xt7mcv4bpd7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7mcv4bpd7x/data/mets.xml Webster, Delia A. 1845  books b923269769w3922009 English E. W. Blaidsdell : Vergennes, VT. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky jurisprudence : a history of the trial of Miss Delia A. Webster, at Lexington, Kentucky, Dec r 17-21, 1844, before the Hon. Richard Buckner; On a charge of aiding slaves to escape from that Commonwealth -with miscellaneous remarks including her views on American slavery / written by herself. text Kentucky jurisprudence : a history of the trial of Miss Delia A. Webster, at Lexington, Kentucky, Dec r 17-21, 1844, before the Hon. Richard Buckner; On a charge of aiding slaves to escape from that Commonwealth -with miscellaneous remarks including her views on American slavery / written by herself. 1845 1845 2009 true xt7mcv4bpd7x section xt7mcv4bpd7x 



At Lexington, Kentucky, Dec'r 17-31, 1844, BEFORE THE HON. RICHARD BUCKNER.

0.\ a   chakge   of   AIDINgSlaTEJ^O' ESCAPE FEOlt


jxoluding hek views ok american slaveky. '


" He that filches from me my good name, rous me of that which not enbicueth him, And makes me poor indeed."   Shakespear '* Olhello

VERGENNES: 3. w. blaisdell, peikteh* 18 45. 
   District of Vermont^ 10 wit :

BE IT REMEMBERED. That on the S3d doy of April, Anno Domini, 1845, Benajah Webster, uf the said District, hath deposited in this Uli'tce the Title of a Pamphlet, the Title of which is in the following words,to wit:

"Kentucky Jurisprudence. A history of the Trial of Delia Ann \Veb3ter, at Lexington, Kentucky, Dec'r 17   21,1844, before the Hon. Richard Buckner. on a charge of aiding Slaves to escape from that Coniuionweiiitli,   with Miscellaneous remarks, including- her views of American Slavery. Written by herself.

"He that filches from me my -food name, Robs nic of that which not enrichelh him, And makes me poor indeed."'

The right whereof he claims as proprietor in conformity wtth an act of Con-giess. entitled "An Act to nmend the soveral Acts respecting Copy-Rights.

EDWARD 11. PRENTISS, Clerk of the District. 



The time is now come, when every breeze seems to whisper in monitory tones, that it belongs to me to remove a weight from the public mind, imposed on them, by a certain class of persons, whose motives I have no wish to impugn, and to whose low innuendoes and foul detractions I shall not condescend to reply. It is no part of my object in this publication to expose the incongruities of the calumniator, or hold him up to public detestation.

To lay the truth beforo the world, and unprejudice the minds now biassed by falsehood, is the duty of those who posses* the facts. The many difficulties to be encountered, makes this task appear more than Herculean; and I should shrink from it in despair, were it not that prejudice and interest cannot always bo relied on to garrison the mind against the assaults of truth. This fact, together with duty to myself, to my country and my God, animates me to take the pen, and laying aside my natural diffidence, attempt what I hoped to have seen done by a much abler hand.

While thus practically expressing the opinion that my predecessors on this theme have not exhausted the subject, it shall be my humble endeavor to arrango the facts beyond contradiction abroad, or the power of detraction at home. 

trial of miss webster.

Errors may be expected ; but however deficient in style* or imperfect in execution, it is sincerely to be hoped it will secure from a generous public an indulgent r.eooplion.

It lias been often asked how Miss Webster came to cngago in teaching, and why found in n land of slavery, so far from friends and home, if not actually an agent of the abolition societies and deputised to trespass on (he rights of the slaveholder    rob him of his lawful property, and promote mutiny among the black population? In answer to this, inquiry, it may not be amiss to introduce a brief abstract from my history.

When twelve years of ago, I was employed by my teacher in taking charge of some classes of small children in-the same school, where for some time I had been myself a pupil, and still continued my recitations. Naturally fond of children, I became much attached to my little pupils, and soon acquired a love for teaching, which continues unabated in its ardor tu the present day.

A desire for usefulness was over then paramount in my mind, and to that end I directed my studies; anxious, if possible,, to acquire a thorough and liberal education. But in the spring of 1835, my means for prosecuting my slu* dies being limited, I engaged in teaching in a neighboring town. Just beginning to tread the path of literature, it was with a heavy heart I tore myself from my young associates and bade adieu to the Vergennes Classical School, an institution, which in many respects at that time, was, I think, second to none in New England.

I continued teaching and studying alternately till about the year 1839, when my health was evidently on the decline.

From a child, my constitution had been delicate; and ijt was now deemed necessary to employ counsel. Emi- 

nent Physicians were called and a long and tedious course of medicine faithfully persevered in, till tonics seemed to have lost their efficacy and become powerless ; and my friends were looking for me to find an early grave, when a change of air and scenery were recommended as a last resort. My father accordingly devoted some time in. journeying with me ; but it not being consistent for him to be absent from home long at a time, he left me at Saratoga Springs, in the care of a sister. The water agreeing with my health, I remained there so long as I seemed to acquire strength from its use ; after which, in the care of a family relative, I visited Montreal, and several other places in Canada. Returning after spending some time in those parts, I visited several of the states, sometimes stopping several months in a place, teaching or studying, as best suited my health and pecuniary circumstances.

Early in 1843, I visited Kentucky, in company with a Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, teachers and friends of mine. We taught several painting classes in tho vicinity of Lexington, and in July of the same year opened a class in that city.

But scarcely had we commenced teaching, when wc were solicited to open a high school for a year, or term of years. This we had no idea of doing. Indeed I could not think of prolonging my stay from home to such a period. But being urged by the pastor of the first Presbyterian Church, Rev. N. H. Hall, and many other persons of influence in Lexington, we engaged to do so, should the encouragement be sufficient to justify our stay. At this juncture Mr. S. was taken dangerously ill with intermit-tent fever, and I entered the School, the only teacher.    Before he recovered, Mrs. S. was attacked with the same fever, and one or both of them continued ill until the ensuing Spring, when thinking the climate unfavorable to their 

trial of miss webster.

health, and the school not being large enough to employ so many teachers, they took their departure. I continued in the Academy until my arrest; boarding a considerable portion of the time I remained in Lexington, in the family of David Glass, Esq., a gentleman of wortli and high respectability, living on 2nd Street, to whom I refer those disposed to inquire, for testimonials of my reputation and standing, from my first arrival in Lexington up to the time of my arrest.

1 would also refer to Rev. W. F. Broaddus, Thomas Boswell, Thomas Bradley, Hon. Henry Clay, Cassius M. Clay, Gen. Leslie Combs, Samuel Shy, Esq., Judge Davis, Dr. Fishback, Tobias Gibson, Rev. N. H. Hall, A. Harwood, M. C. Johnson, Esq., W. B. Kinkead, Esq., Gen. Jno. M. McCalla, A. J. McCalla, R. Pindell, Esq., Dr. Price, Tho. S. Redd, M. T. Scott, A. T. Skillman, Rev. Mr. Van-metre, J. B. Waller, Esq. and Dr. L. Warfield ; all of whom are well known as persons of standing and influence and many of whom were ray patrons.

About the 1st of September, 1844, Mr. Fairbank, a Meth. odist preacher, from the State of New York, took boarding at the same houso with myself, and on one or two occasions preached on the Sabbath.

I cannot better give the facts bearing upon the circumstances preceding my*arrest, than by introducing an extract from a letter addressed to a friend in Ohio, bearing date,

" Lexington Jail, Monday Morning, 1 o'clock,   

October 7, 1844. $

" Mr. Fairbank was frequently known to take excursions into the neighboring counties on business, as he said, with members of the Conference; taking letters to and fro, which I suppose was true,   was sometimes absent two or 
   trial OF MISS- webstjje.

three days at a time, and often invited me to accompany him ; but being confined with a large and interesting School, I was under the necessity of declining his invitations.

" At length he told me he should be going to the country again on Saturday, and once more invited me to ride, as on that day I would be disengaged from my school. Again I excused myeelf, it being the day on which a meeting had been appointed of the Lexington Female Missionary Society, of which I am-the President. But on deliberation, having been closely pent up in the smoky atmosphere of a crowded city during the heat of Summer without any recreation, I thought perhaps an excursion in the country might be advantageous ; and then told him, if it was not important for him to leave until afternoon, I would adjourn the meeting an hour earlier than usual, and go, if other ladies from the boarding house would like-to accompany us. Other company was engaged, but when the day arrived, they were necessarily detained ; and' it being somewhat unpleasant, I was myself hesitating, when, being encouraged by our landlady and other members of the family, I went."

As corroborative of the foregoing, and furnishing some additional reasons which influenced me to the tour now under consideration, I will here introduce a brief extract from a letter to a friend in Lexington :

" I solicited the company of other ladies, but failed of securing it, as they were so circumstanced that they could not be absent over the Sabbath, and it was absolutely impracticable for me to leave soon enough to admit of a return on the same day, as the regular weekly meeting of our Mission^-ary Society was on Saturday, and it fell to my lot to prooaro: 

the sewing. Mrs. G. (our hostess) well knows my own indecision, when I found we were not to have other company. As I got into the hack, I remarked to her, which no doubt she also recollects, that I would enjoy my ride much better if she also were going ; to which she responded that sho would be very happy to accompany me, and would do so, if it were consistent with her household duties. She then asked me if I thought I should get back by nine, on Monday morning, to which I replied in the affirmative, and requested her to detain my pupils."

It is proper to remark here that a ride to Versailles, or Georgetown, had been in contemplation for several days previous. But some of the company declining, Mr. F. manifested a desiro to change the route, and go through Paris, to meet some friends of his, who were expected to be there on that day. My object being the benefit of a tide in the country air, it of course made no material difference with me, what particular road we took, provided I could return at the time specified.

And even had I felt a choice, it i3 doubtful whether I should have made it known, as I never allow myself to be governed by motives so selfish, that I cannot condescend to what appears the reasonable wishes of another; nor to be so sanguine in my [expectations that a slight change would become a serious disappointment.

I was very desirous to meet my engagements on Monday morning, but in this I failed. When wo reached Millers-burg, one of the horses appeared quite sick, and we learned from Israel (the hackman,) that it was sick previous to leaving Lexington. Wo stopped at the hotel kept by Mr. Halloway. He brought a pitcher of water to the carriage and examined the horse, and after a little consultation it was thought best to leave it there and take one of Mr. Hollo way's in its stead. 

We did so, nnd proceeded. The next day was the Sabbath. I was deceived in the distance, somewhat fatigued and being unwilling to spend the whole day cither in riding or visiting. Mr. F. left mo at a private house, where I remain, ed until late in the evening, when he returned. Wo then rode a few miles homewnid to the hotel of Mr. Musick in Washington, where we remained until 4 o'clock in the morning. As we wished to start very early we did not retire, but passed the time in reading and conversation in company with Mr. Musick in the public parlor. During our stay there the landlord, Mr. Musick, did not leave the room we were in except in two instances, when he was not absent mora than two or three minutes ; in the first instance to order refreshments, and in the other instance to order the horses. And in neither case was the door to the room locked, and I believe, not even dosed.

We staid hero until 4 o'clock in the morning nnd then left; but had rode only a few miles when we perceived a fine looking horse following our carriage. When we reached a toll gate, the keeper supposing the horse belonged to us, demanded toll for him. We informed him that the horse was not ours, and requested (hat he would drive him hack; which he did. Before we reached another loll gate, however, the horse had again overtaken us, and was again driven back by request. We stopped an hour or two at the "Blue Lick Springs," and while there, the horse came up, and we related to the landlord the circumstance of his having followed us from Washington. He sent a servant to drive him back, but without success. And our hack-man being confident that he knew the horse, and that it belonged to a neighbour living in Lexington, who had kept him in his master's stable for some time, we thought it would be a kindness to the horse as well as to the owner to 

trial of miss webster.

take him iiome, and concluded to pay his loll. When we arrived at Millersburg, Mr. Uolloway, the tavern-keeper told us, the horse we left there sick had died in our absence, and we might go on to Lexington with his, and then send it brick. We asked him if he knew the horse that was following us, to which be replied in the negative ; and the hackman then expressed his conviction to Mr. II. that it belonged in Lexington, upon which the landlord and several others recommended putting it in the harness, and driving it to Lexington, as the probability was that it did belong there, and it would save a trip back to Millersburg. Mr. F. at first objected, fearing that it was not a carriage horse, and might not do well, as it seemed to bo quite young. It however appeared rather domesticated and he consented to have it put in on trial. And it moved so orderly that they decided that it was best to go on with it instead of taking Mr. Holloway's. Wo did so. [This is the horse which the public prints have so often charged Mr. F. with having stolen."]

When within a short distance of Paris, we met Mr. Craig, the owner of the hick, &c. Mr. F. asked him if he recognized both tho horses and he answered in the negative ; Mr. F. then told him that he had left his sick horse in Millersburgh and on his return he found it dead, and the one now in tho harness he knew nothing of except that it followed from Washington to Millersburg, and was then put into the carriage instead of Mr. Holloway's. Mr. C. said that he heard his horse was dead, and had just started out to go to Millersburgh and see if it were true. But if it were a fact, he would go no further. We stopped awhile in Paris and Mr. C. then said to Mr. F. that ho should expect him to pay for his horse. Mr. F. said that he did not think it would bo just to pay for a horse that was sick 


before he had it, and as Mr. C. had sent his own hackman to take charge of the team, ho did not feel responsible for the loss. Mr. C. said he did not know that the horse was sick ; any how he could not afford to lose him. Mr. F. asked the price, and on being told 8100, said he was willing to submit it to arbitrators, and would do whatever they should decide to be right. We then proceeded to Lexington and had nearly reached our boarding house, when Mr. C. left the carriage he was riding in   clambered upon the driver's seatof ours, and directed the horses' heads to the " Megow-an Hotel." Ho then came down, opened the hack door and said to Mr. F. "Now sir, I want my pay for that horse !" Mr. F. replied I am willing, sir, to do what I told vou. I don't know what your customs are here ; but if any honorable man can be found who will say I ought to pay for the horse, I will do so." Mr. C. then said he should not leave it to others, but if Mr. Fairbank would put a hundred dollars into his hand without any further ceremony, he would be satisfied. But unless ho did so, and that immediately, he should not advance another step. Mr. F. said he had not that much with him. Mr. C. at this appeared exceedingly irritated, and raising his voice ordered him to get out of the hack. Mr. F. then told him he would see him after he had accompanied Miss Webster to her boarding house. He had taken her from there, and wished to return with her. By this time a crowd of persons had assembled to the spot. Mr. C. then repeated his order, adding, if he did not get out immediately they would tako him out. Mr. Fairbank then got out, and Mr. Craig seized him by the collar and cried aloud, " Bring a rope. Bring a rope quick. I've got tho man that killed my horse." Till now I had been silent. My heart was pained with the horrid imprecations that rent the atmos- 

trial of miss webster.

phere, and knowing how lightly human life was esteemed, especially by an infuriated mob, and how slight an olfenco would provoke the dark and fiendish spirit of those enemies of God and man to thaw the dirk, pistol or bowic knife on their defenceless fellow ; feared the result; and venturing to speak, I addressed Mr. Craig, as nearly as I can recollect, in tho following words :

"Though 1 may be astranjjer to you, sir, I have, for some time been a resident of this city, and am well known as principal of the Academy. My name is Webster ; and my patrons are of the first class in.the community. Your demand, seems to me, sir, unreasonable ; but if Mr. F. withes to satisfy it, I can loan him the sum requisite." I then expressed my hope that they would keep cool, and that their excitement would not lead them to act unadvisedly.    Mr. Craig respectfully and mildly replied, that he was not exasperated because Mr. Fairbank had not the money, but because he saw plainly he had no disposition to give him any satisfaction even if he had the means. I remarked to him that Mr. F, was a stranger in the place, of course not accustomed lo our usages; and rather than have any-un* warrantable measures pursued I would pay fur the horse myself. I then invited him to get into the hack     to suffer Mr. F. to do so   to accompany us to our boarding house and there candidly and cooly talk over iho whole matter ; at the same time assuring him if he would do so,I had no doubt that the affair would be sctlied to his perfect satisfaction. Ho answered that he would talk with him a few minutes first. Then turning to the liackman, told him to take me home if I wished lo go. The horses started, and I saw a crowd surround Mr. F. and heard him say, "Gentle-men it is not necessary for you lo tic me. If you    ish ine to go in, I will do so."   They then seized hold of him and 
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took him into the bar-room. The rabble instantly rushed to the door but were pushed back and the door locked. I ordered the carriage to stop, but no sooner was 1 obeyed than I found myself literally enveloped by a mob of several hun-dred. At this moment Mr. James P. Mcgowan, seeing tho danger I was in, hastened to my relie f. He invited me to sit in tho parlor; but I told him they were looking for me at my boarding house. I was unattended, but would sit in the carriage till they got through their consultation. He then said it might bo some time and asked if I would accept the company of his brother ? to which I replied that I would rather not trouble his brother, as he was an entire stranger ; and requested him to ask Mr. Craig if ho would be out soon, Mr. M. said the crowd was increasing every moment, and I had better drive around the corner while he spoke to Mr. C. He returned directly with answer that he would come in a few minutes. " But," addcdMr. Megowan, "I think it very doubtful. They are quite excited and may remain there two or three hours, perhaps all night." I then expressed a wish to see Gen. McCalla. But he was not called. Mr. M. again invited me to go in, adding that I was in imminent danger, and I told him I would do so, if he thought best.

He however did not advise it, but offered to attend me home and did so, in company with Mr. Moreland, I met with the same cordial reception, deference and respect I had ever found. Supper was over, but mine was immediately brought up and I sat down to relate the incidents of my unfortunate ride. Being more or less in the habit of ascribing the cause of my trials to some of my own errors either of heart or head, I was more than half inclined to charge this to my violation of a divine precept taught in Is. GG, 23.   When I retired to my room, I requested Mrs. 

trial of suss wehstek.

Glass to accompany mc, which she did. Immediately on opening the door, I perceived a slight'ehange in the location of several articles and inquired of Mrs. G. who had been infmy room during my absence'? She replied that no one had been in. I then pointed out to her several articles which to her certain knowledge as well as my own, were now occupying a different place from that they retained when I left, and asked her to account for it. Sho simply replied " You may have forgotten Miss Webster." I then said, "Admitting Mrs. Glass, that I may be mistaken in relation to some things, yourself surely cannot have forgotten ray closing and fastening tho window shutters, in your presence, the last thing before I left tho room ; and now you see they are wide open'" Sho then responded that she certainly had not been in herself, and if any ono else had, it was without her knowledge, and added, " Perhaps the wind might have opened the shutters."*

I was not disposed to question the old lady's veracity, and merely remarked that I should be sorry to have untrusty servants intrude in my absence. The subject was then waived, and wc conversed awhile on other topics; aiier which she retired to her own apartment. I was in the habit of offering Mrs. Glass the key of my room whenever I went out and had done so on that occasion, but took it with mc by her request.

Late in the night we were aroused by a heavy rap at the door, which was several times repeated each louder and heavier. I listened a moment, and hearing no servant go to the door, I stepped into Mrs. G.'s room, to know if she

* She Dl'irrwurd suid lo Gen..Combs, " Miss Webster would never hnre known that nny one entered her room in her absence if I had no! forgotten lo rcelose the shutters." 
   trial of miss wedster.


heard it. Sho appeared quite alarmed and said she dared not go to the door. I then recommended her to go ; which she consented to do, if I would go with her. She called to know who was there, and was answered "Friend." She asked tho name, but no reply. Those without inquired if Mr. Glass was within, were answered by Mrs. G. in the affirmative, when they expressed a wish to see him. Mrs. G. now retreated, declaring that she dared not open the door. The knocking grew more violent, and it was evident there were several without. I know not why I desired the door should be opened, but still I advised it and at length Mrs. G. said if I thought best to open it sho would not object. I then went to the door, unhesitatingly turned tho key and invited them in. They first inquired if Mr. Glass was in ; being informed he teas not, asked where he was   and when he was expected to return    expressed some regret at not seeing him, bade me " good evening," and took their departure. We once more retired to our several apartments, but not an hour had elapsed ere we wore again arousod in a similar manner. Mrs. G. again hesitated and asked me if I thought it best to grant admittance.

I told her I knew no objection, when she opened the door and a company of persons entered in tho garb of gentlemen, whose object, as the sequel disclosed, was the capture, of an unprotected female. It may not bo uninteresting to introduce here a brief extract from a letter dated Oct. 7th, 18-14, written in jail, giving some account of my arrest.

" I was desired to return to the " Megowan Hotel.'-From my estimate of Kentucky gallantry, I of course, ex   peeled to find a carriage af tho door. * * My walk was quiet and somewhat agreeable.  It was a beautiful 

trial of miss webster.

moonlight night, though cool for the season. Some few clouds mantled the horizon, and the murmurin^s of a jren-tie breeze added romance to the occasion. Nought else was heard, save low whisperings, and the tramping of footsteps on the pavements ; I being honored with upwards of forty attendents. You would have smiled at the novelty of the scene. Ever and anon we passed small groups'of from ten to twenty persons, apparently engaged in earnest consultation. Whether they were planning a project of humanity or meditating some deed of darkness, was not in my power to determine. This eventful night was the commencement of a new era in my history."

From this solemn, midnight hour, I date my wearisome-captivity. When I arrived at the " hotel," I was accompanied by Mr. Thomas B.'Megowan, through a lower room    up stairs and thence to the " Debtor's Room," where I was unceremoniously locked in, without a word being spoken. This room was large, and rather commodious, being occasionally occupied by boarders and travellers. The next morning, as the door remained locked, I looked around for a bible, thinking it would be a convenient opportunity to read, before school-time; not having tho remotest idea but I would bo released when my school hour arrived. There was, however, but one book in the room, which I eagerly siezed, but discovering it to be a " novel" I laid it down unopened, and returned to my meditations ; but was soon interrupted by loud execrations in the jail-yard, which drew my attention to the window ; whence I saw Mr. Fairbank, surrounded by a crowd of well dressed men, calling him a vile " Abolitionist," and with the sama breath threatening his life. Some proposed to hang him, say no more about it and let Miss Webster go back to her school, others objected, declaring that they ought both of 

them to be decapitated openly, and their heads carried through the streets. Some thought best to cut his throat or blow out his brains instantly. But another rushing up to him, declared with a solemn oath, he would himself tear his heart out with a " bowie-knife." I looked to see him full a mangled corpse ; when he gravely but emphatically answered, " Gentlemen, think not to frighten me with such sights. Tho drawing of your knives and pistols don't alarm me." Then, throwing open his coat and bearing his breast, continued, " I am prepared to die. But remember there is a God in Heaven ! And if I fall a victim to your violence, remember that that man who [sheds a drop of my blood, will lose his soul in Hell."* They seemed a little daunted by these remarks, and Mr. F. inquired for Miss Webster; adding, that he wished to see her. But was answered in an uncouth manner, that his wish would not be granted.

These were persons in the yard, who know I was standing at the window, having seen me from the first; and at this instant directed Mr. F's eye upward ; when I cheerfully bade him " Good-Morning ;" which was so distinctly heard below, that he was instantly taken out of my sight.

Not a moment had elapsed ere Mrs. Megowan opened the door and I supposed my release was at hand, when sho very peremptorily said " You are not to look out of that window nor the other," and was about relocking the door when I called to her, and told her it would be neces. sary I should leave soon ; as it was near school-time. She responded "You will be kept here two or three days, school or no school."   I then requested to see Mr. Clay,

* Thera were several bystanders, who took no part in these prq-eeeaiogs; aod who can testify to the sorrsstness of ray statement. 8* 

trial of miss webster.

as as it was quito inconsistent for me to spare so much time. She abruptly answered "You have already had business enough with Mr. Clay, in stealing negroes. He ought to be in jail himself; and will be arrested before night." I then inquired if I could have the privilege of sending a note to him. Was answered " No." I asked the privilege of sending a note to my school, but was refused. I then told her I had no books with me, and was unimployed : and respectfully asked the loan of a bible. This also was refused, and the door closed before I had time to reply. I knelt down   implored sustaining grace, and thanked God that even the prisoner, could not be denied the right ofd   prayer. Ere long the clanking of irons in the yard below, together with the heavy blows of the blacksmith's sledge, roused me from my meditations. It was with difficulty I could keep myself from the window. I however restrained my feelings for some time, till Mr. Fairbank's moving cries for pity, made me regardless of the prohibition, and I looked out. The commingling tones of pleasure and pain, were truly alarming. Mr. F. was heing put in irons, The hammering continued : and some seemed moved with pity, while Mr. F. was beggiug them not to pound so hard. "I tell you," said he,:' it hurts too bad!   0, dont! ! you know not how it hurts me," &c.

But many seemed to delight in his torture ; and declared their wish to have Miss Webster ironed in tho same manner.

The process of ironing was long and tedious. After it was over he was again placed in the dungeon, and I turned from my window with a heavy heart. I never knew till now the sufferings of a prisoner. I never knew our laws were so corrupt as to empower a wicked, unfeeling, unprincipled jailer, to exercise a domineering spirit of un- 
   trial  of miss webster.


controlled oppression on a defenceless prisoner. But perhaps I mistake. It may bo that our laws invest no such power in the jailer. But what better is it if they suffer the abuse, and take no cognizance of it ?

But to return. For a few minutes all was silent ; and I availed myself of the quietude to calm my agitated bosom    subdue my indignation, and regain my wonted composure. Suddenly tho prison walls resounded with the most execrable oaths, horrid cursings, and awful threats that ever burst from the lips of a demon. It seemed as though the lower regions had all broken loose.

Shocked and trembling, I sprang from my chair, and was advancing to the window, when, recollecting that I was "not to look out," I turned the other way. It appeared, from the confusion, that a throng of men had entered the yard and were about venting their odium on some helpless prisoner, in brutal violence. Impelled by my feelings to go to tho window, I paused to reflect.

A captive in the power of a heartless jailer, what could I do ? I heard the harsh, rude tones of his angry voice beiow, and know some one was suffering ; but was forbidden to look out. Conscious of the prisoner's duty I struggled to submit. At length, I concluded that I was not bound to obey those having no right to command. I felt that I would bo no more culpable for looking out, than is tho slave for taking his liberty when he can get it. There was a risk. But I was resolved, while shut out from the world, and its hallowed joys, I would at least, (so long as untrammeled by chains and fetters,) wait about my cloister and make the best of the freedom and scanty privileges of my prison. If