xt7m639k6n8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m639k6n8r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1985 1985 1985-02-18 2020 true xt7m639k6n8r section xt7m639k6n8r I f l
912.3; 1;? . cacti: W , ‘ .. . ‘~-. - . «i “*2 22.32:" mew-2.2 223;; a... ~ ' “ ‘ - _ .:
$5222 «:2 2*. sifgfifi’i’t/ W ““1 W,“ .. - ~. W.“ 2 __ . . . . . ‘ - Immanuel”! .2 , Monday, February to. 1905
Bond sales COllld IIEt $5 7 million for projects
By TRINA JACKSON The most expensive part of the project is the $30 mil- interest to industries in Kentucky," Blanton said. "This ensure that the estimated cost is reasonable and obtai- ,
Reporter lion to $40 million renovation of the Medical Center. rounds outourservice mission." nable, the proposal is taken to the Board of Trustees It 2

, , , Blanton said that this will either repair or replace many Another plan in the project is the contruction of a $3.4 is then sent to the Kentucky Council on Higher Educa- . , '

The approval 30 59” from “7 million 39357 "“3110" m of the center's outdated facilities, such as the heating, million parking facility for University faculty members tion in Frankfort for further approval and then put on
revenue bonds MS brought three Universny prolects a ventilating and airconditioning systems. The architect and staff. Blanton said he hopes the facility, which will the governor's executive budget From there. it is taken - ‘
little closer tocompletion. will be selected by June 30 of this year, he said, but the be located south of the University Medical Center, will to the state legislature for final approval _ ' , '.

The General Assembly recently granted UK permis- renovation will not be completed for at least three beunder contract by late summer. The business of selling the bonds is not considered. he -. , ' -. .
sion to sell bonds for the renovation of the Medical Cen- years. The bond sales reflect the University‘s three types of said, until the final approval takes place, because bond . '_ , ,'

. ter and construction of both a mines and minerals build- The mines and minerals building, which will cost bond indentures, or security contracts. under which UK sales are always geared toward the start of a prolect .2 , I . 2
ingandaparkingstructure. about $14 million dollars, is being financed through sells bonds to finance educational buildings. The first is "The seeking of approval of the project must come ‘ 3 '

All projects have been in the planning stages for state mining fees. Blanton said he hopes to have the an indenture that deals solely with construction on the first," Owen said. "Then the revenue bonds are identi» _ .- . .
about five years, said Jack Blanton, vice chancellor for building under contract by January 1986, but completion Lexington campus, the second for the community col- fied as needed. It represents the dog wagging the tail. . , ' . - x

' administration. may take nearly two years. lege system and the third. called consolidated housing notthe tailwagging the dog." . '

The actual sellin of the bonds, to be sold through na- The building, which is tentatively set to be located at and dining bonds, that deals with improvements in the . . , . .2 . . .

, tional investment ganking firms, won‘t begin until the the corner of Rose Street and Clifton Avenue, will serve residence halls and food services. salinifielifngfgifyl 65:13:13]"??5chssag? 33329532312: . ._ . . ‘ '2.
‘ - 1' 1 buildings are under construction. Student tuition and as a research facility for the state geological survey, as According to Henry Clay Owen, UK controller and the legal aspects of bonds sales ‘ . : .
I fees will serve as a legal mechanism for paying the well as the UK geology department and the department treasurer, and coordinator for the issuing and selling of ‘ . , 4 2,
D bonds, Blanton said, and the revenue from the build- of mining engineering. The building also will help the bonds, the approval of bond sales for a particular edu- Bids for bonds, Blanton said, are usually taken ' - 1‘ ‘2
ings,after completion,willreimbursetheUniversity. coal industry by providing further research of coal and cational project canbealong process. through legal notices in a publication called The Bond ‘2 ' '
. 2 The bonds are necessary to finance the projects, Blan- other natural resources. The proposal is taken to the University administration Buyer, the classified section of the Louisville Courier; _ ~. ' .
' ton said. This isapoor state,apoor University.“ “The University has a public mission. It has a lot of for approval and further establishment of priority. To Jourmiland probably the WallStreet JOUN’IGI . -
1 ____._________. _. .- . , ._ ._WW-., ,W . , _ ;__,‘ ,1 .
Telecom workshop , . —
. t [r ' ‘ I I I r
to help Job-seekers ‘2 i... ... V . .

. . . 2a ’7 ‘ 'K‘”"""’2'_’.2-,.,;.; man-22' ‘2' “ “ 2‘2' . ' . .
With resume writing ' , . *2 .. » ‘

_ . ' V «g ' , t . . ‘ . ’

By NATALIECAUDILL eye-catching resume. Bakhas said. . . ,2 I. ' 1‘ . - ¢ . . .

StaffWriter “I would suggest to the students to ’ " ' ' . ‘ . 2 -
bring pencil and paper to take notes " ' ' ' ‘2'... .

An impressive resume might be with." ; _ . . .
lUSl the thing to “Cl 3 10b. and a Bakhas said that the workshop, . ,. M . t . Li. , f; ' 2.
workshOp sponsored by the depart- which is open to all University stu- 2 " _ _./_ _ 2 l .2 i. Q , ,
ment of telecommunicatiom will in- dents. will be helpful to a lot of peo- ’Mfl , l“. ' 2' ': . to . ~ .
struct UK students on how to pre- ple. 211! . _ é» ’ 1L .

one‘ \ ' . ’ s" , “ ‘5‘ ‘ 2". . W“ .
paIll-:becca Bakhas. organizer of . “I jm} started working With the I ...—h 4“ 3’. '4‘ - '1 ’“i ' ' * I . '
Wednesday's workshop, said several internship program 135', summer i. a. ‘ o ‘ ' ,_ ’.W2 . , 2‘ ' ' .
speakers will discuss just what em- and I always suggest to interns to 45.. -. .22 ., , , _ W t .
. take resumes With them. Most of ~ t. , . .
ployers areseeklng. the d ‘t ha d I 1' ed ,_ I] . .
“BaSically, what we're trying to m on V6 one an r ea ‘2. “.g g 2.,” _‘ f 2». ‘ 2
. that there was a great need for this * w” 2 .
do is help students put together an i the k h ) ‘th th k t . ‘ ...
attractive resume," said Bakhas. la wor 5 Op ”W" f ."3‘3" :6 ”a“, , i
the director of internships in the de2 9 .39 as 00m?“ we as l ‘52 5 ., fl ‘ .
partmentoftelecommunications. sal ' . .. a , MW ”y ; .
. . Larry Crouch, director of the Ca 2» -. . . 2,2 '2 2'2” 3?;
‘ Bakhas said the. presentation, reer Planning and Placement Cen- 222...; ,7 .
which Will be held in 228 Student t . d , rksh l‘k th 2. ., , ,
Center will corsist of three speak- 9'2 53‘ “0 0P5 ‘ e 95" are - . . ‘ , ...
ers ‘ needed because many students un- - _ 9 I _& W -- . W ~.«f2..2~":"i .‘ ,
' knowingly send resumes with er- 1-1" ~v v 2 s; 2. ‘ ' - '

At 1:30 pm, Arnold Kirkpatrick, rors. » ... ' W 22"” 212W 95W; :2 - '
president of Latonia Race Course _ 322‘ 1- "2 ;- owW’a ‘2; .. it {if
and former publisher of The Thor- Jobseekers commonly {make their . . 2 t at. .
oughbred Record, and Edward Hou- "slums looilons 0r dont describe . 2- . .. “WW . - ,. "2’5’227‘2 W . . . .
lihan, president of the Lexington their experiences enough, which x... W .3, .

Chamber of Commerce, will discuss hampets the "5 professwnahsm. he 2'2 ” gig“ W 1“ .,-._.. . ’
thequalitiesofagood resume. sa‘d- ~/;" 3?; “I? ' ~‘ _ . - 2 .
“They will speak for an hour," A. resume should be professmnal, 2 22 , -2 . 2
Bakhas said, “and then there will be easrly read, and able to sell the per- U “UN“ *2 - ~ 2 . .
a question and answer period with 5°" looking for the j°b interview,“ one, please ' ‘
thestudents." hesald. .
. _ . _ Scott Durall, a marketing junior and Jackie Kotarek. a nurs— nessee games from J.W. Huffman, left. and Arch Hagan. ' . V ‘
wfigfifimflgtggegggffizngfifi £31333"); fgtra;;";lfffe';v £25":fo lng sophomore, receive their tickets for the Georgia and Ten- who has worked as a ticket seller for 30 years. . ' '
discuss principles of creating an Mahurin. ‘ _ .
Prormllwtdtf I b ttdiIl
ga a0 ssu ens, acutymem ers osuyn srae .

By SACHA DEVROOMEN turn,“ a rule afflmd whiclldthe 5:} M such as geography, philosophy, his- ment, also is involved with the pm . _ , '
Senior Staff Writer cial policy revo ves. Acco ing 0 u . . tofy and education. ram '. , - . -
this law_ any Jewish person Ci“? re. Our format Will start With lectures and The first two weeks of the pm i; For more information about me . , .

With about 70 ethnic groups in 15- turn to Israel and become a Citizen. dialogues With the Knesset members and heads gram will be spent traveling around Israel program, especially the aca- . ; , . ' .
rael, there are many public and so- said Irma Newmark, a professor of _ , ,, the country where the group will demic component, call Frank at 254- ‘
cial policies to study. And that's just sociology at the State University of ofmumapal government . . 2 stay at various kibbutzim. collective 7930. The deadline for applying for . . .
what some people from UK may be New York in the Empire State Col- dwellings in Israel. To spend time the program is April 18. ' 2 A
thing this summer. 1089 Israel program. Irma Newmark. wisely, there will be lectures on the Besides the program this summer. . , .

UK. the University of WSWHC The result d the law is that there State Univer it ofN Y k bus “thlle traveling. Newmark sald she also would like [0 i _ 2
and Michigan State University have are 70 different ethnic groups in 152 s y ew 0" “Our format will start with lec- start a student lscholar exchange . f ,
organized a summer program which rael, which makw the integration # tures and dialogues with the Knesset program with UK. . .
enables students and faculty mem- into society difficult. “Every admin- cial policies and maintain their so liament, as well as the heads of the members and heads of municipal ' . ;
bers t0 VlSil 157881 t0 learn about its istrator relates to SOClal WHOM," cial identity. but also have to We municipal government and some government and also with people in The program would be a good in- ' 2 . ,
publicandsocialpolicles. She said. “His administration has to grate into the society. Newmark people of the various ethnic groups the country,“Newmark said. troductory course for faculty mem~ - '

The three week program is broken deal With all ethnic policies." said. “There is no question . . . they abouttheproblems they face. bets who would like the opportunity - '
down into two parts, said Lenora The people in Israel have a con- havetodoboth simultaneously." UK students in the program can The cost of the program is $2,075 to spend their sabbatical in Israel, '
Finn Paradis. a professor of allied flict between retaining their cultural This is one of the areas that will receive up to six credit hours in and includes transportation, lodging. she said. “There is a fascinating '
health. The first two weeks include identity and integrating into society, he discussed in the course. “All their specialty fields. Courses that breakfast and selected excursions. connection between Israel and Ken- ' '
intense travel throughout Israel and said Newmark, who spoke at a pro- questiom will be explored," she are covered in the program include The cost does not include tuition. tucky. We have similar research in- ' . ‘
the third week students study an gram for faculty members and stu- said. Newmark added that students classes in allied health, sociology said Paradis, one of the UK contacts terests but we are different. Maybe
area “5983mm dents recently. Will be able to speak With the mem- and political science. Students can, for the program. Another professor. the time has come to start a pro— . - '

The Israelis have the “law of re- People want to maintain their so- bers of the Knesset, the Israeli par- however. also get credits in fields Dan Frank of the philosophy depart— gram." - . ' .

‘ ( ) New religious group provides m
, d' ' 't I It t' ' ‘
. v
_ - lVBl‘SB Spll‘l ua a erna IVES ..."... _ W... ......
- ~ 1- ByJULIA warren members, from Christianity to East- bers are there to provide it. This 2"““llNWW-u‘m2

‘ ‘ 2 . Reporter ern religions. idea is also expressed in the alterna- ”Mn"

‘ ' , “Seeing othels‘ points of view al- tivespartofthegroup'sname. . 2. - . 2 = ~ 2

_ ' Students with an interest in broad: lows one to see more of God." he . “W“ ““m

r ‘ ening their religious horizon may said. Spiritual Alternatives provides a Ahwml w

‘ . ) want to check out some spiritual al- pleasant atmosphere to exclnnge he the .W M. I it u—

, ’ , . ternativee. Wm“ Alternatives l5 Ml {in ideas and a more liberal altermtive W n IO M d
' That‘s the name of the game for it easily defined group. Page said. to the denominational groups on w a. ”W QM

' 0 new campus you: called. not sur- however is best defined by its goals. campus,Pagesaid. w _- , . 1* 2 355;...

, f ,. l’ ' , prlltrcly.$tfltuel Alternatives. ’Iheee Include providing an open- , ‘

p O The M, a non-denominational minded atmosphere in which mem- At recent meetings. Page gave a 2
' collectlmdpeoplewith differentre bets can express their specific be- slide show about his trip to the
, ’ ligan- backgrounth. formed an a re- liefe,heeaid. Orient in 1981 and Greene led a dis-
, , suit of a religious etudfu clan Int They are also cemented with indi- cussion on modern religion and “tile
, fell.AfterulecIa-ended.membere vlduel growth. which Page de- crisisofauthorlty. '. ~
0 felt that they needed to keep in scribed as “findilu one's spirituali— ’Ihediscusslons afterthepreeenta- «222* * twat” _ _ a -
' unrembothvltheechothermdwlth ty.”Amtheroneofthelrgoeleisto tionsarethemalnfocalpointaofthe go.» ~ .. it . _ -.
0 their spiritual selves. according to bee“cleerlnghoueeofidees." group‘s scum, according to mem- ate-“e ' .. Winner . 2

' , ' Welt Pege,oneofthegl'oup'e fourld- Kevin Greene. another founder, bets. Graip members elicit-nae {.3 let—moa- Wfiffiigw. ; __

. . ere. said this mean ”directing people idees and try to reeolve differences a,» James. s . .-

. The organisation Is not a “typ- ehewhere if that‘s what they're in- and problems In the ma “ 4" 3 33...... rest-«32.. ‘T" .352

leel”fllllhlmtlethowever. Page ternted in." If someone in the union. WWW-2...” g“. __., .22..

eetd. Many religion are mad m neeth madame to a more up- 'I‘he gimp meet- et a pm. mae- “399N533: Elisha; in.

em SpIrltuel Alter-Inm‘ I who Mon to life. the mem- daysiollssuidentOellter. .9 ‘ 2333223 ~2 ..

 l 1 ' i
2-n1vruarvxma. My, My 1‘, 1‘
information on this calendar of events is collected
and coordinated through the Student Center Activities
ottiee. 203/20: snident Center. Untverstty ot Ken-
tucky. The intormation is published as supplied by the
on-compus sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed
for the sake at clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on
the calendar. a Campus Calendar tonn must be tilled
. out and returned to tho Student Activities Ottice.
0 Concerts:
CKC I L Series: Horacio Gutierrez, 2 1
0 Concerts: Piano: S10: CFA Concert Hall:
- Concert Band: J. Steven Moore, 8:00 PM: Call7-137B
. E h‘b' . . T bl Cl th I Sch II P . ' Conductor: Free: Center for tho Arts; 8:00 0 Meetings: National Organization tor ' M°Vl”= 6°“. With "‘9 Wind: 5175?
. x 1 "tons. a e 0 re urn - p.m.;Ca|l7-4900 Women M..flng; SC; Noon m 1PM: Call 254- Worsham Thoatre:7:30PM
Ings;-CC.11‘7°81:;r COMOMPOFOW Art, 12'4-30 . Meetings: Emergence Feminist Women's 2946 . 0 Movies: 'Film ‘From Harlem to Harvard' I
p'T"E 1b.". . Fr nk Herrmann-Paintin 5‘ Press Meeting: Student Center; 5:30 p.m.; Call ' M001111931 COMMU'“ R“PP 593W)": M01“ Black at Yale:SCO|d Theatre;7:30 PM
. X ' "005- 0 ll ll . ll 2:5: 254-2946 ing Now Friends on a Large Campus; 214 SC; ' ”0": A FUN‘Y 71""9 Happened...Way '0
11-5 M-F/12-5 Sat, Rasda Ga ery. Ca - . Movies: Purple Rain: ”.75 w/UKlD; 3:00 pM; Call7-6598 Forum; S6-Pub./S5-Stu. 8. Sr. Cit.; Guginol
785° . . Worsham Theatre; 7:30 pm, 0 Movies: Gone With Tho Wind: S1.75; Theatre: 8PM: Call7-3298
. Meetings. Romans: A Letter '0 Non-Con- 0 Other: Ticket Distribution-Free to full time Worsham Theatre; 7130 PM ' Workshops: Alumni J°b CIUb; Free; 103A
' '°”“"" A b'b'e "”dY‘ “2 R°" 5'” 7‘°° 5m; Memorial Coliseum: 9AM til 4PM; Call 7- ° Other: Forum by Dr- Stephenson on issues mm.“ ”'99-;5130 PM
. p.m.;Call.253-0329 . 1757 Confronting i-iigher Education;412 Rose 0 Other: Interntl' Study/Travel Fair-into on
‘ ' ' Movnes: Purple Rain: ”'75 W/UK'D; 0 Workshops: Financial Aid Workshop: Free: ° Sports: UK 303k0tb°ll VS- Florida; Gainse- study, work 8. "9V“ °b'°°d? 206 5C? 10AM‘
w°""°"‘ "mi”: 730.92“ . 106 Frazee Hall: 5PM: Call 7-3333 villO: TBA 3PM: 01" 7465‘
- 0 other; Ticket Distribution-Tenn. Game: . Workshops: Business Procedures e Sports: UK Lady Kots vs_ Vanderbilt: Me- 0 Other: Malaysia: A slide show presented
. Free to full time Stu.: Memorial Coliseum: Workshops-Accounting Procedures' Rm. '5 Me- morialColiseum:7:30 MA by Kong Yew Chan:245 SC; 1 PM: Call7-1654
. 9AM til4PM; Call7-1757 . . . ' . k h . . . e M r - UK F i Cl 1, r . ' -
. mortal Hall, 10-12 Noon, Call7-1851 WO" 5 0P5. Hidd.“ 1013 Market, Free. ”"198. one ng u mee mg equip
- o 9"”: Schedule a.Free Therapy Marriageli 0 Other: interntl' Study/Travel Fair-into on 103A Mathews Bldg.:9AM ment provided; Alumni Gym; 7330 PM; C°"
/Fam||y Seminar; Free, Funkhouser Bdg.. Ca study, work I travel abroad: 206 SC; 10AM m 0 Other: Interntl' Study/Travel Fair-Info on 2773309
7'77“ 3PM;Call7-1654 study, work 8 travel abroad; 206 SC; 10AM- ° Meetings: M00? "'19 GOV Community (A
. Other: Film on The Peace Corps-’The 3PM; Call 7-1654 meeting/discussion); 2055C: 5 PM: Call 7-1411
. Toughest Job You'll Ever Love'; 245 SC; 1:00 ' Other: Semester in Nepal. presented by
y 7 PM; Call 7-1654 Roger Cazden; 245 SC: 1 PM: Call 7-1654
0 Other: Academic Year/Semester Abrood: ° Other: Summer Study Abroad: Into an
I Personal Student Experiences; 245 SC; 3:00 summer study abroad opportunities: 245 SC: 3
- PM; Call 7-1654 PM; Call 7-1654
0 Other: Underclass Yearbook Portraits; ° Meetingsr Amnesty International meeting:
Free: 251 SC; 9AM til 5PM; Call 7-4005 115 SC; 7:30 PM2C01l3-8147
‘ o Meetings: Snow Ski Club Meetings; ”5 5c; 0 Other: Undercloss Yearbook Portraits:
7:30 pM; Call 7.7544 Free: 251 SC; 9AM-5PM: Call 7-4005
0 Plays: A Funny Thing Happened...way to 0 Plays: A Funny Thing Hoppened...Woy to 0 Concerts: UK Jazz Ensemble 1, Vincent Di- 0 Exhibitions: Universal Photo Exhibition 8
Forum; S6-Pub./S5-Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; GuginOI Forum: S6-Pub./S5-Stu. 8. Sr. Cit.; Guginol Martino, Director: Center tor the Arts: 8 PM: Sale; 245 SC; 10AM-6PM: Call 7-8367
mum; a pm Can 7.3293 Theatre; 8 PM; Call7-3298 Call 7-4900 . Movies: Revenge of the Nerds; 31-75:
1 e Concerts: Lexington Philharmonic Concert; ' Movies: Revenge at the Nerds; $1.75; 0 Lectures: Basically Bach Series-Church Worsham Theatre: 7:30 PM .
S10, $12.50, $15 a $17; Center for the Arts; a Worsham Theatre: 7:30 PM Arch. at the Time at Bach: Center for the Arts: 0 Other: Schedule a free therapy Marriage-
PM; Call 7-4929 0 Sports: UK Cool Cats vs. Tennessee; S3- 2PM: Call 7-4900 /Family seminar: Free: Funkhouser: Call 7-
0 Movies: Revenge of the Nerds; $1.75; Stu./S4, S5, 8. S6-Pub.; Lexington ice Center: 0 Movies: Revenge of the Nerds; $1.75; 7761
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM 8:30 PM: Call 7-2898 Worsham Theatre: 7:30 PM 0 Meetings: Romans: A Letter to Non-Con-
e Other: indwelling Key to the Spirituality of ” 3 Sports: UK Wheel Kats vs. Nashville Roll- 0 Recitals: Guest Harpsichord Recital: Ed- tormists-A Bible study; 412 Rose: 7 PM: Call
. 5,. John’s Gospel; Newman gem,” 7:30 pM; "in“ Rebels: UK Seaton:7PM;CalI7-1623 ward Parmentier; Center for the Arts; 3 PM: 253-0329 _ ,. . _ .
Call 255-8566 ‘ Ways: One Man Play: The Life 8 Writing of Call 7-4900 ' 0 Movies: Free screening of The Sure Thing:
0 Sports: UK Cool Cars vs. Tennessee; 33. Junebug Jabbo Jones: Center for the Arts; 8 0 Sports: UK Basketball vs. Georgia: Rupp Worsham Theatre;8PM .
5,”.5" ‘5' 8 S6-Pub.; Lexington ice Center; PM:Call7-5641 Arena; TBA 0 Other: William A. Henry Ill Pulitzer Prize
8:30 PM- Call 7-2898 ' Sports: UK Wheel Kats vs. Nashville Roll- Winning Critic: Center for the Arts: 8 PM: Call
0 Meetings: Socially Concerned Students ing Rebels; UK Seaton; 11 AM; Call 7-1623 . 8-8352
meeting' 119 SC‘5PM; Call252-6020 0 Recitals: Guest Recital: E.K.U. Woodwnnd 0 Concerts: Lecture/Keyboard Master Class
' I Quintet: Center for the Arts; 8PM: Call7-4900 w/Edward Parmentior: Center for the Arts: 1-
3:30 PM; Call 7-4900
_ ‘ . Movies Arts 8. Concerts Intramural and Athletic Events
: 1 2/18: P l R ' :Sl.75: W ha Theot :7230 PM 2/19: Concerts: Concert Band: J. Steven Moore, Conductor; Free; Center for W20: UK Basketballvs.Florido:Goinsevillo; TM
' 2/19: P3131: 1221:; $1.75: W:::ha: Theat::: 7:30 PM the Arts: 8 PM: Call 7-49“) 2/20: UK Lady Kats vs. Vanderbilt: Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 PM .
2/20; Gone wm. The Wind; 5175; Worsham 1mg"; 7;!) PM 2/20: CKCIL Series: Horacio Gutierrez, Plano: S10; CFA Concert Hall; 8 PM: ”22: UK Cool Cats "- 79"".“995 ”PW/$4.353 “"0va 13""‘9'01‘ '9' CW”
. 2/21: Gone WithTho Wind: :1 .75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 PM Ca" 7-1378 "" "3° 'M‘ c‘" 7‘29”
' 2m; Film 'From Harlem toHarvard'I'Block at Yale': SCOldThoatre: 7:30PM W22: toxinston Philharmonic Concert: 310. 312-50. 515. 8 $17: Cont-r tor ”‘0 ”’3: ”K C°°' 0'" "' "mm”: ””"Ju‘s'V' ”Nb” l""‘°'°" "'
’ 2/22: Revenge at the Nerds; S1 .75; Worsham Theatre: 7:1!) PM Arts: 8 PM: Call 7-4929 Center; EM PM; Call 7-2898 ‘
_ - 2/23: Revenge at the Nerds; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7zx PM 2/24: UK Jazz Ensemble 1, Vincent DiMortina, Director: Center for the Arts: 3 ”23: UK WIN," “- thnl. Rolling R05.“ UK 50°10"? 7'M5 74923
_ 2/24: Revenge of the Nerds: $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7zm PM PM? Call 7'4"” 2/2‘: UK ”km" vs. Want Rupp Arena; TBA
' ' 2,152 Revenge of ",9 Nerds; 3175; Worsham 111.09"; 7:3) pM 2/25: Lecture/Keyboard Master Class w/Edward Parmentier: Center tor the 2/2‘1UKWlK91‘W- WM". “91'1"9 395013? UK 50°10": 11 AM: 74623
. . Arts: t-a:3o PM: Coin-49“)
‘ 2/13: Exhibitions: Table Cloth I Schroll Paintings: Center tor Conterporary Art:
124:” PM: Call 7-3143
. f ‘ 2/18: Frank Horrmann-Paintings: 11-5 M-F/2-6 Sun/12-5 Sat: Rosdall Gallery:
: ~ Call255-7850
_ _ . . 2/25: Universal Photo ExhibitionISale: 245 SC: 10AM-6PM: Cain-0867
; . 0 2/20: HIddenJobMarket: Free; 103A Mathews Bldg.:9AM
. _ . s 1 1 2/21: Alumni JobClub: Free: 103A Mathews Bldg.; 5:30 PM
' - .- Mee'mgs and Lectures “A | 0 even" 2/21: Plays: A Funny Thing Happened...Woy to Forum: S6-Pub./S5-Stu. I Sr.
, Cit.; Guginol Theatre; 3 PM: Call 7-32”
. ‘ ' , '. ' , . g , . , . 2/13: Other: Ticket distribution-Tennessee game; Free to full time students: 2/22: A Funny Thing Happened...Way to Forum; S6-Pub./S5-Stu. I Sr. Cit.;
V, , 2;}:F.th':r;sé£azzfill7y‘%h Series-Church Arch. at the Time at Bach, Center ll rial Coliseum; 9AM-4PM; “"7475, Guglnol re: BPM; “"762”
, . .1 f 2/18: ““an 'Romans: A “n“ to Non-Contormists- A Bible study: "2 22:375.;2'odule a tree therapy Marriage/Family seminar: Free; Funkhouser; xmrmmflwmm..Way to Forum; S6-Pub./S5-Stu. I Sr. Cit.;
' 23"; 27332322312; Women's Pr.” meeting' SC- 5.” PM: Call 25‘ 29 46 2/19: Ticket distribution: Free to full time students; Memorial Coliseum; 9AM- 2/23: One Man Play: The Lite I Writing at Junebug Jabbo Jones; Center tor
: : ' ' ' ' ' 4PM: Call 7-1757 theArts:3PM:Coli7-5641
. 2/19: Snow Ski Club meeting: 115 SC; 7:30 PM; Call 7-7644 . . . , , . . , ,
2/20: National Organization tor Women meeting; SC; Noon-1 PM: Call 25‘ 102A .iganélofitludyélravol Fair, into on study, work I travel abroad, 206 SC, walatglwt Harpsichord Recital. Edward Parmentier. Center tor the
' , ”‘6 2/19- Film 'on on. Peace c cm. Toughest Job You wm Ever Love" 245 50 2/24- o...'.. Recitai' s x u Woodwind Qulntet' Center tor the Arts- a PM- Call
. . ' 2/20: Commuter Ropp Session: Making New Friends on a large Campus; 214 1 PM: Cain-1654 orps ' ' 7m ' ‘ ' ' ' ' '
' SC: 3 PM; Call 7-6598 .' adlm Semes Abroad- . .
' 2/20: Amnesty international meeting; 115 SC; 7:30 PM; Call 8-8147 :9; 2:" 7_‘6:‘Y”f/ ter ‘ Personal 5.04.". Exwimu' 2‘5 SC,
' . 23:127‘7’333‘9"? 0“" "‘“""9‘°°°’P'"‘"' P'°"""‘ ““m'" cm“ 7‘” 'M‘ 2m: Underclass Yearbook Portraits: Free: as: sc; 9AM-5PM; Call 7.4005 Lock'n f Ah“d
‘ ' . 2/21: Meet the Gay Community (A meeting/discussion): 205 SC: 5 PM; Call 7- :32: Forum by Dr. Stephenson °" issues cm‘wn'l". WW Education; "2 . Sate 245 SC ' M Call
' : i411 , _ . ‘ 2/3: Exhibitions: UniversalPhotoExhlbitlon : : DAM-6P:
2m; Socially Concerned Students meeting; msc; 5m; coumm fgz'gamgofiwg'm' ‘°"' '"'° °" "“"V' “m": ‘ "°"" °"'°°“' ”6 5" 7-sss7 M m. .
gggi’zgmans: A Letter to Non-Contormists-A Bible study; 412 Rose; 7 PM: Call 2’20: Semester in "09°1- presented by Roger Cazden; 2‘5 SC; ‘ PM; Call 7_ 3:.Ratgzng Brass Choir-Roger Ridenour, Director. Free, Center
- . ~ 1654 '. . mm"... n... mm,” . . 0AM sm-
v 2/20: Summer Study Abroad: into on summer study abroad opportunities: 245 m7wm' ‘ Sale. 245 SC. ' Coil
’, . SC:3PM;Coll7-1664 _ o" , r m " “mum." "...", and.“
2/20: Underclass Yearbook Portraits: Free: 251 SC: 9AM-5PM: Cain-w a ' by A. W". on ' “2
2/21'1fl'fl'1' sum/1M ”Wm M BM, M ‘ M w: m 5C: W: W: m M M w "w: WI . um M “11”,: x
NAM-3PM: Call 7-154 Theatre 7:”PM: Cell 7-3641
flaw” “ ““' M m“ ”V “W V" 0"" "5 sc; ‘ m; c" g": Plays: A ery.1'h':'tgcmpettedmwy to rerun: sens/sow. s sr.
igéndzdflling Key to the Spirituality at St. John's Gospel: Newman Center: m 2'!!! "II I: INI'MI'IU Photo Edtfiltien . 3": 245 SC: MAM-6PM: Coil
233:?“ ° 1'” W Marriage/Family M‘W' Free. MM' “Sportsfllilasketbaii vs. Tennessee:luppArena:TIA
2/25: William A. Henry iii Pulitzer Prise Winning Critic: Center tor the Arts; I
2/19: Workshops: Financial Aid Workshop: Free: I“ Frazee Hall: 5 PM: Call 7-
2/19: Iusinoss Procedures Workshops-Accounting Procedures: Rm. 15 Memori-
al Hall: 1012M: Cain-161

 l l l
Art: Editor ‘
Witless ‘ Witness’
' , ' , -
Film doesn tshow the best of Harrison Ford 5 worst Side . .
The advertisements for “Witness” he witnesses a murder in the train 300k accepts the Amish, temporari- .
lead us to believe that the film is stationrestroom. ly. as he falls in love with the
about an Amish boy who witnesses a A tough Philly cop, John Book woman he protects. Unfortunately, , .- ‘
murder and helps a Philadelphia (played by Harrison Ford), arrives watching Ford as a loving, nice guy , '
cop solve the case. True, that does at the scene and questiom the boy. isn't as fun as watching him bitch at -
happen. . Ashis only lead, Bookkeepstheboy space aliens or whine about how Buy 3 and Get one F766 07 $398 edCh .,
But the murder becomes a vehicle and mother close by until the mur- muchhehates snakes. _ . : .
to explore a more touching story der is solved. “4 «4 ‘94 «4 l» i '
than a restroom knifing. “Witness“ The boy soon pinpoints the killer. In fact, the film gets a bit corny. —"-——- —‘=-—— ._‘—._ _~_ . '
expands to reveal a struggle of two But there’s a hitch. The killer is 8 There's the stock scene of the city SERAPHIM' WIMV SERAPHIM_ SERAPHIM. . "
PeOPle- the COD and the Arms" narcotics officer. And when Book guy learning to milk 3 CW for the “6-00!” mm”..- uomn Ell-NH" “owes mum-~- axe-com mn- .- _ » ‘ “
woman he tries to protect (the boy's confides in his superior, he discov- first time. And there’s a “barn rai- unzmnuim WW mar-mm . - ' ' 3
mother), who try to break down the ers that his superior confides in the sin' “ that lasts almost as long as it mmm, W. MC “3;: "$313” " - J. ' ‘ ‘ -
barriers that separate their worlds. narcotics officer. takestobuildareal barn. ' W0 Imam '9‘ ~ WI mini-u" - . - ,
After Book is shot by the killer in F \ a “- ". 3m _. ft" ' i ’ . 1’ ’ ;'
Even with its noble premise. how- a parking garage, he retreats with “Witness” on the whole is too ,. , J; - _.__¥:-—:_‘3 ‘ _ . ~ .. ' ' '
ever. "Witness“ provrdes little en- the mother and boy to the Amish ‘trite, Ford is most enjoyable when .. g 5;?” .» . '"r' ' ‘ - p‘ .- ' , , -. _
tertainment. Like a tree in a forest, community. The Amish take care of he's moaning about something, but , bx ‘ , “- a. ' ' \ ‘3; ’l‘ 4' g . .' ' -.
this film is just another in the Book like a wounded puppy. But the "witness" doesn't showcase the best k “t ' - fin ' m g is! ' ‘. ' ‘ '
crowd. sarcastic, hard-nosed ways of this ofFord‘sworstside. ' ‘ ., , , .-
An Amish woman (played by cop haveadifficult time bending. , . g , ’ . -. ' _
Kelly McGillisi leaves the staid, but He wryly quips to the woman KERNELRATINGI5 £2.— STRALSS ._¢."‘_ " :3 1 ~ _ -
comfortable surroundings of her when she says tourists call the SERAPHIM AISO Sprach Zarathustra SERAl’HlM . »‘ ‘ , .
community after her husband dies. Amish ways quaint, “I can't imag- axe-6017s mu-w» COPLAND "an". x .. _’ '
She takes her son through the big ine why." And he moans about ”Witness" is playing at Southparh murmur Rodeo and Appalachian S tin or . » . .
City of Brotherly Love en route to wearing pants that go up to his an- Cinemas. Rated R. .. ”manual": . p g msyl'~l 1' . _ ‘ ' '
visit her sister. However, the boy kles. .Isfiflbnuufl» HANDEL mmmmmnuins . , , : ~ '.
learns the city isn't so brotherly as Regardless of his complaints, DAMON ADAMS "' wm‘ WERE; gigs}? 1132C} 53131114th EEXLKT k5 ‘:""""(":§"m‘ . , i ‘
i“ 4 V H" ‘ . I":
B I] 0 Solo artiSt :. r t_ The Best of Gilbert & Sullivan l.. .l ‘ . f 1 ., g .
La 9 C en] 0yS SUCCESS as I. ~ a. DEBUSSY g . ’ .-. a ,
’ The Piano Music of Debussy "‘ 5 , ‘ , j .
ByDt)LORI-:S BARCLAY ”I didn‘t know if I would be ac» joint frequented by the local soldiers . 2 ..
Associated Press cepted as a solo artist or if people and is likely to grab an Academy ,. ’ .. ‘ ' » . ' ‘
would blame me for the breakup," Award nomination for singing the .»ll/ [lime Ft’Il/IH'W/ I (flux. and More. . . ~ .' ’,
NEW YORK — She struts on stage she said. "The breakup was smooth. theme song. g ’ ‘ g g
in moody purple‘ heels spiked, hair We all understood and we left while LaBelle was born 39 years ago in " ' . N ,f
teased and attitude new. Patti La- we were in love." West Philadelphia. As a child, she . - ' _*_
Belle is ripe and ready to rock the The trio started in 1961 as Patti gave little thought to one day being , , w ,
night intoafrenzy. LaBelle and the Bluebells and acelebrity. ; ' - -
And she does. It's standing ovation climbed the charts with such win- “I was very homely and very to , . . ‘_ _
time at the Gershwin Theater as La- ners as “Youll Never Walk Alone," myself and stayed in my room and . g . , ,. ‘ , ,. . .. , . . . " '
Belle goes from a whisper to a “Down the Aisle" and “1 Sold My talked to my cats and dogs because Classzral Cassette Sale Lasts Huang/2 Mun/z 13/12} .. ~ ,
scream with “Over the Rainbow,“ Heart to the Junkman." In the ’7tb, they were the only friends I had.“ T rfland M H 1 - , '- 3
“New Attitude“ and “Lady Marma- they shortened the group's name to she said. U a - ,_ ,
lade" -_ the song that made the trio. LaBelle and donned the outrageous, . '. I.
LaBelle, one of the hottest “girl space age costumes and fast look “Then one day, I looked in the -.
groups-mt the '70s that inspired such groups as Kiss. mirror and started singing and “.ch z . . .
But she‘s solo now. with two hits She made her film debut last year watched the way my body was _ _ -
from the soundtrack of Eddie Mur- in ‘Norman Jewison’s critically ac- going. I didn‘t know where I would .
phy's "Beverly Hills Cop," as well claimed movie, “A Soldier‘s Story." be singing, but I just knew I wanted . , . ' .
asab..d..g.....g...... She plays an entertainer inasteamy tobeheard." Buy Kernel Classzfzeds. They brmg results ' .
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