xt7m901zgz44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zgz44/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-08-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 2008 2008 2008-08-28 2020 true xt7m901zgz44 section xt7m901zgz44 - Fans want to get 'Closer’ to NIN







By Jill L851!!!

lt neyer really ends.

For the family and friends of the 49 peo-
ple who died when Coniair Flight 51‘“
crashed in Lexington two years ago after
taking off on the wrong runway. the tragedy
is a wound that time has not been able to

Still. many have tried to move on as
much as they can.

“Most of the last two years have been
like one long day." said Anita Threet. wid-
ow of crash victim Greg Threet. at a memo—
rial service Wednesday. "...But we are now
held responsible by (ireg and the other 48
people who have died to keep on living.
even with moments of desperation. loneli-
ness. sadness and anger.

“We must carry on. We must. and we

Wednesday night. four family members
of crash Victims stood before more than 300
people. talking about the initial shock of
losing a loved one and the two years that
have followed. Behind the speakers hung
the banner from the crash site memorial two
years before. signed with notes of condo»
lence and support.

it hasn’t been an easy journey for
Matthew Snoddy in the two years since his
father, Tim. died. Snoddy said as he stood
before the crowd. How'eyer. he said. com—
munity support in Lexington has helped pull
him through one of the most difficult times
of his life.

"Our society is well—equipped to handle
the highs of life.” he said. “l’ositiye eycnts
like sporting events. weddings. birthdays
and holidays bring together well-wishers
and celebrants.

"Tragedies like 5W] are iiot so clearly
defined in etiquette manuals. Howeyer. l
firmly beliey'e the book could hate been
written based upon the response of our corti-

One big source of support is fellow fam~
ilies. said (‘lay' Turner. a 'l‘ransylyania stir,
dent and son of crash yicttin Larry ’l‘urner.
During the past tyyo years. ('lay 'l‘uriier said
he has been to many ey'ents for surytyiiig
tamtty members.

lloweyer. he said he thinks this iitay be
the last year there is a open tiiernoi‘ial sci'\-
ice because some people w ant to cope with
the tragedy in a less ptiblic w ay.

(‘lay' Turner said he has talked w ith
many other family iriembei‘s of \ ictims oyer
the last two years. and while it has been dif»
ficult. life is getting better.

“It occurred to me at the etid oi the sec
ond semester. in May. that l was genuinely
happy." he said. “Lite had returned to a



Two years later, Flight 5191 families mourn together




Above: [may Barker, right a Siianish senior at ll'Iil‘SlVVéilltd University and supttornir'e Nora Jane hil()llltlll"u‘lv tit l'ar'rsvtt'arw timers atteoi‘ the

tt tilti'rmirtat (1% Wednesday

rttita Brown, top it ltD'll’tllilll r‘IttitlS :tti: Mattel t'l


close enough thing to normal that l could be

(hie big consolation in the past few
months has been the end ot a long legal bat-
tle against ( ontair. satd 'lony Byrd. a relay
tiye ot \li‘lltit Brian Byrd

l'hc latiiilics ot Brtair Byrd and its other
passengers ha\c tiled lawsuits against (lo,
iiiait. lit the past month. decisions were
reached tor 3'7 of those \ ittims leaytii}!
two pending as oi the ciash's twoiycar an

lindtng a long lcg'ai battle has tirade
things easier. said l'ony Byrd. lloweyei. he
said it‘s still sti‘attgt to lool. tip the driycway
and know that Brian ty ill tie\ei' again parls
his cat. climb the steps and walk inside.

"It's better. but we still think about it
CM'l'y «lily “C sllll cry 'c‘\'ct'_\ day." he ‘ntltl
“\Ve still t‘etriembet'."

Plans for Lexington memorial

move toward
.\botit a year and a halt .tttci il l‘ot'iiied,

the Night Sl‘ll Mciirot'tal ('ommtssion has
taken the nut step to create a l.e\iiigtoii
nieiiioi'ial. said coriizitittee co chair Ray

("oriiiiiissron member's haye begun look
trig tor potential memorial locations. said
(iarritan. an associate professor at l‘ls'. The
group. w liiclr includes tamtly irreinber's as
well as state and local otttcials. also plans
on sending otit a request lot titciiiortal dc
signs in the next week.

llie . .
talk :tltttlll esacity what kind ot titeiirorial
they thought would best pay tribute to the
crash \tetints [tilt] the last few months. 1h.-

group focused on building trust among

r i
..i_\rii'ti:ti.gt- with v._~.-..1 lit-{rm} tit

iii-embers. because some tarnily iiieii7bets
"is ere wary that the int-mortal would be too
state coiitiollcd. liarmait said

" \ll of the groups de\elopcd a sense oi
common purpose. and trust one another." he
sdltl. "l belteye we do trust each other now.
that no orie‘s being oyerbcarrng and eyerjv

onc's trying to be seiistti‘.e to each other"

tj‘utsttr-tr Ma that t;: territtttttt ttti'triti this Mn“ 5??“ Martino it

l’r!’ \‘i’ ._l."ltl " .‘t"

UK men wear pink for the cure

his "‘\\.

Wilt Shim, t‘tt' ’tttlilf‘ loader iii Atiittti lia'tttria Rh».

1‘sllt‘llt'll'rlltlilit‘bt‘ at ‘t .t‘ ll

sut suit:

a me

By Rosalind Essig
ressa titty/littoral t m‘
\\tt| \t..ltl ts .l‘»lt.rlllt‘tl to
wear pink

lii tact. tltc tiadtztottady lsllll
riiiic color did not stop the lltt'll ol
,\lpha tiaiiiina Rho ll‘t‘ttl wearing
pink 'l—shirts all over l 1K 's caitiptis.
and it has not stopped them tiotit
taking their i‘osercolored threads

llie fraternity started a 'l' shirt
campaign last year to raise money
tor breast cancer i'eseaicli arid be
ginning Monday. (6 tolleges ti'orit
arotiitd the country will tom tlic
group‘s eltorts


titty last ycai. ltc thought ot
gi'airdiiiother's battle with breast
cancer lltc ti‘atcriiity house's took
at lllL time was also tighttrtj. 'llc

lltcse two women mad. Siah‘
realm: that the \ltlll\llk\ on breast
tatitei are \ery real. he said

“One out oi three women will
haye breast cancer or know some
one who ltas had it." said \tahl.
who is noble ruler of l'ls's tliaptct
ot \lplia (iairtriia Rho,

Stalil tottnd .t simplt w ty to
raise money
search by selling pink l'-slitits
pink is the \tlll‘l oi breast \.lll\ ct
t'escattli touttdations around the

tot breast caitcci re

made up titt lisltlt'ls \\llli

ttlic stogant piastcted tag“.

the trout ” \tattl said

its l'ttss

lltc sl“|:i"lc‘ ttiiittra sir trad tin
orcsst‘r‘ ic ills \' thi said
\lpln (l..:t at. ls'h- sotd ‘stt
~li.t's tit thtce weeks arid donated
\I.‘(t% to \ttsaii ti Koriieii tor the
(tire .tuoidiiig to the tiatci‘nity‘s
“cl‘ si’c I
lld‘tltl \lttt‘l.'. i‘lc‘sttls‘ltl t‘l lllt‘
Nisan (i ls'oritctt board tit l cyttig
ton. \ipha (iatrrtita Rho

pushed tot stittess .titd illel a great


“ll.\ it ltlf.‘ klk‘ill.“ \ltitll'k‘ \tll\l
"\\t tt'allt .ippri‘t' Itc tliat ktnd ot


Beat Mon Wea' l’tirt‘ ltil‘”l=’ttls>’" tor the Stisatt ‘i Kirite" triti' oat on it i ‘1 :w '
‘ng "Btjti’ Men that Pink" T shirts for $10 ltlt lllt" tvhnlt“ 'itttrrtl‘ oi .‘s‘ti;‘it-*r",hn' flitting;
breast l antjtit awareness 'rto'rt't

Diversity group tries to fill void

By Erica Mitchell

It took about a month to too

T-shins draw 5

tottittry bearing the slogan Real
men wear pink

When Siahl was trying to titid
a philanthropic eycnt hit his ti'ater


Donor competition shows
rivalry more than skin deep

By Austin Schmrtt

itowstiltrkir' it» t 0'" l

ttiid a way to continue without a tattlita
tor. which was .iii .idttistriicnt

"’l'he biggest change is that Mali
tabeen is gone." said Mums. a biology
senior ”\Nc had to work out a new kind ot
game plan "

Rattitidtn declined to comment on her
decision to lease l l\.

l'he search is on tot .1 replacement tor
Ralfitidiir. said Rhonda Sti‘otise. l'K‘s direc
tor of student inyolyeiricnt. but there are
some changes to the position ller replacement will
operate from w ttlirn a ditterent department and with .t
new title

Before Raffitidrn resigned. Student l)i\erstty
lintltiilc‘iiient reported to the Oftiee ot Multicultur-
al Student Affairs This year. the position will re
port to Student Affairs and be an assistant director
of strident iii\ol\ciireiit. Strouse said.

”The position has not been deiiioled." Stiouse

pmrtrtielt (flit/kernel coir:

\s ot lticsda\. l'l\ ll't‘ltl the lead oy er
oil with (0" donors to 45.3

"l'ls' won by a landslide last year.
bttt it‘s a close battle this year." llob»
biiis said

lhe last day ot the blood driye
(unil‘t‘lllltlli, which began .-\ug 4. is
l'htirsday Students can donate at the
l'K Medical ('eirter front X a iii to 5
p in

Around the blood drryc site. donors
may hope for a second conseciittye \lk'r
tory oyer l otitsyille. but some students
echoed the “cyery'body wins" \‘Cl‘lllr

.loe Brey. .t l'ls' itinior. said he is a
regular blood donor and only became
aware of the tompetttton when he ar-

istw Blood in rage 5

()nc t ainptis group working to uritte
black and w hite (ireeks is at a standstill
after the resignation of its lactlitatoi‘ this

.\lahtabeeit Ralltiidin resigned frotit her
position as dtrcttor oi Student lltyeistty lin-
gageiiicrit at Us in June Raflttidrn deyelr
oped the litter (ireek Relations Protect last
September to promote cooperation between black
and white fraternities Now. her exit has left a mat in
the group. said sttideiit committee member liniily

“We‘re kind of at a crossroads right noyy said
Brantley. a management and political science run<

A. tension rises betore l'K's toot
ball game against the l iityersity o!
lotiis\tllc this weekend. students
otIt for blood literally

\\ hilc (kits~ tans are hoping to: .iii
other \tctory on the field. sortie are
working to secure a win in d diflerent
battle against the (‘ardinals llie Battle
of the Bluegrass Blood Donor (‘hal
lcnge is air annual competition between
the two tlnl\t‘l'stfli.‘s..

Last year 0 095 l‘K students donat-
ed blood for the challenge. 41in more
donors than l7 ol l.. but the numbers
are much closer this year. said Patti
Dobbins ot the Kentucky Blood (‘eiiter




Although the members hope to keep the group
going. they do not liaye the iriaterials they need to
facilitate theinsclyes. Brantley said. -\tin Mums. a
student committee member. said the group had to


Stir Mahiabeon art itatrt‘ 5

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£59; Zl Thursday, August 28, 2008
Il — I _
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l0 oar-turn



















By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, Check the
day's rating 10 is the easiest
day, 0 the most challenging

Aries (March 21-April19) ,.
Today is a 9 w You’re energized
by the applause. Take yourself a
notch higher. Try something
you've always wanted to do. Put
in the extra effort

Taurus (April 20-May 20) *7
Today is a 7 -— You're luckier
with love than money now, so
be aware Ofier lots of compli—
merits but don’t buy the lavrsh
gifts. Give something that's Sig-
nificant in another way

Gemini (May 21-June 21) ,
Today is an 8 v You’re getting
into an area where controversy
is easily aroused You may be

stirring it up yourself If so,
don't be surprised if somebody
gets mad at you Be gentle
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
—- Today IS a 9 —— The money
is pouring into your pockets. If
you haven't quite noticed that
yet, do something to get it kick»
started Find something to sell
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today is a 9 7- Play first, work
later This may seem slightly
uncomfortable, for about one
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) w
Today is a 7 4 You don't need
words to show you care For
example, you could do a tire-
some errand lor somebody who
can't Share what you have
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) #
Today is an 8 ., The party is a
little bit lowerekey There‘s less
shouting and more work getting
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today is a 6 ~ Get out With


friends and burn off a few calo-
ries. You also have some frus
tration to dissipate.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
«7 Today is an 8 7— Be aware
that your most outrageous
stunts are not considered funny
by a few very critical people.
That, however, is pretty funny
too, so don’t worry about it.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
,. Today is a 7 — Once your
financial jitters are calmed, get
out for a breath of fresh air.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ——
Today is a 7 w, Do what needs
to be done, even if the costs are
higher than expected. Don't be
crazy, of course, but if you need
something you should get it
Pisces (Fab. 19-March 20) ——
Today is a 7 __, A rather critical
person could be getting down-
right annoying Don't assume
everything he or she says is

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_ your daily dose of entertalamentooocylurefldjuo-

Is there life
and the City?

we DiSI-i

- On Ryder. her 4—year-

Sex and the (‘ity's Kim
Cattrall. 51. will star in and
executive-produce an HBO
adaptation of the British
comedy series Sensitiye
Skin. about a middle-aged
wife and mother in New
York City who rediscovers
her sexuality. . . . Garbage
lead singer Shirley Manson.
41. will join the cast of
Fox's Terminator: The Sarah
Connor Chronicles as the
CEO of a high-tech compa—
ny. per Billboard.

Vegging Out

Chart toppers Anthony
Kiedis. 45. and ~Leona Lewis.
23. were voted the world's sexi-
est vegetarians in PETA‘s eighth
annual online poll.

Loose Talk

"I would like to know who
this reporter is. . . . And I
would like him to talk to my
accountant and figure out
where is the cash that‘s miss—
ing. Because I haven‘t seen it."

- On reports she earned
$35 million last year. Gisele

“The only two men I
have time for are Barack
Obama and my trainer."

— ()n being single. Sophia

“I am working on trying
to get him off of being inter
ested in female parts... Like.
he thinks it‘s hilarious when
he pulls off my shirt... (He‘s)
starting the interest of. you
know. boobies.”

old son with ex—husband
Chris Robinson. Kate Hudson

"I‘m afraid if I start sell-
ing them. I'd start eating
them. I like the peanut butter
ones and the Thin Mints."

— On Girl Scout cookies.
honorary scout member Abi—
gail Breslin

“i really want to find that
certain person to spend the
rest my life with . . . so any
single. good guys. send in
your resume!"

- Mario Lopez‘s ex. Kari-
na Smirnoff

“We have a wicked cat-
fight. I don‘t know how I'm
not going to start cracking up
when I see Beyonce coming
at me!"

- On starring with
Knowles in the thriller Ob-
sessed. Ali Larter

"For some reason. Tom-
my has me Google Alerted."

- On how beau Lee gets
news updates about her.
Pamela Anderson

“It a guy loses his virgin-
ity at l5. that's great. but if a
girl does. it’s shocking and
awful. . . . I think that‘s

- On society's double
standards. Megan Fox

“A while back I tried to
buy the rights... to do Bay—
watch: The Musical. lt would
have been fantastic."

- David Hasselhoff‘



“So many people say. 'I
am so done.‘ That hasn‘t
come out of my mouth. . . . I
feel like we still have one

- ()n having another kid
with husband Seal. Heidi Klrun

Go West!

M'I‘V‘s 2008 Video Mu—
sic Awards will be held at
Los Angeles' Paramount Pic—
tures lot September 7.

Hot Seat

Tom Brokaw. 68. will
take over for Tim Russert as
host of NBC's Meet the
Press through the November

Hot Records

Natasha Bedingfield. 26.
and her brother Daniel. 28.
entered the Guinness Book
of World Records as the
only siblings to have solo
No. l singles on the United
Kingdom music charts.

Can Big and Carrie
afford that uxe Fifth Av-
enue apartment?

Only if Big‘s last name
were actually Trump. Accord-
ing to NYC real -estate agent
Barbara Corcoran. a four-bed-
room penthouse at 1040 Fifth
Avenue - complete with two
terraces and gorgeous views -
would cost about $35 million.
"Maintenance alone would be
$|().()0() a month!" she tells Us.





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Better and better.








How not
to rent
your life


By Whitney Wot-r:




FeaturasEditor ~ - . ._ I. ., _____ ‘
Phonx257-1915 - .




Having gone through 13 dif
ferent roommates and counting.
Nashville-based writer and editor
Kathryn Williams takes all of her
accumulated roommate knowl—
edge and offers advice iii the
book “Roommates: Sharing Your
Home With Friends. Strangers.
and Total Freaks" (Chronicle
Books. SIZES.)

Williams. whose work has
seen the pages of Newsweek and
The New York Observer. uses hi-
larious examples of real-life
roommate tragedies and success-
es to map out the do's and don'ts
of finding perfect roommate nir—

PHOTO BYMISHERTDAN ' » , vana. and to ensure that readers
eznor of Nine Inch Nails - ,, i - - .' " looking for a roomie along the
. ' ” .. . . . , lines of Joe Schmo don‘t end up
pussible Set List . $1.. ; . ‘ with Herbert the Pervert or Shad)

. ‘ . "g McShaderson.

1999999 1? ”I“, ‘1 . g . 3 . d ,, As with all relationships.
limit) 000 [Tet m h » -- ‘ Williams explains that the
'3 Lettino You 13 mm roomie relationship contains the
" .“ . . seeds ot both Joy arid miser).

fimmpl‘ne '4th and that communication is the
'iMarchoithe Pm Ii WW I , true kes to success. One of the
F’ ‘u‘m‘l DWI” ii worst fhittgs about ll\ ing with
‘ someone is using passise aggresr
si\e l‘ClluHUt‘ and expecting that
_\our roommate knows w hat sour

"Roommates" Iias generic
places for people to look tot
roomies such as: (‘raigslistorg
and Roommates.com. and offers
places to look for lifest} le-speeit-
ic roommates with Web sites such
as: Veggieroontmate.com.
RoomWithAJew.com and (‘hris







tian-Roommates,coni among otli

' ers.
N ow that the Dame is a 0host look ahead
k b k 'i ' how to point out questionable
roommate postings ()nc ol in)
l was dri\ ing through downtown i'ecentl) great businesses sticli as Btister‘s. Mia's and The Since the summer season is still upon us. lots I‘mlI‘UE esainptes “4‘ 3‘ I‘m“:
when I witnessed a trul_\ saddeiiing sight. Dame has now been transformed into a ot bars hate patios open and generall) this is a I” 3 ‘Il “l“‘~_l‘”" ”m I” ‘ ‘
A “”103-1th WUPIC w as standing outs massite w'ar-~/,onevst_\le pile of material. good place to start when on a quest for li\e mtl~ change Ill" W” “1”“ “"II“ I"
side of the ehaiirliiiked fence that now I understand that the building will sic Iliaxe been toAtomie (ate a couple of times ”MIC “”15 - ‘hc “”“M I)“ *‘
surrounds what are the glorious remains ha\e great economical benefits for otii latel}. which offers a large outdoor section. and l’w‘l'l i"""“”"‘l *“““"‘m A” II“
of The Dame. ‘3. cit}. btit it is alwass sad to see establish~ was treated to a prett_\ good reggae band one ”11-: CIDVH;\T\§T:1TUI~LI be‘i‘sllls‘l I‘,‘
The couple had a camera with them 3 ments close that have so much emotional night and a iockiiig 'ts‘tis cm et band on another Ill‘l P. I“; "V “ , I“ TI": I '1”
and were in the process of committing the k“, Value. The closing ot The Dame. which occasion ““ T II‘II’I‘” I 'l ““1"”.— ‘13”
building carnage to film. This incident m- offered shows b} sonic \er) ttotable ()thei‘ establishments otter similar expei‘i- then what 1‘ . g
made ITTC reali;e that students who ha\e k" i ‘- artists. has caused l-e\ington to take a cttces. such as (‘heal'iside Bar a (hill. which also “Ill“lm‘ ”KIWI“, chop.
spent their summer break in the tar reaclr NICK hard hit to the music scene. norm-all) has a ll\ e music and sports patio, “MCI“ ‘ I“ "IN I“"“’”“l”"
es of the world outside of Lexington. may WALTERS in the wake ol all of the downtown ll sou like )oui rock ‘n‘ roll to be a bit on the :Iu'l’c‘ ‘I'l‘l ‘hf' l'fl‘ II“: I““_‘ ‘I
be quite surprised b) the scener) when KNIT“ changes. it ma) Iea\e )ou wondering harder side then sou ma} want to check ottt the “‘m”? “ 'I“”lx‘.”l“f"l“ SWIM“!
they take their tirst dri\e through down- (olumnist where students can go for entet'tainiiient .‘\l:\ (‘oncert Hall at Main Stieet Inc The W”. “”h ‘l’l‘flh" ‘“ "’ M.“ l‘ »‘““'
town. and a good time. lesington otters man} ue presents both loeaI and national hard rock .tcts I’l‘lm“ "m‘lnlhf “II“ ”I h‘“ ”I331."
Because of the sk_\sci'aper that will soon he places around the CIT) where one can find In e and is of decent si/e Maui Street law also dc- ““7””“4” SWIM“ “"ll‘ "”"l"
under construction. the block that housed man} music. K" e Walters 3,. Mutt“ 4 3 ,, Book 1‘ j l, 4



AUG. 28 -- SEPT. 3

.. ,3}. Aug, 28 SATURDAY, Aug. 30 I H a rd " C 0 re b e I IV

J-Roddy Walston and the Business, Counting Crows and Maroon 5 with

Junior Revolution special guest Augustana , l h I t t d ntS
9:30 pm , Al‘s Bar Tickets cost $5 7p m., Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati a u g S O S U 8

Tickets cost $25.25~$12l75,

g fietap Forthe week of SAB brings

We Shot The Moon (Jonathan from B
. . . . . . yKellie Oates laughs on the lawn \dinission
Waking Ashland), The Flight Station, The Eighty Sixed, The Serfs, Pumpkin Slut, MWWW W i, W,
Reign of Kindo, Pluto Revolts and Josh The Zwlls. Secondhand Sex. Hate The union. on in.» l n n an
Phjfer Living, The Buster League, Atomic (The of comedian RI:T"I':\'s e\ent that we put on which tea
8 p m Mad Hatter Covinqtrtu kaets cost $8 Potato, The Columbines, FHA, Church loudest memories ot college tines c‘tttiie‘tlldlh troiri around tin.
i " I i F Odd b was seeing her Iteadsliot m t‘ttlmtl‘}. said Ben \aiitleiHoist_
}-:r.‘ 4- 9 ”e' lo , chicken made president oi S \B "It is a \er_\
"" ,.Aug 2 5 p.m., Mad Hatter, Covanton, Tickets cost $5 . , mm m. “mm mm,
‘ Doing tcolIeLe . I l
The App/entice Zephama BOSTOW' The , gig in .\rk ms is in- ”I I . IT ‘3‘“ km” “WWII." :3”
Joybombs SUNDAY’ Aug‘ 31 head of table tents to ‘aug lb 0“ t 8 I“ ‘t-‘L‘ “”Wkl.‘ ”I”

TO p.m., Al's Bar. Tickets cost $3. Nine Inch Nails with White Williams promote the show Ill Lawn is a great ‘Hls‘ _.

I ‘ " ‘ 5 the cafeteria. tlies Students can look
R I FI It 7pm” Rupp Afenai T'CkBTS COSt $41 $4 . iitadc LUPle of ITT\ OUTdOOT BVent torwatd to this went
aSCa a S. .

. . . It all Iiot and stuck once a month as a “s0
8 pm, Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati. The SweIIs Brass Band ‘ nit-hf m empn KH‘ TOT SIUdemS TO to escape the tedious
Tickets cost $13-$75 9 pm, Al's Bar. Free. buckets." Rti'l”l‘,-\ en JOY “White of classes

said in an inter\iew NATAUE [ "laughs on ithe

‘ ' ‘ ' on (‘oniedV (‘entral‘s ,awn 1‘ A‘ 14'1““ ”“I‘W‘T
Thee‘Alliance, The Frankl Protect, . The Hillbilly Hellcats w/Rumble Club, Web We i-www'enm- THOMERSON CW“: 101' “Numb 10 611‘

Martin Luther and The Kings, There s No Straw Boss. uhmmhmm i .2: .3 my “my Mum.

Tomorrow, Total Dudes, Dead! Serious, 9 o m, Mad Hatter, Covington. Free, 21+ show ' Rt; we “ t". ha. ' ' 'rhnnn-msnl.I directortol

Now Entering Rehab, Backdoor Mafia, been featured on WP 3‘“ UN 0r

Means to an End Scott Free and The WEDNESDAY, Sept. 3 . VHI. Corned) ('entral and “The ‘SAB. The comedians

Tea Leaf Green W/ Moon Al'ce 'I‘onight Show with .Ia} Leno." “"9“ “P I” Th“ “‘m“ “ I“ I"“‘“"I‘IC

Getaways , 8:30 pm, doors open at 8 pm. Headliners Music will perfornt ’l'hursda) night at 7 “1‘an!“ “”h ITKIT‘I‘V‘WC I‘CII.‘
5 pm, Mad Hatter, Covmgton. Tickets C051 55. at the Memorial Hall attiphithe laughs. w Inch helps students re

ater as part of the Student Actis'i- ““9 “TV“ from ”‘9'“ hm.‘ “hm
ties Hoard annual comedy series “‘0‘-


crédt View of the ‘ v.35 Live Music: Tues-Sat. .

I Triangle Pork Fountains ‘ o
g ; ,r ' 4 . VAuthentic Brazilian

IHoppy Hour- " 1 in? i, ‘ j I , dafforod and Drinks

lMondoy- Friday -\ .fi 5“, -

i 5: 00 p. m.- -.8= 00 ii!

I L E?!


3 Free Parkinglin' ~ .. ”Food Served

Short 5t. Garage J .“ ’ ’ until 2.00am.


itH nitrates, ~rtiii. riot ’(')R sizitzt‘rios
OPEN TUES. . SAT. 7:00 2-3.)



._ WWW—"T .


West Mam St « lexmqton, KY 40507
8593155 9139 www. devassu not WWTIT()W


in... am (110;...

 PAG£4 | Thursday. August 28, 2008



Continued from page 3

votes portions of their estab-
lishment to different types of
music. The bar caters to fans
of h1p~hop. pop and even

A place that l have been
hearing great things about.
but have yet to have had the

privilege of checking out. is
Al‘s Bar located at 6th and
North Limestone. I took a
look at their music schedule
via MySpace. and it was pep
pered with a diverse musical
mix that includes bluegrass,
funk. a brass band and some
indie rock.

What I have put forth
are a few suggestions to aid
in the search for a good
time. While I have men-

tioned a few establishments.
there are many other great
places for live music such as
the Fishtank. Lynagh‘s or
Common Grounds. So don‘t
fret at the loss of The Dante.
It is sad to see it go, but
there are still many places
around town to fulfill your
live music needs.

Nick Walters is an ling-
[ish senior. E-muil [1'11-
mrcs@ k ykemel .com .


Continued from page 3

Jillian Tauffener. of Columbia. Ky.. who
has been a fan of the band since sixth grade
and owns all of the band‘ s albums said she
plans to get to Rupp Arena about eight hours
before the show starts to ensure that she gets

a good seat.

Michael Trent Reznor created Nine Inch
Nails in l988. Reznor. who released his first
album "Pretty Hate Machine" in l989. is the
only official member of the band and controls

its musical direction. Unlike the vast majority
of industrial artists, Reznor‘s albums. called
Halos. feature melodic. traditionally structured
songs where lyrics are a focal point. according
to an MTV band biography.



In spite of being disgruntled about higher
ticket prices Rose may find himself once
again standing in Rupp Arena listening to

"'I m not going to start buying his CDs
'Rose said.
throw in an old one but I‘m not going to be a
Nine Inch Nails freak again. Time and place
I'm not there anymore. But I can still be a fan.
I can still go to the show."

To be honest. I might


WRFL 88.1 FM
Top-10 albums of the week

1. Silver Jews, "Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea"

2. Calexico. "Carried to Dust"
3. Walkmen, "You and Me”

4.Sigur Bos,

"Med sub i eyrum vib spilum

5. Stereolab, "Chemical Chords"

6. Beck, "Modern Guilt”

7. Sic Alps, "A Long Way Around to a Shortcut"

8. Margot 81 the Nuclear So and 80's, “Daytrotter


9. Daedalus, "Love to Make Music to"
10. Melvins, "Nude With Boots"


Continued from page 3

er set of keys to your

Complete with how
to handle and share the
bathroom. showing
other ways to divide up
the fridge besides us-
ing duct-tape — appar-
ently people do that —
using the Hollywood
example of Balki and
Cousin Larry to show
that “Perfect
Strangers“ can be per—
fect roommates and ad-
vice on how to know
when it's time to say
“So Long. Farewell.
Auf Wiedersehen."
Williams‘ book is a
must-have for all
roommates and people
still searching for
someone to share the
bills with. “Room-
mates: Sharing Your
Home With Friends.
Strangers. and Total
Freaks" will be avail-
able in September.



Gender differences still
matter in movies — a lot

By Joanne Weintraub
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

One is sun-sparkled
Aegean blue. the other dark
as ink. One teems with
women scattering flowers.
the other with men tossing

Both are highly entertain-
ing. though each has moments
of sheer over-the—top goofiness
when viewers‘ eyebrows may
arch toward their hairlines.

So why is “Mamma
Mia!" considered a guilty
pleasure. while “The Dark
Knight" is widely respected
as a grown-up drama'.’

Yes. Christopher Nolan's
Batman movie has a jaw-
dropping performance by
Heath Ledger as the Joker.
while Phyllida Lloyd’s musiA
cal has 77 well. let‘s just say
that my Jaw remained right
where it was throughout the
whole thing.

But beyond Ledger‘s sin<
gular piece of work. there‘s
an obvmus difference be-
tween these two fantasy
films. ()ne‘s a chick flick.
and the other is for "every—
one." defined in this case ——
and in many others - as
everyone whose idea of a

good time is watching men
attempt to destroy the world
or save it.

Spare me the argument
that “Dark Knight" isn't a
boys‘ club because Maggie
Gyllenhaal is in it. She gives
an OK performance in an OK
role in a movie where
Ledger. Christian Bale. Aaron
Eckhart. Eric Roberts and
even a pair of old guys.
Michael Caine and Morgan
Freeman. have more interest-
ing things to do.

Oh. and Det. Ramirez.
the girl cop who plays what I
believe is known as a “small
but pivotal role" in the de-
nouement‘.’ Bet you can‘t
even name the actress who
plays her. And that goes dou—
ble for Judge Surrillo. the
lady Jurist.

To be considered serious
by critics and a blockbuster
among viewers.