xt7m901zgs1m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zgs1m/data/mets.xml New York Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs National Archives (U.S.) 1941 157 p.; 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.12/no.31 books English New York, N.Y.: Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. New York Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Veterans Administration -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- New York -- Catalogs People with disabilities -- Rehabilitation -- United States Military pensions -- United States United States. Federal Housing Administration -- Archives -- Catalogs New York -- History -- Sources Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XII, No.31, Veteran's Administration, New York text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XII, No.31, Veteran's Administration, New York 1941 1941 2019 true xt7m901zgs1m section xt7m901zgs1m / 1“3',(_ .
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‘ ‘ Prepared by - .
i The Survey of Federal Archives .
: Division of Community Service Projects
1 Work Projects Administration
.' ‘ The National Archives
Cooperating Sponsor

i Jfifi‘w. 1%) .

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New York City, N. Y.

: The Survey of Federal Archives

5 :- 1941

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3; r The Survey of Fedoral Archives
; 1
4m V
i ‘ Philip M. Hamnr, National Director
1 v
Hi i". ,
:3 . Division of Community Service Projects
E”? I Floronce Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
353.? [ Agnes S. Cronin, Chief Regional Supt-wrvisor
if? ; Josoph L. Ginniff, Director, Now York City
w“ \
b .
9. ,
f; 1
, 1 Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner
" 7 l R. C. Branion, Regional Director
E Irving V. A. Huie, Administrator, New York City _
\i ;
53,. .

 i ‘ - iii

i The Inventorv of Federal Archives in the States is one of the

3 products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which oper—

‘ ate-d. as a nation—wide project of the Works Progress Administration

& from January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937. From that date until June

, 50, 1939 the Survey continued in New York City as a project of the

» Wbrks Progress Administration. Since July 1, 1959 the Survey has

, functioned as a project of the Work Projects Administration.

1 The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows:

' Series I consists of reports on the ndministr tion of the Survey, ac~
knowledgmonts, and general discussions of the location, condition and
content of federal archives in the stntes. Succeeding series contain
the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inven—
tory form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the exec—
utive departments (except the Department of State) and other major
units of the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general

, introduction of the field organization andzecords of the governmental
agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper,

& separate numbers being assigned to each strte in alphabetical order.

, Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alcbnmo is No. 2, that for

' Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc.

, For ench local office informotion regarding each series, or unit of
related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive
dates ("to date" indicating an opon file at the time the information
was secured), general description of informational content, descrip—
tion of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of fre~
quency and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes,
sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the contain~
ers, physical condition of the records (not statedif‘sntisfoctory),
location by room number or other identifying information, and finally,
the number of the Form 588A on which this information was originally
recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the

v Inventory. This form is on file in the National Archives. When it
contains substantial information on addenda shoots which has not been
, included in the mimcographed abstract, indication of this is given by
i use of the reference "See addenda."
The work of the Survey in New York State was under the direction of
Captain Fred P. Todd from its inception until June 30, 1937 when it
was placed for a short time under the supervision of the Historical
Records Survey. The Survey in New York City was under the direction
of Dr. Richard 8. Morris from January 1936 until August 1937 when he
resigned and was succeeded by his assistant, Mr. Hermann F. Robinton,
who supervised the project until May 31, 1938. From that time until
April 1939 Mr. Vincent Jacobi directed the project with Mr. Isidor
Paskoff as Project Supervisor. From April 1939 to August 1940, Mr.
Paskoff supervised the project, assisted by Mr. M. Weisshar. Since
then Mr. Charles Bolduc has directed the project, with Mr. Weisshar
Q in charge of the survey phase. This Inventory of the Veterans‘
: Administration was prepared in the New York City office of the Sur—
§ vey and was edited before final typing by Mr. M. P. Claussen of the
§ Office of Research and Publications of the National Archives.
« New York, New York,
. September 15, 1941.

 Blank Page(s) 9

 3 . . .
. Page
- Veterans' Administration Facility . . . . . . 1
\ Veterans' Administration Facility . . . . . . 9
- Veterans‘ Administration Facility . . . . . . 18
Veterans' Administration Facility . . . . . . 18
' Veterans' Administration Facility . . . . . . 53
Regional Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Veterans‘ Records . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65
Personnel and Miscellaneous Records . . ._ 72
Veterans' Administration Facility . . . . . . 75
Medical Records . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 76
‘ Personnel and Miscellaneous Records . . .. 81
. Veterans‘ Administration Facility . . . . . . 88
, Medical Records . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 88
Other Records of Patients . . . . . . . .. 96
Personnel Records . . . . . . . . . . . .. 106
Supply Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Miscellaneous Records . . . . . . . . . .. 130
‘ Veterans' Administration Facility . . . . . . 144

1 .
Administration Bldg.
This Facilitv was established on October 6, 1917, as a '
1 subdivision of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, and remain—
ed as such until August 9, 1921, when it was placed under
Administration of the Veterans' Bureau. In July 1930, upon
the dissolution of this Bureau, the Facilitv came under
supervision of the newly formed Veterans‘ Administration.

The headquarters of this Facility was at first establish—
ed at Buffalo, N. Y.. in the Federal Building, Washington

. and Seneca Streets. On Mav 3, 1939 it was combined with the
Batavia Facility.

The work of this Facilitv consists of handling insurance

and pension matters for veterans. The files are Well kept
‘ and the indexing is exceptionally good. The work of the
Facilitv is carried on in one building only.

1. CASE FILES, 1917 — 1933. Form 526, application, and
supporting Forms 909, 502, 509, 518, 521, 537, 595, 563,
569. 572. 680. 2507. 2519. 2595. 2553. 2593. 2695. 3101
3102, 3103, 31011, 569,-... 19332., 2659a, p42, P-533d; also af—
fidavits and correspondence relative to hospital cases.

Most of these records are for inactive cases. Indexed.

Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 bundles,

219 ft., on Wooden shelves. Papers dirty and sooty. Store—
' room. (98)

2. LEGAL FILE (GENERAL), 1917 - Apr. 15, 1936. Adjust—
ed service certificates, dockets, correspondence, and mis-
cellaneous data. These pertain to cases that have been

_ temporarily closed. Indexed. Filed alphabeticallv. (Rare~
1y, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 29 ft., on Wooden shelves.
Storeroom. (100)

3. PERSONNEL FILES, 1917 to date. Correspondence, re—
ports, investigation data concerning personnel at this Fa—
cility, employees' relatives, and.liaison officers. _Records
of Regional Office from 1917 to May 1, 1939, are included.
Indexed. Filed alphabetically. (Frequentlv, confidential.)
10 x 12 folders, 22 ft., in 12 drawers of steel filing
case. Manager's office. (57)

9. CLAIM CASES, 1917 to date. Form 5326, application, ,
and supporting Forms 909, 502, 509, 518, 521, 537, 595,

563. 569. r:72, 6-30. 2507. 2519. 2595. 2553. 2593. 2695.
3101, 3102, 3103, 3109, 569a, 1933a, 2659a, 13—22

 ' Batavia Facilitv 2

P955” and all case history correspondence and affidavits.
Twenty drawers of the files are occupied by Canadian and -
Ex—Imperial cases using the same forms. Litigated cases

are filed separately pending action. Indexed. Filed
numerically and alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12
folders, 2280 ft., in llMO drawers of metal filing cases.

' Records, Mails and Files. (56)

5. INDEX, Dec. 1917 to date. Showing name, address,
militarv organization, rank, and case number: also Forms
6601:, 7205, 7216 and Medical Form 2593. Case records of

, all veterans applving for compensation through this Facil~
ity are filed here. Filed alphabetically. (Dailv, offi—
cial.) 3 x 6 cards, rotary visible file, 121 ft., in 8
drawers of metal card cabinet, and four Rotary Visible in— ‘
_ dex files. Records, Mails and Files. (1+9)
1 6. TREATMENT RECORDS, Jan. 1918 to date. Medical Forms
, 56M and 265M—a, and all case history correspondence. These
are originals of all medical treatment records in the Bata—
via district. Indexed. Filed alphabeticallv. (Frequently, '
official.) 9 x 12 folders, 102 ft., in h drawers of metal
filing case, and on wooden shelves. Medical Storeroom.
(72) .
7. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1918 to date. All finance
. office correspondence concerning loans, over~pavments,
vouchers, change of address, and adjusted service certifi—
cates. Filed numerically. (Frequentlv, official.) 9 x
12 folders, 11 ft., in 5 draWers of steel filing case.
Finance Office. (95)

8. GUARDIANSHIP CASES, 1918 to date. Records of guard— ‘ ‘
ianship on Forms #706, h706wa, ”70}, ”70h, 555. Correspond—
ence pertaining to these cases is also included in this
file. Indexed. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.)

10 x 12 folders, 168 ft., in 76 drawers of metal, and 8
drawers of wooden, filing cases. Attorney's Office. (60)

9. AMENDED AWARD FILE, 1921 — June 30. 1936. Completed
Forms 550 showing amendments in awards nade to veterans,
reducing or increasing the amount of pension due. This form
was discontinued on June 30, 1936. Filed chronologicalIV.
(Daily, official.) 5 x 8 sheets, 17 ft., in 5 drawers of
metal filing case. Finance Office. (86)

10. STOP PAYMENT NOTICES, 1921 to date. Form 521, used
for notice of stop pavment on checks issued. Also included
in this file are change of name or address records on Forms
537 and 1710. IndeXed. Filed chronologically. (Dailv, of~

. ficial.) 5 x 8 sheets, 2M ft., in 12 draWers of metal filing
case. Finance Office. (83)
i , 3

 Batavia Facility }

ll. AWARD CARD FILES, July 1, 1921, to date. Completed
Forms 511A, 511B, 511D, showing the amounts awarded veterans
in conneCtion with monthly pensions. Indexed. Filed numeri—
ically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 sheets. 180 ft., in M5 draw-
ers of metal filing cases. Finance affice. (85)

12. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE INDEX, 1918 to date. Separate card
indexes for each of the following: guardianship cases, com—
mittee and guardianship cross index, bond information, hos—
pital patients, diary card for calling accounts: incompetent

' veterans with and without fiduciaries, and applications filed
by fiduciaries pertaining to Adjusted Compensation Bonus
Bonds. Each card lists name and address. Filed alphabeti—
cally. (Daily, official” 3 x 5 cards, 15 ft., in 1 drawer;
of metal card cabinet. Attorney's Office. (HS)

August 1921 to date. Consists of completed copies-of Forms
955 A, 3266, and 3267. These show records of meals, lodging,
and transportation for members of this Facility. Filed
chronologically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 7 ft., in
8 drawers of 2 card cabinets. Finance Office. (91)

11+. SERVICE RECORDS, 1922 to date. Service record cards,
showing place of birth, date of birth, nature of action, sal~
ary, bureau, division, State, congressional district, and
county, city, or town. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi-
cial.) 5 x 8 cards, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of card cabinet.
Manager's Office. (69)

, 15. CANCELATIONS, 1925 to date. Completed Forms 980 and
remail notices; Form 991, used in connection with cancele-
tions of awards. Indexed. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, ,
official.) 5 x 8 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing
case. Finance Office. (88)

16. CHECK TRANSCRIPTS, 1925 to date. Consists of cone
plated Forms 10AM, lihs, 166N showing transcript of checks

. issued. Indexed. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.)
8 x 11 sheets, 3 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing case.
Finance Office. (82)

to date. Veterans‘ note Forms with records of loan cards
attached. Loan cards are Forms 11—SMA and ll~8MD, and are
used in connection with adjusted service certificates which
have been forwarded to Washington office. These records are
to be placed in case history files, and filed in the proper
department. Indexed. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.)

. 8 x 11 bundles, M611 ft., on tables. Finance Office. (97)

18. RECORDS OF REPAYMENTS, 1927 to date. Copies of field

 Ba‘tavia Facility 1+
service receipts on Form 1028. Filed chronologically.
(Rarely, official.) 5 x 8 loose sheets, h ft., in drawer of
metal filing case. Finance Office. (87)

19. GENERAL FILE, Sept. 1927 to date. Interdepartment—
al and interoffice correspondence and monthly reports to
manager's office. Filed a1 habetically. (Daily, official.)
10 x 12 folders, 6 ft., in E drawers of metal filing case.

. Adjudication Office. (62)

20. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1928 to date. Corres-
pondence and legal papers relative to pending guardianships,
appointments, court orders and petitions, service letters,
office memoranda, orders for the Chief Attorney, correspond:

‘ ence concerning cases in litigation for violation of Federal
statutes. and correspondence in regard to field examination
reports. Indexed. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
8 x 10 folders, 35 ft., in 20 drawers of metal filing cases.
Attorney's Office. (52)

’ 21. mCKETS, 1928 to date. Records on Form h722, of .
guardianship cases, and active and inactive litigated insur»
ance cases. The current dockets are used daily; inactive
dockets are kept as a matter of record only. Indexed. .

e Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 12 x 12 loose-
leaf books, 1 ft., in drawer of metal office desk. Attor-
ney's Office. (53)

22. BUDGET ACCOUNT RECORDS, July 1, 1930, to date. _A1-
lotment ledgers Form 1015A, showing records of all trans~ ‘
actions. Also included are monthly accounting reports. pro—
curement data and correspondence relative to these records.

' Indexed. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 ,
loose~1eaf books, 12 ft., in 6 draWers of metal filing cases.
Finance Office. (78)

' 23. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1, 1931, to date. Inter—
departmental and interoffice correspondence, correspondence
with Washington office regarding regulations, Civil Service
announcements, and employment data. The correspondence from
Jan. 1, 1931, to May 1, 193M, was transferred from Regional
dffice at Buffalo. Indexed. Filed alphabeticallv. (Daily.
official.) 10 x 12 folders, 17 ft., in 12 draWers of filing
cases. Manager's Office. (63) .

21+. FINANCIAL FILE (GENERAL), July 1, 1932 - June 30,
1936. Paid vouchers, schedules of adjusted pavments, pav ’
rolls, settlement records, patients' funds, accounts of sales
and collections, contracts and leases, and cost scoounting
records. IndeXed. Filed numerically. (Rarely, official.)

9 x 12 folders, 133 ft., in 2U draWers of metal filing case.
Storeroom. (99)

Batavia Facility 5

25. VETERANS’ CCC RECORDS, 1932 to date. Form P—130,
and correspondence in regard to veterans enrolled and dis~
charged from the CCC. Indexed. Filed alphabetically.
(Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2“ ft., in 8 drawers of ’
metal, and M drawers of wooden, filing cases. Manager's Of~
fice. (69)

date. Interdepartmental correspondence, employees' sched—
ules, and instructions, copies of M. and R. requests ap~
proved, not approved and pending, blueprints, and ccrrespond~
ence with contractors who constructed the buildings at this
Facility. Filed alphabetically and numerically. (Daily, of—
ficial.) 10 x 12 folders, and blueprints hung on rack, 1” ft.,
in 7 drawers of metal filing cases and on wooden rack.
Utility Division Office. (55)

date. Records on Form 1216, of accounts of sales and col—
lections for supplies furnished veterans from the canteen of
this Facility. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) I '
10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in metal filing case. Finance Of—
fice. .(SM)

, 2S. CARD RECCRD OF APPEALS, Apr. 1, 1933, to date. Form
670, current appeals, and appeals pending, or those to be
forwarded when called for to the Washington office. Filed
numerically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, M ft., in steel
filing case. Adjudication Office. (61) .

. 29. SUPPLY RECCRDS, Aug. 1, 1933, to date. Property
vouchers, contracts, proposals, and requisitions. The fol—
lowing Forms are used: 7318, S~308, 135—b, 138, 136, 1217,
3130, 3211 and Standard Forms 33, 36 and 1036. Indexed.
Filed by subject, subnfiled alphabetically. (Daily, of~
ficial.) 9 x 12 folders, 29 ft., in 16 drawers of metal fil—
ing cases. Supply Office. (58)

30.‘ UTILITY FILE, BLUEPRINTS, 1933 to date. Blueprints
and plans for buildings of the Facility. (Rarely, official.)
1 x 2 bundle, 8 ft., on Wooden shelf. Storeroom. (96)

31. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, Aug. 1, 1933, to date. Forms
3229, 12u3, 3267B, 2593c, 2598B, 26ou, showing information
on transportation, expendable and nonexpendable property, ex“
penditures and data relative to clothing. Filed by subject,
sub~filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 fold—

‘ ers, 20 ft., in 12 drawers of metal filing case. Supply Cf~
. fice. (59)
32. CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1, 193M, to date. Interdepart~
‘ mental and interoffice correspondence pertaining to the fol~

Batevia Facility 6
lowing: supplies, requisitions, property vouchers, contracts,
proposals, transportation, and bills of lading. Filed by
subject; sub-filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x ,
12 folders, 6 ft., in 4 drawers of metal filing case. Sup—
ply Office. (57)
33. PERSONNEL FILES, May 1, 1934 — Jan. 1, 1936. Records
and statistics of employees who have left the Facility, in~ '
eluding leave cards and general correspondence. Indexed.
. Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 18
ft., on wooden shelves. Papers dirty and sooty. Storeroom.
34. SUPPLY RECORDS, May 1. 1934 — Jan 1, 1936. Copies
of contracts, leases and bids, voucher records, and corres— ‘
, pondenco of the supply office. Indexed. Filed by subject.
(Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders and bundles, 20 ft., on
wooden shelves. Papers dirty and sooty. Storeroom. (102)
19, 1936. Complete medical records of all veterans who have
received hospital or outside treatment through this Facility.
Medical Forms 2614—a, 26l4—b, 2614mc, 2614—d, 2614~e, 26l4—f, ‘
2614—g, 2614—h, 2614-i, 2614—3, 2614—k are used. Indexed.
Filed numerically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 94
ft., on wooden shelves. Medical Storeroom. (70)
36. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, May 1, ~ July 1, 1936. Day and
night nurses' record books, miscellaneous correspondence and
copies of Medical Form 2565. Filed chronologically. (Fre-
' quently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 13 ft., on wooden shelves.
Medical Storeroom. (71) ,
37. CORRESPONDENCE FILE, May 1, to date. ‘Corres—
pondence, both interdepartmental and with companies and in-
dividunls not in the Facility, dealing with medical treat~
ments, supplies, and references to other facilities. Filed
alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 11
ft., in 6 drawers of filing case. Clinical Office. (89)
38. COST ACCOUNTING RECORDS, May 1, 1934, to date. Forms
6600 and 6600 e.b.c.d.e.f.g.h., which are the cost accounting
records of this Facility. Filed chronologically. (Daily,
official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of metal filing
case. Finance Office. (79)
39. PATIENTS' FUNDS, May 1,1934, to date. Completed
Standard Forms 1048, showing a record of patients' funds.
Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 fold-
ers, 1 ft., in drawer of metal filing case. Finance Office.
‘ (80)

 Batavia Facility 7

no. DENTAL RECORDS, May 1, 193M, to date. All hospital
records of dental work done through this Facility. Medical
Form 2688 is used. Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.)

5 x 8 cards, 1 ft., in 2 drawers of card cabinet. Clinical Of—
fice. (75)

. Ml. APPLICATIONS FOR PCSITICNS, May 1, 193N, to date.
Applications for positions in the different branches of this
Facility. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 10
x 12 folders, 8 ft., in M drawers of metal filing case. Man—
ager's office. (65)

M2. streams, May 1, 193M, to date. Forms 2713 and 3205
submitted daily by the departments of the Facility to the Man~
ager's Office, and copies of Form 3HOO submitted monthly to
Washington office. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.)

8 x 10 loose sheets, 15 ft., in 8 drawers of metal filing
case. Manager's Cffice. (66)

date. Records giving names of incumbent; grade, salary range, '
dates employed or promoted, and nature of changes, dates of
separation, and salary. Indexed. Filed alphabetically.

(Often, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 1 ft., in steel card cabinet.
Manager‘s Office. (51)
MM. PERSLNNEL PAY RECORDS, May 1, l93u, to date. Records
of salaries paid to employees of this Facility. Indexed.
Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 2 ft.,
' in 2 drawars of metal card cabinet. Finance Office. (50)
‘ M5. PRESCRIPTION reopens, July 26, 193u. to date. Medi-
. cal Form 2577, and prescriptions for narcotics. Filed chrono— ‘
logically. (Frequently, official.) 3% x 5 sheets, 3 ft., in
2 drawers of card cabinet. Clinical Cffice. (73)
' M6. PAIRCLLS FCR PERSCNAL SERVICES, Jan. 1, 1935, to date.
Form 1013C, for employees on an annual salary basis. Indexed.
Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x in sheets,
2 ft., in drawer of filing case. Finance Cffice. (92) =

#7. SCHEDULE or DISBURSEMENTS, Jan. 1, 1935. to date. .
Copies of completed Standard Forms 106M and 2085, showing a
record of disbursements. Filed chronologically. (Daily, of— .
ficial.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of metal filing
case. Finance Office. (77)

HS. DISBURSING SCHEDULES, July 1, 1935, to date. Com—

' pleted Finance Forms 1012, schedules of adjusted payments to
veterans. Indexed. Filed chronologically. (Daily, offi-

, cial.) 1M x 17 loose—leaf books, 1 ft., on top of metal fil—

. ing case. Finance Office. (9h)


‘ Batavia Facility 3

1 M9. LEAVES. Jan. 1, 1936, to date. Forms 3203, 320k,
3206 and 3227: used for passes and as record of leaves of ab—
sence. Filed chronologically. (Rarely. official.) 5 x 8%
fonts, 3 ft., in 2 drawers of metal filing case. Manager's
Office. (68)

50. CONTRACT AND LEASE FILES, Jan. 1, 1936, to date.
Form 1269, prepared for contracts and leases. The origi-
nals of this fore are in the supply office. Filed alpha—
betically. (Daily, official.) lo x‘12 folders, 6 ft., in
3 drawers of steel filing case. Finance Office. (90)

date. Completed Forms 1705, 1706, 1707. 1708, lYOS—a, 1709,
1710, 1711 and 1713 relative to Administration Settlement.
Indexed. Filed alphabetically. (laily, official.) 8 x 1h
binders, he ft., on tables. Finance Office. (81) .

to date. Applications for adjusted service certificate bonds
for incompetent veterans and loans to incompetent veterans I .
with certificates filed by fiduciaries; concerning disabled
veterans in state institutions, Facilities, etc.: and per—
taining to release of Bonus Bonds. Indexed. Filed alpha—
betically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in
drawer of metal filing case. Attorney's Office. (5“)

date. Complete nedical case histories of veterans who have
received treatment through this Facility. The following
Medical Forms are used: 2507, 2593, and 26lh series A

. through K. Indexed. Filed numerically.. (Daily, official.)
9 x 12 folders, 33 ft., on 20 drawers of metal filing cases. .
Clinical Office. (76)

5h. VOUCHER RECORDS, July 1, 1936, to date. Copies of
vouchers paid. Standard Forms 1012, long, 1085. 103M are
used for this purpose. Filed chronologically. (Rarely, of-
ficial.) 10 x 12 sheets, 3 ft.. in 2 drawers of wooden fil~
ing case. Finance Office. (93)

55. MISCELLANEOUS FILE. July 1, 1936, to date. Data

‘ concerning day and night nurses‘ reports, out—patient seru;~
vice reports, Medical Form 2565 and miscellaneous corres~ ‘
ponflence. Filed chronologicallv. (Daily, official.) 9 x
l2ufolders. 2 ft., in drawer of filing case. Clinical Office.
7 ) .

(A) Building 3h.
, (B) Building 29.
' ((3) Building 31.
(D) Building hi.
(E) Building 26.
(F) Building 33.
(G) Building 75. .
EH? Building 23. .
I Building 35.
In 1875, the Grand Army of the Republic, desirous of pro-
viding a home for disabled and needy northern soldiers of the
Civil War, procured three suitable buildings at Bath, N. Y.
Not being able to finance the program successfully, the G.A.R. ,
sought to enlist the aid of the State of New York. In res~
ponse to this plea, the State Legislature, in 1877 voted funds
for this enterprise. A year later the buildings and grounds
at Bath Were deeded to the State bv the G.A.R., with the stip-
ulation that the enterprise be called the Grand Arty of the
Republic Home for Disabled Veterans. In 1888 this name was
changed to the New York State Soldiers‘ and Sailors' Home,in~
asmuch as the Home care to be used to house other veterans
than those of the Civil War. After the World War and the re—
sultant need of facilities for hundreds of disabled veterans,
the Federal Government took over the Bath institution from
' the State of New York and placed it under the direction of
the Veterans' Bureau. This change was made in 1929. A Vear ‘
later, upon the termination of this Bureau's functions, its
successor, the Veterans' Administration, took over the man—
ageeent of this home. The home is now a regular Veterans‘
Administration Facility. The Agency of origin of the records
listed below which Were created by predecassor agencies can
be determined by the dates of the given series of records.
The general functions of this Facility are to provide
' hospitalization and a hone for disabled and needy veterans
of all wars. There have been no changes in location since
. this Facility's early establishment. New buildings are to
be created shortly, and any existing poor conditions in
keeping and storing of records will be remedied upon the
completion of this program. All papers in this agency are
considered useless 3 years after their origin and are sent
to the Washington office. About 8 feet of vouchers, 1928 -
31, have been stored at the Supplv Depot at Perry Point, Md.
56. VETERANS or ALL WARS, RECORD, 1866 — 1929. Enlist——
sent papers, company, and service Wounds records, records

Bath Facility 10 3
relating to admission to home, physical and hospitalization
records; discharges from Home; and death and burial papers.
(In the flood of July 8, 1935, the Cohocton River overflowed
its banks, filling cellars of this agency. All papers were
removed and dried out, and then repacked). Indexed. Filed
numerically. (Seldom, official.) 8 x 10% folders, and 18 x
24 volumes (3), 1 ft. 4 in., on 12 shelves. Damaged by , 3
water. Basement. (Bldg. A). (17)

57. SERVICE RECORD OF MEMBERS, 1877 to date. Each mem—
ber enrolled at this post has a folder containing a record of
every ph