xt7mcv4bpm8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4bpm8t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-05-17  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 17, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 17, 1929 1929 1929-05-17 2012 true xt7mcv4bpm8t section xt7mcv4bpm8t Best Copy Available


Engineers' Day




Friday May










Cast your eye over this front page
and see how you like It. It's difof
ferent from the usual make-u- p
The Kernel, and In case you don't
wrong with the picture,
know what's
we'll slip you the tip that you're
looking nt an entirely npw set of
Prof. Victor It. Portmann's class
Six Colleges To Offer Work; In typography p has taken Kernel the
of The
headline make-uOpens
Coaching School
this week and next, as a type project and Is writing all the "heads"
On June 3
and setting them up by hand. This
week the main "heads" are set In
troni'Hn onfhln Condensed, and the
sessions 01 ine umvcr- Summer
Cheltenham Bold
slty for 1929 will be ten weeks two
ThQ body typc ls
length and will be divided into
seven point Ionic, as usual. Next
terms, the nrst 10 dcbju uuu
second week they will be set in
and close July 20, and the August Bold. This is done not so much to
July 22 an.d close
to begin
give the members of the class prac24 it was learned from the office tical experience in setting heads as
of Dean William S. Taylor, of the it is to give the readers of The KerCollege of Education and director nel a chance to compare the two
Uniof the summer sessions of the
styles with the style ordinarily used
versity, yesterday.
by The Kernel, and see which they
University has planned a se- like best.
ries of courses for the session that, An attractive lront page is one of
will aid In throwing light on the the first essentials of a good news-nonnnrf it. is thn aim of The Ker
more pressing problems in me neiu
of higher education, in addition to nel staff to give the students the
regular summer courses that j best paper possible, so that if you
are offered in practically every de- i Hke one of the two ,new headline
partment of every college on uie schedules better than the usual one
opinions will be weicomea ana
- your
Courses will be offered for grad- , glven consideration.
undergraduates in .
uates and for
College of Agriculture, the Col- the
-lege of Arts and Sciences, the Col-- 1
lege of Commerce, the College of
Education, the College of Engineer- - ,
ing and the College of Law.
In the summer session courses are
planned for teachers who wish additional training so as to gain higher college degrees; city and county
superintendents who desire to study
the problems of education relating
to the social life of the community;
undergraduates in the various col- University Instructor Elected As
leges, and persons desiring trainState's Representative
ing for social welfare work, including playground instructors and diAt W. F.E. A.
There will be a number of summer courses for athletic coaches in Education Conference Convenes
football and basketball to begin on
July 25 To August 4
June 3 and close June 15. These
courses will be under the personal
In Switzerland
supervision and instruction of Harry Gamage, head football coach of
"the University, and John Mauer,
Prof. McHenry Rhoads, of the
head basketball coach.
of Education, will be Kentime, cour- College representative to the World s
This year, for the first
ses for registrars will be offered in Federation of Educational Associa..mmsix cocctnn ' Vrnf V.7TO. Tj.
tions which convenes at Geneva,
Gillis, who has been registrar at
10 August
the University since 1910 will offer j
to present arrangements
one course each term of the session rofessorb Rhoads will sail from
in the technique of the registrar's Montreal June 21, and will return
Thp. University has for sev
to the United States aoouc aepieni
eral years conducted an institute for .
Rhoaas was selected by
Stafes and
year, to
Placement Service.of the Unl- - met in Minneapolis last
of Kentucky, which is op- - resent thV0taiffl,VPkv5 f
through the College of Edu- - Xerence.
cation, will offer its services to any- - .gate to

University Plans Advanced
Courses In Field Of
Higher Education

Ufft pCCdf
To Represent U.K.

At Geneva Meeting









ft- -


Service Kutoff'hS! 1
main purpose the creation o
tween the na-tyrelations
the best results in procuring the , fflendlj ' the world
of employment for which the'
Jhe prmo-stiirip- educai tion of world peace
admission, tlon. Meetings are held
rPffirtrfttim. waduation and classi- - I According to Professor Rnoaas, the
represented at
flcation in the summer sessions are nations will be The United States
the ones used in the regular ses- world conference.
will be represented by one delegate
from each of the 48 states and also
by delegates from Alaska, Phillipine
Islands, Hawaiian Islands and Porto
Y. ft. C. A. To Install
Although Professor Rhoads has
New Officers Sunday
traveled extensively in the United
and Canada
At McVey Home Statestrip abroad. Hethis planning his
tour France and Italy before the
Christian convention assembles in the latter
The Young Women's
Association will hold its formal in- part of July and will visit Holland,
stallation services of officers for the Belgium, England, Scotland and
ensuing year on Sunday evening at Ireland during August after the con6 o'clock at Maxwell Place, the home vention has been disbanded.
of President and Mrs. Frank L. McFollowing the services both
the old and new cabinets will be en- Y.W.CA. And YMC.A
tertained informally.
The new officers to 'be installed
Cabinets Discuss Plans
are Alice Spalding, president; Ber-nlByland, vice president; ElizaEvelyn
The cabinets of the University
beth Hensley, secretary;
vnimcr Mpn's nnd Younc Women's
Cooley, treasurer, and Rosanna
chalrpian of the finance Christian Associations met in Joint
session at camp uaniei noono msi
where they made and disThey will succeed Margaret week-enThe party,
Cooley, cussed plans for 1929-3Gooch, Elsie Bureau, Evelyn
Mae Duncan and Alice G. made up of forty members of both
this year's and next yeat's cabinets,
uns rhnneroned bv Miss Margaret
Lewis and Mr. Bart Peak, Y. W.
Dr. Price Is New Member and MissM. secretaries, respectively,
Marie Barkley of the home
Of Agricultural Faculty economics C. A. advisorychairmanThe
the Y. W.
dlrectors r he camp were VlrBl1 L
Dr. H. B. Price, of the University
Penrose Ecton.
nf Minnesota, has been secured to Couch and
head the department of "Markets
and Rural Finance" in the College
Dr. Price arrived Students Will Attend
of Agriculture.
here lost week and will begin active
Blue Ridge Conference
work in the coming fall term. His
department, deals with the work of
the experiment station and the exThe University of Kentucky will
tension projects. Ho is successor to send at least six representatives to
O. B. Jessness, absent from the
Blue Ridge Student Conference,
department slnco last August. Mr. the
according to announceJuno
E. C. Johnson has been acting head ment by Bart Peak, secretary of the
during that time. Dr. Price holds Y. M. C. A., yesterday. Those who
u Ph. D. degree from Ydle.
have mudo reservations are Henry
Cravens, Joe Ruttencutter, R. J. EdDean Boyd deturned Sunday from wards, John Cochran, Virgil L.
atCouch and Mr. Peak. Several others
Bloomington, Ind., where he
meeting of the are expected to enroll soon. Fletchtended a two-da- y
deans of colleges of Liberal Arts In er S. Brockman will bo one of the
state universities. Eighteen deans prominent speakers at the
were present at the meeting.







typc an entirely new headline schedule had to be devised, which work
Professor Portmann's class has undertaken and you can Judge their
success. This class has been doing
work in typography which ls offered for the first time this semester under the instruction of Professor Portmann. A complete equipment was installed at the beginning
of the year in the basement of Mc-Vhall which includes eight type
case stands, eight cases of school-boo- k
type, six sizes of
Franklin Gothic Condensed and five
sizes of Bodlni Bold, plus all other
necessary equipment.
The class meets for a lecture on
Tuesday, on Thursday for a two-holaboratory in which they do
and headlining, and
on Saturday they set type straight
learn how to
matter and fancy
compose a form and to set ads.
This is a required course for Journalism majors so that when they
graduate they will be able to be
man, reporter, or
editor, make-u- p
as well as have
some knowledge of typography.
The members ol the class arc
Hugh Adcock, Maude Van Buskirk,
Jane Ann Carlton, Hugh Ellis, Buel
Gaskin, Mary Holt, Florence Kay,
William Reep, Robert Sharon, Mar-jor- le
Smith, Wayman Thomasson,
and Melvina H. Pumphrey.

Friday, May 24

Dr. Terrell Sustains
Minor Injuries Monday
When Horse Falls

Students Lead
In Scholarship

Members of Alpha Gamma
fraternity of the University
the Young Men's Christian
Association scholarship cup and the
Alpha Delta Theta sorority won the
Women's Pan Hellenic scholarship
cup offered to the sorority and fraternity making the highest collecmen
tive standing.
and women made higher standings
than members of Greek letter organizations, according to a statement Issued from the dean of men's
There were 1,666 men students
regularly enrolled during the first
semester, and 374 were members of
men's social fraternities, an average
of 22 per cent. Fraternity men had
an average standing of 1.262, while
men had 1.272.
Seven hundred and 30 women
students regularly enrolled during
the first semester, of which 278 are
members of women's social fraternities, maintained an average of
women had
1.51, while
a standing of 1.596.
The Alpha Gamma Epsilon fraSuky Holds Election
ternity men made a standing of
1.615 to win the scholarship cup. The
Officers second highest score was made by
For 1929-3- 0
Deta Tau Delta fraternity with
The SuKy Circle held its annual 1.525, while members ofwon
election of officers last Tuesday af- Gamma Rho, who have
cup for three semesters in succesternoon. The officers elected, are to
of sion, came third with 1.505. No fraserve throughout the remainder
tills year and next. Frank David- ternity made a standing of less
son, Sigma Nu of the Arts and Sci- than 1.
This is the third consecutive time
ences College, was elected president;
William Young, Triangle, of the En- that Alpha Delta Theta has won
was elected vice the scholarship i up, which comes ingineering College,
president; Mary Brown. Chi Omega, to their permanent possession. The
secretary; Mildred Little, Zeta Tau sorority leaders had a collective
and standing of 1.77 Second place was
Alnha. assistant secretary,
Frances Baskett, Alpha Gamma Del
(Continued on Page Six)
ta, treasurer.
Granville Terrell, professor
and head of the department of
philosophy at the University, suffered a sprained ankle and knee
and narrowly escaped more serious
injury when his horse fell while
he was horseback riding at the experiment station farm Monday afternoon. Dr. Terrell was unable to
meet his classes Tuesday, but suffi
ciently recovered to have them on
Wednesday and spoke at the Phi
Beta Kappa banquet Wednesday
night as scheduled.
Dr. Terrell, who is retiring this
year, has served for twenty years
as professor of Greek and philosophy at the University, and was the
first president of the Kentucky
chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.
Dr. Terrell plans to ride to nis
homo In Louisa county, Virginia, at
the close of school, despite his in
jury Monday. He received national
prominence in 1927 when no maae
this ride.


W. H. Driscoll Will Address

Studtnt Assembly In
Dicker Hall
Annual Masked Ball Will Be
Held In Evening At


matic organization of the University, was held Thursday, May 9, at
Chimney Corner. Frank Davidson,
of Barbourvllle, who was the director of Strollers this year, was chosen president of the organization.
Davidson Is a Sigma Nu, and a Junior in the College of Arts and Sci-

Commissions Awarded
To Cadet Officers
Regimental Sponsors Given
Honorary Rank At
Honorary commissions were given
to retiring
and sponsors, and the newly appointed sponsors, at the review held yesterday
on Stoll field.
Fifty cadet officers received commissions for their past work in the
military department. Tile newly appointed and retiring sponsors of the
various companies receiving honorary commissions are: Misses Ruth
Bonnin, colonel; Martha Reed, major; Frances Baskett, captain; Geor-get- ta
Walker, captain; Mary Armstrong, major; Hazel Baucom, captain; Josephine Lapsley, captain;
Mary Fisher, captain; Leura Pettl-grecaptain.
The honorary commissions received by the retiring sponsors are:
Miss Lucille Short, colonel; Sara
Warwick, major;
Julia Marvin,
Ann Rhodes, captain;
Mary Lewis Marvin, captain; Kath-ry- n
Mc Williams, major;
Swearinger, captain.


Photo by Starman

Miss Martha Reed
To Sponsor State
At Flower Festival

Sophomore Selected

To Represent Kentucky At
Asheville, N. C.
Annual Rhododendron Show To
Be Center Of Many
Gala Events
Miss Martha CroucH Reed, of
Carlisle, Ky., a 'sophomore in the
College of Arts and Sciences at the
University and a member of Alpha
XI Delta, has been selected to represent Kentucky In the annual RhoFestival of Western
North Carolina at Asheville June 17
to 22. She will act as a sponsor
from the State of Kentucky.
While In Asheville Miss Reed and
her chaperone will be the guests of
the city. Miss Reed will be a guest
of honor at a series of social functions, informal dances, and formal
A Rhnriodpndron Oueen Will
be chosen and the sponsors will be
members of the queens court
throughout the week's festivities.
These include among other things a
coronation ball, the floral parade,
the festival of states, the rhododendron ball, and many other "program
In a letter from the AShevllle
Chamber of Commerce to Miss Reed,
Fred L. Weede, manager of the festival states: "In order to be assured
of the very finest and highest type
of Southern womanhood, we have
this year asked the presidents of
the state colleges for women or the
state universities to designate the
yound ladles who will be the sponsors from their states on this occasion."
Miss Reed is sponsor of the first
battalion, a Stroller eligible, member of Guidon, honorary society for
sponsors; winner in the 129 beauty
contest, and was crowned Queen of
May at the University two weeks
ago. Last year she was a member
of the Y. W. C. A. and W. S. G. A.
councils, and vice president of the
Agriculture society. Miss Reed and
her mother, Mrs. Henry Reed, of
Carlisle, who will act as official
chaperone, will leave for Asheville
June 16.

Prof. B. Smith Hopkins
Of Illinois To Address
Chemical Society Today

The 135th regular meeting of the
Lexington section of the American
Chemical Society will be held in the
Physics lecture room today at 3:15
p. m. Prof. B. Smith Hopkins, professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the
University of Illinois, will speak on
the topic of "The Rare Earths."
Professor Hopkins will exhibit
samples of material and illustrate
his lecture with slides. His talk will
also interest' those not especially interested in this field. The discoverer
Announcement will be made next of Illinium will report on recent
week as to the winner of the par- work with this element. Dr. J. G.
ticipation trophy and the standing Black will exhibit a dynamic model
of the various fraternities for the of the sodium atom.
athletic season.
closing intra-murAt the conclusion of this meeting
the annual election of officers will
take place.

Professor Terrell Will Ride
700 Miles To Former Home
By Lois Purcell
June the first will see our professor
emeritus of philosophy, yes, our own
Glanvillo Terrell, leaving the campus of the University of Kentucky
on the back of his faithful marc,
"Katy," for a
Jaunt through
the Cumberland mountains to his
boyhood homo in Louisa', Va.
Tills solitary traveler will leave the
haunts of man and traverse the ancient wilderness roads followed so
long ago by our pioneer ancestors,
headed by the immortal Daniel
Boone. For companions he will have
his horse, the birds and beasts of
the forest, the fish of the streams,
the glories und beauties of nature
undisturbed, and memories of those
who have taken the trail before
him. The roof of his house will be
the sky, Mother Earth his bed, the
campnre of ancient man ills hearth
and stove, while the bounds of his
wanderings will be unlimited.
For one month of primitive pleasure "Soc" Terrell will bo alone with
nature in all its glories of early
summer beauty, and unlike the present-day
traveler who rushes from
hotel to hotel in an automobile,
comfortable Pullman car, or the
rapid transit airplane of more recent date, he will wend his way
slowly over the mountain trails and
through the valleys on horseback
the mode of travel which mu used

The annual Engineers' Day of the
of Engineering will be held
next Friday, May 24. An address
by W. H. Driscoll, of New York
City, in the morning, an open shop
for visitors to the College of Engineering from 2 to 5 in the afternoon,
and the annual masked ball in the
Men's gymnasium from 9 to 1 that
night will be the chief events of
the day.
W. H. Driscoll, of the mechanical
department of the Thompson-Star-re- tt
Company, of New York City,
who will speak before the students
at the general assembly in Dicker
hall at 10 o'clock, is well known to
the students of the Engineering
College. This will be his third appearance before that group in as
many years.
In the afternoon fro m2 to 5
o'clock, visitors will be permitted
to inspect the buildings and equipPlace cards
ment of the college.
bearing descriptive and explanatory
information will assist the visitors
in their tour. Guides will be provided to conduct the parties through
the various buildings.
Visitors from Lexington as well
as students from the other colleges
of the University, are expected to
period. The newly completed heat-tak- e
advantage of this "open house"
ing and ventilating laboratories
erected on the south side of Mechanical hall will also be open for
inspection at this time.
Activities of the day will culminate in the annual Engineers' ball
from 9 to 1 o'clock that night. This
event is one of the chief social affairs of the year. "Preach" Givens
and his orchestra and Toy Sande-fur- 's
musicians will divide time in
furnishing the music for the evening. The dancers wM be arrayed in
masks and costumes which, judging
from previous events, will be the
last word In novelty and variety.
The gymnasium will be profusely
decorated for the occasion. Chaper-one- s
will be members of the engineering faculty, Dean C. R. Melcher,
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. McVey, and
Dean Sarah Blanding. Tickets for
the ball may be obtained in Mr.
Dicker's office in Mechanical hall.


Thomas L. Riley, of Henderson,
Pi Kappa Alpha and sophomore in
the College of Arts and Sciences,
was elected director. The other
officers for next year are James
Dorman, of Lexington, Kappa Sigma, Junior in the College of Arts
and Sciences, business manager;
James C. Thompson, of Lawrence-bur- g,
Kappa Alpha, sophomore in
the College of Arts and Sciences,
stage manager; Verna Law, of
Iowa, freshman in the College
of Arts and Sciences, secretary, and
Morris Scott, of Frankfort, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, freshman In the College of Commerce, publicity.
The program consisted of short
talks by Bob Thompson, retiring
president, Frank Davidson, Frank
C. Fowler, Miss MarJorie McLaughlin, Miss Willy King, and members
of the organization who went on the
tour with "Square Crooks." Miss
Marguerite McLaughlin, Miss Willy
King, Mrs. James Crutcher and
Frank C. Fowler were the guests of
The new members otf Strollers are
Ruth Bonnln, Andrew Hoover, Alice
Spalding, Verna Law, Earl Cella,
Ann Caywood Talbott,, Morris Scott,
Clay Roff,Rex Allison, Irman Fort,
D. M. Hurd,' Preston Ordway, Margaret Cundiff and Jessie Marie Sun.
The pins for the new members have
been ordered and will be received
in about two weeks.


To Be Held On

Dramatic Organization
Arts And Sciences Students
Next Year
Are Signally Honored by
Horn rary Fraternity
Thomas L. RHey To Be Director;
'Other Officers Are
Russell Parkof Richmond
Makes Straight "A's"
The annual banquet and election
of officers of Strollers, student drafor Four Years

Phi Beta Kappn, an honorary
scholarship fraternity, elected five
students of the University to their
membership last Friday. ,The students of the University to their
i membership
last Friday. The stu-- I
dents elected were Russell Smith"
Park, Howell Davis, Sara F. Clarke,
Mrs. Katherine Hodge Threlkeld and
F. Lorraine Yost. This is the hlgh- -i
est honor that can be bestowed upon
a student in the College of Arts and
Russell Smith Park, of Richmond,
Ky., was eleoted with a standing of
3. He is the second student to go
through the University with all of
his grades being A., the first being
Lydia Florence Roberts, who was
elected and initiated last semester.
He majored in physics and minored
in mathematics, two of the hardest
courses in the University.
F. Lorraine Yost, of Punxatawney,
Pa., who majored in German and
minored in physics and mathematHELD ON MAY 20 - 21 ics, was elected with a standing of
Mrs Katherine Hodge ThrelMay 20 and 21 are the dates
keld, of La Habra, Calif., is now in
that have been set for senior that state, and will return for the
examinations. A list of all canreunion of her class and the comdidates for degrees will be sent mencement exercises the last week
by May 17.
to the instructors
in May.
Seniors whose names are underSarah F. Clarke, of Midway, an
scored on this list are eligible to English major, had a standing of
be exempted from examinations
Miss Clarke will sail July 4 for
in all classes in which they are Japan, where she will remain for
making a grade of B or above.
six years. Howell Davis, of Lexing
ton, a major in zoology, will enter
the study of medicine. He had a
standing of 2.6.
The students elected were initiatY.M.C.A. Workers
ed at a banquet held Wednesday
the Phoenix hotel. The
Are Awarded Keys orator in the banquet was Dr. Clark
Wlssler, curatorJof ethnology, of the
American Museum of Natural HisCouch, Ecton, And Greene tory and professor of anthropology
at Yale University.
Are Honored For Their
Officers-elefor the year are:
Prof. W. S. Webb, president; Miss
Outstanding Work
Mary Lewis Marvin, vice president;
Prof. W. S. Allen, secretary, and
Keys for special service rendered Roy B. Sherman, treasurer.
C. A. were
the University Y. M.
nAvnrripri tn Vircil L. Couch. Penrose
Ecton and D. S. Greene at a re- W. A. A.' Will Present
cent meeting of the advisory board.
Vaudeville Act Tuesday
These three men have been
in the senior cabinet work
three years.
for the last
The Women's"2tthletlc Association
In order to be eligible lor tnis of the University will present a
award, a student must have renderprogram of vaudeville featuring its
ed a distinct, sprvice for three vears tumbling team on Tuesday evening
service for two at 8 o'clock In the Women's gymnaor outstanding
years. Couch is the only one ol the sium. The program is under the
three who has not been in the cabl-np- t. direction of Miss Helen Skinner of
for three vears. He was resident the women's physical education defor the 1928-2- 9 school year. Ecton partment and besides the tumbling
has been a member oi tne caoinei win consist of dancing and singing
for three years and has been vice acts. All University students and
nrpsidpnt nnd director of the fresh members of the faculty and others
man cabinet. Green was awarded a who are interested, are cordially inkey for outstanding work in promot- vited to attend. Tickets are on sale
ing religious meetings.
for twenty-fiv- e
Thp maximum number of kevs
to be awarded each year is Ave and
thus far three is tne largest num- Non-Fraternity
The names are
ber to be given.
recommended by the cabinet.


Engineers' Day

Represents U. K.




'Cats Play Ofilclhorpc Petrels
Tuesday and Wednesday

Summer School Class In Typography Uses
Phi Beta Kappa Selected For Year
Session Opens
Kernel As A Type Project
At Annual Banquet
For Scholarship
Tues., June
In order to use this new kind
Mclvlna II. Pumphrcy
Frank Davidson Elected To Lead

gWSS- -rtSSSE'

Baseball Games

KY., MAY 17, 1929

Five Elected By Strollers' Officers



in days gone by, and the pleasure
of which are known to few of the

modern generation.
route which
Taking a round-abowill enable him to further enjoy
the clories of God's handiwork, Dr.
Terrell will first go to Whltesburg,
Ky., thence through the mountains
into Wise county, Virginia. Following the southern boundary of the
mother state of Kentucky he will
keep close to the North Carolina
line until directly south of, Louisa,
In Pennsylvania county, and then
turn due north to his home.
Although plans were made for a
similar trip last summer they were
not carried out as Dr. Terrell was
unable to undertake the journey,
but he says now that only unfavorable weather conditions will prevent
him from going this year.
Dr. Terrell expects to spend the
remainder of the' summer vacation
with his sisters and brother, and
will return to the University atthe
opening oi me lan session. Aimougn
ho could be gone indefinitely, due to
his retirement, he said he could not
spend too much time away from tho
Would that more of us could take
the trail to tho wilderness, ulone,
and enjoy tho wonders of the world
as only tho solitary traveler can.
Then would peace and contentment
reign supreme, and the world would
be a better place In which to live.

University Girls Will
Leave For Camp Soon
The annual spring camp of the
Women's Athletic Association will be
at Shea's camp
held this week-en- d
on the Kentucky river, two miles
from Camp Daniel Boone. Miss
Helen Skinner, assistant director of
physical education, will chaperone
and direct the trip. All University
girls may attend the camp by signing' the poster on the bulletin board
In the Women's gym. Permission
from home is required for swimming. The party will leave tomorrow at noon and return Sunday

Scott Succeeds Hester
As Council President
Smith Scott, Alpha Gamma Rho,
of the Men's
Student Council at the last meeting.
Scott succeeds James Hester and
will act as president of the council
next year. The various classes are
at present electing their council
representatives to serve for next
year. Most of the elections are to
take place this week.
was elected president

A silver pitcher

and goblet has
been given to Major Spauldlng by
R. O. T. C. regiment.
Spauldlng will leave Lexington next
Thursday for New York in preparation for his new duties in Alaska.


� Best Co

at U. of K.

Dr. Pryor Retires After

Years o Service

Internationally Known Authority on Ossification of Bones
Will Suspend Active Class Room Work July 1 ;
Administered Ether for First Time
in History of Lexington



1929 International
Professor Likes
Mencken's Style Debates Announced
NEW YORK, N. Y. That H. L.
Mencken Is the outstanding critic
In America today, and that students of the present are not different from those of his undergraduate years arc the opinions expressed
by Professor Goodman of the college of the City of New York when
Interviewed recently.
His crlterlons in Judging prose
style arc suggested by the names
that most frequently crop up in a
conversation with him, Willa
Thornton Wilder, James B.
to pin him
Cabell. It Is difficult
down to any specific preferences in
Grudgingly he
current literature.
will admit to you a liking for
Willa Cather, May Sinclair and then
stop to explain that one who reads
so much In contemporary literature is compelled to look for an author's purpose In writing a book
and whether lie accomplishes his
end, nnd not to think in terms of
favorites. At the risk of repetition
we will say that no one can have
any dealings with Professor Goodman and not be Inspired to read
something of Willa Cather's.
Although professors make Mr.
Mencken froth at the mouth, Professor Goodman, more tolerantly,
considers him an excellent critic, in
truth the only outstanding one in
America at present. Stuart Sherman, he would rank above Mencken
were he alive. He refers to Babbitt as a "frightfully written novel"
whose style is like that of a mediocre Journalist. He discerns in the
of Willa Cather, James
Branch Cabell and in The Bride of
Luis Rey, or rather in their
popularity, a definite, movement
away from naturalism and realism.
In person Professor Goodman is
short and stocky with a trace of the
aesthetic. He dresses soberly and
with unusual fastidiousness. He is
a dark visaged person. He has a
classroom laugh that approaches the
giggle of a girl and which we would
not dare try to reproduce.
He does not find the student of
today to be far different from the'
student of his day. "He has better
sense of values and knows the value
of money better," but his equipment
shows deficiencies. He hasn't read as
much and as good things. Only one
out of fifteen recognize the names
of Willa Cather, Professor Beard
and wniiam Beebe. The majority
of freshmen can hardly differentiate
Wells from Shaw. A striking number never have been to a museum
Goodman feels that college does
much to remedy this whether the
student wills so or not.
Class rivalry is today as intense
as then except that then the juniors
were aligned with the freshmen,
and the seniors with the sophomores. Professor Goodman still carries a souvenir booklet passed out
at the soph banquet of the class of
'19 to which he was invited as a
senior. Professor Goodman's remark
about student government should
have a special significance to some:
"I don't know anything about the
student council today, but In my
day it was a talkative and very
often inefficient body, and a great
disappointment to one who believed
in student
We like to conjure the Image
of Professor
Goodman teaching
Theodore Dreiser.

John T. Hodscn, then known as the
greatest surgeon In the West. He
came to Lexington, Ky in 1882, and
since that time has made his home
In 1890 Dr. Pryor became the
third man to teach Physiology in
the State College, succeeding Dr.
Thomas Hunt Morgan, who is now
professor of Experimental Biology at
Columbia University. Before 1888,
physiology had been taught In connection with natural history. Shortly after this the college established
one of the first
in the United States. Among the
many well known men who have
studied under Dr. Pryor was the
late Dr. Arthur S. Loevenhart, former Head of the Department of
Pharmacology and Toxicology at
the University of Wisconsin, and
Dr. William ' Carpenter MacCarty,
present pathologist of the Mayo
Clinic. Dr. MacCarty has often said
that he received his inspiration
from Dr. Pryor and recently wrote
the latter a letter In' which he said,
"I am sending you some of my re
cent reprints, showing your influ
ence still exists."
Dr. Pryor first became interested
research work in 1890 fol
lowing an accident which occurred
to a student in the College of Engineering. The young man lost several fingers In a planing machine
and Dr. Pryor dressed the wound.
Some time later he had an X-rmade of the boy's hand to see how
the ends of the bones were healing,
From this time he .made frequent
pictures of children's hands in order to study the ossification of the
In this work he has made several
discoveries relating to the growth of
the bones and he was the first man
to establish the difference in the
ossification of the male and female
skeletons. He also discovered that
ossification begins much sooner
than had been thought before, and
corrected the prevailing textbooks
on the nature of ossification in the
carpus. These views have been accepted by textbooks all over the
world and accredited to Dr. Pryor.
During the time he lit5 been connected with the University, he has
been a member of the City Board
of Health and the Fayette County
Board of Healfh for more than 10
years until his resignation. He has
also been president o