xt7m901zh08j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zh08j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1947-10-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 13, 1947 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 13, 1947 1947 1947-10-13 2020 true xt7m901zh08j section xt7m901zh08j   

Minutes of the University Faculty October 13, 1947




The University Taculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall,
Monday, October 13, at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan presided. Members !
absent were: R. S. Allen, Thomas P» Cooper, G. T. MacKenzie, Earl P. Slone,
Claude Sprowles. and D. V. Terrell.


The minutes of August 27, 1947, were read and apprOVed. L
New members of the Faculty were welcomed by President Donovan. '!

Dean Seay reported that enrollment for the Fall Quarter had reached
{ 7,715, including 213 at the College of PharmaCy in Louisville. He read
E his‘ a tabulation of the enrollment by colleges. showing the percent of in- x
§.éflfgfl§ : crease and the percent of total work in each college. He also read a


report from the Personnel Office on the enrollment of veterans. This
report showed an enrollment of 4,629 veterans on the Lexington campus. ‘3.
and 166 at the College of Pharmacy, making a total of 4,795. IM“


presented the following recommendations from the Committee:

That the status of Sigma Pi Sigma, Physics Society, be
changed from a recognition society to an honor society
on the basis that the organization has raised the res
quirements for membership to a standing of 2.

Dean Holmes, Chairman of the Committee on Student OrganiZation, f

*""—r—- w<—-\ .

That the Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of America
be recognized as a campus organization. The purpose of
this group is to educate the students on the Campus
concerning the Zionist movement.


That Eta Kappa Nu, National Society for Electrical Engin- g
eers, be granted permission to organize a chapter on the 1.
University of Kentucky campus. Attention is called to the
fact, however, that the organization will be classified as
a recognition society rather than an honor society, since
the minimum standing for membership is 1.8.






That the Wesley Foundation, an organization of Methodist
students, be given official status as a University of
Kentucky organization. 7




1‘} That the Harlan County Club be given official status as a l
liUflV University of Kentucky organization. The Committee recomis 1
jfltf mends, however, that (1) Articles V and VI of the constitu- '
l I


‘-w-~““ r» A “‘ A __ :4 ~_ ~‘f“ “ ' M ‘-

fl tion be combined since both deal with revenue; (2) it should
7fij be stated that any gifts or donations reCeived by the pres-

'H ‘ ident should be desposited with the proper University officials
as well as that reVenue received by the Treasurer.






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Minutes of the University Faculty October 13, 1947

, The University Faculty voted apprOVal of the recommendations of the
‘3’ Committee on Student Organizations. p'gxi

i ternities be abolished. These are the rules restricting the number of
members of a fraternity, and the rule that freshmen may not be pledged
during their first quarter. The faculty approved these changes.

Dean Kirwan presented a request that two of the rules governing fra— ijs



L Dean wiest presented for the College of Commerce the following rec— sETw
' ommendations COVering changes made necessary by the change from the ‘
I quarter to the semester system:


1. The proposed list of courses and their credits: ,t 'j 4m


Economics Semester credits j,‘ .‘ 3 I

‘ I Principles of Economics
gr 2 Economic History of Europe
3 Economic History of the United States




4 Resources and Industries 3
15 Applied Economics 3
16 Tutorial Work in Economics 1
102 Labor Problems 3
103 Transportation 3
104Public Finance 3
105 Money and Banking 3
107 StatistiCal Method 3
110 Business Cycles 3
112a sf Individual Work in Economics 1
115 Value and Distribution Theory 3
124 State and Local Taxation 3
- 125 Evolution of Economic Institutions 3
~ 126 Economies of Public Utilities 3




















“"x. .





127 International Economics
130 Labor Legislation
*W 134 Advanced Economic History of the United States




142 Index Numbers
147 American Business Leaders
’ 148 European Business Leaders


153 The Eocnomics of Consumption
157 Government Finance Administration
. 202amf Seminar
1 203 History of Economic Thought
204 Survey of Economic Theory since the Austrian School
1 206a Municipal Finance


206b Municipal Finance
207 aob Problems in Public Finance
209 History and Theory of Money and Prices
210 Research Statistics
211 AdVanced Money and Banking
(T‘ 212asf Research Problems in Economics

















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1] b Secretarial Practice, Typewriting


l. The following courses are to be dropped:

Minutes of the University Faculty October 13,


Secretarial Accounting
Principles of Accounting
Business Organization
Principles of Marketing
Secretarial Practice, Shorthand
Secretarial PractiCe, Shorthand
AdvanCed Secretarial Practice
AdVanced Secretarial Practice
Secretarial Practice, Typewriting

Office Appliances
Principles of Advertising
Secretarial Office Practice 1
Intermediate Accounting
Intermediate Accounting
Accounting Theory
Business Law
Business Law
Corporation Finance
Cost Acacunting
Retail Merchandising
Credit and Statement Analysis
C.P.A. Problems
Income Tax Procedure
Advanced Marketing
Sales Management
Problems in Management
Advertising Campaigns
Life Insurance
Property and Casualty Insurance
Office Management
Market Analysis
Business Statistics
Secretarial Stati stics
Urban Real Estate
Industrial Relations
Business Reports
Governmental Accounting

A summary of proposed course changes is as follows:

Economics 152, Incone and Wealth

Economics 158, Administrative Research Problems
Economics 204, Economic History of the U.S. Prior to 1860
Economics 205, Economic History of the U.S. Since 18b0
Economics 208, Advanced Economic Theory

Economics 209, Comparative Banking and Monetary Systems
Economics 216, Business Cycle Theory

Commerce 111, Advanced Salesmanship

CommerCe 138, Investigation of Business Problems






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Minutes of the University Faculty October



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Thefollowing course is to be added:

Economies 209, History and Theory of Money and Prices (3)
The evolution of money. the rise of banking processes
and the causes of fluctuations in the general price level.

l"roposed changes in numbers:

Economics 215, Survey of Economic Theory Since the Austrian
School, to be numbered 204 so as to bring this course and
Economies 203, History of Economic Thought, into direct se—

The name of Economics 127, International Economic Policies is to be
changed to International Economics.

Proposed requirements ror graduation are to be as follows:


The minimum number of semester credits required Ior graduation
is to be 128 under all curricula except the Industrial Administra-
tion. Under the latter curriculum the number is to be 144.

The scholarship standing must be at least 1.0.

Unless two units in the ancient or modern foreign languagaes are
offered Ior entrance, one year of language in college is required

for graduation under all curricula except the Industrial Administra—


The list of courses in the General Business Curriculum is a core
curriculum inasmuch as these courses, with minor exceptions, are
required in all curricula.

Rsquired courses in the General Business Curriculum
Freshman and Sophomore Years

English 1a, b, English Composition
MathematiCs 1‘], College Algebra.
Economics 2, Economic History of Europe
Psychology la, 1b. introuuction to Psychology
Commerce 9, Business Organization
Hygiene 1, Personal and Community Health
Economics 3, Econ. History of the United States, or
Econ. 4. Resources and Industries, or Econ. Geography
flatnematics 15, Mathematics of Finance
EconomicS 1, Principles of Economies
Commerce 7a and 7b, Principles of Accounting
Political Science 51, American GOVernment
History 4b, Modern Europe Since the French fievolution
Biological or Physical Science
Commerce 10, Principles of Marketing
Military science 18., 1b, and. 6a, 6 ‘0, 1st and 2nd Yr. Elem.
Physical iduCation

















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Minutes of the University Faculty October 13, 194]


English 30, Business English - 1“
A course in Statistics ‘
Commerce 117, Corporation Finance

Economics 105, Money and Banking ;
Commerce 109a and b, Business Law

Economics 104, Public Finance '
Commerce 137, Problems in Managements ‘
Elective from Advertising, Salesmanship or Marketing {
Elective from Social Science 1
ElectiVes including three Economics or Commerce courses 1


Total semester credits: 128
(b) Required courses in the Business—Management Curriculum (9%
4 | ~‘ ‘
I. Basic courses as specified in the General Business Curriculum ’

11. Additional courses required in the field of concentration:
Economics 102, Labor Problems
Commerce 118, Cost Accounting
Commerce 131, InVestments; or Commerce 154, Real Estate
Psychology 106, Industrial Psychology
Commerce 143, Life Insurance; or Commerce 144, Property
and Casualty Insurance
Commerce 145. Office Management
Commerce 155, Industrial Relations

III.E1ectives including nine credits in EConomics or Commerce 13.411)
Total 128

Suggested electives;
Economics 103, Transportation flab
Economics 130, Labor Legislation t
Commerce 136, Sales Management
Political Science 177a, Principles of Public Administration
Psychology 8, Individual Differences


(0) Required courses in the Industrial Administration Curriculum:

Basic courses in the General Business Curriculum except
MathematiCS of Finance and an advanced Marketing elective
(Resources and Industries and Physical Science are included
in the list below)

11. Additional courses required in the field of concentration:
Mathematics 3, Plane Trigonometry
Chemistry la and b, General Inorganic Chemistry



Mathematics 19. Plane Analytics

Economics 4. Resources and Industries
Physics la and b or Be and b, General Physics
Engineering Drawing la, MechaniCal Drawing








nutes of the University Faculty October 13, 1947 525

Economics 103, Transportation, or Economics 126, Economics of
Public Utilities
Cemmerce 118, Cost Accounting
Psychology 106, Industrial Psychology
English 30, Business English
Economics 102, Labor Problems, or 130 Labor Legislation
Commerce 155, Industrial Relations
Economics or Commerce elective
*Electives in Physics, Geology, Chemistry or
theoretiCal courses in Engineering

Total Zl;4



'Students will select courses under the joint guidance of the Head of the




epartment involved and the Dean of the College of Commerce
(d) Required courses in the Marketing and Advertising Curriculum:

Basic courses as specified in the General Business Curriculum,

except a marketing elective which is included in the list below ..84.6

. Additional courses required in the field of concentration:
Journalism 21, Etymology, or elective in English
Commerce 11, salesmanship
Commerce 20, Principles of Advertising
Commerce 135, Advanced Marketing
Commerce 119, Retail Merchandising
Commerce 136, Sales Management
Commerce 140, Advertising Campaigns
Commerce 149, Market Analysis

Two courses from the suggested list 28
III, Electives __J£L:l_
Total 128.0

Suggested Electives:

Journalism 114, Newspaper Advertising and Promotion

Journalism 115, Advertising Typography and Layout

Art 29, Advertising Art

Markets and Rural Finance 101, Cooperative Marketing, or other

Agricultural Marketing course

A specialized Psychology course

Commerce 137, Problems in Management

Commerce 143, Life Insurance

Commerce 144, Property and Casualty Insurance

Economics 153, Economics of Consumption

Commerce 154, Urban Real Estate
(e) Required courses in the CommercemLaw Curriculum:
Basic courses as specified in the General Business Curriculum
except Business Law .......,...... ...................... ..... 84.6(7)
Additional preelaw courses:

Political Science 80, State Government

Economics 102, Labor Problems

Philosopy or Logic

Electives 14.4(7)
















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Minutes of the University Faculty October 13, 1947

III. First year Law subjects:
Property I and II
Pleading I and II
Contracts I and II ,7
Torts I and II 3.
Domestic Relations Y
Criminal Law and Procedure
Legal Bibliography “*"23 7

Total 128


(f) Required courses in the Secretarial Curriculum:

I, Basic courses as specified in the General Business Curriculum,
erCept that a year of foreign language may be substituted for a
year of m thematics at the option of the student . ....... . . 76.6 (?)
(Other substitutions for courses in the General Business
Curriculumere required and are listed below as follows; for
Problems in Management, Office Management; for a Social Science


M 3 :m elective Philosophy; for an elective in statistics, Secretarial fl
"4V?a;f Statistics; for an elective in Marketing, salesmanship.) r"
V .‘
II. Additional courses required in the field of concentration: ‘

Commerce 13a and b, Secretarial Practice, shorthand

Commerce 17a and b, Secretarial Practice, Typewriting

Commerce 14a and b, Advanced Secretarial Practice

Commerce 151, Secretarial Statistics

Cammerce 18, Filing

Commerce 6, Secretarial Accounting

Commerce 11, Salesmanship

Commerce 101, Secretarial Office Practice

Commerce 19, Office Appliances

Commerce 145, Office Management

Commerce 156, Business Reports

Philosophy 21, Introduction to Philosophy; or 51, Ethics»»







III, Electives ................. ............. ......... ........ . 12.4"

P. S. A slight change in content of Economics 211, AdvanCed Money and
Banking is also proposed. It is to be as follows: A theoretical study
.» of contemporary money and banking institutions with emyhasis on central
‘f bank functions.






Sincerely yours,

A: «m;,..‘-.v_,.__.-l _ " ‘ ‘ ”


Edward Wiest, Dean
College of Commerce


;1j§. The University Faculty approved the changes recommended by the #‘
College of Commerce. \

Dean Seay presented a letter from Dr. H. H. Downing recommend—

ing certain changes in the present rule covering cheating in UniVersity





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Minutes of the Univvrsity Faculty October 13, 1947

work. President Donovan referred the recommendation to the Rules Commitee,

with the request that it study the question of cheating and prepare a recommen-

dation for the University Faculty.

President Donovan called attention to the pamphlet, "You Can Not Have a
Great State without a Great University," in which the University's budget

request to the General Assembly is presented. He asked that each Dean call a

meeting of his faculty for discussion of this pamphlet, and he urged that
members of the Faculty make use of this information to arouse interest in the
needs of the University.

President Donovan also Called attention to a suit that has been filed to
test the decision of the Court of Appeals on the State salary limitation.

The meeting was adjourned.

I Maurice F, Seay

Minutes of the University Faculty
November 10, 1947

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall
Monday. November 10, at 4:00 p.m. In the absence of President Donovan,
Dr, Chamberlain, Vice President, presided. Members absent were Thomas
P. Cooper, Wm. C. Eaton, E. B. Penrod, F. D. Peterson, Claude Sprowles,
D. V. Terrell, and M. M. White.

The minutes of October 13 were read and approved.

Dr. Chamberlain introduced to the Faculty two new members,representing
the College of ?harmacy. They were Dean Earl P. Slone, ex—officio memb‘r,
and Professor Mattys Jongeward, elected member.

In the absence of Dean White, Dr. Brady presented for the College of
Arts and Sciences a partial revision of courses and requirements in prep—
aration for the change to the semester system° The revisions, which were
approved by the Faculty, are as follows:

Department 9: History
Course to be reanumbered:
History 185, Cultural History oi Seventeenth CenturypEurope (4). to
History 185a, same title (4).

Course to be added:
History 185b, Cultural History_g£ Eighteenth Century Europe (4).
A survey 0f European culture during the 1700's, treating the
sciences, literature, history, philosophy, the fine arts, and

the industrial arts.


Department g: Mathematics and Astronomy
Course to be re-numbere&



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