xt7m901zgq6f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zgq6f/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1986-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, June 1986 text GSO Newsletter, June 1986 1986 1986-06 2019 true xt7m901zgq6f section xt7m901zgq6f »:;ammw¢winmw W

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AIDS 4{ @
UPDATE 43‘ 6



If you would like to advertise in the 650 IC350 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
1“"Eé8‘56'ap’iiiii Sim”? ”tw’iigis’d “ill
0 ox exin on y. . e ' . . .
Deadline for ad subeissign is the 15th of each ____Please put 'E/US 0” the 650 nailing I‘St
eonth. Any ads received after the deadline will 1nc1uding a free subscription to the
ggguebe guaranteed to PE PUMP-i“Ed 1" the "EXt nonthly BSD newsletter {delivered in an
Ads say be subeitted camera-ready or rough. "unmarkedt envelope).
Rough copies are subject to additional charges as ____Enclosed 15 $10.00 (or $5.00 for students)
shown inbiate? section pilow. BSD will gotftbe for each membership in 650.
responsi e or ypese ing errors in a a er ,
rinting- advertiser is responsible for proofing ____P1ease let ee/us know ho" [Ive ~30 be 'Gre
the ads they subeit for publication. 1 invloved in 850 or other gay,1esbian organ—
The. editor reserves the right to censor izations by calling _,________
advertiseeents which are deeeed in poor taste and or writin ; E;5;;'i""'
to edit due to space and/or graoeatical errors. —-—- '9' " ‘ ‘
Erotica, fantasy, or sexually explicit eaterials,
or ads .Hltb sexual innuendo, wi I not be accepted _____________________________________________
for publication. ”3.9(5)
RATES , ____________---___----______________ -_____-_
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Screens 0 7.50 t_________.___.___________._.........._..;.____.._J
The 650 newsletter is Bublished eonthly by the x
1/4 off for too. Lexington 6a; Services rganization Incorporated,
1/3 off for 12.0. P.D. Box lit 1, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. 650 is
1/2 off for non-profit groups. a non-profit organization ehose purpose )5 to
provide educational, recreational, social and
Placement of an ad in the SSS Newsletter DOES '9'75":159'V1C9f dIVECllY iNVOIViHQ 0' relating t0
NOT denote a person’s sexual orientation or a 9‘Y .95 "“ P'°P.°s .
. , Views or o inions ex ressed in stories or
busxness 5 custoeer preference. letters are tgose oi tfle writers and do not
DIRECTORY necessarily represent those at the 650 board or the
nfiwglette; :tati. Publication ~ottlthe naeethor
. p o o rap 0 any person or aniza ion or 0 er
BSD Sarina.............................231-0335 entitg in irhCICS 0f adyértisgng in the newsletker
550 a) lbnardlIeelIee-eeecu-leaee-ee-eI-efi3-67s‘ is in no flay indicatlve 0‘ the Sexual OrlEntitiDn ‘
BSD Newsletter, Seneral..................299-0352 of such person, organization or entity.
. Advertiseeent............273-3809 Subeissions tor the newsletter are welcoee. All
850 Recreational Events..................278-0048 subeissions becoee the property of the Lexington
Bay Services Drganiza ion, nc. All SubllSSIOAS
Aeber Hoon Productions...................252-3110 eust indicate the full naee and address at the
Dignity/Lexington........................266-3759 author. although no byline will be published
Ieperial Cour of the Bluegrass Eepire...252-1155 without pernxssxon ,0! the author. Ion-original
Bay and Lesbian AA.......................266-9887 nterial lust ,lndlcate that that person has elven
Say and Lesbian Deeocrats of Kentucky....266-3934 “IS/“9' 09r'l55l9“ ‘0' th' “5' 0‘ hislher "3" 1“
Con-unity Health Trust...................268-2329 the Pu” “‘t‘°"'. “9°“Y'°"5 5uh'155‘°"5 ‘9""°t be
Interweave/SVUUD.........................223-1448 amp "1- Theedltmil 5t!” h“ the “3M ‘0
Lesbian Substance Abuse Support Srou ....252-5#B7 ‘lt" subexssnons t'"‘1"d1"9 advertiseeen 5) t°
Louisville Crisis Hotline..........lg02l 537-4342 "'t P““""”‘9 ”““"“"‘“'
Dwensboro Bay Alliance.............(502) 685-5246
Cincinnati Say Switchboard.........i513) 221-7800
National Gay ask Force Crisis Linel800) 221-7044 Cover L990: S ~
NSTF AIDS Crisis Line..............(800) 221-7044 - 05519" by lot"! -
- Artwork y Phil H.

 : 'l
; entertained bl the Lexington Premiere of l
e LA_CAS§_AUX_EQLL_§_III lThe led ing), 9:30pl. See l
i you tfiereTT
E Say/Lesbian files at the Kentucky during June: 5
'y‘ @IB BE 8@ - l‘ly Beautiful Laundrette llay 30 - June 5
E - Kiss of the Spider Honan June 7 - 12
E CENTRAL KENTUCKY — La Cage Aux Folles III June 13 - 19
5 BAY AND LESBIéfiLgfifigE EEEEBAZ$?DNUUR CDHHUNITY’S - Desert Hearts June 27 - July 3
it I Thanks again for your support!
fl This year’s Pride Heek is sponsored by the
9 Lexington Bay and Lesbian Pride eek Association,
fl coagrlsed of representatives of each of the
. ;. Les ian/Say organizations in Lexington. The A N I MARY
L donations collec ed from last year’s ride Heek
a provided the majority of this year’s funds.
,5, All of us would like to inv1te you to Pride lleek. ASP: AUNT MARY
g 1986, June 8 - 14, and hope that you have more fun
g this year than you did last year. We are expecting Dear Aunt Hary: i hate Lexington, there are no ~
t a3 §v§n {argertfiroucll¥ so cone join the fun and interesting men here. Any suggestions? - Dorothy
T ' e e ra e' ni us..
3 th Detgils are provided on the Calendar. See you Dear Dorothy: Yes. Try Kansas - Aunt Hary ,
il ere..
:1 it you would like to write to Aunt Hary, send your
e, JUNE FDRUl‘l - ELECTIONS AND PRIDE PRDBRAH let. 9r W. “W Airy: .4850; Post W”? 90*
% lln7l, Levington, hen ucxy 40u75. If you would
E Dur June Foruo Hill focus on the election of Ilka a .9950“1 ’EPIY 1951Ud9 a stanpedi .591;
H board aembers. This will be followed by a closer addresseo' 9"V91°PE- ”11 "3995 are 5 r1(“Y
fl look at Lesbian/Bay Pride Heek ’86: Our Coanunity’s C”“’1°E“t131-
p Cultfiral Eelgbration. AdPresentation will be made
5 on u y we o ave ay pri e.
i‘ Thetbogrgoreporga connunity iHUttang Elgcgéons LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
l are a : pa. e prograo Hi 5 ar a : pa. Project Lifeline
J Refreshments are prov1ded. 3601 hilshire foulevard
, ezzanine eve .
7 MISCELLANEOUS EVENTS Los Angeles. California 90210
' The 850 Gay Parenting Support Group will have a Dear 330.
g Sunday Brunch on June L2nd at 10:30 AM. Ever one ' c - .
..._ eeeeee..e ee em ie me e eeeeeeeeeee’ ee .. 323.2; “eyedesgsdtezageted‘52.:issues; i
‘ giggles: Eganeiagnzfén :éeaggtggél “1138-5?qu Eontribution to stop the killer disease’that took.
‘ directions. T you et the answerino oachine. ‘fl away tron ”5' . . - .
please leave a message and a phone number where d' £Rock H”dfi””*t”§ long ting triend, dld not
. v9" ee eeeeeee ee-eee eeee eeeeeeeeee. .. .lzeeazenefi' .52; eeaezzeeeeel” eizzehi"
’l "111 100k IDFWBVd ‘0 SEEIDQ YO“ 0" the 22nd. He died of a disease that , in essence, leaves no
l KENTUCKY THEATRE SUPPORTS surVivors. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
A BAY AND LESBIAN PRIDE HDNTH has becooe a frightening fact of life and death
': for thousands of .uericans.
y In coo eration with the Lexington Bay and .95 I write thiS letter, 101009 Americans
,l Lesbian gride Heek Association, the Kentucky “AVE P‘Ed- Hany thDUSADdS more are Sle ' many
ij Theatre has obtained a variety oi Lesbian and Bay "t11.d19 5940’? You read th‘5-. And more than 099
'2 files for Pride lionth 19m. (June). lie would like $111er Americans .3”? Farmers and live In
tl to thank the Kentucky Theatre and especially Freddy constant fear for the!’ 11V95'. .
{I for their so port and ask each of you to s on your . The human t°11,1" fiufterlng and H95t9d llYES
; sup art for the “Kentucky“. is almost beyond inagining. AIDS is a major
l ghe Frida of Pride leek 1986, "111. be threat because right no» we have no cure and no
5 celebrated at the 'Kentucky'. He1fl_ us enjoy a "aY t“ prevent its ”"513“3ht-
l. night together. as a coo-unity, u ile IE are I an frightEHEd an I know YOU are {00- In
. . aLwL~_~_______..__._____————-----------

Baddest of all are the children — some of (350 COMMUNICATIONS INVENTORY
thee less than a year old. They have no future.
AIDS has "0 IEVCY- . Please help Lexington Gay Services Organization
1 PraY YOU "111 never have to stand bY serve you better by answering the following
helplessly as someone you love dies slowly and questions:
painfully. . i know personally what a terrible
experience 1t 15- _ , l-Whicb source do you most often use to find out
I vow to do everything I can to find a cure about events in the gay community?
, for this terrifyinsldisease But I need your help a. i > oso Newsletter, o. ( i word of mouth,
3 to fulfill this please . . c. i ) Posters, o. l ) Gayline,
1 I head a seeCial group of committed and Dther
l dedicated people at be American Foundation for ""”""'"""""""‘”""'
l QIDS [Research iAPFBRlu, ”9 “EVE begun a campaign 2-How often do you attend a 880 sponsored event?
‘ calleo Project Lifeline to support research a. l ) 3 or fewer this year, b. i l between 4
l yrojects aided at finding the causes and cure of and 10 times a year, c. ( ) once a month,
i his fatal dISEBSE-~ , d. l ) twice a month, e. l ) weekly,
, Research 15 our only hope of ending the y, ( ) never attend
‘ suffering. But the scientists cannot do their job
‘ unless we do ours. It is our responsibility to 3—Have Y0“ ever called the 550 Sayline?
; raise the desperately needed funds. ( ) Yes, ( i No
l The money Project Lifeline raises will be .
1 used by AmFAR's cientific Advisory Committee to 4-How many tines?
E award grants to the most promising research a. l ) once, b. i l 2—5 times, c. ( l 5.10
l PFOJECtS all OYEF t"? COUPtTY- , times, d. i l more than 1G times
3 It is time for every one of us to stand up
i and be CPUPtEd l“ the bat 19 against AIDS- The S-How often do vou read the BSD Newsletter?
3 shocking reality is that we are all in danger ~ a. ( l once a year, h. ( } 2—6 times a year.
1 non, women, and children. Let us unite to efeat c. i ) monthly, d. y i never ‘
, a common enemy. . . ' -
l , 990919 “It? AIDS: 0“ the brink Pl é-From what source do you receive the 880
: destruction, cry out for heip. . . Newsletter?
3 . , Rack honed ,that his death would buns she a. i i by mail, o. ( ) bar or other business,
, critical need for HlDS research to the attention C, r ) friend, d. ( ) don't receive it
; of the world. if his tragedy brinos_us together, '
‘ tesuwort amasswe effort againstfhls harmless 7—what about the 390 Newsletter do you find most
3 killer, he will not have died in vain. appealing?
a I urge YOU t0 301“ “9 lDdBY T tomorrow may be a. ( ) Aunt Harv, b. l ) local news,
l too late - and send a tax—deductible contribution c. l ) nationai'negs, d. ( ) Ale update,
, to Project Lifeline. You will be supporting the e. y ) Byentg calendar. Uther
y nationwide effort of the American Foundation for ' """""""“"
, €E2§ Research to put an end to the tragic loss of Pleas: glace E" y i? 933% Blany Eyat applies to
l '. . _ . . _ . your ee in s a ou tie ews e er:
3 fiftg. €111 Ehdt 5 what friends “re ’Dr! a.l )has tog many ads b.( )not enough ads
i Ei’ e: t;‘% e?, c.l lhas too many pages d.( )not enough pages
y N yea 9, ”haY or e.( )too much Al 5 news f.( )not enough AI 8 news
; a iona L airman g.i )too much nat‘l newsh.l )not enough nat‘l news
1 n ,, i.i )has improved j.( )has not improved
3 uear dim: ‘ g . k.i )too manv fihotos l.i )not enough hotos
3 , Please know now much I — for one in this fl.l )too much umor n.( )not enough fiuoor
. CP?P“”‘§Y_ -d appgeCiace yogrb effort.’ loo v3 d.( )should charge a p.l )should not charge a
l gggafxg €88? Bryn Elxilétéfi y,“ luPEPiEtalbto 32” small subscription fee small subscription fee
' raw ‘0-30 people who really care about the - ‘ -
- community enough to be known by others. I'm proud Please cligsangugségrn thls survey to.
; to be a member and proud of your leadership...give Post Office Box 11475
} yourself credit - you deserve it for what you've Lexinoton Fentucky 40575
, achieyed...GSO has become a respected, integral, ' ’ ‘
; {unctigning force ‘" our community. ' J'H' ' Thank you for taking time to give us our input.
, ex1ng on hny addition comments would be welcome on a
l igpayaye sheet. ‘ YEur gespgnse will 0helpdiyect
, e u ure 0 EXln on a erVices r aniza ion
3 GET INVOLVED“ mm 9 Y 9

 Bibb's rhetoric is, without question ‘ outlandish or sexually ambiguous, but extremely
offensive; he doesn't speak in terms of AlDé well adjusted.
patients. instead he says “one of the current Right: well adjusted.
cases of AlDS...could enroll at the university.. Among psychologists, the emphasis on
Does he also talk about a case of cancer enrolling , androgyny began in t e mid-' 05, when pioneering
at the university. work on sex roles and their influence on
A report cited by Gibbs in his column was personality was being done by Sandra Bem, a
published by the American College Health researcher at Stan ord University. Bem's
Association. The report states: 'T e American research, and the results of several well-
College Health Association recommends that the documented studies since then, has indicated that
organization and completion of effective people who can draw on both the male and the
educational campaigns about AIDS be an activity of felale aspects of their personalities tend to
highest priori y or all institutions of higher solve prob ems more quickly, get along better with
learning. other people, and have higher self-images than
Last year, as part of Gibbs' plan to educate ' people who stick to the raditional, role-model
EKU students, he presented a poorly publicized raits of their respective sex. .
forum with guest speakers from rankiort But psychologists say that getting that idea
Kentucky. The publicity for the forum did not across to t e general pub ic has been ifficult -
include the usual plastering of campus with particularly wi h sen.
posters but did include an article in 'The Eastern The difference is that for a woman,
Progress.5 The center of attention in the article cultivating an androgynous personality can be
i was a drawing of a pint of blood with skull and immediately rewarding, said Ann Diebel, a
cross bones and “use at your own risk8 written on gsychologist in Orlan 0, Florida. A woman who ,
, it. The artwork is incorrect in that the blood ecomes more assertive, for example - taking on
supply of the U.S. had been declared safe months what is considered a lasculine qua ity - might get
prior to the run of the article. a promotion out of it.
while Bibbs is not alone in his naive But a man who becomes more sensitive to '
attitude he is in a position to affect the others - something that is considered a feminine
opinions and health of many thousands of people. trait - night be accused of becoming soft-hearted.
—___—_____ Often, there is simply no instant payoff for men
) "2% try to acquire t e psychologica skills of the
0 er sex.
ANDROGYNDUS TRAITS CALLED AID But shifting toward qualities lost often
TD MENTAL HEALTH associated with women can be precisely what a no
{’0' the Orlando SEUtINEI needs to do to recover frol a disastrous divorce,
: . for example. He has to admit that it is painful.
. FITSti and far ahead 0‘ the PBCk there "35 He has to concede that he was partly to blame. And
Dav1d Bowie. Then came other perforners who he has to seek the hel of other people. All
SEEIEd, to be playing mix-and-matc filth thelf three actions run against the rain of traditional
sexuality_ ' HIChiE] .Jackson, BOY BEUFQE: Grace male values - toughness, stubbornness,
J0“959 ?T1"C? and Annie Lennox among thEl- HOUld‘ independence. All three ac ions are associated
be sociologists started looping them together and with falinjne qualities.
3 calling the: Igentler benders.‘
it's an obnoxious turn of a phrase that —
fortunately - hasn't caught on outside of “men's
Hear Daily and People aagazine. There's no need
_ for it actually, because we have a respectable WW
3 word that dates back to ancient Greece:
androgynous. ‘ ’2
In its most conmon modern usage androgyny 4‘ ”3,33‘
refers to men who exhibit feminine qualities, or ‘~ ("f Studio: (606) 266-6989
women who appear to mine masculinity. Such people ‘- '. 9 Residence; (606) 265.2720 '
:E:: to bg pgised (tag a kind 0:. sexualt Eeetez-
oer. eras eare main asaelen- - °
perlfiapsthey ireiiust c§rlifused. IE tlfietfiase (tif 5 Diane Damels/ PhOtographer
er ormin ar is i a seems par o 9 ac , a -
Eind of gonstage’put-on. Host people think of and Assoc1ates
androgyny in t is sense as being it le more than Weddings. Portraits. Real Estate
a trend, along “I? order 0‘ wine COOlEf’S and Portfolios. lnsuranceoLiving Wills
' krugerrands. _8ut androgyny has a specific meaning VideoTaping ForEvery Event-Equine
: to psychologists_~ a meaning that as nothing to
do wi b show busmess or trendiness, with Brace
" Jones' crew cut or Boy George's mascara.
Psychologists, in fact, use the word to describe
ordinary people - people who are not weird,

iron The Hall Street Journal part one of three
Say professionals are beginning to achieve Hhen Michael Doruan cones in to wake his
success in at least one area of he office: eight-year-old son, Eryn is sound asleep his
obtaining so-called dooestic-gartner benefits. chest wrapped tightly in the flowered comforter
For oany gays, he battle over these Hichael tucked around his last night, tand his
benefits, which cover everything froo funeral pajana'ed legs, decorated in nachojlittle-boy
leave to health and auto insurance, involves lore style with colored fighter planes, sticking ou
than Ioney. At issue is the recognition of the over the side of the bed. “Eryn, Michael says,
3 validity 0 gay and lesbian relationships. 'He're bending over the child. “It's tine to get up,
, fighting these issues for our own self-respect,‘ Eryn." Blurred with sleep, Eryn fumbles with t e
T says Roberta Achtenberg, director of the Lesbian thick flannel shirt his father has laid out for
1 Rights Project in San rancisco, which recently his. nHill you be ware enough?’I Michael, a 38-
‘ pu lished a booklet advising gays on how to use year-old letter carrier in Toronto, is the sort of
collective bargaining to obtain partner coverage. ather who is always rebuttoning Jackets re-
; Backed by a network of gay legal support checking seat belts, trying to sneak vegetables
‘ groups,’ such as the 1,000-Iember alifornian into his son‘s diet. Against all reasonable
, awyers for Individual Freedom, gays have recently expectation of success, he drugs a toothbrush into
obtained several ilportant ru ings for their Eryn's Garfield-the-Cat lunc box. ”Han Solo
5 partners. Hs. Achtenberg's group, for exalfle doesn't brush his teeth,l grunbles Eryn, who has
won uneoployment benefits for a gay nan who eft seen Star Wars four tines. "Han Solo,” says his
, his job to provide round-the-cloc care during the father llprobably has cavities.l
last two months of his lover's fatal battle with , An hour ater, in the next bedrooo, Robert
‘ AIDS. The Ian's employer originally denied him Knight, 36, Hichael's lover of three years, begins
3 the benefits, claiming e hadn t lef his job for to ress his 10-year-old daughter, Brittan, in a
3 “good cause. red turtleneck blue denin Junger and red tights.
A 'HEANINSFUL‘RELATIONSHIP' It is hard to find clothes t at fit Brit an‘s
; But the state Unelployoent insurance Appeals narrow hips and protruding belly, and Robert often
é Board disagreed. It noted that 'even though a takes her to four or five depar nent stores before
1 blood or marital relationship did not exist,‘ they got together an outfit hey both like._ Then
‘ often ”non-blood, non-legal relationships....are he a ters it on his Singer sewing machine -
as meaningful, if not sure meaningful, than the cluasilv, he‘d be quick 0 add, like any hau-
’ relationships created by blood or bonds of handed father. a
marriage.‘ Brittan has Down's sgndrone a form of
' The three-million-member Automobile Club of congenital retardation. Hhen Ro ert left his wife
f Southern California after pressure frol the for Hichael, Rose Knight said she could not care
3 National Gay Rights Advocates law firm, has also for all three of their children on her own and
extended auto-insurance discounts to domestic would have to institutionalize Brittan. Robert
partners, provided they own cars jointlz and keeg replied -that Brittan would never live in an
, he: at the sale residence. And Hor ers Trus institution; he would take her hiaself. Some of
: insurance Company of Eugene, Bregon, offers Robert's friends look on Brittan as a sort of
domestic-partner coverage to about 6 0 employers, booby prize, an embarrassing complication in a
. including the Northwest Forestry Horkers life already complicated enoug . Robert thinks
‘ Association in Eugene and the Gay Conaunity News otherwise. He stays home frou work - as an
‘ in Boston. The cougany, which is beginning a applications coordinator at the Horkers’
, study of the actuaria risks of domestic partners Compensation Board in Toronto — when she is sick,
3 says it has "generally had good experience" with has long and frequent conferences with the
; -its plan. teachers at her school for the retarded, shops for
, Hany gays, however are finding insurance the special brand of shampoo that aakes her hair
; coverage increasingly difficult to secure since shine. Of all his children, Brittan is the only
, the no break of AID . in response, a group of gay one who will never understand that her father is
, insurance agents in California has joined forces gay, and she loves hie with the unguestionin
, to act as a watchdog on insurance coopanies that rust he fears societ will someday try to stea?
l deny coverage or benefits to gays. The group, iron the others. ahen Robert oes into the
3 cal ed Concerned Insurance Professionals for Human bathroom to brush his hair, Brittan follows hid in
3 Rights, keegs sympathetic lawnakers informed about and smooths his head with her hand. nl will coob
coupanies hat deny coverage to gays and tries to you, Daddy,I she says. continu d t
; cmfinudnutpma e nu PME

 All Iy friends at work know I'I gay and
Tflls AND THAT accept IE the way I an. Actually, I don't want to
change. I've known since I was about 8 years old
that I was different.
MISS MANNERS But I can't stand to see Iy flarents so torn
. . up. Hhen ay dad said, “I’d rather ave you killed
Dear Hiss Manners: Hy husband-to-be will be in an accident or die of cancer,I l rea ized how
having a wolan as his best Ian. He've been this had affected hie.
referring to her as the "best person.I _ Shall I try to deny oz true feelings and go
She is and has been for Iany years his to a hypnotist? Could be c ange oe? Has I born
closest friend, and there is no doubt in his wind this way, or what?
that she is the only person fit for the honor. .1 Sole people say a psychiatrist can lake gays
sugport his colpletely in this deciSion. That is straight. Is it true? Should I love out and ead
no the issue. . ny own life? I can't take such lore of this.
The issue is: Hhat should she wear? --Feeling Low in Heephis, Tenn.
It's going to be a oorning wedding and the Dear Heophis: Soee people say hypnotisl and
groan and ey fa her will wear morning suits. The psychiatry can change a holosexua into a
aatron of honor will be wearing a lavender street- e erosexual. I as not at all sure this is true.
length _dress. There will also be a flower girl You ask what causes honosexuality. Nobody
and a ring bearer. knows for certain. Sole of my consultants insist
,lhe suggestions I’ve had so far are a dress sexuality is fixed at birth. Others say it is
catching the Iatron of honor 9. but .without a environnental. I believe SDIE people are born
bouquet, or a feainine suit (skirt and Jacket). A hooosexuals and others becole gay for a variety of
nan s suit is out of the question - talk about reasons.
hokey. Hy Iain concern is that she not Stick out Having out and leading your own life is not
like a sore thuab. the answer. Your parents need to understand a
. y _ great deal lore than they do so they can accept
. .Bentle Reader: If your wish is to retain the ou the way ou are. Unless they are willing a
Spirit Of the role at wedding attendant. by {ry’ you Hll{ be lost to the. forever.
according each position to the person nost suited [ hope the will write to Federation of
to 1t; regardless 0‘ 55X; ”155, Manners 15 Parents & Friends of lesbians and Days Inc. This
thPFOUDle With YDU- She has had quite 9"?“9“ 0‘ organization is for parents who were bewildered
bridal. couples who are wore interested in the an heartsick to learn that their children were
theatrical Effect than in who is with then at the hoaosexual. By understanding this deviation frol
altar. _ . _ ’ . the norn and leeting with at er parents who have
But if you keep thinking of it as a Ian 5 traveled the sane road they were able to accept
role that is to be played by a wonan - as the mere their children and lake peace with the-selves.
horrible sention of her wearing a nan s suit The address is 9,0, Box 24555, Los Angles,
. 5U9995t5 ' she wants "0th1n9 to do “lth Y°“- Had California 90024. Enclose a long, self addressed,
{our best friend been a Ian, she hopes there would staoped (39 cents postage) envelope.
ave been no talk of putting his in a flowered
dress and a floppy garden hat. WHY BOTHER?
Your husband 5 attendant should be dressed as from Baybeat, by Ed Volkhov
a feeale aeober of the bridal party equivalent to .
our aatron of honor. The needn t latch exactly Those of us who are out are irked by those of
hut should be distinguished slightly from the us who are not. Fund raiSing to help t'e ill or
brides-aids. If the feaale attendants carry defend the harassed or educa e the s raights and
bouquetsl there is no reason why the best person ourselves would be so such easier if so eany of
shouldn't. those who could contribute were not colpletely
hidden and unreachable. Politicians - whose
ANN LANDERS legislative power can be so critical for gay and
_ lesbian welfare - are lepressed with NUHB R , and
Dear Ann: I an an lS-year~old guy with a very open gays and lesbians are so few.
big problel. Recently ey not er found sole There are eany gays successfully closeted.
hooosexual aagazines under ey oattress and told Iy They have soeehow or he other found lovers or
father. Nhen they faced ae with the evidence and congenial acquaintances and have kept this aspect
asked if I was gay, I didn't see any point in of their lives hidden froa falily and employer.
tryin to lie. Their split-life security is threatened by openly
This has reall destroyed ay folks. They are gay actiVities. .Any pub icity on gay issues can
begging Ie to change. I understand heir rip apart the veils of pretense. he neighbors
. disappointaent. I an their only son,' and they and faoily and acquain ances who've really been
want grandchildren to carry on t e falily naoe. accoaplices, refusing to recognize what has been
He have had plenty of tal s, and l have heard fining on, can be JO ted into increased awareness
everything froo 'Hould you be willing to go to a y open gay protest and publicity. They will then
hypnotist.I to 'He'll buy you a new car.“ no longer avert their gaze, or invent excuses or
.7 .- W #7 she—.m—_————————_—————_—_—————

 nourish rationalizations which maintain your
secrecy and their belief that all the world is and #
oupptb o be andqustdbe 'ptpaighta1 Tha ploset dop;
wi e gone. rien an ag as er a i e can wa
right, in _upon Your Precious Secret. This is a Al’s “PDATI
fear-inducmg prospect, have not doubt! f
. Side from the moral appeal to civic
consciousness and the psycholo ical appeal of the
inner peace and emotiona health that comes from The Public Health Service is in the process
an integrated life instead of a two-faced one, why of choosing 10 hospitals to begin testing several
come ou ? Into what does one come out, oh middle- experimental drugs this summer. All have shown
aged man? promise in the treatment of AIDS. As many as 2000
éf you like peace and quiet, welcome to the AIDS patients many eventually be given the
gay iscos where t e music is always so loud that experimental drugs which include Ribavarin,
conversation is almost impossible. Do you like AZidothymidine and Interleukin-2.
fresh air, or suffer from respiratory ailments or
have conquered the smoking abit but are still Researchers at Albert Einstein College of
easily tempted? Welcome to the poorly-ventilated, Hedicine say they have found Gamma Globuline o be
smoke-filled barsl, If you like pleasant, effective in cur ing AIDS related infections, but
attractive surroundings com ortably furnished, stress that it does not cure AIDS.
then when you step out as a gay man, where,
outside your own carefully furnis ed domicile, can Meanwhile, French doctors describe
any suc club or bar or other gathering place be cyclosporine as "a very promising treatment.“ They
found? Not in this town! do not think the drug will restore the immune
Political and relioious minorities, system of AIDS victims but think it might do so in
particularly on the Left, are acutely aware of how persons with pre-AIDS. According to he doctors,
few their numbers are. Newcomers are welcomed. any evaluation at this time is at a very
They can be so valuable if only they will stay and preliminary stage.
I join your little organization. As for newcomers
T to t e gay scene, who gives a shit? If they AIDS has become the leading cause of death in
l happen to embody someone’s momentary sex fantasy, women age 25 to 29 and of men age 30 to 45 in New
1 fine! Otherwise they are invisible unrecognized, York Ci y.
1 unknown, unspoken-to, unwanted. If they are shy,
i which for someone no longer young, is qui e And, the government has proposed a ban on
' likely, because gears of dealing wi h straights persons with AID who seek immigra ion to this
1 may have made 5 yness a prac ical protec ive country. The CDC published the proposed
1 habit, they might as well remain in their closet regula ion in the Federal Register, saying AIDS
3 or their well-of-loneliness. Why bother coming should be added to the list of seven dangerous
; out? contagious diseases that are grounds for re using __
Gay men have a long, difficult struggle if entry to the United States.
they are to free themselves of straight ideas of
man tneas - tthatflpeal pen gop't cryi real men
don' urn o o ers or e , rea men are . .
i utterly self-reliant, real men play games that put EKU STUDErl‘gSHggifi—l-BUPS'E; TAKING
i one another down one way or ano her, they are bv EKU student T Hest
1 “tops,” aggressive and assertive, never mu ually ' '
I respecting one another's needs and desires, And Dr. Fred Gibbs Director of the Eastern
i rea men are a myth, too, but the ideal I‘VES 9" Kentucky University Student Health Services
l 1" gays as well as straights. tots 9‘ 95 don t doesn't seem to have a grasp on the seriousness of
y even realize the forms our victimization has the AIDS epidemic.
i taten, and how "E carry "tthln ourselves the In an article that appeared in the Eastern
, poisona_and pepversionp pfhflainstpeam attitudes..§ Kentucky University student newspaper ‘lhe Eastern
't . 29 gay communi Y, a: a tonguway °h3°E:_ Progress’ Gibbs goes to the point of making light
1 - 15 on ecome a rea ’ ones ’ ~ pen, 5 of sexual contact between roommates: ‘...rule one
friendly, Jayful, fraternal community. And you, is to avoi i t'mate e ual c ntact w't t a
dear reader, If you are a ?3Y man, “0 YD“ "EICDME roommate. flow Y know that s not very likely, But
T the .931 stranger, T993’d 955 0f 399 or race 0’ that