xt7m639k6p3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m639k6p3c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1990 1990 1990-10-22 2020 true xt7m639k6p3c section xt7m639k6p3c .iii inflimsl‘wimtz- i . ..

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Kirwan Tower staff assistant Shirley Durbin, known to many as
“Mom," has given advice to residents for more than 10 years.

Assistant right at home

Staff Writer

For Shirley “Mom” Durbin.
raising three children of her own
wasn‘t enough. Eleven years
ago, she became mom to 640 stu-
dents at UK’s largest male resi-
dence hall.

After teaching kindergarten at
Rosemoni Baptist Church in
Lexmgton for 10 years. Durbin





JUUAN DoHAAN/Kernei Staff

became staff assistant at Kirwan
Tower, which has been a co—ed
hall since 1988. Over the years.
she has become more than just a
staff assistant to the residents
and resident advisers of Kirwan

The front desk of Kirwan
Tower is abuzz with conversa<
tion from two resident advisers,

See MOM. Page 7







info-Expo. an exhibit
of electronic
information and
resources, will be
held in the Student
Center Ballroom from
10 am. to 4 pm.



Young guest
violinist thrills
audience at
Story page 5

Campus Calendar ............. 2
Sports ............................... 3
Arts ................................... 5

Viewpoint ......................... 8
Classifieds ....................... 9

Alcohol-related topics
ocus of awareness week


Assistant Arts Editor

In a campuswide effort to boost
alcohol awareness, UK’s Office of
the Dean of Students has organized
a week of events for students to
learn about alcohol-related issues.

This week UK will observe Na-
tional Collegiate Alcohol Aware-
ness Week, along with Red Ribbon
Week, a nation . 4 ,
al drug aware- i m.
ness campaign
focusing on per-
ment to drug-
free lifestyles.

UK has held events supporting
the national program for the past
three years. This year‘s motto, “Eve-
ry Step Makes A Difference," was
represented in yesterday‘s five—mile
walkathon, the first event of the

Every year 26.000 people die in
drunken driving accidents, said Che-
ryl Tuttle. UK’s substance abuse
prevention coordinator. Tuttle and
Laurel Raimondo set the walkathon
at five miles, the equivalent to
26,000 steps m one step for each
life lost in alcohol-related incidents.

Tuttle emphasized that alcohol-
related crashes are not accidents.

“An accident is something you
have no control over." Tuttlc said.
“People do have control over drink-
ing and driving crashes."

The walkathon began at Donovan
Hall and ended with an ice cream
social at the Lambda Chi social fra-
ternity house. with free T»shirts giv-

\lr‘rihii! 3: ‘

ccmmit- f sit-p .

en to the first 200 entries.

Tuesday will feature the arrival of
Jean Kilbourne, whom Tuttle calls a
“prevention specialist extraordi-
naire." For the second consecutive
year, Kilbourne has been chosen as
Lecturer of the Year for the Nation-
al Collegiate Alcohol Awareness

"(.Kilbounte) has been inter-
viewed on ‘Donahue’ and ‘(The)

Oprah Win-
frey (Show)‘
and is so in-
timidating to
the people in
the alcohol
beverage in
dustry that they ask fora certain per-
centage of the audience to be sym«
pathetic to alcohol. which says
something to the power of one
woman.” Tuttle said.

Tuttle said she believes American
cultttrc is “bombarded by alcohol in

“If you were to know nothing
about our culture and simply
watched television. you would think
the American culture was a hard-
drinking group of people. btii that‘s
just simply not true. We receive so
many messages that alcohol makes
us more desirable. we can be \CXlL‘l'.
that alcohol is the life of the party.
that alcohol is the party.“

Kilboume will address those is-
sues in her lecture “lfndcr the influ-
once: The Pushing of Alcohol Via
Advertising.“ A slide show will ilk"
company the lecture 4-30 pm. to:
morrow at Worsharn Theater. It is
free to the public.

“Every Step Makes a Difference”

National Collegiate Alcohol Attiareriess Week

Oct. 21
8 p m

26.000 STEPS; 26.000 LIVES

Five mile walk a thcn Starts at Donovan and once With an ice

cream seeial at Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity house

Oct. 23


1 p m.

- in Student Center room 206 ccrnrnur ty Vacancies and

student organizations Will provide information in their special‘v 'irtziis

Oct. 22 - 24


Robert Downey Jr stars in this memo about alienatior Of,‘C7ld“"".'I and

drug addiction in the fast lane
Oct 22 Patterson Hal! 8 p m
Oct 23 Haggin Hall 8 p m
Oct 24 Commons 8 p m
Come early for MOCKTAILS‘

Oct. 27


4 30 7 30 p m _- MOCKTAlL PARTY at Bfandmg Beach Celebrity waiters
wrll serve non-alcoholic drinks at this are game party Eree food

Oct. 22

LEC'I‘l'RER of the YEAR

4 30 p m -_. Jean Kifbourne Will present ”Under the Influence The Dashing
of Alcohol Va Advertismg” r the Worshan‘ Theatre

Oct. 22 - 24

BRAD SlllP\I.~\\' \ IDEO

A ‘lldGO based on a L'K student s t'agic :rvswricoce with dr‘c- r 1 i' f '1' .
ing WilI be shown at the tclicwrg p'acry-r 3"{13‘7’9‘

Oct 22 8x 23
Oct 23 Arcade area
Oct 22 “as; s Hill -": o "‘
Oct 24 more“ Hall ‘ L "‘

Tomorrow from I l a m. to l p m .
IS exhibitors will participate in it rc-
source fair in Student (‘enicr room
206. Area organi/ations and student
groups that are involved in alcohol
and drug awareness programs will
partiCipate in the fair. Tuitlc said

The movie “Less Than Zero“ will
be shown tonight at it put. iit Patter-

?rs 22‘": Student Cantu 1: ”in

Bed ‘lv;c' Student ' "


Hiill‘. it'ii'llilfri‘U. _1l .

ilat’t’iii lliilli Lillil \\ xiii.
pm. at Kim:iit»i’il.iiidiri.'

“ "Less Than [cm~ Lt I‘K‘Tit‘tt m
.tmplc of chemical «l-wndciicc ilIl-l
alienation in a lzirccr .‘1l\ dtiriri.‘ our

.it N

See AWARENESS Pact. page

nited Way exceeds second goal

Staff Writer

The UK division ot the United
Way exceeded its second of four
goals for "Someone to Lean On.”
the United Way of the Bluegrass‘
1990 fund—raising campaign.

Both Dr. Claudia Peck and Gail
Fortner, co-chairs for the L’K divi-
sion. had said earlier that the [K di<
vision would be hard-pressed to
reach its second target of 70 percent
of the overall campaign total.

“We had a very challenging
goal," Peck said.

But UK reported at the second
meeting last Wednesday that it had
achieved 78 percent of its overall
goal of $412,527 7 a percentage
greater than that of any other divi-
sion. Peck said. Most divisions iil—

Taking chances key
to future, NBC says

Contributing Writer

What should the Cincinnati Reds
and NBC-TV have in common?

initiative, said Pierson Mapcs.
president of NBC.

“This is the time to be bold. confi-
dent and take risks,“ Mapes said.
“The Reds have done it and won.
and the networks must focus their
companies and move into the ‘90s"

Addressing the Kentucky Broad~
casters Association last Thursday,
Mapes said the networks that meet
community needs will be the ones
which will last through the new dec-

Mapes announced NBC‘s plans to
build a new facility. which eventual-
ly will offer overnight programming
—— specifically newscasts A to its

"The affiliates will be the success-
ful ones and we think the network
should instigate and be involved.“
Mapes said. "We think it's that im-
portant and we‘re funding the whole

Mapes said some rules must be re-
laxed if television is to survive. The

Financtal interest and Syndication
Rule. adopted by the Federal Coin-
munications Commission about 10
years ago. is one of these rules.

It was approved to protect small
independent production studios that
produce television programs. The
studios would produce the shows,
allow the networks limited viewing
anti then sell them to affiliates for
profit. New independent program—
ming channels. like Fox, do not
meet the rule’s stipulations. They
can produce, distribute and sell their
programming and have unlimited
revenue capabilities, while networks
are restricted by law.

This added revenue eventually
will allow cable and other indepen-
dent programming channels to out-
bid networks for programming

Mapcs projected that “light at the
end of the tunnel" will be seen in
l992. referring to a financial up-

NBC. which owns the rights to
the I992 Summer Olympics protects
that $200 million worth of advcrus-
ing revenue Wlll be committed be-
fore thc year is out.

ready have raised about half of their
total goals. she said.

Peck and Former attribute die suc-
cess of the UK divrsioii to generous.
dependable donors.

"UK employees are dependable
about their support." Pcck \‘cllti.

Fortner praised the [JR tommtini—
ty for pulling together iii their dona-

“It was the most ambitious goal of
Lt” the campaigns.” she said. ‘ \thn
donors know that you need ll little
extra. they really come through."

The peak of the cariipaign was be-
twcen the second and third report

Fortner said she was confident
that UK would meet its next goal of
00 percent by thc third meeting on
October 31.

1.3K can count on .it least another

$977 raised at last Thursday \ i hit»
ed Way Fall i‘cstival. KKlllt‘h took
place on the Lcungtori ( ‘iimptis.

Festival highlights included .i riit—
tie. a chocolate cake baking contest.
a bake sale. and .i \llt‘lll auction for
1-1 pumpkins donated p} the l K
(‘olnge ot Agriculiurc and decorat—
cd by students and others.

”Students were really .itti\c this
)car.” \tlltl Kl'h \lullcr. institutional
staff ottitcr iti the its titlitc of
Planning and iltidgci. ”it was start
that did the coordination but stu-
dents helped a lot."

l‘ortncr said ihc pumpkin auction
raised about 5400. ”to highcst hid.
$60. was for .i pumpkin ilctoratctl
like it loothail and signed by l‘K
lootball toiich llill ('iirry. .-\ (kit in
the Hat" pumpkin stiltl tor \Jo

\lullcr \illtt .i tucking ltoisc i‘llllt

t‘}' “Linen liuilcn i'-; 'i this»!
draw for the rattl:

»\t a quarter pcr i .k. ‘t L i\ nude
more than \ l ‘il l'oiii ll c r;ii:ii'

The l'lx' \ziiilt'iii l r on
then toriiiii-il
l‘.\ o live (‘hrisiinas trscs

ilisti ct‘i'i'i'it. lit

\lsinbcn iii
~oci;il fraternity .iiiil i‘:.‘ ii
lirotip of the (‘ollcgt .-i Home l .i‘
iltlllllt‘\ helped out .-.-iii tit-c
latc cake baking t ci‘icst

l'K ~tiidciit Shelley  ’ f k ‘3 l . -
i i 04 ~ ~t~~Jello Biafra


Memorial Hall

Worsham Former Frontman of the Dead Kennedys


. trainer . -



Kernel, Monday, October 22, 1990 - 3


Cincinnati celebrates as A’s cope Wit

Festive city rocks into morning hours

Associated Press

CINCINNATI —— Baseball fans
in this Ohio River city celebrated
into the early morning hours yester-
day after the
Reds swept the
World Series in
four games,
soundly defeat-
ing the Oakland

The Cincinna-
ti Reds were due
back in the city
last night from . - .
Oakland, . where DIBBLE
they completed
their conquest with a 2-1 victory
Saturday night.

A charter flight carrying the Reds
players and manager Lou Piniella
was to arrive at Greater Cincinnati
lntemational Airport.

Airport officials said fans would
not be allowed access to the team
for security reasons, but the Cincin-
nati Downtown C0uncil was plan«
ning a public welcoming celebra-

The team will be given a parade
downtown at noon today commem-
orating the first championship team
in Cincinnati since 1976.

“This is something I‘ve wanted
for five years," Reds owner Marge


“Oakland brought
brooms when they
came here, and look
who got swept."
Gary Mattox
Cincinnati tan


Schott, an auto dealer who bought
majority control of the ballclub in
December 1984, said Saturday night
in the Reds’ locker room.

“it‘s really for the fans, who are
the greatest.“

Although the Reds completed the
achievement 2,000 miles away, their
fans back home were anything but
subdued in their outpouring ofjoy.

“Oakland brought brooms when
they came here, and look who got
swept," exulted Gary Mattox. a fan
from Newport, Ky., just across the
Ohio River from Cincinnati.
“We’re going to do it again in

Raucous fans in downtown Cinv
cinnati honked homs, exchanged
hugs and high«fives, and tipped over
plastic roadway construction barrels
in downtown streets Saturday night.
Police estimated the crowd at about
10,000 people.

Helmeted police officers were de-
ployed in the downtown area to

keep order. Police reported only one
arrest for disorderly conduct.

Starved for a World Series cham-
pionship since the Reds victory in
1976, fans threw their caps in the
air, waved brooms and cried
“Sweep! Sweep! Sweep!" anti
“Nasty! Nasty! Nasty!"

The “Nasty Boys,” the self-
described trio of Reds relievers
Randy Myers, Rob Dibble and

.Norm Charlton. were key in both

the National League playoffs and
the World Series.

Police were on alert because of

scattered violence in October 1076
when fans celebrated the Reds‘ sec-
ond consecutive World Series
championship. a four-game sweep
over the New York Yankees.

Officer Larry Brueggen said pow
lice confiscated about 30 brooms
from revelers entering a three~block
area around Fountain Square for the

The brooms. of course, symbol-
ixed the four-game sweep of the
best-titlscven series.

“it was something we started dur-
ing the National League
playoffs,"Brucggcn said.

“We set up a perimeter of several
blocks around the fountain and con-
fiscated anything that c0uld be
harmful or dangerous: bottles, drink
cans. Nobody seemed to mind too

Kats to endure winter season

With cold

Cats get hot

Contributing Writer

With the arrival of colder
temperatures, many athletes leave
the playing fields and practice
courts until next season.

The Lady Kat tennis team,
however, does not slow its pace for
the coldest of days.

“We are the only true year—round
sport," said head coach John
Dinneen. “Our girls work as hard
and for as long as anyone at the

This continuous schedule and a
determined work ethic has
propelled the women’s tennis team
into the upper arena of college
tennis. The team, on quite a streak,
has made five straight appearances
in the NCAA Championships.

But it‘s not easy. Dinneen has his
Own style of motivating tired tennis

With music from a radit‘ in the
background, Dinneen ccmbines
energetic gestures and vocal
comments to maintain the prictice

“I try to keep it light because 'he
girls do this every day for nine
months.” Dinneen said.

The players also have to keep
themselves enthused and tuned into
their games.

“It’s hard. You’ve got to motivate
yourself everyday," said sophomore
Susan Klingenberg. “During the
season, each individual tournament
is motivational, but I plan on turn-
ing pro, so that’s also in my mind
— my long range goal."

Because of its demanding sched—
ule. the team enjoys playing match-
es at home in front of fans. Tennis
matches do not draw crowds
comparable to many college sports,
but the players want to have larger
crowds and support.

“We have to provide a product
for people to come watch," Dinneen
said. "And over the past five years,
we’ve had one of the best teams at
the University in terms of skill and
national ranking."

“Especially in college tennis.
crowd support is great."
Klingenberg said.

“It helps you get pumped up. you
play a hard point and have people

This year. the Lady Kats will be
led by Klingenberg and senior
Melissa Nelson.

Both players played at the top
two positions in the lineup last year
and are ready again to accept that

When asked about her role as a
team leader, Klingenberg responded










UK tennis Kat Melissa Nelson serves one in practice over the
weekend. She and doubles partnerSusan Klingenberg (ode) plan

with team spirit.

“I don’t play for myself." she
said. “I play for the team. if I win a
point, i win that point for the team.“

Last year, the team finished third
in the SEC and ended the season
ranked l9th in the nation by the
Inter-Collegiate Tennis (‘oachcs‘

This season the Lady Kats have a
preseason ranking of 18.

Dinneen has high expectations
this season.

One reason for his confidence, he
says. is the blend of youth and expe-

“Last year we had the tiiinimum
number of players to field a team m
everyone had to play. This year we
have more depth." Dinneen said.
“We have six girls fighting for four
spots, it‘s going to be a complete cat

That competition also helps moti-
vatc the team. Competition for start-
ing roles creates better players and a
better program. team members said.

Junior Antoinette Grcch believes
the competition will make the
players more intense on the court.

“It (the competition) makes all of
us work harder." Grech said.

“We‘re all gunning for spots in
the lineup."

Because of the number of players

he has to work with, Dinneen is an-
ticipating a successful season.

The Kats, while ct‘lllllctlllg
amongst themselves. also will have
to face many of the top teams in the

“Realistically, our goal is to bc iii
the top 10 schools in the nation," he
said. “We probably htiyc thc llitisl
difficult schedule iii the country
because we have to play l7 ol the
top 25 teams.

“it is debatable that the SE(‘ is
the best conference in men‘s and
women’s tennis in the nation."

With powerhouses like Florida.
Georgia and Tennessee. the Kats
will have their work cut out loi

”We hope to be iii the top tour in
the conference." Dinnccn said.
“Anything below lifth would be .i

Last weekend. the team played in
the Gator Fall (‘lassic in
(‘iainesville Fla.

“This was very typical for the
lirst toumttment of the season.”
Dinneen said. “We had no outstand—
ing Wins. but we had no bad losses
either. I am not disappointed." he

Both Klingenberg and Nelson
Will play in the All-Atticrican
Volvo Championships In l.os

h loss


Assomated Press

OAKLAND —— The Oakland
Athlctics, so strong yet so vulner-
able. tramped out of the World
Series with
heads bowed,
burdened by
a special
curse to have
their glory
stolen and

(ioiic was is"
the smirk on
Jose (‘zinse’
co‘s lttcc. the
mug gleam in Mark McGwire’s
eyes. the jaunty strut of Rickey
Henderson‘s gait.

Dave Stewart, the last angry
man on the mound, looked worn
out and beaten, softer now with
his energy spent. He'd given
cycrything he had and it wasn't

'l'ony La Russa’s dark, fiery
countenance yielded to bCWllthT'
ment. as if this four—game sweep
did not compute.

it was time to pack up and go
home for the winter. No Game 5
on Sunday. .\'o more games until
spring. and plenty of time to think
about what went wrong and how
to shed this curse.

If the Cincinnati Reds were des—
tiny‘s darlings this year. winning
from start to finish. the Athletics
once more were fate‘s flops. los—
mg spectacularly w hen everyone
was watching.

Even Oakland‘s biggest
triumph .. the sweep of Boston
in the AL playoffs was
doomed to be overshadow ed by .i
more unusual event the ejec—
tion of Roger Clemens.

It was the same way last year.
when Oakland’s World Series
swccp paled in significance to the
killer earthquake that struck be»
fore (lame


Two years ago. anodicr powcrr
house Athletics team. with many
of the same players and expecta-
tions. folded almost .is badly as
this year‘s VCl’SlOll. starting with
Kirk Gibson's Hollywood-style


homer in Game 1 against Los An~

A dark star is following these Ath-
letics, shadowmg them whenever
the limelight shines too brightly.

Stewart beat Clemens three times
in the regular season and twice in
the playoffs, and won a career-high
22 games in a fourth-straight. 30-
victory year, but probably still won’t
wm the Cy Young Award.

Bob Welch (27-6) may not even
get it if the voters leaning toward
one of the A’s divide their ballots
among him, Stewart and Dennis
Eckerslcy, and enough voters go for
Clemens ill-6) a third time.

Similarly. the AL Most Valuable
Player award may elude Henderson,
who had the finest season of his bril-
liant career but was overshadowed
by Cecil Fielder’s 5i home runs.

Henderson led the league in hit-
ting much of the season until hand
and hamstring injuries near the end
dropped him to second with a 335
average. just behind George Brett‘s

Henderson also led the league in
runs ii 19), on-basc percentage
(.439i and steals (65).

Canseco also seemed on his way
to his best year. if not an MVP sea—
son. until injuries to his back and
hand thwarted him.

He missed 31 games. nearly one»
fifth of the season. but still hit 17
homers. drove in 10] runs, scored
it? runs and stole 10 bases.

Yet the season came to virtual
ruin for him in the playoffs and
World Series.

injuries. a smart alccky .itt'itudc. .i
.081 batting average anti poor llc‘ltl'
ing made Jose Can't—Sce—You the
butt of many jokes and an easy
scapegoat for the A’s failure.

But injuries. bad luck and other
excuses riican little in the long view
or the record book.

And lllt‘ perspective on the Athlet-
ics is that they’re good. the best in
the American League. but not the
best iti baseball.

Prc~\\’orld Series hype .ibout .iii
()akland dynasty after three »\L pen-
nants and more than 300 \ ictorics in
three years rings hollow :iow, l‘lic
dynasty died to the Nasty lloys on
the Reds.

l'hc Athletics knew they had :o

“Curse” leaves A’s beaten

win this World Series to make
the leap from ordinary champi-
ons to extraordinary ones.

Their records and glamour and
lat paychecks wouldn‘t be

“I felt coming into this World
Series that in order to be classi~
fied as a great team, as a special
team, we had to win this Series."
said third baseman Carney Lans~
ford. “If you lose two out of three
World Series you can‘t be con-
sidered a great team yet."

it will take another World Sc~
rics victory next year and maybe
the year after that for this edition
of thc Athletics to be ranked
alongside the great tcaiiis oi the

- 'l‘hc Athletics of Reggie Jack-
son and Catfish lluntcr who won

- the Big Red Machine wtth
Johnny Bench. Pete Rose. Joe
Morgan and Tony l’crc/ that won
lll W75 and ‘76.

~ The \'cw York Yankees, the
only true baseball dynasty. from
Babe Rtith and Lou (iehrig to Joe
DiMaggio. Yogi Berra. Mickey
Mantle. Roger Maris and Whitey
Ford. the Wills to the “’50s.

'r'or the moment. perhaps all
winter, the Athletics can consider
the place iii history they let slip
away or had taken tiaay by .i
Cincinnati team that outplayed
them on the licltl. oiithii thcm .ii
the plate and ittlllltltll.tfic‘il lilt.‘lll

ll‘ LhC :XLl’llt‘llt‘s it‘t‘l .llr\t‘tl tlt‘-
mod the tint] I‘lt‘thllr" they
thought they alcscrytnl .i'i i‘L‘A'
they can take \Uititt' lhdl 'l‘."\ '-
young enough to .:o :or it
next year.

'l don‘t think our player
like we‘re lallllrt‘s. ;.i 1