xt7m901zh06c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zh06c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1913-07-18  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, July 18, 1913 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, July 18, 1913 1913 1913-07-18 2020 true xt7m901zh06c section xt7m901zh06c  




State University, Lexington, Ky., July 19, 1015.

The Faculty of the State UniVersity met on call
to take action upon the death of Vice~President White. A gfi
committee of three, consisting of Professors A. M. Miller,

N. La Pence and F. Paul Anderson, having previously been

requested to prepare resolutions upon the death of Professor


White, offered the following: §
Whereas, death has remoVed from our midst our

beloved colleague, James Garrard White, be it resolved:

First; The educational interests of the state have suffered

a great loss by being depriVed of the mature judgment and

insight in affairs pertaining to the education of the young


men and women of our commonwealth.
Second; The State University of Kentucky has lost one of its

most substantial and worthy officers. Professor White has


been actiVely identified with the upbuilding of the State
University for a continuous period of forty—five years; for F
forty-one years as professor and teacher of mathematics and for a;

four years as directing head of the Department of Mathematics,


acting President of the University, Vice-President and Dean

of Men. There are very few men identified with educational

work in America who have passed through a longer continuous ;
service than Professor White. He came into the University 'j
at its birth and through the entire period of its growth he

has been one of the most devoted and potent factors in its



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at3.on has tha cowoperaz 010?} of the fiLlVEISLLy faculty.

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excuse will xcia;* 5 Ltudent £10m nuligaLaum to Aw mc;l bv the



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V81 e :33 ,

3: 3; hours per 333k it is QiV'fl’l should be multiplied byL4 for the
first 33rd and by.3 for each of the two otnor term31

Persons excused iron ailitary Science or physiogi training for disaolility

or any cause, uni '3 wfleu they entered th3¢ orought os3d.it3 in the suojects


' L" n 1

’frmn 3313 iuoti1tt1ou,wu53 o :3: an ('U'V11v*c number of credits in some ohhm
er subject or auoie .ota. In otner colleges of the duiversitj an equal amount

of worx must be do“; Lu 01331‘ to 133317: 3 bacnolor’o degree but 230 TJSyEC-

Ltive Focultiee will determine the v lue to to out on the eubjcct: taught.

3 All hu¢a£u- oulte work 3uobe33'1u3 W ComoWetov 333133 the summer term will



i3 ooen daily (ex , i;::3y L. ”‘3 use F 31u=e1t3 an



other 3323333 003uooted Jith the Univeroity from 9543 to 6?.1. and iron


ZP.WL to S? P.;m ; orLliunduyw1 fz'xn 2 P.23, ti? 5 PLEA

Any student who desires to oorrow 33:11 from the fiibrary 3111 be required

Qqugn 33 the rré w: of these books. At any

We make a deooeit of 52.00 to
time the Student 3831383 to discontinue the prJLIleLe of b0““OJlnH books,the
$2.00 will we returned,lese any Chara oute.anoing for books not returned.

#1 All publications issued by txe 3 woent shell b3 euoervieed by L39 Commit-

WWGG on Stucte nt Publicotiono. Before any such publications are out in QiTCUlln
tion,it should We m,de Known to the committee for 33 rOV31,and ouch censor“
Ship as may be moccasamy will be exercised by the committee not only oVer the
Written matter but >1so over wovertieements,

Jih 1 031.3.
The DOfMleil 03 £01 men are under control of the Commandant,and he is em—

vbowered t mane such rules and rotulltlons for their government as 331 seem

.recesm Law.
‘L: 1 LCL: ‘1.- LL "v.3” in).


Each student at the beginniufi of the v arlwill write on the entrance


0 ?d hit or her 100:»1 afldrooe anfi shall wromptly report any subsequent change

'Of address to the registrar.