xt7m901zgs01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zgs01/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 2001 Vol.72 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 2001 Vol.72 No.4 2001 2001 2019 true xt7m901zgs01 section xt7m901zgs01 r F (UK) LEX 405 ix ' \\
:‘.£;XlNGTON KY . 05..., amp
Volume 72, Number 4 - April 2001 I I 68 S
o 0
Eastern Ky. papers launch new edltions
By LISA CARNAHAN masthead. (Floyd County Times) already had a Sunday, so
KPA Member Services Director The Floyd County Times and the Hazard the plan to make it a regional paper emerged.”
Spring brought change to Eastern Herald are both properties of Community The newspaper is called “The Sunday
Kentucky in more ways than the blooming of Newspaper Holdings, Inc. (CNHI) and Rod Edition of the Times Herald” and it covers
dogwoods and swelling of rivers. Two new edi— Collins serves as publisher of both newspapers. Leslie, Perry, Knott, Floyd, Johnson, Pike,
tions of multi-county coverage newspapers hit Collins came to Prestonsburg in April 1999 Letcher and Magoffin counties. Collins says
the streets -— one a merged Sunday edition from the Richmond Register and within three plans have also been made to extend coverage
between the Floyd County Times and Hazard months, took the newspaper to a Sunday edi- into Martin and Breathitt counties.

. Herald that’s focusing on seven counties initial— tion. He took over at Hazard last October. “We’ll cover everything that’s regional,” said
ly and the second, a Friday edition of the Perry “There was a definite need for another edi- Collins. “Most of these areas have their own lit-
County News that covers five counties and car— tion in that area,” said Collins. “We had already tle pockets of news, with each newspaper
ries the name “Kentucky River News” as the merged our shoppers, so it seemed natural. We See EDITIONS, page 7

2001 KHSJA St t C t ‘ d d d
. —- r‘.’ l I: z»,- ;- hfiazfal'.’ .- .3? y...’ .11, ”J" 2§2§}»~'Q- 4:. 4 11:2? £22.: J“ ‘2 z‘fimf-lgl: Ef‘frj 3:53" ”i...’
Over 850 pack Into 2:22;, .2; $3 ‘2- , 5.22:2, 1.335rihg'sqfi‘g‘2332 .22? 2 £253,221: 5’?$”5{i~fl¥§§;fie£
Galt House East -122 .yfiwg’er 2... AM .3?" 17¢ we; .22
. a -' ‘1 "" 2: , 22252-2 ' i a. ~ ..?-*‘?tr'::a= 1‘- ”3‘ 2. ' £2324 2;;
for annual gathering ~ g 2. f ‘2...2 3" .._1 i— Mi: .5: 1.2 9 a” sent. 2212.." e.
. 9..., j ' g‘ 1"“ mafix— fki“ ‘- $2.?“ .: - .f' .“1 . ~2-é‘ . ,e" ' 4‘ - ‘, ‘~l";“"~:
All KPA conventlon-goers know ' _ . - ~~‘- #2. 2 -x ’ “:5? ,':',--“<>, 1”» *7 “we; ’
the Galt House East in Louisville is .2 -. ‘ iii-4.? -» .- Zane? ~ ;- .. x231“- =’=‘
big — huge, in fact. That’s why it ‘ I“; 1,42. "‘22:, "' “if... ' .. "1,; ‘2 2 '
was picked as the host facility for a w a - . :3”, 2 2:... 4‘ .
the 2001 Kentucky High School “*2 ' ' , , —-_.;-: :33-
Journalism Association State ’1 2" "I?" '
Convention. A good thing, too. The "
crowd on March 22 topped 800 as .. _ 2 \ .
high school students and their V Photo by Jeff More/and. Citizen Voice & Times
teachers came from across the state A panel of journalists and journalism educators took students’ questions about journalism ethics at the 2001 .
to learn more about this thing KHSJA State Convention. ‘
called “journalism.” overnight. The event featured print from the students. Graves County High School took
This year’s meeting started the and broadcast professional journal- The main highlight of the con- home the Grand Champion Award,
evening before the convention with ists who shared insights about their vention was presentation of the which recognizes the school with
a pizza party and dance for those career choices with the students. KHSJA awards for best newspaper, the best all-around journalism pro-
students and advisers traveling The journalists also took questions yearbook and broadcast entries. See CONVENTION, page 3
. . . , . .
Medla role in public s Vlew of youth Violence debated 2*
By JACINTA FELDMAN those crimes newsworthy. statements about the media’s cover- 3 '
KPA News Bureau Director “1 think you can say that about age of youth violence. Other mem- ‘
Professionals on both sides of a lot of things we cover,” said bers on the panel included Jim Ogle, ‘ . 2 .
the issue debated how much, if any, Lexington Herald-Leader Editor senior vice president for news at
the media’s coverage of youth vio- and Senior Vice President Pam WKYT-TV, Michael Marsden, 3
lence sways public perception dur- Luecke. “We cover war dispropor- Provost and Vice President of
ing a speaker series at Eastern tionately to its role in society, we Academic Affairs at Eastern, Dena
Kentucky University on March 30. cover sports disproportionately to Tackett, student editor of The
Criminologists said the media its role in society. Lord knows we Eastern Progress and Liz Hansen,
covers youth violence disproportion- cover sports disproportionately.” associate professor in the universi-
ately to its role in society. Luecke was on a five-member ty’s department of communications.
Journalists said the very fact that it panel that reacted to Criminal Kappeler said that the media
is rare and unusual is what makes Justice Professor Victor Kappeler’s See MEDIA, page 10

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, April 2001
K t k 1 . th W
on uc y peop e, pape s e e s
' ' ' of an office move and health prob- ting information on weddings, Finch previously worked for the
LeXlngtOH man'I'lty lems, Cordray said. engagements, births, deaths, commu— Standard, which is owned by his par-
paper goes on hlatUS nity meetings, church activities and ents Mike and Belinda Finch, in
. , ° ° other events. 1998, alter graduating from Western

Ltexmggon shim}? blacaniwspa— Wlllard reterS after 25 Kentucky University. During his
per 5 oppe pu is ing in e ruary ' - . ' ‘ -
while funding is sought to expand the years at ShClbyVllle combs JOlnS ad Staff ggifetldgiifigeffr hzs‘tvilfoiyfiéifsrsiii
struggling venture, said its publisher. Jeanie Willard retired from The the week] class I division.

The Community Voice Sentinel-News in Shelbyville in the at Laurel NEWS Journal Besidies writing and editing
Newsjoumal, a biweekly newspaper end of February, after 25 years of ser- Kelly Combs, 21, joined the duties, he will assist in redesigning
with a Circulation of 10,000 in Vice atthe paper. advertismg staff of the London— the pages of the newspaper, leading
Lexmgton and Louisv1lle, published Willard began at the newspaper Laurel News Journal. toward full computer pagination.
its last edition Feb. 23, said founder in February 1976 as a part-time office A native of Hazard, Combs will The Finch’s youngest son, Brian,
Donald Cordray. assistant. She served as receptionist, be working with local businesses and is also working on the redesign. He

Cordray, who is also the paper’s helped the bookkeeper and handled assisting them in reaching consumers and Marci Owens have adopted the
only full-time employee, said he subscriptions. throughout Laurel County through newspaper for their project in the
hopes to raise $300,000 to hire more In the early 19805, she replaced the News Journal. Murray State University
advertising and editorial staff to DuAnne Puckett, who went on to be Journalism’s Department’s advanced
begin publishing again on April 9, the the editor of the paper, as the writer Gleaner’ S Classified editing and design class.
14th anniversary of the publication. for the Society page, which has . ‘ Brian is a junior public relations

The newspaper has never become the Faith & Family pages. ad SCCUOII expandad major. Owens is a junior print jour-
showed a profit and has published For the past several years, Th Gl , l 'f d d nalism major from Hopkinsville.
sporadically in the last year because Willard has been responsible for get- . e eaner S c 3881 1.6 S ver-

tisement section merged With its 515- Y nk ‘
' I ‘he l< CntUCky Press _________ ter publication, The Evansville 0 er named news
Courier & Press, in early March, '
. , , increasing the Henderson paper’s sec- edltor at Oldham Era
The Kentucky Press (ISSN-(Xl23-0324) is pub- District 13 tion b nearl ei htfold Rebecca Yonker was named news
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise y , y g ' , , . .
Association/KentuckyPressService,Inc. Publisher Steve Austin said the editor of the Oldham Era in
Periodical-class postage is paid at Frankfort, District 14 reach of the classified section expand- February. Yonker, a Laurel County
KY. 40601.8ubscription priceis$8per year. David Thornberry,Commonwealth-Joumal ed from an estimated 30,000 readers native, graduated from Western
Postmaster: Send change of address toThe _ . to an estimated 240,000 as a result of Kentucky University. She started
KentuckyPress,101ConsumerLane, District lS-A d the merger. her journalism career at the
Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) 223—8821. Don White, An erson News Beyond the increased number of Commonwealth Journal in. Somerset.
Officers and Directors District 1543 pageS, there will be more color, some She then moved to Florlda before
Kentucky Press Association John Nelson, Danville Advocate-Messenger variations in categories and a differ- returning to Kentucky. Ail?" a tem-
P 'd St t ”A” ent typeface. The new section Rorarl’t gsslgnmenfi WIFE ”fie
rear ent . 6 ea ge . . includes special real estate and auto— ssoc1a e ress in ouisv1 e, s e
Marty Backus, Appalachian News-Express Sharon Tummski, W‘“Che”te’ 5““ motive packages, as well as feature tOOk the 10b m LaGrange.
president Elect Keith Ponder, Glasgow Daily Times material, cartoon panels and puzzles
Dave Eldridge, Jessamine Journal “In general, it will be very user Lyon County paper
Mike Scogin, Georgetown NeWS'G’aPhiC friendly, especially as readers adapt .
Past madam wit,» Austin said, gets new Size, schedule
Teresa Revlett,McLeanCoumy News ”Ck MCNwly'Morehead News In an effort to b come a more
VicePresident Associates Division TWO sons hglp in family modern newspaper package, The
David Greer, The Kentucky Standard, Armando Arrastia, . , Lyon County Herald Ledger went
Bardstown Kenmd‘)’ Department 0‘ Educauon newspaper bUSlneSS through some changes last month,
Treasure, Advertising Division Michael Finch II joined the staff stmCh my“: T??? “fie With 0f
Sharon Tumms' ki,WinchesterSun Elaine Morgan, Owensboro of the Todd County Standard in 1 pages . ya ou_ inc es.-
Mes erln u- 1. Publisher Tim Hurst said the
”"8 Cl “9 February . . .
District} He comes to the Standard from new, narrower 8128 WI“ accomplish
- - . N Ed'torialDi ' ' . - -
Alice Rouse: Mma)’ Ledger 3‘ “W5 £51303”, Lexinggnfierald-Leader the Kentucky New Era, where he two goals. making the paper eaSier to
was sports editor. See PEOPLE, page 12
District .2 _ Circulation Division
Jed Dillmgham, Dawson Springs Progress Kriss Johnson, Lexington Herald-Leader —_——___—————_—__
District 3 New Media Division
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer Tim Hurst, Benton Tribune~Courier Death S
Charlie P ortmanrtFranklinFavorite Buck Ryan, University of Kentucky Marguerlte W, Whittaker havmg taught at the old one—room
Marguerite Walker Whittaker, Mount Hebron School and at the
Districts GeneralCounsels . co-owner and publisher of 12-grade Camp Dick Robinson and
BDaariggtEJe‘erflheKentucky Standard, giggihikgfid Kim Greene Lancaster’s Central Record, died Buckeye high schools. She retired
Feb. 21 at Central Baptist Hospital from teaching 1“ 1979 after 38
District6 Kentucky Press Association in Lexington. She was 79 and lived years. 1“ the classroom and began
Dorothy Abemafliy,Oldham Era KentuckyPressService Staff . on Hill Court in Lancaster. devoting more time to the newspa-
. DaVid '1'. Thompson, Executive Director Whittaker had been publisher per. .
District7 ‘ 11a C LlBonnice HowardhCmgiglg . Di t of the newspaper which has been “One of her main things was
' ‘ 21 am , em ’ _ -
KelleyWamick,Ga tin ounty News Lasrry Brooahanks, Advertising gilzestm rec or owned by members of her family her_rec1pe page. She had a page of
District8-9 Rebalewis,Reaeardi/Marketingcoordimtor Since the 19408, for several years reélpes 1“ the paper every week,
KenMerz,BathCmnryNews—0utlook IefiStum.mANAccmmtExecufii/e and involved in newspapers for sand Oneida Black, a Central
Jacinta Feldman, News Bureau Director many more. She also was in her Record employee. “In December we
Distrilgt 10711 d . In sDavidSpmcirllNZdeediaAgmishjam 17th years as a member of the always published a little insert, a
Jerry WWIAS'M‘ Daily W‘W B‘dffycmsdmsuuf , “913:8"; s§i§tar§lsmm Lancaster City Council. little booklet of Christmas rec1pes.
District 12 Rachel McCaEi-ty[ c’lA: dvertising Assistant And she was a retired Garrard A lot of them (reCipes) were hers.
Stephen Bowling, Jackson Times Holly Stigers, Tearsheet Coordinator County elementary school teacher, See DEATHS, page 11

 ‘- 4..
The Kentucky Press, April 2001 - Page 3
ll KPA 1’leS A lobbyist‘7 Never in my wildest dreams
new Offlcers _ . cy concerns and protection of public notice advertis-

lx' ll . d ,1 h , On the 91; ing, fit into that category of fervent beliefs.

ari ' HTTISUXL e ltd" ‘i'l‘ ‘ 0 . . l j- ' , That’s all that saved me from feelin as ifI had

gnuuc‘rf‘hlsna; W“; '» We“? lifts" ASSOCIatlon , .- _. turned to the ‘dark side’ - become one of 51088 “former

ent 0 tie est 'entuc y ’ress {in 3 re orters" who had given u the craft for something
Association. Front w peliverted like a PR jfib p

Vyron Mitchell, publisher 0f _""—— Being a lobbyist is different, however. My biggest
the Cadiz Record was elected vice By Lisa Carnahan :3 l. obstacle was trying to keep from violating one of the
chairman. John O'Neal Jones is KPA Member Services Director “it” v rules involving where lobbyists can and can’t go. I
the past. president and served KHSJA Administrator AW must admit, I’d gotten pretty used to free reign of
200001 in that capacity. The 8190' most areas, except of course the House and Senate
tion of officers was held during the This most recent legislative session was different floor once the gavel had slammed them into session.
group’s recent spring meeting in in more ways than what you’ve already read about: it Other than that, reporters have pretty wide access (as
Gilbertsville. was the first annual session of the Kentucky General we —— I mean “they” — well should) to the capitol and
______________ Assembly (a change made possible by a constitutional to legislators,

amendment voted on in the 2000 session and My second trip to the capitol in my new role held a

Pay not the only approved by voters last November), it only lasted 30 rude awakening. As I was chasing down a legislator,
dlays, in conlilparison to the biednnial 601-day lsession hot on his heels, one of the Legislative Research

' ' ' t at we’ve a grown accustome t0 and ast, Ut cer- Commission staffers sto ed and ve shee ishl told
Issue In keeplnga tainly not least, they (lawmakers) accomplished very me they were sorry to tellfme that {Wasn’t xZillovxlied in
. little. OK, I concede, maybe that’s not that much Of a that hallway anymore, Not allowed? How was I going
attraCtlng Staff change after all. to continue my hot pursuit? Call and make an

It was different for me because, with my recent appointment? Wait them out in their office?

It’s time to take action to pull job change from News Bureau Director to Member I did both. And both worked out pretty well. 1
young talent to small town newspa- Services Director, I’m no longer covering the legisla- found the legislators to be very open to talking to me,
pers, according to Mike Shepard, ture and instead responsible for lobbying. Yes, I’m a even when they totally disagreed with KPA’s stand on
president of the Washington lobbyist — one of those eight-letter dirty words to the issue. I’m sure that may not always be the case,
Newspaper Publishers Association many, if not most, reporters. but so far so good.
and publisher of the Walla Walla I got some pretty hefty teasing from my capitol One of the keys to lobbying, according to veterans
Union Bulletin. In a recent column reporter colleagues (or former colleagues I guess I who have been eager to share their knowledge with
published in the association's should say) but, I was always quick to point out that if me, is honesty and accurate information. Hey, kind of
newsletter, Shepard detailed a I was going to be a lobbyist, it WOUld have to be some- sounds like reporting doesn’t it? Maybe this won’t be
major ‘What do we do about it” com thing I fervently believed in. And, I’m very pleased to such a dramatic change after all... but then again, I
cems in the newspaper industry — be able to say “newspapers,” and all the related topics better reserve judgment until after a “real” session. So
recruitment and retention. like: open meetings and open records, libel and priva- on second thought, I’ll let you know next April.

While pay is an important
issue, he wrote, it’s not the only fac- ° awards resentation, was a mone- Hi h School.
tor 1n the recruitment wars. Fewer convent] 0n tary awaprd to all schools placing in gNewspaper Division, Class
and fewer young 9801318 are attract- the General Excellence category. AAA: First Place — South Oldham
ed to small town hfe' Furthermore, _ KHSJA began it’s fourth year High School; Second Place —
what ls drrvmg communications Continued from page1 of operation with the 2000-2001 Trinity High School and Third
and journalism students to pursue - . school year, formed in 1997 to Place —- Oldham County High
non newspaper career paths 18 low the best all-around journalism pro- address a critical gap in scholastic School.
wages and poor benxefits, the fear gram in ‘Kentucky. SChOOlS must journalism education in the state. Yearbook Division, Class A:
Of isolation 1“ small, rural towns ”new m at least two 0f the three Prior to its inception, there was no First Place — Carroll County High
and, m some cases, JuSt “Ct feeling dwisrons Of the contest _ newspa- statewide organization to help high School; Second Place — Mercy
the work they would be doing is per, yearbook and broadcast _ to school journalism students and Academy and Third Place ——
rewarding in ways beyond pay. qualify, and must earn the most their teachers Corbin High School.

Here are some 0f the ideas dis- total points overall to win. This This year’s keynote speaker Yearbook Division, Class AA:
cussed .at a recentindustry meeting year’s competition had more than was Joel Pett, editorial cartoonist First Place — Bowling Green High
0f publishers and journalism educa- 1,500 entries. , for the Lexington Herald-Leader. School; Second Place —— Highlands
tors, excerpted from Shepard’s COI' Graves County ngh SChOO] Pett won the 2000 Pulitzer Prize High School and Third Place —-
umn. placed flrSt m_ the General for editorial cartoons. Bourbon County High School.

0 Get involved with your high Excellence award in the Broadcast Other schools winning General Yearbook Division, Class AAA:
schools. The journalism teacher Division and second in the year- Excellence awards in the 2001 First Place _ Scott County High
often has no newspaper experience book division for class AAA schools. KHSJA State Competition were: School and Third Place _ South
and would welcome the involve- The contest is divided into three Newspaper Division, Class A: First Oldham High School.
ment of reporters, editors and pub- classes based on enrollment: Class Place __ St. Mary High School; Broadcast Division, Class A:
lishers in the classroom. Once A,AAand AAA- Second Place — Berea Community First Place: Bardstown High
there, you have a valuable opportu- The contest honors individual High School and Third Place —- School; Second Place: Mercy
nity ‘0 talk to young people about achievement With points tallied for (tie) Walton-Verona High School Academy.
all the advantages 0f practicing the overall honor 0f General and Cumberland County High Broadcast Division, Class AA:
journalism in a Smaller enViron’ Excellence. Students winning first School First Place; Henry County High
ment. place awards receive a plaque and Newspaper Division, Class School and Second Place —

‘ Encourage the continuation 0f plaques are also given to schools AA: First Place —— Assumption Bourbon County High School.
high SChOOl newspapers by deeply placing first, second and third in High School; Second Place — (tie) Broadcast Division, Class AAA:
discounting (01' printing free 0f the overall competition. An added Bowling Green High School and Second Place — St. Xavier High
charge)the 1‘30th paper. ‘ bonus to last year’s contest, that Washington County High School School and Third Place —

' If there’s a laCk 0f quality was also a part of this year’s and Third Place— Fleming County Montgomery County High School.
housing or affordable housing, con- ‘
sider having the newspaper buy a
clean, small home that could be Get on the ARK!
rented back, cheaply, to entry-level
re orters. - .

P 0 In that same vein, buy an Ads BeaChlng KentUCklanS
‘nel’lpfnswfdcar “‘2’88‘ ””39?" KPS’ 2x2 display network! Let us show you how to get additional revenue for your paper!
na 18 con use. ne pu ls er Call KPS Marketing Director Reba Lewisfor detailsl800-264-572l or 502-223‘4150
See STAFF, page7 _ 7 7 7 7 7

 .a— —«—-
Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, April 2001
Papers still not devotin g enough time to Visual plannin g
' . M~ create a page that has impaCt’ order iii‘iliiiiiiiiiiiiggi33?Eiifi‘i:§1§3513?§15333§-'51513535332515?533755.1535155;513:3355-12153313231533525???ifiE15131533155:53153353535133??? 355222235:s:::a=3:s:s:a:5:2:35:35:2522:5223:azezezsze222225222522:22:2:2:e:-;=2:s:s:2:a:e:s:3:532:2:a:5:5:22:22:22:2:2:23:2:22222:;:2:s:;:; '
glyen Fhe tralnmg they need to Size 0f_ the lead alt Remember: the The page on the left lacks visual impact. With a large lead visual ele-
thmk “S“any‘ . lead Vlsual can be larger (and 03911 ment, the page on the right is attractive and compelling.

And even when the Visual ele— should be larger) than 24 column . . . . . .
ments are top quality, they're otten inches. deSIgn requires an abihty and a Will- key Visuals. Too much gray on the
given minimal display. Most of the Once you’ve placed the lead art ingness to edit stories as you’re plac— page creates a boring look. But Just
time, that occurs because we think (and have an inkling where you’re mg them on the page. the right amount of gray between
of them last. We edit our stories, going to put the secondary art), only As you do, remember another key Visual elements helps them to
count their length, figure where then should you begin placing sto- key element I call critical mass. give the page some punch.
they should go on the page __ and ries on the page. If there are too The term wasoriginally used to P1ac1ngthev15ual elements first
only then try to cram in the visual many stories, move one or two of describe the critical amount of mate- on your page gives you a road map,
element. them to an inside page. If the stories rial needed to create nuclear fission, a plan for what you’re going to do on

There is a cure and it’s a simple are too long, segment them or trim but it works in page design also. By the page. And proper planning is the
one: Place visual elements first. them to fit. “critical mass” on the page, I mean a key to good design.

By placing the visuals first, you Would I saCrifice part of a local proper proportion of type-to-visuals ( Edward F. Henninger is an
give yourself the opportunity to story just so I can maintain visual to help the visuals stand out. If you independent newspaper consultant
design the page rather than just impact on the page? In an instant. were to place 3 second 01' third piece and the director of OMNIA
reacting to the number and length It’s when we go the other way — of art too near the lead visual, the Consulting in Rock Hill, 8.0 You
of stories. In short, you put yourself reducing the size of the visual so we lead art loses impact and the page can reach him at 803—327-3322, fax:
in control. don’t have to edit our stories — that will probably appear cluttered. Be 803—32 7-3323, or by e-mail:

By placing the visuals first, you the page begins to unravel. Good sure your stories help to separate go2omnia@aol.com)

TV, newspapers, radio, web Sites. Workin g together is posmble

- ===325555325222222§ updates, while the station promotes WFLA-TV/TBO.com, recently What’s the process for creating
InteraCtlve ' i the paper on—air, and gives the formed a content alliance with analliance?

Insider : I i newspaper rights to any news inter- WTSP. in St- Petersburg. _ . Figure out first the “who” and

,. ‘g Views or stories that the station gen- 'A formal bus1ness relationship, “why.” What does your newspaper

__ ,5 ' ”a“ 3 erates. where a newspaper and another have that they need? What do they

By Peter M- ’1" * .What is the simplest way to media partner, typically a TV sta- have that you need? And how can

Zollman deCIde if an alliance is pOSSible? tion or radio group, form a separate you work together so that you can

’ When you can complete the company to build a regional Web share resources and both come out
We’ve all heard about newspa- equation “1 + 1 = x” with a “3” or site with its own brand and identity. better ofi‘in the end?
pers forming alliances with a local higher. If what _Y_OU contribute, and My SanAntonio.com, owned by Sounds simplistic, and it is. But
TV or radio station for print promo- what your affiliate contributes, Hearst, owner of the San Antonio it’s also the underlying process to
tion and editorial content, or more makes the ultimate whole gr eater Express-News, and Belo, owner 0f negotiating some of the most diffi-
often for Web promotion and con- than the sum of the indiVidual KENS-TV, the CBS affiliate there, cult alliances imaginable.
tent. parts, form an alliance. If not, forget is a formal. Web-based partnership. What can your newspaper ofl'er?
Good idea. But what are the abo‘g‘: l . NOt all alliances have anything to Text content (news, feature and
rules of engagement? How do you 11‘ t er examp es Of pOSSIble :0 “."th mteractive‘rvnegia, ofcourste, “utility,” like auto and movie
form an alliance, and how can you a laziest . .Ut m many cases, _e Sites are t e reviews); branding and reputation;
. , . Video/text alliance, where a impetus for something that proba- . . _ .
make sure its mutually benefiCial? TV t t' t 'b t d bl h ldh b d online class1fieds, deep, rich sports
Alliances range from a one-shot s a 19“ €00.11 u es news an y S on ave een onefnywayu coverage and more.

a , feature Video clips to a newspaper Forget the notion of competi- .
deal _ Let s'create a Web contest Web site, while the newspaper pro- tors.” Lots of competitors have devel- . What does your potential
and Wm“? ‘t m our “WSW?" on vides text information on the TV oped online alliances, including The alliance. partner have 7 say, a local
our TV station, on the-radio '_ to station’s site. Globe and Mail and Torstar Corp. in TV Stan' Weather “nth 31.80931"
complex, long-term alliances, such 0A content-provision alliance, Toronto, offering Workopolis.com; ty and immediacy; full-motion “deo
as a newspaper 131'?“de content where a newspaper or TV station several groups of directly competitive from your local market; powerful
for a radio station In exchange for agrees to provide content to the daily and weekly newspapers in the coverage 0f breaking news stories;
promotional mentions and news other, or both agree to swap content. Chicago area, which developed and remarkable promotion value.
content rights. The St. Petersburg (Fla) Times, ClassifiedsChicago.com along with If you have a match — and not

The newspaper might offer its faced with the highly touted Media DriveChicago.com, and the St. all alliances can 01‘ ShOUId be a
journalists, movie reviewer and auto General “convergence” project Petersburg Times and WTSP match, regardless Of what “they”
columnist for on-air interviews and across bay at the Tampa Tribune / Television. See TOGETHER, page 10

 The Kentucky Press, April 2001 - Page 5
Technology Today p71! r
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Thumbs up for newly OS 9, Pagemaker conflict
reviewed products solved by When“ upgrade
By Kevin W " -.= v Hotlme . _. .. . ; 1-800~4s4~1 181 code:7076
—— ‘ 33* . . _ 3 - By Tim Jones " 'I; 859-314-5146
If it weren t for Bill Will, . ' 859-323-3880
Technology Manager for . - f ‘_ In a previous month we talked _
fashington IIIewspfiitper Publishers . . .- 3; 2hr?“ Shit/1 proOblSegi with Pagemaker 859-624-3767
$50613 10", me never g8 3“ .-’ .. an ac -.
21:21:; 2213:5131 Igleenil 31:13: is] :2: .. flusihsuiiitégofizrjufhfizs :31 8t: e~mafl: tjonesQ692®aoLcom
sage reminding me he hasn’t read Above: The Olympus E40 SLR Pagemaker quits. However, with
anything of late from me. Ireceived d'fg'ta' 03:37]? has ; “l'ide rahge this combination it does not hap- FAX: 859‘624‘9893
such a message this morning from 0 capa ' ' ies. e OW: 3e pen. Several calls are still coming asked is “Should I turn the com-
Bill. As I looked. around my desk I 3:73;: ggrisdofra‘sotercgr'i‘dfhtri: in on this problem. The official puters off every day or just leave
found a stack of items Ive been try- cure from Apple is to upgrade to them on continually?”
ing opt and meant to review some- ““32”” MAC OS 9.1. The temporary cure The experts are split 50/50 on
time in the future. It looks like that “Si‘efimf‘tgag3 ”We’lhg that I have been telling you about this issue. If you have extremely
“me ‘5 now' . i e. ‘S a program called Erad‘cator' good surge Protection and battery
The first Is the Olympus E10 “hxwgcgufigammwwfz‘”: You can download thls program backup systems, it would be safe to
SLR digital camera. You may WWWWWWM from www.vers10ntracker.com. You leave them on. My concern is that
remember that the ,Eflo was the should run the program at least leaving them on during a lighten-
first 4 megapixel dlgltal camera _ a, once a week or more If you are ing storm is asking for trouble. On
released for under $2,000 a few /e. dealing With many different large Macintosh computers, the down
months ago.’I ordered one for my 3 “52;"; ' "M 3. :3: Pagemaker documents. . side of leaving them on continually
office (couldnt get one donated) and Runm " Another Pagemaker problem 15 is that some files loaded into mem-
have been extremely pleased Wlth Whig“ refusal to. place text files. This can ory can become unstable and a
the results. tngwsme GR