xt7m901zd842_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zd842/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zd842/data/47m84.dao.xml Good Samaritan Hospital. (Lexington, Ky.) 0.5 Cubic feet 1 box, 5 oversize folders The Good Samaritan Hospital records (.5 cubic feet, 1 box, 2 folders; dated 1889-1956, bulk 1889-1928) comprises a small group of records and architectural drawings from Good Samaritan Hospital, in Lexington, Ky. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Good Samaritan Hospital records Blueprints. Hospital architecture Hospital buildings--Design and construction Hospital records. Hospitals--Kentucky--Lexington--Administration. Racism in medicine Reports. Miscellaneous text Miscellaneous 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zd842/data/47m84/47m84_1/47m84_1_4/11305/11305.pdf 1901-1956 1956 1901-1956 section false xt7m901zd842_4 xt7m901zd842 I . , M •\ I
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, / Lexingten, Ky., Osteber eéfz, 1901.
Zéefly/%¢UO · i
The Laiy Ee ri ef Managers ef ine Geei Samaritan Heepital are
preparins fer an extensive eamp1e sale fer the benefit ef the
Inetitntien, wnien wi11 he neid eeen after Nevember 10tn. We wi11
te pieaeei te a veriiee yenr nenee in that sale if yen wi11 een»
tribute ne eeme artieie in yenr iine. The list ef artie1ee
ienatei Ti11 be pgbiiened in eur city papers witn tne names er
iener. We ‘i11 .‘.· iieplay en ea1e day any aevertieement yen may he
pieaeei te seni ne. Yenr name wae given us by enr 1eea1 merenante,
and we submit inie te yenr very nine eeneideratien, trusting a —
faveratle respenee. Please aairees geeie ani cemmnnieatiene te
4Q` ¢ ’     ¤  
‘ti    0% %   1 I ae  

 ;exih;t;h, Ky., Catcher , l90l.
The Lady Board of Managers of the Good Saxaritah Hospital are
preparing for EH extensive sample sale for the behejit or the ,
Institution, which will be hell soon after Iorexber lwth. '.’.' e will
be pleased to advertise your house ih that sale if you will ccx·
tritute us some article ih your line. The list of articles
lohated will he puhlished li our iity papers with the haxes of
ioaor. We will display OH sale day ah? advertisemeht yo; ;ay lc
pleased to sehd us. Your name was gived us by cdr ltoel xerghahts,
and we submit this to your verv kini consideration, trusting a
favorable resrohse. Please address goods and sogmuhicatiers to

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Eleven Bay Campaign for $62,000 or More
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~`l\l;·2;&;:~=;;,%¤y.~7‘; ·i‘~>»€—‘   ·.~;,     a?*li£*i"’°€"$·'%Ei?%·a'¤ ${1 ¥$ik··"°» ·-* 4:;  ~
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K A   `fzf,.-Ji  ·r  ,_; .‘,;34’g[;:,Y>_:/M  
DR. GEO. P. SPRAGUE, President J. P. SHAW, Treasurer
W. L. THRELKELD, Secretary
Mrs. C. J. Norwood Mrs. Roger H. Smith Roger H. Smith
Mrs. A. R. Pritchett W. T. Woolfolk Dr. David Barrow
Mrs. John Gund Mrs. Philip Straus Simon Wolf
E. D. Veach Mrs. Virgil McClure Alfred Combs
Gilmer Pryor Judge Charles Kerr Mrs. J. Percy Scott
Opening Banquet, Phoenix Hotel, Monday, February Z4, 7.00 P.lVl. Tickets $1
Cl2\H1})CilgI1 lFlCEl(l(]LI€lI`l€l'S, ljl'l\'E11€   Room, l\/i€ZZHl'llD€ FlOOl', lDl`lO€l'11X Hotel.

 1l1e1l‘ ll(`(‘(lS. \\l(lll'l` is in 1110 0011111*. 1*11 e i1l11111l1ing is 11:111 11111*1 01.1n1li1i11ns 111*0 • · · »
11*11 (`l}ll(lllCll\C 111 1lCl'Lllll :11111 11:1]111i11ess. Eleven Day Campalgn Organization ‘ -
.\ ll1*¤*l(‘1`l1 Xnrses 111111110, e11(1:1l1le 111 [)l'f>])C1`l}` l1<.)1lSl11g` Ill 10:1st 1111)*
n11rses 11111Sl. l1e1·111ne :111 11ee1.1111t1lisl1e11 111et. \\'e need l`111.1I]1S 111.1* 1110 g‘1*a1*l·11a10 Campaign Executive Committee .
, lIlll\('$ zis well :1s i1111ses·111.1i.1111111g 111.11 1110 ll11>]111.1l 111.1) 11e 111 1110 p11>1111111 t It N4 \\,1Lm-t\MS‘ Clmirmm] -mm-mi;. ._—_.. i
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'I`l1e1`e]1111*1 111 1110 l111ll1`(l 1.11 Trustees 11110s not cliselose 1110 1:1et that 227 Business Committee •
111 1l11· 111111 el1:11‘i1y 1·11ses we1*e S1ll'§1L`2ll l11(ll{1l1g` 1*1v0r11110-11111*11 111 1110 1111111}:01* 111 R()m_~R H (RUTH eh,li__m_m Eleven DaY Campalgn for   Or More
   I ’```   "' e"   l" em '°”°"“"`s   lYiL`3l111"1F1“‘1¥§lE·E..-   T` W `’l' M 1 e` `'’``   K" G '"’`   1 CLOSING MARCH 8, 1913 1
Speakers and Banquet Committee  1 _ . 1 ‘ . .   ** `\  
_ lll?. CYlY()R(11Y 1°. Sl°1{.\(r}UlT. C11:1i1*111:1n \\       _ — ' i1\ V B" l   . '1`AC
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T? _. , 1_ .     ·` . 1 I1.  *11.. —’   2 ,
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' ' * _, 7 . ’*‘ , * _ , V if  t  c i fg ' · I  rj I- = . _ .`-.,°°_1`§jt" · I
Your wnshbone IS an poor th1ng to depend 11q C. 11.11.1 sQ\ll1l§1£l‘ Rem el"""“"“1. .1 11....,,.1   1,%. .  ..   ,&.._ »· .      
. .   v'                
OH, try yOl1l‘ b&CkbOl‘1€. Headquarters Commrttee     ,;;*1
· 1 · 1— ~ s —   N   ·*  ‘**·-` ,’-,1~1»   .1.1     ,..1   =·.   M  ‘
* Sl X11 1 \ \\* ()I.l*, ( l1z111*111:1n  ‘—‘ 1 ·’  g 1*    **.-%:3;.  
’\l1"°'l C‘““l’s l· P- Slu‘“'   V ii’} A  ¥??Je'.Te;.$e?¥E?l1*.·1ess  ·—»“ 1
_Th1ngs move along so rap1dly nowadays that the people who say ·    
. , . . . Members Of Other Cemmlttees      
lt can t be done are mterrupted by somebody do1ng xt. (1.111 1-11,,11_ wi 1 111—11.111·1·11 1. x1 0111111.   _    
Dr. 1):11*111 Barrow (`l1’l1'lL*S ll. l;(‘l`1`)`1l\1lll 1.. I*l. Rnnisey `  s};.l°ff  ~~`·       i:.. as   ’‘°¤ I  ,. i i
  __.. .. 11-   —   _·   ·_».      
·-.e;·_·1;_~1J···;»·;·%;·.···11· » .>.:,,··:—_.• *.1;.. ..¤.   ·: 1.   ·;   j»;—».a.   ».··¤»11·¤¢ ··_~,   =-   
- · ~ - - . . ’ * J.1~—*~==>;:5s  '@*’*`*     .   ‘-      
Even mdivnduals make SCTIOUS m1stakes m judgment. So do Women S Commlttee     »1.». t.      
_ V 11Rs. ,11111N GUN11. C111111111111111·1—  >*‘f;1; ·=1·‘ 2   .1—. · .... .. »      * e·  
Chaflthblé ll'IStltl1tl0HS.   takes 8. bI°O3.d ITIHH to overlook mistakes ell-e` Shelby,Hm-blelm MIX Nellle S Belle,-llllllle Url \1i:llll*`l- llllll"Cl(   `‘·11   {.-;:1; C  ." Z*;  T
lllei   ·l'1Bl1r“11m(l elw Lyeum C]mll‘l*`Y Vrs. \· 11*1111 Kl1>Cl11!‘C     1
' ' . rs. 111*1 111 1 1:11*1*11w X rs. .\. 1. Gnixeit \|·*s1 1*11111] Sl!'£l1lS       ·1rr C :   " ' M   
In Others and push a` good cause upward Instead of downward' Mrs. \1\'1 E. Al(`C`?1l111 Klrs. 1-01111 K. l"l`2111l<(‘l Klrs. _lllIl1L‘i \·\lIllS<"1Il   is   ll ».e*‘,Yj..i..:i\*C'?-1>    " 
y@:t(» :;§»!1;?,i__,»~»`i·;h»,;'·§;=Z_z~,L.’:‘§_"—‘\r'Ewjti ,1.- _ -7 i des? "1»~—··bQZ¢~`.'z.»{Y’$•Z*;*, e  ’.,-Z·$" `····.17*."W·,`V
.,   " ‘ ’* ’·‘   ··”’     ‘¤*   ` .1*   Y ..   ~=j¤~¤;¢$:e.. I
  · » —.  ‘¢T" . .· .>,:11§·* "   ` "* $1    ·-‘· r ·
, g • · • · _ ‘ ' " . _ · >-  V   
Don t obstruct the Nurses f1ght to save C¤i1Z€¤S’ Cemmlffee   _   it »_   ;... 1..1;   +· "
. . xv. 01 l..\\’\~*\\~’l1.l.. 0 111111.111111—1- 1   ~**       .— - -      1    
llf€• . Gl1.}1l17ZR PRYUR 2ll1’l Gl§()lF»f DR GEO P SPRAGUE Pr `cl t J P SHAW T
n   1 8 C11. C) l1l11l21111l)1*. ll. Irl. R1¥l}L'I'1S C11. 1 C:111111111 C. 1.. \\*illin111s111 ' ' ' ’ esl en · · 1 ¥`€¤s¤¤’¢¤'
, p • C11. E C:1]11:1i11 l111g1111 Ynneev C11_ _1 C;1p1;1i11 CI1;1s_ _]_ Sinith I ` W. L. THRELKELD, Secretary
. , , Mrs. C. J. Norwood Mrs. Roger H Smith R H S ‘
: . oger . mith
Young Msn s Busmess C<>mm¤1f¢<¢ Mrs. A. R. 1>1-11¤11e11 w. *r. Woolfolk D1. David Barrow
. R. xv. RC)l_lXlS.·\\*Y;\l.l.. C.·1111111;111111»1· Mrs ~'¤h¤ Gund Mrs- Philip Straus Simon Wolf
T   G. _PQ\\Vl%l.% and ].·\X1E$ $'l`(lr)NlY I; lC%Nl. Y11‘B»C1’11111tr1:1111lI01*s E. D. Veach Mrs. Virgil McClure Alfred Combs
te:1111 1 :1111;1i11 1 1 . .1·1111111—1· "1-j1111 1 n111:1111 11 S. 1. 1*:11*ks C.'l P .1 d .
 011111 2 C:1111r1111 C. K1. l'lIlI'l)l<1\ll 'I`011111 7 C:1111>1i11 C}. F1 \\’il1is lmcr ryor u ge Charles Ken Mrs` J` Percy Scott
"cglyu :1 Calygzlin ]—[;l]·I-Y 1<](·iH e[`i·;]n·; R Cflptglii] Nglihgln lr{l]i1*1[t1  
iitcm, J Cwmtn _\_ 1__ ;lHmi1t,m mmm O 1jHl,m;,, R_ C_.gt.,]y OPCTUUE B3HqU€t, Pll0€l1lX Hotel, MOHdHy, February 24, 7.00   Tlckets $1
. lefml S (21111:1111 _l111111 G1 C1`[lI]](’l' 'l.CI1l1l IO C:1p1:1in Daily l11—1·1·y  
° . 1. - amain 1,P'1D" ` ‘
_ FRNXK B4 MYER. Cnmlmign Scmicmryl p g ea quar ers nvae ming Room, Mezzamne Floor, Phoenix Hotel.
_   I _, V _ .. - . _ _ TELEPHONE 62000
.\l1 kllC'Llx> {1:1;.11110 111 1. 1 . 511:111*. rll'CZl>ll1'(‘l.

 P. Shaw 'l`1‘c1s111·c1‘. Plcclwcs ar mwd · · I 1- , as 0 I cr risc indicat- °
. _» ( 1   € < <= 1~1¤¤,¤ <*¤·¤Pt 1 M   < Cd Per Capnta Cost Per Day
111 {0111 payments three months apa1‘t,l>cg11111111g Nay Ist, 1913.
The coat Egurcs show that it ccsts Hftyscvcn cents per patient pcr clay
1 [Ol"])O21I`(I, lcavinw after ah 1-*) cents for ovcrhcad char ` t
. _ · 3, -/ .. D 77 .. Len s per
FYCB PHtI€HtS pahcnt per day for mst expenses 111 fucl, hght, nurses, water, anesthctics,
• • l l1011scl“ U] mh*€$ Of PYOIWITY, f¤f¤iSh—
is cancelled and the Nurse` new Home is built. m£`$~ CW-» UC wt m€l¤<)111i11g· mf nurses away O1 3H·
_ _ _ _ _ _ {TORItl1ChO5l)l*(Ell,`€lHCO1T1b1I1C(l,E`ll`C costmg thc hospital in funds paid out
_ rl he l“"?$C“t _mOdcm‘·*I?`tO‘d“t° bmldmg O1 th? GOOYI Sanmmtm? Hospltcl and funds lost by the 10ss 0f hospital space 110111 used for 11111·s~cs, 27 1-2 cents
ns at thc scrvmc 01 1hcpcc1p1c 0f Lcx111gt011, the 11c1ghh01·mg towns 111 Fayette PU Patient pm. day 5 B . P . .
e<»1111ty (1111] those mf z1dj0i11i11g couutics, 011 exactly thc same terms and CO11di· ' I ‘ , uslness roposltlon
- X The cv cme of 0 cmti11·¤· l1c Yur`c’< New Home 11111 nt l · <··· t ·
{Im]; Ap _ p ( U . > . , 1 11 1; ,_1CZl Cl
_ _ _ _ _ than thc present ccst 0f C8.I`ll1g’ for the nurses. r]`]'l1S report w1lI Show that pay pat1c11ts 011ts1dc Fayctc county are paying
rl`hC ],mpm-ly mclmlgg gl 111()(l€1']1 {11*1-;·-pr00[b111ld111g COI'1T]UO5li`1f§_'·\\'Zll`(l$, pY1- V _ _ A_ _ more img the Hospital treasury than thc pay patients Of Lexington and Fav?
mic 1'OOIHS suites 0f rooms, Ofhccs. hcatmg plant. laundry, opcratmg rooms, The savmg 0f 2/ 1-2 cents per pa.1c:1t per day 111111 mean an average CUC muutvl ‘
:111cstl1ctig rooms. maternity department, sterilizing mom, department {01* eye, cost 01 SpI.3;]. 1-2 per dz1y,.a11d tha wat IS 11c1t·011ly 1\’1thl1l'1`(‘€LS(?I'1, but IS more q ·“ · _ ' _ _
>·11· muse and til1'(>Zl[Z`ll1(l ever 11;-10-d;11g a1·1·;111g·c111c11t that can be utilized in a Lhau il favorable COINIUZIYISCDH 1111111 hkc IYOSQIIZLIS 111 cmcs hkc Lexington, (,_)llTSl(l€ CIIQICS and c01111t1cs produce :1 return 111 cash 01 $19,179.64 from
V · Y I _ . . . .
b11ildi11q· of like capacity in any Clty 111 the Umted States and surpasses by far 2U1}'\\'h€1`€ 111 thm 11at1011. pay pat1e11ts.
IUMSY CIUQS of [ITC SIZC OI LCXIIIQYOII. ' It IS 3. CI”€dlt tO I,€XIHQ_`tOl'1 S llb€I'Z1llty· IACXMIQTOH has bccn paying. H hC2l.`,)_   {O Carr). thig dcbt Of $22,000 Ilexil-lg·tOn and F;L>rCttg (jgunty pay pgticntg paid in   It is yggul-
The IO? COYCIGS BU fC€tf1·Onmgc OU Llmcsmnc Streep 202 {ect On HERITISOH and failure t0 provide proper N111·scs’ quarters, ` ilv seen that tw0—tl1i1·ds 0f the receipts come from thc counties surrounding
*t"C“t· ‘$ $$ YCCNOM-¤<>1’°1‘S Over three acres and has 3 present YRIURUOH Of I·`;1vcttc It will prove ¤#00d I)l1SillC€'% policv 10 build this new Home for
~ " T · .C1t 0f thc debt ami the h11i11111ty pay, people arc learning 1tS 111t1·111s1c value and the class 0f scrmcc
`   . . 1 1 T a- — — · ‘· ‘ " “‘*   “’.`” ·‘ ( ’ ` . · " . ‘ ` ‘ ‘ rendered bv thc 111ana<¤·cmc11t and nurses.
l}h}'§*<*jl11>»H_11111$\‘*U‘€ H0*l"ml‘· M11 ‘t IS Z1 (1 Cmnt PYOPON ‘O“ O PQOP C O mm Clam poet that they will be utilized, for the Hospial has been ;111 · — ·= Qa 001 {ITIS 11*11] h "mvhrd t0 tl N1 me · - - - J > and 1cL111xcs 10 Lcx111¤"1011. a11 0 \Vlll.h. means Greater cApc11d11111cs, Tt
>I0(l·*L> fm §y•»__<)OO Ol 11101L.. .i ,0.00 C ¤ {I C 1€ 1 - S rl _ 1 1 I I, T, { tl C, . ma I . , _ > ~
I _,   ~ yml §» » 000 t0 the l`iquidaTi·m 0f thc Hrwspitafs debt tO MC La` O UOSC m C]°u“€ O TG 'lmP(u”H. im Stop an Oymhmd 6x` is Z1 Qmod investment that can secure t\\`O·tl]il'dS 0{ thc income from outside
11¤.\\ MWL 8 —._»—» ~ · · PCHSC gf 636 per cent 011 the Ulla} v21l¤¤M<>¤ G1 —$FOO·OOO fm UW P1`Ol>€¤'YY- [hq ]‘)()]‘(lGl'Q mf the cm111t\’
¤\ :¤¤<*1`<*¤$ (“'°l‘f**"’$°‘“‘1’t‘“" " dcmedy smh excess “‘ be used {OY 1m` The (30011 Samarivan Hospital Board docs 1101 claim may MC paying
p1·1»1·111:1c11ts. c11lIlk>> L1>1111n1tt<:c· anl the (1t1;c11s (011111111tce meet every al 6 U A
.[;L\- {N {{1·;1|· (§1·ill I{·1·»111 ill basement F1? thc T’h0c‘111x Hotel. This force 0f · Thc dw hwg {lm an qbsmbinq qu€Qti(m Of Carina fm hq Sick The dc-
  4 . . q-· ] 1 g · 1- v_ ( ° _ Citv Frcc Patients .,......... _ ...... S rf . · ( ”` ` .. K. ” ` .° ’ ` '
»1·_.1111,j1¤I llltlll 1111111h11> about 0110 hll1l$I“€€ a11d CE cnt; Exc The L’1d1€$ V V,   ·< D 4   100 mmm mr HUYSGS Of ablhty 15 apparent bcymld questmnl
<`1»1111111111—e mll servo 1hc llll1ChCOl1S. P.1·.>m11x Hotel Caterers. Debt 011 PIOPCILY ............ , ...... D,000
_ _1 H _ I C , tl .1, 1 I Adding a Charnty Nater11ityDc- _ Families of moderate means and even rich are having trouble to secure
<`.,.. · :· V   Ik i( LIT? H 1 ' " _ _ y` .<. . . ”
l" ‘(\°l`ll.`mH H mfnml t{népm“n` tml io unlml lcbv Tgpgm CC P€Utm€¤t -···-···· ·· ·· ·····-··   T¤00O mn-pes, when needed and Louisville fads at Umcs 10 produce them when de-
_· _ 4. r. r,~·» 1- \ · <\‘• ,L i` ‘r' ,, . . . ` ,`
mm _lm..1mL, L;] kuatu 11a§1HmAS @@11 GBDMM 0% · TQ $_TO$€·\j   éni?)4 lhe COl`HI'I1lS$lOHCl`F`• wt Payette £,01111— sircd.
m,.¤; {hm; qgkm ; :1*1 1 l11`*">l`H. ., §1i3*—L75 mm"? H ' US WTE, X - ·» 9·2U ty -11:0 qu reciatc the \,V()l']' (hang
1111.1·1~· :11 l1c·llz1i1·c, (/whim $[*%.000 111010. {QM-( its ilalély qmd C)"}"1l'1tC\(l L1] Q The A11ti—Tuhcrc111a1· wcnrk faces the crying need ot nurses and cannot
` V ` , _,` ( _ ( V r, . . . . .
_ I I I .L. I I . U t . hoqpiml B 0400 get them, lhe C1tv 0f Lexington should have a distinct nurse for the m-
Y. , , ‘» ’\ * S I' ‘ (Y" ( l' 7 » ( ............·· ..•....... Q, ` _ . i · _ __ .
[ l°`l"lm} NX . limi YU wmupml lg] IUC (.mm” {le prls Sv >€a}·S \·(s5{1q3_t101] of congested and diseased (]U?lI`i€I`b as we!} as Educauvc effort to
.  · ——-·· ~   1 r1 1:11 awt. .· —··— J . -
`°mlu"?(.l hHU`>°l“ 5 wu hhm Hmmm S up `lh IC (Apcrlcncc m U IU U t t 1 · J Y 1 g· Cr · 11:1111 mothers 111 the care 0f infants and the proper care 0f homes.
111:1111* 1-111cs has Imwcel that mw llll(lk`I`l2`Ll(lllQS have developed such great · H~*“» 3 O 3 *€CC“€€ mm U}
public interest as these short term financial cxnmpaigus. wd COUMY ····-····~··- - ······ $2000 There is 110t 2111 advance movement 111 011r midst that looks t0 the erad-
I I .H . t (hn U the mmi the mom Q { U iqatiqn Of Hlth and disease at thc mental. moral or spiritual development Of
. ··1»· ~ `· * ‘¤—‘S *' ( ' 1 ` ` "j_ ‘ - - · · . . ·
·\ l"‘>" “ `““ “‘ 'C~‘ U } I L V `> ` O 16 Um Granting a credit t0 the c1ty and the county nr all the gbm-C $@009 {Oy mg COm1mm1ty but could w1th advantage use the nurse.
‘***‘· debt and im I`O\`Cl`llCl]tS and $1600 f01‘ charity uaticwts, it will bg ¤ u tl ( · . . . .
‘ . ., 1 ~» ~· · — —w "~‘ ~ · · J 4** , ; . ¤- . ,, ‘ *‘ ·· _ ,·_.. . . .
` I 1 ` 1 I `tl tl C ' d thc TT1><¤itaFit€1¤é€€ $1nt The GOOCI Szmmfmm Hosplml 15 fmced to house {Our nurses m a
5011111 :1 pllugk 1.11< 01 {11110 aus Ll llI1¥t tw 1;; I1 IIC l01111111ttlc;sta11 WF _61Ad *0000 nmlvimr Qc H7 i6 @11 4 mmm use Vahmmc mmm m the HO Spud tO Care for Others. besides I_€m_
* ‘ · 7 —; ~ g _· ·· »x ‘r 1 —_ _ _ - — ~·_— · _ _ 1. 1 1; -. . L \ I `,..._ .`,. _ ‘ . .   .
hll It 011t tm nl ym 1 111 11w11~1~ cn } Cl 111 1 ll 1 '1\C 1 1e1 \¤ payaw c 0   1 / b \ w mq Space Out m the City. The present hmmc is not properly Constructed for

 Total number of city charity patients admitted ........................... , ......,. 518
Total mnnber of county charity patients admitted ................................ QI
Total number of charity patients admitted ................... . ...........,..... 609          
Total number of charity patients recovered ...`..............,..................... 549
Total number of charity patients improved .......,....................... . ......... 16    
Total number of charity patients not improved ...................... , ............ 4
Total number of charity patients died ......... . ................................... 40 `
Total number of charity patients remaining in Hospital December 31, 1912 ......... 30   ·
February 12, 1913.
Thu-C has been Consumed ¤‘¤s¤€· P¤‘¤sir¢~vill¤ t0 Sulmit THE ANNUAL REPORT 0* me G¤¤d Samui
Flour ........................... 236.35 Surgical Supplies ................ 1,491.18 tan Hospital, for the year, from January 1, 1912 to January 1, 1913.
Meal ···························· 6520 Furniture ···········-··········· 57423 ' The total amount received by the Good Samaritan Hospital for the year ....... $43,619.37
` Milk ............................ 1,695.33 Rent .......... [ .................. 132.00 A Cmssmcd Statement Of these receipts is as follows:
Butter .......................... 1,298.15 Laundry Salary . ...... . ......... 1,769.39
Eggs ..................... . ...... 597.05 Servants Salary ,............,,,, 3,439,49 Furnishing Fund received from Mrs. C, J. Norwood ........................ .. .35 641.58
Cream ........................... 165.00 Pupil Nurses .................... 1,566.29 Nurses Furnishing Fund received from Mrs. John Gund ....................... 67.38
Coal ..................... V ....