xt7m639k6h5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m639k6h5s/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2011-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 2011 text GLSO News, July 2011 2011 2011-07 2019 true xt7m639k6h5s section xt7m639k6h5s ~7~ i
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Volume 33 Number 7
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 LeXIngton Falrness tee consisted of Jonathan Bark-
Presents the 4th Annual er, Mary Crone, Jennifer Cros-
Fairness Awards sen, Nicole Diamond, Ernesto
BY Craig Cammack, Scorsone and Fred Worsham.
COhtFIbUtOI’ The Fairness Awards are a tribute
. . . to the leadership exhibited by the
Lexington, Fairness _kicks off LGBT community in Kentucky.
LethgtOhS LGBT Phde week— Lexington Fairness'commits its
endIby FeCOgh'ZJhQ and cele- energy to promoting fairness
brating community leadership. and equality] in Central Ken-
Lexington, KY, June 24, 20111 tucky, and t e Fairness Awards
Lexmgton Fairness presented are a culmination of that work.
the 4t Annual Fairness Awards
at the Hyatt Regency Patterson The or%anizatio_n_produces citi-
Ballroom on Friday, June 24. zen [o'by training presenta-
. . . tions, gives classroom speeches
The organization honored five on living as a member of the
community _leaders .WhO ex- LGBT community, participates
pressed .t eir commitment t_0 in multiple community festi-
progreSSInjg lesbian, gay, bl“ vals and events and works on
sexual an transgender (LGBT) programming that diminishes
equality _and fairness. The arm caused by youth bully-
awards IhCIUded the_ ANY for ing in schools. exington Fair-
Fairness Award _Jennifer Cros- ness has advanced the vis-
sen OUt for Fairness Award, ibility, respect, policies and
Fairness Leadership Awa rd_ and legislation to further LGBT rights.
the Ernesto Scorsone Political
Leadership Award. The event The 4th Annual Fairness Awards
also featured entertainment kicked off a weekend of LGBT
from the cast 0f SummerFests Pride celebrations, with the Lex-
PFOdUCtIOh 0f. The ROCKY HOF' ington Pride Festival taking Place
ror ShOVk DISCO. legend and on Saturday, June 25, a the
Grammy ward Wlhher Thelma Robert F. _Sefphens Courthouse
HOUStOh and Emmy Award Wlh' Plaza. This ree event encom-
ning comedian Bruce Vilanch. Passes a day fiiied with _music,
. . pod and vendorscelebrating the
The reCIPIeht 0f the ANY for rights of the LGBT community.
Fairness Award was Ms. Isabel For more information: Lex-
Yates. The "eC'Plehts 0f the ington Fairness www.|ex-
Jennifer Crossen Out for Fair- fa i r. o rg I 8 5 9- {9 5 1 - 8 5 6 5 _
ness Award were Tim Burcham
and Phillip Malrcum. The rear;-
ient of the Fairness Leadership Lexington Fairness is a 501(c)3
Award was Wayne Clayton. organization committed to serv-
. . mgfithe LGBTcommunitythrough
The FeCIPIeht. .Of the Ernesto ac ieving equal rights undert e
SCOI'SOI'le POIltlcal_ Leadership Iaw acceptance, and fairness
Award was MayorJim Gray. _Re- in Central Kentucky through lo-
CI‘Pientsarechosen fromafield cal community action, rass-
0 nominations SUbEhltted by _roots advocacy, network-(build-
the PUth- Th'S years Fairness ing, and educational outreach.
Awards Nomina ions Commit-

 Issue 7 2011 Feature Story
Pride Festival Sets
CONTENTS Records Page 11
Pride Festival Page 11 GSA MEEting
Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
Pride Center
GLSO Discussion Group
Every Wednesday, 7 pm.
Fairness Awards Pr'de Center
' 2
DInner Bluegrass Trans(Gender)
Youth & Families
Saturday, July 9 & 23, 1 pm.
LGBT Teens 5 Pride Center
Health Risks
Kentucky Bourbon Bears
Board Meeting
Saturday, July 9, 9 pm.
Pride Festival Pride Center
Wrap Up 11 .
GLSO Board Meeting
Sunday, July 10, 1 pm.
Pride Center
Imlperial Court Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Relgn 30 369th 13 Sunday July 10 & 24, 6 pm.
. Pride Center
Making a Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
Difference 16 Sunday, July 31, 3 pm.
Pride Center

 GLSO News Issue 7 2011

_ _ Dennis Wheatley, President
The GLSO News Is published Orvis Kean, Vice President
monthly by and for the Lexington Secretary, Vacant
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Glenn Blind, Treasurer
zation members and community.
The mission of the Lexington Gay
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services James Carie, At Large
to the GLBTQQIA community. Mary Crone, GSA
RJ Deacon, Volunteers
The vision of the Lexington Gay Jesse Howard, Marketing/Sales
and Lesbian Services Organiza- Mark Johnson, At—Large
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA David Spencer, Technology
community through voice. Jessica Sucik, Affiliate Groups
The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in- GLSO STAFF
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity,
service and competence. Samara Baker, Interim Adminis-
trative Assistant
GLSO Pride Center
389 Waller Avenue EDITORIAL NOTES
Suite 100 . .
Lexington, Ky. 40504 The GLSO. IS currently looking for
new contributors and editorial
859.253.3233 . .
www. glso. org staff. If Interested, e-mail
2011 GLSO News sponsorship packages are now available!
Email editor@glso.org to pick your package today!

 Gay Teen Health Risks that have found that GLBT stu-
Mary Crone, dents feel unsafe in middle and
Contributor high school. The CDC called for

state and local governments
In June, the federal Centers to do more, in the form of poli-
for Disease Control and Pre- cies or programs such as gay-
vention (CDC) reported that straight alliances, to combat
LGBT youth are at increased what’s happening to gay youth.

risk not only for suicide but
also for seven out of the 10 The center’s analysis was based
healthdangerstheCDCtracks. on a common tool for judging
"This report should beawake- the risk of students called the
up call,” Howell Weschsler, di- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance
rector of the CDC’s Division System. Not all states use this
of Adolescent and School system. In fact, in 2009 only 10
Health, said in a news re- states and seven large school
lease. "We are very concerned districts even asked whether stu-
that these students face such dents were gay or bisexual. The
dramatic disparities for so CDC emphasized the need for
many different health risks." better study of issues pertain-
ing to student health and safety.

The CDC found that 8% to
19% of straight students are Personally, in my work with GSAs
cigarette smokers. In various in Fayette County schools, Iwould
studies, the percentage for saythatwearedoing wellto have
LGBT students varied from GSAs available to many students
20% to 48%. The discrepancy but that only a small percentage
is much the same for violence, of LGBT youth are actually served
binge drinking, drug use, by these groups. Some of “our”
and even weight problems. teens are doing fine on their own,
‘ Bisexual students are often but there are many teens that
‘ at highest risk. Binge drink— are not yet ready to walk into a
ing, for example, was a prob- meeting at their school. We need
lem for 15.9% to 44.4% of to continue our outreach to youth
straight students and for and education of adults that work
17.3% to 44.4% of gay stu- with teens in our community.
dents, but it hit 33% to If you are interested in work-
63.3% of bisexual students. ing as an adviser for the GLSO
The report also made ref- GSA, please contact Mary Crone
erence to several studies at marycrone@insightbb.com. .


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Above Ed Bradley and Chuck Embs from the Kentucky Bourbon Bears;
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Top Left Lexington Pride Festival Chair Orvis Kean and Board
Member Jamie Cane; Top, Right The LEgendary Thelma Hous-
ton performs at this years Lexmgton airness Dinner; above
GSA Members Alex, Mary rone and TrIIby Trent.

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VIew from the 2011 Lexmgton Pride Festival Stage during the afternoon Show

 Plans Underway Part-Time
for Administrative Assistant
~ . Needed for Pride Center
Pride Festiva| 2012 The GLSO is looking for a part—
_ time administrative assistant It
By Don LOWE, Editor for the Pride Center. If you iv?
' terested in applying or ‘
Plans are already under— are 'n . . . X,
way for Lexinglztonfs Fifth would like more. information, se
Annual Pride estlval to please email mfo@g|so.org.
~ be held June 30, 2012. :2
Headlining the event will be ”Keep the Love you Find the
Disco Le end Martha Wash ‘
“It's Rlainglng Men" and “Car: Get the Love you Want. :3
ry On as well as numerous re‘
acts yet to be announced. Jessica Bollinger,LCSW Re-
An” t(erg?nkijzastioraal rJneletjjnlg Imago RelationshipTherapist We
WI e e un a _ u y be
at 3 pm. at The gride Ceni EMDR Trauma W9r.k tu‘
ter at 389_ Waller Avenue. COUIoles,FamI|y,lndIVIdual
If YQU are IntereStEd In be“ Imagoconnection'com me
comirég a Board Member for C6
the h A_nnual Lexmgton 8595515533 Be
Pride Festival8 Blease con- ty
taCt GLSO at 5 '253'3233' MonthlyWorkshops for Couples
check web site or call for information Br;
‘jgiw .3 , Listening is probably the most important factor when eV'
“fwfx ".32; doing business with anyone. whether it he Real Estate th‘
Ir” I ‘r\ ‘32? or any other form of sales oriented services. yo
“g i :1 llike to use the term of "emotional intelligence" 3‘:
gjffifl f ' when describing what I bring to my clients. the
$5., Teresa Combs pi
e ‘_ ,. Realtor. ABR, GRI, QSC tor
:- is”? Accredited Buyer Representative at
w SU|
A ye;
Cell/Text: 859-489-1 ISO Wm in;
Office: 859-422-2000 W"
Email: tcrcsacombs@rcmax.nct :2:
Web: www.tcrcsacombsrcaltor.con‘ mg to
TI! ms 9 3: Creative Realty Co

 ICK crowns ebrating your pride with your friends!
New Royalty filtsoéskiiayoureyes pee|§3d| for mI/nvesl-I
- I ur coming up in uy. e wr
by ShOtz’ Contributor keep you posted via our facebook group
. . , page and website (www.imperia|court-
It '5 With much pride and honor kentucky.org) as the details for the date
that I would me to introduce Hi5 and venue as they become available.
MOSt Imperial Majesty, Emperor The Imperial Court of Kentucky has
XXX! Fred E- Worsham and. my- once again had a record setting year
self, Her MOSt Imperial Majesty, by reaching our second highest year of
Empress XXX! ShotZ, Of The Im- fundraising in our 30 year history dur-
Periai Court Of KentUCkY- I know ing Reign 29. With the support of the
that I speak for bOth 0t ”5 when 1 community we will ultimately distribute
say, we are honored to have been over $35,000.00 to our charities. Some
chosen by the membership to rep- of these funds have been disbursed
resent the ICK as the monarchs of throughout the year and we will begin
Reign XXX for the Upcoming year. making disbursements of the remainder
We would iike to thank the mem- of the funds to our charities at the end of
bars Of the Imperial Court of Ken- June during ourtransition board meeting.
tucky and all other community
members in attendance at the re- The transition board meeting is when the
cent Moveable Feast 5th Annual board from the previous year relinquish-
Belmont BBQ and the SCOtt Coun- es the business of the court to the newly
tY Humane SOClety Fur Ball 2011- elected board and any board members
_ . carried over from the previous years
Branching OUt and networking (most board members are elected to a
with our fellow community chari- 2 year seat). The board for Reign XXX
tles keeps ”5 .at the forefront of will consist of myself, Fred E. Worsham,
everyone's minds and reminds Wayne Clayton, Wayne Swope, Jona_
them Of the hard work that each 0t than Barker, Wes Nelson, Daryl Royse,
you put into our organization. We Brad Shepherd and Clayton Burchell.
were welcomed to each Of these If you are interested in becoming a
events With open arms and shown member of the Imperial Court of Ken—
the best 0t southern hospitality. tucky or have any questions about our
We Wiii be hosting a "Crossings organization, please, approach any of
Pride" show at Crossmgs LeXlng- these board members and they would .
ton on Saturday, .June 25/ 2011 be happy to help. Remember that the
at 4 9-m- Crossmgs '5 so very Imperial Court of Kentucky is ultimately
supportive Of the community all ran by our members, the members vote
year long especrally during Le)_<- to elect the Monarchs and the Board of
lngton's own Pride Weekend. This Directors, so that every member has
Wiii be a fun way to give back to a voice in their "court". You can learn
the community as the net pro- more about our organization, upcom-
ceeds from the event Wiii go ing events, membership, our by-Iaws
to the charities Of the Imperial and our Manual of Operations at www.
Court Of Kentucky, all V_Vhiie hav— imperialcourtkentucky.org or emailing
I lng your favorite cocktail and cel- us at info@imperialcourtkentucky.org.

 Second Mi_ss Lexmgton
Pride Festival Crowned
by Lacey Lynn Taylors, '1
Contributor ~, 3 {.1
On June 10, I was honored .1ng
and humbled to be crowned '5 a ,1". .,
Miss Lexmgton Pride 2011. .4}; r
Since-then, I have embarked v; .,
on a Journey to represent the I , 1 ‘.
GLBT community - my com- ‘
munity - and I would ike the
chance to familiarize my-
self WIth those In it, but not {1
just as Lacey Lynn Taylors. ’5‘” ‘
In mEy_da&/-today life, I am sim- gt. ;5 1?
ply ric aines. Iam Zia/ears " 6‘“;
old, and currently re5i e In '~. 3'“:- .1.
Ashland, KY, With my partner ’13-. “ . ‘-,
Zach, and two cats, Doodle ; " ._ l -.;
and Dame. I am a profes- "\ k ,3“- .2
Sional oboist and have been ‘3.- " ., "
blessed With a successful free- ‘1‘ . ,
lance career, a highlight being ‘ , fill
a 2008 concert tour of Spain.
In my free time, I enjoy
horseback. riding, and wor and internationally. Over the
closely With American Sad- course of my career, I have
dlebreds horses. .My most mentored other entertain-
recent endeavor involved _ a ers, who in turn have taken
xear _of volunteer work With my last name and have l‘Fgone
meriCorps, _a government on to be successful pe orm-
Program, which a lowed me ers. As an entertainer, I have
he opportunity. to teach erH'loyed performing at many
and .mentor at—risk students di erent venues and events
ranging in age from 5 to 15. throughout the Tri-State.
I created Laceyl Lynn Taylors It was a truly unexpected
in 2005 With umble beam- blessing and an honor to be
ningls at the Stonewall _ ub crowned Miss Pride of Lexing-
In untington,_ W651: Vlrglnla- ton 2011. It is my hope that
Between t at time and now I by sharing with you this brief
have honed my craft and-de- summary of myself, you will be
veloped the celebrity illu5ions better able to understand who
for which I am best known, I am and What I love to do.
including Doll}! P_arton,_ Reba
McEntire, an Liza Minnelli. I intend to represent Lexing-
ton and the people of Lexing-
In 2009, I founded my own ton Pride in a respectful and
busmess, LLT_ Designs. L T De— professional manner, bringing
Signs speCIalizes in affordable our message to everyone
custom costumes, rhinestone come into contact with. I look
Jewelry and Wigs, and has forwardtothenewfriendsand
catered to many different en- opportunities that this year
tertainers, all over the country wil hold. Thank you so much! I


 Pride Festival Sets but all non-profits reported heavy
Records booth traffic and those raising mon-
By Don Lowe, Editor ies through raffles and sales were
very pleased with their participation.
The Fourth Annual Lexington pride The entertainment was more excit-
FestivalwasheldSaturday,June26 ing than ever before and featured
in Downtown Lexin ton and was nationally and internationally known
by farthe biggest ceiiebration of its acts such as recording artist Amber,
kind in central Kentucky. The fes— RUPan'S Drag Race Alum Morgan MC-
tival set records in several catego- Michaels, AdUit Film Director Chi Chi
ries including but not limited to 1) LaRue and many local performers.
vendors and non-profit organiza- Corporate sponsors were Coca Cola,
tions participating 2)monies raised ID Lube, The Word, Chipotle, BUd
for local GLBT charities 3)enter- Light, Absolut, Maker’s Mark, Lex-
tainment acts 4)corporate spon- mark, Kentucky Fairness Alliance,
sors and 5)festival participants_ Video Max, Third Street Stuff, Tate Hill
Jacobs Architects, Channel 1 Releas-
Over 60 vendors and non-profit ing, Shea Chaney, Crossings Lexing-
organizations participated in this ton,_Purdon’s Fayette COUFitY Diabetes
year’s event. Among them were Coalition, Grindr, Smiley Pete Publish-
numerous religious organizations ing, LeXIngton-Fayette County Health
including Woodland Christian Depal‘tmenthand The Barrel House.
Church, St, Martha’s Episcopal While there is no official word on fes—
Church, Bluegrass United Church tiyal participants, photographs and
of Christ, Open Arms of God Min— videos taken of the event show mas—
istries and St. Mychal The Martyr Slve crowds. Estimates of attendance
Church. Vendors included The range. from 12,000 to some reports
Barrel House, Macy’s, Half Price as high as 17,000 in attendance.
Books and The Word. One thing is for certain, this
was the biggest Pride Festi-
Monies are still being tallied val in Central Kentucky’s hiStOW-


FACES its:

in”? .
O F j. 4 {I i; in“: . ,
V \ i,» "a
Right, Comedy Legend Bruce a i
Vlanch Performs during this 5;» ‘
year’s Lexington Fairness Din- .. I .
ner ,


 . . man’s religious law or rules but a
Mak'ng a Difference sacrifice of man unto one another
BY Rev. Karen Taylor, without regard to oneself. Scrip—
Contributor ture says: for what you do unto the
least of these you do as unto Me. ‘
I’ve just returned from a vacation @
to Washington, DC. It’s pretty We have so many government pro-
amazing to walk the streets, grams that we lose sight of what
looking at all the monuments we are to do because in the back
in tribute to some of the great of our minds we know the gov- =
leaders of this country. With ernment is taking care of it. My -
all of its faults, this is still the heart cries out for the orphans -
. - -
greatest country in the world. and those who are being sexually, -
physically, or emotionally abused
One of the books I purchased at the hands of their adult care Al
was “Quotations of Martin Luther givers; probably more so than
King, Jr.” There was a quote I most because I was one of them.
read that really stayed with me. I get angry when I see children
It was, “Life’s most persistent laughing or making fun of anoth—
and urgent question is, ‘What er student for any reason, but in
are you doing for others?” It a big way when it’s due to their
also reminded me of something sexual orientation. As a middle |
JFK said in one of his speeches, school teacher I do see a lot of
“Ask not what your country can that. It has been stirring up in me
do for you, but ask what you to take action, don’t just sit there
can do for your country.” As a being angry, do something. One
country we have strayed far thing I’m looking into is starting,
away from these two ideas. what as far as I know is the first in
Franklin County, a Gay Straight Al-
The mindset here can also be ap- liance chapter in my middle school.
plied to the church. As the body There is so much that needs to
of Christ we should always be be done and far too few workers. ~
about doing for others. At Open ‘
Arms of God Ministry we are con- I would like to take this moment I
stantly looking for ways to be the and challenge each of you read-
hands and feet of Christ. James ing this, to look for opportuni-
1:27 reads, “Pure and undefiled ties to make a difference. Open
religion before our God and Fa— Arms of God Ministry is looking for q
ther is this: to look after orphans those who desire to make a dif-
and widows in their distress and ference in the world around us.
to keep oneself unstained by the But whether you connect with
world." Pure and undefiled reli- us or step out on your own, let’s s”:
gionisn’t talking about organized all strive to make a difference. th”
religion followed to the letter of God bless you in all your efforts.
_ I

 GLSO Lexington Pride Festival Would Like
To Thank Our Generous Sponsors
+ ,, + j ,, gun ,
=== ,. f/ LIE/H7.”
ABSOLUT" ‘”"’”‘AN \
, lm. Lemngton’s Hrstom DLS‘CLUEYH bLgtr'Lct S M
Q?) ark®
v— l) ; Wu '5‘
:7(\ Fa ette Cunt “3”: a” \
Diabetes toalltmn %; J,
45/ , Kentucky
at}! W W .Fairness
third Streetstllfil TATE HILL JACOBS LEXM m
I channelifleleasini l Shea flnanev | Jim Kieien l cI'IISSiIIiS lexinilnn

 GLSO Phone Directory
A community resource page for gay and/or Sister Sound 859.806.0243
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky. Social Services, Lexington 211
. . Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
W TransKentucky cassiemtf@
AIDS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 yahoo.com I
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776 United Way 859.313.5465
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 WES
877506-2437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691 I
Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity, St. Martha’s 859.533.9851
Hea'th DePt-I W°°df°rd 859373-4541 Interweave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
HIV/AIDS Legal Project 502.584.1254 Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319
LOU‘SVi”e Regi°n 502574-0161 Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.3357
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 2704433339
”Wham KY- Reg?“ 859341-4254 Open Arms of God Ministry 502-545-6355
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
gamma-m, and Sag-a. mm Studentfimuns
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Berea C°"ege ACE 859958-3633
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 centre ““996 BGLA 859238-5332
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 Morehead State University 606.783.2294
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 /fi\\
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 J. ' “s,
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 <\ e?
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 ‘ _ - 505399 2
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 Cgfieéfig
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 Kg r\ac\:\)gteesl
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 K $689234» ‘~ g ,
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 5* $620.0“) " L
International Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 6 \)
Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565 5 ,
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931 ‘~ .,/" ,
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428 ‘
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadline é
MACT 859.358.8335 .
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send artiqulg/szaei d ads to
PFLAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor@glso.org

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