xt7m639k6j7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m639k6j7h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1933 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1933 Vol.5 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, December 1933 Vol.5 No.7 1933 1933 2019 true xt7m639k6j7h section xt7m639k6j7h “ 3 3 ‘- 3“? “
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:3, Ofificial Publication of the Kentucky Press Association 33 3‘: 3 %3
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_———-————-——————-——-°———-—-—————-———-—_—_"—' ‘3 .‘ 3, iii?
' Volume V DECEMBER, 1933 Number 7 3 3‘;2 3 333,
5 ___———————-—————-—-—————-———-—-——-—————-——-———' 3 3?: =1
, v v v V THE TUGWELL (COPELAND) BILL 3 .322; 3 3%"; ,
- 3 Classmeds Offer Editor Relief # 3 3 ., :3
3‘ , We reprint the following letter from 3 3,3,: 3,’ 3‘ 3
3, Newspaper relief is needed about as Copy f01‘ these forms could be com— the National Editorial Association con- ‘3 35-} ‘3: $1131
s acutely as farm relief or any other va— piled mom any daily running a clas- cerning the Tugwell bill. The letter ,5 3 3 3- E: 3
3. riety of succ-or, but a benevolent gov— smed department. 3 The copy sheet self-explanatory. Kentucky editors, 3, 3: ,3 3, 3
: ernment is not going to offer it. Pub- should tell the price per word and who are not members of the NE A, can 33 3,, 3, 3,, 3
3 lishers will have to do their own life price for repeated insertions, and ln- write to headquarters and secure data 3 ,3; 33.3,
: saving. To accomplish this, they will Vite anybody who has anything to sell, on this bill. Study it carefully and 3: 3 ,3E 33
3 have to seize such opportunities as are from a baby buggy to a threshing ma— be ready to take part in discussions at 3 3.3 3. 33,
43 at hand, and ploy their field more in- chine, to fill in the blanks and send in the mid-winter meeting. ,- 33.3 3; 3 33:,
. tensively than has been the custom. the cash. , , _ Senate committee hearings begin in 333 3:"? 3“ 3;..7
One of the Opportunities open to in a surprlsmgly short time 3191”" Washington, December 7, 1933, and E3 133
1‘ many weekly and small daily publica- sified department can be established, Congress will have before it in January 3 3:, ,33,‘
3 tions lies in the classified advertising and it Will grow and grow like the fa— one of the most far-reaching pieces of 3 3 , 3,33,
‘ field. We have spoken of this before bled turnip of Mr. Phinneys that fill- legislation that has been proposed in 3 3:, 333,33
3 and have mentioned a number of the ed the whole cellar. Such a depart— years. We refer to the Copeland Bill, 33:, , 3
‘9 stock methods for building up this sort ment would have a real news value, more commonly known as the Tugwell 3, 3. ,3
’3' of business. Our contention has been and yield spot cash. It can be used by Bill. ,3 33 3
3‘ that there is an immense amount of farmers who can make regular v1s1ts Because of widespread interest in 33, 3,;
classified advertising potential, but not to town and offer staple products. this pro-posed legislation, the National 3 3 33 :3‘
secured, in every community. Particu- Here’s a form: suitable for contlnuous Editorial Association Legislative Com- ‘3 ‘3 :
larly has this branch of advertising insertion: mittee has prepared a digest of the ‘3, 3 ,33
. been neglected in the agricultural re- FOR SALE—Every ThursdEY: d-ellver- bill, and transmits that study herewith. 33 313
gions. Ed to your (1001‘: high grade butter, While it is believed that the pub- ‘3 : -‘i
‘ , , Our own cogitations have not pro- eggs, full _cream. buttermilk. Fresh lishers of the nation may be especially 33 .55 z; ‘
. luced any suggestions that would 3:» vegetables in season, Winter vegetables concerned about the provisions of the 3 3 3., 3,
, pecially be helpful along the lines of any time- VDYGD postal, or phone ...., bill that relate to adverfflng‘. and 33119.7 33 3,: 3.. ‘
3 caning the farmers to avail them— 3‘0“ 330005: *V- 1‘1 1J3 1: Pl‘v‘asant‘qne- are regarded 9: viclcus and unwar- 33313 313:3-
seivcs of the small ads, but We have This in 6-point would make five or ranted there are other featu‘cs equally ‘ 33 ‘ :3‘3
‘ been .ooking for inspiration from other six lines. WOrdlng can be changed as as important and equally as VlCiOllS t0 3 .l‘ ,3,
sources; it is a pleasure to record the seasons 01' products dictate. other than the advertising media. Facts 3, 3, 3‘ -‘-_-31
discovery of what appears to be a GEE half a dozen formers started and about the destructive elements of the 3 j, j. 3 ,
3 practical and rather inexpensive idea. “watch the snowball grow." In 2,3“ short DYODOSEd bill: the legislative committee 33 ;' ' ' i:
3 It comes to us in a letter fmm Guy time there’ll not be enough miscella- believes, should be brought to the at- |. 333,
E. Newark, representative of the Wan- noous plunder left in the 118153113001" tention of those who will be vitallv 3i ‘ 5,33,-
3 her Company at Columbus, Ohi. He hood to warrant a rummage sale. and seriously affected by the proposed 3 3‘ .,‘.
3 writes as follows: folrfixigttefr: addtrezseld t: sslohnhfailsl legééhatiohfi th d f t"1d 1 3- .3 3‘,
‘ : ., : - ,, 0 oncea 0Umu,00 l on e ousans-o real eaers 33-
‘ 1191:3213):ggfltfnfoffiézniiipats5333?; 2:53 some pOStSCI‘iPt material, Among other and manufacturers realize the Tugwell 3 ,
3 personal interest in community news— things, Mr. Newark remarks that a bill unfairly threatens their enterprises 3, 3' {,3
33, . . plow, complete with double and smg‘le— and interests, undoubtedly they will 3'3 1 3 .T,‘
‘3 papers. This experience was preceded trees and clevis at $8.00 can be scared protest against its enactment It is 3:3 3 :3
A by fifteen years’ work at the trade, ’ ’ . , . .. ’, 3.: ,1 33
33 several years’ hustling as reporter and up on almost any large farm and is the iesponSibllity of every publisher to 3‘: 3 3 3
U a t h' . . ’ ,_ wanted by a lot of farmers. There are see that they know what the bill pro- 333' ,, 3‘3!
f par ners 1p m a pip er Whmh W3" many articles and products of equal poses to do and will do. 33" ":3 .33
as nearly a typographical model as it . . . . 33: {3: (51-.
could be made Affiliation has been saleability. Getting up forms for such The Tugwell bill has been aptly ,de- 33- ,. :33
continued through 25 years of selling ads should prove a profitable and not scribed, as,“the most dangerous piece 33: 3,. 3
to the printing trade during which =very ii-ksome employment. A newspa- of legislation now pending in Con— 33,, 33 ,,333
time a 303 of good pointers have been per, as the writer suggests, could well gress.” It seeks to centralize powers ,3, _‘. g3 33'
, :“passed along” So my continued in- afford to offer three free insertions of in the ,hands of one man that will 333 3
3 ‘ terest in the admit is easily understood any six-line ad with a paid—in-advance make him a czar over the food, medl- 33.3 ,3 ‘3,
. ' yearly subscription—Publishers Aux- Cine and cosmetic industries of the 3,3 ', .
HerE’s a plan that can easily be turn- wary, na‘ion. This czar, as the analysis of 3 l, '3 ‘3‘.
3 ad to ne‘tflsbl‘mhhe and tliilnancial profit: the bill herewith shows. could destroy 3 ‘ 3,1
n a sui a e s eet wi a supplement all of the initiative, enter rise and ,3 3‘ :53
: ‘ heading that will entitle it to free cir— SEASONS GREETINGS originality in the marketingpof foods 3331“, ,3
3 01132-331011 when folded in the regular . _— , and other products. By a. scratch of a 3 , E3
3 edition, a dozen or more forms with The Press extends season’s greetings pen he could almost completely revolu— 3‘ ,3 ‘33
3 suitable blanks for name of article, to its readers and wishes them health, tionize the business practices of the 3 :33, 3,3
, price and address of advertiser, could happiness, and prosperity in the year nation as related to these lines. By 3 ‘13 .i,
be so worded as to apply to about any to come. The prospects look brighter the provisions of the bill, he would be 3 33
.— _, comeivable thing readers might have today than in many days past. Greet- both judge and jury, and from his 33 3 3,1, ..
- s for sale. ings and salutations! (Please turn to Page Three) 3‘, 33 3 3 ,
3 ‘ 3‘ .: .
3 3 3 is
3 3: ll
‘ ‘3 |‘ k“
‘3 “.3 1“
5:1 . 3i

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1-11 . 1 111 11 :- Ommal PubliCatio '——____ the crode_ $11 nd the Labor Boa d eCember’ 1933
‘1 1‘ :1 11 1 ‘ p n 0‘ THE KENT that th e r9190“? st 1: r on WOrk ‘
1:111 . 1 ‘11 1 . #flfLON—i. adjo 6 conferences Will 3 es further a 1' already in Cut for - ‘
1‘ 1“ .‘ 1" ‘ 1“ VICTOR R. P0 ulned this Week . probably be . hotter, pOst C 1 II" he Can, ha
1 111 1111-1 ___—__‘:Th{ANN Cir 51 In the me 111nt11 December 4 other form that 31d, folder '01: Ve _.
1 '11 ll“ ‘ Primed en T __’_’_ Edltoy tlon Committee anplme the Codific “If he’s a 1‘ .1118 Wan-25, any .
.. 1| ' . ”h ImeEL .. —— Ordin W111 co 3‘ Can‘ ‘e‘ghbol‘h - '

. . mem . PRL ate th mpletl t bu 00d . d
1111 “ 0‘, JournaIiSm. Unhs". Depart as they .8 pmViSiOnS of they CO" bOYS to y Sig-amps, he Can Iliunte‘" or ‘ C1
111 1:11 ‘, 1 . 'fllaexingtlis‘w of final drafathioto be pregamed 81 code: Out the effiwer his mesSagelre Sch001 1
1,1 111 .1 1 1 PRESS ASS if; ready to “Pr @913 it re 1.1 n the 009.1: an , nd boy: possibl g‘ ‘0‘ 58nd .1 n
.1 1‘1. .11 1 1 1 OCIATION OFFI tho Submlt ‘50 a fu] p “ted and melt d 6‘11)" And hi ' em a natty “

.111 E11 111. 1 1 Lalnnnce W H __ CERS be; Gilgfel‘Ence group earlly @9313ng of a pliesc, Checks, may basalcnvomes’ State- 1 13:]
11:1: -1 ' ,- ‘ ~ :1 - L will th 1 1n De _ 1 e of h‘ . com)€11 .
1: 11, ‘1 ‘ ‘1 ‘ \‘ICSSEngrerr- . . ' ' ' ' ' - - President 8' J0hn50n f0 61’} go to GCDeral 138m (Of all thels aslvertISing. I HIBd by 1 n
-1 1 11 11:1 660130 A. Ioplin qu‘rer’ Owensboro ’ Presidem forrhlrus approval and tofigh Who Ought tobusmess men in the a
11 11 1 11 111 Cofirl1onh.é‘rf Vice-Preside"; will become eflls §lgnature The 0 he tel-prise. the 51‘” an Example f World 1 c-
11111 1.1111 11 1:1! , .1- Curtis Alcock a “‘5’ Somerset is Sign“ by chc‘llave ten days aftefd: has less exCEr‘n‘er is the mar‘:r en- ‘1 t:
.1 1 1 ‘l 1:‘;1 Mes~ ecretarY-Tr It ha reSident ‘ 1 than 3' Se for not I I He ‘
- ; .‘1. ”anger Dan' mum t 3 been defi ' ‘ A fly man in ' advertiSi ‘ '
:, .t.‘ .1 ‘1. V ' Vllle he code - .mte1y se 1.: can do ' . buSme mg 1 t1
1 11 .11; ‘1 1‘1 EXECUTI, base W111. prov1de for t“"d that thg 1‘ ‘01 almost SS: And he
1. 11I .1. s 1 1 ‘E COMMITT week With ad - - a forty hOu expendlture “Othlng be 1‘ e
1111..” :1f 31 11111 A. Robb' __ EE forty-eight hours dltlona1 time up t: erg-y}: 0f evEr SO littleyond 1 I
‘231 11 1 11‘ ms Fin: Di; - cutnstances’ a under Certain '. ..__—_______—._. en— E I
111 111 11 1 1.11 1‘ L Brad] Conrier, Hickinzrc," Chairman fifteen per ceridirclmwrtl perhaps tench); The Press is ag . 1 a
i1. 1 1 ;1‘ ‘ CY p-‘D'ying t es ablishm page for . am ism - 1 e
3.‘ 111:1“. .1 1- 131 Enter r‘ "".S“0"d Dist ' Wher eh or more me e‘nts em- again In “-115 month ed In four

1, . p lse n t 6 th Ch 0 ' W
-- '1 1-1 :1 1.1.1 Joe R . vProvld ‘ - 916 a“ -- - amCS- - arry ‘31 e ho *
1 1 1111 1 1 .1 lCha1d50n Cnee Skilled mech 1e lBSldent Unem and Issue. Fina ght pages in the J pe no 1 t
I ‘11 1‘1 “ "‘1‘ 1 I P G d T‘mes- Ciés‘g'o‘Th'm “Strict tasks- The 12121? Suitable fof‘o‘t‘fid necesgary chCIatbreasgns haVea‘IlI‘I‘aéy " ‘
:T‘ 2.1 a.- .1.‘ .11. ‘ ' OZ er V not de - er of 1 . . 9 Will : .21 reviz-Lt a e ' I
1 1111 11 1111 NEWS. ~ ........ Fourth . ' a c fihltely Settled_ “ages IS Still J 13111111; an 1Hterest- ed f_0rm_ We ' J1 -
.1 :11 11 1. - 1h- 1 Jolllnal Ca Dmnct gubStltumo Thel'e m anualy ISSu mg arhcl ' ' ‘
. 111‘ 111': 1 “11 1 31mm P‘flll .. ‘ meCHSVine that has b n fer presaht ay be entitled “We by a member of e In the ‘

1111 ‘1‘ ‘- '11 K . Conlrier-Joh‘rh‘ 1'” F17 th DiSlrict the past seee“ Elven CODSideggws‘Ons giV‘aS ah aut ay 13%“ YOnde-‘uhe KPA ( ‘
. 1111111 1.11 11 61th H. Hood :1, Louisville The difiefilal Weeks. 1011 for of the yest hentic pen pictulé’ fWhich I
:‘ ‘ 2 . . . er . ‘ 0
11 1‘11 11‘ 1 1‘1 . To DemOCrat B d. Sixth District Edltfll‘ial Ass-ne‘es-batween the Nat‘ the “gay ninyeaf ed1t0r51 esDec' mar-1y I
1 :‘11f11 1‘11 3111‘. m Underwoocl ’ 6 ford NEWSpapef 0011311011 and the A 1911a] willy In I
1311 f ‘ 111 - R L ET.“ Herald'iei‘mmh DiStTiCt regard to dig-31mm“ Associarggfice‘n LIQUOR, 1 5
.1 1111 1 ‘1 11111 . _ . . . . 1km . j. x11:}12,.'t0n COde, are beinq‘y neWSpapers under m ADVERTISING L} 1
1.11.311 1 ‘1‘-‘- 1 In Central ReCord H ‘ghth District from WaEhin b WOrked Out, Th a ACCOrdjn t — I
11 111111. 1 11 111111 1 e Costello , Lancaster mm is m gton states that the report Postoffice g 0 a- statement f 1 1
111111 ‘11 1111 I The Dcmocth N‘mh District hem-S of ‘15:; brighter and w: Sign?“ Open fol‘ (I‘ieqpartment’ Ke‘l‘ltfigke U‘S' ‘ ‘
1‘ 11i 1115» Q1111 ‘ ' ynthiana the gm , a‘ihing Ou - ave then 'h 1101' adVert' y is ‘ 1
1111" 11 111-1111 I L- Cum/{0rd 1» - - - . . . .; Tenth Distrir allowedagddally newSpapzrspoll‘lnt that liquoi 831216 State Statultfgénents a1- 1
1‘ ‘1 1‘ -': ‘ 111 rim Eleventh D- f’ A. w- mImStration s Gum be tisem 5' AcCordin 1 prOhibit '
11 1 1 :11 1 1,11. worm lsmct Workhh comparable hollnder the N E new ents may be If 3’. Such adVer 1

1"“? ‘Q 1‘1 ‘ 11'1“ 1 mg Condif‘ urs, Wages ' ' VSDaDErs b t . 1 11 in KEnt“ -- ,

:1 1 1 fit. , 1. _ _ grant 110115 to _ and terpr t ’ u 1 1f the ' llcky ‘

1 1 1. . . 1-1 MEE ed to t ‘5th ~ 8 ated ~ ed‘tOY ‘

1 1 E: 1 1 1 1 '1‘ US a he w e b31110 ~ the rul . has 1 -

1 1 ,1 111 1 1111 1 AT LOUISV ~ma11 pl’inti eekly neWs a Vert15em lng m h 1’! 1
1 . 1 -.1 .1 1 pa, Ents g t. s . .

111- ‘. ‘E .‘ ‘21": 1 Make —— ILLE The aolm'n-g plants, per and Sales f01‘ sal m-us“ not 5011 'E‘Ch ad-
1; - 1 1: 1 111:1" the Mid geparahms now t Graphic Ailt‘lstratiVe prom-signs . M‘quflr 1 1
a g _. 1 a - inter . 0 att u ‘ S c0ole - 1n the - 6 ”mt" ‘
1 1‘ . 1 : 1 3 1 at L - - meetm end hchana . remam . There a- ,
1:11 ‘1‘ 1 1111 :1 A1c0c§u$$ufe in JanuaiyOf éhe KPA the Chifsaof‘org those Dregreict‘elga“y 1"Cference‘Stoaqgleneral miscoflcepti ‘
1 5:: ;: -f a fe orWard pron ' eCretarv 17-18 3 CO e Convent- at in the 1‘ e numb” of On in ‘
1-.11‘» 1.1 1 1'1 b W days. Eve aram notice -‘ hp ’ “‘h‘Ch Pl‘cvid 10“: August ci~ .UmtEd Stat - n‘eVVSIJaIDers 1
‘1 ‘1‘ ' -. .111 9 present ry memloer S m “h of stat e for the co ‘Culatlons es With 11 ‘
1.‘ ‘ 1!? < . ~11 c . as defi 1 Ought in ‘ e DEWS a .Ohera— Gut - ' The fax: “meme ‘
1.1‘111 1 1.1-1: 0336011111411 be read??? aelpzrts On ‘01:: 13,32,165: affilimstra‘zio‘fr ngamzatigns fmrrieercsentf‘y by a. mi: 3:? brought

5' ‘ ‘ 1‘1 Cers Will a time ,: " C auseg qt’ ' air Tradp . 0 the NR 8 for 13h

‘ 11 - 5 1 1 1‘1 0n the n t- be read 13 ’ and CVde~ One Of ,k 111 remain ' , Ff 1893 E - A COde_ - e ‘

11‘ 11 ‘11 1 Urge “on?“ and K y 0 rapart *hnt1 Whmh is t m the “9133 ~ ngl‘Sh-lan
1 i1 1. 11 1 Every ed' ' ehtucky Q _ ~ Egal adve11t' , he pl‘ovis' . -D11h11shgd in guage neWsn .

111 11 1‘ - .‘11 ‘ attend Wh 1‘01” In yOur .- "et'uv. hS-hed forl 15mg Cannot ‘Gn mg fiehis e -the evening - ‘a'

i 11‘1 ‘1 1 11:1 ‘ Kp " ether he“ dls‘vrict to in 655 than th V be Dub— pa 9 .’ X01u$1ve of 1 01 mcrn- :
“i1“ 1 '5 ‘1‘- getAah‘r [310‘- Nowlis“;neInbEr 0f fhe stgtuzjfe a“ 5“ ferfhlehagdadvems‘ aspffhslefisrcu‘ations Wel‘esfifidi‘iy neWS— ‘ ‘1

u“- ‘ _ 111.: , e itor - £0001 t' " ; 8r st + ‘ n diVid
‘ "11 :1 1 .111 1 get in S In the a . }me to As 50011 a,e 145 ha . Ed 1
1 1111 111 1 1 111,1 Dammit“? dwjth your Siffrllatl-on, so ed by this :19 code is finauy ap 50.0mm 0‘ clrculations in eXCe 1
‘ ‘ ‘ 1 3; :1:.l “ ad\n- n 8X 1 ' "membe ma ‘1‘ eSident pTOV- 1‘21 SS 0f ‘

"3 1 1 :11’1 “Wta e Dam to r 'C‘ mew ' ’ a:dmin‘ - - ‘ had 0' -

‘ 1 111 .‘f ‘ 1“ 11 g s of assoCiatioh m them the Which it willw 111 be deerIOpegsmatlve and 591000 ITCulatmns bewes “
1 1‘ 1 1’1 .1111 ‘1 _—em‘:‘r5hip. wunder 233 had. - n 25’00“ ‘
1 :1“ 11 31:.111 1 THE NEWSPAPER P c - and 251000. Circ‘uatiOnS between 10 ‘ -’

1 1 111 ‘1 1111.1 1 Noth' __ CODE RINTER SHOUL 1 334 had 01‘ .000
5.1 11- 1.:u ; 1 - mg defin' D ADVER 100%. lculMons
. 1 .1 . 1 . 1921c lte h u __ TISE of leg
1., 1 1 - 11 :ed from W . as yet b A pri + A - S than
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘1 "Ii 1‘: .1 1 1 1‘ Dewspa ashlngf/On I‘ €811 re- five (1 Her pays fiv & COO-rdmg to th ‘
1 ‘ 111.1 "1 “ 33‘ 1 3 ”1011162)? code: but a d.°‘:ag:"1d‘ng the pavg-Pl‘ar hat: juSt aseadollars f°r a w Pub‘rher Annfaf‘g“ recent Editor
J“; 1‘ “1 ' ‘1“: ‘1 hOIid ready before tV he rear)“; 1) . ‘ runs a Star - -ny Other man ere in 1932 1 Bar B00k th I
.. 1,11 1111 :11 111.1 1 ti ays. The sfat he Christm mne. “He f y In Spinal total of ‘380 11 the United 1 ere 1
’ 1 '1‘? 1-; 1:!1; a 0115- acco ~ ‘ us 0f th .215 fcr a -. 0““ Over ~ CO" na ‘ morhin States a ‘

. 1 11,1 1.1 .s :.:-1:‘ - tori rdmg ’00 th e negot-121. u pan of she - - e‘ght dolla ‘WSpaDEI‘S g and 1533 -
1 3111 1‘- 1.- 4‘2? 1 5‘” aSSOciatio e NatiOnal - Therei 8’: llke an b 1‘5 Veer " and 518 s ’ evenmg 1
- 1 .1 1 . . .,;1; 1 A n. are E011- b 5 One thi y Ody elap "q: The t . unday '
'- 1“ 21‘; 11 1 ‘1 :“11: report fro as fOuOWs- “V Chea ng, hOWeVe ”" m'anj Cta] Clrc 1 - news- 1
1.11.1 11: '11: f .‘ .1 2‘1 1 N- E A m Washingto ' bu