xt7m901zgv77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zgv77/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1985 1985 1985-09-24 2020 true xt7m901zgv77 section xt7m901zgv77 ____________________.. .——_______——_——.__——_———————————~——
Vol. LXXXIX. No. 192 lehbllehod I.” University at Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky Independent elm 1911 Tuesday, September ’24. 1985 '. v- ' '
W 1 ‘
an . ,- . . _.I .' '. ,
. «a. . - ‘t . ~ «r. - South Africa group
n ‘I . 3.? A! h . . . . . wit . .’r pr
- ~- . a a proposes uprooting M
. . . I k . MN”, _ I II . . .iIi I'; I, [I 1'!
. ... both blacks Whites
. , .. -' ' - rig: 5;. ,3; .~ ByTOMBALDWIN t‘hris lleunis .i . . . 1.: A it“?
t f3“ I “'0‘ “my; 2“ Associated Press tional dey clopriieiil MIN: .a'ir v l "ti-:1- '51,}: a."
, ' -.1f ' W ‘ . . . . . do.» W proposal WW 11-9 t. :,"'5'i
' . ‘ . > ,‘ » y’- w 555‘ i I JOHANNESBLRG. South Africa attitude of .W gmrmihw. Hi 1 . 1"‘11' ’zt'fél‘l
. . . . :1" ft . ..- J a I. 39;. . .g _ . _ ,. - . — A government commission yester the “gm“. M” Mm”; ,I .s if :_a' II 3"" i
' - " ‘ t L ,-' , , 'a. . .. a. . 1 ' Wye...{” day proposed a plan that would for“ the plans with black» 111" .H. 1w _. (In. ' ', ' ”Wit-2T
A .. g . . . f r ' 2 -. ,. i; s "M5 911 in. ”£3”;ny '. and" at» ._ 3. 9‘". «5.. ibly uproot about 42.000 people. most It “I“ UMMH A“. .I," L ,I '. ..» .' lI Vivfieil‘.
( out , ~ _\. . I , . ~t , t v “Kg“? Mg: gitéggr I ' Of them black Bu‘ 3 government ”f merit .illimw‘. the rcpt" ., l}: - ':";"I’t_
yep?” '\ . i; - “My Ll”. _,. “ME: teat-W, ' . .. . fiCial said the plan does not reflect sued em. ...,,.I,,~I.I.. ., . _ . .i‘l ' .,' ‘1
ti": '.,..;.,...AI;"e-413>ij ’ ' 1; , ,' it" 3 “ ‘ . . the attitude of the white regime “Wk 3m WI”. .in . i‘I.’ ' _. L;
,- I " as; w y; L ’. Qi . ' I ,. .._ '.- :i': ”5;, In another development yester .-\ tiindzimenm; pilin .. i;..i' ._ i'. i. I:
3 ,, . .. Ivk-fif . . . - '... .. “ ."".’""'*""""’I‘V‘b" Nays W‘ll,‘ . .__.,_,a.....:,;«---—:, t’ t A. day- the daughter of Ja'IEd black and one ill 'lio- i'Ii‘J~' . 'n w 2 :'- -_".v ul “ r",
.. .1. g I... . ' r" _. . ,0 * . ‘ j ‘ ' ‘ “ ‘ _ leader Nelson Mandela. the head of “Emmi“ ,le ”m .I ,H . . 2' .5 'I .l
. t -‘ i‘ * " _ ‘ K ' . the African National (‘ongress guerr Mm” m A...” .II“ .n .. .. hi: 57.]
_.i_ ' _ ' . _4 \ 1e rilla organization. said he will be al m“ km ”A. I, _ A , . . j ‘i- I .. ,~ if 7).
i . r _ l ‘ ’4 x: . ,1" lowed an examination by a family .24 WNW. ’ll. . WI II an i. .v ..r I. ..,I
. I fix - ‘2» _ i .* physiCian. Government doctors have UNI, K mm mm :.-\.-- a; ..II ”A. . I. . . . I. _~. -.
‘ ‘ - ' ’ ' .—-. told Mandela he needs surgery for it m", 3 WWW “Hi... . _ , _ .,. 1,... '-' IV-I‘: ' f‘ _‘
, swollen rostateandinternalcysts v. .,, 1.. i... 2.1 ., .‘ . '_‘ ‘." I.‘ . 1"}-
Elltl'anCEd "mum's.” The grisons Department had no 33“,...“ his?!» " .' . t '1
Jim Wells, a dishwasher for Joe Bolognas on Limestone and the evening rush. Wells has been an employee at the restau- Eoncgsgélgngginj:[egemdtilhé‘f’ée I .‘ ‘* ‘3’: if‘I.‘
' ‘ ' l ~ - ~ ' ' Piir.iii!ii--ii'_.-.r..i': l-Lii'. \.-...' 1‘ ’Ii 5- '» '- 3 --. ‘.
Maxwell washes the outSIde Window yesterday preparing for rantfor eight years. yearold father will be checked h.‘ l’rllflrt'>\lit‘ twirl I I . . .- .‘V d.‘ I
tamlly‘appomted black dt’cu’rh llpp‘)_\t‘.\ .ipiir'fli'i ‘ ‘il‘ . " 0' Luii' - ' L. ' I ,
O BUt the m0"? appeared t“ be d he'll twii' iii‘. '.'.i :L.: ".t.I "t.
Medlc l C t t concession from the government “I”. MN m WW ‘I a. . -. I.
a en er 0 0 er new program after Dlamini and Mandela‘s witi- wvflym.“ MI... . ..l. I I ‘,-", I; '
Winnie. demanded the second opiii tho: dpd,-im..,1;s,i _ .'. ._ ‘ ' v g
. . , , , , . . iononSept 11 7.: ._-
Unique reSidency plan combines pediatrics, psychiatry into one speCialty The Commission ior cooperation ii» iii .. .. . . . ._ ._ -. 7-.
and Development proposed pro tilrilaI. .ini: .rt't' \i. 1. ,1 , ' » , -“ .
By KIMBERLY SISK in pediatrics and one and a half of Psychiatry and the American Kaak said the first reSidents to be claiming about 33“" at?“ "t ‘h" a With l"‘“("‘“~'1 - " r ‘ ‘ ‘
t’ontributing Writer years each in adult and child psy- Board of (‘hild Psychiatry an- accepted will start the program in 5”!” tribal “omelet"! ”l .‘yatal prov hlil‘fh -'h'”‘ "h" l“ ' -~' ' ' , -’ I - ~ ‘ ~. _
chiatry. reSidents Will be eligible for nounced their plan to establish Six July of 1986. "There have been 52 ince part Of "white _mum Africa a t'ldth flu“ '=‘=- " L v ' '7. -. i ‘ '; . ._ .‘-
with the institution of a 10-year board certification in all three spe- pilot programs incorporating the applicants to date and we will start and buying up some 132.000 acm‘ "t 4’ Wm" ‘t‘th‘ W" ‘ ”'5‘ - ' " - , . : u "
pilot study. the UK Medical Center Cialties.”l\'aak said. threedisciplines. mterw‘ewmg some of the candidates “'h‘te farmland and turning ”W“ 1“ t'lot'l‘ ilrt‘d‘ “'4’ 3 t9 . ‘ gi" . f E x
will become one of only six hospitals "It is an unusual combination of Kaak and Jacqueline Noonan. the in October. We have received appllv lht0"h13Ck areas 0fth9 hflmelahd Whilllllt‘\ \liil‘illilt .lwi..::.:..- . r. I‘ ~. .‘ . ' ‘3 If .
in the nation offering a reSIdency training to specialize in all three chairman of the department of pedi- cations from Hawaii to Alaska and The plan. Immediately condemned . . . -. .\ -. ._
program combining three medical areas." Kaak said. "We feel that it atrics. wrote a proposal submitting everywhere in between." b." many leading “'h’te“ m MW“ IM‘W“ "l” ""‘ ”“3"" '- ‘ ' ‘ T I' . ' ..
disciplines intoone speCialty will turn out a different kind of spe- L'K as a possible pilot site. The pro- A committee composed of psychir “'Olhd “Prom about 42tmpwl’” l ’“wnm‘ ‘1 "T W" 'I ' " ' " ‘ {I ' l ' i . .. ‘ " "
"The Medical (‘enter is one of six Clalist er one who has a better un- posal included information on the atric and pediatric specialists will . .- . .t ' - - V
centers in the United Slates to re- derstanding of the biological procr Medical Center‘s facilities. the pop- conduct interviews to select the two 0 ‘ .7 ' y. ‘ ,
ceive accreditation for the National esses. bringing along the advantage ulation the Medical Center serves program partiCipants. The an- I IK homecomlng queen ' . .. M I ' i '
Pediatrics and Psychiatry mm of pediatrics into the field of psy- and an outline of the program that nouncement will be made probably ‘ .. ' . u
Training Committee." said Dr (ltto chiatry.” Kaak said. would be instituted if the UK Medi< in February.he said . . ‘ _’ ‘ _ -I
Kaakdirectorofchild services The Gemenac Report. a national cal Center were selected, I t t d t ' . ' ‘ -' .
l'nder a five year plan. medical survey, published a study showing In May. l'K and five other hospi- "We are "Ot sure how we are h' V0 lng 0 ay ’ 0m0rr()“ _ , - 1,
school graduates will be able to that child psychiatry will be the tals v New England Medical (‘en- hancing the program." Kaak said ~ ‘ '
complete specialty training in three medical specialty in shortwt supply ter. Brown L'niversity, University of ”RQS‘dehtt“ are generally Pald about . . -. ... . _ n , .. . . A .. . , . ,-. :' ', .1
disciplines" psychiatry. child psy by 1990. l'tah. Albert Einstein and Mt Sinai $50001“ year. multiply two a year Nd” reports It'll:,‘ffmhjjum ' I , ‘
chiatry and 'atrics A year ago. the American Board in New York — were selected out of ”“35 0 years aho .Wll Cd“ =80 the . . . . I , . I . '1 , " ’ .- . ' , ‘ ‘
"After cometing two years study of Pediatrics. the American Board 22applicants. costwillheconsiderable. [K students 7““ ha“? [Odd-l find ”f Hnumdr' - '1 .- .
tomorrow to cast their \otes foi the pm. pm” \. .I. _ , -. .' - .. . .
f O , o 19:15H0mfcomltl'lg Queen on m ll'll"~\ l‘i'..'~ ' I : . ’ y
'oting asts rom9am [Il.{'l.'ll 1‘ m I.» , mi :~ m _ .-. ‘ '.
U o L approves Swain 5 contract, salary raise .. as... , . . .. .-
front of the Student Government :\> no N ryccv was.” \i f ' . , I -‘ ~I 5, ‘ at
LOl'lSVlLLE 1AP1 The inner Budget Director Ed Carter He said He praised Swain and said “he is and deferred compensation. which S‘X‘lahOh 0th“? 1“ the Stu‘leht “t‘h rjldinc :i iii \ ~ ~ . ' .' t .
sity of Louisville's Board of Trustees he thought Singletary received a well respected in Frankfort and canbeuptOIOpercentofhis salary ter t, M... i3» . . _‘ ,~ ‘ ‘,
yesterday approved a new 5-year raise for 1985-86. Although he did not around the Commonwealth. His In other action. student g0vern- Voting also will take place from i ..h .13, c .- .. ~_ ,- , , “ ' I
contract for President Donald know the preCise figure. he said it leadership in higher education and ment PreSident Doug Kemper asked to 7 P m. lh the M l tht‘a WW” not win... :. . , .. V -' ,. i
Swain was"nothinglikeSwain's “ his success as a fundraiser have the board to appomt a committee [0 Students can vote for three toiiti-s ”rm ‘ l‘iill’littt'h v.5“; ' . ". ' _' ‘ .
The trustees also voted to review Swain’s 5-year contract will renew beenasource of pride to all ofus '~ consider selling all holdings in firms tants and must present a \i'tlltl stu [Mm ”WI Ira...- ‘ ‘ . " ., . i, - - . ‘5 .- 1; . .".
the university‘s posnion on selling each year. unless Swain or the . that do business m South Africa dent IDand actiVity card Kevin-1" “I.“HIJ 'L. T'.“ ' . . 1' ’ . .' 'I
holdings in companies that do bu5l- board deCide otherwise ,A.” Gallaher. yice chancellor for Earlier this year. the Universny There are 16 finalists remaining in \J ,H 1}“? \I'II‘_‘I "I '_ ’. . - ’ ;'- - .
ness in South Africa S ‘ - . . . LKS Lexmgton campus. .39“??? Foundation established guidelines the competition Tonight tht‘ llhfilb“ h-pi. 1 ',.‘"‘f,. . i. A I. ‘- a" .‘ ' i- l‘ ".
Swain will earn the current 390 929 twain. 34. came to L0u1sv11le in Swain has ‘done a lot for L of L f 'ts h ld' h f‘ d d _ will compete m a fashion 5mm at ‘ at“ ‘P at I’~‘ :0 - 1' . ,». '.» r '. I‘. .. ,.- .
. . . , ‘ 1981 from the Limversitv of Califor» He said Swain is a “g00d man” and or I 0 mgs m we irms an e h‘”‘ \9“‘””“: 5““ "1’“ l" ‘ "' ' .'c 3 a .
annual salary until July 1. 1986. nia system ’ .. . . . .. _ Cidedtosellsomeholdings the Student Center Ballroom The A,” 1w” .I . . . . i , . ,' ’, . _
. ,- . . a formidible competitor. adding . . . . . , . . . “ 4+: ‘ " . . . - , - w . I
when he will get the same percent- that his comments were an “individr After a lengthy debate. the board 5h“ “‘11 ‘V‘IUde a {dbhlon prehtm“. Rho fraternity law. . l'ii“ n - . .. ' ' 1‘- ’ ,. v'"
age F3159 as filCUlt)‘ members He l5 Board Chairman Gene Gardner ualreaction "not UK‘s approved another motion in which men featuring clothes from 1” “K?“ Kappa Uphill tiutui-wa \t;.i. \ . , f: .3? I
currently the hlghfit Pald university said the trustees decided to act ‘ ' the University Foundation will re- storesza “”19 show and a mum“ i‘lair “Maul line» 1, \ .' '- f ,' . .’ ‘i ..3 t, "'.
presidentin the state. early “well before the end of his Under the contract. Swain will port back to the trustees on its posr drop Some Of the balloons “‘1“ “0” Anne \lt-sli-x loipr. hum... . ' = ' A.- L’. " ' l. .
t'K PTQSldehIt ”“5 A; SingletaIry current contract.” which expires continue receivmg benefits. which tion on divestiture and what action tainprizes \Wll‘ll.‘ «Hill ‘hi'l'fh \lr?‘ l," . i ' -’L ': i' T"
made 580-000 m 198481 53‘d l h June 30. include the use Of a $250,000 home has been taken so far The homecoming queen and court Beta Phi sortir-i. - I' .1.
Mathews Garden celebrates rejuvenation with ‘ open garden ’ '1“ “
5) Kl-‘lBl‘ZRLl' $15K Washington Avenue and South Lime. about the garden. maintained it until the Site. according to an earlier Kenr purposes. such as class field trips. 198.3 many \pt’t‘lv's v»: i'N .. :1 ~ '_‘ - ' . .' . -' ‘ " 'I- ‘ }'
Contributingllriter ston: be f | I early 1984 tuchy Kernelarticle. Meijer said. It has a variety of were introduced .r. tiic lllil'llit'!'. iii 1' .' “‘1
num T 0 9909 e ast year t - - The worker said he was sent to th lants. trees. shrubs and flowers for of the nirdcn , ‘ ._ .. 5
Acampus garden that was almost wanted to get this garden pre- Ilasth0ctobcr_ the LmverSity t0°k site to ”haul dirt." “grade 1th: :tudentstostudy 3” . ' . 'I " I'.‘ r,
reduced to tree stumps and mangled served." said Willem Meijer. princi- overt eIgarden when Ruth Mathews landl down and fill in the low ' l’l’l) cut iiow r. 1 It't‘t‘\ in: ii... ' I l ’ f
shrubs is once again beginning to pal caretaker of the garden and a moved into a "Pl-.51.“ home. The 5 ts.“ “Th re are thin s in the 1rd -n rt‘hméilllm "1 lh" will?“ Mtlh‘ ‘3 ‘ V I l'
n -. . . PhySical Plant DlVlSlon began reno- p0 e g g" t - _ , . , ..
ourish. professor of botany and agriculture. vation to make th rd l k Professors were upset that the that you would have to go 30 to 441 thew lnt’lu'llllL’ 'ht' hl'hli“ h.“ . - , ' '
.. .. .- "NOW they can come and 599 what more like thermtofczmga en 00 garden was being destroyed. But miles tosee.“he said leetrec, haw grow r. hank ~ .I .' . I . _ 2 . . .
”at: nozzellmgifldenm iglrilofiose: theysayed." . pus. until the protest. they said they had A small committee from the 4““le M“11” NH“- l'v’li‘ . ‘ I. . . . ,. ' I‘ '. ,
\lathews Garden pthe urban wood Dr (larence Mathews started the In November 1984. about .35 people been ignored by the administration School of Biological Sciences man “WP“ that \U‘lt' “libel—”I: ‘ j ' - '.
i nd den 1 t‘d t th { garden in the 19005. and his daugh» stood vaicing their opp05ition while and PPD. ages the garden Meijer said that manage": t“ '1" mm} Jill-"UN- " 1' ' ‘ - i ;
a gar 003 9 a 9 corner 0 ter Ruth. who has written a book a PPD worker drove a tractor onto The garden is used for educational during the spring and summer of ~lx't‘lcs may not "'"ult‘ in \t In... - .
W College credit ‘ ‘
We“ *9- "w- ll" Wr- Hot line enables students to receive free charge card applications, start building credit rating .1 _
man is working to balance athletics » - s
and adi. iii. ‘
“0:11:53. Fm a p o k S” B.‘ “ P15!“ M 3'“ SMITH summer job. has a college schol- lines to allow college juniors. seniors I IV ‘_ "T . . _ ‘
StalfWFltel‘ arship. gets an allowance or receiv- and graduate students to apply for at . l . . ‘
esany other legitimate income." Visa and MasterCard charge cards. ’0
we“. Mourni- Cram. an ice College StUdentS can come and Although some people think col- Sears. Amoco. Zales and other local ._.,-;.i ,r ”a
cream parlor neercampusis literati. charge It. thanks to a new 24-hour lege students are too irresponsible to department store charge cards are 75:;1'53‘R.‘ ' / /8 ~
in; a trip to the Rocky Mountains creditcard hotline. have a credit card. Fromm said this available as well. . {1‘5" 6 ‘
right on Limestone. For ihc story. 0"- Sept. 1, the College Credit Card idea is untrue. A few years ago. Citi- 7.3."4: " ’7‘- ‘
”an." 5. Corp. established a hotline to allow bank conducted a test of mo college Several colleges also are experi- .., v-'_' I -
every college student in the country students and found that college stu- menting with freshmen and sopho ', ' .. , '. . i1.
. I a quick and easy way of receiving dents are no more like] to default moreapplicants. ' ‘ LI.‘ 0.5-1- .
WM “MW hem "films for credit card applications free of on payments than ordihary appli~ _ . T ‘; "~,~:'_‘-.-“i, .
many people lately. For commentary charge. cants are. The College Credit Card Hot Line I _ X- . 5‘2th 0.!“
’bfitfhoiu Sim”? colxmn- “This program makes it easy for “The college market. until a few is Ia breakthrough. FrommI said. ‘5 next)? Li-‘s';:«‘t ___.
ms inset .pa': . the students to obtain credit cards years ago. was untapped." he said. We are the company that imple- ’J'J'Ln‘ 4‘~;¢..«7.f+‘ .-. ‘
so they can leave school with a head “Finally. companies decided they ””5 3" the.°°"eg,° ”W?“ t“ ‘ 1,. £:’";-~*.c 31:3. 23:3 .‘5 U
start on obtaining credit." said Ml- wanted college students“ thIese compam” With cred" “nes- ‘hv't’t nvzc’fg'a‘ II It! . .
chael Fromm. director of public re- Companies realized that college “9 “‘50 59““ "P'mn‘at've‘, ‘0 13°" ," i‘g'L'otz’;:-.~.3og3ifé~i.. * " '
lations of College Credit Card Corp. students. who comprise a large mar- 1985 to make theseapplications 80' '. ‘3 IQ“; .32- '41‘ --
With this program. college stu- ket. have money to spend. Fromm cesmble to students. ’ -'
dents can establish their own “5:" said. Now the business world has
11“. mornl will b, rt c rating 50 that after graduation y begun to recognize students as legit- “Although this is a special college
with deg .22. during 5;. :ynm have the credentials needed to buy a imate consumers. student program. everything about ""5
and hm. cool mm_ 11.. car 0|” t0 make any other that" W" "They are not considered part of the credit carch is the same except ’ "“"“‘ "W """l
high will be in the mid to upper chases. hesaid. the consumer market when they are for the applications. which do not go dents is generally started at a lower acceptance rate of about 90 percent
comm and tmow will be "A college student may "0t have still in high school. but when they into as much financial information." volume." the spokeswoman said “It ofthestudentapplicants
mostly deer with the low in the 320000- but that that” mean that are in college they start spending said a spokeswoman for Citibank in is set up accordirg to the ability of Students interested m racemng
ion or ion-lat «iii the m min he is unreliable." homIm said. “The money. be it their parents' or their Sioux Falls. so thestudent to pay." credit card appiicaims can can the
“swmtm- compames may have different stan- own."Frommsaid. Fromm said the special college hot line at 1-8008244000. extensmn
dards. Maybe the student held a Citibank has opened up its credit “The credit line for college stu- program has an unbelievably high 421

 2-KmYKWEL 7M7,W24, 1!”
Art: Editor
Aulstont Arte Editor
9 ,:-:. " " -=-=---'-'- -:-~-----~.I:resort-tests was- - t. ‘""2253?isiri'31'335E,E;Z:=:Z=' . .
‘Toothbrush ,_ . . t W" e * " ‘ V ampire Lesbians of Sodom ’

. ~ ‘. . .. " By MICHAEL KUCHWARA ——-—-—————- 13,- Movie" and “Movie Greats"

\ . By JAMES A.s1‘0LL 3M. g m 5:- use ‘ , * ~ . '
' - v . ; , . "' I= " ASSOCIated Prim u t ‘ two local outlets for old films.

- semorsmmnm \Ii ;. 1.“2.je;,;i§3.:f:ij-;gjjigy - I- _. . b0 GWere go; I’botyll m Busch says his father is a mis-

-. ' ,» . ' .- NEW YORK - “It‘s a "t ”2° strings an m e trated Opera singer who sang with

' - “ ‘ 0:1: 30,: J3EE: 1:321 3123,: vi; \ E»??? :ziiiiiiEtF553555}..Zi'irifi": t zany daImos W” are always in a b" l d- l d b I the small opera companies in the New
= ' . ~ for the mi of ’reetet °§eeiet at a twat" says Charles Busch ot- ea '"g a y, ” York suburbs and would always
. , - . ' .8 .. t’tled dmyst C l I Y ‘3 ’ .j}?giiéiéiéggeéégié§5§;;3§;§é;f§§;§e.323351; -;.=:§§'-“§:3se:j-‘-va-§‘E g, taste;- s “Vampire Lesbians ot‘Sodom. ‘ Busch ended up at Northwestern

.. . - . . :‘ghbfiush. " °°’ 5 °“’ fire. “w- Busch wrote and stars in the play outrageous as i Love University in Evanston. m. where

I . " , ' ”heeeife‘v’v‘e‘“ “me 5“" a ““5“? °‘ 9 ins Beauty or Gama" that together (hams 3“?"‘t After graduating from cottage. he
». ‘ " rive 1229886 oversee paperback its: have. been uatktas oft-hroadway a playwright formed his own company. the imiot

. -_ .1 I. . seen“ to be almost as banal as it is . iii." II5;;§:;:;:;:;:;:.\ Prowncetowt: Iglgtyhousgsmce Junevd _ tion of Life Theater. in Chicago. it
‘ " .. . 7 7 ‘ ‘ ‘ - > . ” " 9'“ g0 ys "‘ ‘5 ”"gs 3“. eventually died, but Busch we"! on
. ' s g , : ‘g‘ma‘Preoogfige 3‘ '50szme "‘3‘ \it‘ I‘m the leading lady. but the show is The Stream” Busch _ cast the the road solo, doing his one-man

~ ‘ ‘ . ‘neefflieg $.32? lisshed if": fa \ about as outrageous as ‘I Love Play thh "tend-S "Wt 0“”th 0* show tor the years in New York.
‘ .~ ~, ’ s 215083 :52... that egg“ the' better . $355.. I“ Lucy.‘ “ Busch says “If we had “'98“ IPmduc‘w" exhe"m were San Francisco, Los Angeles. wash
: 1‘ E . l . : t pllhas be ndone before / é3Egygfiziiiiiiiiiéiiéie.‘553555;..:25}???all.s.-;535§§f5553§§§ ‘I called the evening ‘Charles Busch '“ $38 60' dnd .mOSt 0‘ ,the costumes ington and points in between.

.i~ -. : . ”Rina ~_ 9 - _, \\ The Wild Duck.‘ 1 don't think we Busch found in an aunt scloset.

3-. ‘ .- - .3 j. Mi?) ingots-whom are unable to I—\ .‘§ .3355.25352:35l;335§3;i?553.:;1s:3332f5::s:u;=::“ would have gotten much of an audi- When the Limbo Lounge moved to “l was a talking mime. telling
:' ' l‘ I .1 I. , . - - construct‘fresh humor out of the in- ""M "“S'K°'""°"Dhtst ence." . a larger space on East Ninth Street. little stories. I'd play all the charac-
t' - ,« '-: - '. ' *‘ . exhaustible source of roommate liv- mer" approach denies the reader's But the limos pull up regularly In "Vampire Lesbians“ went too, and ters." he says. “it was fun but it
". . _, ‘ ,. m . from the formative Years intelligence and shared experiences, front of the IProvmcetown. a veneraa Busch‘s troupe of players became was lonely. i did everything except
" ' .2 . ' ‘ ' mi, h colle e and later 11,. f n; We are generally more receptive to ble Greenw1ch Village theater that the spot '5 resident theater company, sweep the floors. 1 even booked my

~ , , I, ‘t max: a mvgsterv from ,. g9 me REVIEW humor on such universal subjects, once housed theearly efforts of such Theater-in-Limbo. performing in own tours.“

; , ' » . . [mm the dismal end it IS Sitar that but nothing could prepare us for the literary heavyweights as Eugene plays with inspired titles like

‘ 5' A -' their primarv aim is to entertain. bOOk‘S pushy.rambling reminiscing. O‘Ne'" and Edna St.Vincent Mm?” "Times SquareIIAngel“ and "Gidget But bookings kept falling through.

‘ l '1 f " ‘ h . . ' w w'th ‘ Now the “0st come to hoot it up GoosPsychotic and Busch decided to stay in New
. . , but the book is weighted do n l — Where a nudge would suffice, the over the travails of two ladies —ves _ , ,

; , ' 5 Just enough real advtce to become ‘ text continually shoves. And rather V . l b' ns _ who travel from The crowds still came. and togeth- \Iork. That 5 when Ken 51110" 100“

,. . . . . distractingand preachy. acknowledge that it does not strive than reflect upon our own experi- ”mp"? 95 '3 . er with the shows director. Kenneth him down for a look at the Limbo

: . , _ , .' . - ‘ for-any Variety of reatness I . , anctent Sodom to Hollywood 2n the . _ . I, Lou“ e and “Vam ire Lesbians of
. _ . _ . . 8 _ ences. we become lost m the aimless . 11 , od -da , La Elliott. Busch conSidered mov mg 8 . P

, I Finally, however. it is little more But for the most part the humor 15 loddin of words in search of a 19205 and ftna ) to m ern ) , 5 “Vampire LesbianS" to an off. Sodom"was born.

. . . . , ' forced nd 0v rdon t i f t p 3 Vegas where one of the girls Winds . . . .. . .

. . . , - - . than tedious . a e e I 5 ar 0° punchline. u as an old Broadway star doing a Broadway theater \arious produc-

" . 1 ' ' f . it is not that What Color Is Your pIrIediIfltableutlo gener ate “‘9"? "fie" a Mistakenly or intentionally. the tapcky lounge act ers would come to see the showIand

" -_ ' I '. v' . Toothbrush? has no redeeming qual- C. uc e m e mos amustng OI sec- authors have forsaken style for . ' . $3."- 1‘5 a 10‘ 0f fun bUl keep ll ”1 Pick-Up your FREE

. ‘ . - ' ‘ ities it does cover a lot of bases. nous; Elifrdegedbogirlfiaps .va too slapstick, subtlety for zaninoss and No one is more surprised than the East Village it‘s a cult thing.‘ " . .
. > , touching on a virtual smorgasboard man} ‘c e 3‘ e a' S m 1‘s .at' honesty for taste. And the ill-fated 31150“ at the plays success. He 5335 Busch 5335- Slutlt‘ttl lecoum Card
‘, ‘ _- of the average roommates' habits tempts at satire and mumblos mils potential of What Color 15 yo“,- he wrote an early first draft of He didn‘t listen A producer - . .
. I , and habitats And the book's attitude struggles tomform, Toothbrush drowns murkily in the “Vampire Lesbians" in about an named Gerald Dang helped raise in the UKSCJA Offices
. ,. ' , is decidedly laid back. seeming to This "misdirected sledgeham» wash oftheir overturned inkwells. hour and 30 minutes 1' ‘lVaSIJUSt [be money- $60400. ‘0 transfer the (student («em s 120
’ ‘ ' - - ‘ . , something to do at the old Limbo show to the Provincctown. The com- " ‘ er l

7 ' , ' Lounge. 3 19% East Village equiva- pan)" thought the reviews would be t)! at the

-. .. . Im ostor acce is H!“ Street Emm or heart more mo: . _
, - - . . stud ant enter
~. - , the play premiered in April 1984. important. The New York Times. L L“ ’
, ' I .- The Associated Press The hoax was discovered during a Barry Bremen. 38. of Bloomfield. “The Limbo was a tiny railroad turned out tobearave . Imormat'om

. ., — . . station break. and when the show re- Mich, flat. painted black. The audience . The success was particularly 53" booth

1 j , , _ PASADENA. Calif. — An impostor turned. Thomas appeared on cam- Bremen was booked for investiga- wore mostly mohawks or shaved isfyning forI Busch; :‘h‘: grew up on

. . -. " _, went to the stage of the 3’7th Emmy era. tion of attempted grand theft and heads. There was no stage at all or H? '3de S .C ass?) 0 d films and.

‘ I ' ' - Awards show Sunday and accepted “Well. it is definitely hard to fol- held at the city jail on $1.500 bail. lighting. Just a couple of sunlamps. te etiSion. ‘m 3 lg media baby. ‘9‘

. . . - the award for Betty Thomas. out- lowanactlikethat.“shesaid. said Sgt. Bruce Linsenmayer. An flipped on." Busch says. ”They headmits terteoei257'3
. ' ' ‘ :7 standing supporting actress in 3 Emmy costs $150, didn‘t have a liquor license at that While growing up in Hartsdale. Unpaid“! Cc“

, ; - . I dramaII series for "Hill Street Police l9d the impostor away In Bremen was sued by the Dallas time. but they did throw some N Y. a New York (‘ity suburb. he RW'“ “EDYUDENT
. . , BlufiI handcuffs. and identified him as Cowboys for posing as one of its drinks at you in the back of the and hits father would gorge them- 8 NT CARD
.. II‘ ‘ . cheerleaders in December. 1979 room." selves all night on "The Million-Dol- D‘SCOISWwied it?"
, *I , _ x , ("‘13:va "‘3: :3... “went. to“,
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Spot's Editm .
John Jury .
' A” Slut" Sport». tditw
C t . ff l . f 2 K ”A V "’7 V g A” ‘ __‘ —._ f—#” A‘——- _.—_—__1 V
3p am 0 CI'S eadersliip 01' 6 ats l SIDELINES : .
Junior Jill Ackerman applying experience to help struggling volleyball team f ': - '
1h JAZUNVHvtLIAMb (.olt ti-iiiiis finish high iii tournaments , 1- I. ,
('ontri uting riter ' " ' ‘ , ' .
r ' . ‘ ‘ . ‘ l ‘1: .1. ', I
The members of the lady Kat vol- I I . l . ‘ . jg, iv"! IJ‘L‘ ' .
leyball team are just about like any \ ‘ litiulivw‘ h: . It :, . ._ V}. ”VI" -
other athletes before practice. They \ ‘ ’ I 111': I -= 1 ‘ a -. l I j , '. ‘. r' ,
kid around some. talk about past \ , ‘ .43 paw .. L . -, ”'1". '. .I
and future matches or their social ‘I .- t f 1 1 i i . v,» I' ' é ; {r7 .l.
activities. ,r ‘ :iIi, , . .~ . . . ".I..-:.£:.’-‘ .I‘I I5."
’l‘heir captain. however. is Just as * '1 I I \1 . . , . I . . . x , t- t;
likely to be reading the Wall Street _ I} ' l I‘ . 1‘11}, (If. '3'! :1
Journal i" L I 2'1""! 9 .~ 1",“
.lill Ackerman. a junior middle “"171“ ' ' ' I: Vl'..l:":¢;,'5'l‘;.-"‘ .'.'..'
blocker from Jasper. Ind, is as se- 1' l ; .- . "52’ 2/323”?!
i'ioiis about her pursuit of an ac- ; . . :s“ s . . . : ' Iilg'1tIif}‘-.iIi-I._; I
iounting degree as she is in helping " f 'I III I. y , I I ' ‘1 I5 ,‘AI ‘gs'f;
llt'l’ team overcome its early-season . l I . ' I ’ ’ ,I : liffif'I ‘_
problems . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . I} ”x".
”You have to budget your time - , 3‘. A l ' “‘ ' ' . I,-.9I'Ii‘I'~',II'iv.‘i..»:.".:2.
l’t'.ill_\ well School comes first be- ‘ ‘ ' a I ’ 1.41;: » . . ~I 9653.;
(illl.\(' that's what I'm here for." _\ f, \f 1. ;-_.I_ .-'¢f.-5‘ii!fii .-
s.iid .-\ckerman. who showed that by "I ‘ ' ‘ “tiff": 23".!
making the All-Southeastern (‘onferr q" 5 Baseball ll'JIII splits u itlt \lorelteiid \latc . :1“.-
enee academic team last year ‘ ‘, 3 «:4 1 ,v‘: .- . . I'I’I . .-"',I‘ 1“
"l‘hen comes volleyball. which 1, «is J’ > . l k I 'j- "Iq'erI-Wfili"
I in trying real hard to improve in.“ ~‘ \ , ‘g’ 9- 4 l _ .. I‘ ” ' IT- .' '_ v? ;. #2.
she said "Social life fits in whatev '- ' ‘ z‘i’ , " l “' ‘ 1 ‘ \._ M:-
y .. ‘,.. a. . .., .I _ - »- '1'. .I‘ly
ei tune is left 5;.“ ‘. a, » _ ‘ fi' 1 s - ".' - I'i ;."..f .. {.
\ekerniiin's‘ imprOvement has ' ,. '. “ . i . . ' ~ , j; ‘34-. _'I.I‘ 'i.‘
been yital to the Kats this season as \ . . d k . _ . g: f '- 9515'}
they hint fielded a young and in- a“ U :I _ . » - ' I:'-;'3..‘V:I"i'v
ltll'_\ depleted squad through a hard . . .. f . .‘ "I: “If
luck 3 6 record “hile her team was -‘ ‘f ' ~ I . '1... ""=.. »_ L:
.i national contender during Acker l l‘ ‘ .’. i g. 9.1121.
man s prey ious two years. she didn't __ ‘ 13- . iggI‘
li..ii-tocarry much of the burden 1 l ‘ t ‘ ' .i. " ‘ ' . ' - ,- = :IiV
\ll of l'K's all-star players have i - s~ . - - ‘4»5_~ T s. .’ '
Lt‘adtidlt'tl though To make matters . . . . Ii . , ‘I‘,. . .'_
thirst. fellow middle blocker Lisa 3 ‘ ' ‘ s , .. ‘
liausnian who Ackerman calls the .' “2/ ':.I f t -. i"; ft
lt'riltls top weapon. will undergo I I = g- , j L. ’ I-'.'_‘- ‘-.
surgery for a recurring knee injury 5 s. Q ' 3” ,_.______,. ' ’" " ' ' ‘ ‘.\ _' ‘ ._ . .- _
saturday and W1” have to redshirt ‘ ""‘ ' ' ' "" " " , r I “
d ‘ ' ‘ . .
lhththmm 1 all off setter lrene “"‘L""°‘" " " l k‘ 5m“ l“ kwm'l In" 3“ A 1‘ I: K
1) ti I ' . S . . ' a ‘2. \-
\lll\lh sEverelv ““5th an ankle in Lady Kot volleyball captain Jill Ackerman right on accounting lunlot is providing leadership tr; 0 l It‘um‘kl‘w“: last drift '. .' ~II 3»
int-Southern Illinois lnvttational and bloc“ ° Sho' m a mold‘ Iosl 59°50" A‘l‘e'mc‘” to“"9 'eom ‘ L I\'I_' . I": I. ‘7 ', I.
”“15 not b" able‘to play against 'I‘en» hit between them next time instead a freshman with ‘il.iisha Bond and (100ml well look like a freshman » i » -. :41. . III
nesseetomorrow night I . . h oftryingtogoovertheni " Karolyn Kirby and a strong out anymore ‘ : sat ._ '~ " '-
._'“U(h to the plIeasure of 1 I; (03": Despite their rocky start Ackei' side oriented attack last year \th But the key »\ckernian says may \ “ .I‘ . . ' .. ' -.
“Mm l)eBoer. (”flew ’2“ ermaIn man says the Kats are not a write Lori Ei'ix-iitieek and Kim Martin- be the play of Machelle Elliott the l ’ l - » 3 . :
hf“ ‘l'Ill‘I'ng’flImthn 5f“ be team “ offthisyear sen \im the current has shifted team s only senior Elliott will set in