xt7m901zdc34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zdc34/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1876-04-dec27. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1876-04-dec27. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1876-04-dec27. 1876 1876-04-dec27. 2011 true xt7m901zdc34 section xt7m901zdc34 


Meeting of
Dec. 27, 1876

Kenlucky University, Lexington, Ky.

Morrison College, December 27th, 1876

      The Board of Curators of Ky. University met at 8 oclock
pursuant to the following call of Prest. e. M. Bishop Viz-

Call for the

secre tary
resigns as

Of. Barne
Secre tary

Recoris of
tie Exec .
Cos. read

      Centi Ohio December 16th 1876

Josepk Le. Koolfolk Isqm
                Lexington, Ky,

Dear Si r
        At the request of yourself W. T. Withers- D. S. Goodloe
& JameE G. Kinnaird Curators of the Ky. University to call a
meeting of the Board of Curators at as early a date as practicable
and by tke authority vested in me by the Charter as President of
the Board of Curators, upon application being made by three or
more Curators -
      I hereby authorize you to call a meeting of said Board on
 Weanesdlay the 27th instant at 2 o'clock P.M. at Morrison College
 at Lexington Xy.
      They object of the meeting will be to consider the acts of
 the iExecutive Committee since tie last annual meeti ng of the
 Board and to ratify or disapprove the same, to fill vacancies in
 the Executive Committee, t aend the By-laws, to cousider the
 Financial condition of the University and to take steps to re-
 lieve it of its embarrassment and in general to attend to any
 business which the int;rests of the University may in the opinion
 of the Board require
                      Very Respectfully
                                    R. M. Bishop
                                    Prest. Board Curators
 Curator Z. F. Smith moved that (President Bishop being absent)
 Col. W. T. Withers be made Chairman - adopted.
 Session opened with prayer by Curator Ricketts-
 The secretary then ce.lled the roll and the following Curators
 answered to their namesm
 Curbtor J. B. 0owman' Coleman.. Goodloe- Kinnaird- Lee, Miller,
 Price, Ricketts, Rogers, Smith, Withers, Wfoolfolk, Wasson,
 Williams, 14.
 Secretary Woolfolk offered his resignation ass a Curator of Ky.
 University to take effect at the close of this session of tie
 Board and moved that A. M. Barnes be elected secretary of the
 Board of Curators of Ky. University which motion was unanimously
      On motion it was ordered that the recorded acts or minutes
 of the Extive Committee, made, since the meeting of tLe Board of
 Curators be now read.



Kentucky Usiversity, Loxington, Ky. Dec. 27th, 1876

Records of the
hec. Comr.

Re8. offered
isapprovi ng
a part of
their action

Invi tati on
to Board of
Visitors of
i,&M. Col.
Motion of
Ricketts dis-
approving a
Part of action
of Exec. Cot.

Far2 .

Cotx. on Fin-
ancial con-

Tacanci e s
Ln Com. on
tominati ons

     After some discussicn on that part of the record that per-
tains to the pooling of the First Mortgage bonds of the Short
line H R. Curator Smith offered the following - Resolved That
the action of the Sxecutivo Committee on pooling the Short line
Bonds for the purchase of the road and property of said company
be disapproved and the Bonds again be taken possession of by them.
executive Committee & that the Executive Committee be instructed
to take such action in the future as they may secure for the best
interest of the University.
     Oa motion of Regent Bowman The Board of Visitors of the A.
& M. College be invited to attend the sessions of this Board at
this called meeting*-

     Curator Ricketts moved to disapprove of the action of the
Executive Committee in renting the farm to J. Be. bowman and
pledging the short line Coupons to Prof. H. P. Perrin and that
both contracts be annulled as they are in violation of portions
of a Contract previously made by the Executive Lommittee and
the Faculties of the College of the bible and Arts.

     Curator Smith moved that a Committee of three be appointed
to take into consideration the contract about the bars and report
tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.   Adopted and the following compose
the Committee Z. F. Smith- J.J.Z. Lee & Horace Miller.

     Curator Goodloe moved that a Comtee. of :hree be appointed
to take into consideration the Financial condition and other
complications of the University and report tomorrow mornings

     The Chairman appointed the following as said Committee .
S. Goodloe- J. Z. Price & W. E. Rogers.

     On motion of Reg rnt Bowman The Chairs appointed the follow-
ing Curators to fill the vacancies in the Committee on Nominations.
A. M. Barnes- J. Z. Price, WF. L. Williams.

     On motion of Regent Bowman the Board adjourned to 9 o'clock
tomorrow morning -
                   W. T. Withers
                      Prest. pro tem.