xt7m901zgq5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zgq5v/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2015-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, February 2015 text LinQ magazine, February 2015 2015 2015-02 2019 true xt7m901zgq5v section xt7m901zgq5v 1 Connecting the Bluegrass GLBT community '
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. FIX Snelety Rally -
1 F L | h' L
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j Umversn‘y of Kentucky - Memorial Hall
1 Thursday, February 12th - 7:00 p.m.
L . ' 7. .1 i ,, ,1 (072 a ‘-r'_1_)_m_,,T/r, 2/ u j: , _
1 \L" "i if one daytransgenderpeople aren’t
1 I treatedthewawaas,they’retreated
; 1 like humans, With valid feelings and
L a human rights. Gender needs to be
f :3 , taught about in schools, the earlier
. , . the better. My death needs to mean
1 l“ ’LgE‘l1115111‘1will711]]1111,59», Jr}: 1-25.;

1 February 2015, Vol. 37 No. 2

A publication of the GLSO

 O O ,
Splce Up Your Valentme s Day
Ranada provides readers with a list of foods with
aphrodisiac qualities, and includes some suggestions
for using them to spice up your Valentine’s Day.
I O ,

FIX Socrety Rally - For Leelah 8 Law ,
Many Lexington LGBTQ’k-affiliated groups partner up
for a discussion about how we can fix society and put an
end to conversion therapy, in honor of Leelah Alcorn.

_ INever Would Have Thought Of That

Bobbie writes about how we can sometimes be blind
to things we never thought about, but a new experience
can open our eyes to a different perspective.


 i O
l I n 0 @ (g3 LaslmER§RGAQ
Editor-in-Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
Christopher R. Bauer to educate, enhance, and empower the community about
Copy Editor GLBTQQIA issues.
Ann Malcolm
Photographer GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Brian Hawkins Christopher R. Bauer, President
Calendar Coordinator Theodore Meacham, Vice-President
Chad Hundley Paul Brown, Secretary
Circulation Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Rebecca Adams Roberto L. Abreu, At Large
' Donovan Jefferson, At Large
Tuesday G Meadows, At Large
‘ Todd Ryser—Oatrnan, At Large
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and
Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The GLSO Staff
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions Chad Hun d1 ey, Office Manager
a community that accepts and celebrates each individual.
GLSO Pride Center
All LinQ submissions and advertisements can be made to 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504
the editor (editor@glso.org) or to the GLSO Pride Center 859-253-3233, www. glso. org
(859-253-3233). All submissions may be edited for length.
Office hours are:
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyGLSO Tuesday-Friday l p.m.-5 p.m.
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

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1 That’s What I’m '
It: .
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T alkln About .. a
_ By Helena Handbasket
‘7- "z o Clutter. which I can barely get into, to decide at. I have too many e-mails saved on
N which clothes I want to wear that will my work PC and I have too many texts
As much as I would love for those still fit — all the while thinking about and voice mails saved on my phone.
two words to be my article this month, which shoes and belt will match (or And worse than all of that are all of the
I can’t fill a page with two words. purse depending on which one of me thoughts of insecurity or inadequacy
Who would want to read that? Sure, it is getting ready). And while I am here that clutter up my mind and linger
wouldn’t take long to read, but then it in this closet I say to myself, “My around in my head that either cause
. wouldn’t be very thought provoking, goodness, I really need to go through me pain or confuse me. Such a waste
would it? You see... Iam in the process these clothes and shoes and get rid of of time and energy.
of reducing clutter in my life and the about half of this stuff in here. I’m sure So, what is the meaning of this article
simplicity of two words for this article at least half of it doesn’t fit anymore this month? Well, it beats the hell out
is kind of how I feel at the moment. anyway.” But I am from the school of me. I think the thought is to live
There is just too much clutter in my of “maybe I’ll need that one day,” so your life simply and don’t accumulate
world right now, so why make it worse I just hang on to stuff instead of just excessive and unnecessary clutter.
with too many words on a page? getting rid of it. I think I should research this topic a
I want things simple and neat. Nice Now I get in my car and realize little more. When I do, I’ll print off all
and tidy. And removing clutter from it is just an extension of my home. that I find and save it to read for when
my life is not just referring to the And again I have a conversation with I really need it. Maybe I’ll put it on
clutter that my house seems to collect. myself, asking, “Why on earth do I my desk. Maybe I’ll add it to a pile in
Reducing clutter also speaks to the have so many CDs in my car?” And I my closet. AWW... who am I kidding?
'.' need to focus more on those people am pretty sure that the pieces of mail I’ll never see it again and certainly not
f: in my life that offer me things like and old flyers from my last show are have time to read it if I did.
laughter and joyful distractions from not really necessary. Then I finally get Until next month... love y’all. Feel
’ the regular stresses of the day.Atypical to work and as I sit down to begin my free to e-mail me any comments or
day in my life is as follows: day, I gaze around my desk and admire suggestions. Just don’t send too many
I wake up and start to get ready for the collection of trinkets and office because I’d hate for all of your e-mails
t \ work. I get in the shower and have items that I have acquired through the to clutter up my inbox. Love y’all.
j. to decide which shampoo to use that years. Actually, they might inspire me
day. Then I have to decide which color to sit down and write a little story about (Contact me at
HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.com )
towel to dry off with. Now off to the all of it, if only I had a space on my
closet (haven’t been there for a while), desk big enough to sit down and write 0

. I
E mp erral C o u rt 0 f
C K t k N
n no ews
kentucky e y
By Christina Puse
ello, everyone! We all hope that Clayton Burchell, and Emperor 30, Fred , _ -' ,
Hyou’re staying warm this winter as Worsham, present their annual “Single & A:; V. ’ ...’ K
the weather has had its crazy ups and downs Bitter” event at Crossings Lexington at 3:30 1; is??? ’ . _ flag”,
over the past few weeks. While it may be pm. For those who are single, just plain :7 i ilfiiwglfié‘ .
frigid outside, it’s beenwarm and welcoming bitter about Valentine’s, or maybe both, this A“ ,, p m :53}?
inside with the Imperial Court of Kentucky. show is for YOU! Nwd further information details become available.
Many new fiiends and family have joinedthe on this? Please contact Clayton Burchell or Sunday, March 1: Join our candidate for
organization this year and we invite you to Fred Worsham. Empress XXXIV, Kali Dupree, at Crossings
joinus asthe year continues. With that being Tuesday, February 17: The ICK presents Lexington as she presents her candidate
said, it’s timeto grabyourcalendars andmark the annual “Mardi Gras Ball!” Details and show! Details for this event are still in the
down these next events so that you have a event time are still being completed Please works. Please keep an eye out for further
chance to join us for great entertainment, watch your F acebook fwds and invites for information.
raisingmoney for Lexington’s local charities, further information onthis event. Sunday, March 8: Make your plans to
and keeping those winter blues at bay. Wednesday, February 25: Join the ICK at join the ICK at Bogarts Lounge for the
Wednesday, February 4: The ICK presents the Bar Complex for a trip down memory annual “FALSIES/Annual Elections.” This
the Miss Gay Valentine Pageant at the Bar lane with an event entitled, “Ladies of the year, the community will vote for the next
Complex. Join us for an incredible evening ’805!” Make sure to get there early to get a Monarchs of the ICK during this event
to see who takes home the coveted title great seat! $5 door donations begin at 8:30 More information will be released aboutthis
of Valentine’s! $5 donations begin at the p.m., showtime at 9:30 pm. amazing night in the weeks to follow. Door
showroom door at 8:30 pm. and showtime Thursday, February 26: Stop out at &voting begin at6 pm, show time at 7pm.
begins at 9:30 pm. Crossings Lexington and meet our candidate As you can see, the ICK has a lot going ‘
Friday, February 13: The ICK travels for Empress XXXIV, Kali Dupree! Our on! As a community, your support has been
back to Frankfort for another event entitled, candidatewillbetheretomeetyou personally amazing and without you, the ICK would not
“Draggin’ at the Dragon: Valentine Edition.” and answer any questions that you may have be able to continue its efforts in raising fimds
If you haven’t had a chance to attend one during her campaign season. Her meet and for our local charities. Please make plans to
of these events, please make plans to do so! greet is fiom 8—9 pm. attend as many events as you possibly can.
$5 door donations begin at 8:30 pm. and Saturday, February 28: The ICK will be You won’t want to miss out on the fim and
showtime is 9:30 pm. For more information attending the annual ‘WagS-N-Drags.” This memories! For further information and more
on this, please contact Emperor and Empress event will be held over at the Grand Reserve event details, join the ICK on its Facebook
33, Tim Logsdon and Christina Puse. this year. Please watch F acebook and your page and visit wwwirnperialcomtkentucky.
Saturday, February 14: Emperor 29, invites for more information on this event as org. 0

By Tuesday G Meadows
A Valentine’s Day Reflection
“Try to make ends meet/ You’re a slave to the money/then you die” Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve
urs is not a transgender love would live as I saw myself as soon asI Then the bottom dropped out of my
Ostory. Ours is not a cancer could. world. After some tests for stomach
love story. Ours is a story about Our relationship was so strong from issues last March, we received the news
- unconditional love. We fell in love as then on that many of our close friends that she had arare, advanced, incurable
teenagers: she was 18 and the prettiest, never realized that we had ever had cancer. I cannot remember everything
smartest, and nicest person that I had any trouble. However, even our close the oncologist said, but it went
ever met. Iwas l9 and, well, I was just friends never knew about the “true something like, “This is a particularly
me. We dated for 4 wonderful years, me” either. But we continued to be nasty cancer which is always fatal and
fell in love, and became best friends. there for one another, despite the many has no cure.” He gave her a few months
We had no secrets. I told her early on stresses in our lives. In 2013, I started to live, despite the fact that she seemed
that I liked to wear women’s clothes my medical transition. In January so healthy. Despite the news, she has
and express my “feminine side” (it was 2014, I started telling our friends and been so brave, but I have felt lost. We
the best I could do with the words I had family about my transition (except for know that our time together is very
at that time). We graduated college, our daughter, who also already knew limited. The cancer will soon take her
got married, had a daughter. Sometime and was supportive). I thought, even if body away from me, but it can never
around age 30, I realized that it was everyone else abandoned me, I would take her spirit from my heart.
more than just “dressing up” (I did not still have my two most important We have always told one another,
' even know the term transgender then), people on my side. I was content inside “I love you.” This Valentine’s Day is
but that I wanted to be my true self, and out, and people kept telling me another opportunity for me to tell her
a woman. We struggled through much how happy I looked. As I discussed — and the world — that she is the love
confusion, soul-searching, anguish, my coming out and what it meant to of my life.
and eventually two separations before be transgender, most people said that I hope this Valentine’s Day you have
that we decided that we loved each even if they did not understand, they someone special in your life, maybe
other and wanted to stay together. For supported my decisions and wanted to even the love of your life. You may
many different reasons, I decided to put learn more. write me at tmeadows828@gmail.com,
my transition on hold (right or wrong, Through everything, the most or follow me on Twitter: TuesdayM @
it was my decision and I live with it), important aspect was her love and trishgigi. Now Tuesday is gone with
but I made a promise to myself that I acceptance. the wind. 0

 . .
Help Make a Difference - <3 ,
Join the Kentucky HIV/AIDS Planning and Advisory Council ii»
.. 1 ‘
By Mark Johnson W 1‘
The Kentucky LUV/AIDS Planning HIV/AIDS prevention and care needs in have questions, .
and Advisory Council (KHPAC) Kentucky; developing HIV/AIDS policy want to learn more

was established by the authority of recommendations for the Cabinet for about KHPAC, ‘
the Kentucky General Assembly KRS Health and Family Services and for the or would like to
214.640, in conjunction with the Centers state legislature; recommending policy apply for Council i
for Disease Control (CDC) and Health implementation strategies to the Cabinet; membership, please contact Gayle Yocurn 1)

Resources and Services Administration and evaluating the responsiveness of at (502) 564-6539 x 4291 or (800) 420 —
(HRSA) on January 1, 2006. KHPAC the Cabinet and state legislature to 7431. Please spread the word to family, )
serves as the voice of communities recommendations as prescribed by friends, and clients. :
infected and affected by HIV/AIDS the CDC Guidelines for PHV/AIDS You can Visit the KHPAC website at 1
in planning a coordinated statewide Prevention Community Planning as well http://chfs.ky.gov/dph/epi/HIVAIDS/ i
response to the epidemic. The Council’s as by applicable HRSA guidelines. KHPAC.htm. ,
role is to collaborate in planning a KHPAC is currently accepting HIV/AIDSisPREVENTABLE- !
coordinated statewide response to the applications. We need community voices We Need yourhelp to end this disease. ‘
epidemic by: identifying and prioritizing to address Kentucky’s epidemic. If you V .
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Around The lerary'
Love Stories: Sex Between Men Before Homosexuality, by Jonathan Ned Katz
By Amy Jo Retucci
! ove Stories: Sex Between Men critical role in the book. There are also {giggggggéz
Before Homosexuality, by chapters featuringAbraham Lincoln and “EE:1%}:§} ‘J‘
’4‘ $373}..- 1
Jonathan Ned Katz, is far from your Joshua Speed’s close ties. Ultimately, a __- , iffigeggfikg £51,
typical love story. This history text the book paints a beautiful portrait of égf‘gevg.
vatéfi .. %~E .xh‘lf‘} l 2:":
discusses the intricacies of male social, how men interacted romantically in the L ' “311v! ' if;
physical, and romantic life during the 18003 and how nothing can stop love. i3 l
nineteenth century. In the 18005, social Find this book in the history section ' I [PVC H l {3 [ii CH
interactions were primarily contained during your next visit to the GLSO! V if“ W'iiflfi'fi-
to that of the same sex. This helped f" A H ”(m ..,,_ wen .,;Jfi:v__.l..w;. ‘
to create a world where men were
J: . u _. :
encouraged to be extremely close with 15?” x" . . ~
one another, but where sexual intimacy f, “a
was not just fiowned upon, it was N
illegal. That doesn’t mean men were 9 WW@I;V
not sexually intimate with one another; * .7 7 , , . E3 h j , *mvfi
the romances of Walt Whitman play a WW wage:- _
F o o 1 o
1nanc1a strategles .
116-011-0119 a VICE
i 7 a David DeBrot g ' 3 Stephen Robertson
if; .5”- ‘iv : Financial Advisor .~ .fi Financial Advisor
. a .. [5,5 ‘ ~ _: .
1795 Alysheba Way #4104 1795 Alysheba Way #4104
g Lexington, KY 40509 ‘g Lexington, KY 40509
\' 859-263-0516 f 859-263-0516
Ed (1] ®

 ' Spice Up Your Valentine ’8 D ay
With An A hrodisiac Dinner 'fli‘ ’ A
V p -, "fl,

By Ranada West-Riley '/

: ood is filled with purpose. We use Arugula — This dates back to the early 10 minutes is enough. Set aside and make

I Ffood for gatherings like weddings first century AD. as a libido booster. Its the dressing (recipe below).

i and unions, holidays and family, to share peppery flavor is filled with Vitamins that Now, decant the wine. Typically you don’t

, with fiiends and break bread. We use food help with bones and circulation, it helps want to drink reds with lobster, but... we
to break the ice at parties, for first dates, for make the body stronger and more fit to tend to live on the wild side these days and
christenings and baby showers, for fiinerals handle a night of exhaustion. even wear white past Labor Day. . . so, live
and as comfort food after a break up. Why Watermelon — It is often called “natural a little. An aged pinot noir would be ideal

F not use food as a way to create a more Viagra.” Watermelon contains an amino forthis. Decant. Decant. Decant. This opens

; amorous evening? Now, you may discount acid which aids blood vessel dilation, and up the flavors and tones the wine down. It
certain foods as being a real aphrodisiac, heightens sexual pleasure. It can also be allows the sediment to settle which helps

\ but it’s true in many cases. An aphrodisiac used for treating erectile dysfunction. with bitterness and it also allows the wine

‘ is essentially something that increases Lobster — Lobster doesn’t hit our to get some oxygen and breathe a little.
libido and passion. Now, it’s not just about pocketbooks when we prepare it at home. For the salad, combine half baby spinach
size, shape, and texture. . .. It’s deeper than It’s a significant source of protein and with halfarugula. If you don’t like spinach

. that when it comes to true aphrodisiacs. Vitamin B... both of which get us up and use spring mix.

I’ve listed a few foods below with those going with a boost of energy. It’s sort of Toss the saladwith some avocado chunks,

. seductive qualities and offered suggestions “rich” feeling to indulge in this delicacy as watermelon, and sunflower seeds. Gently

‘ for using them to enhance a sultry night to well. slice the lobster tail and fan out over the

‘ remember. Red Wine — Now, this can be used for salad. Build the salad up instead of laying

Chile Peppers — Now, these could be more than mere intoxication and loosening it flat over the plate. This looks better and

‘ considered “sultry” just because of the inhibitions. Red wine should be the whole is more aesthetically appealing. Drizzle
shape and its bright red colors. This is only experience. Visually appealing. The tannins lightly with dressing.

. minimally true. It goes deeperthanthat. The open up and release a bouquet of aroma Have some chocolate on hand. It goes
Capsaicin in the chiles, which is essentially that entices us. It can help relax us and also well after dinner to finish ofl the wine.
the “hot oils,” releases endorphins, which aids in digestion. Just drink responsibly, or Remember protection and have some firn!
are our “feel good” chemicals. It also the night could end in disaster and stains Honey Serrano Vinaigrette
induces sweat and raises heart rate. Sound everywhere. - 2 serrano or jalapeno peppers - seeded and
familiar? So... let’s combine these for a fantastic deveined. Be sure to take the pith out or it

Honey — “Nectar of the gods,” honey Valentine’s Day meal and have a little fun. will become bitter
is filled with so much goodness. Honey Lobster Salad with Watermelon and - 6 tablespoons champagne vinegar

, is a great source for building the immune Arugula drizzled with a Serrano Honey - 1 tablespoon honey

\ system and boosting libido. Honey dates Vinaigrette - 1Ateaspoon salt
back to Egyptian times and never decays or Prepare your lobster tails. A simple broil - 1/: teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

‘ goes bad. It’s filled with Virility. of the lobster out of the shell for about 5 to - 1A cup canola oil 0

LinQ n

 O O
FIX Soc1ety Rally -
For Leelah’s Law
By Tuesday G Meadows 3‘”
“We have an obligation to take care of each other; what happens to one of us happens to all of us. We are connected and we “2;
all have a role to play in caring and protecting each other. Leelah is family failed her, we cannot fail her too. ” "if
fter the story of Leelah conversion therapy. Banning commit suicide this year. I want :(g
AAlcorn reverberated through conversion therapy would be the someone to look at that number and «j
the nation, many have been asking beginning of heeding Leelah’s call say ‘that’s fucked up’ and fix it.” For if»?
why such a beautiful, Vibrant to “Fix Society.” all of us, we can start to fix it. On “fig
young woman was lost to suicide. In 1971, a popular comic strip February12at7p.m.attheUniversity
Unfortunately, her story is not rare. tried to find the answer of who was of Kentucky’s Memorial Hall, we
According to the Youth Suicide destroying the earth. Pogo and his will have a free program entitled 1;;
Prevention Program, fifty percent friend Porky Pine looked high and “Fix Society/Leelah’s Law.” The call if?“
of transgender youth have at least low before discovering: “We have for Leelah’s Law is a call to ban the
one suicide attempt prior to their met the enemy and he is us.” In the dangerous and damaging conversion 5%
twentieth birthday. According to question of why so many transgender therapy. This event is sponsored by
the Trevor Project, LGB youth who youth are committing and attempting a number of local organizations, '-"'“
come from highly rejecting families suicide, I believe we have to look including GLSO, Lexington g
are 8.4 times more likely to attempt in each of ourselves to find the Fairness, Lexington GSA, TransKY, g:
or commit suicide as those who enemy. Indeed, I am guilty of the UK GSA, UK LGBTQ* Task Force, 3%
report no or low levels ofrejection. “but it’s not me!” thoughts... “It’s UK OUTsource, UK Shades of 12%
In Leelah’s case, she stepped not me, it’s those other families... Pride, UK Violence Intervention and gig
in front of a semi truck on I-71 those hard-core religious types... it’s Prevention Program, and others. Dr. «Egg
near Kings Island after her family those conservative types... it’s those Daniel Walinsky from the Counseling 25:5
allegedly subjected her to a type people that aren’t me!” However, if Psychology Department at UK will J%%
of therapy called conversion or half of transgender youth want to speak about conversion therapy and 5‘
reparative therapy. This therapy has kill themselves at some point before then there will be a panel discussion at: '*
been roundly decried as harmful they reach adulthood, it is on me to about fixing society. So, for Leelah, fifty”:
by the American Psychological do something, as it is on all of us. let us begin to look within ourselves
Association and American Medical Leelah’s suicide note read, in part, and take action, even if it is just one
Association. However, only two “My death needs to mean something. step. As the Chinese philosopher 333-
states, California and New Jersey, My death needs to be counted in the Laozi said, “A journey of a thousand
have banned the practice of LGBT number of transgender people who miles begins with a single step.”
“Leelah ’s rally is not just an event of importance, its a discusssion that must happen. To help even one person be true to
themselves... lets help Leelah change society. ” GLENN WANS o

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