xt7mcv4bs77q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4bs77q/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1956-07 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Supplement to the 1954 Edition of the Kentucky Common School Laws", vol. XXIV, no. 7, July 1956 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Supplement to the 1954 Edition of the Kentucky Common School Laws", vol. XXIV, no. 7, July 1956 1956 1956-07 2022 true xt7mcv4bs77q section xt7mcv4bs77q  

0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0


’ __



to the
1954 Edition
1 of the



Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction

Frankfort, Kentucky





Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

VOL. XXIV JULY, 1956 NO. 7











t0 the
1954: Edition
of the















The bills and resolutions affecting education passed by the
1956 Session of the Legislature, as well as the four extraordinary
sessions, are contained herein.

Kentucky Revised Statutes sections which have been amended
or repealed so state.

It is suggested that sections which have been repealed or
amended be so marked in the 1954 Edition of the KENTUCKY
COMMON SCHOOL LAWS. It can then be readily determined When
to refer to the 1956 Acts.

There are included, also, Decisions of the Court of Appeals of
Kentucky Which have been decided since the 1954 Edition of the
School Laws was published.

This bulletin, together With the 1954 Edition of the School
Laws, furnishes a complete set of laws and court decisions to date.

Robert R. Martin
Superintendent of Public Instruction



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Chapter Page
I Kentucky Constitutional Provisions ................... 184

II General Provisions .................................. 186
III Department of Education ............................ 217
IV State Support of Education .......................... 220
V Conduct of Schools .................................. 226
VI Compulsory Attendance ............................. 228
VII School Districts .................................... 230
VIII School Employes, Teachers’ Retirement and Tenure. . .. 236
IX School Property and Buildings ....................... 236
X Vocational Education and Rehabilitation .............. 237
XI State Universities and Colleges ...................... 240
XII City Universities and Colleges ........................ 244
XIII Negro Vocational and Higher Education .............. 244
XIV Education of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind .............. 244
XV Educational Decisions of the Court of Appeals ......... 245














Sections Proposed to be Amended

91 95
93 96

The amendments to the following sections of the Constitution
of the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall be submitted to the voters
of the Commonwealth for their ratification or rejection at the time
and in the manner provided for under Sections 118.170 and 118.430
of the Kentucky Revised Statutes and under Sections 256 and 257
of the Constitution.

NOTE: These sections may be found in Chapter I of the KEN—
TUCKY COMMON SCHOOL LAWS, 1954, as they are presently

§ 91. A Treasurer, Auditor of Public Accounts, Register of
the Land Office, Commissioner of Agriculture, Labor and Statistics,
Secretary of State and Attorney General shall be elected by the
qualified voters of the State at the same time the Governor is
elected, for the term of four years, each of whom shall be at least
thirty years of age at the time of his election, and shall have been
a resident citizen of the State at least two years next before his
election. The duties of all these officers shall be such as may be
prescribed by law, and the Secretary of State shall keep a fair
register of and attest all the official acts of the Governor, and
shall, when required, lay the same and all papers, minutes and
vouchers relative thereto before either House of the General As-
sembly. The officers named in this section shall enter upon the
discharge of their duties the first Monday in January after their
election, and shall hold their offices until their successors are
elected and qualified.

§ 93. The Treasurer, Auditor of Public Accounts, Secretary
of State, Commissioner of Agriculture, Labor and Statistics, At-
torney General and Register of the Land Office shall be ineligible
to re-election for the succeeding four years after the expiration of
the term for which they shall have been elected. The duties and
responsibilities of these officers shall be prescribed by law, and
all fees collected by any of said officers and the State Board of
Education shall be covered into the treasury. There shall be a
State Board of Education consisting of nine members, who shall
severally hold their office for the term of nine years, none of Whom









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shall be eligible for appointment unless he has been a citizen of
Kentucky at least five years preceding his appointment, is a voter
in the district for which he is appointed, and has attained the age
of thirty years. The Board shall have the management and control
of the common school systems of the State and other functions
assigned it by law, and shall appoint a Commissioner of Education
who shall act as its executive agent, and serve for such reasonable
term and at such salary and allowance as may be fixed by the
Board. The General Assembly shall, in 1958, divide the State, by
counties, into eight districts as nearly equal in population and
compact in form as possible; and it may, commencing in 1972 and
every ten years thereafter, rcdistrict the State in like manner.
The Governor shall appoint eight members of the Board from
districts and the ninth member from the state-at—large. Commencing
July 1, 1958, the Governor shall appoint members of the Board as
follows: One member each for nine, eight, seven, six, five, four,
three, two and one year terms, respectively, and upon the expiration
of the respective terms of said members their successors shall be
appointed by the Governor for terms of nine years each.

The Board shall elect a chairman annually from among its
membership. Board members shall at stated times receive for
their services adequate compensation and allowances to be fixed
by law. Members of the Board shall serve until the expiration
of their respective terms and until their successors are appointed
and qualified; provided, that in the event no successor is appointed
Within sixty days after the expiration of the term of any member
whose appointment is herein provided for, the remaining members
of the Board shall make the appointment. In the event that a
Vacancy shall occur on the Board by reason of the death or resig-
nation of a member, or for any other reason, the Board shall
appomt a successor who shall hold office until the expiration of
the term and the appointment and qualification of a successor as
herein provided. Other officers and employes serving in State—
supported educational institutions or school districts may be ap-
pomted or elected for such reasonable terms of years and shall
have such qualifications and salaries and such duties of a local or
state—Wide nature as may be prescribed by law. Inferior State
officers, not specifically provided for in this Constitution, may be
appomted or elected, in such manner as may be prescribed by
law, for a term not exceeding four years, and until their successors
are appointed or elected and qualified.

, Ԥ 95. The election under this Constitution for Governor,
Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer, Auditor of Public Accounts, Regis-
ter of‘th‘e Land Office, Attorney General, Secretary of State and
Comm1ss10ner of Agriculture, Labor and Statistics, shall be held
011 the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, eighteen
gandred and ninety-five, and the same day every four years there-


. § 96. All officers mentioned in Sections 93 and 95 shall be
Pald for their services by salary and not otherwise.















Amended KRS Added KRS Repealed KRS
64.600 61.410 61.480 13.095
64.640 61.420 61.490 64.645

132.590 61.430 61.500 182.485
133.240 61.440 214.040
134.290 61.450 214.050
136.190 61.460 214.060

61.470 214.990

13.081 61.565 61.640
13.096 61.570 61.645
61.420 (9) 61.575 61.650
61.510 61.580 61.655
61.515 61.585 61.660
61.520 61.590 61.665
61.525 61.595 61.670
61.530 61.600 61.675
61.535 61.605 61.680
61.540 61.610 61.685
61.545 61.615 61.690
61.550 61.620 61.695
61.555 61.625 61.700
61.560 61.630 189.375

13.081 Agencies may adopt regulations; effect; limitation.
Unless otherwise provided by law each agency may adopt reason-
able regulations to implement administration of the functions as-
signed to it by law, and shall adopt such regulations as are neces-
sary to the proper execution of those functions. If prepared and
filed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of the Ken-
tucky Revised Statutes, such regulations shall have the force of
law and be enforced by all law enforcement officers. In every
instance the power to adopt regulations to implement a particular
function is limited by the terms of the grant of authority under
which the function was assigned.

13.096 Publication and distribution of regulations; official
state publication; subscription fees. (1) The Legislative Research
Qommlssion shall compile, publish and distribute the regulations
filed by state agencies in a manner which will accommodate changes
in regulations and allow distribution of any topical or organizational
part of the regulations as well as all of them. This compilation







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shall be known as the Kentucky Administrative Regulations Service
and shall constitute the official state publication of administra-
tive regulations.

(2) The Commission shall prescribe reasonable fees for sub-
scription to the Kentucky Administrative Regulations Service.
All fees paid to the Commission for this service shall be placed
in the State Treasury to the credit of a revolving, trust or agency
fund account, for use by the Legislative Research Commission in
carrying out the provisions of this section.


61.410 Declaration of policy. (1) In order to extend to cer-
tain employes of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions,
and interstate instrumentalities, not now members of public retire-
ment systems, and to the dependents and survivors of such em-
ployes, the basic protection accorded to others by the Old—Age and
Survivors Insurance System embodied in the Social Security Act,
it is hereby declared to be the policy of the General Assembly to
provide such protection to such employes, and their dependents and
survivors, on as broad a basis as is permitted under the Social
Security Act.

(2) Subject to the provisions of KRS 61.430 (6) and the
Federal Social Security Act, as amended, and regardless of present
coverage under a public retirement system, it is declared to be the
Policy of the General Assembly to extend the aforesaid protection
to the employes of the state colleges enumerated in KRS 164.290,
and their dependents and survivors.

61.420 Definitions. For the purposes of KRS 61.410 to 61.500:
(1)_ The term “wages” means all remuneration for employment as
defined herein, including the cash value of all remuneration paid
in any medium other than cash, except that such term shall not in-
clude that part of such remuneration which, even if it were for

employment” within the meaning of Federal Insurance Contribu-

tions Act, would not constitute “wages” within the meaning of that

(2) The term “employment” means any service performed
by an employe in the employ of the Commonwealth, a political sub-
d1v1slon, or an interstate instrumentality, for such employer, except
(a) service of an emergency nature, (b) service which in the
absence of an agreement entered into under KRS 61.410 to 61.500
Would constitute “employment” as defined in the Social Security
Act. or ((3) service which under the Social Security Act may not
be included in any agreement between the Commonwealth and
Federal Security Administrator entered into under KRS 61.410 to
61.500; provided, however, that service, the compensation for which
IS on a fee basis, may be excluded in any plan approved under
KRS 61.40 to 61.500, and provided also, that service in any class
01‘ classes of positions, the exclusion of which is permitted under















the Social Security Act, may be excluded in any plan approved
under KRS 61.460.

(3) The term “employe,” in addition to its usual meaning,
includes both elective and appointive officers of the Common-
wealth, political subdivisions, or interstate instrumentalities.

(4) The term “state agency” means the Division of Personnel
Security in the Department of Economic Security.

(5) The term “Federal Security Administrator” includes any
individual to whom the Federal Security Administrator has dele-
gated any of his functions under the Social Security Act with
respect to coverage under such act of employes of states and
their political subdivisions.

(6) The term “political subdivision,” in addition to counties,
municipal corporations and school districts, includes instrumen-
talities of the Commonwealth, of one or more of its political sub-
divisions, or of the Commonwealth and one or more of its political
subdivisions, and any other governmental unit thereof.

(7) The term “Social Security Act” means the Act of Con-
gress approved August 14, 1935, Chapter 531, 49 Stat. 620, officially
cited as the “Social Security Act,” including regulations and re-
quirements issued pursuant thereto, as such act has been and
may from time to time be amended.

(8) The term “Federal Insurance Contributions Act” means
subchapter A of Chapter 9 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code
as such Code has been and may from time to time be amended.

(9) “Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare” includes
any individual to whom the Secretary of Health, Education and
Welfare has delegated any of his functions under the Social
Security Act, with respect to coverage under this Act, and with
respect to any action taken prior to April 11, 1953, includes the
Federal Security Administrator and any individual to whom such
Administrator has delegated such functions.

61.430 Federal-State agreement; referendum in state colleges,
conditions of. Consistent with the terms and conditions of KRS
61.410 to 61.500, the state agency, with the approval of the GOV—
ernor, is hereby authorized to enter 011 behalf of the Commonwealth
into an agreement with the Secretary of Health, Education and
Welfare, for the purpose of extending the benefits of the Federal
Old—Age and Survivors Insurance System to employes of the Com-
monwealth or any political subdivision thereof with respect ’00
services specified in such agreement which constitute “emplOY'
ment” as defined in KRS 61.420. Such agreement may contain
such provisions relating to coverage, benefits, contributions, effeC-
tive date, modification and termination of the agreement, adminis-
tration and other appropriate provisions as the state agency and
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare shall agree upon, but
except as may be otherwise required by or under the Social Security
Act as to the services to be covered, such agreements shall provide
in effect that:











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(1) Benefits will be provided for employes whose services
are covered by the agreement, and their dependents and survivors,
on the same basis as though such services constituted employment
within the meaning of Title II of the Social Security Act:

(2) The state will pay to the Secretary of the Treasury, at
such time or times as may be prescribed under the Social Security
Act, contributions with respect to wages equal to the sum of taxes
which would be imposed by Sections 1400 and 1410 of the Federal
Insurance Contributions Act if the services covered by the agree-
ment constituted employment within the meaning of that act;

(3) Such agreement or modification of such agreement shall
be effective with respect to services performed after an effective
date specified in the agreement or modification thereof, but in no
case prior to January 1, 1955, and in no case (other than in the
case of an agreement or modification agreed to prior to January
1, 1958) prior to the first day of the calendar year in which such
agreement or modification, as the case may be, is agreed to by the
Secretary of Health, Education and \Velfare and the Common-
wealth; provided, however, that in case of any agreement covering
any state college made pursuant to Subsection (6) of this section,
the effective date may be made retroactive to January 1, 1955,
in the discretion of the agency concerned, and within the limits
prescribed by the Federal Social Security Act, as amended.

(4) All services which constitute employment and are per-
formed in the employ of the Commonwealth by employes of the
Commonwealth shall be covered by the agreement.

(5) All services which (a) constitute employment, (b) are
performed in the employ of a political subdivision of the state,
and (c) are covered by a plan which is in conformity with the
terms of the agreement and has been approved by the state agency
under KRS 61.460, shall be covered by the agreement.

(6) (a) Such agreement or modification of such agreement,
as permitted under the Social Security Act, shall include all serv-
ices. described in subsection (4) and performed by employes in
p0s1tions covered by a retirement system at the various state col-
leges enumerated in KRS 164.290, with respect to which the Gover-
nor has issued a certificate to the Secretary of Health, Education
and \Velfare pursuant to this subsection:

(b) At the earliest practicable date after the effective date
Of this Act, the Governor shall authorize referendums and desig-
nate agencies or individuals to respectively supervise their conduct
in each state college in accordance with the requirements of Section
218 (d) (3) of the Social Security Act, and this subsection, on
t e question of whether or not the service in the positions, now
Covered by a public retirement system established by law, in the
I'esbective state colleges should be included under such agreement;

(0) The Governor, before authorizing a referendum, shall
1"eclulre that the state college in which it is to be conducted shall
meet the following conditions:















Each referendum shall be by secret, written ballot on the
question of whether or not service in positions now covered by a
public retirement system in the state college shall be included
under the agreement between the Governor and the Secretary of
Health, Education and \Velfare; ‘

An opportunity to vote in such referendum shall be given and
shall be limited to all eligible employes of the state college;

Not less than ninety days notice of such referendum shall be
given to all such employes of the state college;

Such referendum Shall be conducted under the supervision of
an agency or individual designated by the Governor;

The proposal for coverage shall be approved only if a majority
of the eligible employes of the state college vote in favor of in-
cluding services in such positions under the agreement.

(d) Upon receiving satisfactory evidence that, with respect
to any such referendum, the conditions specified in this sub-
section and Section 218 (d) (3) of the Social Security Act have
been met, the Governor shall so certify to the Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare.

(7) For the purposes of this section, employes of each of
the colleges enumerated in KRS 164.290 shall be considered a
separate coverage group.

61.440 Interstate instrumentalities. Any instrumentality jointly
created by this state and any other state or states is hereby author—
ized, to the extent that this Commonwealth may confer authority,
(1) to enter into an agreement w'th Federal Security Adminis-
trator whereby the benefits of the Federal Old—Age and Survivors
Insurance System shall be extended to employes of such instru—
mentality, (2) to require its employes to pay (and for that pur-
pose to deduct from their wages) contributions equal to the amounts
which they would be required to pay under subsection (1) of
KRS 61.450 if they were covered by an agreement made pursuant
to KRS 61.430, and (3) to make payments to the Secretary of the
Treasury in accordance with such agreement, including payments
from its own funds, and otherwise to comply with, such agreement.
Such agreement shall, to the extent practicable, be consistent
with the terms and provisions of KRS 61.430, and all other terms
and provisions, of KRS 61.410 to 61.500.

61.450 Contributions by state employes (1) Every employC
of the state whose services are covered by an agreement entered
into under KRS 61.430 shall be required to pay for the period Of
such coverage, into the Contribution Fund established by KRS
61.470, contributions, with respect to wages received during the
calendar years 1951 to 1953, both inclusive, equal to one and one—
half per centum of such wages; with respect to wages received
during the calendar years 1954 to 1959, both inclusive, not to
exceed two per centum of such wages; with respect to wageS
received during the calendar years 1960 to 1964, both inclusive:







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not to exceed two and one—half per centum of such wages; with
respect to wages received during the calendar years 1965 to 1969,
both inclusive, not to exceed three per centum of such wages;
and with respect to wages received after December 31, 1969, not
to exceed three and one-fourth per centum of such wages. Such
liability shall arise in consideration of the employe’s retention in
the service of the state, or his entry upon such service, after
March 14, 1951.

(2) The contribution imposed by this section shall be collected
by deducting the amount of the contribution from wages as and
when paid, but failure to make such deduction shall not relieve
the employe from liability for such contribution.

(3) If more or less than the correct amount of the contribu-
tion imposed by this section is paid or deducted with respect to
any remuneration, proper adjustments, or refund if adjustment
is impracticable, shall be made, without interest, in such manner
and at such times as the state agency shall prescribe.

61.460 Plans for coverage of employes of political subdivisions.
(1) Each political subdivision of the state is hereby authorized to
submit for approval by the state agency a plan for extending the
benefits of Title II of the Social Security Act, in conformity with
applicable provisions of such Act, to employes of such political
subdivision. Each such plan and any amendment thereof shall be
approved by the state agency if it finds that such plan, or such
plan as amended, is in conformity with such requirements as are
provided in regulations of the state agency, except that no such
plan shall be approved unless:

(a) It is in conformity with the requirements of the Social
Security Act and with the agreement entered into under KRS 61.430;

(b) It provides that all services which constitute employment
and are performed in the employ of the political subdivision by
employes thereof, shall be covered by the plan;

(0) It specifies the source or sources from which the funds
necessary to make the payments required by paragraph (a) of
subsection (3) and by subsection (4) are expected to be derived
and contains reasonable assurance that such sources will be ade-
quate for such purpose;

((1) It provides for such methods of administration of the plan
by the political subdivision as are found by the state agency to
be necessary for the proper and efficient administration thereof;

(6) 'It provides that the political subdivisions will make such
reports, in such form and containing such information, as the state
320119): may from time to time require, and will comply with such
prov1s1ons as the state agency or the Federal Security Administra-
tor may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness
and verifications of such reports; and
_ (f) It authorizes the state agency to terminate the plan in
Its entirety, in the discretion of the state agency if it finds that
thcre has been failure to comply substantially with any provision

















contained in such plan, such termination to take effect at the
expiration of such notice and on such conditions as may be pro-
vided by regulations of the state agency, and as may be consistent
with the provisions of the Social Security Act.

(2) The state agency shall not finally refuse to approve a
plan submitted by a political subdivision under subsection (1), and
shall not terminate an approved plan, without reasonable notice
and apportunity for hearing to the political subdivision affected

(3) (a) Each political subdivision for which a plan has been
approved under this section is authorized to, and shall, pay into
the Contribution Fund, with respect to wages, at such time or
times as the state agency may by regulation prescribe, contributions
in the amounts and at the rates specified in the applicable agree-
ment entered into by the state agency under KRS 61.430, and,
furthermore, in anticipation of the due date of any payments of
contributions required herein, is authorized to, and shall, make
such advancements as the state agency, by regulation or contract,
may require;

(b) Each political subdivision is authorized to, and shall,
make such payments as are determined by the state agency to be
necessary for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred by
the state agency in administering KRS 61.410 to 61.500 for the
benefit of those employes covered under any plan approved under
subsection (1) of this section, but in no event shall such amount
be greater than five percent of the contributions required under
paragraph (a) of this subsection. Such payments shall be made
into the State Treasury and shall be credited to a separate trust
and agency fund to be used by the state agency solely for the
purpose stated herein;

((3) Each political subdivision required to make payments
under paragraph (a) of this subsection is authorized, in considera—
tion of the employe’s retention in, or entry upon, employment after
the effective date of KRS 61.410 to 61.500, to impose upon each of
its employes, as to services which are covered by an approved plan,
a contribution, with respect to wages received during the calendar
years 1951 to 1953, both inclusive, equal to one and one—half per
centum of such wages; with respect to wages received during the
calendar years 1954 to 1959, both inclusive, not to exceed tWO
per centum of such wages; with respect to wages received during
the calendar years 1960 to 1964, both inclusive, not to exceed two
and one-half per centum of such wages; with respect to wages
received during the calendar years 1965 to 1969, both inclusive:
not to exceed three per centum of such wages; and with reSPECt
to wages received after December 31, 1969, not to exceed three and
one-fourth per centum of such wages. Contributions so collected
shall be paid into the Contribution Fund in partial discharge 0f
the liability of such political subdivision under paragraph (a) Of
this subsection. Failure to deduct such contribution shall not re-
lieve the employe or employer of liability therefor.





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(4) Delinquent payments due under paragraph (a) of sub-
section (3), with interest at the rate of six per centum per annum,
may be recovered by action in the Franklin Circuit Court against
the political subdivision liable therefor, or may, at the request of
the state agency, be deducted from any other moneys payable to
such subdivision by any department or agency of the state.

61.470 Contribution Fund. (1) There is hereby established
a special fund to be knowri as the Contribution Fund. Such fund
shall consist of and there shall be deposited therein: (a) all con-
tributions, interest, and penalties collected under KRS 61.450 and
61.460; (b) all moneys appropriated or otherwise contributed there-
to; (c) any property or securities and earnings thereof acquired
through the use of moneys belonging to the fund; (d) interest
earned upon any moneys in the fund, and (e) all sums recovered
from the bond of the custodian or otherwise for losses sustained
by the fund, and all other moneys received for the fund from any
other source. All moneys in the fund shall be mingled and un-
divided. Subject to the provisions of KRS 61.410 to 61.500, the
state agency is vested with full power, authority and jurisdiction
over the fund, including all moneys and property or securities be-
longing thereto, and may perform any and all acts whether or not
specifically designated, which are necessary to the administration
(talliegggf and are consistent with the provisions of KRS 61.410 to

. (2) The Contribution Fund shall be a trust and agency fund
whlch shall not lapse and shall be held separate and apart from
anybther funds or moneys of the state and shall be used and
administered exclusively for the purposes of KRS 61.410 to 61.500.
Withdrawals from such fund shall be made for, and solely for (a)
PaYment of amounts required to be paid to the Secretary of the
Treasury pursuant to an agreement entered into under KRS 61.430;
(W payment of refunds provided for in subsection (3) of KRS
61.450; and (c) refunds of overpayments, not otherwise adjustable,
made by a political subdivision.

(3) From the Contribution Fund the custodian of the fund
Shall pay to the Secretary of the Treasury such amounts at such
tlfne 0r tlmes as may be directed by the state agency in accordance
Wlth any agreement entered into under KRS 61.430.

(4) The Treasurer of the state shall be eX-officio treasurer
and custodian of the Contribution Fund and shall administer such
fund in accordance with the provisions of KRS 61.410 to 61.500
and the directions of the state agency, and shall pay all warrants
drawn upon the fund in accordance with the provisions of this
Sectlon and with such regulations as the state agency may pre-
scribe pursuant thereto.

61.480 State contributions authorized. Authorization is here-
Y_granted to all offices, departments, boards, commissions, insti-
tutlons; and all other agencies of the state government of the Com-
monwealth of Kentucky to make payments to the Contribution














Fund out of moneys, not required by law or contract to be expended
for other purposes, in any revolving, trust or agency fund, or out
of appropriations for recurring expenses heretofore or hereafter
made by the General Assembly from the General Expenditure
Fund or special funds.

61.490 Rules and regulations. The state agency shall make
and publish such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the
provisions of KRS 61.410 to 61.500, as it finds necessary or appro-
priate to the efficient administration of the functions