pdf 1907-1917 1917 1907-1917 section false xt7mgq6qzq0m_1 xt7mgq6qzq0m flame» of fliepwemtmfime (flfi.

April let,l907.

Hon.0harlee A. Jerdin,
My Dear Charlie:-

Your precious, old fashioned, heart warming letter
is juet received. Of oourae you may"regaré the matter as
settled", and I shall stop nitggygu when I come. You know
that even were I disinclined to accept the kind invitation-
of Prof.Eneminger, so flatteringly extended, that your request
would settle it, unless matters of the most urgent importance
prevented. is it is, I am both oleased and homered by this in-
vitation, honored tnat I should be requested to follow so eon—
summete an orator as Dr.Powell, and infinitely pleased at this
evidence of the confidence and regard of my old friends.

If poeeible and if agreeable to you‘and your good
wife, I shall bring Sue and the boy along. If I remain more
than a day in Eerrodsburg, howeVor, it will be more than prob-
able that she will be with her brother. fie far as I am concerned,
you will have me on your hands as long as I am there.

I know that I shall be hanGSOmely received, in
coming to Harrodsburg, I don't think of the size of the audience
or how I shall be regarded as a public Speaker; there are any

number of occasions for that sort of thing with every public

men, even where he is blessed with no greater ability than I


 Home of We twentztfims (His-5:7).
, d 1‘

possess. It is of the warm,tender, affectionate welcome for
"Owsley", the Opportunity to meet the friends of NW boyhood,
the chance to spend e hapoy, quiet evening with you and yours.
These are the things of which I am thinking, and with these
pleasing expectations, I shall almost impatiently await the
time that brings me to Herroésburg and to you.

Remember me with much love to your dear wife and
mother, and with liveliest reyard to my good friends in Her—
rodsburg, ‘

Yours as ever,



Ler-ngtmv Ky, 1 July 20, 3.907.

Hon. Chas. Hardin,

Harrodsburg, Ky.

Dear sir:

Not having heard frmn you during this week, as I had
expected since our conversation over the phone, I thought
poseibl‘ your letter might have been.mis-oarried, and therefore
I write to infiuire Whether or not you had written me. I have
watched the proceedings of the Grand Jury very carefully and up
to this time, they have not taken any action in our case, and I

n informed by several members of the jury that no action will
be taken-
Trugting you are well and hoping to hear from you

soon, I remain,

Very truly,



Lexington, Ky;, Juky 26, 1907.

Mr. Chas. Hardin, Atty.,

Harrofisburg, Ky.

Please pardon my delay in xxx answering your letter of a

few days ago, as the answering of same was inadvertentl‘

looked on my part. Your letter with enclosed check for $200.°°

was promptly received, for which accept my thanks. The grand
jury has "' saii.time adjourned and made no report or in-

t Whatever upon this case, so I take it that it is

Thamking you for same and with kindest personal
rewards I remain
<3 i 7

Yours veny truly,



v ‘i‘ '
@finunflnhtfialkhv 11E irifinhrfltg DANIEL E.O'SULLIYANI(humans

HENRY 1:. l..\\\' I! l£N( 2 1‘2
)HL’I‘ON l“. ( ZUN LliY

agrififln @flntnlififir ifill EUGENE u. RAT, Slicma'nun-
1H1: atxrkfurk

Oct. 8, 1912.

Judge Charles A. Hardin$ Circuit Judge,
Thirteenth Judicial District,

Harrodsbnrg, KY.
My dear Sir:«

.The Board of Prison Commissioners have passed the
following resolution:-

"The Board of Prison Commissioners designates the

Branch Penitentiary at Eddyviile as the ”Kentucky Penitentw
iary",,in.Which shall be incarcerated all convicts over the
age of thirty years, and such otherrconvicts as are habitual
criminals or guilty of atrocious crimes. The Board further
designates the Frankfort Pemitentiary as the ”Kentucky State
Reformatory", in.which shall he incarcerated all convict$
thirty years of age and undergand all first offenders. This
is the first aep in transforming the Frankfort Prison ro meet
the requirements of the Reformatory Law."
We are anxious to have the cowOperation of the
Circuit Judges and request yoo.to send all prisoners convict»
ed of murder and other atrocious crimes ro Eddyvilie, and
all persons convicted of lesser offenses to Frankfort.
The law provides that all convicts thirty years

old and under shall be confined in the Frankfort Reformatory,


 4", _ MEMBERS
@flnnufluhttalthflt flififltufkg DANIEL l-Z.O'SULIJVAN,(ianmuN
Ill-:NNY 1:.Luvnlcmrn

11%: ankfurf

but I take it that this does not refer~to those convicted
of murder, ape or incest.

Under the presenttcontract system we cannot arry
out fully the provisions of the Reformatory act, but the
plan we have adopted will Soon change the ybpulation of the
two prisonS.

Kindly let me hear from you as to the practican—
bility of the suggestion.

Very respectfully,

aflflzw ZWW

-—-¢— ’Q-Kf—f fl—M

Chairman Board of Prison Com.

/) ,
Per. 6::;%%:Zégi:gy/j

Secretary Prison fl om.


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 \« Ech 28th l9h4

Mr Epg. Peonington,
Stanford, Ky.
Dwrrwhmm- ‘

In the last conversation I had with you,When in Stanforfi
we had a fairly complete understanding as to what you would undertake
for me as my political fimfionobomufi adviser. I take it that your oasi-
nose oores.which muot be greatggrowing out of the vexatious aux reopen
sibilities of your position 89 road supervisor,hasrinterfered,and not»
urally so,with following up our understanding, as I understood you
Would write and keep me oostod as to poiitioal-oonoitiOns as they
arésain your County. I hope that you can find the time to write me‘
fully as to what is boing done ano said in any matters that might
touch my interest or be of value to me. 'Your politioal sagacity is.
such as I can depend on your knowledge of affairs and your advioés.
You know that you are the only one in Lincoln County upon whom 118m
depending for information and loyal aid when needod in furtherance of
my political interest. {at mo hear from you as soon osyou find
time. I

With kindest regards to yourself and wife and your dearw
little girl, 1 am, I '

Your friend,


 harrodsburg, Kym “oh 28th 1914
Mr flnh Pennington,
Stanford, Ky.
My Dear Friend;-
I have never been so nuoh at see over anything

to to what you expect me to do with reference to the notein the

State bank & Irust oompany. l cal eV to see he odwaroe Luifimoflriua,

and inquired es to its having been paid. He informed me that it had
not. I asked him if he oemanded of me that I pay it,end he said he
would give me a few days.

Eph, you told me when I left St nford that you would
visit me at Lancaster, and see that l was protectedin the matter.

When the nOte first fell due, I wrote to you to Know:whet youflwould,
, o w

have me do, as your friend and one you entertained a desire to help

you in any way in my power. I reoeiVed no answer to my letter.

The position that I am in now is that I cannot learn
from you what you would have me to do. If there ifi anything about
this note or traneection Which you have not explained to me,or any
embaerrassment overit,p1ease let me know. Do you remember that when
you got me to indorse this note,thntyou told me that there was more
than enough money coming to you from the County to pay it,xmx when it
,fell due, and that you would see to it. Now, Eph, have I not shown
to you my friendSnip andinterest? HaVe I ever failed to serve you
when called upon? 30 you think it lies in me not to help you in any
matter in the future where your interest is shown? If anything has
transpirfled in your mind or attitude'towards me, be frank and let
me know. The only thing I gxhave asked of you has been to ghve me
the opportunity to serve you. I am not worried% about the amount of



 the note or any loss it may entail upon me. Thething that troubles
me most is that you do not seem to answer the call of my friendship
and interest in you by doing the things you promised me you would,

or eVen answer my letter. If you want me to pay thie note and tear
it up, write me. If you want me to see that it is paid,write me,and
let mw know what arrangements to make. 1 only went to know what to


Sincerely your friend.

ilease answer this at once, as i assume from What buc “aehier

said he would act at once. I have never written to 1weed, as

you are the only one I looked to or knew in the transaction;

Write me fully so there can be no misconception as to what to





JEREMIAH nouovwroun. seamsnnmmnn. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U_ S-






April 13th.,1914.

Harrodsburg, Ky.
Dear Charlie:-
I dont think I have ever replied to.a letter
‘ received from yen some days ago in which you complied
with a request'fro our friend”Hickory Bill"Singleton

that you endorse his daughter for appointment as

postmaster at Waynesburg. I never succeeded in settling

this matter until this morning,when Miss Singleton
was appointed. 2 am glad you will be pleased with her
selection. f

I suppOse-you are as busy as I am these days,
(and‘if you are you deserve more sympathy than either
of us receives)zbut if there is any thing of a little
nature there that you think I should know,or if there
is any other matter in which I can serve you.I will
be glad to have a line from you.

With kind personal regards,I an,

! Very truly,

% /”
(/7*ZL1/2/79?7 04ééééééqg/


 rap/M - , ,
%/fizfla ’{_qfii , ., v/’/3ififiéiley Kentucky,
April 21, 1914.
Mr. Eph Pennington,
Stanford, Kentucky. j:
My dear Friend: I
I am utterly at 1088 to interpret your conduct with
reference to the note executed at your request to the State
Bank and Trust Company in Harrodsburg. As I remember the
transaction, you came gith Hr. Read and requested me to secure


you this loan, stating that it was for the purpose of buying

a half interest in a garage at Stanford, and that you thought

that you would ultimately take an interest in it. You also
stated that- you had money coming to you upon your salary as
road engineer, and that you would meet this note when it fell
due, whieh you d.id not do, and have, given to me no reason
for it. I accepted it as unavoidable on your part, and be-
lieved that you would adjust the matter in some way.
I am informed by Mr. Edwards, the cashier, that he gave
Mr. Read and yourself notice, and neither Of you gave it any
attention, or even wrote him that you had received it. I
called you up and you told me that you would see to it. When,
'“at Court at Stanford, you asked me if I took you to be a
crook,-my reply was that I believed you to be anything else,
and you said that you had an arrangement whereby you could
raise the money, and you would see me at Lancaster during my
term of Court there. You never came to Lancaster, never wrote

me a line or offered me any explanation of why you did not


 6W]; 4. a,

comply with your promise voluntarily made. In the meantime,
the Bank has been pressing me for some adjustment of this
matter. Not hearing from you, I again called you up, and
you told me that you w0uld meet me on the first day of my
term of Court in Boyle. You did not meet me, nor did you
write or offer me an explanation why you did not. I again
called you up, and you told me that you would meet me at Dan—
ville on last honday. You did not come to Danville, nor did
you offer me any explanation for not coming.

All I have asked of you in this matter, was to place
me in a position where I could serve you. 3942311 me what you
wanted me to do with reference to this note, that your pur~
poses are, so that I can offer some explanation to the hank.
Since knowing you, my attitude has been that df a friend. I
appointed you as my Master Commissioner, feeling that when I
did it I was lending you a friendly hand and helping you along
in life"; struggle. I did it for that motive, believing that
you were appreCiative and manly. I do not hold you to any
obligations, nor ask of you anything in return¥¥but I do think
that inasmuch as I have responded to every call made upon me,
you should treat me with justice in this matter. It is not
a matter of dollars; it is a matter of principle.

Again I ask you to let me know what you want done with
‘this matter. I am still willing to serve you, but I do want
something definite. When I talked to you last, you told me

that you would no longer neglect letters I wrote you. Eph, do


 5.5.94 war W‘


 56%” M26.

not disappoint me again. My requests are kind and reasona-


ble. For your own sake, answer this letter and let me know

what to expect.






(w m (7 r: o P

June 15, 1915.
MI. Chas. H. Hardin,

Harrodsburg, Ky.

Dear Sir:-

We are in receipt of your "Notification and

Declaration" papers, the filing of which, permits your

name to appear on the Primary Election ballot.
The papers are correct in form and are filed

in this office, as of this date.

Your very truly,



 CHAs.C. Fox

August 14, 1915.

Judge 0. A. Hardin,
Dear Judge:
You have gotten the nomination for Circuit Judge,

and will no doubt be elected in November, and I write this note

to express my hope and wish that your life may be spared,

to faithfully and efficiently meet and discharge all the duties
of that responsible office, and to say fUrther that,I hope and
pray, thft you will be even more efficient and faithful in the dis—
7/»J53§;;2for those duties, than I would have been, had I been






Lincoln Circuit Court

Sept. 11 1915.


Judge C.A.H“rdin,

Harrodsburg 1y.

Dear Judge:~
Enclosed you will find the clipping of Jesse Lynn card,

‘which was taken from the Interior Journal.

Jess is now taking orders for a mail order liquor house,
selling whiskey,beer etc;dont you think he is a little inconsistent
in that ,at one time he uses only"conversation and ice water" and now
selling the stuff he thought sohorrible before the election.

He tried to sell me a case of beer this morning,told him
no thanks,that I was now on the ice water end of the proposition.
Everything is quiet here,Ed Morrow speaks this afternoon,
'do not expect much of a crowd ,unless the mxgnnxxx negpoes come out.

With best wishes,
Your friend,





Senator “lite M. James,

fashington, D.G.

Dear Senator:

In requesting your vote against the
sale of spiritous, Vinous and malt lifiuors in our
national capital 1 was confident that l addressed
a member oi the federal body that has controlled

municioal affairs in Washington, and is recogniZed

asjgoVerning body of that locality-

l was not advised of the fact suggested
in your letter that the people of Washington ha; any
voice in their municipal government. Ab a Democrat
I believe in the voice of the people on any matter
of legislation, but I thought that the situation in
th: District oi Columbia was peculiar anj unlgue, and
that i addressed a member of the body to whom our
Constitution ha“ granted the right"to exercise exclusive
legislation,lN ALL CASES WHATbUEVER, oVer such districtx
as may.......-..obecome the seat of goVernment of the
United States;“a body that of its own right and privilege
abolished slayery in that district in the passage of the
”Dmnibus Bill” that immortalized an already famous Kentuckian
who introduced the resolutions containing the abolition
measure. In my telegram to you I waspleading for the
abolition of a traffic in that district‘which involves not‘
merely the body but the soul-


(Elke/p 57. dél;aaif)asgi®//


 ”cl/air Goa/21y .A/ews




 Lancaster, Ky., Nov. 29, 19i6.

General W. B. Haldeman,

Editor of the Louisville Times,

Louisville, Ky.

' Dear Sir:
Your courteous letter duly received requesting of

me,as Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee,

"‘“my”tiew point«nnd an expression of opinion_es to the pesit-'
ion assumed by the Times favoring the earliest action posSi~
ble in the submission of a constitutional amendment relating
to prohibition in the State of Kentucky. I am glad of
the opportunity of giving my views and opinion as an in—
dividual democrat and citizen of Kentucky. I do not
think I should speak as Chairman of the ttate Central Com-
mittee or official head of the party. I do not purpose
to dictate any future action of our party or committees.
I agree with the Times that a constitutional amendment
submitting the question of State-Wide Prohibition should
be submitted at theUearliest, practicable and legal moment."
What I mean by legal moment is the time and session author-
ized by the Constitution of Kentucky, and what I mean by

practicable moment, is such a time as will give opportunity


 for a full and deliberative consideration of the sub-
ject by the people of Kentucky. It is certain that the
people of Kentucky want the question settled, and it is
equally certain that they should be given the right and
opportunity for so doing. It is a question which has
become so acute and all absorbing in the public hind
that all questions seem to be subordinated to it; It

breaks into the counsels of both of the great parties

of-the State, demoralizing party programs, and standing

in the way of much needed legislation. it should be
settled and settled by a non-partisan vote. ‘ if the
Leg'slature of 1918 submitted the question it would at
once be taken out of politics and ceasefl to be a polit-
ical question and the people of Kentucky, irrespective of
party or faction, influenced only by the consideration

0? the welfare of the “zeta, could freely vote upon the
subject. This much I say as a citizen of Kentucky
without reference to my party affiliations.

Speaking as a party men I would point out the
fact th