xt7mcv4bs32k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4bs32k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-09-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1988 1988 1988-09-27 2020 true xt7mcv4bs32k section xt7mcv4bs32k  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCII, No. 34 Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Tuesday. September 27. 1988


More than $3,000 worth of UK basketball equipment stolen

By THOMAS J. Sl'l.l.l\'.\\
Executive Editor

More than $3.000 worth ot' items were
stolen truth the UK basketball equ1pment
room in Memorial (.‘oliseum last weekend.
['K l’olice estimated that the burglary
took place between 7 pm. Friday and it
am. Sunday. said Stephanie Bastin. l‘K
crime prevention coordinator

Robert (iayheart. a student manager tor
the basketball team. reported Sunday
morning to police that the room had been
broken into. Bastin said

Gayheart could not be reached for com-

Bastin declined to comment on how the
burglars got into the Coliseum.

Chris Cameron, UK sports information
director, said that the burglars got into the
equipment room through the ceiling.

Access was gained by removing ceiling
tiles in the Coliseum hallway and traveling
through a cubbie hole above the wall and
in through the equipment room ceiling.
('ameron said.

('ameron said. however. that he didn‘t

know how the burglars got in‘o ’lu- (Ii/l'

Among the numerous items stolen ii-om
the equipment room were six Champion
Basketball uniform tops «numbers So. lz.
20, 25, 12 and Zilt. tite (‘hampion Basket
ball shorts and nine pairs of .\ike .\lt‘llt."i‘i,'
Ill basketball shoes unique to 'lit' t'k’ l'.t\
ketball team

Many of the items taken were unique
made only for Kentucky players. ‘ Basra:
said, Because of this. Bastin and ‘bi' 't.i-
items Will be easy to identity

"I mean him many people to


nearing size 14 Kentucky tui-io-‘uii' .
shoes" shesaid
titlier items listed as stolen vyei t'

. two blue equipment bags at it:
tiicky Basketball" printed on them
atllh “ltex Chapman on :t 'm
heron Feldliaus' on i‘

- 24 blue 'l‘sliirts Viitti
nt‘lliilll letteringontnein
- one pair oi blue Mke
seyen blue sweatiackets \H‘li .yniti- \it’t".V“
and Kentucky pruned .i. lll'il' tw‘im
E\, on the sleexes 'I'Li ".‘n » ,,


Four UK students
arrested in first

that »,,\t..’;
" i'i it;

All!“ \in'

KPN' i r

svh'iiipdit' .



GRAB weekend


l’.\ Hill \\ llv.\ ll

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\ l’i‘sllt‘t’

‘he i‘:r.iriba

Z'Zv'otr' one man l‘. l

’zc‘ .HliLl name of

Daub. Hutson tackles Lynn Zaremba last night during the
Wild Women of Dorm-me than wrestlinfl contest at Hag-

United Way

ild and muddy

About 200 turn out for

gin Field, Proceeds from the uer‘ w» 3’7"'E""‘


mud wrestling at Haggai

STEVE SANDERS Kwny (t yntv‘h. in:

One. of the mud-covered contestants looks on as this wvoeiiimi does - '\
Much of the crowd was splattered With '“iud

said, retering


l in going to kill her."
o ‘it‘t‘ opponent. the Samurai


it was you exciting.“ treshman
Hrian s‘houlta said ”The girls really
got :nm the matches and really pulled
’be crowd .nto them It was really
.yoi‘tli buying the tickets tor because 0‘
IH‘lll toward charity "

'I really .ippreciated what they were
hung. said treshman .loey Michaels
it “(l8 tor a worthy cause. and I really

unlinq‘d watching the girls a lot It gave
‘llt‘ .i break trom my regular studies
the idea “as great. but I‘ve heard it

Alidn‘t unity-Ir .s' , .is 'j‘io‘\ Mimi i“,

liked it tow

\ll priwewis lrt‘\l"l 'iit "w t’i.iti t. K.‘l
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.i ‘3 . i- \l.vi

Prizes. tli‘i t‘


\t'l't toiigiti‘it

ing \y inningt . kt is

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UK is trying to save program for women

By H il, \Bk'l'll “Mir;
stat: \\!"’i‘t'

Despite tinycrsity budget cuts Vice
I‘hiini'etlot' ot \ttairs Donald Sands said
yesterday that the th administration Is
trtzng 'i s.i‘.e the t'ontiniiing Education
tot “omen program

since .i rtilly held Sept H. 'he
concerned Women has


tee for "ccen'eil

positiye response trom the UK administra-
tion about the tinancial continuance ot the
program. according to Lucmda Zoe ot the
t K center tor Busmess and Economic re

The program. which was deSigned to
serve non-traditional female students. pro-
\ ides s‘t‘l‘Vtt't‘S. moral support and academ-
ic and psychological services The Women

Writer ‘ tonterence '~Hl.\ supported the

since the rally. /.oe
been sending letters to
[land Roselle. requesting
gram be say ed

"The president has recciyed .itioiit t.ilt
tin/en letters trom women s toncerrs ind

said, people ‘.t\e
I’K l’i‘i’stili‘nt
'tiiit ’l‘it‘ i

“Ci” 1 }"”RI\ l’yii. l l‘.'£

i’.\ i;.\\ ll) litlfll’lt‘

‘lil.: w-

V i

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':_ '- .iv»c take 51“
:id .1 the State ‘i.~ ,.
is 'tiRAIl' pr is: t:
‘i ‘I'i'>‘t‘«'l '.\(‘l‘t' ‘-,:
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"ll “fl“; ,..x .
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11'! iv'ittl'ii'r's is ~cr"t it.

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SGA election expenses
can he set. opinion says

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‘ii‘iah itiil Y»? l-'-“' \w»!‘
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purelx classical. ;i.\ it:
All“ or 'l‘\'\('zl’zil‘i lmezi



tions, and sometimes kicking the
trio into straight-ahead jazz tunes
by Douglas, Gomez or Thelonius

The players infectious enthu~
siasm for their uptempo tunes
manifested itself Via foot-stomping.
hand-clapping. percussive effects
on instruments and a acappella

Noll/mall hinisell wasn‘t above
slapping the change in his pants
pocket to keep tune at sortie points

The playing abilities of all per
lill'lll(‘l\ were first rate Stoltzman

coaxed an amazing array of tonal
colors from his instrument. At
times it was easy to forget that he
was only playing a clarinet.

Douglas's playing was steady
and his musicianship was clearly
in evidence as he switched from
keyboards to bassoon for some
pieces Gomez topped himself each
time he took a bass solo.

Some of the quieter pieces uti»
lized the stunning photographic
work of John Pearson. As the trio
played, Pearson manipulated slide
projectors, folding one image into
another on the screen, thus fusing
the visual with the aural.

This combination was particular-
ly effective on the title piece of the
tour. Steve Reisch‘s “New York
Counterpoint . “

The piece was performed by
Stoltzman playing along with a pre

taped accompaniment of to differ-
ent clarinet parts.

As one clarinet came in against
another. subtle counterpoint shifts
gradually materialized. Dozens of
images projected by Pearson only
added to the total effect that made
this concert a unique experience.



Writers contest announced

Steffi-opens work in Fayette. Bourbon,

Clark. Jessamine, Madison.
The bexington Council of the Scott or Woodford counties.
Arts is seeking submissmns for Writers should contact the
the upconung spring season of

t , Lexington Council of the Arts at
'Evemngs '3‘ f“ “918991 999W (606) 255-2951. The deadline for
and Short Fiction Readings.

. submissions is Oct. 17. All works
In order to submit works t0 be will be considered for publica—
juried, writers need to live or




by Berke Breathed



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---” _ ;. .. [J
, \. (. ' , ‘ ' v. x ? _ > - -. I , 7 ,.
<%\Z%\[* {*7*% 1.1le to Write Sports Call the Kentucky Kernel, 257 1915 $%W\*\%7fi W



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Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, September 27, 1988 — 5

Reagan delivers an upbeat speech to the United Nations


By BARRY St’lltt‘kll)
“swam" ”"35 “I stand at this podium, then, in a moment of
hope —— hope not just for the peoples of the
United States or the Soviet Union, but for all

the peoples of the world."

UNITED NATIONS rl’resident
Ronald Reagan told the L'nited Na
tions in a farewell speech yester
day that this was “a moment of
hope" for peace in the world and
that a new Li.S.—Soviet Heat} to
sharply reduce nuclear arms may
be concluded next year

President Ronald Reagan

) x .. ‘ - . .~ . ,
'{lhe'llresident (dll‘tld' “(In :1” in“. power, his lust to control the lives Reagan said the trend was
pa loll". “firm" all? 1‘le ': il‘l and stealthe freedoms ofothers." spurred by “a new era in Soviet»
"WIN" dm ‘0” a“ d ”1“” “m ltut with his presidency nearing American relations” marked by

vowed to maintain [' 5 support loi
an armed insurgency against the
lel‘tist government of Nicaragua

He said the Sandimstas \\ ere put
suing "the oldest most corrupt
\‘ice of all man's Mil“ Illil “Hi to

an end. Reagan struck a mostly
philosophical stance as he told the
43rd General Assembly session of
L39 nations that civil wars and tor-
eign occupations were giving way
around the world,

diaterange nuclear missiles

the continuing withdrawal of the
Red Army from Afghanistan and a
treaty last year to abolish interme

lie said US, and Soviet negotia—
tors were making steady progress




She Kentucky Kernel —


For students, by students, about students!








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on another accord to sharply re-
duce long—range bombers, missrles
and submarines While completion
of the pact this year was "highly
doubtful," Reagan said, "I can tell
you a year from now (it) lS a possi
bility, more than a possibility."

0n the conventional front, Rea-
gan said East-West talks to reduce
non-nuclear forces. tanks and other
mobile weapons in Europe "will
begin soon.“

The United States had demanded
a Soviet commitment to g