xt7mcv4bq108 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4bq108/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-04-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1935 1935 1935-04-12 2013 true xt7mcv4bq108 section xt7mcv4bq108 Best Copy Available








and Bridle Presents
Awards; James Rosenberg Presides

Dr. J. B. Hutson, director of the
division of tobacco, sugar, lice and
peanuts of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, spoke Wednesday night to the College of Agriculture assembly for its annual
banquet at the University Commons. Approximately 300 members
of the faculty, staff and students
were present.
Doctor Hutson, who was Introduced by Dean Thomas P. Cooper,
spoke briefly, pointing out that the
New Deal Administration Is not a
new thing in agriculture. He stated
that It is a development of activities of the past 10 or 13 years on

the part of state and federal governments to direct farm activities.
One of the chief problems of adjustment in the program is for the
people to learn what to do with
spare time, said Doctor Hutson,
with reference to the plan for controlling production. He explained
that students going out into work
must be prepared to make wise use


the tenor role In the production of
Mendelssohn's "Elijah" which will
be given by the University Olee
Clubs under the direction of Prof.
Carl Lamport at 8 p. m. on Thursday, April 25, in the University
Mr. Trefzger received a considerable portion of his musical education at the Cincinnati College of
Music where he was a pupil of Lino
Mattioli. While studying with Mr.
Mattioll, he was soloist at St.
Baptist Church and the Rockdale
Avenue Temple. Frank van der
Stucken, at that time musical director of the Cincinnati May Festival, took a deep interest in his
career and assigned him several
minor roles in the Festival. Later
Mr. Trefzger was awarded
Fleishman Endowment scholarship
which provided further study
Europe. He spent five years In
Europe and sang with great success In Italy, France, Belgium and

Last season Mr. Trefzger sang
with great success in the Boston
Handel and Haydn Society's production of "The Messiah". He sang
recently with the Cincinnati Symphony under Eugene Ooossens in a
concert version of Wagner's Immortal "Tristan and Isolde", appearing
with such famous singers as Elsa
Alsen, Kathryn Melsle and Paul




James Rosenberg, president of
the student agriculture society,
presided as toastmaster. Miss Sarah
Brown, president of the Home Economics club, presented Dean Coop-





YWCA to Install

New Officers and
Members Tuesday
7 o'CVock

Installation services for new officers of the Y. W. O. A. and new
members of the Senior cabinet and
Sophomore commission will be held
at 7 o'clock Tuesday, April 16, in
the Engineer's garden.
The new officers are: Martha

Fugett, president; Frances Kerr,
Betty Moffett, secretary and Charlotte Coffman,
treasurer. They will be Installed by
the retiring officers, Sarah
Betty Dimock, and Lucy
Jean Anderson.
The new members of the Senior
cabinet and Sophomore commission
have not been selected as yet. Outstanding Junior and freshman girls
who have participated in Y. W.
C. A. affairs are selected by the
present members of the two groups
to serve for next year.
The installation program includes
a violin prelude by Eva Mae
a processional of the new and
old cabinet members, an Invocation
by Mrs. E. O. Trimble, secretary of
the Y. W. C. A., and a speech by
the retiring president, Sarah







present at the rehearsal.

"Pinafore" Chorus
To Have Rehearsal
The first rehearsal of the dancing choruses for "Pinafore," the
Stroller spring production, will be
held at 7:15 o'clock, Friday night
In the Women's gymnasium. Mar-

tha Bitner and Margaret Warren

will be in charge. Both the boys
and the girls chorus will rehearse.
"Pinafore" will be presented May
16, 17, and 18, at the Gulgnol Theater. Present plans include arrangements for a matinee performance
May 18.
The casting of the principals has
not been completed, according to a
statement by Frank Fowler, who
together with Miss Mildred Lewis
will direct the play.

Radical Changes In Papers
Of Country Are Recalled

(Managing Editor, The New York
The benediction will be given by
the new president, Martha Fugett, It may be with newspapers like it
and a violin postlude by Eva Mae Is said to be governments the peoNunnelly will conclude the cere- ple get the kind of newspapers they
deserve. Perhaps It Is more true to
say that the people will get the
kind of newspapers they want.
In Journalism is It possible that
Horace Gree(INS) Un-d- ley have moved from not, we have
New York, April
to Andy Gump? If
a decree by Mayor F. H.
at least gone part of the way along
all flags on city buildings that path.
will fly at half-mafrom noon toThirty years ago there was a reday until noon Friday out of re- action against yellow Journalism.
spect to Adolph 8. Ochs, publisher The yellow papers went too fur and
of the New York Times, who died from the popular resentment came
Monday In Chattanooga, Teiin.
a period of success for the real
Funeral services for Mr. Ochs newspaper. From, that recovery the
will be held at Temple Emmanuel, pendulum
has certainly swung
Friday at 10:30 a. tn., with burial backward.
The Feature Factor
in Temple Israel cemetery, Mount
Hope, Westchester county.
If through the sea of sex stories,

Nine men. J. Calvin Cramer, Dick Boyd, Frank
Jack Crain, Dave
and Claude Terrell, juniors, and Harold F. Miller,
Harry M. Shedd, and William
elected to membership
Omicron Delta Kappa, national campus leadership fraternity, at a meeting of the
active members of the jyroup
yesterday afternoon in White

Bor-rie- a,

The date for the annual Junior
Prom, sponsored every year by the
members of the Junior class has
been changed from Wednesday the
17th to Tuesday the 16th of April
and will be held from 8:30 to 12 at
the Alumni gymnasium. Leo Reich -ert and his "Aristocrats" from Detroit and Cincinnati will furnish
the music for the occasion.
The crowning of the Queen of
the Junior Prom, Mary Louis
Shearer, will take place at 9:45
p. m. While the Queen is sitting on
the throne, Lances, .honorary Junior
fraternity will hold" their pledging.
Bids for the Prom will be available to Juniors and seniors Sature.
day morning at the University
Seniors will have the choice
of either a stag or date bid, while
the Juniors will receive both a stag
and date bid.
The Junior Court of Honor has
been selected and following are the
male members of the court: Colum-

'Cats Practice
Game Postponed






of scandal skits, of comic strips, of
special columns, of style tips, of
recipes telling what to do with yesterday's hash, of bridge advice, of
counsel to the love-lor- n
and direcIf through
tions for
you can sucall that mess some of
finding people to buy the
ceed in
papers you will edit, you will have
done something for your country.
It is my faith that It can be done.
Without casting any reflection on
either of the gentlemen, each of
whom excels in his field, I still believe there will always be enough
newspaper readers who will prefer
Walter Llppmann to Walter




The names of these nine men will
appear on the large O. D. K. key
which will hang near the north
side of the Administration building

At the meeting yesterday it was
decided to raise the number of
points required to gain entrance to
the organization as follows: 16
points for first semester Juniors; 18
points for second semester Juniors;
20 points for first semester seniors,
and 22 points for second semester
seniors. Three points will be allowed for University
champion, and two for members of
the Patterson Literary society. The
revised system will go Into effect
next fall.
J. Calvin Cramer, Delta Tau Delta, Is a member of Tau Beta Pi.
Sigma PI Sigma, the Kentuckian
staff. Scabbard and Blade, and
Pershing Rifles. Frank Borries, Phi
Kappa Tau, is a member of Keys,
Pan Politikon executive committee,
Scabbard and Blade, Captain R. O.
T. C, Interfraternlty council, Kentuckian staff, Sigma Delta Chi, and
assistant managing editor of The
Delta Tau
William Greathouse,
Delta, is a member of Scabbard
Rifles, Lances,
and Blade, Pershing
president of the Pitkin club, president of Pan Politikon, Strollers,
Captain R. O. T. C, and a member
of the Kentuckian staff. Dick Boyd
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Is a member of
Scabbard and Blade, SuKy, Lances,
Interfraternity council, Pan Politikon, associate editor of The Kernel,
Glee club, president of the Y. M.
C. A. cabinet, and a member of the

Kentuckian staff.

Claude Terrell, Phi Kappa Tau,
president of Lances, a member
of Sukv. Scabbard and Blade, Pi
of Junior
Mu Epsilon,
class, and basketball manager. Dave
Difford, Delta Tau Delta, is a
member of Scabbard and Blade,
Pershing Rifles, Captain R. O. T. C,
president of Alpha Delta Sigma,
(Continued on Page Six)


Handicapped by inclement weather and an unknown quantity in most
of the field events, Coach Bernle
Shlvely's Wildcats tracksters will
open their 1935 campaign Saturday
at 2 p. m. on Stoll field, with the
veteran Vanderbllt track squad.
The Invading Commodores, with
the experience of two meets behind
them, are still an unknown quantity, having lost to the Centre
Thinlies in their opening meet and
winning from Birmingham Southern by a top heavy score last week.
The Big Blue" are well fortified
for the running events, having several veterans and half a dozen talented sophomores on hand. But
only Rupert and Charley Olney are
left in the field events. Rupert
tosses both the discus and shot
and should get several points for
the Cats in these events Saturday.
Olney, a high Jumper, seems to be
the best bet in this event. The
balance of the field events are
without any talented performers
and will be weaker even than they
were last year.
On the track, the sprints will be
well handled by Ben Willis, a flashy
sophomore; Walker and Sympson
in the century dash, and Bill Miller, both talented, and Millis in the
220. Five fast quarter milers make
this event one of the strongest on
the entire card. Bill Miller seems to
be the best of the bunch, with
Crain, Ledridge, Olney, and Gates
all about even. The half is probably the best fortified of the runs,
with Travis and Bill Ford, sophomores. Ford will also run the mile
along with Bud Hocker, another
veteran, who also runs the two
miles. Johnny Spragens, a sophomore, will team up with Hocker In
the two mile grind.
Coffman and Ben Willis will run



high hurdles and this



win easily. Willis, the successor to "Red Doug" Parrlsh as the
Iron man of the squad will also
run the 220 low hurdles, but Shive-l- y
Is still looking for another low
hurdler, and will probably use Coffman in this event.
The Wildcats have had little opportunity to show their wares because of a muddy track and rainy
weather, but some fine performances have been turned In which
indicate that the squad has a lot
of potential power.
Trials were held yesterday afternoon for Saturday's meet and
several events which had puzzled
the coach were definitely settled,
several men being shifted to other
events and some participating In
more events. Gates, a former

turned in a remarkable 440,
traveling It In :54 to clinch a place
and on the reIn the quarter-mil- e




Wildcat Gridiron Star Will
Prof. L. S. O'Bannon will preTeach and Coach Sports at sent a paper on "Dynamic Equi-

Cattletsburg High School librium and the Business Clyde"
at the regular spring meeting of
After Graduation
the Kentucky section of the So-

Joe Rupert, 1934 Wildcat football
captain and for three years star on
the Kentucky gridiron, has signed
a one year contract as athletic director, coach of all sports, and
teacher In economics and history
at Cattletsburg High school for
according to an announcement from the Boyd county city.
Rupert, a graduate of Cattletsburg High school, was one of the
most outstanding athletes ever to
graduate from that institution. He
was a star on the gridiron and also
on the basketball floor. In his senhe scored
ior year of basketball
more than 300 points, and was recognized as one of the outstanding
court men in the state.
Rupert entered the University
with the intention of playing basketball. When the call for freshman football candidates was Issued
In 1931, he reported to the coaches.
He was persuaded to drop basketball and devote all his attention to
the pigskin sport. During his sophomore year he was voted an
end by prominent football critics In the South. Besides
being outstanding on the gridiron,
he has been a valued member of
the track squad for the past three
years. He Is also prominent in
other campus activities, being president of the Senior class, a member
of the Student council. Student
Board of Publications, and a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon social fraternity. Rupert will receive
his degree from the University in


Muwtollnl's Theory
I recall talking to Mussolini one
day In 1U28. I had known him for
some years. He was asking me
what the people of the United
(Continued on Page Two)

ciety for the Promotion of Engineering Education which will be
held at the Speed Scientific School,
University of Louisville, today.
The majority of the members will
also attend the lectures to be delivered by Dr. R. A. Millikan, noted
scientist, at 3:30 this afternoon and
8:30 tonight.

Sponsor Student
Musical Recital





Program to Be Under Super
SAE's and Independent Male
vision of U. K. Music
Choruses Place Second
and Third in
A student music recital, spon

sored by the
in Its study of Italy, under the
supervision of the Music depnrt-men- t,
will be held at 4 p. m. Monday, April 15, in Memorial hall.
The program Is as follows:
Oavotta (12th Sonata)
Lena Reeves
Deh piu a me non
Se tu m'ami, se sospirl . . Pergolesi
Alvenia Connell
Anne Ooodykoontz at the piano
Tre Giornl
William Cross
Alvenia Connell at the piano
Sonata In A Major
Domenlco Scarlatti
Martha Sue Durham
Aria O mio babbino caro (from
Glanna Schicchi
Ruby Dunn
Elizabeth Hardin at the piano
II Trovatore Fantasy
(arr. by Singelee)
Virginia Thorpe
Martha Sue Durham at the piano
La Serenata
Joseph Vertuca
Martha Sue Durham at the piano
Cello obligato by William Cross
Ave Maria
Ruth Ecton







James A. Moore and Elvis
Stahr Leave for Cincinnati Debating


of Bolh


Present Program

The Delta Tau DeltA. fraternity
and the Independent girls' group
were winners in the
sponsored by
O. D. K., which was given Tuesday
night In Memorial hall at T.30.
The SAE's and the Men's Dormitory Oroup placed second and third
respectively In the boys' division
and in the girls' division Zeta Tau
Alpha sorority was second, with the
Delat Delta Delta sorority third.
All choruses in the sing sang the
Alma Mater song. The Delts' song
was Delta Shelter, their fraternity
song, and the Independent town
girls' group used "Hear Them
Bells" and a melody. The Delts
were directed by Morton Potter and
Jean Foxworth led the Independent
The Judges for the contest were
Mr. Har borne, director of music at
Christ Church Cathedral; Mrs.
Mann,, director of music at the
Second Presbyterian Church, and
Miss Lipscomb, music Instructor at
Sayre College.
The Independent town girls'
group will broadcast a program
from 1 to 1:15 o'clock Friday, April
19, from the University extension
studios over station WHAS. fcouis-vill- e,
according to Elmer Sulzer, director of publicity at the University. The time that the Delta Tau
Delta fraternity group will ,broad- cast has not yet been



James A. Moore and Elvis Stahr
left today to represent the University in the Midwest debate tournament to be held at the University of Cincinnati today and Sat-

Invitation Orders

Are Due Monday
Orders for commencement Invitations for seniors graduating
In June will be taken Monday
and Tuesday, April 15 and 16,
by a representative of the L. G.
Balfour company, In the main
hall of the Administration building, between the hours of 9:00
and 12:00 am. and 1:00 and 3:00
p. m. All graduating seniors are
asked to place their orders at
that time.

urday. Teams from Pennsylvania,
West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and
Michigan have been Invited to compete by Tau Kappa Alpha, national honorary forensic fraternity.
A unique feature of this meet Is
that teams will be allowed to heckle
during and aftand
er both constructive and rebuttal
speeches. All teams will be composed of one man, each school invited entering as many as It
These debates will be held this
afternoon and Saturday morning,
while a banquet to be attended by
all participating, will be given by
the University of Cincinnati this Shots Show Contract Between
the dinner,
evening. Following
Old and New
there will be an
speaking contest which Is to be
broadcast over WLW. James Moore
Paul H. Clyde, professor of hiswill represent the University in
tory, gave a showing of moving picthis event.
tures on Japan during the second
hour Wednesday in Room 300 of
Frazee hall. Professor Clyde acquired the films while traveling In
Japan last summer. They were taken by the Board of Tourist IndusH. Clyde Reeves, Midway, Uni- try of Tokyo.
versity of Kentucky graduate, has
The showing consisted of three
received a field appointment for reels; the first "Japan In Winter"
further study in cities and states. showed scenes of skiing and ice
He will serve three months In Al- skating In northern Japan amid the
bany and New York City, respec- splendor
of tall, snow capped
tively, as research assistant to Rob- mountains. Scenes of the seven day
ert Landsdale, in charge of Gover- long Japanese New Year celebranor Lehman's commission investi- tion, shots of a rugby football
gating the Temporary Emergency game, and scenes of a Japanese
Relief Administration and the de- play were also included on this reel.
partment of Social Welfare.
"Japan In Spring," the second
Mr. Reeves Is a son of Mr. and reel, showed pictures of beautiful
Mrs. L. H. Reeves, and plans to sub- rivers and mountains and the world
mit his graduate thesis in July and famous Japanese cherry trees In
to take the final examinations at bloom. Shots showing the old and
that time.
new dress of Japan, mingling, were
shown in scenes of several of
Japan's spring festivals.
cross-exami- ne

Professor Clyde
Presents Motion
Pictures to Class



U. of K. Graduate

Gets Appointment

Procrastination Is Longest
Word Professors Can Find
Procrastination Is a pretty big
word. No one on earth but a college professor would use it.
Some professors consult frequently with the dictionary to find big
words that can be tried out on
Innocent students. And almost Invariably such consultations end at
the word procrastination.
At the first sight of the word
the professor blinks, gulps, and
straightens his tie. However, few
words can stop a professor for very
long. So brandishing Webster's unabridged in one hand and a notice
of library hours In the other he
dashes in and bit by bit he tears
the word apart.
First he goea back Into history to
see what the Greeks and Romans
did with It. Next, by saying It over
and over to himself, he learns how
to spell It. And then come the







at the time he made his great


Wildcats Open 1935 Season
Members of Junior Court of
with Commodores at 2
Honor Are Selected from
Number of Points Required
p. m., Saturday, on
Fraternities and
Is Raised for Juniors
Stoll Field
and Seniors


covery of Isolating the electrons for
which he received the Nobel prize
in 1923. Professor Millikan has received many other famous awards
from other countries as well as the
United States. He is a member of
Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma XI and
many foreign nations' honorary societies. Dr. Millikan received his
Bachelor of Arts and his Master of
Arts degrees from Oberlin University and his Ph. D. from Columbia
He Is author of "A Course of College Experiments In Physics," "A
Laboratory Course In Physics for
Schools," "Theory of
Optics," "Time, Matter, and Values" and many other text books
now In use in various universities.
He contributed to the technical
(Continued on Page Six)

Names of Candidates to Be
Placed on Emblem at
North End of Administration Building

This will be Mr. Trefzger's first
appearance in Lexington and music
lovers will await with Interest his bus Floyd, Arnold Thompson, Indebut in "Elijah".
dependent; Sam Warren, Kappa
Oother soloists will be Mrs. J. P. Sigma; Robert S. Williamson, AlJohnson, soprano; Ruby Dunn, so- pha Tau Omega; Cecil Marsh, Louis
prano; Rose Urbach, contralto, and Ison, Alpha Gamma Rho; Jack
Dr. Prank L. McVey, president Barre Hill, baritone.
Crain, Delta Tau Delta; Malcom
of the University, made a short
Shotwell, Alpha Sigma Phi; Robert
talk. He pointed out the fact that
H. Taylor, Claude Terrell, Phi Kapsuccess in life depends on patience,
pa Tau; Elvis Stahr, Sigma Chi;
industry, and honesty, using as
Norman Oarllng. J. D. Harper,
on Page Six)
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Winthrop
Clarke, Louis Finley, Phi Delta
Theta; Frank St arks, Kappa Alpha; Henry Miller, James Scudder,
Mason, Basil BakDr. Millikan, Head of Physi- Triangle; Harry Alpha; Dick Boyd,
er, PI Kappa
cal Research Institute,
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Robert
Will Talk at ConStevens, Sigma Nu.
The women members of the court
Coach Chet Wynne has anare as follows: Anne Payne Perry,
nounced that the first practice
Lucille Thornton. Kappa Kappa
game of the varsity grldders,
Gamma; Mary Marshall, Lillian
was scheduled for this
Dr. Robert A. Milllkarr, one of Holmes, Alpha
Gamma Delta;
afternoon and was to be open
the most famous physicists in the Ruth Averitt, Carolyn Sparks, Zeta
to the public has been definitely
United States, will speak at a gen- Tau Alpha; Peggy Sullivan, Marpostponed.
eral convocation In Memorial hall garet Greathouse, Isabella1 Nadel-stelheavy rainfall
Because of the
Independent; Martha
Monday at 10 a. m. His subject will
during the last week, it has
Hallie Downing. Alpha
be "Weighing the Earth." The
possible for the team to have
speaker will be Introduced by Pres- Delta Theta; Eloise Carrell, Wllma
but one outdoor workout; conTaylor, Alpha XI Delta; Mary
ident McVey.
Coach Wynne feels
Dr. Millikan comes to the Univer- Elizabeth Dunn, Dorothy Walker,
In the
that the men are not contest.
sity following an address to the Delta Delta Delta; Billle Irvine,
light condition for the
association Louise Payne, Delta Zeta; Martha
In Louisville, and will make a series Cleveland, Marie Vernon and Kay
of talks throughout the universities Kennedy, Chi Omega.
Rehearsals for members of the
of central Kentucky.
At the present time Dr. Millikan court and for the Lances pledging
is the head of the California In- will take place Monday afternoon
stitute of Physical Research, Pas- at five p. m., to the AlumniIn gym.
adena. He was professor of phy- All who are
proceedings are requested to be
Will Be Held in the sics at the University of Chicago
of time,

Engineers Garden at


Nine Men to Be Pledged to
Be With Glee
Clubs In Elijah' Omicron Delta Kappa By
Means of Traditional Key

torio to Be Presented
Director of Tobnreo, Peanuts,
April 25
Rice, Supar of AAA, Says
New Deal Not New
Franz Trefzger, talented young
in Agriculture
opera and oratorio tenor, will sing




Prof. Lambert to Direct








hardest part of all, namely, thinking of a way to spring it on his unsuspecting public.
This problem has been recognized
for years as the major cause of
premature old age in the college
professor. When he passes by in
the hails of learning tearing his
hair, muttering to himself, or gazing blankly at a spot on the wall
then he has found a
but he hasn't found a way to use It.
So with an Idea of the difficulty
of the task in mind Just consider
the professor who, after having carried the word around for two whole
months, finally made in class the
other day this announcement:
"For your term paper for this
semester you may write 2,000 words
on any subject you care to choose

and remember that 'PROCRASTINATION' is the thief of time."

The Phi Sigma Phi Held trip to
Boone's Creek, to have been held
Saturduy, will be called off due to
high water.
There wlU be a meeting of the
Patterson Literary society at 7:30
p. m. Monday In the staff room of
the University library. All mem
bers are requested to be present.
Monday, April 15, members of
the Pitkin club will hold their annual picnic, leaving from the Maxwell Presbyterian church.
Suky will not hold its regular
Tuesday meeting, April 16.


� Best Copy

T.i"c Two

Friday, April 12, 1035


Draining of Field

riding, that's up to you. but Just let
us know and we'll chalk up some
points for you toward an award.
And If you aren't too worn out by
that time you might tflke a hike.
Will (live Employment to 3.1
However, ping pong Is less strenStudents; Two Months
uous and there are tables set tip
for Completion
In the basement, of the Woman's University
Italy, April 11 TNS
of Kentucky Aerogymnasium. See Miss Averlll about
foreign minisTlie premiers nnd
nautical club Fleets brooks-vill- e Plans for grading and draining
the use of equipment.
ters of Frnnre nnd Britain met
Prof. Roy Moreland of the UniCiirl to Honorary Post the football practice field have been
Every Wednesday flt 4 p. m. the
of versity Coilore of Law, spoke bewith Tremler Benito Mussolini
completed, according to an anin Glider Organization
rirvlpp means for fore the Amerlran Association of natural dancing club meets nnd
Italy today to
nouncement made by the athletic
of Hamilton Miss Mary Austtn Wallace is their
European University
averting disruption of
Fllznbeth Frances Jett. Brooks-vlllCollege, Tuesday afternoon at 3:30.
This work, which will be initiata freshman In the College of
With commencement of the con- Professor Morelnnd's subject was
ed within two weeks. Is to be finEducation, was elected sponsor of
Prevention of Crime."
ference In the undent castle on "The
anced as a government Educationthe University of Kentucky Aero- al Relief Administration
Isol.i nella. diplomats of three preat
nautical association at the Tues- Perry A. Rowe. state director of
powers entered upon deliberations
day. April 9, meeting of the organFER, has approved
an arrangewhich they hoped would make April
ment by which the University athIt as Important n date In the hisUK
Formal presentation of the spon- letic department will furnish 1531.55
tory of world peace as Is Novemsorship will be made at a banquet for supervision, equipment, and maDr. Howard B. Lewis, head of the
ber 11.
to be held for members of the as- terials, while the government agenStill morn elaborate precautions department of physiological chemisApcy advances (4,509.55 to meet all
sociation April 28.
to safeguard the conferees from try In the medical school at the Six New Courses
Soaring to an altitude of over other expenses.
proved liy University Senany such tragedy an occurred In University of Michigan, will deliver
100 feet.
Marseilles lost October were taken nn Illustrated address at 3:30 pm.,
ate at Meeting on Monday of the C. W. McNash, Keirtucky to The project will give will require
33 students, and
Monday. In the assembly room of
successabout two months for completion.
At dusk Inst night hundreds of Kastle hall at the
According to Prof. Daniel V. Tersection
the organization's
marched meeting of the Lexington Society.
meetThe University senate at a
Northrup Primary glider at the fly- rell, head of the Civil Engineering
full war of the American Chemical
Into Stresa
The subject of Doctor Lewis' ad- ing Monday afternoon
ing field, two miles out on the department, who drew up the plans,
dress will be ' Hormones and Vita- six new courses and a suggested
pike, Wednesday aft- at present the field does not lie
When the French delegation ar- mins."
course leading to the Tate's Creek 9.
vision of the
level, but slopes toward the southrived by train at 10:20, its memof science n ernoon, April
Doctor Lewis is a graduate of degree of bachelor
The organization, the first of Its west corner and to a drain in the
bers were escorted by Mussolini to Yale University. He has been coneconomics. Included In the
center. Furthermore, the field octheir hotel between solid ranks of nected with the University of Penn- new courses are: "Health of the kind on the University campus, cupies a low piece of ground which
soldiers with rifles and bayonets sylvania and University of Illinois Family,,' for the home economics was started early In March by C. drains poorly, causing it to become
W. McNash, a
In the
held In readiness for any emergenbefore he received the position he students; "Elementary Anatomy," College of Arts freshman
and soggy for weeks
and Sciences, now soakedespecially during spring at a
now holds, In 1922. In 1933 he was a course arranged especially for
same procedure was fol- also made director of the College students who are majoring In phy- president of the organization. McThe
lowed this morning with the arrival of Pharmacy at the University of sical education, but also open to Nash Is former president of the
Lakewood Glider club, Lakewood,
others. This will be a one-hoMichigan.
at 8:30 of the British delegation.
lecture course with four hours a Ohio, and is a veteran of 125 glider
At the present time he Is chairIn addition to this, great searchflights.
week for laboratory work.
lights played all night on the wa- man of the committee on Biochem"Application of Physical PrinciThe organization has developed
ters surrounding the "Beautiful istry of the national board of med- ples In
Body" Is the with amazing rapidity, and now
the Human
Islet" where Mussolini Is staying, ical examiners.
depart- numbers 20 charter members, and
second new course In the
and searched constantly through
ment of Anatomy and Physiology possesses a Northrup Primary glidthe skies above the Island.
designed for the students Interested er, purchased fom the Case Glider
village aviation field
At the
in anatomy and physiology or the club, Cleveland, Ohio. The glider
fleet of speedy pursuit planes
New Battle in Senate Threatto Is now on
natural sciences. Prerequisites
the association's flying
awaited In readiness.
ens Relief as Wallace
this course are Physics la and lb, field, two miles out on the Tate's
constantMussolini himself was
and Chemistry la and lb.
Seeks New Powers
Creek pike, from which flying exaply guarded by a detachment of
In the department of Sociology a hibitions will be given every Sunfor AAA
proximately two hundred Fascist
of Social
new course, "Theory
expert marksmen Delegates from U. K. Return Work," will be open to students day.
Arrival of a newspaper photoarmed to the teeth and displaying
wishing to acquaint themselves with
From Meet; Annual Drill
on their fezes the skull and cross-bonsocial work, covering a history de- grapher from Louisville Sunday
to Be at Ohio State
was announced at the last meeting
of their corps.
velopment of the field, val