xt7mcv4bpn3f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4bpn3f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1975 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 45, 1975 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 45, 1975 1975 1975 2012 true xt7mcv4bpn3f section xt7mcv4bpn3f I I  A ' I I I
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For Members and Their Immediate Families _   ·    
Presents   ·-  `  € {
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Holy Ye¤r   A l E P      
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‘=~ i. ‘ is  
ll Q
8 Days - 7 Nights $   Round trip jet transportation to Athen(meals &  
  5 beverages served aloft), ··· evening departure  <
I+ 15% Tax & Service) First-class accommodations at the Ritz Hotel or the y
AUQU st 9-17 Per ¤ers¤¤—D¤uble orgcunancv Grand Beverly Hills Hotel (or similar) I
. . s‘ s I - 60.00 . . . . . I
LOUISVIIIG mgle upp mem Continental breakfast daily (tax & tip Included)  
Departure Dinner each evening (tax & tip included) 1
Tour of ancient Rome I
lm. Tour of religious sites of Rome i
/ · Exciting low-cost optional tours available
    _ All gratuities for bellmen, chambermaids & doormen ,
·  , __  " j¤;t`J ‘“Z%?.Q “j;L $i£ All round trip transfers & luggage handling from airport  
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  ¤¤·—’“  =·i Il -4 V I I   I
*   · ifi ·    2 e   ll 1 IAir transportation -_254 seat Trans International Airlines, U.S.  
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' . cost - $340.32- Land - $233.53* Charter cost - 6 441.28 ·
nurture nnrrnxxilllrnnrrllhru III' ' ' ’ L 
. . . . . I
Deposits are accepted on a First-Come, First—Served basis as space is Ii m- applicable government regulations. Trips are based on a minimum of 40 I~
ltedl Final payment is due 60 days prior to'departure. New bookings are participants.  
acfpwd any UT; pnor   degamuf progldlqgl ;pa°; if avfélzzteé tggsgr Responsibility: Arthurs Travel Center, Inc. and U. of Kentucky Alum.Assn. . 
vet ans ';_‘“V '}°c E °°";s'f°"° :°" "'Wb ""e't tep 2 sfa to SP week; and/or its associated agents act as agent only for all services furnished here- f 
:f;;ru;i)urr°(;'§p0s?: ;r;_8c;vc;gmaé§gc;`;:ati0$1sw?thO°u2Ip:n;¥; WHIDLB per in and expressly disclaim all responsibility or liability of any nature whatso-
. . ' . - €V€I’ fOI’ IOSS, UBITIBQE 0I' ll`llUl'Y to property Ol' to p€l’S0l`l due IO GUY  USG l 
rpm°d lf written request °s r?°°'V°d 60 daYs.b°f°.r° departure' Camilla- whatsoever occurring during the tour or tours described herein and for loss — 
mm afmrfcsays W1); bg Suslect :,0 an idmuxstratlve Ehaligefd $25|'gO gg of trip time resulting from airline delays. All tickets, coupons and orders `g 
pamm an .‘ °r° Wl a SO Q ? C ?rq° °r t e pm ra a.a". We un § are issued subject to the foregoing and to any and all terms and conditions )
ggggxggi   g;;°;J;$a':t;€“éa·*A"n¤X§j·Fg;W;;§;}‘g;jj*;g;fy·iQ;V_,;fa$;;”a;z under which the means/of transportation and/or other services provided l
.. . I .. .. thb d d l`€db h , t b' I 
23 applrcatéon will be sent to you jllto 6 weeks aft'? )é0¤l’ ?gP¤$ltk•$ '€°°'V‘  3;.-Z fi;-eyi?h¤ii;eArigurg|T:;5eFl bente`; aciscsglzfysascggghif Z|ril$IIrs¥l‘¤li .`
ccés Ri Tp;.{gs'?ggv;:°nTng?$;g?1§;°;?;ng°?g'qEr;thgsair/Igsg gotgspgz el Center reserves the right in its discretion to change any part of the itiner- ` 
_ . I . . . . . _ · 
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cgi); 518;::2p;rrgt;;UrEO:;;v\?;i’,a0bqeY tpgcceosnggjgft ig c§gnggi%rag;$.ens;' Due to the fuel situation the airlines anticipate the possibility of price in·  
fluctuation, any taxes imposed since the price of this trip has been set and gciiiiggaefxgg gsifgggfllisgg  Il:{_ig°f:_;$r:'?£::°:_;g€L"?L;?s§O*;?ss°d °n any Y
For further information, contact and mail deposits to: University of Kentucky Alumni Assoc., Helen G. King Alumni House, Lexington, Ky. 40506 l
P)-IONE: (606) 258-8906 y
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 University Archives
I             /"’/ F  .     ·/#’   Q            
  1/     U  i,; ~» ,; »»     ivy,/;y~;;,. iq,   <€*iC“r¤cr·c¤i beginnings as the story on UK’s
Sesame Street projectg ows. Coo dinator Johnetta Render tells
about the planning °d strateg nd the smiles of delight
and learning on the (aces Q stu e teacher Jane Vanderweep
. and pupil Lonnieglréién. Q  
$‘ * a ti
President Assistant Director · ps Ni ,§S·=lj EdlT0|'
I George L. Atkins '63 Ordie U. Davis '48$ to "'§ Liz Howard Demoran ’68 /
g H . . k ;:, \1 . G h. D .
opkinsville, Kentuc y §· U1 rap ic esigner
Z ‘ ‘ t`- AKa Croce
I Vice President I I ·   §j_r_a Y
James W. Stuckert 60 Linda Brumfield _,-»=~s..5
T Louisville, Kentucky Ruth Elliott Q All
it i Treasurer Ben Fletcher
` Mrs. Joe F. Morris '38 Amelia Gano
  Lexington, Kentucky Ennis Johnson
, Secretary, Director of Alumni Affairs Edith Kenton
V    » Jay Brumfield ’48 Suzanne Lane
A Lexington, Kentucky Paula Williams A
Ada Refbord '39
. ¢ Olga Varrone
  Kéwwh tizv THE KENTUCKY ALUMNUS is published quarterly each year by
  the University of Kentucky Alumni Association, 400 Rose Street, .
Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Opinions expressed in the ALUMNUS `
I   are not necessarily those ofthe University of Kentucky or the Alumni
Association. Second class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. A
I ALUM", member institution of the Joint Alumni Council of Kentucky and the
i ’*S‘—*°°"""°” Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

 • f l the
AYOUH HIIlp\1S I'l€ Y i  
. aliv
'IST DONOVAN Ph.D. Arthurs, the pair packed their be- same people, places and things do   ber
A 67-year-old Canadian will be- longings and moved to a small not change.   inv·
come the first person ever to receive second-story apartment in Lexington "Everything is changing in a dy-  
a doctoral degree at the University about three blocks from the moin nomic world," Arthurs said. "We   CO
of Kentucky undera special tuition- campus. cannot return to the home of our   ‘
free program for senior citizens. Since that time Arthurs has com- childhood without finding that it has I CU,
Alfred David Arthurs of Montreal pleted the 25 graduate credit hours changed and we have changed." . GH
received his Ph.D. in educational he needed while maintaining a 3.8 At other times, the Donovan nm
psychology and counseling during grade point average. Most recently Scholar pointed out, people may use Og,
_ UK's commencement exercises May he ond his wife completed the te- a language structure that assigns e pe,
IO. dious and exacting tradition of typ- qualities to the wrong person. The \ *
Arthurs has been attending UK ing the required doctoral disserta— theater patron who says, "That ac- Of
since the fall of I973 as a Donovan tion. tor's portrayal of l·lam|et was hor- cir
Scholar. The Donovan Scholar pro- "|’ve typed his dissertation so rible," is crediting the horrible por- mi
gram enables persons over 65 years many times, I know it by heart," trayal to the actor, whereas, in fact, V de,
of age to attend UK tuition-free on Mrs. Arthurs said. "| have no desire it is in the mind of the beholder,   th,
special grants administered by the to work on a Ph.D. of my own," she Arthurs noted. 2 Pf
UK Council on Aging. added. Sometimes people use words to ex-   wi
Arthurs came to UK to pick up Arthurs based his dissertation on press wishes, hopes, imaginings and , G,-,
where he left off 23 years ago when a course he taught in the psychology opinions as if they were reality, he   Src
he began work on his Ph.D. at of communication at Sir George Wil- says. "This confusion of words ,
Columbia University. Job pressures liams University in Montreal. (called intensional orientation) with   SO.
and the deaths of two academic ad- As part of his doctoral work, reality (called extensional orienta-   pc
visers during his studies at Columbia Arthurs taught the course again, for tion) may lead to disastrous malad- I m,
caused numerous delays in complet- comparison purposes, to two groups justment——because you dream it   Gr
ing his work. at UK. One was a group of his fel- may not make it so." j SG
Arthurs, who taught and directed low Donovan Scholars whose average Following commencement, the Ar- I S8
science programs for 36 years in the age was 70; the other group was thurs left Lexington for their sum- z CC
Montreal school system, received his made up of graduate students in mer cottage in Isle la Motte, Vt., , VE
bachelors degree in l929 and the educational psychology who aver- anda rest. ‘
masters in l93O from Acadia Uni- aged 30 years of age. "We need a vacation," Mrs. Ar- to
versity, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. l·lis Arthurs tested the two groups be- thurs said. "l feel guilty each time
wife, Irene, who also taught science fore and after they took the course I find myself sitting and not typing." 5(
in Montreal, is a graduate of McGill which deals with what Arthurs calls When they return to Montreal A
University in Montreal. "false-to—fact" language structures. next fall, Dr. Arthurs will begin \
"We were watching television one l·le compared how each group another career. "l plan to work in , SC
night when a special program came changed their attitudes in com- the field of adult education helping I CC
on concerning the UK Donovan pro- municating what they said and felt. adults aged 20 and up," he said. "I I fr
gram for senior citizens at the Uni- "Both groups changed signif— enjoy people of all ages." E,
versity of Kentucky/' Arthurs re- icant|y," Arthurs said, "but the se- 1
colled. "The description of UK's pro- nior citizens were slower to change PAT-ON-THE—BACK p
gram exactly fitted my needs." their attitudes." Energetic UK students participa- O
"We were anxious to complete the Arthur’s work identified nine ways ing in Adopt-A-l·louse, o volunwry I J,
work on the degree, but not so people misuse language in com- service program in which the students   O
anxious to return to Columbia Gnd municating, As an example,Arthurs "paint up, clecm up Grid fix UD" lI'l€ i rc,
live in New York City," Mrs. Arthurs noted how the names of people, houses of owners who cannot afford  
Gddéd. places and things remain the same, to hire help or who are unoble to do E T,
Following an exchange of cor- but in communicating about them the work themselves, were com- G
respondence between UK and the we assume incorrectly that these mended on the editorial page of tl
2 ,

 l the Lexington Leader for keeping The CSWE, in its notification to Ray Russellof Owensboro; Catherine
  "a worthwhile community project UK of accreditation, said it ". , . Thompson of Hickman, and Floyd
  alive." Since its founding in 1973 by took cognizance of University ad- Thompson of Brandenburg. Nevyle
j UK professor Dr. Pritam S. Sabhar- ministrative support and the devel- Shackelford, Beattyville, a writer for
  wal, about 60 Lexington homes have opment of the program to date, agriculture information services, also
  benefitted from the8p(§oject that has which speak to a commitment to is retiring,
involved more than O students. meet accreditation standards."
  The College of Social Professions ROOM & BOARP RATES .
il aonnzsrorinzncs cnznit hos an enrollment at 40s aooergroo- A" “'*"”°"l °‘l*“Sl'“€"l ‘" '°°T“
g . . . and board rates and a change in
l The lndependent Study Program uote *n¤|0rs in the social work pro- meal Ions were cdc ted b the UK
currently is reaching 3,300 persons 9*0*** 0**0 oworded **'*0 BA in 50€*¤* Boclrdpof Trustees in EAC Y
i all across this country and in several work to 84 condidotos 0** MGY *0- R I T   d t
nations of the world. They range in A Doportrnont of Socio! Work wos jgu Glhsjjmes el U3 lflglg llc; E
oge from high school students to storted tri the Ut<·Cc>Hege of Arts fsl t‘;"°‘* h°. l°°;“ °'l t°°l lll fs t
. persons in their g()’s_ and Sciences in 1944 and was trans- .0ll S C Olce O kun?] WO mléclz
While the program offersa choice terrsd to ***0 [3*050*** €0**090 when i€V€n$5Gg/3 lsegggg pda? Ws; Tse
Of jg,2 CCU,-sgs [O qugjjfjgd pggpjg the college was established in l969. gglgqs Six gays twcglmsgls gungglil
almost anywhere in the world, the ' ’
vast majority at enrollees ore sta- 21 atv: soo YEARS to ui< l;’;°;`h;_`“;?;;;;?;,$;iiIlgggg Qjfjj
‘ dents already doing college work. ln Five-hundred cumulative years of two meds per dcy/five days per
l the past three years, says Dr. Earl service were represented by 2l Uni- week pjcm for $560 and Three meds
ji Pfanstiel, director, students have versity faculty members who reached per dcy five dcys per Week plan for
ii come from 26 Kentucky colleges retirement age this year. $670 '
t and universities, 278 outside the The group was presented recogni— l _
l state, and seven in foreign countries. tion certificates at a banquet where Tll9 llllcleclse W9S recommended
is A number of students are as- President Singletary noted the "style when ll WG? delellmllled present rules .
  sociated with no college. Partici— and grace with which these people Wpllld be lnslllllclenl lo lllleel the
  pants include prison inmates and have come to the end of their ca- llllgllel Opemllllg Cost? Gnd lclllcllllglcll
_i . . . demands of the Housing and Dining
3 men and women serving in the reers. Unlike many whodonot know S T H h _ H t _ _
` armed forces. At one time, Pfanstiel what they want to do, these people yS_€m _W lc ls _G SE _Sl‘lS clllllllllg
l said, there were as many as l,l0O have learned that reading and writ- Ullllvelslly Op€mllOll' The Gdllllsl-
servicemen on active duty taking ing are not very bad pursuits." lnellls Wlll lesull lll revenue to Covell
i correspondence courses at the Uni- The retirees are; John L. Cutler lnqegsed Costs st l9bOll’ lood Gnd /
Z versity. and Maurice A. Hatch of the English “'l‘lll'€S·
0 The most popular subjects are his- department; Gifford Blyton of the Summer $Cl'lO9l l'99m llclles vfele
tory, geography and biology. speech department; Holman Hamil— illeclgzgmfleglafggli; lseélggbzlglfcd
ton of history; Erwin J. Lyons of mm O 9 l‘l `
socmi. wonx DEGREE geology; John M. Carpenter of bio- ¤¤r>¤¤¢v ¤¤d **¤m $*05 *9 $200 *°*
AMONG FIRST logical sciences; Ford M. Mont- $m9l0 000l·'P0"CY lllls S€$$l9lll·
\ UK’5 Undgrgrgdugtg prggrgm in gOI'Yi€*‘y of [TiUSlCj ACJG   JOb€I'l' of Also ll'*C|'€G$€C* W€*'€ ***9 *00***
j social work is among the first in the l’t0¤l*l't, pl'tyS*C0l oducotion ond *00 rotss for students *05*0***9 m **00 P"0‘
l country to achieve accredited status rootion; M0*Y D· Browdsr ot l'*Um¤l'l lesslolllcll bulldlng ($597 l9 $939*
from the Council on Social Work· development and family rel¤tl0**5; 5***9*0}$293·5O to $3*9-50,00**0*0)} 1
Education (C$W[§)_ Margaret A. Meyer and Elizabeth married student housing ($95 to
Accreditation of bachelor degree ****0*90** from ***0 **b"0"Y~ $l95 l9l€lllCl9llCy9p9rlm9nlS* $l l0
p*0g*¤ms in social work was initi- College of Agriculture retirees in- to $*20 *0* 0**0-*300*00***; $*20 to
cited by the CSWE commission in clude S. C. Bohanan, campus co- $*30 for two bedrooms); groduots
l June 1974. The program at UK is ordinator for the Thailand project; 0[3¤*****0***5 ($292 to $322, 0***
  offered by the College of Social Pro- Charlie Dixon of development pro- €*0**<3Y, 00*-**9*0 0€€*-*[300€Yi $337 to
l fessions_ grams; Eve Morgan of regulatory $367, one-bedroom, double occu-
l The accredited status is retraaa- services, and W,G, Duncan of agran- poncy); and conference and guest
l tive to the beginning of the 1974-75 omy_ Cooperative Extension Service housing ($5 to $7 [30* €*¤Y, *3 €*0Y5
ocodemic yecr and will continue retirees are George Noble of Liberty; 0* less, 000*3*0; $7 to $9 [30* €*0Y, *3
through June 1976, Gertrude Paprotta of Independence; Cl0Y5 0* less, 5***9*0-)

 JOURNALISM RE-GROUPING * the Journalism faculty has al- football games.   N
When the journalism department ready acted to reduce the total num- The road will be built entirely on i
was denied reaccreditation for its ber of hours required in its general University-owned property. lt will je
general editorial sequence, President editorial sequence from 34 to 3l, cost about $500,000 and be paid Cc
Otis Singletary moved quickly and and has established an upper limit for from UK capital construction TE
aggressively to see the situation rec- of 37 hours of journalism and com- funds. W
tified. In order to expedite reac— munication courses. The new road, which will be about W
creditation, Singletary announced a UK's general editorial program l.l miles in length, will connect S(
three-phase plan. Handling Phase l was the only accredited one in Ken- Cooper Drive and Tates Creek Pike, H TE
is Dr. Lewis Cochran, vice president tucky. It will wind through vacant land · rr
fgjr gcqdgmjc gffqjrgl who wgg gp- I"I€ClI’ l'l'l€ fOOl'bClll Sl'C1CllUI'Tl Ufitll lt fc
pointed to organize a task force to  I l m€€t$ T¤t€$ Creek Pll<€ lU$t $0Uth W
carefully analyze the American J   E of C0tt¤Qe Gt‘0V€ L¤ne- G
Council on Education for Journalism l [ a An €l9l'*l·t00l Wl€l€‘ bl¤€ln¤|" b¤Cl<9FOUnd of the of this new road will greatly improve George E. Mitchell Jr., and Dr. Ray j
faculty, has already been approved traffic flow around Commonwealth H. Dutt, Animal Sciences; Terry D. j
¤nd¤SeGFCh t0F¤SUlt¤ble condidcite Stadium during our home games," Rothgeb, Housing and lnterior De- ,
is underway. said UK President Otis A. Singletary. sign; Myrna M. Wesley and Dr. ,
J * ¤UtlW0tlZ¤tl0n t0F 0 second 5UCn "Traffic experts have advised us Joseph R. Fordham, Nutrition and j (
position in the Department of JOur- that the road will alleviate conges- Food Science; Dr. Joseph A. Bryant , I
J nalism has been obtained. These tion on Tates Creek Pike, Cooper Jr., English; Dr. Donald E. Sands and j ,
tW0 DOSltl0nS ere intended to S¤tlStY Drive and Nicholasville Road and Dr. Paul L. Corio, Chemistry; Dr.  
the committee's recemmendctiens shorten the time it takes to empty Timothy H. Taylor and Dr. Ronald E. i ,
regarding professional faculty and stadium parking lots after our Phillips, Agronomy; Dr. Daniel R. l ,
will bring into line the faCulty-Stu- games," said Lawrence E. Forgy Jr., Reedy, Spanish and ltalian l.C1n·
dent t¤tl0$ te€0n'ln'tended t0F skills UK vice president for business af- guages, and Dr. Jesse G. Harris Jr., l .
courses by the accrediting commit- fQi|‘S_ psyehejegy l A
V tee. A traffic consulting firm from Ray Reed and Sister M. Angelice
* the Journalism faculty has al- Memphis last year studied the situa— Seibert O.S.U., Jefferson Community l
ready acted on the committee's tion around Commonwealth Stadium College, also were chosen.  
recommendation that a third re- and made the recommendation for The educators will be featured in `
porting course be required of majors the access road. The study included the national awards volume, "Out-
in the sequence. "fly overs" of the area during two standing Educators of America."

 l NEW DEGREE AT MCC $20,000 to the E. B. Bowman Ocular Among the discoveries made by
l The Madisonville Community Col- Pathology Laboratory from the Ash- the UK investigation about RV ac-
lege and the Madisonville State Vo- land Oil Company will help under- cidents are these:
cational-Technical School, with ex- write the future of the lab. —The accident involvement rate
tensive faculty and community in- Norman Wides, president of the for RVs is nearly twice the rate for
volvement, have cooperatively de- Lexington Lions Club, presented a other vehicles;
veloped a plan to initiate an as- checkfor $4,000 to Dr. Wirtschafter. —The accident involvement rate
sociate degree program in radiologic The gift will help support an oph- for vehicles and trailer combinations
i. technology at Madisonville Com- thalmic technician. is nearly three times the rate for
° munity College, beginning with the Honored were Dr. Ward O. Grif- other vehicles;
fall semester l975. This proposal fen, chairman of surgery, and Dr. —The most frequently reported
when implemented will make avail- David B. Clark, chairman of neu- mechanical malfunction in RV ac-
able the next step on a "career rology. cidents is trailer hitch failure and, _
ladder" for students finishing tech- —RV trailers with two or more l
·· niqal courses in radiologic tech- DANGERQUS RV'$ axles are "over represented" in the
l nology presently offered at Madison- An interim report to the u_5_ pe- study sample with the probable
l ville State Vocational-Technical portment of Tronsportotion by dn in- cause believed to be trailers too
School. vestigative team qt UK suggests heavy or top-heavy for the vehicles ·
The technical pOI'l'lOI'1 of ThE CUl'· numoroug improvements Could be l'OWlI’lg them.
riculum will be provided by The made in recreational vehicle safety. Of The 226 ¤€€ldehT$ l"‘V€$Tl9¤T€’d
existing budget of the Madisonville Among improvements suggested by the UK team, 30.6 per cent were
State Vocational—Technical School; oro enonges in froilgr design, driver boat trailers, 29.5 per cent were
Q€i‘\€l’Cll €dLlCO`l'lOl'\ COUVSES   be oducotiort ond trginirtgl improved Tl'GV€lTl'C|ll€l’S, Gnd   [DBF C€l'\`l' W€l’€
’ i provided from the present budget of trailer hitches, better information to collepsible cernping treilers (the let-
i i Madisonville Community College. drivers on nozordous driving Condi- ter has a low center of gravity,
l   No additional funds are required to tions suon os nigh vvind lgcgfjgngl higher weight to wind pressure ratio
-   implement the proposal which has ond suggested limits on ti-ie vveignt and shorter length). The rest were
l been submitted to the Council on of troilers tnot o venieie Couid tovv utility trailers.
l   Public Higher Education Tor ap- in relation to·the towing vehicle’s There ere Uh €$Tlm¤T€d 4000,000
· ` proval. own woighij recreational vehicles in the nation
‘ The Community College System The UK Muitidisoipiinory Acci- and about the same number of boat
· now offers this radiologic technology dent Study Teom investigoted o totoi trailers. Approximately 500,000 rec-
1 l degree only at the Lexington Tech- of 226 recreational vehicle (RV) ac- '€¤TlOh¤l Vehicles Ore belhg m¤"lU‘ T
I   nical lnstitute. Since the"`M¤dison— cidents over a period of six months. T¤€Tl-Wed each Yea'-
· » ville program is a new program for Sixteen of the accidents were studied
( this college requiring certification of in detail, Some of the study factors AWARD-WINNING YAKETY-YAK
l' its graduates, approval ofthe Coun- were highway design, weather con- University of Kentucky debaters
` cil on Public Higher Education is re- ditions, driver’s mental attitude at captured third place in the National
I" quired. Approval of the Univei'SiTY time of accident, vehicle design and Debate Tournament at Stockton,
j l of Kentucky Board of Trustees was hondling characteristics, damage to Calif., this spring.
T ’ required TO" $Uhrni$$i0n to The Coun- vehicles, injuries to drivers and pas- UK’s top varsity team, Mary
d   cil. sengers, probable cause of accidents Thomson, Nashville, and Gill Skill-
  l · and type of accident. man, Kettering, Ohio, was awarded
  l OPHTHALMOLOGY GETS A According to the study, one of the the third place trophy after dropping
" I GOOD START most potentially dangerous situa- their semi—final round to the Univer-
I- i A division of the Department of tions exists when a car, towing a sity of Redlands ona 4-l decision.
" l Surgery, now an entity of its own, large trailer, is passed by a semi- ln addition, Skillman was awarded
received a boost from several di- trailer truck. The swirling wind one of the top ten speaker trophies
_€ , rections at its dedication as the De- (vortex) caused by the passing truck in the tournament.
Y . partrnent of Opthalmology in May. causes the trailer to begin swaying; This is the second consecutive
l Dr. Jonathan D. Wirtschafter, the trailer could then twist loose year that the University of Ken-
n chairman, who presented the dedi- from the hitch and run off the high- tucky has won third place in. the
T- cation address at the dinner held at way, or the trailer could force the National Debate Tournament. Sixty-
Spindletop Hall, said a gift of car into a skid. four teams participated in the event.

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ACADEMIC ATHLETIC MODEL Roger Petermun, senior defensive The project, conceived jointly by the
. . end on the ’74 Wildcat football NCAA and Fiesta Bowl,will produce
According to a comprehensive . . . . . .
. squad, this spring became the first anti-drug television spot announce-
study conducted by the UK athletics . . . .
. . UK football player in 2O years to ments to be distributed nationall
department, the athletic grade point . . . .
_ . be inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, and regionally. I
average (GPA) was 2.63 on a 4 point HGIIOIIIGI SCIIOIGSIIC IIOIIOIGI n
scale in the fall with more than 2O .I.I_I I I W.Id I I IbyI`I I * II I  
per cent of the Wildcat athletes hav- ncmez ;S the ISJSCI Sim; Wgscéir IIL_ CI d_ H UK b k Ib II I  
. b It Th   C h V`! · IVE GI'} I€ GS G G Gl'l {
Ijncguyj ;;II€Ifmp;IO Iecsciook   * * * James Ryan and his wife, Loretta,  
honors WIIII G COITIIDOSIW GPA Of William G. Wheeler, a Lexington recently paidI·Kevin Grevey thehsu- l
3.02I Th Ic tbuu S d V G orthopedic surgeon who lettered at preme comp iment, naming t eir
rose {IOm€]_9%OII,I {GH   tOO2_;r3   tackle in l953-54-55. Dr. Wheeler first child after the basketball star.
fall /74   the QCQd€|T]IC per- I? Iona Of The Current team   Big KGVIITI TYIGT   I<€V|Ij'|I qc-
formance n+»nnSk.nnnii Gnnn-nes rose S·eID¤¤e· N I H S l;¤eWIIedI?·¤e thelthée ·e the hit lh-
from   to   €l'€Tl'T\Cll’i, O Gl`lOI'IG OI"IOI' O- Gl'll € HOWS to 6 IS YIGITIGSG G. I
Dr. Frank MI DOWIIIIIQI ¤C¤d€mIC ciety member and vice president of I
GIIIIQIIC GCIVISOI GIII_IbuI€d the Im_ his senior class at Southfield (Mich.) * * * I
proved academic scores in part to High SCll°Ol’ llcd G perfect 4`polnl UK ¤l'l€l U et l- $€“lOV$ 9Ol G  
the Icojjowjhg; ¤V€‘l'¤Q€ llls $='=`l'llOl' Y€¤' ll'l ll'l€ UK chance to square off on the basket-  
I Improved Gccdemk Gmtudes College of Arts and Sciences. He b¤|| Courf In May with the UK wh-  
I · duclled Will') G 35 eumuletlve t`n ent comin out the victars in an
Gnd I'T10f€ S€l’|OUSl'i€SS of pUI'pOS€. WGS grc l g g
GPA- 84 to 75 contest. The five seniors l
2. hBetterfc|asj attendance and it * it pIGyIng were Greveyl Jimmy Dun  
'“°'€ °“"S° Sl? Yl"“€· _ Flmere Stephens wes chcseh by cnnnnn, ann enyene, Mike Flynn ;
3- MOl'€ €‘lllC'€l'll USE et l¤lOl'l¤l the Kansas City Chiefs as their first and jerry |-|¤|€_ The U gf [_ mgm l