xt7mcv4bs675 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4bs675/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1930-02-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 10, 1930 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 10, 1930 1930 1930-02-10 2020 true xt7mcv4bs675 section xt7mcv4bs675  














February 1






The Senate
Duplicati o
frow the 1













The Universi



ccoiii -e~ -ox c~rzid~tcr for "”Vkficed defirees at o is i
At 336 Dec» her mee“1nr of tLe Unixe‘eiz' Senate, the Universit"
L l't _ ‘ “ I. I I7 ‘
echoii me asked to leke recomgcndotlons at 3?: “E‘T meeting
‘ ' .0 mt} .fl-‘ ~ " -.,.. _. F": n— '
concerning Lie time o; co 1er-1n5 dogiees. in— OMwittee msde the
:ollowing reconneniEEian which we: so iOVGdZ
. ~ ' 1 , q a ,- 1 Lu 1 L 2 -, i 1
The council voted t, recommend to use @enate tnau degiees oe
onferred, at the CTOSe of ‘he first senester, the c‘; ose of Um
secoid seme:te‘, and the close of the elmoer ees si on-



February 10, 1930
by Senate met in the lecture room of MoVey Hall Monday,
0, President McVey presiding.
3f Janna dry 0 wére approved as reads ‘

considered the recomm endatisn of
n of Course<
ast mee

the Committee on
concerning prerequisites which held over
ting for cons ideration. the
tion was approved as follows:

After an amendment,

That prerequ151tes be considered under two headingss'
ao Classification b. Prescribed

That the University Senate define prerequisites as to

classification, and that the departments concerned specify
the courses.

f the above View is accepted, the 60mmittee recixmends:
a« That jfinior calssification be rruiired for admission

to ali CO;T:?€S that may be counted for graduate work, Ex=
ceptions to this rule iri particuie,r cases may be made by flm
Dean and the Head of the Department concerned. be That Mm
deDar rtznents concerned prescr ihe the courses required, and
transmit them to the Re3istr ar for publication in the UniVm

efisity catalog.

















Minutes of the Univeristy Senate e Peb. 10, 1970 ~ Page 2

The following courses and changes in courses recormended by the
Committee on Duplication of Courses, were approved:

\ Chemistry 103, Elementary Electro~Analysis, 10 hours a week,
5 credits per semester. Prerequisites, Chemistry 101, or 131b, 109, 127b.

thenics and Gymnastic 5 nuts.

-.Physical Education 21a and 21b. Calis
re a week, 2 credits each» (To

Each rums oneahalf a semester, ten hon-
_ ’
replacelmlucation 21, 4 credits)

M'Drop: Animal Industry 122, Advanced Poultry Breeding, 2 credits.
Substitute: Animal Industry 127, Advanced Poultry Breeding, three
credits» Prerequisites Animal Industry 22 and 119.

3 Drop: Entomology 3, Economic Entomology, 3 credits.
Substitute: Entomology 10, Agricultural Entomology, three credits.

”/Add: Entomology 102, AdVenced Agricultural Entomology, three credits.
Prerequisites Entomology 10.

v Drop: Entomology 4, Horticultural Entomology, three credits.
Substitute: Entomology 104, Economic Entomology, Farm Crop insects
and Animal Parasites, three credits. 'Prerequisites Entomology b0.

\jChange the number of Entomology 8, ’Apiculture, three credits, to
Entomology 11, Apiculture, three credits-

1Add: Entomology 106aab, Systematic and Technical Agricultural
Entomology, three credits each semester. Prerequisites Entomology 10,
and either 102, 103 or 1046

' Drop: ntomology 101aeb, Special Problems, three credits each semester.
Substitute: Entomology 201aeb, Entomological Problems, three credits
each semester. Prerequisites Entomology 10 and either 102 or 103.

\/Commerce 140, Advertising Campaigns, 3 hours a week, 3 credits.
Prerequisite 00mmerce 114 or Psych 5.

The report of the special committee on examinations was considered, and
after some discussion Was referred to the conuittee to be presented at
a called meeting of the Senate.

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