xt7m901zdb1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zdb1d/data/mets.xml Cranmer, J. J. c1881]  books b98-46-42334133 English s.n., : [Hannibal, Mo. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Tobacco habit. "Vanity," 'all is vanity'  : a lecture on tobacco and its effects, dedicated to the public / by Elder J.J. Cranmer. text "Vanity," 'all is vanity'  : a lecture on tobacco and its effects, dedicated to the public / by Elder J.J. Cranmer. 1881 c1881] 2002 true xt7m901zdb1d section xt7m901zdb1d 

                  'ILL   iS  VNITY'

      A lecture on Tobacco and its effects

 ELDER J. J. CRA-7J U/A-:, BEistor and propr otor o- tthe

 The MIND is ar'/ t, ieri is! It feels, knows, Moove acts
                   Minks, mwd sees.
   Thle Fuind has s lpreme control oi o the body ii je-
less taled in healtUl. Se the Rlinigs of A'tatl'aie.
  Habit ' hborder to serve Ihvi a dKng, it. taxes nire gr;WSE
they not oily c.me yearly, bnt d..i Ay antd hotirly, oat  rodv
mind aci pock(-t. You .re boaul   in her chvains ai-d mnupt
0i ulslwer her ea': is.

             h.' RULINGS OF NATURE wu.211 send von.
             Vty'U11 :-iv( yolu t-ac work of tlv' brain.
             C't;t t;e ildoy tr hevaven ab)out you,
             AnUi. ar-iic for your Works are inane,
             ull ;re deiaed saidi the scoftr of tve 6tra1Vr;
             A laugh ifor the cyilie .,ni clon.
             C.) look; fro7 thi 2ir to the granger;
             LSt' tile slaves tie Toly'ccu-1.;a 1jound.
             O'ar the graves we have nni'ciei1 iin the pas-t tin
             Sttill, praying 1ir dtews of reforrm
             INihile rainfin clown sh owers of poi-on,
             On tho-e we should keep from it, fia; ni.

I             '=  _      ,        - ,-H+.

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        l ,nitvQtGoF5;                              
    NX7 XCOTINfA X        "            x- wlottiiv

    "Strive; for the grasp of 'lhe  d destroyer is upon yodi
 hnd if you be not wrenched away, it will palsy you and
 crusa you. Strive for the foe has seized upon your vitals
 he holds possession of your Fort and-,renders your, will a
 'hing to be  controled Instead of i corntroling power. It
 lchains the intellect and bids defiance to your better. -judg-
 iment. Strive like one who knows he has grappled with
 Death and the victory must be won or self be lost!
   TOBACCO     should never be mentioned exbept     a
 poison, one of the most active and fatal of poisons; it
 tae only herb known to possess two:sctive deadly poitons,
 NICOTINA and NIGOTIANIN: It is realy so fatal that doctors
 seldom administer it, and never internally; For in over
 sdose of Opium, Arsenic, or Strychnine, when taken in
 time, there is a cure, but for an over dose of tobacco
 there is none; its affect on the system is Paleness, Nwsea,
 Giddiness, Lessening tof the heart's action, Vomiting, Pur-_
 gins, Cold-sweating, and utter Prostration, such as -ol
 )other poison can induce, then death! Its evils are num.er-  
 ous we will notice a flewas fo4lows.
 1. It impregnates the whole system with two of the
 most fatal poisons, NICOTINA. and NICOTIANIN,
 2. With either of which the system is subjected to
 continuous repair, therefore Doctors seldom adviseone to
 quit it. It is too much like taking bread aud butter from
 their babe's.mouth'.
 3. It enslaves a -man so that it requires a powerful exer-
 stion to break its chaiRs and fetters to regairl the ir freedom
 4. It causes dyspepsiaby spitting off the saliva that ought
 to go to digest the-food aid th6 'digestive system  and to
'regulate and heal the bowels.
  5. When you breathe 'lhe smoke it produces asthma and
lays the foundation fo6 6 train of other fatal 'diseases.
  6. In breathing the two poisons into the lungs often pro
ducea paralysis of the lungs and consumption.




   7. It gradually weakens and destroysr the whole nerve.
 ous system and is the cause of a large majority of cases of
 fnsanty, wliLch can readily be found in all stages, amongt
 those wl. 11o tos 'bacco.  
   8. Tt make3 one appoar to be ill-bred and pitremtly',
 idi:taateful in society.
   9. It is sail by critics to entirely destroy a certain faculty
 -)fthe mind.
   10. It ronlerz one's breath very repugnant "co a com-
   i . It iV3 ontinually draw ing on the pocket for the small
 -han' e tha t might boe id up.
   12., Wfien taken as snuff it wonderfully impairs ind often
iparalyzhing and destroys the Olfactory nervei and delprives
lio; o1 the sense of smell.                         4
V 2. It creates a criaving for &lcohoic drinkf,. it prostrates jii
thOSy.3tbr  tosuch an extentthatnaturecalls tor aid byl
stimUleits5, hence the craving for drini3, peppers, mustards,

   :14 It creates an inordinate desire for excitement such
i s Noose and Novel reading, and a loathing of Science and
)i 15.The smoke has a wondertul tendency to  weaken and
:impair the eye-sight.
  16 Its use is an evil example to the young who look to us
far advice and protection from evil.
   17. It decompmes and clevitalizes the eleetrovita luid i',
 Lthe human system.
 18. The system of tha tobaaCo Users is always i In a mar
 bid Clonditi 3,a as proof When you are sick you ca nf't use
 it; for be it known that t so morbid conditions can not
 7-n.it in t4e syqtqmAt the asme time; one will drlve out
 ;-he other.
 l) The oQisoi is tranemitted to the unborn infant,.many
 tinies imparing .its Nital orns and causipg - pre'iivatqre.
 death: and I once heard a Physician of much lgainl
 and practic, DIr1 NmzI.g. Say that there never wars nor ever
 conld be a HMALTHY vHILD borm of parent who were
 habitual tobacco users. And I apprehen4 that 4everT doctor
 -f note in th. laind will witness the sanie thing.
 T TOBACCO'EATERSI Is the most 4propriaweuamip for
 Zthe users of Tobacco; as mgch so as the vile disgupting
 loathsome green worm that sw  ows the poison leaf into
 its stomach.  For the poison ofthe quid and the smoke
 ta ken up by the blood ve 8e and .absqrbent. Of the
       __                  w  e  =   -  i


mouth, and carried into the circulation, even Ina moa
virulent form than if Introduced by the stomach.
  Every doctor will tell you that he is more afraid to give
tobacco, even as an enema, than any other poison In thE,
Mtateria Medics: he never kives it by the stomach. Some-
times, in violent Sp3smodlc oolle, or strangulation" of the'
bv)wels, or spasmodic croup, tobacco Is used externally as  
a poultice, and if you are not very careful, it will kill yourX
patient even in this form. Many a colt and calf has beeps
killed by rubbing them wJth tobacco juice to kill the licei.
Tobacco is death to all kind3 of parasitical vermin; it will
kill the most venomous reptiles very quick. Many children
hqve been killed by the application of tobacco for lice tit-
ter sores &c, Dr. Mussey tells of a woman that rubbed
Jlittle tobacco juice on a ring worm, not larger than a 25ets..
)ln her little girl's face; and if a physician h:4d not ba nD
'quickly summoned the child would have died . Hle tellso 
,a father who killed his son by putting tobacco spit on a
ore on h's head. You would do well to read what various
;.nedical men have written on the subject. Every otberi
tooIison vegetable is content with one poison; but tobacce
',hs two of the most deadly poisons in the vegetable kinMr-)
lorn. This is no scare-crow put up to frighten you TO-,
lbacco Eaters; if you don't bcliev me just examine a veg-
,etable chemistry, and to convince your self more thoroui-
ighly, just drop one drop of nicotina or nicotiAb &n tHii
-orgie of a Cat or a Dog, that you don't wish to kill by'
'the tediouls method3 ot shooting or drowning, And ..e w biA
he effect will be. lSce if Strychnilue will do its work sb

  Doetors. men whose profession is to play with poieopF

a  with so many vesudly ipereP stanad-seic ana Denoiq
its poisoned farngs with brrrow, not daring to lay bolI
onf it and use It as a medicine for hi's sick wife or child.
No he shuns it with a deathly horrow! Thouab hlmpeIl
mnv maIy be a SLAVE to the slower action of its d
Vitalizino' powers on mind and body.
  An over dose of tobacco is ineureablebee.mse ofits pecel
Jiar effect upon the system. The effeetis krown bly a de)th. J
Iv paleness and fiickness, thon the nir suddenly bTcoinv'
too warm andopprssive, the patient desires a cool ilruatiujt,
drink of cold water and  fresh breez, the strangest &!')
II iS. at the sametimie the patient is so c-timulated tlhf
thc atction of the heart decreages, and to give m stimulen0l
)t increase it, it increases its virfilenct in propttlon to the







increase ot the suMoating and sickning sensation: and to
  five the medicine to alay that, still decreases the motion
  of the heart's action. Thus an antidote Is instantly tra
  formed Into fuel to feed the inquinohable flame that is aI
  ready devouring the human vitals.
  It Is no use in telling you by this time that I talk no,
  A bout tobacco "like a book," but like one who has been
  tobacconized. For I have been one of those unfortunate
  boys who never had an oppertunity of learning ay Mtiin
  except trom that cross old pedagogqe Experience, who
  invariably compelled me to work out my own pro blems
  often have I in scalding tears of bitter regret.
  Tobacco like alcohol give; a temporary stimulus, and to.
  slal'k off the use of It, it will produce similar effects,
  Nicotina and Nicotianin are the proper f. thers to the
  following diseases,-Dispepsia, Water-brash, CancerRib
  ollissement, Impotence, Fatuity. Caries, Consumption,
  Laryngitis, Cardialgia, Angina Peotorls, Neural ia, Palr-
  diysis, Amaurosis, DC xifness Liver Compt kint, Apoplexy,
  Insanity, Hippochondriasis,. "Harror3," 'Blues," and'
  -o on through the greater part of the Nosological family.i
  Because you are not killed outright you fhstrer your sel
  tnat you are not poisoned, but I tell you that you are, anl
  you are tdyin g by Inches or by sixteenth& of inches if vouu
  pleses how  er aIl the effect on you it has some effectt
  and finally by X contbIual pressing of that eflect it -wiLl kill
  you. Put your er to the huge locust tree and hear the'gen-
  e grating of aboreworm, Thou idsignificant worm! What
  dost thou hope to do with that monster tree Grate, grate,
  cratel For years that almost impreceptible &ratlnu goes on,
  wbile the mighty locust lifts its towering branches In tan-
  cied security. Finally, a storm comes and the locust hoped
to brave It as he has many others; bnt, alas, its strength
is underminded; Its vit ds are eaten away, and it talls,-a
victim to the tiny worm. Thus does tobacco, or alcohol,
or opium, or any other poison when taken habitually,
undermine the system, 810w1y, imperceptibly ,-but sure-
v .
  Go into any tobacco factory of cigars, snuff, or plug,
and bring out a heilthy man If you can.
  lTobacco so destroys the a3nsaton and funCtionlS of thel
mouth that, mild natural drinks, are not tasted; hence one
Braves strong drnks, something that will goad the deAd-
 ene4 nerves into actio. It produces a state of exhaustio n
in the whole system tbat calls for an artidcial stimulus






jA1cohol, ever true to its companion, stepsin and supplies
tris' artificial stimulus. It is a scientific fact that tobaccolis
,responsible for more drunkalrds than alcohol. I know from
)my own experience, thAt smoking naturally calls for driak-i
jng. : Walk through your town and look at the signs, tnd
vouwill seethem alliLd under the same colors, 'liqutij l
tud ciaars, " beer and pipe,"'-always. When biddy cui
!firn ish but one decanter there yon can get two cigars- for
r cent., When a patty of old gout-toed wine-bibers mnke a
uypper what dci they do Drink and smoke. When a parts
ot IndhAns, trappers or soldiers gets to town to have a blow
rut,', what do they do Drunk and smoke. When "tbloods"'
1_o out on a 'bender' what do they do Drink and smoke.x
V Mien low unprincipled  men, thieve-, villians, rowdiest
rikes, mu`rderers, the filth and ofshcourings of humainit(
 iect together to carouse or design devilish scheme, wh at1
tdo they (lo Drink and smoke-                      !

  I _ _ ; = _ 1,

  i-                    --

1  All new    subscribers to the C         -4Z jS
La J3II.I EM    CTN      rLc 3      on and af-,
ter TIL3arch the first 1881. if they request it,
will receive one copy of the   "ItIJJ--
I1NTGS of           .AifUJ-LEE" free.
  THE GOSPEL MONITOR is a monthly publi-
Yation devoted to rcligion, logic, and science, 50 cts
ya year. It is the only religious paper notwalled in byt
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Opeln to its  opponents, whether Infidel, Chris-
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  We will- defend the Right at all risks, and exposet
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  Go to our jails and penitentiaries . nd- you will find th -iu
(in .nates, almost toa man, tobacco-eaters an(I alcohol drink-
ers. As the chameleon takes its coior trom the object it is!
attached to, so does the mind of man, fronm the body it is,
attached to. No wonder, t1Lep, that a brrlin poisoned.
will suggest poisoned thoughts, criminal thoughts and tI
)acts. 0 that preacheras might kcnow this, or, knowinv;
Qit, might act on It in there efforts to regenerate aan'sj
imoral nature. Let them comivence at the root ot evii to'
Iremove it. Evil, like a Cancefr, while the root remains the'
tcaner grows worse. Mind asld body is unitecli;n evcry et.
fortif the main sp.ing is weakenedl so i the stroke. "A
blitter fountan can not send forth a pleasant strean.'
1 When we undortake to reform a man the first thing is
   see that the brain is healthy; not poisondl nd discased
 ('Foz an unhealthy organ can not pcrform Ihealthy functions,
 You might z. wel try to improve the se;ise of smell witb
 ie nose stuffed-.full of snuff, as to try to improxe t he mor.
 .s ense while it is poisoned1 wirh the essenc- of -inuff. Try
 j 0; clnOge a mau's lneirt that is ptlpitiitiug with poison
 and lusting for more! If you wish to be a succsz:ul soul
 loctor, you must commenceat the sat of all morsl dseas-
 ,Ps;  p poisoned and disordered mind. Take the poison ont,
 of; h-im first, and keep it out for at lenst thirty dtays, uutil'
 ithe brain can begin to have its natural healt hy .;etiou, an dl
   Iven he will arise andwalk in dry placEs seeking rest.
   We affirm, and shall prove in the course of our lecture,
   .,hat tobacco obtudes and destroys tne moral as well Cs
   1eyery other sense of the human intelleet. P'roof. When ycu
   ijee a habitual tobacco user in the coupany of his I.ieJeiu
   you will see him either squirting his poilson fluid over hi,-
   ,friernds heartbh house, floor, and stove, and breathing Lis
   ,LIathsome poisonous breath into the face of his irlei'nd, or
   PouLtng his poison smoke Into the eyes. xia'Ise, and luup's o!.
   1d present. When all present are coughing strar gling ano,
   almnost out of breauh; they say please don't smuke any
   mvre  n the house. Then comes the oft' rePated "E x u z c)
   me I didnot think, Can a moral mail Eo far intrude uV-
   On the health happiness and peace, even of a race of ca.-
   nibalk "I didnot think," is an acknowledgment th tt his


    thinknlg  factlties are not in order. That is what wernow
    -Now It is no use to tell me that a man who can' t think.
    what be Is doing In small moral and social points of goot;
    breetflijg, with wbfch he is every day familiar. How much
    less qualified Is he for deep moral and intellectual reason-
    ing which he is entirely unacquainted with
    Furthermore. If he does think, his refined and gentle
    humane feelians are so benumbed as to cause him not to
    care, it shows his spirtual nature is too much deadened to
    teach the spirit of a pure and undefiled religion which teach
    kindness love ;nnu attention to all men.
    A poisoned body especially when chronie, deadens the
    nerves and clogs the intellect, darkelis the mind smokes
    ,td -blackens the sodfl to such an extent he can neither
    teach or understand as a man oug1t to do by nature.
    Wbat think you of a preacher of Chfist with a cud in his
  mouth squirting poison at the souls fie Is trying to save
  13 the thing possible Talk of distilling the essence of
  Christianity through a polson worm of tobaccol 0, tbou
  ;obacco -eating hypocritel Can a body that is defiled witb
  poison and poluted with the sin of self-abuse be a fit
  dwelling place for Mhe Holy Ghost How can a man who
  lstinks like a rank tobacoo-pipe, call himself a fit vessel to
  )i-tvnd before the Lord to represent God and the Souls of
  Imen, to proclai the ord of God while his tongue is reek-
  ing in deadly polson and his brain befuddled with its in-
  1uence (, thou worse than Baalau- I Would that every
  ass might rebuke tbee.
  It is a common thing for teaeran6e ledturers to denoun-
  1ce alcohol on the strength of tobacco, that Is, lecture with
  t cud in their moths. NOW thib 18 mean. There should be
  honor amofz thieves. Don't laugh at and taunt your bro-
  ther, wallowing there in the nad, while Your own mou-
  th jg Tall of a thouvand tifmes filthier filtb. Do n't grow
  poetical on the "drunkard's aSpen hand," when your own
  ooisoned nerves will quiver Worse than his if you should
  -batain from your eauld three hours. You have yet to learn
that tobmeco produces delirium tremens, which you so
much bye to picture to thedrtfnkad, with all the glowing
(o)lors ot pandemonidni.
  Dr. Mussey says he was acquainted with a gentleman
(in Vermont hgo conacientiorsly ratbstained from all intox-
fic iting drinks and yet died of delCMum tremens. Dr LeuI
Jren and fnah'u other medical writers speak of similar cases
+wit'hin their knowledge. tany of our best physiclans con-


   ;car the opinino In that many of the cases o1 debrium trem
   ens imputed to aleohol are mostly due to the use of tobacco
     You ought never listen to & self styled temperance-mar
   who lectures a drinker, with bls mouth full of tobtlccojuice.
   The drinker it he nsf s no tobacco fs the mozt temperatf
   maD of the two. lit isa gross insult to an audience to eject
   on them alcobolic -ituperation and nicotinnic expectora.
   tion at the same time, That audience should say; first go
   reform t'Il' sell thou intemperate SLAVE of poison!
   i We lhave no room for the introduction of proot of our
   lassetrtiour on the evils of tobacco. But if you wish to hav(
   ;an ab,:indance of evidence that tobacco produces the dis-.
   eale, w bich we herein mention you will just please to consul,
   .  Lizars, he will furnish you with cases and proot. Read
   Dr. Muscey'7s t1sy on Tobacco ,' published by the Amer-
   can Tlvact Soclty. And here let me ask all who have tbe
   good of Humanity at heart, to place thrs lecture in thW
   Wnds of every one of your tobacconized neighbors. TVic
   !hir('ulatflon of anti-tobacco ald anti-aleohot tracts will de
   ore good than -Ull other tracts bEsidcs. For tLose ar)
 ',Le root hnd fouzdation of almost every disorder of miDd
   tid ljodV, eMeu upoit those 'who never used it: for it i
   written. -IL will vsirix 1he vine and iniquities of thje fathbcrs
 AUPOI Tbe childrfjn autlnpon tf, children's children, Unto
 , .11C tbird and fourth g.enerrtitn," of them tMat viblatt
 O!e 1awas of nsature iind thir ojt. beihg.
   A wibh manlm th saki look- riot on thwinewen it is red.
 )But a wiser thali be bath decreed tbhat they only who s5elb
 ;,dier wisdom  ab,-Il)I 4nd it, tiiizt fooluuhallbeaficted be-
 scuuieog their trausgressons, and tbat whowoeyerrefuseth
 ilsti uction shall d(troy his-own soul.
   He that is ca) ibl, ot fl eetion must preceive tbpt what
,tvcr dikordcts the vel Yes oisorders the brain and the VaiLd
also tloe morals then it corrupts soclety, possibly for gen
If(eration to coIx. YOu mu-it also peceive that Lile ard
I alh5 fle-dth un, Di These, ;nre alike transmitted with tbe
CZUP Of the uL   I'-orr beingr. 'Ihnt a ME-ea.ed anu poisis ed
I;oly can lot transmit a bealthy-gerta. You see that tb4
.3sQd of an appIe tl ht grew on a hollow free will never pro-
rTucc a sound tice. Then why expet an effected and pciAs-
'rejd body aLd mind, to produce Jhose that are active aud

  It is rot on the external cotdition 1W which you -findt
j cr self placed, but on the part which yon are to  act.e
j- at vomr welfare or unhappiness, your bonor or dlshc nord


- -          - - - __ 2





your health or disea se depends. When begin ing to act
that part what cau be of. !reater interest to you, than to
.throw oft the poison chains ofmenta' slavery, keop'ng
both mind and body i-.ee Irom  IC, hbj ect scrvitu'.trc. Free. '
Jorn (f mind and body jwnurea healtfa Ion life .nd ht-.pi-
ness. When the whole ct' thbe machinery, mnental and phy-
sieal io clean, its strengt b and elasticity is so much bctter"
its :zt-ontivcness Ln muciz more vv id and comprehensivet
that one is mostly sparcd tpie pain of irretieyeable orror-.
  If inste'ad of exertinm rexiec'ion in so critical a momeLt
. you deliver yourselves up to levity, Mloth and slavery of
babit Qnd poison, whi-t can you expeet to follcw Will w4- i
dom tread tLc path of folly Can you thus abuic both the
mind and   Uocy, aLd call yourse1ves unspotted from the
worldor cllyoursalves the childrcn of a pur& Godl ()thou
3lpiritu1l blind guide !  Wtera are you leading the 1.eopl(-
wt by precept and example. Y o-. have id and allowed the
nationis to walk into to the ditch.
   SILibitis harder to serve than a kinu, and its taxes Ere
 greater, for they  not only come yearly, but daily a3ndL
 l.ourly' on body wind and pocket. YouareLboundinh-'r
 ichains and must answer her calls.
   Oman of soFrow, whose life its interwoven with the ills o'
 .hz earth! Could I but speak tO yoy in the lanuage of the
 t tgt or had I butrQom to draw the picture as it is, I think
 mvour reason would revolt at its use, and breake its chains
 b idjing deliance to tho deadly rsp ot its keditious habits.
  -Whea You become satisfied that tobacco is jDiurious to
 you. If you have not courdge to div rcr the bsnbit at once
 r grd had rather steal away from its grasp unconoiously and
 wiitout the desire for tobaccoq or the u-e of medicine, jus
 Isend 5Octs in money or stamps to the office of the GoSPhIL
 A) MONITOR. HANNIBAL, MO. And we will send you the
 )RULINGS OF     NATURE. A pr'ited formula showing
 how nature in that-ease res'ore:; her ownr equilibrium, and
 I throws off the former poison :nd xl-events the cratng ot a
 fresh suply. In clubs of 20 or more, we will send them for
 25 cts each. The rule is short and easy understood.

                      t---- ,    D   :         _        1lJ


  The mind of man is the motiv power of the;
body. There is great sympathy existing between  
the mind and body, whatever effects the body:
must of necessity effect the mind; versus. What
ever effects the mind is sure to effect the body.i
The body is the house that the man lives in,1
if the house is damaged in any way the man
proper which is the mind; through sympathy is
sure to suffer from such injuries.
  The power of the mind over the body both in
disease and in health, is utterly beyond all the
modem scientific conceptions. The mind hasso
long bcen clogged and hindered by narcotics andt
over stimulents, that it yet remains in its infatn-
cy. Every hinderence prevents the growth and
development of the mind. ihe body may soon
attain to its greatest development, but the mind
never reaches its perfection in this sphere.
Age and experience fortifies and strengthens the
mind, they gives it greatness and power; every in.l
fluence possible should be braught to bare up-
on the intellect to improve the mind and ad
vance it.-The ages past have been more to hin-
der and to cramp the intellect, to hinder reasoi
and progress than to favor it. But it must be
understood now that mind is capable of getting
and bringing information from the ulter-etherial
worlds. Or of mind conversing with mind, even in
separate continents. -Without Telephone, Tele-
graph, or JJitch-craft. (Spiritualism.)
  For trainning up a strong healthy powerf
intellect read the  RULINGS  OF NATURE.
Only to be had at the office of the GOSPEL lION!
Tou. Hannibal Mo. Price 50 cts.

         S Al


            MAN, KNOW THY-SELF.
         ,now this and be assured quite well,
         All evil comes when man hath fell.
         Fell from put ity, in grief,
         To eat the vile tobacco kaf.
         Know this my friend, a poisoned brain,
         Can not a poisoned thought refrain.
         A heart that beats with poisoned pulseL
         Will any moral mind convulse.
         Alcohol and Tobacco food,
         To feed the mind with, is not good.
         It carses one when e're he speaks,
         To imitate the weeds and snakes.
         And thus his poison hel'l impart
         From inind to minc from heart to iJeart.
         When your mind is clean and pure,
         More hardihips you can then endure;
         Then see the manly moral tcne
         Of an intellect full grriwn.  J. J. Cra er


RULINGS       OF     JATUREYitisap iritedform-
ula teaching thepower of the acStive healthy mind
,)ver the body in sickness and in health; it teaches
how to train up your mind even tc Stupernal )owers.
This- is backed up by every inudica.l w-titer, by every
science, by every casual observer; and last but not the
least: it is the ultima thule of thre ever blessed Bible'
the word of the Lord.
  It teaches how to quit the use of tobacco without the
desire for using itd, and no medicines used.   NATURE
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     diess the GOSPEL. MONIT7O(R. Hannibal Mo
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