xt7m901zfn2g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zfn2g/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 1, October 15, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 1, October 15, 1919 1919 1919 2015 true xt7m901zfn2g section xt7m901zfn2g ·r• soma: ·ru• ·;
neva In this Bulletin     I ¥     Entorcd as second i
I" *"`°p‘“`$d f°" th° :.     _¤==~  ;‘. { .— -»  .,;>·+=s; s;¤e=+==2=.~ :‘ J: e zi     —.— it °'°sS '"°**°" at **‘°
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for pu ication on E"; *73   L ` `~'_;;    "sg.         2; Y?·f'*  5* Q `·¢}r·2j Ington Ky.
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October 15, 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. III. No. 1
Despite conditions existing last ses- The campaign started last spring to On the regular annual pledge clay An innovation in the University of According to the Registrars report n
sion which deferred University acivi— mise $300,000 to erect e. memorial to the following girls were announced as Kmltucky this ?>’€i“` is 3 SGHGS Of there were 1,014 niameuiates at the Z
ties, P1‘GSid€¤€ MCVQY m his biennial Kentucky boys who lost their lives pledges of their respective sororities nmmvicumtion IGCUITCS delivered by University up to October 1 Thi —
report, has been able to report on in the Euro eau Wa has no rea h dl at the Univ? it f K t 1 _ various members of the faculty to ' smmk
University of Kentucky conditions re- __ D F W, C 6 IS Y 0 _ cn uc Q? Arts and Science freshmen intended ben for the Mme of Yami Exceeds an? I
markabla progress madg by the Um_ approximately $160,000, and the en- Alpha Gamma Delta1.—E11zabeth to Dmpmc them fm. thc Work that is metricnlation of former year;
versity both as to increased number tire amount is virtually assured. Of Cook, Marion; Lucile Moore, M2u‘i0n; ahead, These lectures are compulsory The largest number of students as `
of gtudents attending and in growth or this amount $8,000 was raised by stu- Jessie Fry Moore, Cynthiana; Anna Y0? f1'€5h¤l€¤ Wim `~‘·’iH b€ ¤U0W€d il nsu-al, has entered the Arts xaud
departments U1FmSGlV@S··BUti h€‘¤]S0 dents and University staff subscrip- May Dawson, Cynthinna; Jeanette YMCUOH Of ZL credit f°r’att9ndm°G‘ Science College, which has B, total ·
decleres, 'thet if the University is to tion berere the eiese ofthe school year weien, Nieneineviiie; Helen Porter The lectures announced for the Vw? of 379 students Th i
Zontinue in it? p§esent.p1·ospefr0u;c0n- in 1g19_ Roberts, Lexington- 191920 am as follows. mat I I t gh 9 Humber of · ~~
· · . _ _ _ ricu a ‘ ‘
higon mom un S must be Or com The memorial 1S to be in the form Alpha. Xi D€1m_..D0r0thy B1a_tZ’ Oct. 4—Pr0fess0r Noe, "How to i_ f H as m ls college by classes
' _ of a students’ activity building to be Louisville; Betty Brown, Shmpsburg; Study." S as 0 °WS‘
f Th; numbeig of studentsllcindidzttig placed on the grounds of the Univer. Alma Jean Smith, Lexington; Map OGL 11_P1,Of€SS0I_ NOG, HHOW to Freshmen 198, Sophemereg 95, Jun. ‘
°’ *"g“’€S» ws ‘¤°"€aS‘* mm sity and to be used for student gather- gem Beney Aa¤n·vn1e· Eleanor Cam stud " 16*
, r ~ · Y.
the year 1917-18 to 1,179 the - r M . . . _ ’_ . ._
year 1918-19; the number of Del`- §];§FL;r`;·r£)0·m;}· ;L:1¢?[<;HiT;Q€C;'\gl;Li:1?1€g’m;£ n;1;1;3kjM;Aef;;;i§tOn, Gemgm, Lge Muy. OGL 18_I?€aH Emelchgri ¤Th€ FI.€Sh_ 96S0Dh0m0I`€ b0YS 51, gnls 46, total l
Sons n0n‘cimdid*‘t€S m°1`€*’·S€d from the building are to be placed tablets D ’ Y I mgm and HIS Fmmdsl J ‘ b U
57% mP*’"·i8 ii mi in   »¤ ~—~¤<=h   to ba   me C.€i§;.£“§i?;..i?ii.§.ii‘°“lf...§;‘;$.2 $.252?1Ti‘E2?§§.’E’“.¥Z;.£°°ii?..’;f{’g.. SZZEZZ ..Z” ii gi? ""’ “”‘“ "“‘
Thls mcrwse m tha number Ot names of the 2,700 Kentuckizms who Hall   wine, M f ’ S d d   . ,, ’ YS ’ gu S 24’ total 42‘ `
Students midi consequent; growth have lost their lives in defense Of ’ ly > _OHa" anu GTS, an yglenek ThG total number of Arts and `
of the University has made it n6cBS_ www mu tr Emma Lee Young, Fnnme Summers Nov. 8-—Pofessor Boles, "Exercise." Science boys is 189 gms 183
. . . 1 H Y‘ '1`·~1tn L ·' t ·V'· " G`1$'tl N 15-P fr T' t "Tl ’ I
sary to turn the men’s dormitories 1n- . . . . dr O ’ Gxmg Ou’ ugmm N 1 1’ Ov" TO @`“sOT lger ’ 19 I th C ll ‘ ‘
· - · · E- W- Hm€S» ef LO'-uS“u9· IS at the Ghent; Louise McKee, Richmond; Students} Religion? H 9 O égc Of Eugmeermg there
to recitation buildings. Formerly . arg 273
mm men were ade uatel mvidcd head of e general committee of fifty Eugguia Young, Norfolk NOW 22__P1.Of€SSOI, Mabig, ..Lit€I,m,y mamculatés ·¤I`!'¤¤%€d as fol-
Y _g _ _q y p_ citizens in charge of procuring these ' . · . 77 lows:
for m the city; Thls year prlggg of f nds T1 is eneral commue las in K¤»P1”’· D€1t9··"MYI`t1€ Clam LOUIS' S0C1Bty’ Debate and Omtmy Freshmen 198 Se hom I- 95 J
rooms and board are exorbitant and tam `a amid an BXGCLHV; 1 cgm_ Ville? Clam B1OCk€1`¤ Owausvmg? Am' NOV' 29~Pmf€SSDr Lampgm UMHSNL iors 47 Seniors E8 D 0 G ’ lm-
unlgss ndequate housing ig seen pm- mmee pgonsisting of prominent LEX b€U¤· Eh1‘i0*hl L¤d10W§ I-·0¤iS€ Connell. Baum Orchestra` _ T1 G ,C H f   . It h 215
vided, the University is in dange of _ . _ Paris; Buelah Stillwell, Anna, Louise DEC- 13_PI`0f€sS0I` Skull. "SCIQDCB I O Egg 0 gum um as
losing many students who are finding mgt€m men Of Whom   M` M3“nnmg’ Conner, Lexington. i¤_Edu€¤ti0¤·" Students as f°H°WS: . {
the price of education under present presldwt Offhe Samirgy Trust Com` Kappa Kappa G1Hmma__Vi0l& Lewis, Jan. 10—P0feSSOr Best, "S0ci010gy Freshmen boys 62, gjr]5 33, total g5_
conditions prohibitive. pany, is chairman, wit Professor W. Mar Elizabeth Downing Louisville- 01. Education for Sm,vic€_»» Sophomore boys 31 gms 20 total
The `nc sed umber if you g E'Fr€6mEm’ Of the University faculty, Sargh Bland‘ng Jane Gregory Ley; Jam 17—Pr°f°SS°r Terran HTh€ 51 I I
1 ree n 0 n · 1 - -
general campaign manager. ’ ’ .
women students attending the Uni- Because the building is to be Situ- ington; Elizabeth Prewitt, Mary Eliza- Course as 3 Whole}, Junior boys 17, girls 18, {Olga,] 35_
versity has necessitated the leasing ated at Lexington Lexington and Fay beth Hayes, Winchester; Henrietta _"` 1""' Senior boys 18, giris 16, tote] 34,
er two zmainenei houses to care for , ’ _. Rogers. Danville; Lucy Holt, Emin- PRESIDENT STRESSES ’1ie1;e1 number or boys 128 gms 81
ette Countys share of the eppoitwn- . . . ’ ‘ _ -
them. ment was $100 000 Louisville and ence; Julie Willis, Lagrange. VALUE OF ENGINEERS. Them are 90 matriculates U_,.»{Hé~"
0¤ July 1· ¥918» the l2¤¤mm<§¤iS Of Jefferson .Connty’s quote is $60,000. An —·—*— Pmidént MOVE of the Um mit MW ¤<>¤¤g¤ as f<211<>WS=~~ »‘‘’
Arts and D°S1g¤· M“$‘°· S°“°1‘{gY» outstanding reetnre of the campaign KENTUCKY TRIUIVIPHANT Of Kgntuck S Galgn to 300 envmeeg Freshmen boys 15, girls 2, umn 17,
B°m“y· Farm MBCham°S¤ and D‘a“`y' is the fact that Lexington proposes to IN OPENING- GAME. . y’ ,p g g . Sophomore boys 30 girls 1 total 31     ..
mg X Bm ddgd to t B UD V I-S ty_ T 9 Tame $75,000 Of mls $100,000 by bond ing students 111 chapel last week sa d J _ b ’·· ’ ‘ _
' v a h i e i h · - » » 1   i
Department of I-Ioule Economics was _ in substance: This is the age of engi- Umor OYS 20> gms 1: total 21-
issue to be voted on at the NOVem— Thg Umvei-sity fOOtbg‘1]_ tgam Og _ _ . , ·
reorganized with Suitable equipmgnh ber election The mmamdar Of the _ _ neering and the demand for trained S€m01‘ b0YS 21. girls 0. total 21. i
The library has been Enlarged as to ’ _ 1919· with the hgavlest schedule Of engineers is at its height. Extensive Tot-al number of boys S6` girls 4
the number of books but it is still too amount, $25,000K has bggn appropriated any Eleven that ever represented the use of iron and steel toeether with Th t ’ ` °
b th F tt t H I C t_ . . . _ _ · · ¤ ere are in he entire University ‘
Small t0 me the Meds of the Sm yT...G.Q;jG..€.°$;? @.;;;.1 SEQ. E“”§““i" “’Zk.{t§ TS.; éami $“° progress in Chemical wd electrical 955 .a¤¤.d.le. lm- ....g..... .....i.,......
d€mtS_ _ p_ g _ _ GT ’ Wmn 1 Q Ba B Gorge OWH trades, has made the trained engineer mmm the Various classes fol] .
_ _ _ will be continued until the required College by ,3, Score Of 12 130 9, before _ _ , g i as OWS-
On account Of high cost of bmmmg t h H h been raised U v_ f I 2000. I the greatest factor 1n modern mdus- Freshmen boys 266 girls 191 total ,
materials land {nee because er the rect mmm S a we `· ` EL ga wlmg O mi east ’ Imp B` mal ·P1'°g"€SS· TM can fm Such mn zsr ’ A ’
thglt the ·g_pp]·0p]·ia,tj()H for the Uhivgr. .1-L_ii ThE contest dlsclosed ragged Xvork is HO\V pressing, but   is for men xvho SO 1 b   ·
sity under the current tax law has ASSEMBLY APPROVES PY Pgth i¤¤1¤S._fr¤¤¤€¤i fumbles. and are qualified. 274 pwmom Oys > guls 67· total
fallen short some $50,000 of the LEAGUE AS IT STANDS- i¤dMd¤¤1¤l¤y1¤g rather than Smooth Engineering is not a, trade, but a ° _ _
amount estimated by the Legislature, —- mam “‘”`k· profession. In consequence engineers Junior bF’yS 123* WIS 46* t°ta1 169· ,
no building operations have been pos- President Mcvey in e. talk before the Bvth t0l1Chd0W¤S WGTG madé by Paul must; know the principles underlying Sgumr boys 83· gms 42» total 125- A?
sible and only the most necessary of assembly, composed of the entire in- H1t€» FI`€*¤kf0I`t, (1u'aI`t€I`b&Ck» acting the practice of engineering. Essentials Total ¤Umb€1` of boys is 679, of girls
repairs have been made. Ai: DI`€$€Ut, structural land clerical staff of the Captain- 4 in egineering education are thorough 276- .
the University needs *a new library University, lest Monday, outlined The following men were given an grounding in mathematics, clear un- Besides these there are 59 non-
and chemistry building. The increase plans for at series of cooperative con- opportunity to prove their worth in derstending of heat, electricity, and candidates for degrees of whom 18 are
in the Agricultural College has made ferences among the correlated depart Kentueky’s line during the game: other fornis of power, strength of ma· special students, 16 are not eleseineq, I _
it impossible to maintain it longer on ments of the University. These meet- Burham, Paducah; Server, Henderson; terinls, chemistry, physics, bacteri- 20 me graduate students and 5 e,r?e'”V" '`'`
federal funds. The Experimental Sta- ings are designed to establish closer Mnnphree, Culp; Heiek, Louisville; ology, facility in drawing and use of auditors.
HGH f&1'H1 T1€€d$ 8dditi0¤¤1 Land and 1‘€I&ti0¤ShiDS and D1'0H10t€ G00D€1‘¢1i2i011 Kelly, Whitesville; Combs, Nicholas- instruments. To be successful he ____
live istoelr, The College of -EnginG€g‘- ziniong instructors who will of neces- vi11e,· Heber, Shanklin, Zerfoss. Mu-th, niust be well trained, able Ito state HOME SERVICE WORK .
mg. 1f it 15 to KBBD UP the high Emu ‘ SIW. d@1`1V€ mutual benents $10111 Um Colpitts, Welker, Gay, Lexmgton; his conclusions, and 111 addition have STARTS FOR UN.I.V.,RSITY
ard maintained in former yea-rs, must inter-eemmunication. The correlated Hite, Frankfort; Grggny Everett, enough executive nbimy to bring vari- L ` ‘
have new and more up-i¤-date build- departments of the University will be iuess.; Memivein, cynnnenn; Prnnne, ous forces with which he aeeie in- _ _
ings and Gqllipméllt to YGDIHGG those grouped and eight or nine meetings Butler; Lewin paris; Thgmpggpy Fal- géthglg _ The Home S€rf’1C€·I¤$mUt€» estab
in use. will be held during the S9SSi0H. mouth; Clements, Morganfieldg Baugh, It is al great culling, requirillg abil- hshgi at the F]-mverslty Of K€¤t¤‘{kY “
With the Mil vf Ithé Lexington Red During the meeting the Assembly, London; and Boyd, Mayfield. Captain ity, health, enthusiasm and h0nGS1;y_ ;;iIEt;m€I;€1;§;;;SR€g C5°_Si’ which
Cross mg UWVGYSWY was able _t° upon motion of Professor Terrell, "Tony" Dishman, Henderson, was not TO the WGH tmmgd man it holds out in the msmliltim gr lnbs cia sterw?c;
himdla in isatlsfactory mmmer the m' unanimously iedopted za. resolution urg- able to play on account of zi fractured laygé rgyvards and to those (properly . _ ’ és Bgliu I S 'a
· - . term and will continue six weeks
Huénm epidemic of last YGm`· But at ing the adoption of the peace treaty bone in his foot that he received last trained it Opens avenues of useful- _ ·
that time Shormgg Of hospital mom and the League of Nations covenant week in practice which will keep HBSS and Opp tunyes f 'SG V- After Chmstmas COMSGS Of 18 Weeks
_ . or 1 1 or r ice. _ .
made the Deed Of *’· umvgrsmy dlS' without amenclinent as presented by him out of practice for several days. dumgou are plmmBd‘ Th°_ COMSBS W
pensmy appuenh Some Steps have President Wilson. " _ are intended for those who mtend to
been taken in this direction by the TWO LECTURES ADDED enter permanent service of the Red
establishing Of {L twofoom disvpgnsmy U. OF K. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE- ']_‘() EVOLUTION (jOURSE_ Cross, or who desire a. larger knowl-
0,1 the Campus which, While relieving FRESHMAN ENGINEERS 1.. ___ edge of the work which the organiza.-
Somewhat the needs of the students, __ ELECT GLASS OFFICERS The remaining schedule of U. of The lecture com-se in Evolution UGH is doing ill Tumi Hlld smell 00m-
alnng this line, would be inadequate M '1* K. f¤ofba|| team isi which proved so popular last; year mumU€S·
in handling gn epidemic, At R YGCGM MGGUHS of tho FF€Sh· Oct. 8.—Ohio State Uriiversity at will be enlarged this year te include Principles and methods of handling
__;___;_ man·Eng1neer1ng Society of the Uni- Columbus, Ohio. the viewpoints of Professors Cornell social service needs of sm-all town
MEDICAL DISPENSARY OPENS V61‘S1’¤y of Kentucky, Harrison Brails- Oct. 25.—University of the Souith, and Terrell. Doctor Cornell’s lectures coniniunities in Kentucky, social and
ford, Louisville, was elected president, at Sewanee, Tennessee. will probably be on "Habit and In- economic problems of the State, with'
· ."` _ and Homer Baker and Leonard Giovan- Nov. 1.-Vanderbilt University at stinct" and “Anime1 Behevior," while the resources and procedure for solv-
The University of Kentucky has noh, both of Lexington, were elected Lexington, (H·ome-coming Doctor Terrell will discuss the phil- ing them will be emphasized. The
OPGUGG a f"'€° mgdlcal KUSDQUSEYY for V1·GG Dr€S1d€11t and Secretary, reSD€Gt· game.) osopher’s idea. of evolution. The other national, state, and county machinery 4
_- the CQHVCYQIGUICQ of the St“d€iltS· A IVGIY- A Committee WGS appointed to Nov. 8.—University of Cincinnati lectures of the course will be given for the promotion of public health,
Physimdn IS m attgudancc riuisday select it 1191116 f01‘ the society and at Cincinnati, Ohio. by Professors Fnnkhouser, Miller, and child welfare, better re—educati0n, bet-
nn;1 Finlay afternoons from .»i.»0 to present lt et za. future meeting. The Nov. 15.—Centre college ait Dan- Shull, who gave the leetureslnst year. ter living conditions, and wider op-
4...0 and an greduzite nurse daily. A freshmen class in engineering con- vine, Kentucky. The course has been enlarged to three portunities will be discussed by lec-
Zmiul ciiur? isi- m={