xt7mcv4bs01b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4bs01b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2002 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 2002 Vol.73 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 2002 Vol.73 No.4 2002 2002 2019 true xt7mcv4bs01b section xt7mcv4bs01b 4 4 4 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES 7
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‘ \ Volume 73, Number 4 - April 2002 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service ’.
Six inducted into Journalism Hall of Fame
Six new members of the Kentucky rapher for ABC in Vietnam and for the _4 , 2 4 . 4'
2 Journalism Hall of Fame were induct— past 22 years the chief Videographer g: V ' ,4
ed at a luncheon April 2 at the for WLKY-TV in Louisville. ‘ ’ "s“ 4444/ 9‘ ' '
University of Kentucky Hilary J. Boone 0 Brian Rublein, news director at 4 j i ' '- ‘
Faculty Center. WHAS Radio in Louisville for 21 4 l {1%, 4.».
The indueiees are: YearS- : 'L . e 2 " V ‘ a 3.
0 Jo—Ann Huff Albers, director of All Hall of Fame members’ pic- " " ' . 3, f—
the School of Journalism and tures and biographies are exhibited in . , . 2. 2' a .. ‘ I
Broadcasting at Western Kentucky the Grehan School of Journalism and . ,_ .32.. g,
University Telecommunications Building at UK. 3 me 2-
0 John 8. Carroll, former editor of The new Hall of Fame inductees Albers Caorrll . 4 . . .4
The Lexington Herald-Leader and now were also introduced during the 20th 4 V .. 4 4 444 44 4 ,
editor and executive vice president of Joe Creason Lecture and Student fifgfi/ . % fit“ 2 _ 44
the Los Angeles Times. Awards Ceremony in UK’s Memorial ' wgfi‘fw4 " :-._:: w 44:64
0 Virginia Graves Fox, executive Hall. The Creason Lecture and the 4 t if: 44:44; 123%; ;.
director and chief operating officer of Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame are ' . _ tear , “%§%; 4
Kentucky Educational Television. sponsored by the UK Journalism '4 ' V . 4. , ' 4. 4w: ‘ '
'6’ . .._ ' John S. Hager, former co-pub- Alumni Association. ' 4 ' _ > ' I z
lisher and co-editor of the Owensboro The lecture was delivered by 'V .233: 4 .
Messenger-Inquirer. Angelo Henderson, a 1985 UK 4 4 4’ 4 ~ ‘* 44 2'
0 Dinh Phuc Le, a former Videog- See FAME on Page 9 Hager Le Rublein
° ' ° SN PA T l' C " h'
ThIs, that and other tIdets rave Ing ampus '5 a 't .
' 4 Kentucky newspapers recognize a and essential skills for new managers
Writer's block. Don't we all get bargain when they see one. As of (1:30 pm. to 4:30 p.m.).
that? I'm experiencing it now as I try on second presstime for the April issue of The Thursday’s schedule includes 2
to meet David Greer's deadline for 3,2? Kentucky Press, more than 450 people " copy editing and headline writing '-
my column, while watching the rain Thought is? were registered to attend the Traveling (9:30 am. to 12:30 p.m.), succeeding in -
continue to pour. ‘50 forgive the iaCk — fit: Campus being sponsored by the ad sales (9:30 am. to 12:30 p.m.), single -'
0f one-subject concentration this g3 Southern Newspaper Publishers copy sales (1:30 pm. to 4:30 pm.) and ?
month. By David T. Thompson fl: Association, the Kentucky Press providing extraordinary customer ser- 4
l Association and the Kentucky AP vice (1:30 pm. to 4:30 p.m.). -'
Open Meetings in the Bible Editors Association. Friday’s session will cover tele- .
Arkansas Press Association Openness Champions The SNPA Traveling Campus will phone selling skills (9:30 am. to 12:30
Executive Director C. Dennis Schick Two state representatives have be held in Louisville April 17—19 at the p.m.), building home delivery circula-
feels a couple of Bible verses are the made numerous references during Hurstbourne Hotel and Convention tion (9:30 am; to 12:30 p.m.), design ‘
basis for Open Meetings. . the 2002 Kentucky General Assembly Center, off Hurstbourne Lane, and and graphics for the newsroom (1:30
He asks, "Where in the Bible is to the need to make as much infor- near Interstate 64. Traveling Campus pm. to 4:30 pm.) and photojournalism . _
there a confirmation of public infor- mation as possible available to the sessions are free. (1:30 pm. to 4:30 p.m.). - f2
mation?" public. The event is funded by a grant The Traveling Campus is 2’
And who Would know, except Reps. Bob Damron from from the John S. and James L. Knight designed so that your staff members ' :
maybe a preacher 01‘ Bible scholar, Nicholasville and Paul Marcotte, Foundation, which promotes excel- can drive in for one day or even a half '
that it's in Luke 12, verses 2 and 3‘ i from Boone County, have often lence in journalism. The three—day day, so that newspapers will not have _
' Verse 2: "For there is nothing demanded that information be open extravaganza of sessions will appeal to overnight room fees. However, if you '
covered that shall HOt be revealed; and available to the public. staffers from every department of your do need lodging, it is available at the 4
' neither hid that shall not be known." D4amron, the conceal carry spon- newspaper. Hurstbourne Hotel. '
Verse 31 "Therefore whatsoever sor of a few sessions ago, has stated On Wednesday, April 17, sessions Publishers and advertising staffs
ye have spoken in darkness shall be many times on the House floor his will cover readership (9:30 am. to will note, however, that some separate .
heard in the light; 311d that Which ye belief that openness is a right of the 12:30 p.m.), computer-assisted report— ' training is being provided at the same
have spoken in the ear of closets shall public and the legislature should ing (9:30 am. to 12:30 p.m.), improving time as the KPA Spring Ad Seminar. 4 ,-
be proclaimed upon the house tops." See TIDBITS on Page 12 writing Skills (1:30 pm. to 4:30 pm.) See CAMPUS on Page 12 ' _

 . Pa 8 _ ' .
lg(2 Tlhel KentUCky Press! April 2002 » ~ ‘ -
‘3 peo apers m e
med '
Indiana publisher at Landmark Communit N, e n WS
Paper prOperties Th y eWSpaper Work c1
Teresa Ric d' ' _ ’ e Spencer Connt e as a rEporter assi t - 2
0e 11 e, e itor and -1 M 1 3»; Journal—Dem - y and editor befo ’ . S ant edltor and bro d ~
E“ Dual manager of the 1- >3; _»_- P k 0Cl‘at in at L b' re aCCeptmg the GM . b a Castmg
Lebanon 131119111 1 11 .1. 1 \oc port, Ind, and the e dh0n. She is a nativn f l0 Kershaw Curr -
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111111111111 1131:1W1e1r, has been 1._'. ‘ -. Democrat She bega.) 1 Murray State Unix/erg; egree from heWSpaper 1h1e§ehdent daily Student
. 15 . 1 10. 1 a .1 1am c; - 1 ‘ e h - . 1 3 1 I J 1 3
manager 01111189111and 120101131 ' ' 3 .- '. new dune-e On April 1 m Rite replaces Ron F31k‘ . reeewe $750; UK’engk'V K81 nel’ W1“
News-m Tell c-t efrgLounty V ‘I '3 '2 Vi l I RiCe has Spent in named PUblisher of The Km: refiehtty Journalism md T21 ch00] Of A
, ’ ‘ 1 y, 11 18119 ' 1=' . 1 4' With" 1 ‘1‘ ’1‘ Standa Cl . _ A €11 uc y 'l . c ECOYnnulnicql' .
Wlll have Oversi h . ~ , 3 t Caleer With La d r ~Fllk1ns re la . W1 1 recewe a m . t 10115
tof The ,. , , _ , Co . h mark Gm). P ced David atChlng grant {$7
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weele, and'theerlhefl’ 2181:1m1-1 A S’Ctarttlfig as a reportler 3-0;"th \ ices dlreCtOr post With KPXnber 5U Is‘exmgh’h Herald—1:33:31 aaridhtl I! I
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p ant. A15 a regional manager, Shégw“ there, She moved to Tlfmocrah From TWO 1 1 Wasphhs Owen d1News Seivice 111 1
work With the staffs of two th 1 Standard in B \ e KentuCkY l‘ep0rters 10111 T Inge.“ De She will inte- 3
0 er drd5t0Wn where She Mayfield paper ampa TrlbLme this SUmmer In at the ' 1'
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regs“) eKentuck p ' H ' ' ampal Fla. and ”We breakin ~ - W1
C0nsume ran y r955: 101 D. . _ Onolulu. She has al { 8 news, additional _ l
223-8821, T e, Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) H1555 1133;161:3111 Caudill, Lexington llc relations for Geneiglngffgg In Pgb- tent??? heWctiechnolOgy1 con 1 1
' 1h Durham N C One 0. new eSign and t hn Sche
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Kentucky Press Association ’ Advocate déwnEZfoe’ Dathtte ¥0rked 16 years fgr thee L:>S