xt7m901zgt2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zgt2r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1971 1971 1971-10-22 2020 true xt7m901zgt2r section xt7m901zgt2r By THOMAS SWEENEY 0 ' 1
B reathltt s eaks or F0 rd ‘ ' > ~ : ~
As part of their campaign effort for Wendel] '
Ford, UK’s Young Democrats presented former " '
Governor Edward Breathitt at their meeting 9 . ‘ ' “
Thursday night in the Student Center. YD S hear forlner (rovernor '
In his speech, Breathitt denounced his successor, :— '
Gov. Louie B. Nunn, saying Nunn had broken 0
many of the campaign promises he made during Pap Nunn as pI‘OlnlSC-breaker . '
x. the 1967 campaign. He cited as examples the "
increased sales tax, increased payroll, and more year where national issues are at stake, Breathitt interest group in the state. I think he did the right .'
state employees, all of which Nunn had promised said. thing in meeting With them. and it was played up . '
in his campaign not to raise. . “A victory for Ford could put the Democrats on just a bit too much." "
“There Is now a sign in every court house in the road to victory in ‘72. But a Republican .
Kentucky that says: tLOUl-e Nunn lied here'," Victory could be taken as an endorsement of the in answer to a question on party unity. Breathitt
Breathitt said. Nixon administration." said he had never seen the party as‘iinited as it was . -..'
Republicans ‘won on frustration” Praises youth now, He said in the past deteated primary . '3
He went on to say the Republicans won m ‘67 He praised the work of young people in the candidates had oeen reluctant to support the _ .’.
because Kentuckians, like the rest of the nation. Ford campaign saying “they give a candidate “1mm”. m ["6 gc"”"'.."lu"“"' my 'i'mm BUN '
were frustrated and were looking for a change. credibility." (.ov..( (”libillds been tieiiieiidous in .‘l\ sid't>'=ti
After they got in office, said Breathitt, they failed On the subject 01 credibility. Breathitt 31ml 1‘” Wendell ",
to enforce what the former governor called ”W “When the public loses confidence in a candidate. Attacks leherlon
_ toughest‘strip mine bih in the nation. the whole system could break down.“ Breathitt attacked hord'» opponent. l in: , 1'
Breathitt cited Wendell Ford 215 "i1 man 01' During the question and answer session that limberton as “strickly .'l tiiedia ciil‘dltldit' It's "l‘~'. " "
courage". saying "It “Wk courage {0 run against i1 followed his speech. Breathitt was asked to like they described it it: ‘Seihiie ot the President "
"13h 0f ‘Bert Combs" Cilh'bk‘il WCthh showed that comment on Ford’s meeting with coal mine Referring to (i()‘». \Ulli'l'\ ct:ll'il. 'ii seiidtzzi' Yf'“ "
courage when he voted for the strip mining bill officials m Wise. w. Va. \Ltlltnlttl (hum I” If“, l'k’ NW,” “rump”, my, 3:
while he was in the senate. 9V9” though he came “While I would have preferred he had the “louie milked that to: .ili .t \\_t\ xx 1i'3i, H1..- ILl‘ 1
from 4' district where there was strip mining." meeting out in the open rather than the way it plannu to the st‘llllttlcl‘i! mt it: time. l:.e:; .s c , ,1 - ' ' . 1
, Kentucky has the only election iii the country this turned out, a candidate has to meet with every lllll'L‘LlL’: iii gettine touch“ .. ' ",: ','
an independent newspaper published by student, at the university of kentucky " ' . ' ‘
Friday'» Oct. 22, l97l LEXINGTON. KENTITCKY 40506 Vol. ixiii. \... .;7 '*
* * N t l '
. , . - . o ‘
. . . , , Remernhe] the Bear9 ;
the Babe and ‘-
' UK9 b l 9 '
Kernel Sports Editor _ 1 ,
" 1 The 18—year old kid was broke. He happened ',
,7" "_ i'" upon the Arkansas state fair. '
' The fair offered a few bucks to anyone who 3" " ~
3 . 393 would “wrassle” this bear. Now most people in $ ,
_ ,_ ‘ _ their right mind would politely turn down the
__ ,1} ' " _ , offer. But the kid was broke. ' ’ _ ' .
V. ,3: 3 ~ y . He wrassled the bear. A lot of people saw it and . ' -
s ”a. Q, ‘ .1_ . .3; they started calling the kid “Bear". . _ _
,3“ :3,» There are numerous stories on how l’aiil Br} .mt. 4 ., _. .
hf ,z 31:“ ,' _ , the greatest college football coach in the histor} ot . ' ' "' ',
:1 3'3; “a 3% -, ' the game, earned his nickname. The “Beat" tag. ' '
1. it" 3 pussibiy due to his termousm «m rm- m we 1 . .3 1
"3.91 'j;?.'j‘;g.y'f""1 "it $3,: ' :3 -- _, mid. mii sltck \\ it h him forever _ 1
. s , ; '34? 3 .3 *3 a; '1 And the “greatest coach excr” label PM} , too i" . . ,1 '-
‘s "s, : fig 5 One of the most lucrative chapters wt Br},iiit's ~ 1 _
t 4,3,, A 7s e 'i' '2 ' life was written at the l7iiiversit) ot KClllLik k) . . 1 ‘
' gig, , ,, from W45 to IVS}. And not men i.._\ tiiieo ' , $ .~ ,'
in"? 4 a ‘ ’« "= ' < f 1 a} national champions nips at Alabama cat. top the .'
';- 2:: “kg: 31.33. - .. . '% 1-j.,_3§;;"_::‘-223 miraculous accomplishments he etched .ii l'K. ‘3 . ' '
, - _. , a .  .. V g a: $333 Came i946 .
s ' 3 - § 9x Bryant came to U K from Maryland in lit-lo. ' 7
XE as?" ' ,_ " ' $ ' i “l was out of a Job.“ he said cuindidl) iii an '1 1
w 8' 3 at: ' . i " a}? j_. interview recently. “I was very fortunate that . ‘1':
3, ($3 "'49-; g“ ., 3 All Bryant did in that year was take a 2-5 squad « _1
, ‘ , 3?, _ in 1945 and Win seven ga mes. the most in. one , .
a, ~ , 3* 3 2 ,3 t m, season in the school‘s history. , , -
__ s‘ ,3 m , ' _ . The team gradually improved until 1950. when i" "3 "
“ _ $353 ; ’ the long. tiring climb to the top ended. ‘ . ~
,_ 3 “I came here on a five—year contract." Bryant . o,
" '_ . - " .1 . recalled. “I told them we could wm the national ]
'3; gd' , .' title in five years. We won it that fifth year.” ‘ ‘
5 __ ' M fez Bryant had to overcome several deficiencies iii ’ ,
‘3. ‘5 t "1,3 ' the program. 3
' , ' ".2" “The program wasn't in good condition." he '
53"“ 3 ,3 or. said. “The facilities were very poor and high '_ ‘ .
,3? 3, h if; i school football in the state was terrible.” ' 3 '
w: .. "“ s , " ‘ Continued on Page 8. (701.2 1‘ '
t 333.1; g 3 ___,g 1t: .3 av ‘ . Q ,1 ’ '.‘ ~ , 1
V : s1. , Editor 3 note 1 .
”h “he” hfiyfipr s ___.... Tilda) 'r issue tint/i primari/i~ with the cm ‘ ,'
' ' , are .' .' , . ' g .2. *' we ' of great L'A joutbuli te‘umi, lt't' itdl't' tried to ' V
3 . .. ‘3 t“ r, ” ' ' ’4’ :5, focus on the reasons for ('K 'r great .ttic'i‘i'ss '
' ' " '“” ‘ . and possible answers to Itr current failures, ' '
su- ’ m “a ~15. ' ”c, 3. ’ We would like to thank the Lexington ' '
- "" ~ A Herald-Leader for donating the pictures and ' ' '-
Cooch Poul “Bear" Bryant makes a point dnrlng one of many UK victories in its m" (hunch/”WWI”, "'0‘” "In“, research 2., ' ' ' '
illustrious 1946-53 era. Bryant took UK to four bowl games in eight year: here and a, ”m’mal' M'k‘ Tieme . gig; ..
highlighted ux football history by knocking on national champion Oklahoma in the t ' ' ‘ ’ ' .
l95l Sugar Bowl. 23.3.,...,,.,,_-._..__..~,,,5,.,. ,5 . . 1 . 5,33 3 3

2 THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Fi‘idin‘. Oct. 22. 197i
3 _________________________________________._._—————————_
. U o N o
. nlted . atwns Day + ( |_ A S S | F I E D A D S +
3 3 Sunday Oct. 24 is United Nations Day. ln connection 51'
' With this, I0 international SIUkit‘iiIS and I‘iVC SIiiI‘I~ 3 ('iassllicd advertising will be accepted mgmfim"’ "'~' WANTI'ED‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ "‘
- members from UK will participate in a celebration in 31;:edp’93‘3fa‘gefs353‘35 “gfidfjs Sitting; W,,~,N,,,N,,,,,3 "Maowomm‘,
, ’ Frankfort today. Activities will include a luncheon at Friday or by mail. payment inciosed. YOUNG married man at least 20 and MAIaE “milling“; wanted310mshare
_ 3 3 3 3 3.33 t THE KENTL’L‘KY KERNEL R 3.1 ll in , t :tt (1 . llsga ;_ to mo ern one 0 room up. 18 se- .
3 tht‘ Kentucky Departmentot Education iOIIOWCd by :1 {35- £13 Journalism Bldg. oom :33130ni3cgi313i3nfim: 1‘2 it? 4 Rioridfiy thru mcstcr3 only,3 5 minutes to campus.
3'3 parade to the capitol budding where [)r. Milo Cox, .3333 3 Rams are si.5o33ror320 33:21:;033132 3532;131:3333-33A3r331y5031313133 Iie3r3353ez3230nleem§i3§ _W
Deputy Direetor or the Department will Sicak 5:... 2°; seawater?“ $5.00 13220 ‘1‘” G °€ -
3 3 ; 3 ; 35“ 3 3 3 ______________.__-___.—— ourese' c l ame a
3 International students from colleges and univers1t1es in 5353' :veeerk2{3°'wi‘:d‘;°;d:l; {:sfififnp" “’0” STUDENTS—Students- “we Part or 9333;133:333 5812!.)7r7d23’64 Oct. 23. regime
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 . 3 . 3 :35 - ' , ~ _. 3» - . .. - ' or - . 02
3~ Kentucky 11.in been asked to Meir their name 3: The deadline is n ..m. the day $31,233:? 12053308323112.33 2:}? i3? ._____—_‘2
. , ' ; costumes. prior to publlvatione N0 advertisemtm Love, 22028 TWO UK basketball season tickets.
3 . 3 L333 may CIIC “ICC" "“150" 0" mum?“ ,,, Will pay reasonable price. Call 254—
. . . , 3 .-.:strikers:s:::s:::s:s:=:3222552233225:s:;:::;:s=s:s:2:s:s:z:2::::;:2:2:z:z:s-'+35:.:s:s:z:2:::233:3=2325555;355:2221233:1225:'s-~s::2.3:=:‘-siea:32a;a2323232E=?::';E;3:3€:;?25-;5;1,a:«:252232535zisszéaézrzm533m§§§ 35:53:: :33 5313;333:333. '°' m“ "‘ LOST figbday“ 266'0817 ”‘gh‘s' “30335
- -3 3' ' mm’w WNIRg-ifiimedb {alasges arguggia £1181?” SCIENCE Flgg‘lON hpapvelrfiacks.k Will
' 3" 3 FOR. SALE 99 em a ~ 9W4“ ~ ' . pay 10c to c we . i pic up.
‘ ---,Nmm,mm~- 20022 Call 252-4108. 21025
. ,,,,,,,_,,_,,,,,,,,,,, _______.__.____-_._
‘69 PONTIAC Leinans convert, 350 ’ I E ._ .
, ‘ . P re- LOW edgpfiee. WWW T33? mamas. remains:
- I‘iS. ' a ' . ' - ‘. 20 ‘ ' e 1
. . ___————.—‘ ‘ ° 1" 02" emcee e12 e7 0
3t 3 r 3 g . COMPONENT Stereo $275, Fender gee? C33"? thOth from I3J3K3 24330311 __"_____._____'___
V Br; nd Mast ‘r L e; d G t; S '.‘t 3 en er. NW; e on Innce. e r1 -3 _
. - - 0 I16 ISCUSSIO" stifle? Geeeeeee reassess:
- ‘3 3 3~ . $75. Smith Corona Typewriter $100. WW, . 3, 3 ' _
33 A333“ 2534033323 20022 MISCELLANEOUS taurmt. Call Jim Duncan 299 7984
3‘ 3 -———————-——-———-—— W V
-’ ; TVA-Scars 16 inch. model year 68-69. , - w ~~ ,. READ THE KERNEL I
. . --. ' Tuesday Oct. 26 — 7°30 p m & mew at"; strait:
.. 3 , I ' ° ° ”“0 “0de ““0" 5 pm 203%; in ca ’sidg. rm admission. 21022 CLASSIFIED COLUMN DAILY
. 3‘ . ' LAW COURTROOM EJ'STJ‘Z‘UKI 750 cc. (ii—0d condition, -
3 New-r wrecked or dropped. $225.00.
3 3 144 Transcript. Phone 255-8338, 022
- . 3 5 mwAr “ JUST A SHORT DRIVE SOUTH #I SWEDEN 7:37 y
' I ' I n “\GT0 m 7401“ ON L|t~4£ST0P~|E—-U-S- 27 #2 MONIQUE 9:22 '
. , ' ‘1 “‘VE. 3330363.; TONIGHT #3 WOMEN WORLD ...,..,.To:51 . , . .
.- - ', D .0“, 3 3 The deadiIne for announcements Is conducting a series OI pre-cana
. , Persons Under 18 Not Admitted BABY LOVE—Fm-Sat. ...,..12:31 7:30 p.m. two weekdays prior to the conferences in preparation for mixed
‘ ' . first publication of items in this marriages in a IOUI‘WCEK SE‘TICS.
.3 _ 3 ‘ A column. All announcements will be Beginning 7230 DJ“. Friday, Oct. 22.
- ' VCO EMBASSY run three times; twice before the day Newman Center. 320 Rose Lane.
‘ ~ 3 Av: JOSEPHE lrvmé varsrms M r . 0f the event and on the day ”I III? PHYSICS COLLOQUIM featuring
' A . .' ' enuge'a' ’0’: event. Dr. J.I‘. McKelvey Pennsvlvani'i
3 3 3 3. 3. . 4 GAM ES w M I TODAY State University. 4 p.m. Friday. Oct.
33 3 3 3 . . 3 PLAY. ”0: New Slant UKCOLLEGIUM MUSICUM 22.3 Room 153. Chemistry-Physics
I ‘3 .‘ I . concert 8:15 p.m. Friday, Oct. 223 Building.
.3 3 3 3 3. 33 ‘ Christ Church Cathedral, Louisville. RUSSIAN CLUB BANQUET 6
3 , 33 . 3 MIC! _ _ In Bold ARE YOU MARRYING A p.m. Friday. Oct. 22. Koinonia
. _ .3 3 3 fi ’3’ 3 ROMAN CATHOLIC before the end House. For more information contact
. 3 . 3 3 3 SE 3“ Yeyqars ( 3 o of January? Father Moore is the secretary at 257-37. Price: $1.65.
,3 , 33 . $0“ “III of man-13993 . manque flung 9 UNITED NATIONS DAY film
3 3 ANSI-0 BI" 3. 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 22. Room
_ I & _. 206. Student Center.
3 . Sinai-S D l 3 3 AMILY : DR‘V‘ulN 3 Film-“Dialogue on Racial Unity."
3 . 3 ADUUIWOO‘ 3 en . 3t;..3.,......:.:e3«~ 3 THEN‘RE é TOP VALUE STAMPS needed by
3 3 . 3 . ha'ehnauYIonnd o . .3? «33.33 .. the end of October for a raffle to
.3 3 3 . some ‘ ‘ ‘ " " raise funds {or the North End
3 thing Now SHOWING! Community Center Volunteer
3 3 _ they have 3 3 3 Recreation Program. Contact Dan I
3 3 .' 3 _~ 3 in x- eiiIOYSIWIII 'ays ' V' "5" Gossett at 254-079] or John Rotter
. . , 3 - ' ’ 33:? ' " -E."- -.s‘- at 233-1883. ‘
. . ‘ 3 common... --4 33.; W 1
~ .' .~ ~' . 2;? ‘ PROBLEM PREGNANCY AND
. 3 ~ . : m .3313. ABORTION COUNSELING. i
.- 3 .3 , 3, . g We: .3-"7"""= Women’s Center. Call: 252-9358
3 3' ~ . f ”m: .--.§E§E- " i. from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday
.3 ~.~~\ 1'5'5'1 ;3. - V -
3 3 ‘ g. 3 h 33 33 333333353133333333: .. - _333.3.:.-..t3~_ 3:3, . through Wednesday and 2 p.m. to 5
‘3 3 .3 33 3. ‘~ s) 3,“\3 e e,“ \3 A SENSUM. E§3§3;..::;§3E:E'E"3 ‘3 .'3;_;-;;§;§3;‘;§3;- . p.m. on Sunday. It emergency during
‘ i -. “ " ”C“ ’ ‘1; .';§5§E,’.'3":i¢" other hours call Patti or Laurie at
33 3. 3 3.. I 3 BUNTEMPDRARY TALE 0F 3. ' we _~ 253-2284.
. = ' - « . , e i - . ~ . ciiiiiiicTAiiuiis .
‘3 3 . . . ’ C .. 3 -, . . ’ {575553; ‘ "‘=“.;' TOMORROW
' .' . ,- ' . ‘. /’ ~ . . ' . GENERAIIIINS 3'??? - QUARTER HORSE snow 9 a.m.
3 3 3 3 ‘ . ' “-._ '. ‘53; Saturday. Oct. 23. Ring at UK
1 i 1 i \ 4 I. ‘ ‘ B b! ‘11 I 35 Campus Farm. Cooper Drive.
. ~ . . V ’ . . ,. . . , Arimiesnm- .Q‘i
3 . .3 33 3 ( 3 \ . .9 * 0 wish“ 3“ w “Lt” ”\[95‘1'3 . .
3 ‘ i 3 , . \° / *. . 3 fl . 3
3. 3 3 3 3 3 . V6 AliMacGTawgllyanDNeal comm; up
3 . 3 3 3 3 3- ‘ - ” PHYSICS COLOQUIM featuring
.33 3 . .3, .33 3 3 o The Year's Di. ltd. Hitch. Dirt-ctor-At-rononiv
43 3 33 . 3 .3 _ 33 3 3 ‘2 Would yg 533‘ \ $t1 and SI'M'.‘ .‘.i'i( mes. Battt-llc-Pat-ifit'
.' - 7 3 ' -, ‘ ' 3 glve a home ' \t \\\ BestSe‘ler 1‘0”qu I’dbumumos‘ 4 “'m'
-. -3 3 - . - HEAVEN x t. 3 ' - to a girl like Luci? . \ \ 3... " f’é‘, .°~.2 ““"m We
3. 3 3 3 3 33 ‘ 3/ AND . 33 3 .3_‘ 3,3; «.33 ( m m.sti 3.} Ii\ sics Budding.
. ~ .3 3 “ELL \ - R 23:33:33.3... 333M BLUE GRASS GROL’P or THE
3 . . . ~ . 3 . "3 SIERRA CLUB Inertinl ”:"0 mm
. . [NCOLDP T L l o , .
3 3 3 3, oryour husband. Monday. Oct. 2.5. Central l't..mist
. 3 3 _ _3. 3 ‘ - Church. l64-l .\i(‘il()l;1'»\ ill»; Rd.
3 ,; .33 3 - 33 - 3 Jahn Marley&Ray MIIIaIId UK AMATEUR RADIO CLUB
.3 ‘ 3 ; ,3. 3 33-3 " UPC} 'N.3 .. t':e1u.‘\'l‘,f'_ie3f meeting" Rid) p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26.
. . . ~3 , - 3 Uri—— a - Room 43:3 lt'. Anderson Hall.
3 3 3 . . , - ,3 I . PRE-LAW PANEL DISCUSSION
3 , 3 E I 3 . - all those interested in a la“;
3 33 3 3 ‘ ,3 3 a 3 3 333 ZIPS UFFIHE DRESS . ‘ .135 __ PLUS _ profession are welcome. 7:30 p.m.
3 3 333 . ,3 3 -. 33333333 3 3 2‘ H00 8 3 3 3 {. Tuesday. Oct. 26. Law Courtroom.
, ., .3. . . . . 4 UN K THE H00Kst~1 - WAT __._~__
3 3 3 .33 .- ~ 3 ' JOSEPH E , ~. \
~. ; _» ' Ifle‘UNFASTENS THE STRAPS... LEW - , .. ' . ‘ .'_ 4v ‘ "it "which; Hflml
. 3 . 3 . A 3 . -~ . \3 ‘ . 3 1‘
" -3' 7 ' ' 2‘ "M3 ‘3 - " -:---'..-'. The K I - ' '
;.~ , . .- ~ -~ ~ . 3. e33. - . AND SHOWS YOU . | DI \ .. _ \ , . aegis.seamstress
.3 . . . ‘_ . 33 3 3 , . .. ' '3 ~ ' 1* "' .33 t «e mrzton. Kentucky 40506. Seco d l 3
3 . 33 , . 3* 333 ' 3 .- ‘9 ALL OF 3 ‘O W ~.. “‘3 .1?! 3 V:- Dustage paid at Lexington. Kgntuilzrl:
3.3 33 3 ~ . 3 3 . 33 ‘ . - . I- 3 g r ‘ ' ' Y ' 3’ x35; V333 (if; 1333) 33333 - 3V3 Mailed Vfi've “mes VVCkaiy during the
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 _ 3 ‘3. ,3 3 3 .3 3,. ,_ 3} , Qt” school year except holidays and exam
3 3 .3 3 3 3. 333 3 3 3 . ‘3’ V X 33'3~:;.3 ;.....> 333 ,. 3 ~35 3}: 55:51:15? and once during the summer
' I .- T‘I . H . . o , \ _ 3 3.” 3 , 3. 3 3 ‘ . . 33

, _ . 3 .3~ . . . . . 3 . 3 \ -- . \\ “I . .3.. 4.,3 .. ' Published by the Board of Student

2 .‘ _- . ~ " ' ‘ 3 . TECHNICOLOR PETE R USTINOV ‘ '7‘»; at... ' “*‘:>;'§I-' PUb‘watmse UK Post Office Box A986.

. . .. . CUALTIERO AC P T -/ EVERYINC ‘ ”h" ' ‘ ' ‘ 7 Begun as the cadet 1" 1894 and
. , '3 ‘ . . . '~i .3 3 x *‘ 3 I ‘ J ’0 ET I " ' REDIBLE UtNi) ll . f. mi \Htit- or); . he. pubIIShOd CODIXHUOUFIV as the Kernel

.33 . - 3 __ . 3, h .. J .1 “Wm CAVARA . FRANCO F’ROSPERI c SCENE I8 RE i ' . ‘3 .3 .3 .._.t .. xi . srncv 1915. ‘

.3 . . . 33 ' 3 3. 3 . I AL. A} Af’iil‘dltitNT PM TIMI Advertismg published herein is in-
3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 N ' ii i. HMM/Ji i ),'mt/\3-mt3te.33t .t‘tt Egflgegrtghflpdthe rgader buy. Any
3 _ . 3 3 . ,3 3 3 is en mg a vertisin sh 1d

33 3, 3 3 . Gig}? be reported to The Editors. g 0“
3 33 3 3 —_________. §UB.3§CRbIPTION RATES

3. . . . Par .V. 3' . 'I —~ .

3. ' 3 The PertWIlla by Papers b D R d R Per copy, til-(Igfilfiles £030

3 3 3 y on osa an on Weinberg

‘ . ' xt-t. .r' w ,,,,..3 - mew my a; * ‘ ’ _ '

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. . '7 3 .3 ,5 A w A Met /. - ‘5 ,i (”A/t“ ,7 off/‘7 70 A (2er Y5 3. / \ In uirers' Classes
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. 33 3 _ 3 j E) .33 3 .3 33 $3 . ..3-33' .~ _ 3. FRET” 51/“ /7 93 J THEY/if C0/‘WAE7ZL/ "i Midweek Communion:

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,3 . I 33 t. 3 ”go 3313 3.3.3 3 44 73° 3 ' /7‘s CERTAWZ/ A/of 3 03 y/ypfl/BURCV 3 Wednesdays 5:30 p.m.
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' ' ‘s‘, 5" "’1 '5‘. 3‘“ .‘ ~' . .» " ‘13.}. ’ ,.» 3.. 59 l ”in. w” V if I I 1 V .» J t. L I" A 3 if 5\°%§$"§..Q§¥; ’ 4." “'3“ " . - ’ ‘.f'_-.’;*‘v‘itaii-;s"§ «c1 3. 4“.M.as-.i‘u..- --:'. - ---..v ’3. :z- .- a.” A - - - W0
. 1 ‘ ' ' UK’s Bill Leskovar (33) starts a 54-yard jaunt that sets “P a UK touchdownm the Cats.1359X1clorxorerbtnsi},.tilijexclatlsfgi‘drii’Pmn me
' 'V ' Martin (19) looks for someone to block while Al Bruno pushes back a Tiger lineman. with ran“: at Hut" 9' t . bl
< -_ I ‘ much, but they could depend on their running game when it was needed. th
V a o 0 bi
- Tls the hollda season
. ‘ ' ' _ tir'
' ‘ ‘ ha
. , . . . ‘ . . l hat
' ' ' Cats play 111 3 consecutlve major how 8 be
. '1 « . . ~ / Be
. I . ' ca
. . Bv MIKE TIERNEY unbeaten in all of its bowl appearances. one of his patented spirals in the hands of The -Wildcats’ . chotce as touchdown yo
. . . ~ Kernel SpOrts Editor including two wins in the Orange. Shorty Jamerson for the score. . favorites was in Jeopardy. 1 b 1
. Manv of us were (tying 1h 01” CFibS and Cats TUSh well The Cats added a crucial touchdown in As it had been in the ot ie(rj twp 1 ow m
_ . even I'm)“, of Us weren't even around Normally a passing team, UK found the second quarter when Al Bruno hauled games. the first'h‘alf belonge . lsogy to ba
. , , . _ , . when the L'K football program reached trouble striking in the air and depended in a Parilli pass at the one-foot line. Kentucky. Parilli‘connected w(ijtti1 réietry ha
. g - . its greatest height With a victori- over on its rushing game for the first score. Jamerson bulled across moments later. Clark on a pair ol‘TD passes 3h 16‘ d s fa
, ' . ‘ . . . . . . , t ,1 ‘« ~ , ' he half and was ' ‘e he Sooners had taken the proud defense stopped TCU on the to
. ' top-ranked Oklahoma in the H51 Sugar The Cats led. 7-0. at t . Sinc t g ) .. . . ,.
. ‘ . Bowl. knocking on the goalline when time ran opening kickoff to the UK two-yard line 4,24... and live—yard lines.
. . , .4 The Cats‘ shocking upset was out. and failed to score. they had been TCU pulls closer . . .-
- I I . sandwiched between appearances in the lnspired Santa Clara fought back at frustrated all day long. Oklahoma The Texans made it a close game 1n the
Orange and (‘otton Bowls under Bear Kentucky's strengthethe defensive front threatened to score constantly. bUl “"9 third quarter With a 47-yard touchdown 7
I Brvant during UK‘s masterful three—year four~and tallied twice in the third lost fumbles kept them at bay. . . run, the first long scoring play from
' I period. whenit won 38 of 46 games. quarter. Sophomore quarterbaCk Babe Finally. with seVen minutes remaining. scrimmage against a Bryant-coached team
. . ~ ‘ . UK‘s first how] was not under the most Parélli brought UK to within one with a the national champions marched 80 yards in 31 games.
’ ldciilc<>hd11i0hN 431‘ ard TD pass to little Emery Clark. to PU“ within six POlhIS- Then blg But Kentucky didn't fold. It added an 3'
‘ ‘ , ' . In 194", the (‘ats were invited to the The Cats had several scoring Yowarsky fell on a fumbled punt attempt insurance marker with 3:33 left to
. . » . _ . . Great Lakes Bowl off the shores of Lake opportunities. but they couldn‘t cash in. to preserve UK‘S greatest moment in preserve the victory.
‘ " lirie in Cleveland. Only 10.000 fans Santa Clara scored with 30 seconds left in football history_ The day belonged to Parilli. who was $
‘ braved the cold winds. in Cleveland‘s the game to send UK to its first how] 3 defensive tackles closinga brilliant career at UK.
' I i I ‘ - mammoth 100.000-seat stadium. UK defeat. Whereas the defense had failed in the Before the game. the UK band spelled
= . . defeated V'illaiiova.Z4-l4. The statistics leaned in Kentucky‘s Orange Bowl 3 year ago. a new quirk out “Babe" while marching on the 5
., , .. . _ - ‘lt‘sastart‘ favor. The Cats outgained SC. 336-233. installed by Bryant kept the Sooners playing field. Bryant, at a pre-game .ng
' -. U .‘7 Although L'K‘s bowl debut was a but the winners’ experience proved to be confused. The Bear used three defensive dinner. told the Texans. “You‘ve got $5?
' ~v= -* " dubious one. Wildcat fans saw a brighter the key. tackles and. although Oklahoma heavily your oil wells and l‘ve got Parilli."
. i '. ‘ ,‘ 1 future. "Well. it's a start in this bowl Most of that 194‘) team returned next outgained UK, the Sooners couldn't move Babe gets MVP .1
' ‘ ' I . business. anyway." said one. “(‘oach year for L’K’s finest team ever. The Cats the football across the UK goal line. The Babe responded to the call with
,' - i I I Bryant will have the boys in .1 niaior howl eased to the SEC championship. losing Parilli and his cohorts returned in 1951 superb passing in spite of the 40-degree a
' ' .' " one Of lht’w GHFVN 0111) to TChfWSSL’V~ 70- in 11 games, The for one last fling. This UK team oozed weather and strong winds. He was -
' ~ ~ ' . . ' “One of these days” was a little owr defense compared faVUTUbIY 10 the with confidencervtoo much confidence as rewarded with the Most Valuable Player
,‘ .' . d . ~ three years later. when the city of previous year and the offense. which the Cats dropped three of their first four award. .:
Ii. ‘ 4 Lexmgton went into a Navy over LTK‘s scored 380 points. was far better than the games. In spite of UK’S mediocre 7.4 Bryant left UK two years later.
7 . ' ' . nomination to the Orange Bowl in sunny ‘4‘) bunch. record. the Cotton Bowl thought the Cats Although he failed to take the Wildcats t0
' '1” 1 i i - ' Mlahh- NO- 1 Oklahoma were worthy to play SOUthWCSt another bowl, UK lost just six games in
j I ‘ ‘ 1 . . ' . For example. a woman committed But the Wildcats~ opponent in the 1951 Conference champ Texas Christian 1952-3.
1 - W '; suicide when she misunderstood her Sugar Bowl was awesome Bud Wilkinson University. Was it Bryant? Was it Parilli? Was it the
k ‘ V . husband as to saying that he lost his and No. 1 Oklahoma. The Sooners had Ten thousand Kentuckians followed defense?
- ‘ j . tickets to the game. painted a 3l-game winning streak, the their team to Dallas, only to find outjust Regardless, UK has not played in a
'. ' ' I. ; ' UK‘s brilliant defense. the stingiest in longest in college football history at that before the game that a virus epidemic had bowl game since then.
' It ' . -' . the country. had chalked up five shutouts time. hit the city and stricken eight UK players. It’s been a long time. 0
A - ' that year and had allowed more than one Early in the game substitute tackle. b
' . ' touchdown once in 11 games. Walt Yowarsky. pounced on a fumble B
I I ‘ . ‘ i i " However. the Cats were facing a veteran forced by All-American Bob Gain at the . . t
i " ‘ I i q ‘ . . .
. ‘ ' . team. Santa Clara. in the bowl. SC Sooner -2. On the next play. Parilli hfted Flve All-Amerlcans
~ ' ' ’ " " g1. . '7 "It i - . '1 ’* .» . ‘ l d B
., _, ._ .‘ . .» - , . . .V. a _ . n p aye under ryant
- . a u j . ' . ' ‘ ‘ - . . ’~“ -* or the 13 All-Americans that have played for UK,five
' ‘ ,- 3 I . i " h ~ ”r .. . , played during Bear Bryant’s reign at UK.
., _ . .1 . ,* p.- N (Q. h” at this. The star of that era was quarterback Vito “Babe”
.' a _ I ‘~ . . -. " . ' 3 ’ f (“EM .. a w" "v fi Parilli, who engineered the UK offense in the Orange,
' i -' ' . if? k, ' “a. ‘ ‘ .iu . .. Sugar and Cotton Bowls. A two-time All-American.
. ' " I. . I I - fl , . i ‘ ~ _ . Parilli played several years in pro football.
‘ 2 . . ‘ , ”a f “ h; x _. e. After capping an illustrious career with the Boston
., ‘. ' l. , . . 1 I g“. 4 _’. ‘ a . % Patriots of the AFL, Parilli entered coaching. He is
A' . . . . V. . ‘ gig. . .. a ,, ‘3‘ . serving presently as quarterback coach of the Pittsburgh
' ' : ' V . ‘ v a is”. W} . fl " W, Steelers. .
. - _ . . . .. . . ' .3; - "K .g‘ ,t e Tackle Bob Gain, also a twrce-selected All-American,
. . . _- '. , . ‘ "w .. 'e s. . 1' . '0". was the backbon of the vaunted UK defense in 1949-50.
. , .. . . . _ . . n a o 4 . Gain was an all-Pro for the Cleveland Browns.
. . .- .1 , ‘ ,, Other players receiving national recognition were
‘. , .' : . ,- ”f, . . . 5‘ . ”.3, ' . Steve Meilinger, who played end, quarterback and
.' , .‘l 5" . ‘ . - ‘ “ halfback, center Doug Mosely and guard Ray Correll.
. . ' .W . _ g - '.~ . . Four SEC players
. '. . V. . '. .. '1 _ " ~ _ . * 1' '” - The coaching of Bryant also enabled four other
.' . ‘ . . -. , r ‘ ... x; 2‘ . ~ “” Wildcats to be chosen on the All-SEC squad.
. . 1,. .. - . . . . _ - " - .- ' ” ', e“. _ ’ X Receiving the honors were Wah Wah Jones, an end in
, _‘ ' . ' , . - . , .3 ’M‘ , _ 1946. Jay Rhodemyre. a center the following year.
. .. ._ . ,, , , . .. » . .~. . ' -* Harry Ulinski. a center in 1949. and Gene Donaldson. a
j . . ‘ . " ‘ 1 . E: .. 3;. 35?" ' '1' " j guard in 1951.
. ~ . . . . , ' = . In eight years at UK. Bryant never suffered a losing
, ,. '. . v, . . . § . _ .» record. The Wildcats compiled a 60-23-5 record at UK
. . . . -» ‘ Q ” ‘ '. against top-notch competition.
, . ' “I still follow the team there,“ says Bryant. “I don‘t i
' All-American quarterback Babe Parilli sets up to throw a pass over the congested line know what the problems are, but I‘d love to see them do i
‘ ' of scrimmage. That guy at the upper right-hand comer was wide open, so Babe well."
, probably hit him with a complete pass. “105‘ give it some time." ..

 - , ‘
_ THE KENTI'CKY klfiR‘Nlil, I-iitlat. ()(I, 22. l‘tTl - 3 ' ‘ '
Bymmltm mi try... at a... UK layers [ea rm] B rwml.
Kernel Sports Editor athletic director at VPI, says o 7 ' v “V" .
He‘s not God. but former UK “Whatever it takes to make .1 1 ° .' I , .- 4
players consider Bear Bryant as great coach. that‘s what he has " treate‘ , 1,," “7L! I r()8,)()(" ~ . .,
next ill line. Bryant was key . 4 ' .'
Opinions of UK football stars Four former players living ill fullback.» in high school and “He got us so tired and 5t) ht)! n“ Wm“ rd“. . . -
during Bryant‘s term as UK the Lexington area were at a loss teach them and train them until that we’d hate hime, but we‘d with“- " \iIL’UtNl /.;~ ~ I
coach were sought and nearly all for words when asked if Bryant they were one step better than take it out on the other team,” “1 he school .‘.-’.l" ; ;. :; -:_ ' '.
of them credited the Bear with was the key to successful UK the opponent." Zaranka described a drill in might be hohhne “_.3 g, M ‘
the enormous success enjoyed football teams. “He worked harder than which the offcnsjvc unit would IL“, A “hm, mi“ .._,~,., 3 g; . -
by Wildcat teams. “He was the sole difference,“ anyone I‘ve ever seen,“ said try to gain four yards in as many reign."
In a recent article in Sports 5 aid John G r iggs. a Mosely. “He was a disciplinarian. attempts against the first-string “The peoph» .h 13;; in. g _ 4;
Illustrated, ageless George center-linebacker‘who captained a psycholugist. :1 tine Christian defense in practice. bL‘L’n real pant-m." at: 271.12: