xt7m639k6n02 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m639k6n02/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-05-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1979 1979 1979-05-02 2020 true xt7m639k6n02 section xt7m639k6n02 ' or n is 5
Wm support f E gl h TA
Graduate students vote to form a wn assoc 'at 'o
By GREGG FIELDS llie meeting was orgaiit/ed by going to take." when she did it. he (Bryant) told her make sure the representatives can get administration is trying to stonewall 2 '
_\.'.oi~i.iic taiioi l (iSt) members. who said they were But they stressed that Bryant‘s she couldn‘t do it.“ said physics IA the groundwork laid in the summer so on Bryant‘s actions untilthe end ofthe
partly motivated by statetncnts of actions were a catalyst. not the sole l.on ('lay Hill. “We don‘t need that that in the hill we won‘t haveto figure semester. “Keep in mind the Kernel
A group 4,, about 40 teaching Hiyatit published last week calling reason for. yesterday's meeting. kind of clarification." out how we can get it done. but can only publishes three more days.“ he '
“mum“ from 4” least “gm 1 K I2\s “too immature" to teach “People were talking about these ButV Hill. 39. warned against actually get down to work.“ said. “'l he deans are all counting on .
schools and departments voted literature Ill freshman composition things already." said l.yle. “It (the shortsightedness. “If Bryant was our Several 444 the “4414444 I444 this. sothateveryonecanforget about .'
overwhelmingly yesterday 1., 21mm .44 courses Bryant has banned Henry orgam/ation) was oti the way.“ only problem.we'd he in great shape." 444444444ch “4444444” In ”:44 current it over the summer.“ 4
union or association of .ill graduate Mimi" ”Mt/y -\'/””I.s’ and WNW" ”“5 “18'15h IA” found anattdience h" “‘“d' “l'helocusisn‘t Bryant.butalf battle-with'Brvant “Someone said the Several 'IA“ requested their name '
. and 44444464440444” 44444104444 .. l-aulktier‘s Iig/i/ III sillg’uyl from eager to organi/e.as wellasVsupportive the other problems (for TAs.)" anlish meeti'ng tomorrow (44444444 at not be used for publication. saying .
. . . . . freshman courses after the parent of a of them iti their bouts with Bryant. Some of those problems. according 1,40 'n ('B IUX) » 4 4 4 they feared losing their jobs. “if they '.
lh‘ gm"? “1‘“ "idm‘ui . d [Is student complained about sexual “We‘ve no quarrels with our faculty.“ to yesterday‘s group. are low pay. too- 'h ' D H . '5‘ an open "“an want to get rid of vouthev‘ canthink of -
2 ”.“ml'mn _ supporting [' ('50 passages in the Miller book. used in a said Debby Donnellan. an strict residency requirements and lack w F“ r, rum,“ gQ'nngPme a reason." said one. '
' H "3'" h (' ”d ““1" M “dim freshman course taught by TA Betty anthropology 'l A. “But we're willing of a program to help 'I'As improve ”4'" ($7495 f7“"4“.'."§'_ and IA But they made no attempt to hide
”rpm/MM” m 1“ CHM“ ‘md M" .lean (iooch to do anything legal to support you their teaching. £15“an ruffmu.“ idid M'Ch‘ld their feelings. “Just the words ' '
organizing .1.” "1"“ "m J ”mp1"- “in the wake of our chairman‘s (Inglish lAs) in this.“ Organi/ation of the new group will t oran. 0 {hid :g'hh department. ." “9‘“th assistant' make l‘ sound like "
“1d“ effort attitudes we've found that oitr lhe crowd burst into laughter when he done by an executive committee. ' )u up“; n “dt [TM ,", we Vcould all we‘re passing out materials or "
But an amendment asking for classroom credibility has been Donnellan added that. "l can‘t stay composed of 'l'As from various IC,‘m4;_d e 5‘“ ' as severa people something whileaprofessorteaches.“ ' -.
”1111‘“ (“2“”"6" 2'0“?“ B'Ii‘m" undermined." said l2'(iS() member mtich longer. I have to pick up the departments. l.yle said she thinks the aug L ' said a TA who has taught a foreign '
W‘ltl'lilllt‘ll- “ “W“ ”W l' (”30 Dick Anderson. “Some students baby I‘m too immature to raise." group can meet soon “to define the When someone asked ifthe meeting language for several years. '
rcqttt‘le‘tI last week. was withdrawn ymtcii‘iiiiriicdin papers because‘we‘re In listing the goals of the new organilation and set up the would be open to people not fromthe Both l.yle and Anderson said they
“le WNW“ “0'“ I“ ”l ””1” too incompetent to handle them.‘ ” ot'gani/ation. the group cited machinery. English department. one TA said. were encouraged by the meeting. “I
- dCPdrlmClth Added Vicki |.yle. another anlish clarification of job description first. “If everyone will get back to me “Showupanywayand makethemturn think it‘s very encouraging." said .
lhevotetotoimaii.issociatioiiwas IA. “We need to familiari/e those but several pointed out that they before- Friday (on who their you down.“ Anderson.“lhepeoplewhocame here ‘
passed Iii-.1 ()nly ll of the R5 in we‘ve had frantic phone calls from needed a say in the desciiption. “It representatives are.) I‘m hoping they “And bring some friends." chimed didn‘t come for a party organization.
» attendance were from the l-‘nglish with problems we‘ve had in the seems to me (iooch performed thejob can meet early next week." she said. in another. but to deal with some very serious
Department. department and what action we're to the best of her abilities. and then Anderson said the group needs “to Moran also said he thought the isSUCS."
v'oi. ixxi. so. I“ Ker e] l'niversity at Kentucky _
“ ednesda). “'4‘ 2‘. |970 an independent student newspaper Lui'monv Kentucky . 2
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