xt7m639k6h46 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7m639k6h46/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2004-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 2004 text GLSO News, December 2004 2004 2004-12 2019 true xt7m639k6h46 section xt7m639k6h46 w“'g;‘;‘_,_i;; GAY and - I?
\rzg;.j1-:;‘-'i-"' LESBIAN f, ”e. ,
3.1;: SERVICE "Sim; - .
Lexinsm December 2004
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 19 Number 12
Another Note lloiollor lit: Willilll Allis llll
"ONE SPECIAL NIGHT" The first event in observance of World
Featuring Guest Soloist Darlene Lane AIDS Day is actually the evening before,
1 Tuesday, Nov. 30, at 7 pm at Club 141.
Another Note, a mens choral ensem- Bingo with a Flair is free and will have
ble, WIll present "One SpeCIaI Night a fes- food and great prizes (see page 10)_
tive holiday benefit concert for Movable Early Wednesday morning Dec. 1 an
Feast on Saturday, Dec. 4 at 8 pm. at All Day Vigil including a display of public
Woodland Christian Church, 530 East High art will begin at 5 am at Triangle Park at
Street. We are requesting an $8 donation Main and Broadway. At 11am a press con-
at the door. Proceeds will be donated to ference will be held at this location.
Movable Feast to support them in their Also on Wed. The UK Bluegrass Care
work in providing meals to persons living Clinic (BCC) will offer free confidential test-
with HIV/ AIDS. and those in Hospice Care. ing for HIV/AIDS between 10am and 4:30
"This concert Will be a great way for The clinic is located on the second floor of
everyone to k'Ck Off the holiday season, the Kentucky Clinic, 740 South Limestone.
says Another Note artistic director Steve No appointment is necessary.
Johnson. "Featuring something for every- The BCC will also be hosting the
one, from traditional favorites like "We "Please Respond" World AIDS Day
Need A Little Christmas" and "Silent Night" Luncheon at 11:30 am. The theme
to the title song - a rousing musical cele- "Please t' d 3
’ bration of Hanukkah, "One Special Night,"- ...con Inue on page
this concert is sure to get our audience in
the holiday spirit" Pribe Center Holman Sale
Another Note is a volunteer men's sat Dec 11 10am to 4pm
ensemble established in 1997. The group
strives for musical excellence while enjoy- see Page 6 ' 7
ing fellowship. We share a commitment to
helping others, 100% of the profits from SPO]? Of the 071th
concerts are donated to designated local ..-j‘"" ‘
charities. Another Note has performed at s St} ' s d
community events in Lexington, Danville, I girpoau"
Versailles, and Somerset, and is open to ‘f” ,
performing at other venues in Central Rhytmenotfie
Kentucky as schedules allow. For more ‘7”
information about Another Note, call Steve Concert la". 22
Johnson at 859.233.1730.

 . - -. GAY and fl% The ’6 word
3,._. . ”3', .
‘ $1533” it“ ‘ , Raffle
"it"; 03%;; “y: GLSO has received a pro-
" Wm '. motional DVD set of the first
x... year of The L. Word. We are
raffling this set to benefit the Pride Center; tickets
@LSQ MEWS are $2 each or 3 for $5. This set retails for $69.99.
What a great Christmas present this would make!
Volume 19 Issue 12 Drop by the office between 10 am and 3 pm, Mon.
published monthly by through Fri., or Sat. 10 to 5, to purchase raffle tick-
The Lexington Gay ets. GLSO board members will also have tickets.
The second season of The L Word will premier in
Lesbian Service mid February, 2005. If anyone already has a copy of
Organization the first season, it would be fun to set up a Saturday
389 Waller Ave viewing time to allow those of us who do not have
' Showtime to catch up.
Mary Crone FOUND
Jackie Cobern DecanberArtExhz’bit Doris Alexander
Board Members The name of my show is “Found” partly because
Thomas Collins, President it seems I’ve found my niche. My work consists of
Sarah Martin, Vice-Pres. many found objects: gifts from family and friends,
Ben Salyers, Sec. outdoor items, and things in my home. Being multi
Mary Crone, Editor media collage, my work ranges from natural items
Joan Branon such as stones, shells and pine cones to ribbon
Tom Collins roses, buttons, small toys, and magazine cut-outs.
$223333: Some pieces are glued to particle board, some are
Jen Saver done in acrylic box frames, and others are created
" on wooden plaques. I also make use of recycled
Bill Chandler, matboard, covered in wallpaper.
Office Manager I will have painted glass items in the show.
These also are from found, discovered, or gifted
GLSO Annual Dues & sources. They are painted with water-permeable
Newsletter acrylic that allows light to shine through the glass.
Individual _ $15 Colors range from earthen tones to the brightness of
Couple _ $20 everyday objects. There is sure to be something to
Opinions expressed in the GLSO please everyone
News are those of the authors and I would like to thank my parents and all the other
ghoen’grflggsgizléregngnfeigtsgsfag people in my life who have guided and encouraged
welcome and staff reserves the right me in my journey'
to edit submissions and advertise- The Opening Reception Will be on
33:12:53 gegrifjégffisrig’gzgslejeCt Friday, Dec. 3from 6to8 at the Pride Center 387
Waller Ave. Refreshments will be served.
GLSO Page 2

 AVOL ...cont/nued from front page Rainbow Families of Lexmgton
Res ond" will focus on the conti u'n
p '. . .n I 9 Rainbow Families of Lexington (RFOL)
and growmg risks of HIV/AIDS in the . . .
. . . is a brand new organization for gay and
African American community. Reverend . . .
. . lesbian parents and their children.
Edwm C. Sanders II, the Senior Servant at . .
. . . . Organizers, Cheryl Smith and Jen
Metropolitan Interdenominational Church in .
. . Meklenburg, wanted to create a communi—
NashVIlle Will be the key note speaker. The .

. ty, local to Lexmgton, where GLBT parents
luncheon Is free, bUt you need a reserva— can bond to ether and create a safe and
tion. Call Jana D. Collins 859-323-4792 or . g . . .
'anacollins@uk edu fun enVIronment for their families.

J y . . RFOL is still in the planning stages, but
Wednesday evening at 6:30 there Will
. . . the group hopes to have monthly get-
be an Interfaith Serwce in Remembrance . . . .
. togethers as well as speCIal actIVIties
& Hope at the Radisson Plaza Hotel,
. . . throughout the year.
Lincoln Hall. Immediately followmg the
. . . AYahoo Group has been set up as the
serVIce there Will be a candlelight proces- . . . . .
. . . . . offiCIal online meeting place. The URL is
Slon and well In Triangle Park. htt '// rou s ahoo com/ rou /rfolk /
On Thursday, Dec. 2, AVOL is hosting p g p .y .' g p y
,, . ,, The group is planning a Meet & Greet
an White Party at 9 pm at Bar Complex. . .
. . . after the holidays to talk about future activ-
There Will be entertainment, dancmg and . . . .
prizes Wear our most creative white ities. Dates and times Will be announced
y in the GLSO newsletter and on the Yahoo
costume and get your party on. Grou site
On Dec. 8, KPOL’s Annual Holiday p .
. . Cheryl and Jen would like to reach out
some Will start at 9 pm at Club 141. . . . .
. . to the LeXIngton community and inVite
There Will be food, drag entertainment,
. . those that are currently parents or those
and door prizes. Please bring a new toy . . . .
. . . . . . . that are Just starting their Journey to par-
for children in families liVing With . . .
enthood to 10m RFOL. For more informa-
HlV/AIDS. . .
, . tion, call Cheryl at 533-6309 or email at
For more information about all these 'en che |@ ahoo com
events, see ads on pages 16-18 J — ry y
[m erial Court Calendar
The lm erial Court has created anoth-
Men of All Colors Together Kentucky is p.
_ , , er outstanding calendar, Women on the
a chapter of the National Assomation of .
, Edge 2005. This calendar featurs women
Black and White Men Together. On . . . . .
_ who have made history by being Willing to
Saturday, Dec. 11, we Will have our . .
_ . , _ take a stand, by gomg against cultural
Christmas Party at Ralph s in Richmond. lt . . ,, ,, .
_ , _ “ expectations, or by being on the edge in
Will be our traditional make your own . ,
, _ n _ other fabulous ways. Lexmgton s talented
Christmas Pizza , With better crust than .
, _ _ drag queens portray Cleopatra, Josephine
last year. Jom us for refreshments, Singing,
, Baker, Salome, Eve, and even Mary Kay.
and Christmas Cheer. . .
, This calendar would make a great christ-
For info. contact mact.ky@aol.com. or . .
t mas gift for several people on your list.
see ” “ “.mac ky.com. ...continued on next page
GLSO page 3

 Women on the Edge is on sale at night. Participants will pay the open bowl-
Belle's Bakery & Deli, Bluegrass Pride ing rate, roughly $10, for three games.
Center, CJ Advertising, CD Warehouse, Payment of ABC sanction fees is optional.
Canary Cottage, Chevy Chaser, Club 141, Shawn Fritz will maintain statistics for
Mia's, Moveable Feast, Natasha's, The those who want to be sanctioned and par-
Bar Complex, Paisley Peacock, Posh ticipate in the tournaments sponsored by
Salon & Spa (Richmond Rd), Sqecial the International Gay Bowling Org. For
Media, and Voce Salon. Calendars are $12 info call Shawn Fritz at 859- 271-8919
each, 10 for $100. Profits from the sales will
benefit tMovable Fest. fiantrunners/fi‘antwalkers

Orders may be placed by calling
Michael Thompson at 859.258.2997 or Frontrunners/Frontwalkers meet every
email michael.thompson1@insightbb.com Saturday at 9 am at the the UK Arboretum

for running/walking and socializing. Join
Lyons “Vi/Leather Club us near the Water Tower. Wen have dis-

The Lexington Lyons meet every other continued our Wednesday evening get
month at the Pride Center. The next meet- togethers until Spring. If you have any
ing will be on Monday, Dec.13 at 8 pm. We questions, please call Hal Kutter or Ken
also meet for brunch at Mia’s on the last Waibel at 859'294'7944 or email Hal at
Sunday of each month at 1 pm. You are haroldkutter@aol.com.
welcome to loin US- Soulforce Lexington

Diversitg in Gender Alliance SoulForce Lexington continues to meet

http://groupsyahoo.com/group/lexDGA on the 2nd and 4th Sundays Of each

month. We follow the principles of non-

The Lexington Diversity in Gender violence practiced and taught by Ghandi
Alliance meets the first Saturday evening of and Martin Luter King Jr. to confront “spir-
each month at a private location. Doors itual violence" againslt GLBT people.
open at 7, the meeting starts at 7:30. Call Members come from a variety of reli-
Julia at 255'7306 for information. gious backgrounds and are united in their

We welcome all people who transcend belief that GLBT people and our allies
gender norms or who are questioning their have to directly confront the religious
gender identity. We welcome transsexuals, organizations and individuals that are
intersexuals, effeminate men, masculine using the Bible to preach against us.
women, drag Kings, drag Queens, gender For information about meeting location,
queers and more. Family and supportive call Jamie at 859 230-5625. and see web
allies who would like to discuss trans page at www.SoulforceLexington.org,
issues are welcome. This is not a therapy
group. ,

RAINBOW LEAGUE More Commumtu News

convntrs TO SOCIAL BOWLING sec Pagcs 6 55 8

The Rainbow League is sponsoring RELIGIOUS / SPIRITUAL
social bowling every Wednesday at Collins RESOURCES
Lanes on Southland Dr. starting at 9 pm.

There is no obligation to come every Wed. 866 Pages 21 '23

2 1mm :39
. ‘
r @yl 19G
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ItH be one llvely concert.
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13 L 223.23%:
n Saturday, January 22nd. 8:00 pm


3b UK Slngletary Center for the Arts
‘ Ticket Prices: 13 l 5 regular admission.
$1 0 students and seniors, $5 children
Tickets are available from
Singletary Center for the Arts Box Office, 257-4929
— GLSO Page 5

" . 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat we open at 10 am
Bluegrass Fairness also has office space here. Volunteers help us keep
the center open after 3. Call to be sure someone is here between 3 and 5.
GLSO HOLIDAY SALE Lesbian Movie Night
GLSO is hosting a sale on Saturday, On Friday, Dec. 10, 7 pm at the Pride
Dec. 11 from 10am to 4pm that will include Center we will show Gia. starting Angelina
a variety 0f used and new books, jewelry, Jolie. This film is a biography ofone of the
WindSOCkS, T-shirts, and art work. Agreat first super models who lived life on the
place to do some Christmas shopping. edge before contracting and dying ofAlDS in
The Bookworm is having a liquidation the 1980’s. Jolie doesagreatjob of portraying
sale Of all its inventory. Many people got this lesbian, drug using, larger-than—life woman.
great T—Shirts in October and now we have As we commemorate World AIDS Day
25 boxes ofnewbooksto 3e” at lower than in December, it is interesting to consider
wholesale prices. See Ad —-'> how this epidemic was viewed in past
decades. In the eighties it was unusual for
40+‘VU0men women to be diagnosed H|V+ and conse-
The 40+ ClUb is a QFOUP for women quently many did not receive even the lim-
over 40 (and their younger friends) who ited treatment that was available to men.
are interested in attending a variety of Bring a snack to share and join us
activities together. We have a number of
things planned for December. Discussion Group
We will attend the Kentucky Christmas Th d' . t
Chorus on Tuesday, Dec. 7th, 7:30pm at W e iscusSion group mee 8 every
_ _ ednesday night at 7 pm at the Pride
Rupp Arena. Free admissmn. Meet Center and is open to all. We strive to
between 6:30 & 7 at the coffee shop on k this a safe 5 ace where ou can be
the ground floor near the entrance. (Look ma e p. . y .
for wrought iron tables.) yourself. 'lf you enjoy lively discussmns,
, _ , , please pm us. For more info contact Jane
There is some interest in gomg to see at ladyjaneky@yahoo.com
the Southern Lights Festival at the KY
Horse Park which runs between Nov. 19th Pride center Library Highlights
and Dec 31st, from 5:30-10. Admission is For the Guys
$15 per vehicle. if interested call Sandra ,
to decide on a date 502-867-1323 By Jane Wider
We Wi” have our regular monthly meet— We recently received three large dona-
ing on Sunday, Dec. 12, 2pm at the Pride tions of books for gay men. Agreat combi-
Center. We Wi” diSCUSS plans for January nation of fiction and non-fiction books, and
and then Will 90 together to see “The P015“ a couple of DVDs have added significantly
Express" at a local theater. to the collection. 80 if the ladies will pardon
Some ideas for things to do after the me for one month, I’d like to highlight some
first of the year include the SisterSound things for the guys. (Of course a “good
concert, snow tubing in lndiana, foaling in book" is a “good book” so really, anyone
January, and a trip to Bardstown and the can enjoy these.)
Gethsemane monastery. Join US! Pride Library ...continued on page 8
GLSO Page 6

 l 0

3e; Holiday Sale

SATURDAY, are. I! IO AM -4 PM i


:9 New T-Shirts Windsoeks jewelry

1; Lesbian ArtPrints Dream Pillows

3 Also---

”' Bookworm liquidation Sale

50% of sales will be donated to GLSO. '

'3, New Hardback (s2) & Paperback (st) Books i

2 General Fiction Business Politics Personal Finance Sports

3, Self—Help African American Education Feminism Non—Fiction

Cash Register T-shirts $2.67 Sweat Shirts $3.34

New Security System: 4 Cameras, Monitor 86 VCR.

Alva ~ ~ i

:1; ~Works of art by Doris Alexander

:3: decorated antique bottles, collage pieces,

2: and other items in our current Art Exhibit


 Pride Library ...continued from page 6 What Happened? What's Next?

We have several good mystery series fihcgmlfluprtmy' C(lrlllerslationdaboult
including the Missions of Alex Kane by 6 lg gems. 6 men men
John Preston (F Pres), the Dave by J”" Dickenson
Brandstetter mysteries by Joseph Hansen Join Bluegrass Fairness on
(F Hans) and the Tom & Scott mysteries by December 131 at 7pm at the Beaumont
Mark Richard Zubro (F Zubr). if science Branch Library to discuss what hap-
fiction is more to your liking why not try pened during the 2004 fight against
Meltdown: An Anthology of Erotic Science Kentucky’s Anti-Gay constitutional
Fiction and Dark Fantasy for Gay Men (PS amendment, and how the NO on the
543-H57 M528l- . . Amendment campaign failed in some

How about warming up as the nights ways and succeeded in others. We
grow colder with some love stories or poet— expect a frank discussion about how you
ry; 'Read to Catch Him Should He Fall by and your friends or organizations were
Neil Bartlett (F Bart R2'87), W included and involved, or if you felt
R_os_e__s_ by Samuel Lehw'eh (PS 3551-3588 excluded and uninvolved. We hope to
L495 C449). If you are feeling introspective build on the campaign’s strengths and
how about WWW—k learn from its weaknesses.
of a M tholo an Trans—mutational We will then discuss preliminary
Eaten-e by M'teh Walker (HQ 76-25-W182 plans and strategies for GLBT equality in
V831)- . the coming year, and we will brainstorm

if you would rather be traveling bUt a opportunities for action and involvement.
stuck at heme try Volleyball W'th Cuna We will also provide you with an update
Indians and Other Gay Travel Adventures as to the recently filed legal action in
by Hanns Ebensten (G 465.E24 V923). And which members of KFA are challenging
Wh'ie you are home check OUt 8'9 Eden on the constitutionality of the so-called
DVD (V'DEO DVD BigE)- "marriage amendment."

All the materials in the Pride Center Please join us at the Beaumont
Library can be checked Monday ' branch of the Lexington Public Library
Saturday, from 10to 3, later on some week on Monday December 13 at 7pm. For
nights. (Call to be sure someone is here more information, please contact David
after 3) We are located at 389 WallerAve, Cupps david@davidcupps.com or
near the Waller Center sign. Cindy Downey cdowney@insightbb.com

or call (859) 806-4114.
a .. age, Keep the love you find, Other Fairness Articles
%e ‘ Get the love you want. , ,
-' trim _ _ _ . . . KY Fairness Alliance Legal Challenge
. . to the Amendment see a e 14
Jessica Bollinge‘r’ LCSW p 9
Certified Imago Relationship gluegrrtasstChapterVoluntlejr 15
. o uniies see a as —
. Therapist: pp p 9
couples, family, individual Thanks you from Fairness see page 17
imagoconnectioncom 859-552-6533
GLSO Page 8

f mammal court afKenflIcli‘J/prlsflesti‘re/imits Wit/r
t , , . .,
l , "
“dam/er Mtlrnabwm'arfesforZWF - . ' . ,, e ‘

I .
. Christmas fantasy Show
l .
_ i‘a beneflrA VOL .
: Doors Open 8pm. ' Show at 9:30pm.
1 eiiih 1‘41
, Donation $5
[- calamiar available at these locations:

Mia's Natasha's Voce Salon
I CD Warehouse Paisley Peacock Sqeciai Media

Bella Rose Bluegrass Pride Center The Bar Complex

Chevy Chaser Magazine;,-MoveahieFeast Lexington Posh Salon 8: Spa

CJ Advertising Zeanarycettegeflen Clay (Richmond Rd)

-' ne'y/aafin ‘ . ‘ let‘fimme 1

_ ____._.....m.. ., . . mum

Bingo with a FLAREii
November 30, 2004
9' pm at Club 141‘ 1
Do you like to play B—I-‘-N-G~O?
Do you like to win prizes? 7
* Do you like food?
Well, then you need to get your
BINGO skills ready to join in on this 1 ‘
night of funii ...and it‘s all FREE!! 1
In coordination with World AIDS Day events, 1
this event is Sponsored by AVOL, and l .
important information regarding HIV -
transmission and iiving with or without AIDS
will be shared.
Call for more information.
AIDS Volunteers, Inc. .
263 North Limestone _
I - :
AIDS Volunteers, Inc. ‘

 , i GLSO Rainbow Sponsor
Imperial Court of Kcntucky........252-3014
A Charity Organization
2009 Pride Mon“ Sponsors
Scott/\ckerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
For all your real estate needs . . (mobile) 338-8483
GLSO News Sponsors 2004
Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter .......................859‘805‘4114
Promoting equality for all people
I EmestoScorsone. ................................254—5766
Attorney at law
Diverse music for all women . .
. 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
' »Unitananllniversa1istChurch......................223-1448
- Seeking a Diverse Congregation
224 East Main Street i I
1513 Nicholasville Road
I’VindyKnallFann ......................299-7410
_ Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
LaumPngleswoflhGEFianancid ..................264-9926'
‘ Long Term Care Insurance Specialist. 1-866-582-2426 ext. 4212
— GLSO page 9

 also “eWSICH'eI' calendar To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 .
Visit us on the web at: wwwwebspawner.com/usezs/glsoqmet 4
December 2004 ~
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday \
7p GLSO Discussion 9p AVOL's Artist 90
More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. Group-PC White Party Doris Alexander Frontrunners/woikers 0 ° ° .
You may want to call or email the group to confirm the date and 8p Gov/Lesbian AA The Bar Complex Reception 7.9 pm Arboretum weekly ACTIVITIES.
time, see the directory on back page. [Cdii for place) Pride Center Open
Pride Center maybe abbreviated - P0,; . . .‘ 9p Rainbow i0-5 9 Mondays:
Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call Bowling League 7:30 p - Diversity in 8pm - AA Step SiUdy [CO/l for
Gender Location)
Southlond Lones
— ,7 , . . i , .. , A ,_ Tuesdays:
' 7pm - GSA [Gay Straight
9:l5 & l lo uu Church 8p AA Step Study 7p GLSO Discussion 7p Lesbion Movie 9c) Alliance]
$0113 SL'ST'AAliiChfi‘If [coil for pidce) 7p GSA (call for Group-PC Night Frontrunners/wolkers
43 .megrfw @ SI Minoel's Pride Center Open piece 2oo-5904) 8p KPOL Holioloy 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian Arboretum Wednesdays:
op imperial Court Mtg-PC ill 5pm . , . Pride Center Open Soiree -‘Club 141 AA [coll for ploce) Pllde Ceniel 7pm - GLSO Discussion
7p Dignity(collliorpioce) ' til 5pm ‘ 9p Rdinbow , Open i0-5 P Group
7p LMC Bowling Lecrgue 8pm - Gov/Lesbian AA [Co/l
LLLL_______#___L___#-__WL_ W. ________________ for Location)
N m '1 9pm - Roinbow Bowling
‘ (iiiiggdisiiéhiii/Jcigimm Pride Center Open 7P GSA [CON for Ito-«ll " '4“? 90 League Southlond Lones
2p Women 40+ Club-Fri iii 5pm pioce 266-5904) 7:30p GLSO Board Frontrunners/wolkers Thursdays:
4p integrity@ St. Michael's 8P Lexington Lyons Meeting- PC Arboretum .
39 {3798“ an)?“ Mrg‘qi“ 8p AA Step Study Pride Center Open 8p AA Step Study [coll] Pride Center Frldays:
7: LliigCnm/[CO emcee] [call for place] til 5pm Pride Center open til Open i0'5 P 8pm - Gory/Lesbian AA
SouiForce (coll Jomle 230- 5pm (Coll for Location]
ifi——#—~—#—w—*f‘_fi——_de# _"_—H—w—'—T—_w—_ WW Saturdays: '.
iii:§o&o]s]iéhL/lJi/Jcii2ijsiCh Pride Center open 7p GSA [coll for 7p GLSO DlSCUSSlon Christmas 90m - Frontrunners/Wdlkers @
4p integrity @ St. Michael's T” 5pm pldce 266-5904) GTOUP‘PC _ . UK Arboretum
6p SigersOUfld 8P LeXlngton Lyons _ 8p Gory/Lesbian AA m
7p Dignity [cell for place) 8p AA Step Study Pride Center open (coll for pldce) M Sundays:
i: iiiéi PO" fo’ p'ocei ill 5pm 9P Rainbow 9:15 & l lom - uu Church
8p GLSO Drdwing Bowling Leorgue Worship Services.
for The LWord Southlond Lones 10:30 - Moss, St. Mychol The
| l Mortyr.
9158‘ 1 WW ChUlCh 7 GSA CClii for call 7:30 Fairness-PC 7 GLSO Discussion . 4pm- Integrity @ Si- Michoel's
$033 a St “fiéChg‘ b , . it: place 266-5984) p efoupsc New Yero 3 Eve 2005 6pm - SisterSound Rehedrsol
p omen + u L. (
4p Integrity @ St. Michael‘s 8'? AA Siep STUdV [Cell] Pride Center open 8p Gov/Lesbian AA ‘ Happy @ Londsdowne Presby.
6p imperial COUi'i Migwp': Prlde Geniei Open iii 1*“ 5pm [can for place] N ChUiCh. , , .
7p Dignity (cell for place) 5pm 9p Rainbow ew 7pm - Dignity Servrce (Coll for
7p LMC . .
SouIForce(coll Jamie 230- Bowling Leogue Year! good/(Digit: R h I St
5625] Southlolnd Lornes pm - 1e eorso @ .
—————- , Michoel’s Eplcopol Church.
Monthly Activities:
Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays:
7pm - GLSO Boord Mtg. [3rd Mon.) 7pm - Fairness [4th Tues] 7pm - Lesbion Movie Night 8pm— Diversity in Gender 2pm -Women 40+[2not Sun.)
(2nd Fri.) MST. Sat.) 7pm - Dignity [2nd Sun.)
7pm -MACT [3rd, Sun.)
GLSO Page 10 am Page 13


 Kentucky Fairness Alliance to vote on the two proposals separately." BOYl
The other plaintiffs are Willie Thomas Mad
Legal Challenge to Amendment Boddie, Jr. of Frankfort and Rev. Albert M. NlCh
. Pennybacker of Lexington. Univ. of CUP
On Tuesday, NOV' 16’ three Kentuckians Louisville Law Professor Sam arcosson
filed an election challenge to the constitu- believes proponents of the amendment Pho
tional amendmentvoted on November'2nd. can't have it both ways. They suggested serv
Citing the reqUIrement that a constitutional throughout the campaign that marriage is oui
amendment proposal must both be clear a special and sanctified institution that liner
and deal with'only one subject, the petition must be protected. Jeni
filed in Franklin pirCUlt Court asks the court But if marriage is unique, then laws that Dav
to rule the election results void. _ relate both to it and to something else tion‘
The Kentucky Fairness Alliance, m sup- must be dealing with different subject mat- ‘ ‘
porting the legal challenge to the amend— ters: This lawsuit reflects a simple,
merit, objects to the 'énguage used by the straightforward proposition: the first sen- LOb
legislature m presenting th's proposal to tence of the amendment, which deals with Lex
the voters. _ . . marriage, is distinct from the second sen- tive:
"The legislature d'd sloppy work" sa'd tence, which deals with rights arising from elec
John DaVISI, interim executive director of non-marital relationships. (29$
» KFA. "The first part of the amendment talks The amendment is also vulnerable in
about marriage. However, the second part another, related way. The first sentence
Of the amendmentnconfused people on clearly relates only to recognition of same- Lex
what exactly was being proposed." . sex marriages, while the second relates to
"'It appears. to ban domestic partner— the legal status of both same-sex and
ships, prenuptial agreements and many opposite-sex relationships.
other contractual arrangements among These are legally substantial reasons
both gay and straight adults. Many to overturn the Amendment. Stayed tuned.
Kentuckians support allowmg adults to
enter into contractual arrangements as to Fairness, Bluegrass Chapter
their property, whether they are gay or Volunteer Opportunities
This amendment did not allow voters to There are many Ways that you can get
vote on the two proposals separately. That involved in Fairness? The day to day work
violates the constitutional provisions about of happens in our committees. We have
how amendments are to be put on the bal- six committees that plan and develop proj-
lot. That’s why this lawsuit is important." ects with the goal of passing LGBT legis-
Charlotte Wood of Lexington, one of the lation and promoting equality for all peo-
plaintiffs and a board member of the pie. It’s easy: pick one and get involved!
Kentucky Fairness Alliance, met many peo- .
ple during the campaign that had mixed . OUtreaCh Committee
feelings about the amendment. Latino outreach project, Youth outreach
"In going door to door, it was clear that proiect, Serve as a liaison to allied
a sizable number of Kentuckians would groups, Staff a table at events, Annual
have voted for the first part of the amend- educational seminar, Outreach to sur-
ment but not the other, if given a chance" rounding counties: Anderson, Bath,
she said. "People should have had the right Bourbon, ...Continued on next page

 Boyle, Clark, Estill, Garrard, Jessamine, Ashland Oil Project (ACCOMPLISHEDl),
Madison, Mercer, SCOtt’ Montgomery, University of Kentucky Project. Eastern
. Nicholas, Powell, Woodford. Contact DaVld Kentucky University Project. Spearhead an
' Cupps (396'9691) effort at your own workplace. Contact
, Communications Committee David CUPPS (396-9691)
‘ Phone tree, mailings, website and list- .
servs. Write letters to the editor. Submit Yalunteer Committee
1 your commitment/anniversary announce- You are Fairness! Help us bwld a stronger,
: ment to the Herald-Leader. For phone tree more diverse volunteer base to do all of
. Jennifer Crossen (2997410). For website, these fabulous projects! Contact Charlotte
- David Cupps (396-9691). For media rela- W°°d (2590854)
. tions, Charlotte Wood (259-0854). Fun draising Committee
Legislative Committee Makes all of our other work possible, local-
. Lobbying in Frankfort. ln-district lobbying in ly and statewide. AUtO donor project.
Lexington.Write letters to your representa- Bowling for Fairness. Annual Bluegrass
1 tives. Survey candidates for state and local Dinner. Host a house party for Fairness,
i elected office. Contact Jennifer Crossen Annual membership drive. Contact Jim
(299-7410) Dickinson (252-5801)
. DP Benefits Committee Website: http://www.bluegrassfairness.org
L Lexington City Employees Project.
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- ‘ , . RESULTS Q
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' GLSO Page 15

 I .‘ ’
‘3 fl‘VOL s
‘31 V”
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'3 . KQOL h.
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~ flnnuafflfoficfay Some a
’ , ti!
2‘“ . Werfiresrfay :
U Q) 6 823 00 “
A ecem er , 2 4 p
' “' ‘ [6 4 C
J‘- o
M 9 pm at C u 1 I H
#A n
Come join in this annual festive 3
. é! holiday event. There will be great If 4 "I; .
9;? H dance mUsic — R 8! B and Hip-Hop, as H p g
well as food, drag entertainers, door ‘" j V
3 - prizes, and a special guest speaker. e
4 . And YOU can be a part of this unique b
I event for FREE!!! 3
1, fl' Also, in the spirit of the season, donations \ ‘ i i, if
of new toys will be accepted at the door to 5" ‘ S
be shared with children of families living Q ’4‘?“ a
' with HIV rAios. c
F This eVent is sponsored by "t a
53 AIDS Volunteers, Inc, and‘the Key Peer 3
““ H Opinion Leaders (KPOL) of AVOL. fl
-, . , AIDS Volunteers, Inc. 3' X 3,
H, g _ ZGJMUMOM 4‘.“ng $
"’ Lexington! KY 40507 ems Voluntursdnc. V‘
f? (:59) 22523000 n
ll " , , MAIDSValuan a
GLSO Page 16 "

 A Word Of Thanks issues affecting lesbians and gays. It was
. . . a first for Kentucky and not withstanding
by Jim Dickinson .
the ultlmate outcome, these ads were
Sometime miracles dont happen. We highly effective in putting a face on our
were praying for a miracle, hoping against issues.
hope that a majority of Kentuckians would The result was that over 40 percent or
rise up and smite down the proposed con- over of the voters in Louisville, Lexington
stitutional amendment. Thatdidnthappen and Northern Kentucky said they did not
and now (for the time being) the constitu- want discrimination in the Constitution.
tional amendment which defines marriage This was a significant achievement
and bans civil