xt7m901zgz3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zgz3j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-03-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 2007 2007 2007-03-06 2020 true xt7m901zgz3j section xt7m901zgz3j COMING

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rustees restrict access to meeting agendas

_t‘t .s‘t) -\\ MAR( H 11 zoo



By Megan Boehnke, Sean Rose.
Blair Thomas and Juliann Vachon
newsilkykernel com

I'K trustees plati to gixe the
public less notice abotit the topics
the) tittertd to disctiss at their regu-
larl} seliedttled meetings

Instead ot posting detailed
meeting agendas on the tir1i\ersit_\ ‘s
Web site Tour dass in ad\anee as
it traditionth has the board w ill
begin this week posting the hill
agendas at 0 am, the da) ot the

"Ii\er_\thing we‘re prmidtng is
in compliance with open meetings
and open records laws." said L'K
spokesman la} Blanton. "All that's
changing here is lthleHng‘ when
something is posted on a Web site.
and I would hope the rartiitieations
or that w ouldn’t be merstated."

Thotigh the trUstees ntight not
be breaking the law. the} are break-
ing the spirit ol‘ the law. said Jon
I‘letsehaker. a media law_1er who
has represented the Kentuck} Press
Association. the Kernel and other
outlets ranging from The New York

Times to the .'\\\(K’ldICll I’ress.

"Reall_\. it‘s .1 Mi) to a\oid be-
irig responsible." I‘Ieischaker said.
"People would lime to go to men
meeting and that reall) liiitits the
abilit) of members ot’ the public to
go and monitor w hat's going on in a
public agenc}. beeaUse the) can‘t
go to e\ er} meeting."

Without an agenda for board
discussion to lollow. trttstees Lould
decide what to discuss depending
on wlto attertds each meeting. I‘lL‘lV
chaker said.

\et} interested iii a subtect and the
board doesn't w artt to deal with it in
tront ot them. the) don't lime to."
he said. adding that comersel). it
no one shows tip at the meeting.
board members could ptislt \otes
through w ithout \L‘Tlllln).

The niatri reasons tor the
change are trustees‘ concerns that
news stories preuewing meetings
”create the impression that a dect
ston has alread) been made betore
the board has \oted on it and delib
erated about it.” Blanton said

Trustees think this creates the

[‘III‘IIL perception that the board is
no more than a "rubber stamp.” lie
‘1‘“. INSIDE

Some ot the board members
who spoke to the Kernel last night
w ere not aware ot the change iii the
praettce. although taLiiIt) trustee
I:rnre Tanarella said he has heard
such complaints ttom board nieni

Tanar‘ella said he has panicipat
ed in eonxersations with other
trustees L’!‘lIlLl/|ltg' news stories lot

i : BOT 1:15;: 3

"It people show tip who are

McIntosh enters
SG prez race as
final candidate

By Blair Thomas

titbomas Iikyke r11635 t 0111


\ slideshow ot‘ pictures introduced Student (io\ern»
merit Presidential candidate Scott McIntosh and his run-
nuig mate. I‘.lttll_\ I'ortne). to a crowd ot nearl) I35 peo
ple at their tampatgn announcement last nrglit in the
WT Young l.ibr'.ir1} auditoriunr

McIntosh began the e\erit b} e\pressiiig the need to
change the wa) students \ iew 8(‘1

"()l'ten. we get caught tip in the politics ot this or‘ga
titration and lot'gct what it has to otter." McIntosh said

McIntosh serxed as an atlarge senator last )ear as
well as a member ol the l'noersit) Summit Ile is cur
t'L‘ItIl} a l‘Is' .\nibassador.

”I” ”l.‘ _\cars1it I'K T11; seen se1eral 5(iadniinistra1
tioiis. arid I‘\e real|_\ been able to step back and see what
this organi/ation is r'ealh capable ot." McIntosh said.

McIntosh said he plans to gi\e back the stipends gt\ —
en to the SU president. 1 ice president and appointed ot
ttcers l‘rom student tees and trout the I’ro\ost bttdget.

“(in en the productoeness ot‘ Student (imernntent
in the past wars. this orgarii/ation is in no position to
ask tor mone) from the students or an_\one else McIn~
tosh \ttILI.

McIntosh and I-ortne) plan to itse the e\tra "5‘51““
8(‘1 will ha\ e in its budget trom the returned stipends to
pro\ ide more student ser\ ices

.\Iclntosh's planned student benetits include bringing
more national restaurants like \Verids's to campus. err
cotri‘aging I.e\ingtot‘t businesses to pro\ ide discounts to
students. increasing the tunding and support to Women‘s
Place and increasing satet) on campus

"We are tocusing on prmtdtng students with tangy
ble ser\tccs." \Iclritosh said “We want their moire} and
our el't'orts to go toward things that the). can benctit trout
and attribute to Student (i1nt1r'ititiL1tit.”

Tortne} called tor increased 1.ommunteation with

"There isn't sutticient communicatton between Stu—
dent (imernment and the students." I-ortiie_\ said. “Stu
dent (hoernnient has a budget ot oxer $.‘sltlittllll and


Students rumpete 1111 a pingtiong tuii'nantmt last night in the Cats Den, which saw a low ta'nout The Cats Den 18 lurateo 1'1 1'11?- itmer 19.1511 1‘t'11eStatte1‘1t

Center and hosts differe'1tete'its each wee11

Students gathered in the (Eats Den last night
to e1 )mthL h )t the pingpong tour i111ant
grand prize: 11 six—pack ot'.\le—1\’~( )ne. a beach
ball and I1‘t‘isbees. as w ell as ( Tats Den drink
c1 mics and a basketball g1 111] that can be hung
from a door. 11111111111111- the merit was low
with with si\1 participants. Stace\ I nder hill
e\cnt UN iidii11toi hit the ( .ats Den said shL
was surprised and that pingpong is one ot
their most popttl1 u‘g ’atttes. \sidL tiom the
stops made bi thL (.1 iniedt (.ai‘axan. the

next big c1 cut to hit the( Eats Den will be a
over fl; members. The}. Time the potential to be a great ,

1 .. dance pam on I hursdaw March :2. trom
sL‘t‘\ IL‘L‘ I11 slttt L‘ttIs - . _ . 1
" ”ht
\Iclntosh and l‘ortnc\ plan to communicate with 1. . 1 ,. 1 . . () PJTT. t” Illldlllh -
' > r1 t . a 1‘ s 1r11' ’11. 111t* n11i 1' 1 1 " . 31'1.11> C r111“ 11; 111.11
students In publishing a nionthh newsletter that would ,Ci 1:1Z2113 811?. is] n8\C 11(31181141e1f1 .111”..le et1ar S d if ,1E to M 10.1%,
1 >1 1 .1 1 - .. 1 1111 1g ru tanaa 1t 5 1‘1 drums o. itaawas n 111tt11a1 11‘.
we sent to residence lial.s .is well as broadcasting the 11 9, st 111,.11011114..,...{,. wad .1.K 13.1 ,1 1 .11. 1.1.. 1 11111
. . _ k/ H 14 s‘1'4111. L1 1 Au L 1t“1j ’15
- 1 1- t » so
swim. ”Mlm’ ”M 'l‘mn‘l ’ . UEils l1 ‘Auzlill'te 1'1111 "itfatacle:3t;111,1‘1t‘1.1’i a11t11tt11"; Cats Den
'lhis uni1eisit_\ is tilled with resources tor commit

ntLation with students.“ I1oi'tiies said. “It is our |ob to
utili/e them "

The Senate candidates running with .\lclntosh and
I‘11rtr1e1.all w eating green and 1ellow. tntrmlueed thcnr
sel\es .ind encouraged students to goc suggestions Tor
what they want to see trom Sh

“The ideas we ha\ e presented tonight come trom the
students.“ {\Itlntosh \ttltl. "We are interested in what _\ou
w am, We want to dedicate this tampaign to working tor
the interests oT I'K students "

Initiall}. it was 11nL lear' it .‘\ILIntosh's announcement
would e\en take plat e

The L'\Ctll w is dela}ed tor' a hall hour because ot
\K I \ounv I ibr u\ polits th1 t:1IoLs not allow campaig n \elopment in the ('ollegt- oi fgn
gatherings in tI11 libr1i\ dae to the possibilit) ot e\Les Elma-mg. I'K announted \ester
st\L tintsL tla\. l .

“1.012 Mc|mosh 111mm» 3 The institute will conduct re
search on new coating teehnolo


111931 111:1



Toyota pledges $1 million donation for new institute

K\‘/l‘ Salim
and 111 '1 K started working wail: I111
ota to HM? and has deepened :*1
relationship with the
tonipan} met the \eat’s
”\‘se 1on1 titted lo\11t.1 lll.i' w e
1.1rt h l1trie111 l"l.

By Juliann Vachon merit strateg}.
l'ls' engineering protessor
rector ot the institute
"This is something we are
\er} proud or." \‘aito said “\o

other llIll\L‘l\tl\ is intiinateb in

gvathouzkyktemel tort.
lo}ota ot North .\rttertca will .ittt11ii:11l1ii.1
donate $1 million to [K to sup
port 1a onerot arktnd new Institute
111 Research 1111 11111111111121 D11 \11l‘1c1linandtoniiettedwttli I111. 1iioi'etl1.1it 11.1.1
h ota headquarters “ automobile matting
I Is spokesman .la\ lllantoii bttt also itititli ot the itiaitutat'ui

said the collaboration with [111_\ot.i increlatedi'ese.ir'1l1."_\aitosaid : '1 1.111.1‘1 1i1 \1'1
will help e|e\ate I'K's le\el ot re [be new institute wi11
search labs at the Ralph (i \111lers1~ii
materials tor \ehicles ”This is a pertect e\atttplt' ot building and the ( oldstreatr Re giadua'e
arid nonalcstruetoe testing ot how Mm lake resear‘1li trout the starch ( ampus {511 1. . 1 .19
welding technologies as pan ot lab and apph it to problems and

Tit-\OITIK TC\C1IT\IT .mtl 1IL‘\ L'Iop LIt.tllt‘ll}.‘L‘\ lau‘d h\ sr‘rt’tt‘lk.”

te1, litiologiws

Ii.t\L‘ ilit :l‘AItht'e '

deti's ont 'lie1


gtes, new

Sarto said the He“



will 111i11\i1le etoiioiiiit TOW"a

Film shows Indian women forced into prostitution

Scott Mrlntnsh annnunres that he writ rur1 for Student Gov
etrtrne'tt presulent alrtnri voth we n'mulentia "1t‘1t19l1ild’l1'l
current at large. 311111 ['11th lttrt'tm last night 1'1 the. W 7
Young library 11111111'11'11.m

first issue fr“. Subsequent issues 25 com.

By Linsen Li
itifikvkerw! 02111

Hundreds ot }e.1rs ago. \iilage girls in In
dia gained fame arid lortune as cotmesans in

Toda). Village girls ot Bachara. a region in
central India, are forced into the highwa) se\
trade to suppon themsehes and their tamrlies

The documentars "Highwat (‘oiirtes.tiis."
which was shown last night at the (iatnes ('en
tcr's Hinghanrlhnis House. told the stories ot
some ol these women

The women in Bachara are torted into
prostitution because ol latk ot opportunities
and b\ tradition. said I’atrtcia Ahmed. an .issis
tant sociolog} protessor

“Mam ot these women ha\e limited re

sour1.cs no land. no house and parents to take
Lare oi Ahmed said "Theretore tliet are more
\iilnerablc to be pushed into the low ct sot ial
and economical 1 lasses "

The local tradition ot prostitution in
Bachara started o\cr two centuries ago The
highwa} ses trade llourished with the retent
desclopment in etonom}. as the demand tor
prostitution ir11 teased with highwa} tralttt.
.khnied said

(itiddt (ILIIIILIIT. the stat ot the llllll, was
hirL‘etl into the sex trade lt\ her lather. who also
ser\ ed as his daughter's pimp ('hauhan had to
surrender h ilt her earnings to him

(iirls like h..iuh in bet onie prostitt it1 s at an
earl_\ age. attording to tht tditi \lan1 start .it
I‘. some as eat!)

I‘eeling discontent about being 1| prostitute.

as I:

( liaulian sought help tioiii \tltitl‘i kid. a go\
einniental agent) aimed to liberate wontert
troni prostitution I'\entual|\. she was able to
tind a lob as a Ik'1IkITL'I at the st hool in her \il

llowexer the M1 \er} little. and
('hauhan's father and brothers pressed her to
return to liei old protession B111 attse ot her his
run with prostitution people in her mmmunus
treated her with disrespeti

(liallltdll thought she tound trtie l11\e.or1l1
to «II\Ll‘\k'l that the man ne\er had the intention
of iiiarr\ing ltei In the 11nd ('hauhan was still
looking tor answers but hope was shot tor her

“omen o: Hatharas tan rarel} get married
due to then \4\ MI status. \hmed said

1 1 l

1: Film case 3

Newsroom: 257- 7915, Advertising: 257-2872




PKG}, 21 Tuesday, March 6, 2007

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yourdaily dose of entertainment pop culture and tun Kernel ‘ O.








f 1 Sci
7 8 1 9‘ 2
- v-—--~~—-i—~——-—4r 'Fr1
4 8 3 1 5 9 we DISH
. . ,. - __w. --_,_.,,g, .. dc
8 2 3 5 ”ll
1—111—11— —— w—~——m-~~~ —~ ~ Forget the Academ} Amu‘ds ~ .714. When she heard he'd be in et‘l'usise statements (Being mar« 2:.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had tovrn for Oscar neck. she made a ried is incre1ldihlc Kids are spec- av
.- -_,_...4___.1 i_.__...__..,_# better things to vvorr} about. As detour to Mexico. says a source. tacular.) And when meeting
7 4 2 8 the couple prepare to adopt a Meanwhile. Law recently told Justin Tinrlwrlakehe Mus no less pr
. _ Q ’ ' - . Vietnamese child la source tells‘ tnends. "We can't talk or see each enthusiastic. At the Super Bowl m
3 1 l 2 5 r 6 7 Us they're alread} on the hunt tor other." (His rep says. “Totally l‘ehruar) 4 in Miami. “here he py-
: ‘1 l new help to take care ot the new nthculous.") and Wile katie Holmes. 214. had a pa
I __.__.___‘.__._y I born). Jolie. 3l.jetted off to the Cameron and Jen Compare suite. Cruise. 44. saw Scarlett Jo— m
4 l ; S African nation of Chad February Noses Put-Oscar hansson Vi ith Timberlake. He q.
T"‘"“‘“"'“‘f~“”§ ' 25 to visit with Sudanese It was a classic Hollywood called over the actress.22.toehat re
8 ‘1 9 I 7 1 refugees. "She wants to galvanize face-to-face. While chatting up about appearing in Mission' Int»
4 action to end the horrors these Jennifer Aniston during the Night possible l\‘. a source tells lis. But pl
pUZ.C0lll people are living through." lnter- Before Oscar bash at the Beverly (‘ruise got distracted h} the pop {h
national Crisis Group‘s John Hills Hotel February 24. star. telling him repeatedl) he ot
Prendergast (vvho‘s worked with Cameron Diaz couldn‘t stop rav- was "so amazing." An insider
the actress before) tells Us. ing about Beverly Hills plastic tells Hot Stut‘l' that "Justin was ta
Meamshile. Pitt. ~13. pla) ed Mr. surgeon Raj Kanodia (who per- uncoml‘ortahle h} the exchange.
Mom to the couple‘s three Chll’ t‘ormed a rhinoplasty on Dial. in He \\ as cordial but tried to get
dren (Maddox. 5. Zahara. Z. and November turd on Aniston in Jan out olIthc com ersatron." ((‘rurse's
Shiloh. 0 months) back at their uary). "It's the nose my nose al- rep couldn‘t be reached for com I
cancel (June 22 IJU'V 22) lnrlay l 11W 18 El :I‘ Y'lll lFlG harming {35 Ne“ ()rleans mansion over the mass wanted to be." Dial. 34. ment.) 3;
HOI'QSCGPE87 ‘5 11 7 Y4 u. W "K llUTlllt‘ W Mill DU ‘ ‘ i "ll <1 ‘1 lliEll ettualiy strnrirlat “eckcnd - but had to lease them gushed to Aniston. adding that Hollywood's Hottest New (‘ou- L“
W Lirettv well estatii'slrett by new Set l 11:11 .1 ill 1,11 I give a lit] about wr ork “1th the nannies tor a brief trip to Kanodia \s as an amazing .s'piritu- ples
toe Wieers 111 111111111111, on 1.11 "l "ltweve' lliis ‘s lr'rc, it you‘re a l...~\. Februar) 25. Across [\“Hl at al person \\ ho had changed her Alter Grey's .-\natom_\'s Kate J
1117 your feet up eilrl suuervrs‘e r11 1’1rssrrr lrf rrrrilrrsorrhy or indepm the Oscars. the actor's The ('uri- lite. Brit [)ia/ wasn't done our Walsh W. was spotted locking I‘"
81, by“ y‘ Buy” Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) Today s. .1 in try near?“ ‘11 .2 really should he ous Case ol Beiriamin B'llllnn lightening t'ellovv reselers. Later lips \sith Brothers .1.- Sisters‘ 1
y‘, W. We do“ "Saar ‘31.,” m, 5 We 1 mp tr; m1.” Catt 1r “1:1 . 11 : ~11 costari ate Blanchett told l s she on. the Holitta} star got into an l)a\e .»\rrnahle. 37. at a concert Ly
.r.3iIs ’3? g 1} 1.: my. are m ,ryyy y'; 7'11} Weiss amt ‘rr 11ng 31m lyyr r Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19). r doesnt consider) plindates he~ intense «ill-minute talk Willi-Ill; on .l‘cbruar) 'r‘s'. the) ~got col) p
.1": 'rtr;.s.’rnal1.11rlr/ "111 ngrtgmripr 11ny gag!) “mm 115 r3 ry 1‘“ 1c L] 7 yUUr rypxt agglgtyynem tiiecn her and ”l in s children .1 rsha ( utlihert'.j\iiioiig the topics. agarn at tlrelfsight Betore ()sear “
‘ ‘ midis yyyyyg 1r, . y ,yrrr ryyr r g M3111 may” y, {‘lya'ygrr yry \yyyyr yyyyyyyud: pgrhyol thcyoh. lharsyiist called 'I'\i\\ .lyilt‘in lynilwyrliake s(‘song. Rim] yyi llolnyisoiotl l~chniar_\ .t-ly i‘

. , . - r 1.1 .4 3,. ”5111.1 , re na noes .1 l'OUIL . . , onies as s re 1 rue no commeri .

Arie? (Mamh 21 AW” 19) "11"5‘13‘1 Virgo (599’ Zi‘SelpEXZEhy .IWIIyIIyIIV” ,: WI: I II]: VIZI itii III,I MS Jason's Date \V'ith Michelle Around." which is rumored to be The next night. limms Rossum. ‘1
r5213 Let somebody 1:131: "use d 3 "W W ‘W'a‘t U ” ” l ‘d h ( WI)“ II \ Last month. Jason Lenis told based on (‘uthhcrL and her lo. and Milo \‘entiriiiglia. 29. I‘“
my” and “(My Dam. yyy 11212 i »\ rwrtyrr. Aunariulean 20 Feb 18) in L.” ‘ 11p. 1 _ be“ d . ‘1 l y. . y .. U, y . j ,, I .- y . y .. y

- y , ‘ ‘ W y . m t: ...ll:"i'.1r::l lav y... 8 hate y 1:11- my 111s are .11, ‘racnt cn oirig a ot o torrncr lranc. Trace \_\ala.1 were making out lll'st. crazy at
” 9d EVE” ”we" 1‘ 1‘ .11“ " ” I TII: _ , .1 ,y L, y y. by datmg' since splitting lrom ll‘imlierlakes Bl F i. As the arch hot spot Soho House L.A..savs a ‘1

'als more fun t'ia‘i New; 1 "17 L'IhIIra (Sept. 23 Oct 22) ““"Il, K ‘1‘ I ’I‘I” Nd I” e I'I-lI‘ W!“ "(I Rosario Dawson. :\‘o more. The tress lamented that the tune didn‘t source. (“They‘re just friends." "
A11 more elltrtrvr ” 7 Y M an {a ‘“ “1 II“ V “I E: m" “ “I": “W “8’33 S Wmmd tiy the actor. 35. uent out with Michelle tell the whole story. an insider Rossum's rep. savIs.) And that III
Taurus MW" 20 May ZOl Ir ”‘1 “I 'I‘II‘ ‘Nmmw ”III?” 1"‘I‘III‘Il III ‘l‘ I'I'I‘I ‘ “1““ “"' I” “MI ‘" ’l‘rachtcnhcrg. ll. at the (‘hatcaii tells l's. Dra/ assured her it \\;is same evening. Lance Annstrong. U
s‘ 1“ ‘l H trf‘r‘ri \SJ :1 .z‘ .1 ‘ II“: 1““ I"I“‘II\I new i . .\l.irmorit in l...\. l’L‘l‘I'tlle 24. ‘onls an inspiration‘ Meannhilc. 35debuted his nevs low interest. \
‘r ‘ srrzi“ see a rm " .. .' I 1: “'1‘” 1“ “I" ‘1’ ”all" 7' 'I’l‘ P'sces (Feb-”19 March 20) ' i Sass a source. "'l'he) yllsl hegan Aniston. What! to lend oll‘ .1. llirr designer Tor} Burch. at the \1
1'11 1'11» its '11 1"rt"11r‘ "11 r I "Hi s Z” I‘ ’I“ 11" I‘ l ”ll-mm“ V‘Il" money hanging out." lHer rep had no t\ 7..rch Bratl l h_\ chatting Damien Hirst art shim in Be\erl_\ q
’1 r‘ .t $1.1 .l' 11-1 his r.‘ 'l‘ .1?" 3'30er (Oct 1123 NOV- 21 I117 3‘1 f 1'11“““14 1‘1““7 1511'? I3“ 11W” ‘1‘" comment: his couldn‘t be \\ith lulu 1h lackiir. in r'Brall s rep Hills. Burch tells l‘s. "We are to- c
Gemini (May 21 June 21) l alrir ‘ Y ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘1“ "I1 51 i I’ '= ‘1 ”I” 11 ““K Lll‘m‘ 1‘?" ‘l‘19'l1l reached.) sa_\s. IIhe} are hands He is as gether. but taking it slow"

.3 r, 5. yr» 1y. Jr”; yr y . 1 yr ,. 11“» 11w 111‘- l' ‘ 1‘11 ’l i““"1l ‘ll’ll‘r’ll‘r. W’ll‘u’l Jude 8; Sienna .»\\oid Each not hitting on lrcr."r p
“"‘13‘. 1' a li"" a1. ' .is y: ‘1‘”‘1"\ 11' 15W" 11iir1t1lis W11.“ 1 ' (111.1111er ire 11.111121, Other! Tom to Justin: I iv'rr “" 2001 , Lls Wee m I]
tar? 7.“. yaw”. \ y. ‘~t'1‘-k". “' 21:11“ l‘ 1"‘1? ' r ‘ l...~\. is too small t‘or c\cs 51* You're Amazing \

U yy ‘va . r . r. 1» Sagittarius (Nov. I22 Dec. 21) ”5‘1 2.1 lli”‘~.%‘1“vl‘5‘s ”11', cnria Miller. 25. and Jude La“. l‘om (‘ruise is no stranger to p


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Board set to consider

91 Julian! legion
Ivachon©kvkernel com

Four llK proiessors will be pre~
seiited ior apprmal l'or tinnersit) re—
search prol‘essorships at the Board of
Trustees meeting at l pan. on the ltith
floor of Patterson Office Tower.

The unhersit)’ research professor~
ships award 835.0“) to proiessors
demonstrating outstanding achie\e-
ment in research. The award enables
professors to work on research in“
time or continue teaching and use the
award to fund research acti\ities.

()ptomolog)’ and \isual science
professor Ja} akrishna Ambali. statis—
ties proiessor Dick Kr} seio anthror
polog} professor Peter Little aird plant
patholog) professor l’eter Nag} were
nominated and selected ior submis-
sion to the board. said BOT iacult)
representatne Jet'l' Dembo.

Appointees must hate proposed
plans for research or crealite aclitit)
that the} will complete during the year
of the award.

The unnersrty serves the impor-
tant role ol‘ a catal_\st lor indi\idtral

Continued from uaae ‘

“jumping the gun" on issues debated
at meetings.

Still. Yanarella said he is cons
cerned about the decision to dela}
posting the agendas.

“l'll certainl) be putting a high bar
to m) e\altiation oi this." he said. “lt
is in} own leeling that iniormation
shotild be w‘idel} disseminated well in
ad\ance ol' the meetings."

The Kernel receired a cop} oi a
skeleton agenda on l"rid;i} trom statt
trustee Russ Williams and item details
irorn COnVCTS‘dllUlls with iacult)
trtrstee Jeil‘ Dembo The minimal or
sion oi the agenda. which Blanton said
would be available to media tipori re»
quest the da_\ bel‘ore meetings. iii-
eludes item names btit no descriptions.

Blanton said he still e\pecls new \-
papers to publish stories prenewmg
the meeting based on a less-detailed
\ersion oi the agenda. and said re-
porters cotild call CK public relations
with an_\ questions. Howexer. he e\s
pected lessaletailed agendas wotild
lead to lesssdetailed stories.

“The conch w ith board members
has been that a stor} with a lengthy
narrative creates the impression that
the}'\e alread) made a decision." he

professor's research efforts. said liniie
Yanarella. a lacult) representatrxe to
the Board.

"l'K is dedicated to pushing the
boundaries of knowledge t‘unher and
iurther." Yanarella said, “It's impor
tant to support acme researchers who
are generall) working on cutting—edge

801‘ members will also \ote on
renaming and adding a student mem-
ber to the committee charged with de—
ciding which students pa) iii—state tuv
iiion to the Resident) Reriew (‘oni-

The creation oi a new equine iso-
lation iaeilit) at the Maine (‘hance
lzquine (‘amptis will also be \oted on
at the meeting.

l'K‘s liqume lnitiati\e established
an “equine campus" at Maine Chance
Farm oii Newtown l’ike in January

The campus was iorined with the
new equine science bachelor's pro—
gram in the (‘ollege ol Agriculture,

The BUT will also one on naming
the new $30 million practice llicilit)
located behind Memorial (‘oliseum
the "Joe ('ralt Center.”

said. “’l‘he) are responding to a con-
ceni that the} 're not doing public busts

Blanton also cited last-minute
changes as atrotlier reason ior posting
the agenda the da_\ oi the meeting.

“It‘s to ensure that the agenda is
third and up to the miritite arid aceti-
rate.” Blanton said.

Student (imernment president
.lonah Brow it. who is a member oi the
board. said he was unaware oi the
cllallgC. but could ”see both sides."

Brown said the change wouldn‘t
keep the Inlorrnalion irom getting to
students. and suggested Sttiderit (iov
ernment could help

".-\s a board member I get a cop}
oi the agenda in ad\ ance. and through
Student (imernment. w e could get the
issues to the students." he said. "Stu-
dents shouldn't ha\e to rel\ onl} on
the Kernel or the Herald-leader to
know what is going on."

Stall representatne \\llll;llll\ did
not return sexeral phone calls last
night and l)embo declined to com

'lrustee l’amela Ma} also declined
to comment. as did li'rank Shoop. who
said this was the lirst he had heard oi
the change.

Board chair James Hardtmon also
declined to comment when the Kernel
contacted him at ltl BU last night, say
mg. “I can‘t beliexe _\ou called me
irom the Kernel and woke me up."

operates a
luyuta paint
sprayer Iri
the Raltin G



mama» Va'tl‘ ti i‘LJLI,’ [ PAGE3

l‘, "taxi in," : lat

" l‘here was such a lack ol opportunities hopes and
dieanis lor these wonten.‘ said Sara Head. a public
health graduate stndeirt " lhe\ were so Itl‘lH ions to out
side opportunities lalniost seemed the) were childlike "

Head said she w as somewhat disappointed b) the
lrlrn‘s ending

"I was hoping to see soluIIons to then piobleitisj' she
said "Hill I was lelt depressed "

Howerer. Head said she appreciated the llllll s cllott
to heighten awareness or tile problem

" l‘lic trlm is a realistic portiaxal ol these women. and
hopeltill) it‘ll bring changes within the Indian gosertr
ment." Head said


l'hc hesitation lll allowing the e\enl came alter a sin
dent called the librar} claiming to be a member ol the
l K (‘ollcgc Democrats and said he or she was worried
students wouldn't be able to studs with a political tall}



Cullil'ltled l'li'll Liane ‘

Sarto. tour or ii\e doctoral students. three undergtaduates.
two post-doctoral researchers, two research lacult) riiembers.
a research staff member. a business manager an information

specialist arid an oiiice manager

Sarto said he wants to increase the number ol undergrad
tiate and graduate students working on the protect o\ er time.
He also hopes to gi\e more students the opporttinit} to work
with the technolog) through summer internships and lellowv


Kenttickt's Bucks tor Brains program will also match

'l‘oyrla's Sl riiillion gitl. Sarto said

going on [K College Democrats l‘tesidenl Richard
Bet ker. who \t as present at the announcement. said no
one limit his group tirade the call Nlclntosh pointed a
linger at his opponent~s campaign

"\‘ke think members ol the ollicr campaign made the
call.” \lcliitoslr said "l'his Isn‘t a iall\. It Is Inst .t lorunr
loi' l'nrils aird l to announce oIIi hopes tot Student (io\
ernitienl l'heie is no reason \\ll\ It would disturb antone
trom sludting ”

Nick l’helps. \‘\ Intosh's opposing candidate was up
set b) the accusation when the Kernel called lntn tor

“Scott and l lia\e alwa_\s had a triend|_\ relationship
and I‘m surprised that he would accuse In} supporters ol
doing something like that.” l’lielps said "i hit goal ts tip
lilting the students. not bringing down all opponent "

Author probes black. Hispanic conflicts

By Ross Keyser

newsxikwerre: . otti

Sometimes the black and Hispanic
communities are perceited as united
minorities in \merica

But to author. law}ci‘ arid protessoi‘
Nicolas \aca. the two l'dk es are at odds
w itli each other at times

\'aca will be on campus tonight to
discuss his book. ”lllc l’t‘estltl‘ictl .‘tlr
liance. l‘he l'nspokcn (‘onllici Her
tween |.atinos arid Blacks and \\ hat It
Means tor ;\lllc‘l Ica ”

His speech Is part oi l'ls‘s annual
('ulttire l)i\ersit} lesti\al that kicked
oll Salurda) The discussion starts at tr
pm. in the Student (‘enter Small Ball»

Vaca will be talking about his book
and tr} mg to break the misconception
that blacks and Hispanics alwa)s get
along peaceabl) with each other.

"llic realit) is that the two races Istiatton as well as lot the students "
don‘t get along." said \eleashra Smith
director ol the .\lai‘tin Luther King Jr
( ulltiral Center It is a coiirtiiorib be
llt‘\ctl lll}lll. \llL‘ said

Srinth decided to bring \at a to l'ls'
as a speaker aiter w arching liiin debate
aiid discuss race relations a ten
months ago on (CNN.

llre Hispanic poptilatioii is grow
Ing rapidl_\. Smith said. and locali/ed
steps need to be made on campus to
ensure that the} are cotnloitable at


\llt‘ \altl

l‘lre transition can bc made caste:
il adtusttticills start now rather that. Ial
er. Smith said Hispanics are the largest
Ininoiit} group In the l titled \lalcs
and their numbers will continue toes
calclli.‘ llt’lt‘ «ill cdllll‘lls as \H‘ll sllc

merit In a
South saId

"Students arc

to lllt'

c‘lli‘l'l '\‘ .tltl lllt'

sllotllt‘. show up
to Learn and
\.:.‘Il \ltl

died l§.lllt'\. director oi the \llnoirh

‘ )ou \dll I learn til .i Mai llll?“
'\\e don I want people to teel un

wanted on campus," Smith said

She also said she would like to see
new programs like more minor It}
groups on campus as well as more seti
stli\il_\ li‘otri other students on campus
l’ls' needs to think about racial relay
tioiis lot the tuttire. Smith said

"It will be a struggle lor' the admin

(ollcgc \watcticss l'litglal‘.‘
\aca s can li. 1‘

\lc'l‘ I‘lllslllt' llls‘ l‘t‘\ .illtl lt'tii't 'II‘ '\\Illl\

w Itlr people tron: ail

lL‘\ salil

lecture s'tltlc’?ll\

‘t\.ill.\ Ii' lll'c‘ l‘i.i‘.
llie lccttiie w‘dl i'so .llclliclc’
tips on how to better communicate and

belle: understand one another


Red Mile Rd.

U rti'issl‘.t.,




N U \\‘ :\ N

wwwcxminulfinneust‘; AM. Fri iéi'k it

'WildCard UKID v2.0

107 Student Center
l-Cheap Seat Tuesdays: "We
Are Marshall" 8:00 PM
,Worsham Theater (Student
‘-The Presummed Alliance
.6:00 PM Student Center-
'Small Ballroom

I°UK Students for Life
l8:00 PM 115 Student Center
"Fantastic Floats and Fun
1100 AM, Outside Classroom

0Students Taking Action
Globally (STAG) Meeting
5:00 PM 211 Student Center
OYMCA Center For
Achievement Tutoring
5:00 PM YMCA Center For

0 UK Timmy Foundation
Chapter Meetin96t30 PM
Nursing Building, Room 213


m A ,\I l It

OWIldCard UKID v2 0107 Student

OChIps and Salsa Dancing 7 30PM
MLK Cultural Center, Across from
UK Bookstore

‘UanErSlty ChrIstIan Fellowship
BOOPM 230 Student Center

0L E C M Food for Body and Soul
5 05 PM, St A's (472 Rose Street)
OAd Club Meeting 730 PM

3rd Floor Fine Arts Library
0Comedy Caravan w/ Craig Allen
8 00 PM, Student Center

Cats Den

OBryan Station Mldle Tutoring
4 00 PM, Bryan Station Middle

0What the Hell Are you Thinking

OHelpIng Hands Dinner at
Catholic Action Center, 5 15 PM
Catholrc Action Center

-UK Budo Karate Club 8 00 PM
Barker Hall Dance Studio
~Reality Check, 1100 AM

M&M Building, Across from
Chem Phys Budding

| C A N



(j A M I‘ ll

, . 9531?"? chi—E.

OWIldCard UKID v2.0

107 Student Center

'thile Big Town 730 PM
Singletary Center for the Arts
~"Succeeding In a WhIte
World“ 1200 PM MLKCC


107 Student Center



ODrIvmg While Black

12 00 PM MLKCC
OGrown Man lam

(f () M M U

‘WlldCde UKID t2 0

'Real Brotherhood 6 00 PM

Private bedrooms BMW
iSwWw pool with” i

and bathrooms
Fuily furnished units
Tanning beds-

residents tan for free

Game room with







ofirh. ll . "‘3‘“ H \K i _-

'Saititddy Morrot ; (’ mm
900 AM Orrin savor
10 00 9",“

Iy‘frdvv ‘rd {,3 gr.

Protert Health
Dental Clintr

OUK Budo Karate Club
4'3OPM Barker Hall Danre

10 00 PM Buell Armory





PAGE 4 | Tuesday. March 6,2007

Waltzing his way
into 'talent’ gig

Bi use. «1.0mm:

Springer. longtime host of one of
'l'\"s skankier talk shows. is re-
placing Aiiierica‘s all—around nice
guy Regis l’hilbin as host of
“America's (iol Talent” when the
NBC competition series returns
this suiiiiitcr for a second season.

Naughty is the new nice.

Springer became something of
a poor man‘s hero last fall when he
signed on as one ol the "stars" of
ABC‘s coiitpctition series “1)ancA
ing With the Stars."

l'oriiier House majority leader
Tom Delay urged viewers to vote
for that nice hl'lllllllll'lg-“llll‘r\1llt.‘|‘~
ican—valnes country singer contes-
tant Sara livans. w aming that oth~
erwise "ultra liberal talk show
host" Springer was sure to win and
the moral fiber of America would
be sapped. or whatever it is that
happens to moral fiber when
"smut" like Jerry Springer wins
TV dancing competitions.

l)el.ay‘s campaign to control
the dance—show voting iinploded
when his candidate abruptly qui