xt7mcv4bpk5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4bpk5h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1910-01-feb3. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1910-01-feb3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1910-01-feb3. 1910 1910-01-feb3. 2011 true xt7mcv4bpk5h section xt7mcv4bpk5h 

MINUTES OF TEIE BOARD JyOF T2USTEES - Meeting Held February 3rd., 1910

     Meeting of the Board of Trustees of State University, held on the 3rd

day of February, 1910, at 11 o'clock A.M. in the Board Room of the Capitol

Building, at Frankfort, Kentucky, pursuant to call.

     The meeting opened with His Excellency Augustus B. Willson Governor of

Kentucky, in the chair.

     T. L. Edelin and James A. Patterson presented their credentials and were sworn

in by Governor Willson.   Charles B. Nichols having been previously sworn in by

the County Clerk. Mr. Jas. Turner who came into the meeting later was also sworn

by the Governor.

     Before the roll was called the Governor read the following telegram from

Hon. Hywel Davies, -

     "Sincerely regret nmr inability to attend Board meeting to elect president

of State University on account of severe attack of grippe which has confined me to

my room since Sunday.   Congratulations and best wishes to the new and may the

choicest blessings fall to the lot of the retireing (retiring) president whose well

merited fame will live as long an the University", signed, "Hynel Davies".

     The roll was then called and was as follows: -

     His Excellency Governor Willson                Present

     President James K. Patterson                   Present

     Hon. John G. Crabbe,                           Present

     Hon. John B. Atkinson                          Absent

     Hon. Jas, tif Turner                           Present



    Charles B. Nichols, Esq.,             Present

    T. L. Edelin, Esq.,                   Present

    Tudge Henry S. Barker,                Absent

    Hon. Tibbis Carpenter,                Present

    Hon. William H. Cox,                  Present

    Denny P. Smith, Esq.,                 Absent

    Hon. Claude B. Terrell,               Present

    Hon. Cassius M. Clay,                 Present

    Hywel Davies, Esq.,                   Absent

    Richard C. Stoll, Esq.,               Present

    Louis L. Walker, Esq.,                Present

    Richard N. Wathen, Esq.,              Present

    Mr. Stoll then moved that all absent members be

been duly seconded was unanimously carried.

excused, vfhich motion having

     Mr0 Stoll then said: The Executive Comnittee reported to the Board in

Decenber that in its judgment it was advisable that the College should purchase

a piece of property on the corner of Winslow and Adams Street for the future use

of the College, and I therefore move that the Executive Committee of the College

be authorized to purchase the McLaughlin property at the corner of Limestone and

Winslow for an amount not exceeding $6,000.00, upon such terms as may be agreed

upon by the Committee.

     President Patterson then stated that the purchase price whould be $5,500.00

     Which motion was duly seconded and the vote was as follows:-

     Governor Willson,                      Aye

     President Patterson                    Aye

     Mr. Nichols                            Aye

     Mr. Edelin                             Aye

February 3rd. 1910



    Mr. Carpenter                         Aye

    Mr. Cox                               Aye

    Mr. Terrell                           Aye

    Br. Clay                             Aye

    Mr. Stoll                             Aye

    hr. Walker                           Aye

    Mr. Wathen                            Aye

    Motion carried.

                ,otT'f:' (a         yQ         b1 l)
    PrcfessoT: - There are some bills before the Legislature looking towards an

additional income from the Commonwealth to the State University. I want to say

here that I have kept my pledge given to you not to introduce any measures relating

to additional appropriations for the University, unless by previous consultation,

hence I have had no hand in the introduction of these measures, yet they are before

the Legislature and I heard the Bills will pass giving us some additional annual

income. If that shall take place, we will then have an enlargement of income to

such an extent that we can do something we thought ought to be done and which we

thought we could not do under present circumstances; one important measure is the

increase in the salaries of our professors, professors in chief and assistant

professors.  They are all working for us for salaries much below the average

salaries of institutions whose income is not so large as ours. We are in constant

danger of losing some of them, some of our best men, men of experience, men of

national reputation and who can demand salaries better than we are paying. Sala-

ries that we have in the past deemed adequate for the maintaining of the household

are not now equal to the draft made upon the home treasury, and from that point of

view, I want to introduce a resolution here this morning for your consideration

that the measure under which the Committee on salaries appear be enlarged so as to

- February 3, 1910



include, before the June meeting, a revision of the salaries of the institution,

due regard being had to our income and expenditure, due regard being had for the

services rendered by the professors, and this Committee on salaries report to the

next meeting of the Board in Tune.  That will require a great deal of careful

consideration and I am not sure but that committee ought not to be enlarged by the

addition of one or two other members.  I would like to see added to that committee

oae or two men of eminent business capacity, and I should suggest Hon. Cassius E.

Clay as one additional member and Governor Cox as another additional member.

     I will assist as far as possible and will ascertain the salaries paid to pro-

fessors of other institutions similar to ours and report at the June meeting.

     Said motion being duly seconded was unanimously carried.

     The Chairman then appointed Hon. Cassius MIc. Clay and Governor Cox as additional

members of the Committee.

     President Patterson: - At a meeting of the Faculty held day before yesterday

the following named persons were recommended to the Board of Trustees for the follow-

ing degrees, - Jonathan Blair MlIcAfee, Ardmore, Pa., for the degree of Doctor of


3. Levering Yones, Philadelphia, Pa., for the degree of LL. D.

Alex. P. Humphrey, Louisville, ky. for the degree of LI, D.

W. W. Finley, President of Southern Railroad, Washington D. C. for the degree LL.D.

Henry Clews, New York City, for the degree IL. D.

This is from the Secretary of the Faculty, (Here reads) letter signed C. WI.

Mathews, Secretary of the Faculty.

     Moved that the recommendation of the Faculty be approved as to these five

honorary degrees, and the degrees be conferred in June.  Wlhich motion being duly

seconded was unanimously carried.

Febrary 3, 1910


TINUfES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES    - February 3, 1910

     By Mr. Stoll: - You will all recall at the June Meeting of the Board 1909,

a special committee was appointed to recommend to this Board a person for President

of the University.   This committee has had several meetings, and at all of these

meetings I have been Secretary and Judge Barker was Chairman.  A meeting held in

this room in Frankfort the 13th day of J'anuary, the committee unanimously desired

to recommend to this Board as President of this University Judge Henry S. Barker

of Louisville,  I will say as a member of that Committee that Judge Barker was

not present at that meeting.

     Mr. Walker: - I move that the report of the Committee be received and adopted.

     President Patterson:- I was present, of course, at the meeting of the Committee

and I expressed my views to my fellow members pretty fully.  I had prepared a state-

ment in writing which I had intended to submit to them but which I did not do.  I

acquiesced in the Committee, - I did not want to raise any factious opposition, and

while I cannot say that Judge Barker had my support, I did not oppose it. The opinion

prevails that the action of the Committee was unanimous. It was unanimous with that

interpretation.   I entertained a sort of negative acquiescence, because I believed

that the recommendation made by the majority of the Committee was a mistake. I wish

to express to you now, gentlemen, the views which I hold upon this matter, and in

order to avoid saying a great deal that I wish to say or more than I wish to say,

I take the privilege to present them on paper, - disclaiming all personal considera-

tions and assuring you, gentlemen, of my high regard, esteem and friendship for the

distinguished gentleman Fhose name is before you as my successor, I desire to place

on record the views which I hold in regard to the qualifications that should attach

to that high office, the most important, I believe, in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

A clear, vigorous moral sense, discretion, tact, business capacity, patience, courtesy,

facility of speech, are essential qualifications, but as a condition precedent for

their application and availability certain other qualifications are indespensable,

viz: Intellectual ability of a high order, a qualification readily conceded, and

education broad and deep, at once liberal and scientific and practical, and in



addition thereto a large experience in collegiate and university work, enabling

their Possessor to coordinate lines of acquisition and research and the adjustment

of means to ends in the economy of time and labor, of student and professor.  These

qualifications are by unanimous consent of all college men fundamental and inde-

spensable.  Their presence is vital and their absence may be fatal,  The standard

of education has been materially raised within the last thirty-five years and qualifi-

cations which were deemed adequate forty years ago no longer meet modern requirements.

A higher standard is required in assistants, in heads of departments, in deans of

courses of study, and above all, in the President of the institution.  A large

majority of the ablest and foremost college and university Presidents of taday (today),

in addition to the undergraduate and post-graduate courses which they had in America ,

have spent years abroad doing advanced work in Germany, England, France, and Italy,

in order to become qualified and eligible for the positions which they now hold. I

do not know of any reputable university or college in America, the President of which

has not had the advantages of collegiate and university training. I do not know

of any board of Trustees of any kind of any first-class University in America, which

would consider the claims of any applicant for this high office in whom these qualifi-

cations were deficient or wholly absent. What would you say if a ship owner who

should commit his vessel, with its cargo and its freight of human lives to a captain

and pilot who had no knowledge of the principles of navigation and the art of sea-
               (would we)
manship?   What we would think of any minister of marine who should place a lands-

man in command of a modern battleship, or in command of a fleet of battleships and

cruisers, who was wholly devoid of naval education and training and utterly ignorant

of the science and art of naval warfare?   High character and moral principles and

urbanity and good fellowhip and tact and discretion are valuable adjuncts, but of

themselves they would neither win important battles nor navigate dangerous seas.

A crisis in the history of the University is now upon us.   The life of the University

and its prosperity are dear to me. I have given to it more than forty years of loyal

service.    I cannot then be indifferent to its fate.  The present crisis has given

February 3, 1910


              MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ThUStMES   - February 3, 1910

me anxious days and sleepless nights and sorrow of heart and anguish of spirit.

I recall a passage from Tacitus which has been much in my mind during these latter

days, viz. "That while the sovereignty of Rome was being transferred to another,

Galba, ignorant of what had happened, and intent upon the sacrifices, was wearying

by his importunities, the gods of an Empire, now no longer his own." The paralell-

ism is suggestive, except, happily, in the moral aspects, Nevertheless, whatever

its results may be, I will give my successor a loyal support and aid him in every

way I can to make his administration effective and successful.   This I shall do,

because the life and success and good name of the University are with me paramount

to all other interests and considerations, whether public or private, official or


     Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees: - I will now add verbally what has not

been incorporated in the paper which I have submitted to your consideration, that

when in New York T presented to DR. Pritchett, on behalf of the Board of Trustees

the preliminary conditions for the eligibility of the State University to the bene-

fits of the Carnegie Foundation, viz:

     1st. A certified copy of the formal application made by the Board of


     2nd. The formal approval of the Governor of Kentucky.

     3rd. The joint resolution passed by the General, Assembly of the Comnonwealth

of Kentucky endorsing the application of the Board and the approval of the Governor.

     The President of the Foundation informed me that these were entirely correct in

matter and in form, but he added in substance as follows:

     "If your Board of Trustees elect a man as your successor in the presidency who

has not had the benefit of a collegiate or university education and who has had no

experience whatever in the organization of university work and no administrative or

executive experience thereon, I could not think under these conditions of recommend-

ing at present to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie

Foundation that the State University be placed upon the list of its beneficiaries."



     Thus you see, gentlemen of the Board, we shall be placed at a manifest disadvantage

through loss of prestige in our own Conmonwealth and through loss of prestige in the

Association of Agricultuxal and Mechanical Colleges tad Mcperiment Stations, and more

important still, in the Association of American State Universities. VWe shall vir-

tually be placed in quarantine and not allowed to land until wee can show a clean

bill of health.

     After remarks by Mr. Walker and Mr. Wathen, Mr. Clay made the following state-

ment:- In order to put my position on record I am going to move to strike out

from the report of the Committee the name of Judge H.S. Barker and insert that

of Professor Smith of the University of Louisiana. There being no second to this

motion, the Chairman directed the Secretary to call the roll upon the motion as

to thether the report of the Committee should be adopted and the vote stood as


    Governor Willson                       Aye

    President Patterson

    Mr. Turner                             Aye

    Mr. Nichols                            Aye

    Mr. Edelin                             Aye

    Mr. Carpenter                          Aye

    Mr. Cox                                Aye

    Mr. Terrell                            Aye

    Mr. Clay                               Aye

    Mr. Stoll                              Aye

    *Mr0'. Walker                          Aye

    Mr. Wathan                             Aye

    Report of the committee is received and approved.

    Moved that Judge Henry S. Barker be elected President of the University.



     Ballots being taken resulted, after count, in 12 ballots for Judge Barker,

none against and Judge Barker was declared duly elected President of the State

University of Kentucky.

    ir. 'Walker then moved that the Chairman appoint a committee of three to

notify Judge Barker of his election as President of the University and report

back to the Board of Trustees in June, which motion being duly seconded and was

umanimously carried.

     The Chairman then appointed Mr. Walker, Mr. Cox and Mr. Carpenter as members

of this Committee, and by unanimous consent President Patterson was added as a

member of the Committee.

    Moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn.  Carried.

                                                D. C. Frazee

February 3, 1910