xt7mcv4brx77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4brx77/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2002-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2002 text GLSO News, January 2002 2002 2002-01 2019 true xt7mcv4brx77 section xt7mcv4brx77 , ,
g -\ GAY ed 7712?“ M : gig - , '
a. , stew“ sees - :‘L " A 4 s '*
3 ”ii-ass Mi 3%? we: deg“ £6 '5'? 53% $ 5'
_ ev- oglzvlc; ‘ .: ? .
- . 'i' Mormon . . J a p lUAlZY 2002 - - 4
g - é [enigton' Merriam , 5- ;:
- , i A publication of the Remington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization ? , a
; : .o . ,i:1;'ii;':f;;.;.ifi:1it1._,;.; ii,;?j:::;;. " . . , u A Von. n no.1 » .e
Bluegrass Fairness-KFA SisterSound Winter {Zoncert '- 1
' The Annual Membership-Meeting for-all mem- SisterSound presents its winter concert "Beat The . ' ,.
. bers of Bluegrass Faimess will be on Wed. January anter Blues." January» 26th at 7:30 PM in Singletary -
_ 30. We will be mailing out invitations later in the Center for the Arts. We decided that late January would 1.
. month giving location and time. Call 296-7812 ifyou be a great time-to lift your spirits and picked music with ' f ‘
g ‘ do not receive one. ' . that in mind. V ' f . V
- This Will be a bUSY year; The Kentucky State ' Come take a musical trip-'with-us as we start the .
' Legislature will be meeting from January through evening in the midst of winterblahs with ‘Cold and Flu r
March. There has been one bill pie-filed, to make Season' followed by..'Steam Heat.‘ 'Grumble Too Much' ' -
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or- 'Fever‘ 'Ao-cent-tchu-‘ate the Positive' and Hey, Jo, ‘
, gender identity illegal throughout the state of. Nobody's Home.‘ ' - i
'- Kentucky. We will need many of you to come to Have your spiritslifted by a Jamacian medley, 'Me '
Frankfort to help us lobby for this bill. V 'lsland..' 'A Eng A 2a,? 'Mambo Tonight’ and ’Jambalaya.’ . y .
Another bill is expected to be filled seeking to The last part of the concert, Subtitled Take two aspirins
V i. nullify any anti discrimination Ordinances enacted by and call me in- March“ includes “Welcome Spring' and 'It i
f City or county govemm’ents which would probably Might As Well Be Springf- We'll find 'April In Paris'and
'_f_' y nullify all local Fairness ordinance, including those-in fly on the wings of song with ". Here comes The Sun." .
Lexington, Louisville. and Jefferson lCoUnty. We’ll end the evening "UnderThe Boardvvalk.”
Needless to say. we will'be lobbying against this bill. ' Tickets are available from Singletar'y Center for the
if you have never lobbied before. we can train _Artsvbox office at 859-257—4929. Tickets are also avail- . I. ‘
- you on the day you come to Frankfort. if you haven't able from Chorus members. Ticket sales do not cover all i f
seen "how our State legislature Works; you really our expenses so Sponsorship donations-for SisterSound 4 ; .
' need to join us. It is 'an eye opening experience. are tax deductible and always welcome. y -; ‘_
Please call to register and attend one of the lobbying Our Spring Concert, ”Girls Night out" will be May 18.
days listed below Call 296—7812 to'sign up. . 7 We will begin to rehearse again on- Sunday, Feb 3. at 6 .
1 Jan. 17-Transgendér people I pm. We are a non , - ' . - ' ' . I»: .
' ‘ Jan. 31 - Families audition chorus open -' Spé‘n'sor ofthe -Mbnth-t. .- ‘ .
'- Feb. 12—Social Workers to new ' members. .. g .
.j_.§;"; f Feb. 21 - Religious Leaders & People of Faith Come sing'wiih- us! f ‘ ' -' -‘ ' : ‘ -
, Fejb' 28. ‘ student/Youth , Ticket lnformationi , - .q‘ ' i i 5 ] ,
:3;- Mar.7-V Servroe Providers (Police, Nurses. etc) - Regular $12-00 SlStCI‘SOUfld ~
.1 ,. Mar. 14- Educators , , , . 1 ~ . . . . - , -
iii-i ‘ Mar- 21 -SW3P 3” Ally Student/Senior$8.00 - Concert Jan'ZG/z-r- ' T
' Fairness website at wwbluegrassfaimessorg Children 5 5'00 --"_t ,7 _ ,_ _, " i ,5 ‘ i . .'

 fiesta: GAY mi Another Holiday Mixer w'. Pride
gem} I I; 55m N What a wonderful time we had at “52.53% Month
. theft; éEIZVKE. the Holiday Mixer! We had a large {firs . . It' may seem
\ 735$: . s - '12-'2‘12'. .
3285' TWN turnout and packed the Pnde Center. ~--=~3..-_:;;,t: early to be talking
1." MANZA There were people from all over cen- ii about Pride Month
WW tral and eastern Kentucky. We appre- but we need to start organizing.
ciate those of you who drove a dis- particularly to get major events on
. 11.?» L S 0 NEWS tance to join us! There were people the calendar so we do not conflict
9 new to our community as well as old— with each other. We also can get
Vol. 17 NO. I timers. laughing. talking and generally free announcements in national
having a good time meeting each gay magazines if we have some
_ other. Thanks to the Imperial Court. dates set by March 1.
[)0thth monthly ll! Lexington's Men's Chorus. Lexington We have set the first planning
me mam" Gay Lesblan Wellness Center. The Bookworm. meeting for Thursday Jan. 1:! at 7
. . . Donnle Royce. Krogers GardenSlde pm at the Pnde Center. we like to
Sauce ("me1] and Karen for door prizes. Many include members of many com-
. thanks to Davina Warner. Pat Warner. munity organizations on this Pride
“mm Interweave. Jane Minder. Thomas Month Committee. Please send a
. Collins and Ginger Moore for helping representative. If you already
“"0“ to make this happen. ' have a pride event in mind. we
Mary Crone John Ridner We had so :3; 55;} need to know dates as soon as
much. fun that j::f_3\_-*6-._,. possible. (all Ginger 253-3233)
Bouillembux ' we'd like to have \0 as“? With a full representative
‘ . ' another party in ‘l: committee. decisions can be .
Terry Mullins. Presrdent February. The 3:3 made with input from a variety of
Jerry Hicks. Vice Presrdent . . - GLSO will spon- - “ sources. We alsdwelcomevolun-
Mary Crone._Edltor sor a Valentines Mixer on Saturday. teefs who are not alfiliated with
Chaney Slusbel. Treasurer Feb. 15th from 7 to 10PM. There will any particular group. This is 3
Ginger Moore. Secretary be music. door prizes. lots of foodand great way to meet people and help
Thomas Collins good conversation. Singles as well as our community. For information
Jeny'Neff couples are invited. .Please join us to all Ginger at the Pride Center
“9'” Cherie" meet new people and renew old cfiioe 2533233 from tom 3 daily.
. John Rutter friendships. This party is for. you! "
Cary Suddulh ' . _ . ’
GLSO News Deadline
GISO Annuallluestlléflslellel: . J 1 6
Individual. iii ' Chum-Y ,
nine :20 . Send Community NewsToBoth Editors:
' Jollll ursaloco2@aol.¢om marycrolle@aol.com .
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are -
those of them and don't necessarily rep- . ~
mmumasoaoard swnissiors _ Ad Deodhnes
alewelcuneand stall reserveslhe ' htbedit '
mwmx'gaasm _ _ ArrangeAd Space byJan 16 Deliver [>me 21
riglrtbleiectsubrnissionsoradverfisements. Pride Center 339 'Wall'cr ‘
or call-Mary 266-5904
GLso page 2 "_"'""' 7

 . t ‘e . ‘ _
1‘ ® ‘vf _ fey J A- .‘l‘ W»
" . . . - x l , --

7W 60ml! WZW Con ratulations to W

a» On November 28. the lmpenal Court of “risfiing Chair; their CD

, 0 Kentucky launched the Femme Fatale “\Mll Harbut" was nominated for two awards by

[:1 C3'“""‘" “"t“ a “”89“" 3"“ 5m" at The Just Plain Folks. “The Ghost of \MII Harbut" was voted
sot—£3 ,. Bar. The calendar launch was ? resounding best New Folk Song for 2001 and the CD was mnner
:-1 smess' “m" ca'enf’a' 53"” "‘ amass °f up for Best 2001 New Folk Recording. In addition, they
g 5' $4500 for the evenlng. The crowd for the have been asked to play on-the mainstage at the
, .Show at the Bar was standing room only as National Women's Music Festival this June. If you
the partlcrpants Of the calendar appeared as the per- have never attended, this would be a good year to go
sonalltles they portrayed. . and support one of the longest running women‘s festi-

Hostlng the evenan were Empress 20 Natalie val in the country.

Gaye and Co-founder of the Court. Marlon Austin por- VW shin 9 Chair is now working on a new CD. Look
traylng Mae West and WC Fields. Joining them was for the Lexington release to happen during the first
the lovely Tina Camero. Empress _7 0f the Court Of weekend in March. Outstanding guest musicians
Albuquerque, New MeXlCO. Appearing as the“ calen- include Kara Barnard and Jamie Anderson as well as
dar personalities . were Chelsea Pearl, Cammle other fine friends. They will not have a lot of bookings
Dletnch. Chanda be" Eden Towers. .Rayna Starr. JD in January as they will be in the recording studio but
Vaughn. Emperor 20 Chris Rhorer. Lady Marmalade. look for them on Feb 1 at 1 Mia's, 9 pm.

Sioux Anna Danielle. Nicole Diamond. Cavier Towers

and Ginger Grant. .. .._ 3.".

Thanks to a'grant from Alternate Roots. Inc and ~2§~3 lfigfoftggr gzmtgngzng
the extraordinary vision of its photographer. Professor “fgy”: and support. Our 2nd Annual '
Kurt Gohde of Transylvania University. the Court and :i‘ I - Christmas Benefit Show was a won- _
Moveable Feast have once again been able to pro- :733 y}, derful success! Your giving came from
duce a fun and exciting fundraising tool. All proceeds ‘ 3.521 _ the hearts and we raised $300 for the
from the sales are being donated to Moveable Feast to is “at partners and children of the Gays and
help in providing daily meals to people living with HIV. 1 \‘ -1 Lesbians killed on Sépt 11th Anyone '

The Imperial Court of KY, we would like to thank 5;: \‘i: who would like to make apersonal
all the people who worked so hard in making this cal- L--.-:—.-: ?—-.‘i donation, please contact Tiffany
endar a reality: Kurt and Sioux Anna Danielle. Michael Andrews at 2255103 . Please join us at Crossings on
Thompson. the Calendar Committee. South Van Wednesday. January 16 for our next show benefiting
Events. for they're in kind donation of reception food . M ov eable Feast!
and finally thanks to all the divas that grace the pages
°f Femme Fa‘a'e 2002' Dignity will be meeting on the 13th and 27th

and as alwa s, eve one is welcome. For location and

PFLAG ' Parents- Ffiends' and Fami'y °f infonnationiall Rigtard at 268—1351.

Lesbians and Gays, will be meeting regularly on the

second Tuesday of each month. In January that willbe Integrity continues to meet at St. Michael's

on Tues. 8. 7p.m. at Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church. Episcopal Church on Bellefonte Dr. We welcome

The church is on the comer 0f Tates Creek and everyone to join us on the second Sunday of each

Armstrong Mill Rd' Contact Dotti Berry for information month at 4 pm. Call Rev.David Boyd or Rev. Sandy

at 48941791 or Dotti@Empowennngver5lty.com. Stone for info at 277-7511 or JBlntegrity@aol.com

GLSO Page 3

As a new year beckons. Faith MCC looks to Martin Luther King. Jr.. Day
for a time of worship. reflection. and recommitment. The work of King has (wrismatic
long been a role model for MCC As King once said. ”Injustice anywhere is _ Christians
a threat to ‘uSthG everywhere " And so. as we do annually. Faith MCC , - ,
plans for its t-lLk worship semce. schedule-:1 for Sunday, January 20m And LOOltlng {Cal 5' Limit-centered,
ue look forward to seeing you there and at the MLK Day parade It's a time charismatic Chumh .fihe'e
to celebrate the «art. of a great man and do all wi- can to end peop'e Of 3" gondola 9'? xtlal
daflmmam orientation and color are
hand made a tremendous difference in our world And he did so by WE'COMEd? The" 3’0”“ wan! to
tit-lowing in the steps of Mohandas l’ Gandhi. a Hindu. who was deeply NM US {till Wfllfiltlp and Study“
moi: ed by the teachings of Jesus and others Gandhi noted. “The Sermon every Wednesday evening at
on the Mount went straight to m; heart " Gandhi developed a strategy to put 7pm F0! l't'lOli? Information and
those principles into practice It's called satgagrsha (truth or soul force) dllE'CllOtIS please C3" Eleseily (it
And later. a young seminary student named Martin. dlSCC-v ered Gandhi's Corina at 25.1-?[05 (a e-mail 11-;
’ soul force principles It was the guiding light tor the nonviolent strategies for at C'fibl‘fll?‘833@'80l.t2ctltt $35-33
change during the leRightsMo-ement IOOk forward 1'3 lieaimq {mm
llonuolence has emerged as a strategy to bring about change you!
peacefully Christ furnished the initial sparl- and spirit Gandhi furnished the
method And king applied it in our communities. in our day. Slut across the lnmmw
country, a new-.- mo'i- ement has risen to champion those who are oppressed. ' 'ntelma'ie. the U38]. and
This moo ement has become Soul Force and tut-SC IS its parent Founder of fllél’lds support group at the
Soulforce. Rec, Mel t-‘u‘hrte has adopted the term “spiritual violence“ to Ullllaltal‘t Un'wersalust Cl‘lUlCh.
describe the assaul on gags. lest-tans. bisexual. and transgender will meet after church on the
individuals by the religious right Groups have gathered around the; country second Sunday of Januat'f for .3
to prepare themselves to respond to inlust-ce. hatred. and oppression. pm [mum-mt]. 'fgu dc. (“3i have
. “Faithful Dissenters“ is a program that encourages GLEtT people andvtheir 10 he a ChUlCh .rnemlzsex in IQ”!
allies to stop supporting churches --ho continue false teachings. Recently. US Pat m0“? information com?!“
Pe- Mel \Nhrte told a gathering of tutti-ere. “iE-oulforce is just MCC is Danna 31271431”
disguise.“ MCC and Soultorce continue to work together to stop spiritual
uolence against AU. people .As Gandhi once said. “ll is as much our moral P .d m th
obligation not to cooperate with suit as it is to cooperate with good " fl e on
tn December, Faith MCC held is annual Christmas bullet It's a time we .
sag- thanls to so man;- for all the; do throughout the year The 2001 PI 9
Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Moth Meade. The 2001 nnnln
Shepherd's Award was presented to Michelle l'.3n31:5f WC Need You
You are muted to Faith MCC each E-Ul'ldiip morning for worship at 1030 ‘
a m The church relocated at Hf- Burt F‘oad. E-ucte .7. in Zandale. Burt Read Ian '7 7 Pm
is just off Nicholas-rile Poad. across from [4‘ C harle3.«‘s Turn at the Taco
Bell Call iE-‘f-‘é‘i LEI-FMCC for further lflffiifl'flétlén E-rnail address Pride cen‘ef
mocrevmel@aol.oom More community News page 9
GLSO Page 4

 Happy New Year
from __ ' 1-

"'5' i.
‘1 waxwk \)

3 d u bs . ‘

I pl ace

1 ' 1 224 east main gtggeezts ; lfagrisnlgton, kentucky
must be 21 with valid id

 .- 7:7 v" v ATTHE PRIDE cm v v'v vzvvirv
:77 389 Wm AVENUE, sum: 100 Hours Monday Hirmrgh Fridays 1o (:03
4 ‘ bahrrdays 10 127-4- Phone/2533233
@339 / Farcntmg Group _
0‘.- Being a lesbian or gay parent is V V V ‘ gamié, 644001355 fix
1%.. not as unusual as it use to be but there V7 y P/fi -..~‘ ~.
\v’ ' are still issues that straight parents do LEIBIAN MOVIE NIGHT “5’5" .
it 9 "0t have to face. A GLBT Parenting Lesbian Movie Night will continue on Friday Jan.
Group is meeting at the Pride Center 11th. We are looking for a copy of Better Than
onthesecond Sunday ofevery month. The "3’“ get Chocolate. Do you or your local video store have a
”gem Wi“ be Sunday- Jan- 13 at 4 Pm- C°me copy? Call the Pride Center at 253-3233. Everyone is
share V0” thoughts. Snacks "i“ be provided and welcome to attend. bring a snack to share.
activities will be available for the children. if you
have any questions ' please call Ginger “2538233 Glds KiCk 68$ Davina is starting another movie
or Janette at (859) 5830324 series. this one featurs strong female heroines. Thelma
. . and Louise will be the first pick. isn't it time you saw this
WP 11an "'8de for EVQP'JOIIQ one again? Join us on Saturday. Jan. 26 at 1 pm.
There has been a positive responce to the
writing ”acme group so we are adding anoth- Men’s Niflht Out is held every 3rd tuesday
er day I The group wrll now meet on the second and we have keys now so we won't be lock out On Jan.
and M my ofach month. at 10 am at the 22 at 7 pm we will be showing Boyfriends, a queer 'Big
Pnde Center: This month that Will be Jan 12 and 26. Chill ‘for the 90.5 and not bad for 2002.
Taking exercrsesofrom Natalie Goldberg's work. we Three gay couples. eadt at varying stages of cou-
w'“ expenment wrth writing and share our work With 'plehood. converge on a beautiful English country house
each other. No expenence necessary. regular atten- for a supposedly relaxing Easter weekend. What ensues
dancenotrequrred.just bnngapenand some paper is a witty exploration of gay relationship in the 90's
3"“ we “7'" have W “m- Sounds like Love! Velour! Compassionl? Yes. this is the
Discussion Group . English counterpart of that great movie. Don‘t miss it!
Every Wednesday people gather at the
Pride Center for good conversation and some Classic Movie Matinee
laughs. If you are just coating out. new to the area, Come join us at the Pride Center on Sunday. Jan 27 for
want to meet some new people. or just enjoy talk- The Lion In Winterstaning Peter O'Toole and Katharine
ing this is the place to be. Contact Jane for infor- Hepburn. 1183 AD: King Henry ll's three sons all want to
mation at 276-0673. inherit the throne. but he won't commit to a choice. They
andhis wife carry out a magnificent cinematic medieval
chess game. with every intn'wte move superbly thought
. PRIDE CENTER ICHEDULE out. Sparks really do fly in this wickedly elaborate game
D'swssm 6'0“!) Every Wed 7 ‘3130 as the family player pieces weave thick webs of deceit
Parenting GWUP Second Sunday and hatch insidious plots against each another, forming
Writtirrg Practice 2nd 30d 4th Sat. 10 am unholy, protean alliances that put those “Survivor" con-
4 Lesbian Movie Night Second Friday testants to shame. The pure joy comes from seeing all of
' Classic Movie Matinee Third Sun. 3 pm them try to outrnaneuver each other with every new and
Men’s Night Out Third Tuesday 7 pm different Playing piece Put on or taken off the board.
Girls Kick Ass Fourth Saturday 1 pm hatching altemative schemes as fast as one can say
"Long live the King!“
GLSO Page 6

 Mail Schuler, l.M.T.
*Licensed Massage Therapist
. * o o n o o
Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
* 0 I O o
Assocrate Member American Massage Therapy Assocration
A Member of the GLBT Community Who Is Particularly Sensitive to the Needs of
Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Trangendered Persons
Office Appointments and House Calls '
First Massage $40 With Mention Of This Ad
by Laurie Davison consult with their lawyers. who assured them that .
_ though they are bound by the Fairness Ordinance in
As many of you have already heard. Central hiring and public accomodation (Central Baptist
Baptist Hospital recently made the Herald-Leader for receives a signifimnt amount of money from state and
discriminating against little old gay candy strip'ers!‘ 'Federal funds) the Ordinance does.not.cover volun-
"RSVP' stands for the "Retired and Senior Volunteer teers. .
Program“ which is mn by the Community Action Am I missing something here...? I don't think
Council in Lexington. Area hospitals contract with the so. Sounds like the same old line to me: "We don't dis-
CAC to obtain retired volunteers to help with odd jobs criminate against anybody - but you people are not
that do not require medical training. welcome here." The Community Action Council has
Central Baptist Hospital and the CAC have chosen to stand by their non-discrimination policy. so
worked together without incident until this year. when Central Baptist stands to lose at least some of their
it came time to renew their contract. The difference? volunteer force to the same old fear and predjudice
In the spirit of the 1999 Fairness Ordinance. the CAC . Offended? Make your voice heard! Send
altered their non-discrimination policy for the RSVP to your thoughts to Mr. V‘ifilliam Sisson. Central Baptist
include sexual orientation. Hospital. 1740 Nicholasville Rd. Lexington. KY 40503.
Other ”religious-affiliated“ hospitals like Saint lMtile you're at it. if you can afford the postage. why
Joseph's signed the new contract with no complaint. not send him a copy of Webster's Dictionary. -
but Central Baptist chose to scratch through “sexual “Discrimination“ is clearly defined within.
orientation” in the contract before signing it. When
challenged. they said that they do not discriminate
against anyone. However. they did feel the need to
GLSO page 7

 HUGS of the Bible: the message of love and grace a group we will be equipping our-
} Heating, Understanding& found in scripture and to be liberat- selves with tools to approach the
Gmwingthru Study ofthe Bible ed from the all too frequent use of Bible as something to be wrestled
} } the Bible to abuse and degrade oth- with. not simply as a pretty book we
We are a totally incluswe body ers. By taking the Bible seriously. keep on the coffee table or a shelf.
of Christ/divine spirit. seeking ongo- we will seek a better understand- In 2002. HUGS will be meeting
ing community With one another. as ing of what it means to be created each Sunday at 7 pm. In January.
. well as reaching out to welcome in God's image with the Divine's that will be on January 6. 13. 20.
and afliml AU- GOD'S CH“-DREN- breath within us. The evaluation of and 27. if you are interested in join-
including Wt "0t limited to Gay, scriptural texts from a variety of ing us, please contact Dr. Sherry
Lesbian. Bisexual. Transgender angles. will help us to continue Rotosky who is facilitating our
} and Allied Persons. We are a Spir- growing in knowledge of God and group and just completing a study .
“03W diverse gr OUP who is intent of ourselves. of 80 gay and lesbian couples. She
0" welcoming all 9309's Of What does it mean to take the will give you directions.Sharon can
faiflVspintualioumey~ Bible seriously? How is the study be reached at. (859)257-7880 E-
HUGS is an acronym which of scripture different from a devo— mail rostosk@pop.uky.edu
gets a person's attention. We all tional reading? ls it aweptable to Our current study for HUGS is
need. and could use more. human question scripture? ls the Bible based on Rembert Truluck's web-
touch. The WWW“ stands for, authoritative and relevant for this site (www.truluck.com) and book
Hearings. Understanding. and day and age? If any (or all) of the (Steps to Recovery from Bible
Growth. three activities that the pro- preceding questions have ever Abuse), incorporating a diverse
gram encoumges. crossed your mind or if they spark look at faith from a scriptural stand-
Hearing stories of faith will your curiosity. then HUGS of the point.
offer us the OPPOTWNW to embrace Bible may be the place for you. As . .
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Call me With all your Real Estate needs
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 AVOl Maldl Guts 84“ The dress is Formal or tion to victims and theirloved ones,
Join AVOL for an evening of Fabulous—black tie or a costume and to statf information tables.
New Orleans style revelry to cele- as outrageous you can dream up. Volunteers answer the crisis
brate Mardi Gras 2002! On Admission is $50 per person. line in their own homes via cell for-
February 2. at 7pm - .1 or $500 for a reserved VIP table of warding. A six month commitment
this fund raiser will 86,-;- 8 All proceeds will benefit AVOL is requested and applicant must be
get under way at the ~15“) For reservations or more informa- at lest 20 years old. This is excel-
Victorian Square r§§§ tion. alt 859-225-3000 or email lent training and is free of charge.
Atrium, located on flue-r: AlDSVolunteers@aol.com Call Brandy at 253-2615 to apply.
the corner of Main gr a»?
and Broadway in _, \g BRCC Volunteer Training Reel World Benefit Concert for
~ Lexington. {at}? The Bluegrass Rape Crisis Campaign mDismanlle Landmines
There will be ’ K‘l' Center provides services to individ- , '
r' ' b 2 f’ “‘ ‘ ' ual and families affected by sexual 0” sunday “em"g' Jan' 27'
rve musrc y ydeco A, t Z . . Reel World String Band will give a
Bon. Channel 27's k \ vrolence. They are in need of vot- . ,
. . , (J) - . . . performance at the Unrtanan
Brian Collins and hrs unteers. The next trarnrng seSSIOfl . . .
, , . . . Unrversalrst Church to rarse funds
wrfe Cathleen wrll be Master and WI“ start on Friday evenrng,Jan. 13 . .
M' . and continuin all da Saturda s for the Campaign to Drsmantle
rstress Of Ceremonies. Jan 19 Jan 2: and F :b 2 y ' Landmines. Landmines remain in
.Enjoy a Cajun drnner buffet. This traini will enable vol n- many countries no longer at war,
casrno-style gamblrng, a costume teers ti) answreg the 24 hr crisis maiming children and adults who
contest. palm and tarot re'adrngs, a the rovid su rt nd 'riforma- aocidently set one off. Details will
cash bar. and much more. I ' p e ppo a ' be posted at the Pride Center.
I Your Subscriptions to GLSO News helps to support all our work rnctudrng I
I 7/tepu'cleW 7AquWflW/oILé/W I '
: menus WWHWW padre/[W I
I Please cut and marl this form today. Thanks! I
: it is time to renew it your mailing label is yellow. :
lName Phone # I
'Address I
ICity, St, Zip I
I 315 Membership and newsletter Additional contribution l
I 320 Couple membership and newsletter I
: $25 Two year membership and newsletter :
I I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate I
I Mail to GLSONews PO Box 11471 Lex, Ky. 40575 I
~ GLSO page 9

 Call number in - . '
dlrectory for location. al I u a r y 2002 6150 News 2002
; " _ l I
;S"" M-Wed Thu --1
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! i 3 .
~ . :PM Rainbow Wing 72m 8mm 3 4 5 i 5 Richardson Vision Centen.......278—4201
7PMDiswssion Gmup 7"” GaanM 94 Pride Center Open ii 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside _
3 r 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA 5 . - -
I i . Scott Ackerman...........(vol‘ce) 294-2055
E f i . (mobile) 338-8483
g i 5 Paul Semonin Realtors
g 6 i ; SisterSound..............................243-0243
; :10 30 F m Moo 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 § Diverse music for all women
5' z ' "mes“ 7PMP-Flag 7PMDiscussionG - :-
._ 40:45 UU Church 8P . - roup 7PM GLSO Board Meeting 7PM Gayllesbian M 9-4 P 'd Ce i '
i 55:30 Lex- Mens Chem M AA Step Study 9PM Rambow Bowting 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA 7PM Lesbian Movie Night 10A viii-(ting 3:?” ‘ . Imperial Court of Kentucky......252-3014
3g: fiiSUGSiEISOLIIId i ' A Charity Organization
é . ‘ i g The Bar Complex......................255-1551
j - ; 224 East Main Street
$13 14
E ltoao rumucc 7PM Faimess lg GSA 16 . . 17 18 19 i '_ Turner Counseling....................269-6497 . ‘
; :ggmt’dm 7PM imperial Court 9PM Rainbow Bowling gm $5”? $39 7PM Gay/Lesbian AA 9-4 Pride Center Open . i 2216 Young Drivc, Lexington
3mm 8PM AA Step Study .
5°!” WW i I Debra Hensley Insurance........276-3244
53531 3332 » g . _ . . 15l3 Nicholasville Rd. .
; Windy Knoll Fann.....................299-7410
Ego Fm M00 331 GSA 22 23 24 25 26 3 Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
; g ; 7PM llllen's Night Out 7PM Slstahs 7PM Colt - - ?
figum “gm 8PM AA step Study Boyfriends 7PM Discussion Group 5 7PM Gamma" M iéMpgfifK‘igfgg‘ie" ‘ Lexlngton Men 's Chorus..........231-0090
‘ iThe “on in Winter 9PM Rainbow m w Gaykesbian M Thelma and Louise i i RChCl‘SEli every sunda)’
é .zgosgrsou" Cl 7:30 SisterSound Concert ! z
z ‘ nd - w te 8| 5
3 ’7PM HUGS m r ”es ; Pegasus Travel.........................253-1644
i ‘ ' Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO
i i ‘ i
? flier nice 28 29 3°. 31 z
. : a 7PM Imperial Court 7P GSA 79M - g '
. - gogigi’ mo 8PM AA Step Study 9PM Rainbow Bowling 7P Annual Fai‘ir‘ieigfmp l L
g 6;, Sigma: “’5 Meeting - Call for location i "

 Homophobia, Transptlobia, and merit in our public middle and high schools. The spiri-

. tual and emotional well being of those who are target-

Heterosexxsm Hurt Everyone ed as well as those who do the targeting is put at risk.

by Mary Crone 2. Homophobia is a destructive force within some

families. it separates us one from another. It damages

We all know there is prejudice against LGBT peo- family relationships. impose silences that restrict com-

pie in our society but we don't often pause to consider munimtlon. and leaves young people isolated and
how these oppressions hurt everyone. not just mem- afraid.

bers of our community. Looking at the broader effects 3 Homophobia. transphobia and sexism create

of homophobia and talking about them with family and ridged gender-based role expectations that inhibit cre—

friends as well as with legislators. can help us change ativity. personal choice. and spontaneous 59" expres—

minds sion. For example. it encumbers boys and men in

First some definitions to distinguish the variety of healthy emotional development and expression.by
oppressive attitudes we are facing. Homophobia is the teaching that expressions of empathy or met are
negative beliefs, values, and behaviors learned. mani— unmanly. It imposes artificial restrictions on aggres-
fested and perpetuated in many (but not all) cultures siveness in females and tenderness in males.
including ours. It is directed toward those perceived to 4. Homophobia inhibits the ability of some men to
be Iesbigay. Homophobia encompasses hatred. fear, form close. intimate relationship with other men.
and revulsion as well as milder forms of discomfort and 5. Hom0phobio conditioning compromises the
is based on misinformation. myths. religious teachings. integrity of heterosexual people who are taught to
and stereotypes. lwill use the term Homophobia in this ridicule. hate. lie about GLBT people. 30d act in other
article to include the following prejudices as well. prejudicial ways.

Transphobia is the culturally conditioned bias 6. Homophobia isolates and restricts social inter-
against individuals who by presentation (dress, hair. action and communication with a significant portion of
makeup. personality. etc.) or behavior, cross traditional our population. It hinders the appreciation of the talents
gender expectations. or who's gender is ambiguous to and gifts brought to society by GLBT people.
the observer. 7. Homophobia helps to limit the availability of

Heterosexism is the culturally teamed biased accurate sexuality information to teens and adults. It is
belief that relationships between men and women are one cause 0f premature sexual activity as some young
preferable, more natural. healthier and better for socie- people have a need to Prove that they are not gay.
ty than gay/lesbian relationships. Heterosexism comes 8; Homophobia contributes to the difficulty male
in the forth of ignorance, naivete. and insensitivity to sexual abuse and rape victims have in seeking help
our differences. Heterosexism includes the belief that and healing. Vlctimization that is not healed is more
lesbigaytrans individuals want to be as much like het- likely to be passed on to others.
erosexuals as we can be. Most of us value our differ- 9. Homophobia inhibits a unified and effective gov-
ences. . emmental and societal response to AIDS.

We work to lessen the oppression of homophobia 10.. Homephobia diverts energy from other per-
and heterosexism in our society because any form of sonal. spiritual. national and global issues that need
oppression is wrong and because it is harmful to our- our attention.
selves. our friends. and our community, It is helpful to 12. Homophobia inhibits appreciation of other

consider how these oppressions are hurtful to the larg- forms of human diversity and makes individuals more
er community Here are a bakers dozen, susceptible to accepting other prejudicial attitudes and

1. Homophobia stigmatizes, silences. and targets practicing discriminatory behavior.
people who are perceived or defined by others as gay. 13. Homophobia impedes our national progress
lesbian. or bisexual whether or not they self define as towards achieving liberty and