xt7m901zd842_3 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zd842/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zd842/data/47m84.dao.xml Good Samaritan Hospital. (Lexington, Ky.) 0.5 Cubic feet 1 box, 5 oversize folders The Good Samaritan Hospital records (.5 cubic feet, 1 box, 2 folders; dated 1889-1956, bulk 1889-1928) comprises a small group of records and architectural drawings from Good Samaritan Hospital, in Lexington, Ky. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Good Samaritan Hospital records Blueprints. Hospital architecture Hospital buildings--Design and construction Hospital records. Hospitals--Kentucky--Lexington--Administration. Racism in medicine Reports. Clippings text Clippings 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m901zd842/data/47m84/47m84_1/47m84_1_3/11252/11252.pdf 1929-1953 1953 1929-1953 section false xt7m901zd842_3 xt7m901zd842   ,' -. 'Z · Q ` ' /_ {H 4
wr. ·.‘¤i-· --· - j"";'i -4 _
- _ , the Good Samaritan hospital. Miss
I     Gehring was the first superintend-
‘ · — ent of the hospital under that
  ‘ i name. The first staff was com-
` L "     posed of: The late Dr. H. M.
· Skillman, the late Dr. David Bar-
4 row, Dr. J. C. Carrick, Dr.- F. H.
  · , Clarke, the late Dr. B. L. Coleman, A
  """""*“" Dr. VV. O. Bullock, Jr.; Dr. John
  ‘ Success of Affair at Good w. scott, pt. w. B. Mociure, the 
· S .   C M late Dr. G. D. Kelly, Jr.; the late 
  · amarltan I ause ed' Dr. J. A. Stucky, the late Dr. 
.1 ting to Be Madg Annual Charles VV. Norris and the late
. ` E Dr. John Y. Oldham. Five of the  V
· . vent members of the original staff now 
..;..... are on the present staff of the hos- ‘
-         pital. 'The late Dr. Thomas Stone
. ‘ ·· . Lewis became the first interne on
I, -—-— January 1. 1899.
V _·Miss Lake Johnson, superintend- Thr; mst ciass Og nurses wagl ’
ent of the Good Samaritan hospital, mgantzcd in 1891, and Miss Sarah
; yesterday announced `that annual B. Rowland was the first graduate
J · reunions of nurses, internes and in 1893. Miss Rowland now is
- doctors of the hospital will be held Mrs. Mock. Dr. Redxnon described 
Y hereafter, so successful was the the growth Ot thg hospital fg its
_ 1 first reunion held at the hospita1.present size with 22 graduate nurse`
’ - Wednesday night.   lsupervisors; 75 pupil nurses, a staff .
_. ` DI; L_ C_ Rgdmgn, whg became of 69 doctors and a total hospital 
` the first lnterne of the Good Sa- staff of 174, and 242 beds in a hos-
‘·ma_rista_n hospital when gt was pital valued at approximately $1,-
moved to its present location on 500,000.  1
·- South Limestone street, reviewedl Members of the nurses’ classes 
- -.the history of the hospital from itslof 1893, 1895, 1897 and 1899 were 
` founding by the ¥Vomen’s Guild of presented at the reunion. Between 
l the Episcopal church in 1888. Th€1105 and 110 graduate nurses at-
hospital was founded in a, building tended, and nine former internes.
· on’West Short street just east of In his address, Dr. Redmon paid V
  Deweese street, and at that time high tribute to the late Henry L. C V.
' was staffed by a superintendent Ott, president of the board, whose . ·
` i and four pupil nurses. Miss Frantz generosity contributed largely to W, Scott, member Vof thc. original
` was the iirst superintendent. the rapid growth of the hospital. staff, and now chairmani of the
._ ;· The hospital was operated to and to the late Alfred Combs, presi· medical board; Dr. W. _G. Phillips,
` *1S99¤ as the Protestant infirmary. dent emeritus of the hospital.- I-Ie of Maysville, Dr. Clarke and others
·.Then ladies of all Protestant and'also complimented Miss Johnson, were introduced. . _ I
 `*'LTewish churches took over the ilriwho has been superintendent for Supperwas served on the ifronis
·. e stitution and it became known as the past seven years. Dr. John lawn of the hospital, _

 r · ·" * ’ C ,/·»··r· ~   “   ’''*
, ·   i V- . so   " Q?   f ‘V,‘ r
{ #1   J ';   _._, 5 (T F     9/ er'? ·‘ e »  
  \i '     if     I-.! if          
  _- _ _   , 0* _} SECTION ONE PA 7- ;,,
':' , :   JI v_»> V Le ’» 3 _ __ vi I
O TH   R  E     
- rs. Stark Newberry, of   r {
I • W• • FO _ ‘ ·
€X1I1gt011, 1115 111 11‘St 4 t
Fl' ht f D °ll Pl   i
[Special to A'I`11e Herald] ' i -·
_ DANVILLE, Ky., June 22.-Mrs.    ' I ‘ | · 4
tark Newberry, representing the V ’ V i i
hland Golf Club, of Lexington, ' , ~
 on the first flight in the semi- ( ,|     . 1 3 _
_  onthly tournament of the Worn- .· ` .
· n’s Central Kentucky Golf Asso _
lation over the links of the Dan- Q —  V _
ille Country Club here today with " '· _ V V
net 74 strokes for the 18 hole ’ A
edal play. K4 » ·_
Miss Marion Miley, of Lexington,   l   A _
* eminine state titallst in 1932, __   Y
quailed her record set on the local `  ’.     V
ourse last summer to take second il  ,’/    
 lace in the first flight with an S2,} 3   ; . ’ O
hloh, with her handicap, left a net .   , / · V
6. Mrs. Elvina LeBus, also of Lex- "¤,.-tx!  · 7
_  m _ d _,  Y _ _  . gton, was third with a net 78, _
‘ ' “ Y ° “ · with nei- handicap er nine. · , V ·
, Miss Catherine Simpson, of Win- T ewes ” ’
i     chester, won the second flight with he N t In _ ' _ -
a gross 99, and a handicap of 24 for Neckwear _ ` _ ' · _ ‘
      :1. net 65. The third flight was won ~. .
, i by Mrs. c. B. Bean, eiee of Win-` Smart wd attractive- .~ ·‘
--1-- chester. who shot a gross net 65. 26 dlffemut S¤1¤d»¤¤1· .- . ' .
0N·1:m¤nn mon: rencnniivo PAGE Hel- handicap wee, 33. ¤T¤ to Select from-   T _
""""‘ \Vomen from T the Danville club ‘ , ._ I ··  
 Et 8- ¤t¤g1¤· ¤tr¢t¢hi¤s his mark <>f enterteinea the ~.-ieitere with e _ . l . · ._ _ ., e
· ittlu   ei-- -  . » .. . .

  M     O  M   ° I
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    . . . . , 
  BISh0p D3I'Ililgl0fl Is D€dIC3— _ .-
 · . .  sééiiiw c "     s- · ..
  tory Speaker: Henry Ott »
~    ·é At Post Of Honor · ,
  ·‘‘  2 3§é€*¥&¥:·  .·--   _ ‘ .
  -; ~... '
  . .  
  B·UII-DIIIG COST $350.000
—    ifi?      —-—-. J
  · . , _
  Board Of Commerce FP6-  
  · - _,.. .
  Ifz    —$Bn·iS I Hf H’maI‘y Benefac-
`   ‘ · · ·
l   ’‘    for WIIIW I-IIB M€mb9I`$hI|J
’ iétiii¥`?`F¥i‘E§i§??@éE5'si·Y’§""» ·$§§§$·.-`   it?€i=35%§i?2¥is§2%§$?1fi;§Zii .-—_... ‘
¥I¥i¤T·:?:—. ‘· ¥;§:`:%i;=¥.`Z.€: $1  ‘EE5E¤E¤i¢€>’ .E:i¢E=£:E¢f I -» ‘·iiE ";§¥€`:}€ii*1f'3·i=;€=?i$ .
  Impressive f¤rm¤1 ¤€F€m°¤I€S in
s   ¤¤¤¤¢¤I=i¤¤ with the ¤¤di¤¤·¤¤¤ 0*
o   Ime beautiful $sso,o¤<.¤ Mary li. on
.‘·;·¥;£;i;1;Z;Z;¤;2:-;e~;¢:i:¥t?£:i‘§:}5:i.;1V<§i3,.$;Fg:·_, [$:-:,1·;;§§·{;:§:;igi≫r;;·r`; _ _ _ ,
    M¤m¤¤¤1 buudmg at the G°¤d S°‘
` _ 1 -·Lv.f¤y¢¤I¤¤ Si¤5ii¤rL¤><· afternoon with Dr. Charles C. Jar-
  I_ HENRY L- OTT rell, Atlanta, Ga., general secretary
  of the general hospital board of the
,  Methodist Episcopal church, South,
 presiding as Ch&il'IIl.8.Q,8»I1d a large
crowd in attendance!
The formal program was opened g __
with a band selection by the Sluiners; _ ·‘
band,·of this city and invocation by _
Rev.’Virgi1 Ii. Moore, presiding elder ·
· ofthe Lexington district. Henryhb.
Ott; who added $250,000 to is
mothers original donation of $100,- ‘
000 for the building, occupied a po-
sition of honor at the ceremonies.
During the extended program, Mr.
Ott wasj presented with a certificate
of honorary life membership in the
Lexington Board 'of Commerce by
Fred Bryant, president. The certifi-
cate was presented in appreciation of
_ Mr. Ott's part in giving the hospital
and Lexington the beautiful new
. Dr. Jesse Herrmann, pastor of the
_ Second Presbyterian church. pro-
nounced the invocation following a
second musical number by the
Shriners} band. The program, which
started during the middle of the aft-
ernoon, was to include greetings by
Mayor James J. O’Brien, a response =
by Gov. Flem D. Sampson, and greet-
lugs grom the staff by Dr. John Scott,
 presi ent. y
Bishop U. V. W. Darlington, Hunt-
ington, W. Va., was to deliver the
dedicatory address, wl1ilo·‘Dr;“A.··'W. 1
. lF·;1·tune, pastor of the Central Chris-   ·
tlan church, was to make the dedica- -.4;
'tory prayer. The presentation address  
xvastto be given by Dr. W. P. Fryman, _ `Z
Cyn hiana, and Alfred Combs, pres- .
ident emeritus of the board of trus-
tees. was to make the speech of ac-~
ceptance. .
Following the singing of "Ablde ·
With Me," favorite hym of Mrs. Mary ‘ ’
A. Ott, who died before she was able
to see the building which her gen-
erosity and the nerosit of her son
made possible, Dr, Jarrell was to
pronounce the benedlctlon.
At the close of the ceremonies, the `
- building was to be thrown open to
the inspection of the public. The
 day’s program includes a. reception
for the staff and local and visiting
physicians and surgeons tonight from
8 until 10 o'clock. Due to the large
number of doctors in Lexington at-
tending the state medical association
meeting, the reception will be ex-
clusive. only intimate friends of the
hospital and the proiesslon being in-
vited. _ _
‘ * · . .. 

 » V “’“·"‘S ‘ - ` ri o  ~ I·:Slg   'V °    
.. » $32 $:l§‘l::'§3i.*’{.%.§°“§s...». w tw   "   ”Q;fS 
4:15 PM.-Marie Wotlien, contralmo. 3:30 PM.-Llvestoclc R€DOTtS· ’ Fi rz-
4:30 P.M.·—Ncws. 3:40 P.M.-The Grub Beg Boys. .,`
4:35 RM.-Yom Kippur Program. 4:00 P.M.-Chlldrerrs Program. ‘-Q
4:45 P.M.—-World Bookmxm. 4:45 P.M.-Lowe1l Thomts. · . I
5:00 P.M.—·’l‘ho Bzmquetcers, 5:00 P.M.—Amos 'rl’ Andy. .
5:30 P.M.—ll/luslcsl Program. 5:15 P.M.-—WLW’s Highlights. `
5:45 P.M.—Farm Birth ey Party. 5:30 P.M.-Phil Cool:.
5:55 P.M.—·Basebn1l Scores. 5:45 P.M.~—Bcl1eve It or Not. ,
· 6:00 P.M.-Studio Program. 6:00 PLM.—Baseba.11 Scores. V
0:15 P.M,-·E‘ra.¤ces Sellers, Hoosier Mock- 0:05 P.M.-Chernlavskyws Orchestra. , .
ing Bird. 6:15 P.M.·—Da11ce Orchestra. _
6:28 P.M.—Wcuther. 6:30 PM.-·Me1ody Moments. ‘
6:30 P.M,——Joe and The C:•.p'r1. 7:00 P.M.—-The Crosley Follles.
` 8:45 P.M,—The Voice ut the Piano. 7130 P.M.-—Minstrcls. _
7:00 P.M.—Muslca.l Program. 8:00 P.M.—'l‘hee.trlcul Scrap Books. _
*1:30 P.M..-·Mus1c:»l Hour. 8:30 P.M.-—-Orchestra. Concert.
2:30 P.M.-—Pro;;ra.m. *3:00 P.lVl.—~Elllhgton's Orchestra,.
9:00 RM.-—Amcrs 'n' Andy. 0:30 P.M.—Str1r1g trlo and tenor.
Dil5 P.M.—-Orchestra., 9:45 P.M.—Bob Newztll Sport Slices.
9:45 P.M.-—Roporter, 10:00 P.M.—-Wcather.
9:48 P.M.·—Wc·nther, mma p,M_»chernluvsky"s Orchestra- _
0:50 P.M.··Loule's Hungry Five. _ 10:30 P.M.-—Hurmony Duo, orgafl, vlollu.
10:00 P.M.—Jock Turner. 11:00 P.M.—-Cll€TDlB'lBkY'S Orchestra.
10:15 P.M.———'1`¤.l Henry ond His Orchestra. 11:30 P.M.-Henry Santry’s Orchestra.
llj;30 P_M,-ying; and Jgucg_  
  » V -`'r ..  ,,4   H. §_.._.]!.    ..., jj ZQ‘,V'_}YZVVV. .   .    
 ‘j.<‘fVVVY=   E V y Vi l 0
  y. { A l .
NQ; . i 309 W. Mam St. Lexmgton, Ky. ~ l ..
‘ .»•·· f 1 V VV
  1* New Fall Prices :  ~  
l Z\__ ·   V V I   `  
——., ~, ~ r . . .
-~ i Thursday-Friday-Saturday  
.. ,-. .;   5 Deeper Cut Vi 2 
` ; _   2 c . 35cV    
_: ; Prnces l .___   ;_é
 1 _ F°°“'°' 75c Pt. Flit for Flies 54c W‘u‘?m$   1  
:·-— ; . “““*° vse Pr. Fly- 
T., ·‘ _’._ Flies . . .
“·\5_ ..   V:   $1.00 Mar 1 _
.  :  Tablets .
1   ~ . ·`  75c Belléne
j ‘   · Ind' esti •·
  F   35c Citrate
  i ._ $l·00 Ma.  nesia
‘ 1 r·`V· Mell . r
  ;   0 25c 2-m.  =·
V gjg Glo Bandage ‘
, . Q- Fm ssc Mistol ·
  . __"‘ Powder Ha F V  i
y   75c Acidin 
  69c 50e Gillette
. _ ` Blades, 5.
V   ............ 35c Mosqui
Z ,; Aster . ..
?   25g 35c Cutex , W
y ; `N¤tm_e5 Polrsh . .
· »- U johns `
_ 1   75c Doans ·
‘ Prlls . . .
  1   85c Jed Sal
* . nn-as-••—•¤—
: 25c Kleene ~
V . · 60c Packers
. _ .   ~ Sham oo
· r cnncns ,
A T I $1.00 Marg
j ° wm Powder .
V ° Powder V •
5 $1.50‘Marg1
»   _ » 1: Cl  r l-

 /{_ I I  
l "’ RET I Y ~
v E
| t
At 21 meeting of the Ecard of Man-
agers of the l"r:»tes;unt Infirmary held
. ou Januziry 4, 1%*3, the following reso-
- lutions were rasseni;
"lte:.olred, 'ihzi; the Managers of the
Proteetzirt luiir1n;1.‘y desire to pay tri»
bute tg the ineniory of ore of their
nice:. 2 nlued izieiiibers. Pairs, Eliza `Wzir--
"iIes*ol*.‘r;;j.·ressiou ry!
their esteem sind ztpprecintion of their
C")-i1li)Ql'Gl`. She was part of the history
of the inlirnxnry; her unceneing dili-
qenrrc mul iitleiiiv to the duties incum-
bent on her and the great love she
manifested for this philanthropic work
made her at t0\:ei· of strength; she
eluired in all its struggles and tri—
umphs. The usciuluess of her life was
it.; great und erowniiig c·liurncteristii·I)ll of
the needy. Her home was her shrine.
It may he affirmed of her with marked
emphasis "thnt she looked well to her
iIQl1S9}iQ•*l imdreeteili not the bread of
i(;le1iees," "Her children rise up and
»·all her blessed; her husband also, and
lr pruieeth her." Her mel;   dour;
·· has richly crirneed the "wcll done.
it smorl and faithful servziut." mul
` ‘ which crowns ti useful und
"i"tcso,»e· hut these resolutions he
sent to thc ···v ily of the tlewcziseti.
")11·tS ji'ilNl.\ FORICMAN.
WIRE. A ,¤ 'YNE, Seercznry."

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  I ‘g /.mn.{ga ${11 u0 I
llwl Nlvu l|1?\`<‘l' ·l·¤ llaiugw by hzllxvs
ml it l1mnm
l1'll)¤‘ in f¤·ll¤»·w iu thv [mth nf tlw
•rlmilixw· li·z
l··¤l Nl¢·11`,< llull. :m=l will l»¤·r<·11twl
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·<·l]»*l'_\' zmll llrnp l·u1·t;¤i11 uml lill¤ il
'Illll llml l,··Xll1gl¤»H l1:l>l4»l1;’ lll'(‘ll{'ll.4

   A (}E?{{£R()’.`S GIFT
E Wm`}: hue; started 011 A new $250,UOU Kmildixwg at
$1110 Ci-ond Smnnrii-ma lmspitxxl. The pcoplc ut Lergiug-
`tO11 are io bc c011gra,Lul:u<2d, me hiss than thc hcxspital
§<¤1Ticia11s;. 011 Lhc splcmciici gxib maria tc the hcspimi by
;M1·. Henry L. Ou, (j1‘e2m,wr>0, st,e1‘ilizi11g moms,
lnb01‘ar01‘i@$ and pz1iic11r»ss` moms.
The hoapituls mi Lexiugimx serve 110L only aim city
and cchmy, but mosh of ccntml and ca:atc1·11 Kem
tucky. Mr. Oni. could 1101 hzvvc Spcnb his money in
any way that vromci have 3>cucHttcd more people, or
vsould hzmt: maciu u mum bczumtiiul and lasting me-
morial tc his mmthm", who was hcrscli :0 interested in
me v.·c1i>t»,re oi the Good Smnuyiban hospitalq

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Whyte {`ottmue, thc home- mf l"L\I`ll`A0l' Dau nu zmd later than- 1·u>iz.mdin; on
` li.a»·L 5hml >t¤c0l, r·.1~( 0f DOH Us sil€c(. [Ah} )&.1lS .l,_l\ A !J[!‘LlU\(‘ nn.- of H1; hl)IldE1lg< qi {hl; 1’x·0H·—;!:mt
‘ ]1'][]1']'Y]1\I`}',   ])l`L‘(l(‘('€5$€(]I` of thi} (XUOKI 5ZIYIUU`¥‘l}Il hO* UHHIV   oid XEUIHQ (l\(i.\§ i·V il] Ll pl)41I` ~({ltQ of DYQSCY-
vzxticm and has p·u‘1i;· ¤·-Hl;1p<4-ai.

  L. Ott; president of the board =
of the Good ‘ Samaritan hospital, »
whose contributions and those of
his mother, the late Mrs. Mary A.
Ott, made possible the construction
of the Mary A. Ott `addition to the
institution, was admitted to the hos-;
pital last night for treatment. Mr.
Ott has just returned from his win-
ter home in Florida, , ~
i'=i`Er;¤.,·.· 2 ii   r

 _Mesh, Chiffon or l ’  
' ` Service Weighzy f é!
j 75; two pairs‘$1.40 _ _ § 
` ` $I,OO two pairs $1.85 g
y $|,25 two pairs $2.25 J  
~ c
2 V I3?
·- price arid 15c. postage .  
  fl   ·-..` X!   »  
{ if   f   ji. · · V4"!.  
5/   x T L  _¤....

   1f`  ·=·<·‘»;; .;:3;+,;   .
Hl]5 PllI\l  
W0rk.Wh¤ch Wall :8.0st $12;;
000.Is In cPr09riess·At e
t — Good Samarntan i S   »
. ( — -——~ - - bl i-2;!_;5g
Work has started on two additions
tp b1:11_;fjT¤g,5_1 at — the ¤Gp0d :‘S8.1`t1§t'1t8’I1
·h¤S¤1i,,j pm ¤s>¤~*·1i»,Lim¢stene.—St¤ee=at»
whicl1,_.‘con·ip1efe‘d,_ v»7il1‘; represent . arr
expenditure of! $12,000.*.   ~ · ’`._
- One addition -is themompletion of
the crippled’ children’s department
umt on the fourth floor ofethe
original building. Ro_oms.» of fire- ‘
proof construction, will be 'placed 
on the roof of the main structure}.
adjacent to the present quarters of 
the crippled children’s department.
The rooms will~-house the rsun
parlor and isolation ouarters for
children with communicable dis- 
eases. l- ‘- _ p ,...  *
When - finished, the.» department 
. will ·be a complete unit; including 
the crippled children’s- dormitory, 
school room; play room, sun iparlor
and' isolation room. Twenty-five
{ crippled childrenon an average are
· under treatment throughout the
year at ’the hospital. h _
Work on the unit has begun, and
will be completed _at-a cost of $10,-1
000 in 90 days, Miss Lake Johnson;
general superintendent of lZh€*hOS·
pital, said today. ' Q .  
Contractors have also -started 
work on a sun porch _ior·the annex 
building occupied by Negro patients.f 
The building, a two‘¢stoJ;y_ brick 
structure east of» the   —·bui1ding,
will -- have addecl"a -tw0·=story sun
porch on its north sidel The porch
will- be·.used by convalescent .» pa·_
tients, and will_be built at a c_ost}oi .
W, .T.~ ,Congleton.·ZCompahy, Lexy;
_ ington, -l1as·—tlie ·contract· for the new
additions;   —`       · _j `  

 ; • · own avenue would be ac-
··oniplished at an early date was
given by members of the city coun-!
2il after a meeting Thursday night.
The council reached an agreement
with Mrs. A. J. Kinnney and Miss
Vfargaret Kimzney whereby the city
may obtain the needed right-of-
yay. The city will pay $2,000 for
a 60-foot lot. owned by Mrs. Kim-
mey and Miss. Kimmey. extending
from Lexington street 450 feet north
to Brown avenue. The city also is
to construct- a boundary fence and
a concrete sidew'l'7{*··1long one side.
Construction wil&ge`startcd in the
fall, council meirrb isrrsaid.
Iiiglitning Hits Home
Mr. ai?€t_,l\·lrs. Wts A. Roberts are
recovering‘»_ from minor electrical
shocks suléfered 'T’V"e:—m0  daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil . Coyle. who
died Wcdnesday{‘—were held today at
the grave in the\Nohesuch come-; .
tory, Rev. Clarence Coyle efficiat-I
ing. Besides theparents, the child
is survived by one sister and bert
grandparents. -;
Union services utill be held at
the Baptist church; Sunday night
with the pastor, Rey. W. G. Ham»
mock, delivering\,t_he sermon. Rev,
Hammock. who hafhbeen on his va-
·ation. also will fill his pulpit Sun-
tay morning. ` "
Miss Mary Whlard Boston enter-
tained with a linen shower Wednes·
day in honor of the recent bride.
Mrs. \Vellington Rose, nee Miss Lu-
cille Boston. ']"he"·host was assisted
in entertaining by her mother and
aunt, Mrs. W. B. Boston and Miss
Mary Parrish. About 25 guests were
present. 5
Mrs. Dutch Clark underwent a
major operation at the Woodford
Memorial hospital Wednesday. Her
:~ondition was reported satisfactory.
E\ir. and Mrs. Charles W. Cart and
r¥au;h‘i»rs, Jean and Martha, left
Tlwtxr.  for their home in San An-
v-·—t§·i   qfr 1- a “·Cg{;‘g *`c'  ·` ` 

T l ¤
1 i H
i titi HHNUH5
’ ltiitll BUMB5
Old Friend Of Good Samari-
i tan Hospstal Presented
{ Silver Pitcher
1 The board of trustees of the Good
`SZEll2Fll`lI2lll hospital, at the conclusion
joi its December meeting this after-
jnoon, attended a dinner at the hos-
gpital in honor of Alfred A. Combs, `
land presented him with a silver
ipitchev in recognition of his long
= lservice to the institution.
; The speech of presentation was
jmade by J. Owen Reynolds. a mem-
tber of the board. The pitcher bore
fthe following inscription: "Alfred
IA. Combs. In appreciation of years
_o1` outstanding and faithful service.
{and with the affectionate regard and
,Y1Ul)Cl wislies of his eo—workers of the
itlood Samaritan hospital, Lexing-
lton, Ky. Dec. 16. l932."
Q Mr. Combs. founder of Combs
lLurnber Company and prominent in
lthe civic and business life of Lex-
[ineton for many years, has been an
lnctive worker in behalf of the hos-
,pital almost from its beginning. and
€l`tElS seen it grow from a small resi-
ldence lot to its present size.
g Members of the board showered
*Z\~Ir. Combs with good wishes and
thanks for his wort:. Out of his de-
tailed knovrlerlee of the growth and
iprossrcss ot the hospital. Mr. Combs
{related many of the events which
have contributed to its advancement.
‘ Besides the members of the board .
Inf trustees. Mrs. Combs and a tewl
iintiznate friends attended the dinner. I
§'l'hose present were: Will Dunn, J.’
’C. Fitch. Nev. C. H. Greer. M. C.
lRedx·:ine. James McClure, J. Owen
{Reynolds. Rev. G. W. Banks, James]
§'l`.` Cannon, E. J. Clore. George W.g
l\'atieln1. Rev. Virgil L. Moore. Rev.
QVirgil L. Moore, Rev. W. P. Frjrrnanv
`Rer. \‘.` L Clark. Joe H, Gibson;
-· ,E%~=‘.·. Pt. Gilliam. Mr. 21* cl ?vli‘>.