xt7mcv4bq131 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4bq131/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1951-11-30  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1951 1951 1951-11-30 2013 true xt7mcv4bq131 section xt7mcv4bq131 The Kentucky





Judiciary Committee University's Standards Week
SGA Expresses Satisfaction
Wifli Anfi.CninMiTKT Pfitiric ls SGA's Legal Arm To Climax With Contest
Five Students,
Faculty Adviser
Over 4000 Names
For Mr. And Miss Kentucky
Compose Group
Oi UK Students
said he thought at least 99 per cent
of them were valid.
Jess Gardner reported that the
dance was a
third SGA
financial failure. Only 101 couples
came Saturday night. At $1 a couple, Gardner said SGA would probably lose about $25. Another SGA
dance seems unlikely.
"We've been burned twice, why
ask for more?" was one member's
reaction. "SGA is not exactly a
dance sponsoring organization anyus

Are On Resolution
Meeting Monday night. Student
Government Association members
expressed satisfaction with the reception and results of their
petitions. '
"We have over 4000 signatures,"
President Bob Smith said. "I think
we've gotten an excellent response.
Organized gambling seems to have
disappeared from the campus."
Other members of the assembly
agreed with Smith. They reported
they had seen no parlay cards in
recent weeks.
Smith explained that SGA had
discarded the petitions posted on
bulletin boards. He said many of
these were facetiously signed Al
Capone, Frank Costello, and the
like. The 4000 signatures the group
is accepting are from petitions passed around in classrooms.
Most Signature Valid
Although no effort was made to
check the accepted signatures. Smith
anti-gambli- ng


Gardner Is Disappointed
Gardner said he was disappointed
by the lack of support given the
dance by assembly members. He
claimed only seven of the total
assembly came to the dance. There
are 25 members in SGA.
During the meeting. Bill Wilson
recommended that the assembly
send a letter to Coach Bryant commending him and the team on a
successful season. A resolution was
drawn up reading:
"Be it resolved by the assembly
nf the Student Oovernment Assnria- tion of the University of Kentucky
that the football team and Coach

Bryant be commended for a very
successful season climaxed by a
third consecutive invitation to a
major bowl game."

Faculty Ratines Discussed
Concerning the faculty rating
project, Jerry Bass said most of the
Commerce College teachers had
been rated. This week, members
will start rating teachers in Arts
and Sciences.
The Student Directory is still being typed. Jess' Gardner said the
procedure would have to be changed
next year. The directories were
supposed to be ready, according to
a previous report, immediately after
the Thanksgiving holidays.
Due to trouble with the typists,
the books haven't been sent to the
printers yet. Gardner said SGA did
its part they checked and alphabetized the cards. He said the bottleneck seems to be that the typists
can't read the writing on the cards.
After a brief discussion by as
cmW j . mw
Band keys signifying SGA member- ship, the meeting adjourned,


By David Lowenstein

and Paul Knapp
Whether it's a violation of the
traditional parking regulations or
the enforcing of the new gambling
law on campus, the judiciary committee of SGA has the Job of seeing that the scales of justice are not
"found wanting."
A little research discloses that the
judicial committee is the SGA's legal arm. "A form of student government to handle judicial problems," was Dean Kirwan's concise
The committee's membership is
limited to five students appointed
by the president of the SGA. Jack
Lowery is the present chairman of
this group, with Betsy Maury,
Myer Tulkoff, Jess Gardner, and
Claude Taylor comprising the re
mainder. There is no specific re


Procedural Reforms Discussed
In Kentucky Law Journal Issue


A special symposium on proposed
procedural reforms in Kentucky's
civil code is featured in the November issue of the Kentucky Law Journal, scheduled to be issued today.
This issue, which discusses pro and
con the proposed changes in the
Kentucky Revised Statutes to be
considered by the forthcoming leg
islature, is the first issue in recent years devoted entirely to one
important aspect of our laws. Prof.
P. W. Whiteside, faculty editor of
the Law Journal, said.
In the opening article of the symposium. Judge Porter Sims of the
Court of Appeals, who is the chair man of the Civil Code Committee,
discusses the purpose of the proposed
"The Kentucky Civil Code Committee was created by the General
Assembly at its 1950 regular session.
The purpose was to improve civil
practice and procedure in the Commonwealth," Judge Sims writes.
Mentions Code Adoption
In pointing out that the present
code of civil practice was adopted in
1851. Judge Sims says:
"This issue of the Kentucky Law
Journal, coming on the one hundredth anniversary of the adoption
of the Code, presents a timely independent study of the College of Law
which should prove invaluable to the
profession. Especially is this true if
the efforts of the committee are put
into effect."
Among the articles is one by Judge
Alexander Holtzoff of the United
States District Court, District of
Columbia, author of many treatises
on federal procedure, and an expert
nationally on the new federal rules
of civil procedure. Prof. Whiteside
Article Challenges States
This article presents the practice
in the federal courts as a challenge
to the various states to modernize
their court practice along similar
lines. The proposed reform of Kentucky's code is expected to follow

Start Dec. 8
The Department of Physical Education will give proficiency examinations in sports, aquatics, and dance
beginning Dec. 8. Students must
pass both written and performance
tests in order to receive credit for
physical education requirements.
Tests will be given in apparatus
and tumbling (men only), archery,
badminton, basketball (women only), bowling, fencing, folk dancing,
golf, handball (men only), hocey
(women only), horseback riding,
modern dance, softball, swimming,
tennis, and volleyball.
Written tests for women will be
given in Frazee Hall, Room 106 at
1 p.m. Dec. 8. Women planning to
take the tests must sign up with the
secretary in the Women's Gym prior
to Dec. 6.
Men's written tests will be given
in the auditorium of the Euclid
Avenue building at 1 p.m. Dec. 8.
Those men who wish to take the
tests and who are not enrolled ir
physical education this semester
must apply to the secretary in
Alumni Gym prior to Dec. 6.
The schedule of performance tests
for the sports will be announced following the written tests. The scores
made on both the written and performance tests will be averaged to
determine the grade.
The Department of Physical Education suggests that students familiarize themselves with the history,
rules, and techniques of the specific
sports they intend to take tests in.
This information may be found in
"The Physical Education Handbook"
by Seaton, Clayton, Leibee,
Messersmith. The book is available
at the library and at the campus

generally the plan adopted in federal
practice. Prof. Whiteside said.
"During the past hundred years,"
Judge Holtzoff writes in describing
the federal procedure, "vast strides
been made in advancing var- ious branches of substantive law in
order to adjust personal and prop-erty rights and liabilities to the
needs and conditions of the times
and to the changes in the social and
economic structure of society.
"In the 1870 s England led the
way by entirely jettisoning the sys- terns of common law and equity
pleading and completely revolutionizing judicial procedure in the civil
courts. In the United States, the
federal judiciary carried the torch
of reform.
Judge Holtzoff Cites States
"It is but natural since the federal
courts have had about twelve years'
experience with the new procedure,
that the States should inquire as to
the extent to which this reform has
been successful before undertaking
to adopt it," Judge Holtzoff says, in
citing at least six states where re- visions have been made.
The experiences of Missouri, which
has adopted a code modeled largely

upon the federal rules, is discussed
in an article by Prof. John J. Czyzak,
Washington University Law school.
Articles by other nationally known
members of the legal profession
elude an article by Prof. Edward W.
Cleary, an expert in the fields of
pleading and legal practice, discussing "The. Uses of Pleading"; an
article by Dean George N. Stevens
of the University of Buffalo School
of Law, offering a proposal for a
venue reform in Kentucky; and an
Eblen, secretary
article by Amos-H- .
of the Judicial Council of Kentucky,
which discusses the heavy work load
of the Court of Appeals.
Students Contribute
Student members of the Law
Journal staff who contributed articles to the special symposium are
Cecil Walden, editor, and James D.
Cornette, associate editor; and Wil
liam Deep, Hugh Evans, Myer Tul
koff. and Jack Lowery Jr.
About 1000 copies of the Law
Journal are published each issue.
"It is hoped the articles with different viewpoints will aid lawyers in
various proposed
changes in our court procedure," Mr.
Whiteside said.



Leaves of absence: William Wor- -

rel and Marvin Rabin, assistant pro- lessors of music, granted leaves of
absence for the 1952 summer session
to pursue work for the doctoral degree.
College of Agriculture and Home
Appointments: Forrest
G. Houston, assistant chemist. De-

partment of Agronomy; Denver G.
Baxter, agricultural engineering field
agent; Sue Warren, assistant in- structor in home economics.
Transfer: James A. Overfield, assistant county agent, transferred
from the extension service to the
expanded livestock research program of the Western Kentucky Substation as assistant in animal husbandry.
Leave of absence: Glenn L. Johnson, economist in farm economics
and professor of farm economics,
will return from leave Dec. 14.
Resignations: Mrs. Anna E. Webb,
home demonstration agent, Louisville; William M. Stone Jr., assistant
parasitologist, Department of Animal



Until Thursday
The selection of Mr. and Miss
senKentucky, the best
will climax the
ior ed and co-e-d.
anuual College Standards Week
which begins Monday.
Programs will be presented each
day. until Thursday at 4 o'clock in
the Music Room of the SUB. On
Monday, a coke party will be held
featuring charades and other games.
All the candidates for Mr. and Miss
Kentucky will be introduced at this
Tuesday's program is entitled
"From Tip to Toe." Mrs. Adrienne
Stratton. New York representative
of "Charles of the Ritz" will
the importance of good
Photo by

Shown On Saturday
By Students, Guests

The respect that students showed
this year towards the University
campus at the Tennessee-Kentuck- y
game was highly praised this week
by Seth E. Taylor, a foreman at the
Maintenance and Operations De.
The campus has always been subject to damage and defacement (hiring the annual game with Tennessee. These damages are done not
only by visiting students but also by
Kentucky students.
"This has been the first year since
I have been here that there were no
serious damages done to the campus," Mr. Taylor said.
Paint has been the most damaging
to the campus. In past years, persons have written in white paint on
many campus buildings such things
Pathology; Paul M. Phillips, as- - as "Beat Tennessee" or "Beat Kentucky." Such inscriptions stay on
sociate professor of farm crops.
Appoint many years before wearing off.
College of Engineering
ments: Elijah B. Yates, machinist.
Department of Mechanical Engi
neering; William A. Goodwin, part'
time instructor.
John R. Harris,
mechanic. Department of Mechanical
University Libraries
ment: Mrs. Sharon R. Givhan,
Three gold loving cups will be
pharmacy librarian,
Leave of absence: Lawrence S. presented at the second annual
Shop Quartet Contest
Thompson, director of libraries, Barber p.m.
Thursday in Memorial
granted leave from Nov. 14 to March at 7:30
Hall. The contest is sponsored by
15, 1952, to serve as library science
specialist with the U.S. Embassy in Phi Kappa Tau fraternity, and is
open to the public without charge.
Ankara, Turkey.
A large rotating cup, presented
Resignations: Mrs. Judith Bar
ron, pharmacy librarian; Mrs. Jean each year, will be given to the win- ner of this year's contest, along with
H. Harrison, art librarian.
medium-size- d
cup which is award- University Personnel Office Wil- a
ed permanently. Another medium- Kron-val- l,
liam E. Baer and Ernest L.
cup will be awarded perma- counselors; Kathryn P. White, sized
nently to the runner-uDelta Tau
test assistant.
and the Tavern Boys won
University YMCA Leave of aband
sence: Bart N. Peak, executive sec- first year. second places, respectively,
retary, granted leave of absence last
Guest performances will be prewithout salary, effective Jan. 1 to
by the Chordbusters from
March 15, 1952, while serving in the sented
Versailles and the Alpha Gamma
Other staff changes included Delta Barbershop Quartet, composed
graduate assistants and office work- - of girls from the sorority.
Quartets entering the contest will

S. B. I. Acts
Every weapon available, including
the organization's secret arm, the
S.B.I. (Student Bureau of Investi
gation), will be used to enforce this
new law.

The judiciary committee in work
ing with the SGA has tried to be
more than a necessary evil of civili
zation. Again and again it has
proven itself a working example of
democracy in action.

Athletic Director Bemie
announced his office has received
10,000 tickets for the Cotton Bowl
game in Dallas Jan. 1. Of this
total, Mr. Shively said,
will be reserved for students and
Applications for tickets are now
being accepted by mail only at the
ticket office in the Coliseum. Applications should be addressed to:
University of Kentucky Athletic
Association, Lexington. "Bowl
Tickets" should be plainly marked

are on the Kentucky Law Journal
aret ln St. Louis to
arBue ,n moot court competition with
a law team from the University oi
Kansas City Law School in preliminary competition.
Lowery is chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the Student
Government Association and was
selected for the outstanding speaker
award presented at MUlsaps College,
Jackson, Miss.
Smith is president of the Student
Government Association.
Recalling that last year's UK moot
court team were runners-u- p
in the
st. Louis regional competition, and
jater went to the semi-finain the
national series in New York, Smitl.
and Lowery expressed the hope be- f0re leaving for St. Louis that by
teamwork "we can do as good or
better than last year."

UK Athletic Program
Not To Change-Donova- n
President Says

one-four- th



The price of a single ticket is
$4.80. Each purchaser is limited to
two tickets. A handling charge of
40 cents should be included with
each order. Thus, the overall price
of one ticket is $5.20; for two
tickets, $10.00.
Priority groups are divided into
three classes; students and faculty,
holders of season tickets, and paid
up members of the Alumni Association.

be dressed in typical barbershop
singing costumes. Eleven groups
will participate, including Delta Tau
Delta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha
Tau Omega, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu
Kappa Sigma, Kappa Alpha, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Farmhouse, and
Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternities, and
the Tavern Boys,
Ken Skinner is chairman of the
Phi Kappa Tau Barbershop Quartet
Contest Committee. Others on the
committee are Jim Glass, program
chairman; Ron Miller and Bob Ray-Delbourn, publicity; Bert Jody, stage
decorations; and Bill Boles and Jim
Boggess, advertising.
Assisting with the contest are W.
Henry Brown, Larry DeJarnette, Ed
Barnett, Don Young, George Burton, John Monarch, Buddy Amato,
Bill Simpson, Ralph Campbell, and

Al Meyers.

ceremonies and presented watches to
the seniors.


Judging Team
Places Twice
At Exposition


look like Thursday night at the Phi Kappa Tau Barbershop Quartet
contest, these members of the committee have donned traditional
costumes. From left to right, they are: Ken Skinner, chairman; Bert
Jody, stape decoration);; Freda Jones, who 'Hill award trophies; Ron
Miller, publicity; Bill Boles, advertising; and Bob Raybourn, publicity.


sented the invocation and Bill
Leskovar, senior fullback, led the
audience In a community sing of
As long as the people of the state "On, On, U. of K."
desire an extended athletic program
at the University, there will be no
change in the policy as it now
Dr. Herman Donovan, president of
the University, told approximately
450 guests at the annual Alumni
Football Banquet, that he still maintains the University does not overemphasize athletics. Dr. Donovan
did say, however, he believes athletic
Four faculty members and one
programs all over the nation should student of the University Departto see if ment of Art will be represented in
they are well balanced and do not an exhibition that opened this past
jeopardize the education of the Monday at the Cincinnati Museum
boys who participate
in college of Art.
The exhibition will be entirely of
"If there is anything we are do- artists from Cincinnati and vicinity,
ing that we shouldn't." Dr. Donovan, Lexingtonians whose works will be
said, "I would be gled to know and exhibited are Dr. Donald Weismann,
we will make whatever changes are head of the UK Art Department
Profs. Clifford Amyx, Raymond
Athletics, Dr. Donovan said, serve Barnhart, and Eugene Grisson; and
an educational purpose. "If a stu- Louis Eades, senior art student.
dent is capable of making all A's but
Dr. Weismann is showing an oil
chooses to play football and makes painting, "The Inheritance": Prof.
all C's and if he likes to play foot- Amyx, an oil, "Triburon Inlet"; Prof.
ball, I think he should compete. He Grissom, a pen and ink drawing,
will then be getting a greater gen- "Sena" and a copper engraving,
"Elijah in the Desert"; Prof. Barn-har- t,
eral education."
an oil, "Facing West"; and
Says Press Responsible
Eades,' one oil, "Thales", and three
Dr. Donovan pointed out the press
has been instrumental in placing aquatints, "Dialectical Pursuit of
emphasis on sports by the amount Beauty." "Out of the Earth," and
Among Angels."
of space devoted to sports coverage. "Scarab
Bartlett Hayes, director of the
He said, though, with public demand
dictating, newspapers must give Addison Gallery of Art at Phillips
Andover Academy, and Joe Jones,
elaborate coverage.
known painter,
diAddressing newsmen seated
judged the entries for the exhibition.
rectly in front of the speaker's stand.
Dr. Donovan said, "I will tell you
gentlemen of the press something
you perhaps do not know which happened today. Dr. Barbour of our
Agriculture College had a lamb
which was judged best in a stock
show in Chicago. That is a wonderful achievement." Good naturedly
the president asked, "How many
Inches are you going to write about
The UK livestock judging team
Going unnoticed too by the papers, was second on hogs and fourth on
the president pointed out the UK all breeds of livestock among 34 state
stock judging team won fourth place teams taking part in an intercol
legiate contest at the International
in competition at Chicago.
Exposition in Chicago
Baker Defends Athletics
The principal speaker, Mr. Homer Nov. 24. According to Dean L. J.
Baker of Louisville, compared ath- Horlacher of the College of Agri
letics to American business. If culture and Home Economics, this
business had a yell, it would be the was the second best showing a Unisame as the one used in football versity team has made since their
stadiums, "Go, Go. Go!" America is first entry in 1912.
With 170 college students in the
a country which has developed the
Kenbest in evreything. Mr. Baker asked contest, Henry Meyer of the
way tucky team placed eleventh and
if it is not only the American
indifor athletic programs to strive to be Tony Cocanougher twelfth as
the very best. "We would be the vidual judges.
Other members of the University
biggest bunch of cowards ever to
we team were John Wolf, Robert Hall,
tread the face of the earth if
stop the athletic programs now. The Herbert Brown, Neil Bradley, and
overall good of football dwarfs the Robert Huffman. Their coach was
Prof. Scott French of the Animal
Husbandry Department.
Bryant Calls Team 'Best'
In the fat steer show at the InCoach Paul Bryant praised the ternational Exposition, the Unimembers of the football team as say- versity had the reserve champion
ing, "I believe it is the greatest Ken- carcass steer on foot. Eight steers
tucky football team ever." He in- were sent to the Chicago show.
troduced individually each member
of the squad and said they are ready
to go out and "Whoop and holler
and have a good time and beat the
Southwestern Conference champion
A discussion on "Religious Ethics
in the Cotton Bowl."
The program, arranged by Miss in the East and West" will highlight
Helen King, Alumni Secretary, in- the next meeting of the Philosophy
cluded impersonations of Coach Club at 7:30 Monday night in Room
Bryant, Athletic Director Bernie 206" of the SUB.
Shively, President Donovan, Miss
Led by Dr. Jesse DeBoer, associate
King, and the seniors on the foot- professor of philosophy at the Uniball squad by members of the versity, this will be the third in a
series of talks on the philosophies
Alumni Association.
Mr. Shively acted as master of and religions of the Orient.

UK Artists
Show Works
At Museum

Barbershop Quartets
Will Be In Contest


STANDARDS WEEK, sponsored by the Student I'nion
Activities Committee, will begin Monday with a coke party in the
SIB. At the "Click With the Crowd" program Thursday. Mr. and Miss
Kentucky will be announced. Shown in the picture above are (left to
right) Ann Carson, president of the Student I'nion Board; Janet
Payne, a member of the Activities Committee; and Mary McKinley,
chairman of the Activities Committee.

University Doesn't


red Augsburg



Are Longtime Teammates
The two law students who are
representing UK at the regional
moot court tournament in St. Louis
today have "teamed" together for a
long, long time.
Robert Hall Smith and Jack
Lowery Jr., UK's moot court representatives, were teammates a t
Georgetown, the home town of both.
Before coming to UK, both students received A.B. degrees from
Georgetown College.
At Georgetown College both boys
were active in debating and together
they won the national Phi Kappa
Delta debate tournament, the South
Atlantic debate tournament, the De
Paul invitational tournament, and
the Bluegrass debate tournament.
At UK both are members of Phi
Delta Phi, legal fraternity, and both

Will Be Given


UK Law Representatives
By Lcaland Sullivan

Daily Programs

Cotton Bowl Tickets
Respect For Campus Are Now For Sale

UK Executive Committee
Approves Faculty Changes
Staff changes approved by the
Executive Committee of the UK
Board of Trustees are:
College of Arts and Sciences
Appointments: Eric Weingarten,
practicum supervisor. Department of


to be appointed to the committee
A faculty adviser is present at
every meeting of the committee. The
adviser this year is Prof. W. H. Ham
of the law faculty. It is his job, to
use Prof. Ham's own words, "not to
try to influence . committee action,
but to serve as a steadying guide."
Meets On Monday
When in session at 4 p.m. every
Monday in the Dean of Men's office,
the judiciary committee considers all
matters brought to its attention
during the past week. Appeals concerning parking violations make up
the bulk of the business. These appeals average about five weekly.
From time to time the committee
must deal with more important
matters, such as gambling, a forged
parking permit, or an occasional
student caught in a raid out in

town. These offenses are dealt with
The powers of the judiciary committee range from a $1.00 parking
fine to expulsion from the University. In between are fines up to
$25, probation, and suspension from
the University for a semester.
Group Seating Discussed
Conflicts between students is another problem that comes under the
committee's jurisdiction. The case
last week involving Suky's failure
to provide group seating for the
Student Bar Association at the Tennessee game came under this power.
The meetings are conducted in a
very orderly fashion. The defendant, who has either been summoned
to appear before the committee or
has appealed his case, first states
his case before the committeemen.
If necessary he then answers questions the members might wish to
ask him. Then he leaves the room
while they decide the issue by a
simple majority vote. Then he is
recalled to receive the decision.
The judiciary committee faces a
hedule Just ahead. Basket
. ..
iivt v( mu rt ith itv
unit ovoouii ,(iii w Ur.
comes the job of curbing student
gambling on the games. The Stu
dent Government Association has
given the committee an unanimous
mandate to seek out and prosecute
any student caught gambling here


Wednesday Is Skit Day
A skit day has been set for Wednesday. It is called "First Date . . .
and Last" and is about what not to

do on a date.
"Click With the Crowd" closes the
week's programs on Thursday. Both
men and women's correct dress for
various campus activities will be dis
cussed and modeled by the candi
dates. At this time Mr. and Miss
Kentucky will be announced.
The candidates are:
Sallie Broadus. Zeta Tau Alpha;
May Crum. Jewell Hall; Fay etna
Eliswich. Hamilton House; Mar- jorie Hedges. Delta Zeta; Rachel
Johnson, Alpha Delta Pi; Karen
Kennedy. Kappa Delta: Marilyn
Kilgus, Alpha Gamma Delta.
Pat Lancaster, Jewell Hall; Ann
Macklin. Kappa Kappa Gamma:
Betty Carol Pace, Chi Omega; Ann
Tracy. Delta Delta Delta; Ruth
Trefz. Alpha Xi Delta: Betty Jo
Turner. Jewell Hall; Betty White.
Kappa Alpha Theta; Jean Whit-wort- h.
Dillard House.
Mr. Kentucky Candidates
Douglas Allgood. Alpha Sigma
Phi; Fred Davis, Sigma Alpha Epsilon: George Fischer. Triangle;
Scotty Griffith. Sigma Phi Epsilon;
James R. Hagen, Phi Sigma Kappa;
Mark Lackey. Alpha Tau Omega;
George Lawson, Sigma Chi: Bob
Layman, Alpha Gamma Rho; Joe
Lee, Lambda Chi Alpha.
C. C. Lucas, Phi Kappa Tau: Eill
McCann. Phi Delta Theta; William
Rogers, Kappa Alpha: Dick Tomey.
Kappa Sigma; Myer S. Tulkoff.
Zeta Beta Tau: Carl W. Turner.
Delta Tau Delta: William P. Williamson. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Donald Wilson. Pi Kappa Alpha.
Judging was by the SUB Board
on the basis of a personal Interview
with each candidate. Qualifications
included senior standing, a 13
scholastic standing, friendliness, activities, personality, and general appearance.

Fall Elections
Will Be Held
On Dec. 12
Fall elections for the SGA general
assembly will be held Dec. 12. Students who wish to run for office
must file at the Registrar's Afflce

by 4 p.m. Dec. 5. Besides the assembly positions, a vice president
will be chosen from the campus at

Henry NcaL spokesman for SGA.
said the candidates must have a 1.3
overall standing and must have been
in residence for one semester. He
said the terms, except that of vice
president, will be for a full calendar year, running from December
1951 to December 1952. This means
that seniors will not be eligible to
run for upper class terms.
The colleges and vacancies are:
Arts and Sciences: One upper
class and one lower class woman
and one upper class and one lower
class man.
Agriculture: One upper class and
one lower class man.
Commerce: One lower class man.
Engineering: One representative
at large.
Education: One upper class man.
Graduate: One representative at

Musical Workshop
Held In Fine Arts
A "Let's Sing" workshop will be
held in the Fine Arts Building today and Saturday. The workshop is
sponsored by the Department of
University Extension.
The purpose of the workshop is to
demonstrate different methods of
teaching elementary students to
sing. The workshop is primarily designed for teachers of the first,
second, and third grades. It will
also be of special interest to members of the Music Department and
practice teachers, according to Miss
Jean Marie McConnell, assistant at
the Extension Department.
Miss Mildred Lewis, of the University Department of Music, will
direct the four song sections.



l Tape 2

Friday, November "0.


The Stew Pot

This Election Likely To Be
As Bad As Those Of Past
SGA election time is growing close again.
From all indications, those elections will
like those of the past, offering the student little
or no facts on which to lase his selection. SGA's
continual gripe alwmt lack of student interest
seems rather strange when you consider just
what the student has to get interested in.
First, let's consider the platforms. During the
last campaign, the United Students offered a
program and the Constitutionalists a
platform. Even though the platform
planks were nearly all restricted to promises to
investigate this or consider that, each party has
accomplished only one plank.
Even the two promises fulfilled failed to benefit the students a great deal. We have given
the United Students credit for their promise to
attain equal opportunity for representation of
all students. This Ls stretching the point a great
deal, but since the mere election of
members of the party to the Assembly broke the
monopoly that had prevailed in some
previous elections we conceded this point. The
one platform plank carried out by the Constitutionalists was the promotion of all student dances.
Both of these dances resulted in financial failure,
although the first offered some hope for their
eventual success.
Jt is easy to see from this that no matter what
promises the platforms might offer the student
he has no assurance that an attempt will be made
to carry them out. Of course, SGA. is not strong
enough for the parties to offer the students any
drastic changes, but they might include work
five-poi- nt
six-poi- nt



Columnist Decides UK
Is In Middle Of Gulf

able plans for increasing the power of SGA.
Next, let's look at the candidates' qualifications. The average student when he prepares
to vote knows only two tilings alxuit the candidates, their standings and ac tivities. Just where
the candidates stand on the issues of interest to
students, or what knowledge of parliamentary
procedure they have, the average voter has no
way of knowing.
Political campaigns could include a few
speeches by candidates and a little more thorough listing of the candidates' backgrounds and
qualifications. Perhaps a round table discussion
by rival candidates could be held. These improvements wouldn't increase the cost to the
parties appreciably, but they would give the student a much better basis on which to make his

By Dorirun Cordell

The University of Kentucky is located in the middle of the Gulf of
We have come to this conclusion
after reading a few issues of the St.
John's News. They make UK sound
so far in the South that it must be
in the middle of the Gulf.

In the Nov. 8 issue, the News replied:
"We were much surprised last
eek when a telegram arrived. . . .
This message probably refers to this
department's remarks on Herr Baron
Rupp and a sarcastic note in Tom
Kelly's 'Unpopular Opinions.' (How
did they guess?
"Apparently the editors of the
Kernel misunderstand our remarks.
In the words of Happy Chandler,
'ah just loves Kaintucky. It is the
Baron from the Bourbon State and the methods he employs (including winning over St.
John's, no doubt t that fall under
our fire and not the University of
Kentucky, the state of Kentucky, the
South, the Confederacy, Southern
womanhood, or any other institution
which the gentlemen from Dixie
hold dear."
Apparently the News has some
good sense, since it asked us to send
the Kernel each week. "And if they
wish to use Confederate stamps,"
they add, "we'll pay the postage due
when the post office refuses to
honor Jefferson Davis' memory."
They end by saying they are looking
for a Confederate flag for the office
and "Long Live Dixie!"
Pore old Adolph will really catch
it when UK beats St. Joh